• Published 20th Sep 2017
  • 694 Views, 33 Comments

Journey to Hope - Not Enough Coffee

Octavia embarks on a journey of wisdom, and understanding, in search of hope which she has long since forgotten.

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Chapter 2: Moving On

Dear Journal,

Today’s Dinky’s birthday, and a rather special birthday as well. She’s turning ten years of age; double digits! I do worry, though, she still hasn’t gotten her cutie mark, and that is rather peculiar for a filly her age. Then again, I was in the same boat as she when I was her age. Not that it really matters in the long run, everypony gets their cutie mark precisely when they need it most. That’s what my father used to say, anyway.

I miss my father. It’s, well, it’s been far too long since we've last spoke. He always had a rhythm to life, a pattern in which he always followed. He’d wake up, have breakfast with me and mom, go to work teaching fillies and colts at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, then come home for dinner, and rest. It does bring meaning to his name, Ostinato, but it also made the times he broke this structure all the more special.

You could see it on his face, like he was torn between his routine and his family. Honestly, it could have been something in his head, but he fought it with fury. Times like returning early from work to go get icecream with me and mom, walking through Canterlot park, and going to the movies. It was all so delightful, and among my most cherished memories.

Thinking back on a time like that makes you realize just how innocent you were, and just how much you miss being so naive. The world, well, the world sure does take a dizzying spin once you step outside your childhood bubble. From the struggle of finding employment, to keeping up on taxes, it’s all frustrating, monotonous, and leaves you exhausted. How I ever wanted to grow up so quick when I was young, I could never imagine. If I could go back in time to rectify my infatuation with adulthood, I would.

But, alas, that is only a far-flung dream. Though, dreaming isn’t so bad, after all, all great innovations in the world were caused by dreamers. I wonder if my dreams will have such impact as to change the world in some small, minute way? Well, I could never really know, and perhaps that’s for the best.

Back on topic, as of late I have been bothered by these memories I once clung onto so desperately. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I can’t help but be brought down by them even if they’re so full of joy. I think maybe I’m starting to feel home sick, but it should be common knowledge that you can never go home again. At least in spirit, that would be the case.

I’ve changed, we all change, and every pony must float on forever changing. Shifting and morphing is how we adapt to life, and it is what I believe causes us to lose what was once the place we called home. That is why it could be considered both a blessing and a curse. Funnily enough under the right circumstances a blessing can be a curse, and a curse a blessing. All very confusing, but such is life.

I wonder how Vinyl would react if she read these two journal entries. Would she be fascinated, or more likely, would she be disappointed in how much I get caught up in the minor details? Maybe that’s why I need her, to keep me from becoming some mad mare trapped in her own mind. Not that I’m crazy, but sometimes I’m sure other ponies wonder if I am.

Vinyl doesn’t think I lost my marbles, I’m sure of that, at least. Funnily enough, much like my father, she tends to make the moments I spend with her more memorable than those without. It is also a joy to know that my memories of her and my father tend to intertwine, given how I’ve known her since I was just a little thing.

I should really be moving on, though. I can’t let myself be trapped in a past I have no control over.

* * * *

With a prolonged sigh, Octavia shut her journal, wiped her eyes, and departed the room ready to confront the day ahead of her. There was one thing on her mind though, one very vital aspect of her life she couldn’t live without.

“Coffee,” Octavia mumbled groggily, rubbing the bags under her eyes.

Making her way into the kitchen, she noticed that the coffee maker hadn’t been turned on. “I guess Vinyl returned to her regular sleep schedule.” Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she made her way over to her favorite machine in the house.

After the brew was made a mixture of laziness and hastiness made her drink the beverage black, the bitter taste brought life to her sleepless corpse. “Oh, that’s much better.”

She looked over at the clock. “Ten thirty. Well, It looks like I have a few hours to practice before heading out.”

She downed the rest her her drink, more content with its effects rather than its taste. Savoring the concoction would only be a waste of time, and distract her from her duties. As she made her way into the living room, she took a deep breath allowing herself to fully immerse herself in the creative environment.

“I’ll never get over the smell of this room. The fragrance is so divine, and leaves you with pleasant thoughts of comfort.” She giggled to herself. “Oh, Vinyl would make a scene over how I’m talking to myself.” She imagined the scenario, making her laugh just a bit more.

