• Published 23rd Oct 2017
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A goddess needs a friend - Crystalbreeze

Sometimes a gigantic purple pony goddess needs a miniature human friend too. Don't think she doesn't!

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So much...maybe too much giant ponies

While Freddy relaxed, the miniature avatar of Twilight stayed next to him. She wasn't as happy earler, as now. She helped Freddy and he expressed his personal feelings to her. He loved her. Really loved her. Twilight didn't feel like a mother before, but now she could cry because a special somebody, who needed her help loved her. And that special somebody also gave her a great idea. Now she could focus on her friends.

She teleported a coll and a quill in front of her face and started writing a letter to her friends:

My dear friends

I write this letter, because I didn't write so many letters to you since some million years. We rarely meet thanks to our job and personaly I'm interested in you. What about you? How do you feel yourself? Did you change? Are you busy right now?
Can we meet in the future? Because I think you're looking forward to seeing me and each other, aren't you? And if you're curious about my own life, then I write all of my experiences down.

I'm looking at the space at 24/7 and stop the disasters, like I always did. It was a bit boring until I found something some days ago, what you must see. It's a tiny creature, who's living in my fur and I became its caretaker. It is so adorable.

This is all. Apart from taking care of a little being, I really need your company. If you've got some free time, then please send me a response about meeting with me and each other.

Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight, the two sisters, Cadence. I hope we'll meet sometime!

Your friend:
Twilight Sparkle

"What are you writing Twilight?" Asked Freddy as he looked at the purple pony.

"A letter to my friends. I hope we'll meet in the future."

"Oh, Okay. Can I go with you to them?"

"Sure. I won't go without you." Said Twilight, while she finished the letter and sent the letter to Princess Celestia, who'll show it to her friends. Freddy just saw that the letter, which floated in Twilight's purple magical shield suddenly disappeared. "Letter sent. Now is your nose hurting still?"

"Not really. I still feel it, but it's bearable." Said the body with a nose, what was covered by some paper tissues.

"Fine. Do you wanna try to breathe?"


Twilight's horn started glowing and the tissues around Freddy's nose started lifting off and moments ago she could see the broken nose. "Try to breathe, Freddy."

Freddy slowly breated. In and out. It wasn't painful. His nose healed under a half an hour. "It's working."

Twilight smiled. "Good to know. Do you have more idea what can we pla--

She couldn't finish her monologue, because once a letter appeared in front of her from the nothing. It landed on the ground and with her magic Twilight made the letter float in front of her. She looked at it.

Dear Twilight

All of us agreed to meet with you and each other. If you look up in the sky, then you can see that Princess Celestia used the time freezing spell, which gives me some free time. Indeed we rarely meet and indeed we need our companies. We are happy to you're enjoying your time and can't wait to see you. Let's meet in your castle in Equestria on Tuesday morning! See you there Twilight!

Your friends

After she read it, she looked up the sky and saw that every planet and star stopped. She became happy and said: "Well, I think we'll meet with them soon."

"With your friends?" Asked Freddy with a smile.


"Yay!" He said happily. "And where will we meet with them?"

"In my castle in Equestria."

"Wow. You've also got a castle? So cool."

"Yes, it is. It's made by crystals."

"I can't wait to see it!"

"Me too. I wasn't there since my last visit. I hope Spike cleaned in, if it became dusty."

"Who is Spike?"

"My sidecick. He is a little purple dragon. Don't worry. You'll meet with all of my friends."

"Is Equestria dangerous to me?" He asked. "Am I tiny for your friends?"

"You are, but until you stay in my fur, you won't hurt by anypony. I'll loom after you." She said with a smile.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. The letter said that we'll go to there on Tuesday morning, which means we have a quarter of an hour to get there."

"Just a quarter of an hour?" Freddy asked curiously.

"Yes. To us the time comes fast, because we are goddesses and we live forever. If the time would go as slow as on Earth, then we'll be so bored."

"Oh, I see. Can we go?"

"Sure. I can't move my whole giant body at this moment, so I need to go out of this tiny avatar."

"But then you can't hug me!" He said with a sad face.

"This is true. However, if you want, then I can do this avatar thing many times."

"Please do!"

"I'll. Now say goodbye to the tiny one and greet the huge one....." She said, while she used her horn to disappear. After she became nothing, freddy looked around.

"Twilight, can you hear me?" He asked.

"Yes Freddy, I can." Said the beautiful voice of Twilight, which came from around the miniature boy. "Now hold on, little one. I need to teleport myself to Equestria and I don't want to lose you."

"Okay." Said Freddy and quickly ran to a hair and hugged it tightly. "I'm ready!"


The purple goddess closed her eyes and focused on the teleportation spell. Her horn started glowing and once she and Freddy in her mane disappeared from space. As she opened her eyes, she saw bright light above her and familiar environment around her. Green grass, some mountains far from her, houses behind her and a huge lilac castle in front of her. It was her castle. before she started walking, she checked out her tiny passenger in her mane. "Freddy? Are you still here?"

