• Published 20th Sep 2017
  • 695 Views, 33 Comments

Journey to Hope - Not Enough Coffee

Octavia embarks on a journey of wisdom, and understanding, in search of hope which she has long since forgotten.

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Chapter 3: Letting Worry Pass You By

Dear Journal,

Last nights sleep was the best I’ve had in months. For all was silent, and not a single chirp from the crickets outside could be heard. It was similar to a state of nonbeing, or like having myself wiped from existence. The last fading reminders of life being the few dreams scattered across my temporary unconsciousness. In short, I slept like a baby, and it was delightful.

The sense of relaxation found in sleeping is something I think everypony takes for granted, because with all the issues that are brought about from the waking realm I can see myself and others constantly battling their stress induced displeasure. I know I lose precious time, half my life in fact, but I honestly think sleeping for that long is a gift in disguise.

It’s also nice to know that I’ll wake up to a bright, sunny day. As much as I find beauty in the starlit night sky, Celestia’s glorious ball of happy purity will always be my preferred type of setting. Sorry Luna, but your sister just has a way of bringing life to the land.

This leads me to the main topic I want to address in this entry, that being of the incredibly, tiresome feeling of worry. I know everypony experiences it to varying degrees, but I can’t help but find myself stuck on such a thought. From the words Vinyl had expressed to me these last couple days, it has only become more apparent. Celestia bless her kind soul, she really is a wonderful friend.

Is it healthy to dwell on something so dreary, or is it best I simply cast it aside? I don’t know, and that’s what frightens me, at least a little bit. Not knowing if what I think, or what I perceive is really the factual reality of the world that surrounds me. Mystery in life is nice, but sometimes it can be a burden.

I find this most applicable when it comes to looking for meaning in your own existence, that being the existential wonder of wanting more. This, of course, relating back to the first of these entries, and how I want something I can’t quite grasp. Like reaching for somepony’s hoof that is just out of reach. You’re able to see, and think about them, but you are never able to reach them. That constant barrage of stimuli in and of itself is a major factor for my fretting mind.

I’m so very glad I don’t have to deal with traveling with the orchestra till the end of the month. This is not because I don’t like playing for them, far from it, but I haven’t exactly been myself as of late, and It’d be a shame if I somehow brought down the performance. I take great pride, and care for my work, and I don’t want the ponies to be left unsatisfied, because I didn’t give it my all.

Yes, the rest of this month should be focused on clearing my mind, and finding that spark I once had before. I don’t know how, and I don’t know when, but what I do know is that I will try, and I will find what I’ve been looking for all this time.

Drifting away from that wearisome topic, Vinyl and I have plans to hit the town today, and I hope it will go well. It’s been awhile since we’ve had some personal time to ourselves, and I miss it dearly. She knows more about having fun than I, so I’m sure she’ll find something we’ll both enjoy. I do wonder what, though?

Maybe she’d be willing to go to the spa, or possibly we could see how Lyra’s music store is doing. When she brought it up yesterday I couldn’t help but be enraptured by the prospect of paying it a visit. I can’t help but be curious when it comes to discovering more about music, and I’m not ashamed of my enthusiasm.

Well, I can’t just keep rambling here when I have a long, fun-filled day ahead of me.

* * * *

Octavia closed her journal, slowly taking a deep breath to prepare herself for the day ahead. Her desk had become a shadow of its former self, pieces of parchment, and scraps of unfinished works littered around haphazardly. The sight out of place compared to the otherwise spotless room.

Not wanting to be bothered with the repairs, she exited her room pushing the thought of cleaning to the back of her mind. “I’ll just take care of that when I get back."

As she made her way down the hall the sound of electronic beeps and boops could be heard, signifying Vinyl was awake early twice that very week. Very unsightly.

As Octavia entered the living room she commented on the matter. “As much as I like seeing you alive this early in the morning, I can’t help but wonder if the apocalypse is finally upon us.”