She made her way over towards her side of the room, taking a seat at a stool that sat beside her prized cello. Undoing the straps and zipper that held the instrument within, she took it out admiring its form. Applying the resin, and a quick tune of the pegs and she was on her way to a proper warm-up.

The room was filled with a cacophony of deep, rumbling cello music. A serene environment that would add an extra layer of life even to nature, and all of its dense greenery. Though it was not without its hardships. All musicians put themselves into their music, and Octavia was no exception. If any could hear her they would be able to gaze into her very being.

The melody continued on for hours, the time flying by like it was mere minutes. She finally came to a rest, laying down her bow, and sitting upon a lounge chair off to the side. “Not quite as crisp as I’d like to be, but it’ll have to do.” She said to herself, noting the little flaws in her performance.

With the sound of her music gone, the noise of birds and nature could be heard outside as the beams of Celestia’s light came basking through the windows. A groan was heard from the other side of the house, the cause of which giving Octavia a short burst of laughter.

Trotting down the hallway, Vinyl came to a stop as she wearily looked upon her friend, a small frown gracing her features.

“Are you alright, Vinyl?” Octavia mockingly asked.

“Urgh,” Vinyl replied, making her way to the kitchen, critical that she received her morning coffee.

“It seems we are much alike, you and I.” Octavia called out to her. “We both can’t live without a cup of coffee in the morning.”

Another grunt.

Octavia closed her eyes, letting the beams of light that cast upon her warm her up, sighing as she immersed herself in her environment. She could stay like that the whole day, unmoving and uncaring, letting the entire world pass her by as she simply relaxed herself in the morning beauty.

Vinyl found her way back into the living room sporting a rather different demeanor. The sagging, unpassionate, unenergetic look in her eyes now replaced with unbridled ecstasy.

“I take it you had your coffee with extra sugar?” Octavia said as she opened her eyes, raising an eyebrow.

Vinyl vigorously shook her head up in down in rapid succession. Hurriedly, she made her way over to her equipment ready to start the day off with a blast. With the flip of some switches, and a bit of magic, she started to produce a beat. The rhythm sinking into the sounds of nature giving it a wonderful blend of organic and electronic.

A few minutes into the jam Octavia spoke up. “While this is rather lovely, Vinyl, it is about time that I take my leave. I’ll be back later this evening with dinner, so don’t make a mess of the kitchen.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes, giving Octavia the stink eye. A playful one, of course.

“I will hear none of it, Vinyl. You are the only pony I know in all of Equestria that can burn soup. Soup for Celestia’s sake!” Octavia threw her hooves in the air for dramatic effect before making her way over to her cello.

The DJ facehoofed, concealing her small smile as Octavia began to slowly put her instrument back in its carrying case, taking extra care in her movements as not to put the slightest scratch on the tool of music.

With that all taken care of she gave her friend a wave of her hoof before making her way out the door. “And please, Vinyl, don’t make a mess of the place.”

The mare Octavia talked to merely nodded her head slowly, mouthing to herself what could only be distinguished as “yes, mom.”

* * * *

Cries of joy burst through the air, sending jovial chills down the spines of the ponies attending Dinky’s birthday party. Pinkie, like the party mare that she was, used all her knowledge of spectacular celebrations to make Dinky have the best birthday of her life. Well, at least until her next birthday.

The event took place outside Ditzy’s residence, the front lawn being covered with all sorts of silly string, balloons, and other objects used to liven up a party. Fillies and colts chasing after each other in a game of tag, while the adult ponies off to the side were gossiping and laughing at the antics their children got into.

Dinky, on the other hoof, left her group of friends to sit in front of Octavia who was currently playing music for all those gathered for the birthday mare's special day. Dinky tried to hold back her enthusiasm, but she failed miserably as she squealed in blissful delight.

“That’s Serenade No. 13 for Strings in G Major by Wolftrot!” The birthday filly let out in a flurry of euphoria. Her passion overflowed into the mare who played the tune, the smile of whom grew tremendously in size.

“I see one enjoys a bit of the classics.” Octavia said, trying her hardest not to melt under the pure adorableness of the filly before her.

“Who wouldn’t enjoy such an icon?” The filly continued to vibrate with an overabundance of excitement.

“Hmm, I could name a few, but it does bring me great joy to see one as young as you enjoy the music that I do. Ponies often forget how great such pieces as this really are,” Octavia explained never losing her focus.

