• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 2,899 Views, 28 Comments

A goddess needs a friend - Crystalbreeze

Sometimes a gigantic purple pony goddess needs a miniature human friend too. Don't think she doesn't!

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Author's Note:

It took so long, but now I finally finished my longest story!

After the strange man covered my mouth, I couldn't call for help. twilight was sleeping and I was too miniature for yelling as loudly as the gigantic sleeping purple goddess could hear it. So under a moment I found myself in a dark room where that figure took me. He thought I was branwashed, so he took me into a cell. I was just a child, but the humans tried to save me from the ponies. BUT WHY? They aren't beasts, who eat humans. Did they eat any human? Indeed they are more bigger than the Earth, but they are friendly. Nobody understood me. And just because a bad pony destroyed the home of humanity doesn't mean all of them are bad. However the humans were wrong.

I cried continuously. I wanted from twilight to help. But I wasn't able to call her. She was sleeping while those idiots kidnapped me.

Once the door of the room opened after about a half an hour. In the door there was the human, who brought me into the ship. He walked to me and made me stand up, because I still cried on the floor.

"We arrived." He said. "You'll get a nice room in the psychiatry. There you can forget those giant murderer ponies!"

"NO!" I yelled while the tears came out from my eyes. "I don't wanna forget them!"

"BUT YOU WILL! Why can't you understand they just brainwashed you? Be happy they didn't try to kill, or eat you!" Yelled the human and squeezed my hand. It hurt so much.

Then he took me out of the UFO. We weren't in Twilight's fur. We were in a huge mothership. The little UFO was in a big hangar and after we walked out, the man and I walked through so many corridors, hangars and met so many humans. They were tall and some of them had brown, caramel and white colored skin. I've never seen these kind of skin colors before. In the end the grey dressed man took me in another room, but it was white colored and it had a window. There was night in it. As I looked at it from closer, I saw that we are in space. There was so many bright stars that were floating in the dark.

Some minutes after I looked through the window, I started looking around in the white room. The only things which were in it were a bed, a little table and a wardrobe.

"This will be your room. The doctor will be here in five minutes. He will talk with you about your memories and he'll cure and enlighten you. After that, you'll get dinner."

"You won't brainwash me! The ponies are my FRIENDS!"

"We'll see it, boy!" Said the grey dressed man with an angry face and closed the door behind himself.

I stayed alone and started looking through the window again. I was sad and worried. "I hope Twilight will save me!" I thought. I hoped she'll wake up and notice I was disappeared under the night.

Soon the doctor came. He was a tall human with white skin, medical dress. He was wearing an identification card. This was written on it:

Dr. Eric Steinman

He walked to me and sat on the bed. "Hello Freddy!"

I was surprised: "How do you know my name?"

"I know, because we searched for you for about one month."

"When will you bring me back?" I asked angrily.

"Excuse me, what? We'll never bring you back there. We may not risk it in order for trouble to happen to you. You are already sick."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are. You think ponies are good, but let me tell you the sad truth: they aren't!"

"One of them is my mother!" I said while I became more angry.

"This is just what you think. They can't be as good as us. They just somehow made you think this! With their idiot spells."

"You're wrong."

"Nope! We needed to bring you here. They are dangerous because of their size. One of them could easily have step on you. So fortunately you won't see them anymore. Nopony will hurt you anymore."




The doctor started laughing loudly. "You are soooo ridiculous! Do you think they'll come here and save you? These are just dreams, Freddy!"

"They just somehow made you think this!" I striked back.

Dr. Eric Steinman stood up and went out of the room. Next to the door there was his assistant. As he walked to him, he said: "He really needs a doctor. Fortunately, I've seen many of these patients. He will soon forget his wrong memories about the giant ponies, if it's up to me."

His assistant blinked and walked away. Dr. Steinman started thinking about the cure that he'll make for Freddy. The little child know the humans will try many things to make him normal. But he'll never condemn his best gigantic pony goddess friends, because there isn't any reason to do it. After the doctor left, Freddy walked to his bed and lied on it.

Between so many beautiful planets and stars, in the deep areas of the dark space the giant team of inconceivable ponies floated, the mane six, Spike, and the four princesses, the goddesses of the whole universe, except the purple dragon baby. Once when Twilight woke up after the party at Apple family's farm, she noticed Freddy was mysteriously disappeared. She wasvery sad and wanted to know where did he go, or what happened with him. Thanks to Princess Luna, the team was going to the mothership of the humans.

Finally Luna stopped them and with her hoof she pointed at a tiny grey ball far from the ponies. It was the base of humanity. As their planet destroyed by King Sombra, they started living in a giant ship which looked like the Death Star from Star Wars, but not exactly.

"There!" The night goddess said. "There is the mothership! It didn't move away."

"Twi. Do you think those humans kidnapped Freddy?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight blinked. "Yes. In my nightmare I heard a human voice that was arguing with Freddy. The owner of the voice kidnapped him. It was a human."

"Okay." Said Celestia. "Then let's take a look at it from closer."

"But how could we come closer to it, if we are too gigantic to them?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I'll use my magic to shrink us down to their size." Celestia answered.

