• Published 10th Sep 2017
  • 1,728 Views, 40 Comments

A Changeling's Heart - TheAnimerican

It has nearly been one year since Titanium and Circe fell in love, but their happiness comes at a price.

  • ...

Cold Journey

I held my breath as I turned the key and hoped this would work. I heard the relieving sound of a click. I breathed a sigh of relief as I reached for the doorknob. Being the idiot I am, I failed to check which way the door would open. Once I turned the door knob, I found out the painful way that the door swung in. I lost balance and fell nearly face first to the cold floor of the car.

I struggled to get back up and tried to find whatever I could for support. Unfortunately, the car was only about half full and I was unable to reach anything to help me up. The closest thing to me were a few barrels with flavors labeled on the side. They were a few feet away and I believed I could have made it no problem. However, as I dragged myself across the cold meatal floor, my strength was nearly depleted and the scraped leg didn't make it much better. I think I only moved a little more than a foot until I dropped to the floor from exhaustion.

I breathed heavily and stared at the warm breath leaving me. Through the fog, I was able to see a large shadow of an object. Despite how dark it was, I was certain there was something emanating behind it. I squinted my eyes and had my breathing under control to make my vision clearer. I was both relieved and worried at what I saw. Behind a wall of crates, there was that green glow again. Although the glow was dim, I knew it was the same glow that caused Circe pain back in Canterlot. The fire within me grew and I diverted my attention back to the barrels.

Forcefully, I tried again to reach the barrels at a much quicker pace. I kept my eyes on Circe as I crawled. It was probably pointless, but I felt the need to call out to her, "Circe? Circe! I'm coming!" As I feared, there was no reply.

Finally, I reached the barrels, but it took me a bit of time to get some grip. The barrels were only chest level height, but they seemed much taller when you are on the ground. I used one leg to reach for the top, while the other provided elevation. After a couple minutes, I was able to get the grip needed to pull myself off the ground.

Once I got up on my three good legs, I realized the next challenge I faced. I was leaning on my right and the injured leg was on my left. I know I sound like a little foal, but the pain in my leg was annoying and these obstacles did not help make it any better. I looked back to Circe and I saw I didn't have much left to go at that point. Using the barrels for support, I limped my way to the cart. I nearly slipped a few times because of the condensation. I kept my eyes focused on Circe the entire time. My frustration grew as the green glow taunted me with every step I took.

I reached the end of the row of barrels and met with my final obstacle; the wall of crates. The height of the wall was slightly taller than the barrels, but it was short enough to vault over it. However, I was concerned if I was even capable of making the leap. I tried again to put weight on the injured leg, but there was still a sharp pain. I cursed myself for my clumsy mistake.

I observed my surroundings, with the hopes of finding a better and easier alternative to reach Circe. Although there were alternative paths around the crate wall, it would have taken much longer than it needed to. Plus, the deeper I go in the car, the darker and harder it would have been for me to see. I felt I had no other option but to try and make the jump.

The best I could do for momentum was rock my body back and forth. "All I need is one good lunge and I can hop that wall," I thought to myself. I kept rocking myself and took deep breaths. Despite all these "preparations," I never felt confident enough to make the jump. So I decided a more foalish approach. "1... 2... 3!" I threw myself as hard as I possibly could.

Even in mid-air, I knew I wasn't going to make it. Although I was close, I predicted that I would still miss it by a few inches. For Celestia's sake it was only another few inches. I knew I was going to regret my next action, but I was left with no choice. When I made that lunge I was determined. To give me the extra inches I needed, I landed on all four and made one last jump. The pain I felt in my leg, I could have only imagined that was what a stab felt like. The pain was so sharp, I screamed as I reached for the top of the wall.

Successfully, I managed to have my upper body hang on to the top of the wall. Despite my lower half was still touching the floor, I felt like I was hanging on the edge of a cliff for dear life. I tried my best to lift myself over the wall. While also using my one good leg to give me the extra boost.

Once I brought myself over the wall, I actually felt relaxed for the first time the entire trip. I ignored the pain in my leg as I rolled on my back to catch my breath. I breathed heavily with my eyes closed. It was so tempting to fall asleep right then and there. "It's... It's so cold..." I thought to myself.

I slightly turned my head toward the glow. I was relieved to see the wagon was less than an inch from the wall. Also, judging from the glow, Circe was on the opposite side of the wagon. Which made this next move the easiest part. With little effort and care for my safety, I rolled myself into the wagon.

It was a slight drop, but I was too tired to care. Luckily, the layers of fabric provided even cushioned the fall and made it less painful. I sat upright and removed each layer of fabric to reach Circe. After removing the last layer, I had finally found her.

As I thought, her eyes were closed in pain. "Circe, I'm here now," I said to try and comfort her. I touched her head and it was as I feared. Since her body was an exoskeleton, she was cold to the touch. I can't imagine what she would have been like if she didn't have these covers.

Without thinking, I tucked myself under the covers. There wasn't that much room for me, but I didn't care. I embraced Circe in hopes I could provide some body warmth. She was so cold and I was worried that it wasn't working. She was shaking and groaning. I wasn't able to tell if she was getting warm or not.

