• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,274 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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Xenomorph Station

The Xenomorph screams pushing its ridged dome head against the door attempting to push it open. The ponies in the hallways struggle, working together to keep the door shut. The tongue of the alien snapped through the crack between the door and the frame in an attempt to bite one of the ponies who are fighting. Twilight kept her distance watching the strong stallions fight and fear was making it hard to believe they could hold back against the Warrior Xenomorph.

"What the fuck is this thing!?" One of the stallions screams, his hind legs shaking and slipping on the metal floor. The Alien on the other side lets out another high pitched scream smashing its head against the door to keep it from closing fully. The tongue snaps through the crack making another attempt to bite at somepony. "Holy shit! Keep pushing!!" As everypony pushed against the door, movement above there heads begins echoing down from the ventilation ducts. Unable to speak in fear Twilight backs away shaking her head. Knowing now that things were about to get a bit harder for everypony in the hallway she looks for a way out of this area.

"What is happening? Where did these things come from!?" Another stallion from the group of fighters questions. As a team, they continue to push on the door harder until they finally get it shut. "Lock it!!" Locking the door quickly they all begin to pant and groan from how hard the alien fought against them. The thumping in the ventilation subsides, Twilight looks up before backing away and entering one of the many other doorways of the hallway. Thinking about what was said back in the hallway with the other ponies, on how the Aliens got on board the station is all that she could think about now. The worst case scenario is they were here the whole time but chose now to escape wherever they were kept and create chaos throughout Encomi Station. These creatures sure have a way of turning a peaceful environment into a graveyard in a matter of a couple minutes.

"I have to find ... Mistilie" Twilight words are full of confidence, knowing that if anypony knows about these creatures existence here it has to be the daughter of Weyland, Mistilie Flare. Her ear twitched as the sound of the intercom coming online echoes in the room. Twilight pressed a hoof on her forehead letting out a groan, knowing that it was going to be some evacuation notice or something to do with the Xenomorphs on board the station.

The intercom buzzed and squeaked, the voice over the intercom was robotic but also familiar somehow. "Attention Ponies of Encomi Station. Evacuate to the nearest escape pod in your sector, the station has been infected with a foreign organism" Twilight turns to the exit of the room to open it as she listens to the voice speak overhead. "Encomi Station is being evacuated, Code Orange! Everypony make your way to the evacuation center of your sector immediately" The doorway hissed open, as soon as it opens though. The large dome head of Xenomorph pushes through the opening, Twilight backs herself up against the wall starring at the creature as it enters the room. The intercom continues to buzz about the evacuation of the station. "Code Orange, Evacuate Encomi Station immediately"

The Alien slowly moved into the room, the head of the creature had red blood smeared onto it. The Xenomorph snarled showing its chrome fangs. Twilight naturally looks away from the creature in fear of it, though she can't see it anymore she hears the footsteps of the Alien as it gets closer to her. The Xenomorph lowers it's large head down to Twilight's face until the smooth surface of the dome rubs against her cheek. Twilight closes her eyes tightly as she feels the Xenomorph getting closer more. The deep heavy hiss filled breathing of the killer is all she was able to hear now with her eyes shut tightly. Suddenly she feels the floor disappear from under her, the Xenomorph's hand placed on her back as it lifted her from the ground. With a thundering roar the creature holds her tightly up against its rough body, it storms out of the room sprinting quickly getting underneath an opening to the ventilation. Twilight's eyes shoot open and she is overwhelmed, all around her are the dead bodies of all the ponies from before. The Xenomorph roars once again before leaping up with Twilight in it's hold up into the ventilation shafts above.
"Rahzzy! Holy shit dude, you made it? Here let me help you out of that" Rahzzy's opens his eyes as he hears Rumham speaking to him. Rumham moves the grate off the unicorn and chuckles looking down at him. "In case you weren't aware, we currently don't have the time to be sleeping on the job" Rahzzy groans at the smart ass remark Rumham makes before pushing himself up to stand.

"Rumham?" Rahzzy looks at his surroundings, the room was scratched up on the walls from when the Xenomorph entered. The door busted open and some dead bodies were laying just outside in the hallway. "You let them out ... didn't you?" Rahzzy looks to his friend with a disappointed look spread on his face.

Rumham chuckles before nodding to answer the question, using his magic afterward to rip off Rahzzy's badge. Under the Encomi symbol was the Weyland Yutani W. The two exit the room, Rahzzy grunting in pain from being stuck under a ventilation grate previously.

"So what did I miss bud? Did you take care of Mistilie and Twilight Sparkle?" Rumham speaks with the same sarcastic, cocky, and confident tone as usual. "This will be allot easier with Mistilie out of the picture ... she has done enough already" To answer Rumham's question, Rahzzy would look away evading a punch to the face. "Mistilie is still alive? This complicates things. Especially now that there are Xenomorphs everywhere"

"She is just so much stronger than me, Rumham! She subdued me before I even attempted anything" Rahzzy kept his head turned away. "It is almost like she knows everything, without ever being informed about it" Rumham steps away to ease his own nerves and to prevent himself from hitting Rah in the face for screwing up this.