The DJ let out a short chortle in response, continuing messing with her current project. The sound was a pleasant backdrop compared to Octavia’s typical mornings.

“Not that I’m complaining. With our day of fun, and relaxation It’s nice to know that you’re just as ready as I am.” Octavia followed up on her previous statement, a warm small finding it’s way onto her face.

Octavia’s stomach grumbled like a whale would call out to the depths of the ocean. She found it hard to hide the slight blush that crept up onto her features. “Well, I guess I am quite famished. What say that I make us some breakfast this morning. It has been a while since I’ve last cooked us a nice meal, has it not?

Vinyl nodded enthusiastically, her mouth slightly drooling out the sides as she forgot all about her music.

“I see somepony's excited,” Octavia replied, followed by a cheerful laugh. She then made her way into the kitchen to prepare their food.

As the time passed a delightful aroma found its way into the air, only intensifying the hunger of the two music ponies. A low “hmm” also found its way to mix itself into the scene. Octavia was getting caught up into the act, and couldn't resist singing a soft melody.

“I need to do this more often,” she told herself. “I often forget how much of a zen like experience it is to cook, especially breakfast.”

She continued with her little tune, finishing up her creation. It was fried eggs and hash browns, a personal favorite of hers and Vinyls.

Placing the scrumptious cuisine onto two separate dishes, she set them upon her back, trotting her way into the living room with a gallant fever. A kick in her step, so to say. She then looked at Vinyl giving her a playful look.

“I’ll just set this on that table, Vinyl. It’d be nice to talk over breakfast.” Octavia said, reaching back to grab the food and set it down upon the table. The anticipation almost killing the two mares.

Vinyl rushed over to take a seat, for as much as she despised small talk, she absolutely loathed being hungry even more. She wasted no time tearing into her meal, table manners not being her strongest attribute.

“If I can command this type of attention from you just by preparing a nice meal, maybe I should do it more often. Maybe I could finally persuade you to finally take care of your living environment.” Octavia commented, a sly grin plastered itself upon her.

Vinyl finished chewing her mouthful, swallowing before replying, “Well, you haven’t exactly been up to date yourself. I’ve seen how littered your desk has become, Tavi.” She then returned Octavia's grin with one of her own, tongue sticking out as to accentuate it.

Octavia sheepishly faltered in her seat, giving a weak follow up, “Well, at least I’ve given the thought of doing so.” She then gazed with a frown at how sloppy her friend was eating her finely crafted spread. “Could you at least savor my hard work?”

The DJ shrugged, scarfing down the rest of her eggs. A content smile greeted her has her stomach had been satisfied with its now full baggage.

“Well, I’ll just take it as a compliment then, for a job well done that is.” Octavia facehoofed, hiding a humorous smile for her friend’s antics. She then went back to delicately picking at her own fried eggs and hash browns.

The care, and finesse that went into every movement Octavia made was the envy of many other mares. It was almost as if each little detail of her life was finely crafted into polished perfection.

“I see why you’d be so enthused to eat something like this, it is rather delicious.” Octavia muttered between bites, making sure not to break her impeccable table manners.

Vinyl wolfed the rest of her hash browns, the last bite leaving her with a bittersweet feeling. She then lifted her plate with her psychokinetic magic, giving her friend a desperate plea with her puppy dog eyes.

“No, Vinyl, I’m afraid I don’t want to give you any more of a gut.” Octavia laughed at her own joke, not noticing the frown her friend gave her.

When she opened her eyes again after her little bout of laughter, she then took note of the upside down smile her friend was giving her. “Oh, don’t be like that, I’m only kidding, you look just fine.” That didn’t reverse Vinyl’s scowl.

Octavia rubbed her forehoof, an uneasy smiling finding its way upon her. “Well, I guess I promise I’ll cook breakfast for us tomorrow, how does that sound?”