Dinky shut her eyes, head bobbing left and right as she immersed herself in the music. “I never did understand how ponies my age listen to what they do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s catchy, and does leave an impression, but they’re not masterpieces like this.”

“Is somepony a critic?” Octavia asked, nearly reaching the conclusion of the song.

The birthday filly gave a nervous smile. “Not intentionally, I just really enjoy music is all.”

Octavia finished off the rest of the piece with a flurry of which beamed into the filly before her, only amplifying how much she was enjoying herself. “It seems we have something in common young one. I’d love to take a recommendation, it is your party, after all?”

“Oh, hmmm.” Dinky brought a hoof to her chin, deep in thought. “I don’t quite know, to be honest. Play something you think I’d really enjoy.” She beamed up to the older mare, giving her the shiniest eyes Octavia had ever seen.

“Oh, well, I have been working on this one piece. Traditionally a cello is not used, but a violin, however, I find it adds a bit of character. I’m sure you would enjoy it immensely” Octavia gave Dinky a smile in return, before starting the song she mentioned—Vivaldi’s Spring.

The week leading up to the birthday was spent practicing, honing the ability to play Vivaldi’s Spring to its utmost perfection. The features upon Octavia’s face were calm, and collected, nothing giving away exactly what she felt. It was like a peaceful spring filled with nothing but the purest water, a true reflection of what the song established.

All other noises were muffled out leaving only the sweet essence of pure euphoric music being played by a pony consumed by her very talent. The children stopped their games, choosing instead to sit down and listen with Dinky. The parents stopped their prattling, and began to take in the music as well with as much gusto as their little ones.

Enraptured, they all were much like being under a powerful spell. Octavia, despite being an earth pony, still managed to play with her very own kind of magic. It was much like a Canterlot native to be able to be so elegantly refined and in tune with her inner artist. Everypony there saw her as more than what her birth signified.

As the melody began to wither, and the ponies lost sight of reality, it all seemed to blend and mash itself into a cacophony of ever repeating want and need. Octavia put herself into the song, much like she did with all her music.

The conclusion of Vivaldi’s Spring left all those present silent. The air itself stale in comparison to what it once was before and the world stopped like it was frozen in time. Octavia opened her eyes, to look upon Dinky the smile she had before never losing its warmth.

“I hope this is a satisfactory birthday gift, young one.” Octavia broke the silence, the weight upon everyponies shoulders being lifted in an instant.

The filly nodded quickly, barely able to stammer out, “I-It was more than satisfactory!” The kids surrounding her all began to nod in unison, agreeing with what Dinky said.

In the adult area of the front lawn Ditzy Doo began to speak, unable to leave a proper comment on the song itself. “Alright everypony, I think it’s time we sang our little birthday filly her extra special song.”

“While I adore the attention, I think somepony is needed.” Octavia gestured over to Ditzy, Dinky following along and getting what she was playing at.

Everypony began to seat themselves at the tables situated at the far end of the lawn, a birthday cake was brought out by the very pink menace of the town, Pinkie Pie. Muffled noises came from under the cake she was carrying on her head, no pony being able to distinguish quite what she was saying.

As she set the cake down in the center, she was finally able to be heard, “I said is everypony ready to sing happy birthday?”

A collective “Yeah” rang out.

As everypony at the party began the old traditional birthday song, Octavia chose to play the simple tune on her cello instead. Adding an extra layer of specialty to it, and making Dinky all the more happy. The distinct color of red flashing upon the young filly’s face showing the slight embarrassment she got from the large crowd singing congratulations for her existence.

As the song reached its conclusion Ditzy spoke up, “Now blow out the candles, Dinky.”

The little filly took a deep breath before letting it all out, making sure to make a wish. The ponies clapped their hooves on the ground, genuinely happy for Dinky, and for the fact that they were about to have some delicious birthday cake.

As Pinkie was cutting the cake she asked Dinky, “So birthday filly, what part of the cake do you want?”

The cake was double-stacked chocolate fudge mixed with a gooey cream filling that blended well with the other flavors bursting within the cake itself. On top written in blue and yellow frosting were the words “Happy Birthday Dinky!”

“Hmm, I’d like the big center piece,” Dinky replied, looking at the piece with a watery mouth unable to properly handle its anticipation.

“Oooooooh, nice choice.” Pinkie cut the slice using a knife she somehow was able to carry with the tip of her mane, no pony really batted an eye at the incident having grown used to the mare.