Even with my eyes closed, I still saw it; the glow. It was constantly blinking and causing Circe pain. It constantly reminded me that I was useless and I couldn't help her. I couldn't imagine what pain she was going through. I kept questioning myself, "What can I do? What can anypony do in this situation?" Being desperate, I did the only thing I thought I could do to provide comfort.

"Hey Circe. I couldn't stop thinking about you while we were apart," I forced a chuckle. "You remember when we first met? How I caught you sneaking into castle grounds and tried to capture you? I chased you all the way to the nearby forest. I thought I was going to lose you through the trees since you were so fast. I felt I had to capture you no matter what. So I went as far as to throw my helmet at you to make you crash. After I found you hiding in the bushes, you made me feel like a real jerk. You were crying and were hurt pretty bad. I hesitated to help you. In the end, I surrendered and helped the changeling I was supposed to capture. In the end, we had nice small talk and I wasn't sure whether to let you go or turn you in. You looked so innocent and I couldn't get myself to do it. Then we-..." I paused as I remembered something very important. "You know what? Now that I think about it I never did apologize to you for that did I? Ha! And this is the stallion you agreed to marry? You have terrible taste." I said jokingly. "I'm sorry Circe. I am a year late, but I really am sorry. I love you and I will never hurt you again."

Not long after I said those words, I noticed that her shaking has slowed down. Also, I couldn't see the green glow anymore. I opened my eyes to see that the glow was gone. She then returned the embrace. Although it was weak, it was comforting for me. "I... Love you too..." Aside from the first time she said those words, I don't think I have ever been so happy to hear them.

"It is so warm... So peaceful..." I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.

Author's Note:

I am not too proud of this chapter, but I will let you readers decide. XD Hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Comments ( 14 )

a vary sweet and touching chapter i love it.

feels a bit rushed/fast pace. But I liked it

*in caveman voice* You write. update story. *proceeds to make ape noises*

This story is amazing! I hope you come back to it someday.

He knocks on the door and doesn't get a response and his first choice is to break the door down.
He's not even shown trying the door so it may have not even been locked, it's his own house so even if it was locked he should have a key or know where the spare is hidden...unless it was one of those only opens from the inside deadbolts.

I do wonder what the illness was supposed to be, originally I thought maybe it was a changeling control thing and she was suffering because she was fighting it but then we met another changeling that was fine, only other thing I can think of would be if the constant access to love is causing her to metamorphose into a queen or princess or rainbow bug but even then I wouldn't think that would be something that would be debilitating.


It has been a while since I checked on these two characters that I love. After I read your comment, I just wanted to let you know it touched me that you had a couple of ideas of what might be going on with Circe. I stopped because of "writer's block" then it got to a point where I lost the drive. I am always thinking about trying again with this story. Perhaps 2021 will be the year I finally finish the story. *hint hint*

As for the door, I did that based on my area. I don't live in the best city so my family and I are always locking our doors. So I personally have a hard time imagining a home so trusting as to leaving their door unlocked. Haha.


it touched me that you had a couple of ideas of what might be going on with Circe.

There are a variety but I thought those would be the most likely.
Many fics go the being well fed triggers a metamorphosis of some sort route.

Just don't do the being well fed forces them to lay eggs to start their own hive as the typical end goal of these stories is for the changelings to be able to live freely among the ponies and be well fed and that doesn't seem possible if each well fed one ends up having a to have a few thousand children and start their own hive.

She appears to be ill but the changeling he met didn't recognize it so whatever it is it isn't common, it's also very unlikely the person they are going to visit would have any idea of what the problem is as it very clearly seems to be a changeling specific problem and she only cared for her a while, she doesn't actually have any advanced knowledge of changelings.

Best I can figure they are going to have to luck into her getting better or run across someone that actually knows something about changelings like a queen.

It makes perfect sense that the door would be locked as it explains just prior to that that she liked to be in her natural form at home so she'd probably lock the door to keep anyone from walking in on her but he would still have a key or know where the spare was.

Most people have door locks that can be unlocked from the outside on their homes but most motels also have a slide lock that can only be unlatched from the inside which would be an easy explanation that he didn't use a key because he couldn't use a key...but he didn't check the door :rainbowlaugh:


Hmm... I better reread and edit if necessary. lol. I'm always looking for an editor. XD I even offer payment and that still isn't enough.

4 years no update removing this from my list.

Yeah, I do apologize, but I wasn't enjoying where I was going with it. I hit a wall and at some point, I lost the motivation. I hope that I will be able to create other stories that people can enjoy.

Cancelled? Unlike some other stories it’s not marked at such, but still, it has been a few years since the last update…


Thank you for the warming comments.

I really want to finish the story, but I am afraid my grammar isn't very good. I have been receiving some backlash regarding it. So it has been hard to get back into it. I have been trying to find an editor to help me with these projects. If I can find one, I would gladly get back to writing this story and other projects I have in mind. If you or know someone who is interested in helping, then please let me know. Also, I am willing to pay for their time of course.

These characters are soo cute and adorable. Its a shame the story is canceled. i would have loved to read more with them

Yeah. These characters hold a special place in my heart and for that reason I couldn't continue.

The story wasn't coming out the way I had planned and eventually I hit a block. Perhaps I can make up for it by creating another separate story for them entirely.

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