Vinyl finally let go of her little, childish act, and greeting Octavia with a beaming grin.

“That’s much better, not sure how much more I could take of that look of yours.” Octavia said sheepishly.

Vinyl raised an eyebrow, “You calling me ugly again?”

“What? Heavens no, Vinyl, just let what I said slide already.” Octavia was now flushed red, her appetite leaving her. She then picked up both their plates, and set them upon her back, making her way into the kitchen.

“I’ll just clean these up, and then we can move on with our day.” Octavia called out, trying to move on from her embarrassment.

* * * *

Vinyl frowned deeply, as Octavia merely galloped her way through Ponyville. “Oh, don’t be such a sourpuss, Vinyl, I’m sure you’re going to really love our visit to the spa. Besides, I know you really need to loosen up those tense muscles.”

Vinyl just, “Harrumphed” in dissatisfaction, following shortly behind Octavia. Her body was slumped, and her once chipper demeanor was replaced with that of a droopy, annoyed physique.

Despite her best protests, Vinyl couldn’t help but be brought to some ease at how wonderful the air felt with the perfect spring time weather. The sun shining brightly down upon Ponyville, and not a single cloud blocking the pristine, blue sky.

“Aloe and Lotus will probably fawn over you, dear. They always enjoy new clientele.” Octavia said to her grumpy friend, letting the air soak into her very being, as the tension from yesterday slowly began to slip away from her.

“Urgh,” Vinyl continued to grunt, words no longer satisfying her insatiable annoyance over the whole situation.

As the moments passed they found themselves at the doorstep of Ponyville’s very own spa and bath. Octavia beamed even wider than she had prior to their departure.

“Here we are; aren’t you excited?” Octavia turned to look at her friend, her smile quickly vanishing. “Oh come now, stop the unnecessary frowning. At this rate you are bound to attract Pinkie, and I’m not built with enough energy to handle her, you know?”

“You know as well as I that this type of stuff is just not for me.” Vinyl spoke deeply, and grumbly.

“Well, just remember what we have planned after this.” Octavia twirled a hoof, prying Vinyl's mind onto what she was saying.

Vinyl instantly turned her frown upside down. “Yeah, you said you would go to the bowling alley with me, and play some laser tag.” She fist pumped the air. “Yeah, get ready to get owned.”

Octavia playfully rolled her eyes. “Of course, Vinyl.”

She turned to open the door, but was surprised to see it enveloped in a magenta colored aura. “I guess somepony really wants to get to the bowling alley faster than I had planned. Still surprised they have a fully functioning laser tag arena in there, as well.”

Vinyl just grinned, pushing her way past Octavia. The splendid smell of an assortment of fine scented candles finding a way to creep up into the nostrils of the two mares, as they entered into the building. They neither complained, nor minded the smell, for it was intoxicating.

“My, my, this place is always fantastic, is it not?” Octavia asked her companion who merely shrugged in indifference. “Well, I certainly think as much.”

“Oh, Octavia, Vinyl. A pleasure to see you this morning.” Called Aloe from across the room as she made her way over to her. “How may I help you today?” Her accent eliciting a fond smile from Octavia.

“Well, I don't know about you Vinyl, but I could go for a deep muscle massage, followed by a nice warm bath.” Octavia turned to the DJ, waiting for a response.

“Well, as long as I’m not getting a hooficure, or any other overly girly stuff, I’m okay.” Vinyl shrugged, her words causing Aloe to giggle slightly.

“Guys come here too, so no need to worry. Bad for your health. Come, come, follow me.” Aloe prompted the two of them to make their way further into the spa and bath.

As they made their way to the massage tables, Octavia spoke up. “So, where is your sister Aloe? You two are usually inseparable?” She tilted her head most curiously, much like a foal begging for attention.

“Oh, Lotus. Yes, she is rather sick this week, so she’s taking the time off.” She walked to the side, revealing a large, muscular pegasus. “Not to worry, though, Bulk Biceps here is a very efficient employee.”