The party pony gave the filly her piece of cake speaking to her in a not so much of a whisper voice. “Personally I like to have my cake, and eat it too.”

Dinky giggled in reply.

Each pony began to get a slice for themselves taking a whole ten minutes due to the size of the crowd. Pinkie had a way of getting a large number of ponies together for celebrations, and this was no exception. Masterfully preparing the birthday down to the tiniest little detail.

As everypony got a slice, Pinkie noticed Octavia staying distant, and decided to pay her a visit. “Hey there, Octavia!” Pinkie beamed at her, an abnormally large smile. “Why haven’t you gotten a slice of cake yet? It’s really gooooood.”

Octavia was broken out of the day dream she was currently experiencing. “Oh, sorry. Just lost in thought is all, Pinkie.” She took a step down from the pedestal she found herself standing on to get her music into the ears of every pony. “I’m actually quite famished. Thanks for the reminder.”

Pinkie Pie replied with a, “Mmhmm,” and a quick nod of her head.

Octavia was the last to get a slice of the birthday cake, the slice she got being rather small in comparison to others, but perfect for her tastes. She looked around, seeing if there was anypony she’d be interested in sitting with. Spotting a mint colored mare with a harp cutie mark a short distance away, she trotted over there and sat beside her.

“Greetings, Lyra. It has been a while, has it not?” Octavia asked the mare, happy to see an old friend.

Lyra gasped at the sight of Octavia. “Octavia, oh my gosh it’s been so long. How are you doing; what are you doing?”

“Oh, well, just playing music for this party and performing for The Royal Canterlot Orchestra. Honestly, I want to hear about you, Lyra. It has been, what, three years?” Octavia smiled earnestly.

Lyra smiled back, though a bit shocked being put on the spot. “Not as much as you, Octavia, miss Royal Canterlot Orchestra. No, I’ve just been running a music store in town, selling instruments and music. I rather like it, really, a change of pace from Canterlot, and the ponies are much nicer, too.”

This peaked Octavia’s interest. “A music store? Well, I think that’s splendid Lyra, really. Sometimes I wish to be doing so simple myself. It may sound a bit funny, but I find these sort of events so much more fulfilling than any of my bigger shows..”

“What, you can’t be serious?” Lyra let out quickly.

“As a matter fact I couldn’t be any more serious.” Octavia used her hoof as a guide to point Lyra’s attention towards Dinky. “See the birthday mare over there?”

“Of course, Octavia, but what does she have to do with you liking these sort of events more?”

“Well, for starters did you know she has a liking for music herself?” Octavia asked, finding a sort of nostalgic happiness of the conversation she had with Dinky earlier.

“As a matter of fact I do, she frequents my shop all the time. She’s a real good kid.” Lyra replied, enthralled by the conversation.

“Then it should be of no surprise that she found herself glued to my hooves in excitement as I was playing earlier. Lyra, that sort of passion is just not present in the Orchestra. It’s all methodical, and lifeless. I don’t feel like I am really playing music there, but here, oh here is a different story.”

Lyra sat silent for a moment letting the words sink in before following up with, “I never would have thought that sort of success could have it’s downsides. You should actually pay close attention to the gift I got her then, I’m sure it will strike your fancy.”

“Oh, really?” Octavia asked curiously.

“Yes, really. It’s something she couldn’t keep her eyes off of every time she entered my store. She never quite had enough bits to buy it, though, was the issue.”

They waited in silence after that, Octavia getting a bit impatient as she was now excited for the gift part of the birthday herself. Something she hadn’t experienced since she was a young foal.

As the time went by, and the day grew dimmer the time for presents was finally upon them, Octavia’s jovial attitude setting a different tone than what she previously established for herself.

There were gifts of toys, gifts of cards, and even some bits thrown in there as well. Nothing out of the ordinary for a kids birthday, nothing standing out yet as the gift. The certain present that stands tall above the rest, and the one the birthday pony would remember more than all the others.

That was until Lyra got around to giving Dinky her gift. What it was unclear, due to it being in a box. “Go ahead, open it up, kid-o.” Lyra said, prompting Dinky to have at the wrappings covering her gift.

Not needing another word Dinky tore into the coverings of the present, and found herself gasping the biggest gasp of her life as she opened up the box containing what Lyra got her inside. A beautifully crafted Violin, finely polished to perfection.