"Yes, I am." Said a quiet childish voice. "are we there?"

"Can you see the sky from there? Because if you can, then you can look around where we are."

"I think I can." Said Freddy. After some seconds he said again: "Oh yes. I already see the environment from the top of one of your hairs. It's so colorful and bright. Where are we?"

"This is Ponyville. It's a little town. And this is my castle in front of us."

"It's so great. Will we go into it Twilight?" He asked.

"Of course. But in there there will be many pony. Be polite and friendly and don't be afraid of them. Okay?"


As they finished their little chat, Twilight went to the big golden door and knocked excitedly. Once she heard hoofsteps, which made their way to the door. Seconds later it opened. Twilight and freddy could see a little purple lizard, who was a dragon. I think you know who was that. Yes, Spike. As he looked at Twilight, he quickly hugged her head and said: "Twilight, you're here! Oh, I'm so happy you're here!"

"I'm also happy you're here Spike. I didn't see you since so many years."

"Indeed. Come in please! Did you come alone?"

"No. There's a special thing, who came with me. But it's a surprise." Twilight whispered to Spike.



Freddy suddenly felt that Twilight's whole head started moving. Fortunately he didn't fall off the hair, because he could quickly got it with his two hands and didn't leave it. From his eyes that Spike figure was a bit dangerous, because he was much bigger than him.

Both of them entered into the castle. There was so dark in there. Twilight couldn't see anything. Strange. her castle wasn't as dark as now. But who knows what will happen next?

Seconds later Twilight wanted to ask about the big darkness, when suddenly the lights turned on. Both of Twilight and Freddy surprised. In front of them there were Twilight's friends and the three princesses. The huge purple pony goddess became so happy to see her best friends.

All of them were there. Rainbow Dash, Piknie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence. They were smiling and they looked like so happy. All of them yelled: "Surprise Twilight!"

At that moment some tiny tears made their way out of her eyes. "Girls!" She yelled, while she ran to them, but she didn't run fast, because freddy was in her mane. As she got to them, they hugged each other happily. "I can't believe you're here. I'm so happy now!"

"We ah happy to, Twilight." Said Applejack.

"We were only waiting for this moment, darling." Said Rarity. "We didn't see us since a long time."

"And we were so excited about meeting with each other. was somepony, who was more excited than me? Because I was so excited. Were you excited too?" Said Pinkie Pie fast.

"Huzzah! Yes." Said Princess Luna.

"I hope you didn't started it without me." Twilight said.

"Of course not." Said Celestia.

"We never start anything without our friend." Said Rainbow.

The situation was a bit scary to freddy, who tried his best to hold himself on Twilight. Those gigantic hugs could kill him, if he falls off twilight and land on the ground and hurt himself. Those ponies, who Freddy could see were familiar for him. Those godly ponies with crowns on their head looked like the ponies, who were on the pictures, what Twilight showed to Freddy. And the others were Twilight's best friends. The tiny body was happy to meet with them, but he was a bit afraid of them.

Later, when they finished the hug, they started walking to the maproom to begin the talking. At there they took their seats and Cadence was the first, who talked about her experiences. Her life was filled with magical planets, races and heroes, who saved their worlds.

The next was Pinkie Pie, who talked about her tour around the different planets. She was the bringer of the happiness, so she made every creature happy around her.

Princess Celestia and Luna told them their own things like controlling the forces of the dark space and creating stars.

Applejack had a very easy life, as she told it. She lived in a little moon and if she needed, then she visited some planets, where she became the friend of some primitive races.

Fluttershy's experiences were the cutest of all, what Twilight heard. She created so many creatures and planets, who loved her. Under the millions of years she even made a personal favorite planet to herself, which was a green and blue planet filled with lands and water. The national people of that planet were the little pink and fluffy ponies called Fluffle Puffs, who loved the playing and the hugs. It was incredible, because she brought that with her.

Rainbow Dash as always, was cool. She had so many races with fast meteors and shooting stars. Also she teached so many smart creatures to fly fast.

Rarity always searched for planets, what were full of so expensive and beautiful crystals, diamonds and sparkling stones. She said that she found a lot.

Under the long time, Spike spent so much time in the castle and tried to keep it clean. He was thinking about the girls and Twilight and he missed them so much. He was alone and couldn't wait to see his friends.

The pony before Twilight was Starlight Glimmer, who travelled from planet to planet to teach the magic of friendship. She had so much successes and some fails too, but she didn't mind that.

And finally there was Twilight with freddy in her mane. As Starlight finished her monologue and everypony asked her some questions, she started telling about her experiences. It was true that she already wrote them down, when she wrote that letter to her friends, but she wanted to tell that again.

Her little freddy was excited, because soon Twilight will show him to her friends.

"The final pony: Twilight!" Said Pinkie. "What about you?"

"Let's see.......Under the long time I always looked at the space and saw the so many planets and stars above my head. I saw so many things, like the cosmic dusty clouds, constellations and the bright light of the stars. There was some time, when I needed to stop them, because some planets tried to crush into each other. Sometimes it was so exciting."