Vinyl shriveled up, her tail tucked between her legs. She then let out a low whimper, her frightened form making Octavia roll her eyes.

“Vinyl, this just means this massage is gonna be twice as good as before, don’t be intimidated.” Octavia stared deeply into her friend's eyes.

Vinyl simply shook her head rapidly in response, her glasses almost flying right off her face, as she continued the motion more and more.

“Vinyl.” Octavia said lowly to her friend, a shiver running up Vinyl’s spine.

“But-” The alabaster mare was quickly silenced.

“No buts, that is if you don’t want to go to the bowling alley with me?”

Vinyl’s mouth hung open, as she finally found the will to speak again. “Fine, you win.”

Octavia grinned mischievously, as the other occupants of the room laughed in a furious riot. The little display before them being too much for them to handle. Aloe then lead the two mares onto the massage tables, Vinyl’s fate being sealed as she felt a firm hoof ram its way onto her back.

* * * *

A delightful warmth wrapped around Octavia like a snug blanket as she let herself sink deeper into the bath. A sigh of pleasure slowly escaping her lips as the muscles in her body reacted greedily at the touch of such a wonderful feeling. She let her eyes close, the entire world becoming a blur as she felt a sense of drowsiness.

“Isn’t this nice Vinyl?” Octavia asked with a slight yawn, the environment making her feel all the more cozy.

A creek, and a sharp crack could be heard throughout the room as Vinyl wobbled her way over to the bath. “Urgh,” she let out, pain enveloping her entire face. Her spine was arched, and the vertebra were slightly visible under her fur coat.

She looked to the mare across from her as she entered the bath, frowning intensely as she noticed how worry free the mare was at that moment in time. She, however, couldn’t be too angry, for the water did seep into her aching body.

“Mmm, what a lovely sensation. I just love coming to the spa.” Octavia said, opening her eyes. “Thanks for coming here with me, it means more than you could possibly imagine. These past couple days, well, they have been a bit rough to say the least. I can’t exactly put my tongue on it, but I just feel so out of place, and odd.”

Vinyl tilted her head, ignoring the sharp pain in her back to give her friend a ear to speak into.

“I just hope things will turn out okay by the time I have to report to the Canterlot Royal Orchestra. I know I’ve been practicing to death, and my sore hooves surely show that. Something is just off, if you can understand what I’m trying to say.”

Vinyl nodded, unable to really add onto what her best friend was saying. She just chose to remain quiet, letting the silence do the talking so to say.

“I should really stop these rambles. This is not the time to worry, and certainly not the time to bare down this information upon you, no, most definitely not.” Octavia leaned further back into the water, letting the comforting liquid reach up to her neck.

They stayed that way for what felt like hours. Time finding a way to stop, and just let them be in their own personal water filled world. Alone, and with nopony else to bother them, and their little moment of peace and quiet.

“You know, Tavi.” Vinyl broke the silence. “You were right about coming here, this is rather relaxing, but that could just be me finally enjoying being away from that muscle bound pegasus. Seriously, I do not ever want to receive a massage from him again. You hear me?”

Octavia giggled mirthfully, the sound like honey to Vinyl’s ears. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do next time we come here.” She sighed, but in a content way, rather than an empty way. “Vinyl, dear, may I ask how your next album is coming along? You’ve been more busy than usual.”

“Honestly, not exactly how I want it to. It’s not hitting the right beats, if you understand?” Vinyl replied, rubbing a hoof across her face as the frustrating memories started to flood into her mind, unable to vanish like she wished.

“Yes, I can relate. Not to sound rude, because I absolutely adore the symphony, but they just have the worst taste when it comes to picking out what we’re going to be playing.” Octavia rolled her eyes for a bit of a dramatic effect. “It’s, as you put it, missing something. Maybe I’ve just become too bored of all these standard songs, who knows?”