“O-O-Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.” Dinky sputtered out, barely able to compose herself. “I-I-I.” She cut out, the sentence she had in mind not forming into actual words. Tears began to form in her eyes.

Lyra beamed, “So, do you like what I got you? I saw you eyeing this baby up every time you visited my little corner of Ponyville. I couldn’t just keep it all to myself, could I?”

Dinky nodded furiously, still unable to form the proper words she had in mind. Instead she chose to tackle Lyra with a heartfelt hug, startling the mare and all the ponies gathered around, especially Ditzy Doo.

“Dinky.” Ditzy spoke softly, tears of her own forming at the passion her daughter put into her embrace.

“Whoa there, Kid, take it easy; It’s just a gift, Dinky.” Lyra stammered out as she was still caught between the hooves of the birthday filly.

“No, Lyra, it’s more than that.” Dinky replied.

The mare's heart melted into a mushy mess filled with emotions she couldn’t comprehend. She spoke softly to herself. “I guess this is what Octavia meant.”

Octavia, for her part, found herself completely falling over the scene before her. If she was filled with glee before, then now she was completely taken over with feelings of pure, unsaturated happiness for both Lyra and Dinky.

She found herself walking over to the mare, unable to stop herself. “Lyra, you were positively right.” She said, the first to speak up from the spectating ponies. “You really outdone yourself, truly.”

She walked over to Dinky next who finally let go of the mare she had in a strangle hold of compassion. “May I see your Violin? I’d be honored to show you how to properly hold it, tune, and apply the resin.”

The filly let out the second largest gasp she ever had, before quickly running up and tackling Octavia with a hug, as well.

“Was it something I said?” Octavia questioned jokingly, getting some laughs from the audience around them.

“Octavia, don’t you think you’ve done enough today already, you know, with playing for the party all day, I mean?” Ditzy asked, head tilted in bewilderment for the generosity displayed.

“Nonsense. Dinky just received a very special gift, and I’d be a fool not to help her wield it.” She took up the violin and bow. “Now look closely, this is how you hold the bow and the instrument.”

She held the bow in a way only a trained professional could. “Always hold the bow as such, it will bring out the most comfort, and will also play best on the violin itself.” She then leaned her head against the violin, not to forcefully. “And this is how you hold the violin. Take care not to be too firm, or too soft.”

She then reached into the box, picking up the resin held within. “Now this is how the resin is applied to the bow. This is essential to making sure the proper sound is played.” After putting the resin onto the bow she then handed it to Dinky.

“Lastly, I’d like to point out how to tune the violin. On the tip of the instrument, the headstock, there are four pegs, one for each string. If you use a tuner, one I’d be happy to provide you with as a present myself, all you have to do is play the selected string, and match it up to the proper tune.”

She handed the Violin over to the filly, as she immediately began to hold it like Octavia instructed.

“Now, play the string closest to you.” Octavia told Dinky. As the filly did a wonderful noise was heard by all, the ponies all captured by the lighthearted nature of it, and the soft caress it held upon their ears.

Octavia’s ears, on the other hoof, flexed back. “See, that happens to be a bit sharp. Here, let me adjust as you play so you can hear the difference.”

Octavia held the headstock of the violin, tuning the G string peg as Dinky slowly ran the bow across the string for a second time, the pitch shifty to an even more pleasant tune.

“See, now isn’t that much better?” Octavia asked. A smile unmatched graced her features.

“Much so.” Dinky looked over towards Lyra, than back at Octavia. “Lyra, Octavia, I am so very thankful for both of you. For the gift, and the little lesson. It means so much to me.” She was on the verge of tears again; she quickly set down her instrument to wipe her eyes dry.

A light began to show, so brilliant that it almost blinded all the ponies at the party. When the brightness began to dim, and the ponies slowly opened their eyes again they all gasped in complete and utter shock for what they saw. On Dinky’s flank was a cutie mark in the form of an eighth note.

“Dinky!” Ditzy Doo shouted running up to her daughter, both Octavia and Lyra speechless knowing they were the cause for Dinky’s sudden cutie mark appearance.

“M-Mom! I-I-I don’t believe it, I finally got my cutie mark!” The tears she was holding back before broke the water ducts of her eyes like a dam bursting from a flood. She pushed herself so forcefully into her mother's hug that it hurt a bit, but in a good way.

