• Published 20th Sep 2017
  • 693 Views, 33 Comments

Journey to Hope - Not Enough Coffee

Octavia embarks on a journey of wisdom, and understanding, in search of hope which she has long since forgotten.

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Chapter 5: Leave Out All The Rest

Dear Journal,

I’m writing this at a local eatery, because I figured it’d help inspire some sort of insightful response from me. Well, in a sense it has, but I’m not quite sure what to make of it. In fact, I’m not sure how anypony could. What I’m talking about is finding meaning in life, and knowing when you've finally made it. What sort of legacy am I going to leave behind when I pass on from this world, and I’m no longer able to have a say in what dictates who I am?

It’s dreary, I know, but I think it’s healthy to discuss, because it’s something that I’m sure many others such as I have thought about. Now that I think about it, I think many have slipped in some sort of life philosophy in the middle of our conversations, but I was just too caught up in the whole thing to really pay it any mind.

No matter, now is the time I get this written out, lest the thoughts drift off into the void, and be mashed up with all the other wonders of the pony mind.

You see, I’m fixated on the validation of my existence. I know I’m quite successful for a mare my age, and especially so for a musician, but I can’t help but think I haven’t done enough, or that there is more for me out there to accomplish. It may be silly, but I’m afraid I’ll pass on with a legacy not of my choosing, or that I could have done more, and the I’ll never figure everything out. Honestly it’s the scariest thing I can think of right off the top of my head.

I have striven to put this sort of feeling in some of my latest compositions, and yet somehow it all is empty, and mute. Not to say the song has no actual tune, but it just doesn’t have the impact I want to express. I could say the same of these writings. What am I writing for? Why am I plagued with documenting my experiences through the written word? Is what I say not enough, or am I missing something vital?

I want to understand—I want to fully comprehend why the world is the way it is. The impossible odds of living even when you're long gone from the world. I’m sure somepony has figured it out by now, but who? Who among us has truly grasped at how to live a fulfilled life, and how to figure out all the oddities of the world?

The Princesses for sure have knowledge of it all, but there is no way I’m ever going to have an audience with them about it. The best I could hope for is to find some old pony who has been around for far longer than I. Maybe I should visit the senior center, after all, the collective knowledge in that one building could fill an entire library. Not all that is known is written, and the thought of that is mind boggling.

I guess all I can really add is that I hope to find this out not just for myself, but for the benefit of anypony who might ask me a similar question to what I propose in this journal entry. Perhaps I’d make an interesting teacher, but that is something for another day. For now I’ll just focus on the present, and try to understand this more as I carry out my day.

I need to leave out these troubling thoughts from time to time. I’m sure others besides Vinyl are starting to take note of my recent odd behaviors.

* * * *

Octavia closed her journal, yawning for it was still early in the morning. She was sitting outside, a couple tables around her empty as she had a half eaten daffodil sandwich in front of her. She sized it up for a moment, but then decided she had her fill for the time being.

A couple of birds flew overhead, chirping, and playing for her a lovely melody she found herself lost in. She was letting her mind relax from the numbing words she had written prior, and was trying to see what else she could be doing with her day based on what she could see with her peripheral vision.

A couple of ponies trotted along, but nothing truly noteworthy. That was until an rusty-orange coated farm-pony walked along with a cart trotting behind her. Octavia called out to her as she passed by. “Hello, Miss Applejack. Mind coming over here for a second, or would it be best if I come to you. It has been a while since we last talked, and I was wondering if we could start up a conversation, if it isn't much a bother?”

“Aw, shucks, sugarcube. I’m mighty busy right now, but if’n you want to chat, you can just come along with me.” She looked back at the cart she was carrying behind her. “Say, how are you feeling to makin’ a few bits?”

Octavia thought for a moment, but ultimately her answer was made before she even gave it a thought. “What are you talking about?” She asked as she played along, knowing full well what the mare was going to say.

The musical pony left a few bits on the table as a tip, already having payed for the meal prior to eating it. The waiter taking her plate, and bringing it inside to have it washed, and reused again. The tip quickly pocketed.

As Octavia got up and approached Applejack, the farmer replied. “How ‘bout helping me sell some of these here apples this morning. I’ll pay ya thirty-five percent of the profit, and I tell ya what, these do sell like wildfire, so you’ll be makin’ quite a bit.”

“Hmm,” Octavia began. “A conversation, and pay? I can’t say I can deny this offer. You have yourself a deal, Applejack.” She stuck out her hoof, as Applejack gave her a powerful shake, sealing the deal.

As they strode into the market square, Applejack decided to start their whole back and forth. “So, what made you want to talk with little ol’ me just now? Plenty of other ponies who’d be much better conversationalist, just saying.”

