• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,275 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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Canterlot Equestria

The helicopter slowly lowers itself to retrieve what is left of the rescue teams, the blades struggle to spin against the ash-filled smoke. Unable to fully land the craft the ponies on board throw out rope for the ponies below to climb up, Rumham reaches for the ropes in hopes to get out of this mess quickly. The Xenomorphs weren't near the chopper but their sounds could be heard coming closer through the smoke. Mistilie glares up at the helicopter as she waits for Rahzzy, Coco, Rumham, and Twilight to grab onto one of the ropes. Twilight shows hesitation as she grabs onto the rope, she looks back to where the Xenomorph screams were coming from.

"You can feel them can't you, Twilight?" Mistilie looks away from the helicopter putting all her attention to the alicorn. She moves closer using magic to open Twilight's mouth to view the alicorns Xenomorph fangs. "Truly amazing ..." The ropes of the helicopter start ascending upwards bringing everypony up into the helicopter. Mistilie is the last to grab one of the ropes like she wasn't too excited about leaving.

The rescue ponies are quick to help everypony inside the helicopter safely, the smoke was thickening and it was time to get out of here. Ascending upwards the chopper is quickly moving out of the smoke so the ash doesn't cause the blades to stop working. Rahzzy looks out the window at the crash site. Most of what is going on are concealed by the smoke but a lot of the wreak visible. Looking away from it the stallion looks around to see where the station really crashed, his eyes widen as Canterlot Castle was visible in the distance. As the helicopter moves around it becomes clear it is taking everypony to Canterlot as it heads that direction. The helicopter is fast and soon the castle was in view, the castle was the oldest thing in the entire area still standing like it did in the past.

"Equestria, it sure has changed while we all have been up there in orbit" Rahzzy looks at the city that surrounds the castle, everything was a very dull gray and white. "How long do you think it took to make all this?" Rahzzy was doing everything he could to get his mind off the current crisis. Canterlot's buildings were clustered together on the ground, the lights from the city blocked out the view of the stars. Large clouds are floating all over the city holding up old landmarks of Equestria's past. Among the clouds, there were self-floating business buildings soaring above the lower city. The mare piloting the helicopter begins to communicate for a landing, the tone of her voice is full of stress and fear.

"Sector B Canterlot, this is ... M-Morning Star" The mare flips some switches on her control panel activating landing lights on the chopper. "Requesting emergency landing, we suffered major casualties" She continues to chat with Sector B for permission to land. The Chopper hovered in place waiting for further orders, Mistilie stares out the window looking at the clusters of buildings everywhere. A look of disgust is on her face as she looks over the high tech civilization below them, the chopper begins to move once again but this time for a landing at Sector B. Rahzzy is staring at Mistilie, he was very upset still at the unicorn mare. The helicopter touches down on the helipad, the doors on the side open up and the rescue crew helps the group out of the chopper. Twilight is dazed staring at the surroundings, blown away by the mass of the place. A soldier rushes up to the helicopter and begins talking to the helicopter pilot as she exits the craft.

"Get the survivors inside!! Troops are being deployed all over Canterlot!! Something was on board that station, nothing we have seen before" The troop doesn't look over to Twilight and the others, being focused on passing over information. "Commander says she would like to get some information from the survivors to better understand the situation, maybe they saw something that can help us!!" Mistilie moves away from the group to hider herself from visible eyes of the troops. She was wearing a Weyland Yutani Badge. The unicorn keeps her eyes on Twilight as she positions herself in the back of the group. Rahzzy and Rumham are quick to join Mistilie in the back of the group for they too were wearing Weyland Uniforms.

Twilight watched as she walks down the hallways with the team that brought her here. Everypony inside the complex was being heavily interrogated by the troops. Clearly, the ponies wanted answers to the current situation that had just taken place during this rescue mission. The hallways of the complex are massively built, big enough to hall a large APC through if needed. Mistilie was close by to Twilight as everypony walked down the hallway to meet the commander for some quick questions. Feeling Mistilies hoof tap her back, Twilight looks over her shoulder to see what the unicorn wanted from her.

Mistilie shows a kind smile before asking her quick question, "You don't trust me much anymore do you?" The unicorn couldn't help but frown at the thought of this. "I truly want to be your friend, Twilight" Rahzzy looks away not wanting to hear any more of this. His trust for Mistilie is completely gone after the unicorn was choked out by the mare back on Encomi Station.

Twilight isn't sure how to feel about this, the alicorn turns away focusing on where they were headed. Not looking at Mistilie, Rahzzy, or Rumham She notices the Weyland W Badges on the three ponies outfits and this is enough for her to not respond to them currently. Thinking back to when she woke up she remembers when Mistilie made the claim that she was not with the company. That the company had been shut down years ago, yet here they were, right in this group with her now. That lie hurt more than being made to believe she was the real Twilight Sparkle. A door in front of them opens up revealing a huge group of soldiers standing at attention. This must be where the interviewing begins with the commander because why else would all these soldiers be here in one spot like this. A familiar voice echoes out from in front of them as they continue to walk forward.