“I know, Dinky. I know.” Her mother spoke softly, running her hoof through her daughter's mane. The scene was touching so touching that the emotions of everypony else fluctuated with the sudden turn of events, the whiplash of it all slowly catching up with them.

“I just wish Dad was here to see this.” Dinky spoke again, but with much more sorrow than before, and full of a long held onto ennui.

Octavia’s heart sank to the deepest pits of her being upon hearing those words all too familiar. The smile she had vanished, the tears she held for Dinky no longer happy, but replaced with those of great pain. She forgot where she was, and fell deeper the more she repeated what Dinky said to her mother inside her head like a broken record.

She felt cold, sick and started to lose her grasp on reality. She no longer saw anypony, just an approaching fog that began to envelop her like a blanket that held no warmth.

“Oh,” was all she was able to let out, too soft for anypony to hear.

She looked down at the ground, somehow helping herself stay in a semi-realm of reality. She somehow found a way to speak again, even quieter. “I guess we are one and the same, you and I. We both miss our fathers.”

* * * *

Octavia walked slowly through the front door of her house, delicately not making a noise as she entered. She carried both food for Vinyl and her cello solemnly, limply as if to have the weight shove her back down to the earth.

She sighed before speaking up. “Vinyl, I’m home, and I have dinner.”

She garnered no response. This only provoked another sigh out of the mare, as she went to set her saddlebags on the living room table, removing her cello and setting it aside. She decided to take a seat on her lounge chair, immersing herself with the nighttime darkness.

“Honestly Octavia, this is silly. It’s been countless years, yet you still act like it was only yesterday.” She said to herself, trying to knock the funk she was experiencing out.

She merely sat there a, lonely pillar in that ever developing, nebulous shadow of night. Her being serving as the only soul for the world to grasp onto, at least in her mind. She shook her head to and fro, trying her absolute hardest to loosen the grip her mind had over her.

“Tavi, is that you?” Vinyl asked lowly from across the room as she yawned having just woken up from a short nap.

“Vinyl, dear. Could you have a seat with me please?” Octavia asked her friend, almost desperately. “I know you are short of words, but I’d most appreciate the company right about now.”

The DJ nodded, making her way across from her friend to take a seat on Octavia's couch. She looked deeply into Octavia’s eyes, trying to see what was the matter from the outside. It didn’t quite work like she hoped.

Octavia sighed for what seemed like the serveralth time before asking, “Have you ever had a hard time moving on from a traumatic experience? I know, it may seem like something that would fade with time, but it still feels like a hole hasn’t quite healed itself up properly yet.”

She looked Vinyl in the eyes, the magenta reflecting herself. “Today Dinky finally got her cutie mark, and it was with the help of Lyra and I. You see, Lyra gave her a violin, while I gave her a short lesson on how to use it. A beautiful eighth note graced her flanks.”

A fragile smile formed upon Octavia’s lips. “It was truly a sight to behold, nothing quite like it in all the world, that is until she spoke to her mother about something all too familiar.”

She grimaced, finding it a bit hard to choke out her next words. “She mentioned wishing her father was there to see the moment, Vinyl. Her father for Celestia’s sake!”

Vinyl found herself in an uncomfortable position, knowing exactly what her friend was getting at. She decided to speak for herself, knowing now was the best of times to do as much. “Look, I really do understand, Tavi, I really do, but It’s not me who’s gonna be able to fully help you with this. I’ll try, but I don’t think I can truly take all the pain away.”

Octavia was about to reply, but a hoof raised by Vinyl stopped her. “Listen, the only pony who can truly overcome this is yourself. It sounds daunting, and that’s because it is, but just know that I’m here for you, and so are all your other friends. Tavi, no, Octavia please know you don’t have to be afraid to talk about this stuff to me.”

She stood up, and began to make her way towards her troubled friend. “Vinyl,” Octavia said in a caring tone, before getting up herself and meeting Vinyl halfway. They hugged each other deeply, sharing the pain as much as they could.

“Thanks again. I needed to vent a bit. If you don’t mind, we could always make plans to go out into town sometime soon? I don’t start my tour with the Orchestra till the end of this month, so I have plenty of time till then.”

They left their hold on one another, looking each other once again in the eyes. Vinyl replied with, “I’d really like that.”

That was the last they said to each other that night, Octavia choosing to rest her weary head as Vinyl stayed up way past the healthy hour somepony should be awake. The peace finally bringing comfort to Octavia who just overcame a hefty day in her life.