• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,274 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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Growing Condition

Twilight's eyes open, for real this time, using her wing to wipe her forehead she takes deep breaths. She sits up on a medical bed, the room was dark except for one small light from a lamp in the corner of the room. The light electrical humming sound from a heater is the only sound that she can hear aside from her own breathing. Mistilie is in the room too, she must have fallen asleep in the chair she is sitting in. The image of the leaping Xenomorph echoes in Twilight's thoughts now that she is awake. The crying sound in the dream, she had heard that same sound just before she passed out on the floor.

"No ... please don't tell me it's true" Twilight's voice need water, every word was dry. With her magic she grasps a nearby glass of water by her bed, gulping it all down quickly before setting it back down. "Is she here? Will this fucking nightmare ever end?" Mistilie remains asleep in her seat for now. A throbbing sensation quickly comes over Twilight's mouth now that she is no longer stuck in that nightmare. The door to the room slides open, Rahzzy steps inside closing it quickly behind him.

"Twilight? Oh, thank Celestia for your awake now ..." Rahzzy's voice is very quiet so he doesn't wake Mistilie, the more Rahzzy and Mistilie were in the same room. The more obvious it became to Twilight that the two didn't mingle well, they constantly avoid one another or rarely speak to each other. When they did speak to each other, it was always something rude or maybe an argument. "Do you need anything? Water perhaps?"

"What happened exactly?" Using her magic again she grabs the empty glass, levitating it over to Rahzzy for more water. "I can only remember you calling for Mistilie ... it was hard to hear but I am sure you called for her" As Twilight spoke, she also did her best not to wake Mistilie from her rest.

"Only because she knows more about your condition than I do" Rahzzy is quick to clear away any sense of trust that he might have for Mistilie. "Your condition is the only thing I can trust her with" Rahzzy moves closer to the bed, a nervous look on his face as he stares at the alicorn. Twilight stares back and something in the back of her mind begins to say that something was wrong.

"What happened?" Twilight narrows her eyes at the stallion, anger filling up inside of her. "What happened! I have the right to know!!" Her voice goes from a whisper to a scream, Mistilie's eyes open as soon as the scream was made. Twilight uses her magic to move Rahzzy back and away as she gets up from the bed looking for a way to see herself. A mirror by the exit of the room.

"Twilight Please!!" Rahzzy screams back as he is shoved away by the alicorns magic. The magic's aura was a shade of green and purple instead of its normal glow.

Twilight moves pass the unicorn only to be stopped by another, Mistilie stands in front of the mirror with a smile on her face as usual. Twilight's horn and Mistilie's clank together like two bulls ready for a fight, however, Mistilie wasn't looking for a fight. Mistilie steps aside to let the Alicorn view herself in the mirror, a surprise for Twilight. She had become so used to others trying to stop her from doing things. With Mistilie out of the way, there is nothing but a mirror in front of Twilight now. Behind her, Rahzzy is being held back by a new magical glow. Mistilie's red aura of magic keeps the stallion from moving to intervene. The green irises in Twilight's eyes are more vibrant than usual, the bright green color now complemented by a dark green rim and veins that flow throughout the iris. There is still a throbbing inside of the alicorn's mouth. Hesitant of what is causing the pain there she slowly leans her head closer to the mirror and begins to open her muzzle for a peek.

"The sooner she knows the severity ... the faster we can understand and fix her" Mistilie speaks with a smile, her magic intensifies gripping Rahzzy tighter. "You need to learn that I am trying to help her, Rahzzy"

Rahzzy struggles against Mistilie's magic, the mare was clearly more powerful in magic than the stallion was. "Mistilie, don't upset her! Please!! We can't afford to lose her again!!" Rahzzy's words choke up last second as the grip tightens around him. "Stop ... please ..."
"Hey, you can't be in here!!" A lab coat stallion shouts loudly moving over to his panic button nearby, "What do you think you are doing!!" The back of a rifle smashes into the head from behind, being levitated by a green magical aura. The scientist falls to the ground before being able to signal for help. With one more blow to the head from the floating weapon, the stallion is knocked out cold.