"Twilight ... TWILIGHT!!??" Sunset Shimmer steps down from a podium with tears resting in her eyes in sight of the Alicorn in the group. Sunset Shimmer is very hesitant as she moves closer, Twilight stares and uncontrollable tears fill her eyes too. "You are dead ... but you are here ... Oh, Celestia, this is to good to be true!" Sunset moves in and pulls the alicorn into a big hug. Iron Will, who doesn't make a move and just watches from a distance doesn't seem as surprised to see Twilight there. He stands in the distance and watches as the two reunite with each other. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt in the crash? I can't believe you are here!!"

Mistilie watches with a fake of a smile as ever, she had become more and more fake with her emotions as time passed by it seems. She doesn't say anything, keeping the fact that Twilight is indeed just a clone of the real deal to herself. While in the hug, however, everything seemed to slow down in Twilight's head. Sound begins to muffle, her sight begins to blacken as she hears her own heartbeat. Twilight's eyes widen as she places a hoof over her heart. A very familiar pain builds inside of her and it causes her to pull away from the hug. Rahzzy pushes from behind the group revealing himself in his Weyland Outfit as he reaches for Twilight. A drop of thick spit drips from the alicorns mouth at the same consistency as the spit from the Xenomorph. She falls over but this time Rahzzy catches her before she smashes into the floor, slowly the worlds around the alicorn begins to blacken. Drool comes from her mouth but it is more like the spit from a Xenomorph instead of a regular pony. The only thing the alicorn could hear as the world goes dark was the familiar sound of something crying in the distance.

"Listen ... I told you this time and time again" The store clerk places a hoof firmly on the counter of his shop as he yells at a group of small kids. "If you don't have the credit to pay ... THEN GET OUT OF HERE!!" A loud crashing sound comes from the back room of the shop causing the clerk to get up from his seat and his anger builds. "One of your friends back there!? Enough of this!! I have had enough of this crap!" The clerk moves to the door to enter the backroom of the store, the fillies he was yelling at moments ago bolt out of the room scared. Opening the door the clerk expects to find a child hidden in the room, as soon as he opens the door he his brought to a stop as the tongue of a Xenomorph smashes through the partially open door into the clerks head killing him.

Outside ponies everywhere are now running for their lives as the Xenomorphs arrive in Canterlot so suddenly. The aliens are climbing the sides of the buildings leaping down on the fleeing ponies from above pinning them to the ground quickly killing them. One pony was being pinned down by a Drone before quickly being forcefully drug across the ground away from the fight by the larger Xeno. While others were being stabbed, ripped apart, slaughtered by the warrior Xenomorphs that flooded the streets of Canterlot.

"No!! Get the off me!! HELP!!" A stallion kicks and screams for help as a Ranger Xenomorph picks him up from the ground with both hands. The acidic spit of the special breed started to flow as the Alien was getting ready to douse the pony in the acid. "HELP ME!!" Ponies who were running away did nothing but run from the screams of help. Currently the ponies of Canterlot were more concerned for their own lives to care to help each other out of this. The Ranger opens its mouth and shoves the stallions head inside letting the acid spit begin eating away at the ponies skull. A group of Warrior Aliens leap down from the tops of the buildings onto passing ponies, the creatures grab the ponies by the head keeping them still for a killing blow. Blood begins to fill the street as pony after pony begin to fall by the might of the attacking aliens.

A helicopter flies overhead using a spotlight to reveal the scene of the attack, it was a news chopper out to hopefully get word out about the attack. The chopper goes into a hover as the camera crew prepares themselves to record this live for Equestria to see. The crew stops as the sound of something large swooshes past the helicopter, they look up and at first there is nothing in view. Suddenly a Xenomorph swoops down with a large wingspan, the Xenomorph has a longer tail than normal and it uses it to quickly shove the spear end into the cockpit. The spear end of the tail shoves deep into the pilot and hooking inside the ponies body like a fishing hook. The alien flaps its sails hard and soars away ripping the pilot from the chopper.

"Grab the controls!!! What the fuck!!" The chopper is sent out of control with no pilot at the controls anymore. The ponies inside rush to save the falling craft but it smashes into the streets, the spinning blades of the chopper smashes into a group of ponies ripping them apart like a blender does to a fruit. The helicopter rolls and tumbles down the street lighting up in flames as it comes to a stop. The helicopter is nothing more than a mashed piece of metal , sliding to a stop it halts as it bumps into the feet of the largest attacker. The Queen snarls smacking the crashed chopper away with one swift strike of her large tail. Warriors begin to climb up the Queens body to perch on her body as the large Xenomorph turns away to return to where she came from. The attacking Aliens that were not perched to her do not follow, instead they continue to attack the remaining ponies on the streets of Canterlot ... soon they would reach the castle itself at the rate they were pushing through the city.