"Wait, can Ah have a question, Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Why didn't you made Freddy grow, when he wanted to drink the cider out of the glass?"

Twilight answered: "Because the magic doesn't work on humans."

"Oh, Ah see nao." The orange cowboy pony said.

"Let's do it!" Said Princess Celestia and her horn suddenly started glowing.

Then with a flash of light the giant ponies and Spike started shrinking down to the size of a human. As it finished, they felt themselves oddly. Non of them were this miniature. They looked around and saw that many things were bigger than before. In this size the team continued floating throught space to the mothership.

In the end they were very close to the base. From a human's size it looked like huge. In front ot the grey sphere shaped ship they stopped again. Then for a little time Twilight made her friends invisible.

As it happened, the purple pony goddess wanted to be sure about Freddy is in there. She closed her eyes and started meditating. She concentrated at her cute tiny son and once an incredible thing happened. She found herself out of her physical body. after that, she flew around the giant spaceship with the speed of light and as she found the enterance, she flew in under a moment and started flying through it. She saw many humans and kids, but she didn't see freddy......YET. While she flew around, she started feeling something strange. As she moved through the corridors, the unusual feeling became more powerful. She knew where is Freddy. If she'll found the source of the feeling, she'll find her son. finally Twilight stopped in front of a white door. Suddenly she understood what was that strange thing that she felt. It was the sadness and worry of Twilight's little Freddy. He was very sad and worried. He was afraid of the place where he was and also he missed Twilight.

Fortunately at that moment Twilight was a ghost. She was able to go through the walls and closed doors, so she flew through that one too. And bingo. She recognized him. Then she suddenly woke up and opened her eyes. She found the worried boy. "Freddy is here! Let's go inside!" Twilight said.

The others blinked and soon they entered in the mothership.

In there nobody could see them, because they were invisible. However some humans noticed that they heard some kind of hoofsteps. Fortunately the ponies rarely made noises. Under about twenty minutes they came closer and closer to the room, where Freddy was.

However before they could walk to the white door, suddenly they became visible. In the beginning the people around them started looking at them with a curious face. And once their face became filled with fear and anger. They started screaming and yelling.


Seconds later the police came. They took out their weapons and started shooting at the cartoony figures. Twilight quickly jumped in front of her friends and with her horn she made a sphere shaped shield around her and the other ponies.

"You will not hold us back!" The purple princess yelled and once she made the shield as a bomb. The people who were around them fainted under a moment for a while. The way was clear. The other humans who the ponies met with became fainted too, thanks to Twilight's spells.

And finally they came to the door of the room where Freddy was. Twilight knocked in and said: "My dear, are here? Please answer!"

Then she heard that the person who was inside started walking to the door as fast as it could. "Yes Twilight, I'm here."

At that moment the purple pony became as happy as she never was before. Her horn started glowing again and once a purple field appeared around the door. She concentrated as she could and in the end, the door went out of its place. Then she threw it away and ran into the room. As she ran in front of Freddy, who was her size, she hugged him tightly. She was so so so so happy. The view of her little son cheered her up. Both of them started crying. But they weren't sad, their tears were the mark of their happyness. Both of them were worried, and now they saw each other again.

"Oh, Freddy.....I'm so happy to see you! Did they hurt you?"

"Yes, they tried to brainwash me. They think ponies are bad."

"They are stupid, my dear."

"I know. I'm so happy to see you too......mommy!"

After that, Freddy started crying harder.

"Poor little human. There's nothing to worry about. We'll go back to Equestria and leave this place."

"Okay." Said Freddy happily.


Both of them turned back. There were police officers behind them, who catched Twilight's friends. They took pistols in front of their chest. It was clear that they will kill the equestrian ponies, if Twilight won't leave Freddy there and go back to their world with the other cartoony characters without him.

However Twilight was Freddy's mother. She loved him so much she won't go back to Equestria without him. She became more and more angry. Finally she had enough courage to threat the officers:

"Let them go, you evil beasts, or I'll kill all of you! If you won't, then I'll grow up to my original size and kill you! I'll count to three. If you won't let them go under that time, you'll die!........ONE..........TWO.........THREE!"

When she said three, then the officers became terrified.

"Wait!" Freddy said.

"What's that?" Asked curiously Twilight.

"There must be a more peaceful solution! Please don't kill them!"

The purple pony princess surprised. "But they tried to brainwash you."

"Yes, but please don't kill them! They are humans as I am. Mommy, please let them live!" The little child asked.

"There is a more peaceful solution indeed." Said Cadence. "We can just send them into another dimension."

"Great!" Said Twilight and under a moment she teleported Freddy and her friends into space.

But she needed to make a purple shield around freddy, because a human can't breathe in space. When they went out of the mothership, Princess Celestia quickly used her magic to make Twilight and the others grow up. It happened. Once they felt that their body starts groing. Soon they became more bigger than the ship. And with her tiny son in her fur, Twilight looked at the miniature grey sphere. Her horn became brighter and brighter, as always and she used the teleporting spell to make the humanity disappear with their base.

And as it disappeared, they went back to Equestria. Under this little adventure the relationship between mother and her son became stronger than before. Everypony was very happy in Ponyville, because now the princess of friendship and her best friends finally brought the miniature Freddy home.