• Published 10th Sep 2017
  • 1,726 Views, 40 Comments

A Changeling's Heart - TheAnimerican

It has nearly been one year since Titanium and Circe fell in love, but their happiness comes at a price.

  • ...

Secrets Revealed

"Are you one of us?" asked the guard.

"Excuse me?" I asked in confusion.

"Are you one of us?" As soon as he muttered the word "us," in a brief moment, his eyes gave a green glow. It was then that I realized that I wasn't talking to an ordinary guard, I was talking to a changeling.

"You're a-!?!" he shushed me before I could finish my question. I lowered my voice, "You're a changeling?" From this point, our entire conversation was in whispers.

"Yes. I am guessing by your reaction, you are an ordinary pegasus?" the changeling guard questioned.

"Yes. I'm a pegasus with the royal guard."

"A guard?"


He was obviously very confused about everything. He kept looking back and forth, between me and Circe. "Maybe you can clarify a couple things for me. I just told a guard of Canterlot that I am a changeling, and yet he isn't screaming 'Changeling spy!' Also, there is another changeling hiding in your cart, but you aren't turning her in. Why is that?"

"Well umm... The thing is..." Quite frankly, I saw no point in lying to him. So I told him the truth, "She is... my fiancée." Again, the changeling guard's face was in shock. His jaw slightly dropped and he tried to find the words that were meant to come out.

"Did you uh... know that she was-?"

"Yes I knew," I interrupted, "I knew since the day I met her and I don't care. I... I love her... I want to marry her and-."

"Uh, no offense, changelings do hunger for love, but I don't need to hear all that out loud."

Titanium slightly blushed in embarrassment. He cleared his throat, "Anyway, I am trying to get her out of here. She isn't well and... Wait! Maybe you can help?"

"Me? What can I do?"

"She's sick or something. I don't know. When I got home, she was curled up in pain. There was this glow coming from her chest."

"A glow from her chest?"

"Yes. It is gone now, but it caused her a lot of pain and now she is very weak. She can't even maintain her pony form anymore. Please, you have to help us."

The changeling guard gave deep sigh, "Look, I want to help I really do. But I don't even know what is wrong with her. Never in Changeling History have I heard of anything like that happening."

"Mother of Luna. There has to be something."

"Where were you planning to take her if you didn't know anything more than I did?"

"Her mother's... Well, her adopted mother's home. She has studied many creatures, including the changelings. I thought maybe she would know something."

"Well, in any case, I have to get back to work. I will flag your cart for approval and-."

"Wait," although I needed to go, I just had to know, "Why are you with the guard?"

"Don't worry. If it makes you feel any better I am not a spy."

"Then why? I thought all changelings were loyal to their queen."

"Not all of us... There are those that don't agree with the queen's methods. Most of us starve and we would sneak out of the hive to replenish our strength. After the attack on Canterlot, we realized just how weak we were and we needed to change our ways. As soon as we saw the opportunity, we left the hive and never returned."

"Others? There are more of you?"

"There were, yes. However, we didn't want to get caught by the other changelings. That is, if they even bothered to track us. As a precaution, we went our separate ways and lived our lives peacefully."

I was shocked at this discovery. This whole time, I thought Circe was the only changeling to have defected from her hive. Now I wasn't sure what to think. How many ponies in Canterlot are actually changelings? How many changelings are roaming all across Equestria? Also, for just how long has this been going on? How many of them are threats? How many of them are like Circe?

"Anyways, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anypony else about this. In return, I never saw you leaving the city."

"Wait, this is something that ponies should know. Maybe the ponies and changelings can coexist."

The changeling guard's look changed to one of disappointment, "Let me ask you something. If you believe that we can coexist, why are you still trying to hide her? Does she have anything to fear?"

He had a point there. If I was truly confident, why haven't I told anypony else of her existence? Truth be told, I was scared for her life. Although I have met good ponies, I also met ponies that would cause her harm. As much as I wanted to believe in the thought of peace between us, maybe not all of us are ready for such a change. He accepted my silence as an answer.

"I'm glad that there is a pony with an open mind. However, this only proves that not everypony will truly accept us." He then filled out the paper and presented me with the flag of approval. With it, I no longer had to be inspected by other guards. "I wish the best of luck to both of you." He then walked back toward the gates.

As he walked away, I called for him, "Wait, can I at least know your name?"

He turned around, "My name is... Troy."

I could not help but notice that he looked upset. Also, there was that long pause before saying his name. "No," I said, "I meant your real name."

The guard gave a soft smile before replying, "Maybe another day I'll tell you. You better get going."

I bowed my head to him, "Thank you. I will never forget this."

The guard returned the bow before we left our separate ways. As I walked away, I was relieved that we made it out of the city. However, I was still bothered by a couple things. One of them, being that I discovered that there are changelings living among us. I'm hoping that they are peaceful as he said. My biggest concern, was for Circe's health. I'm glad she is not in pain at the moment, but the silence is also unsettling. I had to move and fast.

***Back at Titanium and Circe's Home***

"So he came here and asked you to borrow the wagon to transport the broken door?" asked a guard.

"Yes sir. I was concerned that he might have needed help because of how late it was getting. When I went to offer him help, he was nowhere to be found. Instead, I found some parts of the house to be a mess and two guards tied up," said the pony neighbor that lived next door to Titanium and Circe.

"Thank you for your cooperation. You may return to your home. If you see anything suspicious or have anymore information regarding the case, please let a guard know as soon as possible."

"Thank you. Umm..."

"Is something wrong sir?"

"Well, it's just that, the guards that were tied..."

"If you are concerned for them, I can assure you they are all right."

"Well I am glad they are okay, but that isn't what I was concerned about. One is a earth guard and the other a unicorn. For a pegasus guard to be able to handle them both is a bit frightening. Is he really that dangerous?"

"We are questioning the two guards for answers as we speak. I'm sure there is no cause for alarm."

"Well... The thing is... When I untied them, one of the asked me, 'Where is it?'"

"It?" the guard questioned.

"By 'it,' he was talking about... A changeling. Is there one in the city?"

The guard kept his composure as he heard this new information. "As I said, we are questioning those two right now. We can't confirm or deny the presence of a changeling. In the meantime, I would request that you would refrain yourself from spreading rumors around. We do not want to cause a panic in the city. Is that understood?"

"Um, yes. Crystal clear sir," the pony civilian replied.

"Thank you sir. Have a goodnight."