“Well, I was in the need of a distraction. Not that I find you in any way boring, or unworthy of talking to when I’m not busy, but I figured since it’s been awhile since we last spoke, and I needed a way to rest my mind, I knew you were the best candidate to have a talk with.” Octavia replied, giving the farm-pony a warm-hearted smile. “You also seem to be, as I would think, a pony who has figured out quite a bit with her life.”

“Hmm, I’m not quite sure about that one.” Applejack unstrapped herself from her cart, and began to set it up in her respective lot. “Plenty of stuff I still need to get done with life, so I’d say I haven’t quite got it all together.”

Octavia looked puzzled. “But you’re always so happy, and full of life. I mean, you do mostly the same thing day in and day out, yet I’ve never seen you once complain about wanting something more.”

With a couple more adjustments Applejack’s apple cart was completely ready for business. “Not going to lie to you, sugarcube. There was a time where I was looking for myself in the world, and it lead me to make some questionable choices, but I’ll tell you what, I still haven’t truly settled myself down.” The two mares stepped behind the cart, waiting for their first customer patiently. “I just don’t think about this sort of thing often.”

Applejack sighed. “Octavia, are you in some sort of mood or something? You just kinda called me out of the blue, and dropped this subject on me all of a sudden.” She patted the mare on the back. “Can’t say I’m not flattered you’ve come to me for answers, but this is the sort of thing you got to figure out on yer own.”

Octavia was quiet for a moment, but then spoke up. “Well, I really don’t know. These past couple of weeks have been rather weird for me.” Octavia looked off into the distance. “My mind’s been busy with thoughts I can’t contain, and just have to get out there into the world. The success I’ve made as a musician has just started to weigh on me, you know.” She sighed. “I suppose maybe I’m not as grown up as I once thought, and that maybe I’m still just a foal on the inside.”

“One sec, Octavia. I’ll get right back to you after I help this customer.” Applejack turned and greeted the stallion that went up to her food-cart. They conversed for a moment, before Applejack turned to Octavia. “Hey, could you grab a couple of those golden delicious apples over there?”

Octavia did as she said, and handed the bundle of apples over to her. The stallion paying the total amount needed to possess the foodstuff, before heading off with a wave of his hoof. No line behind him, leaving just Applejack and Octavia to their own devices.

“So, back onto what you was saying.” Applejack took a deep breath, then exhaled. “Look, there are days where I feel as if I’m simply wastin’ my time and all, but never have I ever thought of myself as just some little foal who didn’t know wrong from right.” She stared deeply into Octavia. “And I’m sure you're a right and proper mare, in fact, I know you are. You just gotta get out of whatever funk you’ve found yourself in, and just live everyday for the moment, is all.”

Octavia didn’t quite know what to say. She was awestruck by the words of wisdom Applejack spoke to her. The beauty in the honey-coated nature of them sending a wave of warm, wondrous feelings inside Octavia’s core. It was almost incomprehensible, yet was needed in her life.

“Thanks,” Octavia said sincerely. “I needed to hear that, truly.” She brought the mare into a friendly hug. “Now I suppose we should focus on helping out potential customers. It’s the least I can do for the help you’ve given me.”

“And I appreciate the service just as much, trust me.” Applejack’s eyes widened for a moment as an idea came to her mind. “Say, how about you come over to Sweet Apple Acres tonight, and have supper with us? Consider that pay for helping me out today. Maybe you could hear some more words of advice from someone more experienced than I, Granny Smith.”

“Hmm,” Octavia thought to herself. “That sounds lovely, and all, but am I able to bring a friend along with me?” Her mind drifting to images of Vinyl as she knew she would appreciate the warm, home cooked meal more than herself.

“I don’t see why not. You wanting to bring Vinyl along with ya, I assume?” Applejack asked, but then added. “No need to answer that, I already know what you’re going to say.” She laughed, and then turned to see if anypony was walking up for some fresh apple products.

Octavia couldn’t help but let out a short giggle of her own. She berated herself on the inside for being so silly, but it wasn’t self-destructive by any means. She was just looking back at how much of a dreary pony she had become that morning.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with Octavia helping Applejack sell as much apples of multiple varieties as possible. The cart almost empty by the time the sun began to slowly drift towards the horizon.

They parted ways as Applejack got herself strapped to the cart once again, but their goodbyes would be only for a moment, as Octavia went home to retrieve her best friend.

* * * *

The clitter clatter of plates being set upon a large table was heard, as Applejack set everypony’s food in front of them. The smell was exquisite, and to die for. The mouths of everypony salivating as they were all too eager to dig in.

“Again, I can’t thank you enough for this, Applejack. Same to you, Granny Smith, for accommodating us for the evening.” Octavia said as she took a glance at Vinyl beside her. “I know somepony who couldn’t keep her mind off this the entire walk over here.” She giggled, covering the brunt force of the laugh with her hoof.

