• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 2,899 Views, 28 Comments

A goddess needs a friend - Crystalbreeze

Sometimes a gigantic purple pony goddess needs a miniature human friend too. Don't think she doesn't!

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Additional chapter: The end of the Earth

Author's Note:

This additional chapter will show you how did the gigantic sized King Sombra destroy the tiny planet Earth. (This is just a fictional story, the 3rd world war absolutely won't happen like this!)

It happened in the future. When the Earth and the humanity started being more wise and careful. In that time when the oil and the natural gas dried out, and a big part of the means of transport couldn't have energy to go forward, humanity started using the renewable energy sources all around the planet. They made spaceships to explore the universe and tried to not destroy the Earth. Under the time, while the scientists and the astronauts were in space, with a bumch of satelites they made a sphere shaped shield around the planet on which unfortunately came the 3rd world war.

It started with the cooperation of Russia and the Persian Gulf States. Also they kept the connection with Iran and Iraq. Together they were the Zloy Al'yans, or in english: the Evil Alliance. They started targeting some countries and threw them with super powerful bombs. After that, they quickly occupied them and made the native people slaves. The Evil Alliance's plan was take over the power of Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and finally the USA.

However it never happened, because under the war, the scientists, who were in space, suddenly captured a signal. Actually it was a terrifiing noise that sounded like the roar of an angry lion, or bear. But it was very loud and distorted. Some days after the capture of the noise, the National Space Station once made a photo which was shocking. It was about the space. Everything on it was dark, except the shiny stars. But there was something more scary on it. Two huge evil green eyes with red iris and some kind of lilac colored smoke cam out of them. Those eyes were looking at the photograph, while it made the photo.

Soon came another sign. A sound recording. The people, who heard it, recognized a horrible voice. It said: "You brainless little lice! Your life means nothing! I will destroy all of you easily and nothing will be here after your kind died! You are not worthy enough to be my servants! However your weapons are interesting. If you'll make me an absolutely powerful one, then you'll deserve to be my servants. If you won't, then I'll destroy your insignificant world. Now you're asking: Who am I? I'm your worst nightmare, but call me King Sombra. You get a half a year."

Everyone thought it was joke, or fake. But with time there came more and more evidence to prove that it was true. Different photos and sound recordings. It turned out that the owner of the scary voice is a god. But not exactly that god which the humans thought. It was a pony. A grey colored unicorn. However the most frightening thing about KIng Sombra was his size. He was bigger than the Jupiter.

So about a week later the space scientists warned the humans on Earth, who didn't belive the story about a gigantic evil pony god. They thought those people in space became crazy. At that time, when this case happened, the picture manipulating programs were really advanced. Everyone could make a picture like that in Photoshop. Unfortunately it wasn't fake. It was the sad truth.

Under six months the 3rd world war ended, Vladimir Putin killed himself and the Evil Alliance became nothing thanks to the USA's and the European Union's military, and also humanity forgot the fairy tale which the scientists told them. That giant pony was a fake, nobody wants to destroy the Earth and the humans doesn't need to make a powerful weapon to a ridiculous fictional character. This was the state until that "ridiculous fictional character" finally showed himself.

It was a usual day in the summer of 2026 when a strange thing appeared on the sky. At first it was a dark outline of something. Soon however every human on Earth could see a huge sized beast. It was grey and it looked like a horse. It had sharp teeth and a red horn. His face was ugly and he was evil.

"Disgusting planet with many disgusting creatures. Now your destiny came here. You will die, if you won't give me a weapon that is as effective as it can destroy an entire planet. You had a half a year."

Then the whole world's military started attacking King Sombra. Indeed they were scared, but also they were confident. If it was up to them, nopony will kill humanity. Under a moment, thousands of rockets flew up to space with incredible speed and with laesers the different countries attacked on the massive beast. All of it found the target. Even from the National Space Station came some bombs too. The most effective weapon of humanity was the atom bomb, so they took tons of atom bombs into their rockets.

And King Sombra totally felt everything. The rockets flew into him and the bombs exploded on his skin. Also the laesers started burning him. He surprised for a moment. He thought that these little insignificant creatures can't build these kind of powerful weapons. In the end he felt a hurting feeling. His skin was burning and the rockets hit him continuously. For a second he felt himself weak. But then he became more furious.

"Oh, do you wanna figh? Then let's fight!" He yelled and started hitting the planet Earth with his hooves. Fortunately there was a shield around it and he couldn't destroy it. Then he had an idea. His red horn was sharp and infected too. He quickly tried to needle the shield with his horn. It didn't work, but he saw that it started cracking. He tried once again and it was finally a success. Suddenly the shield disappeared and Earth became weak.

Then King Sombra used his horn again. But now he wanted to needle the entire planet. His gigantic horn came closer and closer to the Earth and in the end it hit Egypt. After that, he took his horn out and looked at the huge hole around the desert. After that, suddenly he saw lava coming out of the hole and the ground which was breaking apart. There came the tsunnamies and earthquakes. He heard so many screams and saw millions of humans, who were running from the lava. The evil pony god started laughing:

"HA HA HA HA HA HA......Did you REALLY think you can defeat me? ALL YOU KNOW IS THIS?.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

In the end when he finished laughing, he looked at the dying platen and said: "It's time to die!"

At that moment he hit the planet with his gigantic hoof. It exloded under no time. Every human, who was there, died. Except those, who were living in the National Space Station. Fortunately King Sombra couldn't see that, because it was too small and after he left, the little spaceship started living it's own life with 4160 people, who were in it. Soon the astronaut engineers and builders redesigned it and under some years the sphere shaped mothership, the U.S.S. Ark was born. After the Earth died, humanity started everything all over again. Uncountable years later, when a miniature ship entered in Equestria and took a little child called Freddy away from a huge purple pony, about five and a half million human was living in the mothership.

Comments ( 9 )

Uhm...what? Did I write something wrong?

No i said nice job ending the story:twilightsmile:

Oh, okay then. :twilightsmile: I just thought I had another mistake in the script. And thank you.

The spelling kinda hurts to read but still an interesting story.

Comment posted by Crystalbreeze deleted Jan 20th, 2020

Why did Humans have to be banished to another dimension???
Other that that, loved it.

Well, this was so long ago but as I remember King Sombra easily destroyed Earth but before that happened humanity sort of invented this dimension-jump-like technology and with that they escaped to the farthest dimension from the cruel giant ponies. I wrote this years ago when I was so young I was about to finish middle school.

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