"Did any kind of creature visit you?" Asked Fluttershy quietly.

"Some. You know, I met with Wookies, Clingons, Zergs, Vortigaunts and rarely Combines. They were friendly, but I felt so alone with them too."

"We too." Said Rarity. "But now we're happy to be here."

The others nodded and Applejack asked: "Would ya like to go to our farm? Because we can play with some great games there."

"Great idea!" Said Rainbow Dash and walked to Applejack. "I love games."

"Great." Said Twilight and started walking to the door with her friends.

"Oh-oh. This isn't good. She forgot introducing me!" Said Freddy, while he was panicing. Unfortunately Twilight forgot the part, when she introduces her tiny human. As he could see, Twilight stood up from her chair and turned around. He wanted to meet with her friends, so he was thinking with unbelievable speed about admonishing Twilight. But she was gigantic and she was busy at that moment. Once he had a great idea. Under some moments he climbed down to the ground and with his two feet he started jumping and crushing them into Twilight's skin fast. He tried his best to make himself visible for his big pony goddess. While he was jumping, he yelled a bit quietly: "Twilight! You forgot something!"

Some seconds later it looked like it worked.

When she was walking after her friends to the door of the maproom, Twilight felt an itchy feeling from the top of her head. As she wanted to scratch it, then she heard a quiet voice from her name again. "Twilight! You forgot something!"

It was Freddy. Suddenly Twilight remembered that she brought her little boy here too. It was embarrassing to she forgot a very important thing. She quickly realized the moment and whispered to Freddy: "Oh, sorry!"

Now she called out to her friends. "Wait! I forgot something!"

They turned back curiously and Princess Celestia asked: "What is that?"

"That is a little surprise what I wanted to show you."

Pinkie jumped in front of Twilight and said: "A surprise? What is that? What is that?"

The others came back and looked at Twilight, who started her monologue. "This is a very adorable little being, who I need to take care of."

Now Fluttershy came closer and with her big puppy dog eyes she asked: "A pet?"

"No....a son."

All of them suprised and their eyes became bigger.

"Here it goes." Twilight said, while her horn started glowing.

Freddy once felt the purple shield around him. He relieved and looked up. Moments later the shield flew up to the air and as always, Freddy saw the usual things. The infinite woods of hairs and far from him, he could see Twilight's horn. When he was very high before Twilight's godly eyes, he looked around him to see the environment. As he could see from Twilight's mane, they were in the central room of the castle, which was beautiful. Shiny walls, doors and the..........the gigantic ponies around him, who looked at him.

He heard a familiar voice from behind him. "Don't be afraid of them. Wave your hands calmly."

The tiny human looked at the godly goddesses and with a smile he started waving his right hand.

"is this a......human?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"It lookes like one." Said Celestia.

Luna said: "But I thought all of them...

"Luna, please!" Said Twilight. "He is very sensitive. He's just 8 years old."

"Uhh. So it is a he." Said Fluttershy. "he is so tiny, but so cute too.

"Yes, indeed." Twilight answered. "His name is Freddy."

"Beautiful name, darling." Said Rarity with a smile.

"Can you talk?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

Freddy looked at the gigantic blue pegasus pony with rainbow colored name and said with a shy voice: "Y-Yes, I can. Are you Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah, but.....how do you know my name?"

"Twilight told me."

"Oh! Oh! Guess my name! Please!" Said Pinkie happily.

"Pinkie Pie?" Freddy asked.

Pinkie started jumping and said: "Yess! Yess!"

"Nice to meet you Freddy." Said Cadence.

"Nice to meet you too.......Princess Cadence." Said Freddy to the purple princess, who's face blushed.

"So is he yur son, Twi?" Asked Applejack.

"Yes, he is."

"And where did ya find him?"

"In my fur. I wrote it down in the letter."

"Oh yeah. I remember nao. But hao did he get into yor fur?"

"You don't need to know Aj." Said twilight.

"Okay." She said.

"Will you play with us Freddy?" asked Starlight from the microscopic boy.

"Of course." Freddy said. "But I think I'm too small for that."

"Oh you're so smart. But will you go with us?"

With a smile Freddy said: "Sure. Can I go Twilight?"

"Certainly." Twilight answered.

"Can I see him from more closely?" Asked Spike, who tried to look at the tiny boy in Twilight's floating shield.

"Of course." Said Twilight and she took Freddy closer to Spike. He was a bit afraid of the big purple lizard, but he looked like friendly.

"Hi Freddy. Nice to meet you." Said Spike.

"Nice to meet you too Spike. You're so great. Are you a lizard?"

"No-No. Guess what, I'm a baby dragon. A fire-breathing one."

"Wow. You're so cool."

"Did you mean 20% cooler, little human?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah." Freddy answered.

After that the blue goddess winked to Freddy with a smile. The tiny human winked back and became her new friend. This was the begining of a great friendship between so many huge pony goddesses and a miniature human child.