• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 2,899 Views, 28 Comments

A goddess needs a friend - Crystalbreeze

Sometimes a gigantic purple pony goddess needs a miniature human friend too. Don't think she doesn't!

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We really like Freddy, we'll go with you!

Author's Note:

I'M CRYING!!!!!:raritydespair::raritycry::raritycry:OH MY GOD I'M CRYING BECAUSE I'M WRITING SAD THINGS!😢:applecry::fluttercry::raritycry:

"B-But......But how? How could....he disappear?" Asked Fluttershy with a a scared face. She was close to cry out her feelings. And she wasn't the only pony. As Twilight screamed in terror some moments ago, the three princesses and the rest of the mane six became frightened.

"I don't know!" Twilight started crying. "He...He just slept on my nose under the night. He loves sleeping in my fur, b-but now I can't find him! M...Maybe he somehow fell down from my nose and...." The next word made Twilight cry better. "DIED!!"

Then Spike was trying to calm himself and said: "No, no! That couldn't happen." After that, he put his little purple nose onto the floor and started trying to smell the fragnance of a human. But nothing. "And no, I can't smell anything like the fragnance of a human. Freddy isn't here.

As Twilight heard this, she relieved a bit, but still where was Freddy? "Do you think he'll hear my call?"

"Ah hope he will. Give it a try, Twi!" Applejack said.

"Yeah, maybe he just here somewhere, but we can't him, because he is so tiny." Came the words from Rarity's mouth.

"Yupp!" Said Pinkie.


But nothing. Twilight started crying again and she sat on her straw bed. The situation was so sad. Her friends came closer to her and tried to make her happier. "We will find him Twilight." Princess Cadence said.

"Freddy is microscopic, Cadence." Twilight said with a quiet voice. "Where can we start?"

"I don't know." Cadence answered. "Didn't you hear, or nottice something under the night?"

"No. Everything was dark and quiet, but...." Here Twilight stopped her line.

"Yes?" Asked Princess Celestia.

"What is it?" Asked Luna after the question of her sister.

"Once, when I was sleeping, I only saw darkness, you know, like always, but then I noticed a little light, or spark. I didn't know what it could be. About a half a minute later I heard some strange noses, like speaking. It was quiet and unrecognizable. Then came a terrible screaming. I thought it was a nightmare. It was louder and....it sounded like Freddy's voice. Some seconds later the light what I saw before just disappeared. The noises were suddenly over. Then I woke up for a moment, but I couldn't see anything in the dark. You were sleeping in that moment. It was horrible."

"Were those noises really unrecognizable?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Yes. Uhm....wait. Let me remember."

In that moment Twilight closed her eyes and wanted to remember the "nightmare" better. She heard those quiet sounds again. As she concentrated, she noticed one thing. It was truly sounded like someone, who was speaking to someone. Suddenly she could recognise some words, like: ponies, aren't good, cruel beasts, brainwash, murderers." It was horrible. The purple pony goddess concentrated more and more. To her surprise once she could hear more things. Some parts of the speaking and the screaming what came after it. Twilight couldn't believe. Truly it was Freddy. He called her, because she needed help, but she thought it was just a nightmare. But no. Freddy was scared and needed Twilight's intervention. However something really bad happened with him. And what about the speaking? She couldn't believe who said those idiot things. A male human. With time his tonality became louder and he became angry. The screaming came after his momologue.

After that, Twilight realized what happened. She opened her eyes and with an angry face she said: "Not exactly, Fluttershy."

"Okay.....then do you have any idea what could happen?" Fluttershy asked.

"They kidnapped him!" Twilight answered while she became more angry.

Rainbow Dash asked: "Who?"

"The humans."

"But twi, we know the Earth exploded ages ago, because....well, you know." Rainbow answered.

"Yes Dash, I know. King Sombra made it explode. The humans were his enemies, because they had more powerful weapons than him. They were tiny, but powerful."

"Indeed, unfortunately all of them died. They couldn't kidnap Freddy." Said Dash.

"But now I could recognize their speaking. They said that the ponies are beasts and they don't know friendship, because one of them destroyed their home. They thought Freddy was brainwashed by us."

"Really?" Asked Celestia.

"Yes, and when they tried to kidnap him, Freddy tried to call me. He wanted me to help him, but it was too late. What if I won't see him anymore? What if I won't get a chance to tell him how much I love him? Where did they take my son???" Then came another moment when tears came from Twilight's eye.

"Actually, I have an idea." Said Luna.

"WHAT?" Asked Twi.

"It was some weeks ago, when I was looking for black holes in space, I noticed a large spaceship that was floating some lightyears away from me. It was the size of a ping-pong ball and it was grey. Also it was very strange because there was text on it with human letters. And I don't know any alien species who have got this kind of letter style. The text was the name of the spaceship: "Final Ark". This is just an idea, but I think Freddy is there." Princess Luna answered.

"Did it move?" The purple pony asked.

Luna shook her head. "I don't think so. I saw it more times and it didn't go away."

"Can you show me the place where you saw it?"

"Of course, Twilight." Answered Luna.

"Hey, hey. Wait. Didn't you mean: can you show US?" Rainbow asked.

"Indeed." Said Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy in the same time. "Don't miss us!"

Then Spike said: "We really like Freddy, we'll go with you!"

The three princesses looked at Twilight and blinked.

"Okay." Said twilight happily.

"So let's go back to space!" Said Princess Celestia and with her magic suddenly the ponies disappeared from Equestria. As they opened their eyes, they found theirselves in the space. At that time Twilight became happy, confident and angry. She will take her little son back! Nothing will stop her!