“Hehe,” Vinyl laughed a little, knowing full well what her friend was saying. “I never really got why you continuing to stick around with them, anyway.”

“Yes, well, it pays the bills rather nicely. Not to say you don’t make quite the sum of bits yourself, but it just wouldn’t be enough to pay for everything we have. We do live rather luxuriously amongst all the other ponies in Ponyville.”

They again sat in silence for a while, a smile never leaving their faces. The water began to lose a bit of its warmth, the heat slowly becoming frigid as the time flew on by. Vinyl was the first to step out of the bath, walking over to the side of the room to grab a towel and dry off. Her magic helping her with the process.

“Indeed, we should be on the move now.” Octavia too departed from the once opulent water, joining Vinyl as she too started to dry herself off. “We do have a game of laser tag to get to, after all.”

Vinyl gasped, pumping her hoof in the air twice as hard as before. “Awwwww, yeah. I’m so ready for this, you have no idea.”

“I might have some idea, Vinyl.” Octavia said to herself, but was overheard as Vinyl shook her head with flattened ears.

“I hope you know you’re going to get destroyed. I’m the all time laser tag champion, I’ll have you know.” Vinyl raised a cocky eyebrow, a grin plastering its way upon her face as she continued to push her point in.

Octavia just decided to ignore her friend’s boastful comments, instead choosing to find Aloe. She picked up her saddlebags, and noticed Aloe was behind the counter across from her, so she made her way over to her. “So, Aloe. How much do I owe you?”

Vinyl quickly made her way over to Vinyl. “Whoa there, Tavi. This day is dedicated to you, so let me take care of this.”

“Dedicated to us, Vinyl. Dedicated to us.” Octavia corrected Vinyl, looking inside her saddlebags for her bits. “So,” Octavia spoke as she leaned her head back towards Aloe, “How much do I owe you?”

“Twenty-five bits, ma’am.” Aloe replied, opening up a cash register as Octavia gave her the specified number of bits.

“See Vinyl, was that so hard?” Octavia turned to the DJ, raising an eyebrow as she waited for a reply.

Vinyl just put on a pouty face, as she left to go grab her glasses on the counter across the room.

Octavia looked to Aloe once again. “Thank you so much for this, Aloe. It was absolutely splendid, and we'll be sure to come back real soon.” She gave her a wink for added effect.

Octavia then made her way over to Vinyl, checking on her before they both made their way out the door back to the streets of Ponyville. The sun had made its way further across the sky, the shadows now shifted positions from what they were previously.

The amount of ponies hustling, and bustling about had dwindled, and no longer was everypony in a rush to go about their daily activities. The most crucial morning tasks already taken care of, and out of mind.

“Sunny days like this are simply the best. Don’t you agree, Vinyl.” Octavia spoke up, her friend giving her a brilliant nod of her head. “Sad, though, that in the next coming months it’s going to turn to frost.”

Vinyl shrugged her shoulders.

“That’s right, you happen to really love the fall, and snowy seasons?” Octavia thought back to days long past. “Well, I can’t say I’m completely against the prospect of a snowball fight.” A coy smile found its way upon her lips. “If I remember correctly, I was always the victor of those little disputes, much like how you’re going to have a bad time against me in this upcoming laser tag match.”

Vinyl’s eye twitched, as she quickly turned to Octavia. A snarly look greeting the playful mare.

“I jest Vinyl, I’m sure you’ll put up a decent fight.” Octavia laughed, but only by herself. Vinyl not having any of Octavia’s antics, as she quickly hurried her pace to the bowling alley.

“Uh, oh. Perhaps I went a little far?” Octavia questioned herself, trying to match the speed Vinyl was trotting.

It was not long, due to Vinyl’s aggressive movement, that they found themselves at the bowling alley. The sound from inside was loud enough to be heard a block away from the outside. Arcade machines, and loud dance music blasting into the ears of both Octavia and Vinyl.