"The fridge was out of drinks, though you might have more here" Rumham speak in his sarcastic tone, as usual, tossing the weapon to the side he laughs. "Ah, Lab Seven"

"Warning! Chambers One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven Breached!! All ponies evacuate sections Two and Three" A voice over the intercom booms throughout the laboratories speakers. Rumham is sitting in a chair, he types fast on the computer and every time he clicks enter, the intercom voice would come on over the intercom in the labs. "Warning!! Chambers Two hundred, two hundred two, two hundred three, and two hundred four breached!! Evacuate Sections Five and Six!"

"Evacuate? I never planned to get out of this" Rumham levitates a cold one over to his lips drinking it down with three large gulps. Crushing it and tossing it aside he presses enter one more time on the keyboard. Red lights flash on throughout the laboratory and scientist come rushing through the room in a panic, a couple guards bust into the room as well pointing their weapons at Rumham. They begin screaming for him to get up, they threaten to lock him inside the laboratory if he doesn't cooperate with them.

"Get up!! NOW!!" One of the guards steps forward a bit more, pressing the barrel of his rifle against the side of Rumham's face. "DO YOU NOT HEAR ME!! GET UP!!" The blinking red lights, the flashing intensifies as more turn on. Rumham slowly gets up in a surrendering manner. The stallion didn't care much for the gun in his face, the barrel was very uncomfortable and the guard holding it was very rude. That was all the drunken stallion could think about, he wasn't scared of them. The guards loosen up as Rumham got up from his seat. " Okay asshole!! What did you do!"

Rumham smiles before being a smart as in his response, "What? You don't know? Oh ... my ... goodness, I have been beaten by you?" With his magic, he pulls out to pistols from below the desk, caught off guard the soldiers try to ready for a fight. With two shots Rumham uses the two guns to shoot two of the guards. The bullets smash into the guard's heads, their blood sprays onto the Lab Seven Logo on the wall. "We could have had drinks! You just had to point guns at me!" Taking aim at two other guards he shoots three rounds. The bullets smash into the chest of one of the ponies knocking the guard to the ground. The last guard tosses his weapon to the ground in a surrender, hoping for mercy, he begins to plea.

"Please!! Don't kill me! I am just doing my job, Rumham!" The guard cowers as one of the pistols levitates over, the barrel pressing into the top of the ponies head. "We work for the same company! You should understand I wouldn't normally do these things!! They pay me to follow orders!"

Rumham moves the gun away nodding, orders are orders, setting down one of the two pistols he lets out a long sigh. The guard tears up feeling relief as he was spared. Rumham looks down at the guard before speaking, the tone of his voice was unusually dark than it was normally. "You are just following orders? You don't choose to behave this way?" His eyes narrow and the Encomi Badge on Rumham's jacket begins to glow.

"Honest to the Sun! I would never normally hurt somepony like that!!" The guard screams up at Rumham in anger.

"That is why we are different ..." Rumham lowers his sight to look at his own badge, "I would do this even if it wasn't an order. It runs in the company" Ripping off the badge, the Weyland Symbol is now visible on the jacket, the guard's eyes widen and the gun cocks. "I have a different agenda"

"What is happening to me!!" Twilight flares her wings as she growls. She now has two Xenomorph-like fangs in her mouth, like two of her original teeth has morphed into these aggressive killers. "How did these get in my mouth! Mistilie!!??" Twilight's stress levels begin to build. Seeing those teeth in the mirror was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Mistilie didn't respond immediately. The unicorn was using her magic to keep Rahzzy from moving, with the magic intensifying down on Rah. Soon the stallion's eyes close shut and Mistilie would release him from her magical grasp, leaving him on the ground.

"You have a growing condition, Twilight. Growing in ways I never expected it too" Mistilie's smile faded into a frown. The unicorn uses her magic to adjust the flared alicorn wings. Pressing them back onto Twilight's sides. "This is why we needed to get to work earlier"

"You never told me I was changing like this!" Stomping her hoof down in anger as she responded to Mistilie. Twilight would have probably been more willing to get to work if she had known this was going to happen. "I want off this station, Mistilie, but I don't want to be a monster more!"

