• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,277 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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The Weylands

"Twilight Sparkle!! Please calm down!" The mystery mare does her best to calm down the angered alicorn, however, with everything that has just happened. Twilight doesn't show any signs of calming down quickly. The Mystery Mare dodges away from Twilight as the alicorn uses her magic to swing a loose pipe from the wall at her.

"You locked them out there!! Get away from me now!!!" Twilight growls readying her pipe for a swing if anypony got too close. "You locked them outside to die!! Who do you think you are!?"

"My name is Violet and I work for Weyland Yutani" The Mystery Mare reveals her name, knowing there was no time to hide anything. Violet dodges out of the way as the pipe is thrown in her direction soon after revealing herself. "There is no time for grudges, Miss Sparkle. We just saved your life"

The memories given by the real Twilight Sparkle tell the clone everything that was remembered about Weyland Yutani. The company easily betraying a pony for a benefit and worst of all the company has already spent plenty of time hunting down Twilight Sparkle. The Queen Gene that Twilight possessed being the biggest reason for the suffering the real Twilight Sparkle had gone through since the fall of Valuntas Station.

"Why are you here? Looking for a use out of my condition? Like everypony else!!" Twilight stands up looking at Violet with studying eyes, concerned that everything was about to get worse.

"Twilight ... Weyland Yutani never wanted to hurt you for the Gene" Violet closes her eyes turning her head away as sadness fills her voice. "Do you think bringing harm to a princess would have benefited the company? You got our leader killed believing we would hurt you" Violet's eyes open again and she looks to the alicorn shaking her head in disappointment. "Weyland Yutani is a company you could have trusted and that is because of the fact that we only will betray you if it benefits the company. Otherwise ... we truly mean good"

"Like it matters anymore ..." Rumham says getting up from his seat brushing the dust from his shoulder and his Weyland Badge. "Because of everypony losing faith in the company, we were shut down by the Princesses" Rumham focuses his stare at Twilight Sparkle with a hint of anger. "With the help of your death of course"

"Then why did I wake up a prisoner!? Turns out Mistilie was a Weyland this entire time and all she has done is brought pain, confusion, and suffering since then" Twilight's eyes water up as she holds back tears, thinking back to Iron Will's death.

Violet's eyes widen when she hears Mistilie's name, it was obvious the name clicked in her head. The Purple mare shook her head, being very quick to butt in and correct everything.

"Mistilie Flare works on her own agendas, Twilight." Violet takes a deep breath before continuing on. "Created by White Lightning to aid space pioneers in finding our Origins. It was too late when we discovered that Misitlie had murderous intentions to her own creators"

The echoes of Xenomorphs moving through the ventilation of the complex boom throughout the room. The Aliens trying to find a way to get inside again. Violet looks to the ceiling with a nervous look on her face, she was out of flame and no way to defend herself from the animals. Rumham groans, grinding his teeth together in frustration of everything that was happening. Twilight's eyes flash green as soon as the Xenomorphs begin to make noise around them, the alicorn tilts her head confused with what Violet was saying.

"Mistilie was far off in space when we finally found out her intentions ... never thought did we expect her creativity to reach this extent" Violet continues in a whisper, as to not attract the Xenomorphs. "I am sure by now you have heard of The Signal? Misitlie sent it out as a threat ... that if we didn't change our ways"

"She would kill us all ..." Twilight finishes the rest of the sentence on her own. The alicorn's eyes beginning to glow brighter as the sounds of the Xenomorphs grew louder and louder all around them. "Why would you give an Android the ability to create?"

Rumham and Violet both look at each other with a faint smile on their faces, chuckling at the thought of what a horrible idea it really was to give an android that much willpower. Rumham hesitantly moves forward leaning in to whisper into Twilight's ear. The stallion not wanting to take any chances in making the Aliens angry like earlier.

"White Lightning wanted a daughter ... he just didn't think she would want to kill him" Rumham chuckles more, not knowing himself what being a father was like. "Didn't want to restrict her because it wouldn't be real enough"
Rahzzy's eyes open and all he can see is blackness around him, strapped up against a wall by thick slime the stallion was quick to figure out where he was. Looking around slowly with his eyes to locate Sunset Shimmer and any signs that a facehugger had hugged his face. Luckily there wasn't even an egg in sight or any facehuggers and Sunset Shimmer was strapped to the wall in front of Rahzzy, she was waking up herself.

"Sunset, pssst!! Are you okay?" Rahzzy does his best to be quiet, not wanting to let the Xenomorphs know he was awake. The stallion begins to wiggle a bit to loosen the grip of the slime. "Just stay calm ... we are going to get out of this"

"Rahzzy? I am not sure you realized that we are seriously fucked" Sunset Shimmer lowers her head to look at the ground. She is already ready to give up hope at this point. "I am going to get pregnant by one of these serpent fuckers!!"

"Don't give up that easy, there aren't even eggs in this room, you have got to have a little faith" Rahzzy uses his magic to pull a knife from his saddle bag to hopefully cut himself free. "I am going to cut myself free"

Sunset Shimmer shakes her head and laughs a little at Rahzzy's confidence at actually getting out of this. She wasn't even sure they were even still in Weyland Tower, or in a completely new location entirely. Rahzzy begins to saw at the slime holding him up and slowly he begins to cut himself free. As the stallion cuts at the slime a loud hiss echoes from one of the hallways of the hive structure they were inside of.

"What was that?" Rahzzy stops sawing at the slime after hearing what sounded like something big on its way, "No time to find out! I am getting out of this and so are you, Sunset Shimmer"

Rahzzy saws faster as the loud hissing begins to get closer and closer, the sound of thundering footsteps echoes now from the same hallway. Rahzzy cuts his way through the final strap of slime, he falls to the ground with a loud thud. The Stallion gets up quickly moving to Sunset Shimmer. Slipping on the wet floor of the hive the stallion almost falls several times on the way there.