“ I hope you know what you’ve just walked into, Octavia.” Vinyl started. “Because I’m not going to go easy on you, like I was before. You understand?”

Octavia gulped, some beats of sweat falling down her brow. “Uh, hehe.” She weakly let out.

Vinyl made her way inside, Octavia shortly following. Octavia now on the receiving end of today's jokes, and merriment. The sweat only increasing in intensity, as she thought more and more of the upcoming match.

* * * *

Octavia and Vinyl found themselves in a dark room, lit only by the neon lights lining the floor below them, as they sat on an elevated platform. A TV screen in front of them playing a video about the rules of laser tag.

“Does it play this every time, Vinyl?” Asked Octavia.

Vinyl nodded her head in frustration, clearly wishing for the little presentation to be over sooner rather than later.

“Well, I suppose this place is popular enough to get new ponies all the time, so I guess it’s necessary.” Octavia said, looking around seeing a group of fillies and colts, the energy welling up inside them like a balloon would take in air. Both of which ready to burst at any moment.

Octavia then heard the TV turn off, a door to her right opening as the laser tag arena was finally revealed to all the occupants of the room.

“Finally,” Vinyl all but jumped out the door, quickly making her way over to the laser tag vests, and guns.

“Indeed,” Octavia added, she too making her way out the door.

The arena was large, big enough to take up half the bowling alleys building. Funny enough that the actual bowling alley part of the bowling alley was rather small by comparison. The arcade at the entrance of the building taking up another quarter of space, truly giving the place a reputation among all the kids of Ponyville as the premier place to hang out.

Octavia felt a nudge on her side, turning to find Vinyl waving a green vest in her face, a gun dangling by a cord attached to the equipment. “I see I’ll be green, and you orange. Not my preferred color choices.”

Octavia put on the laser tag vest, holding the gun with one of her hooves. “Unfair that unicorns have magic to hold their gun. Gives then an unreasonable advantage, does it not?”

“Excuses, excuses.” Vinyl tsked, as she made her way to the orange side of the arena. Stepping under a machine which used a sort of magic like technology to signify to the gun and vest that it was ready for combat.

Octavia lowered her head, and shook it, trying to regain her composure. She then made her way over to her side of the arena, many little ponies following behind her like it was follow the leader.

“Sorry, kids, it seems you have chosen the losing side of this war.” Octavia told them, taking her place behind a small barrier.

“But we haven’t even started yet, “Began a blue coated filly. “How can you say that?”

Octavia simply sighed. “Well, you’ve seen that pony with me, and the look in her eyes. There is a fire there we can’t help but be consumed by, trust me.”

“Sounds like you’re giving up too soon.” Came a loud voice from one of the colts. “You’ve got me on your side, so you’re bound to win.” He stuck his chest out in boisterous pride.

Octavia giggled at the display. “And who might you be?”

“The names Rumble, and we’re going to wipe the floor with the orange team.” He replied, waving his gun in the air like they had already won the game.

The sheer confidence radiating off of the young colt found a way to make Octavia feel a little better about the odds of winning the match. She readied her gun, taking a stance that would give her a fighting chance as the game was about to begin.

“Alright everypony!” Came a voice from an intercom that blasted its way across the entire arena. “I hope you’re all ready, because the game is about to begin!”

Everypony in the room shouted with cheer. It really helped boost morale on both teams, as the amount of tension eased up.

“Alright, I hear you loud and clear. Now then, three, two, one, go!” The voice boomed, and the sound of lasers could now be heard. Of course they were not lethal, but the magic had a bit of a kick when it hit, enough to feel like a pinch from a crossed griffin.

Octavia quickly found herself taking cover, narrowly avoided a blast of orange magic that would have struck her square in the chest. “Phew, that was close,” she let out. She then poked her head out, getting a sense of what her surroundings held in store for her.