Vinyl lifted up her shades, and gave Octavia a deadpan look. It was soon replaced with one of desire, as she turned back to her plate. She then let her shades fall back down to her muzzle, as she picked up her fork to dig into the baked potatoes and carrots.

“Eager are we?” Asked Granny, having a little fit of laughter for herself. “I’ll take that as a complement. Though, I’d like to say we’re happy to have ya two as guests tonight. Octavia did help out a lot today at the market, so it’s the least we can do as a reward, of sorts.”

“I really didn’t help out that much. If anything, I should be the one thanking Applejack for being a kind enough pony to listen to me ramble the entire day. I’m sure she’d already told you about our little chat.” Octavia waved her hoof back and forth, refusing to take the compliment.

“Nonsense, learn to take credit where credit is due.” Applejack pipped in. “Now eat your food, you silly girl.” Applejack took her own advice, and began to devour her dish like a starved timberwolf.

“She’s got you there, Tavi.” Vinyl said, giving her friend a smug grin.

Octavia grew silent, but too decided to take a bit of her reward dinner. She moaned in ecstasy, for it was divine. After she took a few more bites and swallowed, she decided to voice her compliments. “My word, this is absolutely fantastic!”

“Aw shucks, do you really think so?” Applejack asked. “Wish Apple Bloom was here to hear you say that, but she’s spending the night at Rarity’s place with Sweetie Belle.” She let out a breath of air. “She always criticizes my cooking, and with absolutely no compliments. I swear, she needs a good whoopin’ from time to time.”

“I’m being honest with you Applejack, you’re a great cook. This dinner is scrumptious.” Octavia backed up her words, and went straight back to eating. Making sure her moans of foodgasmic pleasure could be heard by all.

After Vinyl took a few more bits of her own, she had managed to clear the entire plate of its contents. “So, what was it that you and Applejack talked about today?” She asked Octavia, her curiosity showing through her rose-colored glasses.

“Well, you know how I’ve been lately. I was just curious as to how somepony could truly figure it all out in such a complex and vast world?” She sighed, shaking her head to clear the thoughts that began to infest her once more. “And maybe I added that I’m not so content with the legacy I’d be leaving behind if I were to suddenly disappear off the face of Equestria. As in my meaning in life.”

Vinyl flinched, unsure of how to answer Octavia’s statement proper. She hadn’t seen such a deep, thought provoking topic escape her lips before, and honestly it startled her. With all the years they’ve known each other, it was not to be taken lightly.

“Now listen here, youngling.” Granny Smith decided to speak up. “You may think since I’m old, and wrinkled now, that I hold the answers to everything, but that’s a load of horse apples.”

“Granny!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Well, it’s true.” She replied. “Anyway, I’ll have you know that nopony will ever hold all the answers, and I guarantee that includes the Princesses as well. You just gotta live life as is, and not care for what comes after, or for some higher meaning. You ain’t going to get anywhere with that nonsense.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac added, as he was silent the entire time Octavia and Vinyl were over.

Vinyl turned to Octavia and nodded. “Listen to her, Tavi.” She was so sincere with how she said those words, that Octavia’s heart nearly melted inside of her.

Octavia remained motionless, not sure how to follow up on the information that was presented with her. Nothing of real significance came to mind, so she just decided to speak to the best of her ability. “You know what? I think I now fully understand what makes your family tick.”

“How so?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You lot always stick together, and never worry about all the worldly troubles that could befall anypony. You just take the day as is, and deal with the more immediate issues. Honestly, I really admire that sort of attitude.” She smiled, her upset look from before completely vanishing away. “I think I’ve just acquired a new philosophy I’m going to practice immediately.”

“Glad to know we could help you out, sugarcube.” Applejack tipped her hat. “I’m happy that you are, but I’d be even happier if you finished your darn plate already.” She gave the mare wink, as she laughed to herself.

They finished up eating their dinners, after which Octavia and Vinyl said their goodbyes before heading home.

On the pathway up to their house, Octavia turned to Vinyl and asked, “How would you like to meet an old friend of mine? Or, well, you’ve met before, but it has been quite a long time.”

Vinyl nodded her head. “Who’d you have in mind?”

“Lyra Heartstrings,” Octavia answered.

The name didn’t ring too much of a bell inside Vinyl’s head, but if Octavia was excited, then she would be as well. In fact, she was probably more excited to meet the mare than Octavia, and she was the pony who had an actual idea in what they were getting themselves into.

Vinyl didn’t talk for the rest of the night, though, but the two did go their separate ways as they reached their bedrooms. The air cool, and soundless as they dreamed of wonderful places.