• Published 10th Sep 2017
  • 1,728 Views, 40 Comments

A Changeling's Heart - TheAnimerican

It has nearly been one year since Titanium and Circe fell in love, but their happiness comes at a price.

  • ...

Planning the Wedding

When I woke upd the next morning, I couldn't have been happier to see Circe in bed with the necklace wrapped around her neck. Oh and in case you are wondering, Circe and I do share a bed. I mean, wouldn't you want to go to bed with your special somepony next to you? Anyways, I slowly got up to get out of the bed, but never did I take my eyes off of her. She looked so cute sleeping, I couldn't help but plant a kiss on her head. Unfortunately, I woke her up in the process.

"Hmm? Oh. Good morning Titanium," Circe said with a yawn.

"Good morning. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

"Oh no it's fine. I should get up anyway."

"Yeah. We have a lot of planning to do."

"Yeah," Circe said with a smile as she held the necklace with her hoof, "I still can't believe this is real."

"Neither can I."

Although we have been together for a year, we still have moments of silence between us and I don't know why. I guess at some point in a relationship a couple can talk with their eyes as well as their mouths. It is hard to explain, but I am sure you will know the experience one day.

"So?" Circe asked.


"What should we start on?"

"For what?"

"Aren't we going to have a wedding?"

"Oh right right right right right." And I can still sound like a complete idiot. "Umm... Umm... You know I am not sure. Maybe we should hire a wedding planner."

Circe giggled at my stupidity, "Good idea."


The wedding planner, Circe, and I were all gathered at the table in the living room.

"So first of all, congratulations to the both of you. I'm Calla Lily and I would be more than happy to help you two plan your wedding." Calla Lily was a middle aged, pink unicorn who wore her white-striped pink mane in a tail. Her cutie mark was a large heart wrapped by a string of flowers.

"Hello Ms. Lily. I'm Titanium and this is my fiancé Circe. Thank you for coming by on short notice, but we wanted to be sure this wedding was planned right," I replied. Circe sat beside me and it comforted me for her to hold my hoof.

"Of course. It is my job and passion to give a lovely couple a memorable wedding." Her personality was very cheerful. I couldn't tell if that was how she was or just a good sales pitch.

"So Ms. Lily-"

"Oh please," she interrupted, "Call me Calla. I like being casual with my clients. I want everypony I work with to feel comfortable."

"Okay. Umm... Calla. We obviously don't know what to do first. What do you suggest?"

"Well don't worry about being unprepared. Soon-to-wed couples are never really prepared. Then again, younger ponies these days get married without having a proper wedding or no wedding at all. It does my heart good to see ponies such as yourselves taking this seriously."

I bet it did. We were paying for her services after all.

"Well the first thing we need to do is plan your budget." She then used her magic to levitate a folder, a quill, and a ink pot from her saddle bag and placed them on the table. "Now then, what sort of budget are we working with?"

I immediately looked to Circe as I was embarrassed to tell Calla, "Umm... well... Can you work with... 500 bits?"

After telling her the price, her magic vanished and the quill dropped to the floor. Yep. That was the reaction I was afraid of getting.

"500 bits? Mr. Titanium, I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but what sort of wedding did you have in mind? I mean, the least expensive wedding I ever experienced was twice that budget."

First of all, rude. Second, she had me even more worried about the wedding now more than ever.

"So, does that mean we can't have a wedding?" Circe asked in a worried tone.

"Well now I didn't say that," said Calla. "I'm sorry for my behavior, but I was very surprised. I never worked with so small a budget."

I could've sworn she was nice and cheerful a second ago. I heard enough and felt the need to speak up, "Calla, I know we aren't the richest client you worked with, but I love this pony and I wanted to marry her the right way. I know the budget is low, but I called you here so you can make this work. If you can't, then I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"Titanium," Circe laid her hoof on my shoulder, "There is no reason to-."

"No Circe that is quite all right," Calla interrupted, "I was being rude and I do apologize." After she regained her composure, she once again took hold of her quill and was ready to take notes. "If anything, I'm touched by his words. Now Titanium, as I said before, I have never worked with this sort of budget. However, I will do my very best to work with you. I just need time to think." With her thoughts, she puzzled and puzzled of what she could do. "I think I have an idea. If you are not against it, we can set your wedding in a public area. I wouldn't call it traditional, but this can save us a lot of room with the budget. It may cost little to no bits at all."

I looked to Circe to see what she thought of the idea.

"I don't mind. I will be happy wherever we get married," she said with a smile.