She noticed a pair of fillies surreptitiously making their way from one barrier to the next, trying their hardest not to be seen. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough, for Rumble got the jump on them. Shooting both of them faster than they could react in their backs.

“Gotcha!” He shouted, running away before reinforcements could arrive to help.

The two fillies had to make their way back to base to recharge their suit. A red, blinking light coming from the centerpiece, indicated that they were knocked out for the time being.

“Nice one.” Octavia said to herself, as she went back behind cover. She knew she wouldn’t be doing much if she just stayed there, so she prepared herself for a quick run. Taking a deep breath, she let it out, and began to charge to another barrier across from her.

“Oh, dear celestia!” She shouted as she noticed an enemy pony, this one being another mare her age. Without a second thought she let out a flurry of blasts, hoping for at least one to land. To her amazement one did, and it sent a wave of shock up the mares spine.

She took cover from where the mare used to be, as they had to run back to their base. “Okay, take it easy. This is only a game. A game in which you almost had a heart attack over, but a game nonetheless.”

Taking another peak around the corner of the barrier, she noticed that there was no pony in site. She took the opportunity to book it, praying to all the deities above that nopony spotted her.

Luck was on her side, for she did make it to her destination, about halfway to the enemy base, the stronghold in which one could score the most points.

That was when she heard a voice that she did not want to hear. “Oh, Octavia~” Vinyl spoke loud enough to be heard by all, uncaring if the enemy found out where she was taking cover. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

“Uh, oh.” Octavia said silently. She looked over the barrier, taking a shot at a little pegasus filly that was unfortunate enough to be right in the middle of the arena.

“Maybe if I’m lucky, I won’t even see Vinyl for the entirety of this game.” Octavia continued to try and console herself as the worry she was experiencing escalated to new heights. Her heart rate was off the scale, and the fir of sweat she was having before paled in comparison.

“Oh, what am I saying. I’m boned, simple as that.” Octavia now panicked, too afraid to move from her current position. The time coming to a snail's pace as everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. It was as if time decided to take a holiday, and its parting gift was Octavia’s torment as she was unsure where her friend would pop out from.

The sound of the magical lasers deafened, as Octavia's vision became blurry. The fear becoming too much to bear, as she felt herself drifting from the state of frenzy she found herself in.

That was until she heard a voice right beside her. “Boo!”

“Ahhhhhh!” Octavia screamed, letting her gun do the talking as she closed her eyes and fire, fire, fired.

A buzzing sound graced her ears, but she was too afraid to open her eyes to see what it was. She just stood there, waiting, and waiting until Vinyl finished her off.

It never came.

“Huh?” Octavia questioned, finally opening her eyes. She gasped as she noticed Vinyl’s chest had a glowing red orb in the center, telling her that she had knocked Vinyl out of the game until she could recharge back at base.

“Wait, what?” Vinyl wondered to herself, stupefied by the event that unfolded before her. She then looked up to Octavia. “Did you just?” She couldn’t finish her sentence, as she had to do a double take of looking down to her chest. The same crimson color of defeat greeting her with it’s horrid image.

Octavia shook her head, also looking at Vinyl’s chest for a second time. A moment passed until it all clicked in, and that was when she found the biggest of smiles creeping its way upon her face.

“It seems I’ve misjudged this game.” Octavia started, the worry clouding her mind vanishing from existence. “You’re not the one who’s going to get owned, as you would put it.” Octavia lifted her fun, a new found vigor in her step.

Vinyl gulped, and slowly took a few steps back. “Now easy, Tavi. We can talk about this.” She desperately tried to find a way to calm her friend down from her new found high.

“Oh, Vinyl. We are way past talking already.” Octavia stated, as she readied herself for a full on assault of the orange team's base.

Vinyl ran the other way, not wanting to see the onslaught that was going to take place. Her quivering body as she ran past other members of her team filling them with dread, and hopelessness.