"The plan was there, simple, I release the Xenomorphs to put a stop Encomi. You kill Mistilie to put a stop to Weyland's Daughter" Rumham snorts in anger but he shakes it off, not wanting to be too loud and attract unwanted attention. "That's fine, we can take care of her later. I assume you don't know where Twilight is?"

"I was knocked out Rumham, Mistilie literally choked me out!" Rahzzy adjusts himself to prepare for what now lurks on the station. "Twilight probably fled from the Xenomorphs ... which is crazy because they won't hurt her now" They both start walking, stepping over every body they encounter on the way. "Perhaps Plan B doesn't have to happen? It is a very long way to Synthetics" The bodies on the floor were oozing blood from their skulls creating puddles everywhere. The blood collecting on the two stallions hooves as they walked along. "We are already on Mistilie's shit list Rumham, why give her more reasons to kill us?"

"Rahzzy can you do me a solid?" Rumham quickly avoids the question. Rahzzy was a bit caught off by Rumham and responds like most ponies would to this question.

"What?" Rahzzy's voice was filled with confusion.

"Shut the Fuck Up" Rumham says with a smile before continuing on his way to the Synthetics section on board the station. Rahzzy's ears pinned back against his head, he was just being cautious. Not trying to be annoying in any way but Rum didn't like it when Rahzzy got super cautious because then the unicorn got annoying with it. "The only thing you need to be worried about is the fact that eventually, we will run into a Xenomorph"

The station is already a graveyard, as they make their way to the synthetics area of the station. All around there isn't a sign of a living soul on board. Bodies, Organs, Blood, and Silence is all that the two stallions encounter on the way. Rumham and Rahzzy move fast but silently as they make there way there. Arriving at the Synthetics Entrance, the door would be closed. Though it was operable by a code on the panel next to it, Rumham pulls a sheet of paper from his jacket with a tug of magic. Unfolding it he punches in the code on the panel that he reads from the paper, the door hisses open, inside the area was piles of dismantled androids.

"I remember the day she dismantled these guys," Rahzzy says as they enter the room, he uses his own magic to lift one of the heads that lay on the floor. "Every single android ... murdered" Rumham passes Rahzzy, the larger stallion focuses on the only intact android in the center of the room. Surrounded by the bodies of the Working Joes that once functioned on board Encomi Station. "Are you sure you wanna wake it? I am sure she won't be happy to wake up overthrown on her own station"

"This is not what I had planned!!" Mistilie uses her magic to clear the items off the desk in front of her. She sends them flying into the wall in anger of this situation. Slamming her hoof down on the security desk she sniffles in anger, the mare looks up to the screens. "Tell me what happened!!?? WHO DID THIS!? WHO LET THEM OUT OF THEIR CAGES!!" Mistilie quickly starts rewinding the security footage for the answer to her question, tears began to fill in her eyes. She was now very upset for the first time. The tears stream down her face as she looks at the footage rewind to the point where she sees Rumham unlocking all the cages in the laboratory.

The intercom echoes from above repeating the messages from earlier, the audio is quiet but still plays. "Attention Ponies of Encomi Station. Evacuate to the nearest escape pod in your sector, the station has been infected with a foreign organism" Mistilie places both of her hooves on the desk, as her tears begin to fall from all her built up stress she hides her face in her hooves in sadness.

"Rumham, you fucking traitor! Why would you do this? Why would you ruin all of my hard work!?" Mistilie looks up to the computer monitors again. Her eyes red from the tears, her magic still active in her horn creating a pink glow. "If the Xenomorphs don't find you first. I will kill you myself! You ruined everything!!"

"Attention Ponies of Encomi Station. Evacuate to the nearest escape pod in your sector, this is a Code Orange. Please evacuate the station at the nearest Sector Evacuation Point" The intercom echoes out again before finally going quiet. Inside the Control room, Mistilie sits alone still upset about the current situation. She slowly pushes herself up from the security desk heading over to the main control panel of the station. Through the window of the control room, Equis was visible the station floated around the planet. Mistilie's emotion changes suddenly as she arrives at the main controls.

"I HATE YOU!! " She slams her hoof down and uses her magic to begin flipping the switches on the control panel, in anger she begins to shut down the whole system. "If you are going to ruin me! I am going to end you!! I AM GOING TO END IT ALL!!" Mistilie grins as she flips one more switch on the board. The switch opens up a series of switches that previously were sealed behind glass. She then flips the switches without hesitating a single second of time. Immediately the intercom voice returns to say a new announcement.

"Warning! Station Stabilizers Offline!! Evacuate Station!! Evacuate Station"