"Splendid!" Calla cheered as she clapped her hooves, "Now then, was there a location you had in mind?"

"Umm... a beach?" I suggested.

"Hmm... A beach would be romantic, but I'm afraid you may need a permit to hold the wedding and those are usually expensive."

"Umm... Titanium?" Circe called.

"Hmm? What is it Circe?"

"I was thinking, you remember where we went on our first date?"

"Our first date...? Wait, Pony Joe's Donut Shop?"

"Yes. I was thinking," she paused as she fidgeted her hooves, "If Pony Joe didn't mind, I thought it would be nice to have our first wedding at the same spot we had our first date."

I always thought my wedding would be traditional and I would get married at a temple or something. To get married at a donut shop was a bit odd for me. Although, I could see why Circe wanted to get married there. That donut shop did hold special memories for both Circe and I. I looked to Calla, "Is that doable?"

"Well, not the most romantic choice of location, but as long as you get the owner's permission that should do just fine." I could swear there was a tone of disgust in Calla's voice, but that didn't matter to me. "I guess we have the location out of the way. Now then, what is the guest list like?"

"Well, you should definitely invite your parents," said Circe.

"Yeah definitely," I agreed.

"And umm... Captain Bronze Plate and his family."

I was a bit surprised at the suggestion. "You will be comfortable with him there?"

"Mhm," Circe gave a small smile, but I knew she wasn't completely okay with her own suggestion. I was sure though she wanted to see the Captain's daughter. "Was there anypony else you wanted to invite dear?"

"Hmm... Maybe my grandparents and I have a couple relatives in Manehattan that wouldn't forgive me if I didn't invite them."

"Wait a minute, we have only thought of guests for Titanium. Circe, isn't there anypony that you would like to invite?"

"Me? Well I-"

Oh pony feathers!

"Well you see uh, Circe umm... it is awkward between us and her family. There have been some disagreements."

"Oh? Oh! I see! Is it because they don't approve of your marriage?" Calla questioned.

"Yes! Yes!" Eh. I'll take what I can get. "That is exactly the problem! How did you know?" I asked sarcastically.

"I knew it! You would be surprised how often I get couples like that. It is kind of sad really."

"Yeah," I agreed, "You see, it is because... I'm in the Royal Guard. They don't approve of ponies being in the military."

"Uh except my mother of course!" Circe shouted. "Compass Rose. Right?"

"Oh uh yeah. Circe's mother is the only pony that supported our marriage."

"Ah. Well at least somepony from your side of the family supports it," said Calla. It was a good thing she was oblivious to our horrible acting.

"I recommend that we keep the list as small as possible as there is not enough for decorations, food, beverages, so on and so on. There is just so much to do," said Calla.

"Other than the guest list, what else should we do?" I asked.

"Well we also need to have a date. When did you plan to have this wedding?"

"As soon as possible," Circe replied.

"Of course. Hmm... I estimate that planning this sort of wedding should take about a month. For three weeks I will try to find suppliers for your wedding. During the first week, you should both send out your invitations. On the second and third week, you should both find what you are going to wear and try to reserve the location for your wedding. On the final week, I will contact you again to discuss the plans and you both will rehearse the wedding reception. Would that meet both your satisfactory?"

"That's a lot to do. I'm sure we can handle it though. What do you think Circe?"

"I'm sure we can do it... Honey," Circe sai- Wait, did she just call me Honey?

"Well then, I believe we covered everything. I will see you two in about a month. I bid you adieu and once again, congratulations to the two of you." After finishing up her notes, she packed up her things and showed herself to the door. "Ta-ta!"

I had to admit I was very happy to get her out of the house. Probably explained why her service fee was so low. After I released a sigh of relief, I looked to Circe and gave her a smirk.

She raised an eyebrow, "What is that look?"

"You called me honey."

"Well... yeah. Did I use the word wrong?"

"No no you used it right. That was just unexpected."

She then looked down at her hooves in embarrassment, "Well, a lot of times I would see couples together and they would call each other 'sweetheart' or 'honey.' I thought that now we are going to get married, we could... well..."

Normally I don't care for couples calling each other names, but I think I can understand why she would like that. Although she is a changeling, I think she wanted to experience what other couples got to experience. I wrapped my wing around her and brought her in close. "It might take a little getting used to, but we can try something new... Precious."

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, but I promise you all that it will get better. Well at least I hope you all would consider the future chapters to be better.

In case you are all wondering, I REFUSE to update Circe to the new and colorful Changelings. Hahaha. I don't care for the new look. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!