“Araaaaaah!” Octavia let out a vicious battle cry, as she jumped over the barrier she was hiding behind, and pushed her way forward towards the orange team’s base.

She took note of two colts that just hid behind parallel walls, and just before she reached them she jumped into the air aiming down at the two as she reached the highest point in her vertical ascension. One, and two, she launched a magical laser into both of their chests.

“Hehe,” She giggled in delight, as she continued to rush at the base. Her hoof steps easily heard, but she did not care for any that heard her across the vast arena. She was in a fit, and the only thing that could satiate her was the enemy team’s complete, and utter destruction.

As she was at the doorstep of the relatively small base, all things considered, she found herself accompanied by Rumble who dashed along side her.

“You think I’m just going to let you have all the glory?” The colt said as he bent down, readying himself for the largest jump of his life.

Octavia joined him, as they both launched themselves into the air, easily making their way into the window of the stronghold. As they landed, they found themselves surrounded on both sides by orange team members.

Octavia turned to Rumble, and he Octavia. Both of them giving each other a nod before they ducked, elegantly dodging the barrage of lasers that soared through the air. They took aim, unleashing a dozen or so blasts at the last of the ponies that dared to oppose them.

“Nice one.” Rumble spoke, the first compliment he gave that day.

“Likewise,” replied Octavia as she turned to look at the glowing core of the base. The sweet smell of victory greeting her as she shot one last blast of magical energy straight at the sphere.

As the tune of victory played throughout the arena, Octavia found herself dancing all the way back to the start of the room where they loaded up on their equipment. It was there that she was greeted with the unamused looks of many fillies and colts, as well as Vinyl Scratch, and what appeared to be one of the kids mother.

“Umm.” Octavia rubbed the back of her neck, her face becoming a bit flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry.” She squeaked out, the word not having any effect on the ponies that surrounded her.

* * * *

Both Octavia and Vinyl sat in a diner at the outskirts of Ponyville. The place was called “The Prancing Pony,” and it was known for it’s quite unhealthy assortment of foodstuff. This, however, did not deter the two mares as they both chowed down on a bucket load of hay fries.

“Have you ever seen the Princess of Friendship eat, Tavi? I’d think you’d get along just fine.” Vinyl said as she pointed at the stained fur cheeks of Octavia, her mouth full, and looking much like a chipmunk.

Octavia chewed the rest of the food in her mouth, swallowing it, and following it up with her fizzy drink. “Well, today has been quite the day, has it not?” She tried to justify her absurd eating habit, as she quickly dived back into her meal.

Vinyl just shook her head, but in a playful way. “Tavi, have I ever told you that I love seeing you like this? Because, I do. I really, really do.”

Octavia was taken aback, pushing the rest of her mouthful down in order to reply. “What do you mean, Vinyl?”

“This, I mean this." She pointed her two front hooves at Octavia. “Look at you, I haven’t seen you so full of life in ages. It’s like you simply just left what was on your mind behind in the dust.”

Octavia scrunched up her features, her mind buzzing with multiple thoughts. She thought back to the spa, and how it comforted both her, and surprisingly enough, Vinyl. She also thought back to the game of laser tag, and how full of energy she was at the end of it all. Lastly, her mind drifted to the thoughts of yesterday, and how they no longer bothered her.

“You know what, Vinyl. I think I understand what you’re telling me.” Octavia grew a smile, returning to her plate, but with a sense of ease she hadn’t felt in a very long time. “I think today has been a monumental success, if I do say so myself.”

They ate the rest of their dinner, neither of them speaking, just sitting in a welcomed silence. The enjoyment that filled their day giving them life, and filling them with merriment that can’t be attained by oneself.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait for this latest update. Some crazy stuff happened this week, and caused me to slow down my writing. Though, with this being the longest chapter yet, I hope it was worth the wait.

Also, bonus points to anyone who spots The Lord of The Rings reference.