Mistilie's smile reformed and the mare now stood next to Twi, "Then trust me, Twilight. Stop listening to little ponies like Rahzzy"

"I just wanna go home ... I wanna be myself again" Twilight sighs in her response

"Then let me fix you" Mistilie moves forward resting her head on Twilight's back in sort of a hug, "Then you can be yourself again. You will be able to go home, Twilight"

"No ... No, no, no" Twilight backs away in fear of what she was seeing. Thick translucent slime drops down from above, dripping down onto the metal floor below. "YOU! GET OUT OF HERE!!" Twilight's tears flow down her cheeks as the spit oozes down from the ventilation grate. Mistilie turns around, she backs up to the door upon seeing the thick substance. The grate creeks as what is above push down on it, within seconds the grate detaches from the ceiling smashing down to the floor landing on top of Rahzzy. The heavy metal pins the stallion to the floor, he remains unconscious even after this. The door behind Twilight opens both mares don't hesitate a second on exiting the room. Twilight turns away rushing for the exit in a sprint.

"Attention all ponies! Please evacuate Sections One and Two" A voice over the intercom rings through the hallways. Ponies in the hallway are all moving from the intercoms announcement. Though none of them truly know the reason for the evacuation.This was obvious because they were not in a panic over the announcement. "Please make your way to Sections Three and Four" Twilight comes to a stop soon after running into the crowd of ponies in the hallway. Mistilie seemingly vanished in the crowd as well, Twilight unable to locate exactly where to go on her own.

"Watch it, lady! Trying to move here!" A stallion shouts as Twilight almost runs into him, "You going to a funeral or something!? Watch it!"

"They are going to need allot of caskets sir" Twilight 's words barely came out, being out of breath from running away made it hard to speak. "You are all going to die"

"Excuse me! What the hell is wrong with you" The stallion drops his items to the ground, taking Twilight's words as some sort of threat. "You have allot of nerves talking that way" Twilight's ears pinned back as the stallion now focuses on her. Twilight could hear a distant growling coming from above them but the stallion doesn't seem to react like he hears it at all.

"Sir, please ... that isn't what I meant by that" Twilight moves away to avoid conflict right now.

"Then what did you mean by it!? Ponies don't just say shit like that with no reason" He grunts angrily stomping his hoof down on the floor.

"Perhaps you should calm down. Maybe you are overeating slightly?" Twilight tried to force a smile. Hoping to make the stallion go away. "I am sure a hard working stallion like yourself has better things to do than pick on a mare like me"

"Just like I am sure you don't seem a bit sketchy, running through the halls and talking about so many deaths" The stallion moves in closer. "What was that about all of us dying?"

"You don't understand because Mistilie didn't tell all of you about them! Back off!!" Twilight made one more effort to back away but the stallion then grabs her bringing her to a stop. "Get off!"

"It's time you learn a lesson!!" As soon as the stallion gets ready to strike, a loud thud comes from behind the stallion. Everything slows down it seems, Twilight can hear the ponies all around begin to scream after the loud bang. Blood sprays out of the stallions mouth onto Twilight's face. The spike of a Xenomorphs tale pushes through the chest of the stallion like a sword piercing the heart. Being lifted up off the ground by the creature the pony begins to seize up in pain, the blood spraying out like a a malfunctioning lawn sprinkler. The stallion lets out and anguished scream of pain and then a dagger tongue of the Xeno pierces through the skull of the pony going in one side and out the other. The lifeless body of the pony is ripped of the tail by the alien, tossed aside onto the floor below.

"Attention all ponies! Please evacuate Sections One and Two"

The Xenomorph crawls over towards Twilight pressing its face up against hers growling, Twilight whimpers in fear of the creature and doesn't move. The slime on its fangs drips down onto her chest collecting there until the creature pulls away from her. Leaping up onto the ceiling the Alien returns to the ventilation where it came from. A loud roar echoes down from it as soon as the creature disappears into the darkness.

"Please make your way to Sections Three and Four"