"Rahzzy!! Hurry!!!" The mare's voice no longer filled with doubt but fear instead. "I don't wanna die like this!" The mare turns her head to look at the hallway to see what was coming. The shiny dome head of a Xenomorph Drone would quickly become visible. "RAHZZY!!!"

The Drone wags it's long tail turning to face where Rahzzy was standing, the creature bared its teeth in the darkness and from a distance, the snarl looks like a smile. Rahzzy tries to saw faster but the knife gets caught up inside the slime, Sunset Shimmer uses her magic to grab a hold of the knife to help get it free.

"RAHZZY LOOK OUT!!" Sunset screams as the Drone rush forward knocking the stallion to the ground with one ram of its large dome head. "Rahzzy!!!"

After knocking Rahzzy to the ground the drone reaches down grabbing onto the stallion's legs pulling him across the floor. The Alien roars as if angry with the stallion escaping the slime trap. Sunset Shimmer rips the knife from the slime and stars sawing away at the slime to get free to help Rahzzy out of this attack.

"Get it off me!! Get this fucking thing away from me!!!" Rahzzy screams feeling the talons of the creature digging into his hind legs. "HELP ME!!!"

The drone pulls the stallion in close until the face of the creature is staring down into the stallion's eyes. The Xenomorph opens its mouth revealing its dagger tongue hiding inside, raising its tail up into the air ready to impale the stallion on the ground like a kabob. Rahzzy closes his eyes not wanting to see the creature, afraid this was going to be the end of him. With its mouth wide open, ready to strike down the stallion. The creature teasingly presses the tip of the inner jaw onto the stallions forehead. Like it was readying for a perfect aim into Rahzzy's head, Sunset Shimmer at this point jumps from behind shoving the knife into the neck of the Drone.

"Get off of him you Ugly Bitch!!" Sunset Shimmer yells now free from the slime prison, the Xenomorph grabs the knife with one hand letting go of Rahzzy as it screams into the air in pain.

The tail of the Xenomorph's tail swings back smashing into Sunset Shimmer's side knocking her away. The Drone getting off of Rahzzy and turning its attention towards Sunset now. The knife melting away because of the acidic blood inside the alien. The Drone reaches out to grab the mare but Rahzzy gets up in anger, the stallion generates a fire spell shooting a burst of flame at the Alien.

"Sunset!! Get out of here now!!" Rahzzy screams continuing his spell to keep the large Xenomorph from attacking more, The Alien screams trying to get away from the flames. "Go now!!"

Coco smashes into the wall creating cracks, slowly her body slides down the surface until she comes to a stop on the ground. Mistilie tosses her pipe to the side growling at the fallen Android, walking slowly up to Coco Pommel with angry eyes. Coco looks up to Mistilie with a smile on her face, coughing a little but seeming mostly unfazed by the hit.

"I told you not to follow me!! You didn't listen!!!" Mistilie uses her magic to lift a brick off the ground ready to strike Coco in the head. "Just stay away from me!!!"

Coco uses her hind leg to quickly trip Mistilie knocking her down to the ground, Coco rolls on the ground until on top of Misitlie Flare. Pushing down with both hooves pinning the unicorn to the ground. Mistilie struggles against the strength of the upgraded Android.

"Mistilie!! We were created by the same stallion, White Lightning!!" Coco tries to reason by mentioning her and Mistilie's creator but it only brings more anger to Mistilie.

"Stop talking and kill me!!!" Mistilie growls pushing against Coco Pommel.

"No!! I wanted to kill you before because I was angry" Coco struggles holding back the angry unicorn, however, manages to keep her still. "I don't wanna hurt you unless I have too!!"

Mistilie slowly begins to calm down, listening for the first time, instead of immediately attacking for what she believes in. The unicorn looks up into the eyes of her Android Sister and her struggling comes to a complete stop. The two mares stay quiet for a moment, Coco hesitantly loosening her pin on Mistilie.

"Older Sister ... You have made some mistakes" Coco's voice was weak, having fought for too long now. "You can fix those mistakes. You just have to help us!!"

The smoke from Encomi Station flood in from the broken windows of the room. Everything begins to fog up, making it hard to see exactly what was around them. The Xenomorphs outside the tower roaring can be heard roaring into the sky, the screams of the remaining ponies of Canterlot were becoming less frequent as they began to all die out. Coco pulls herself off of Mistilie allowing the mare to stand up.

"Maybe ... Maybe you are right, Coco?" Mistilie's voice was soft and raspy. Like she was tired from the fighting as much as Coco Pommel was. "I don't think though that I can come with you"

"Mistilie ... Equestria is running out of time" Coco's ears pinned back against her head, pleading to the creator to bring a stop to her creations was the only option Coco has left. "Please Mistilie"

"Unfortunately, I still don't care about you ... or Equestria" Mistile leaps forward knocking Coco Pommel to the ground. The smoke from outside still building up inside the room. The two androids roll across the ground until smashing into a wall nearby. Mistilie grabbing Coco by the mane with her magic, ramming the head of the Coco repeatedly into the wall to dizzy her circuits. "I NEVER WILL!!!"

Using her magic to levitate the pipe from earlier up like a spear, Mistilie takes aim shoving the pipe into the back of Coco Pommel. Coco's eyes widen and white blood sprays from the android's mouth. The pipe shoving through the guts of the android quickly, like it was sharpened somehow. Despite Coco being an Android, tears fall from the robot's eyes onto the floor.

"Sorry Sister ..." Mistilie whispers into Coco's ear softly, "I always wanted to be a lonely child"