• Published 1st Nov 2017
  • 2,641 Views, 124 Comments

DJ Valkyri-3 - Dark0592

Vinyl scratch was just a DJ and Nightclub owner, she wasn't ready for all of this.

  • ...

Prologue: Wild night out

Everyone knows the moniker of DJ Pon-3, how could they not? Pinkie Pie may hold the title as the number one party animal, but then again the DJ isn’t much of a party mare. She does shows sometimes and DJs for events yeah, but where she really shines are her gigs at nightclubs- and especially the ‘Night Owl’ club in lower Canterlot. She actually owns that one and has regular shows.

The Unicorn’s life changed when a particular group of mares entered her nightclub on free friday, though she wouldn’t realize it until much later. Her mix table was set to a particular playlist so she decided she’d go and have a chat with the Elements of Harmony. She even told the bartender to put their tabs on her for the first round.

“Yo, Scratch! I was wondering where you were!” Rainbow Dash yelled out over the music when the Unicorn finally plopped down at their tables with a drink of her own in her light cyan magic.

“What up!” Vinyl replied, raising her glass. Dash, and most of the others, raised their drinks in their own magic/hooves/wings.

“I was wondering why Dash specifically wanted us to come to this club.” Twilight said, taking a sip of her drink after the cheers. The young Alicorn was drinking applejack daniels, as was the similarly named farm mare. Dash and Pinkie were drinking a Black and White russian respectively. Rarity had a scotch of all things and Fluttershy even was drinking hard iced tea. Vinyl herself was drinking a mixed drink of fireball whiskey and spiced apple cider to combat the cold of winter outside. At least that’s what she would say.

“What’s the occasion?” The DJ started. “You guys don’t normally drop by nightclubs, even to drink. I hear the Princesses keep a gnarly stash up in the palace.” She grinned.

“I officially resigned from my position as a Princess of Equestria, too much drama and too much time away from home.” Twilight replied, the music dying down a bit to some of the softer wind-down tracks so they no longer had to yell. Vinyl leaned out of her seat and, seeing that the wind-down was well received, she changed the playlist up a bit from there with her magic to keep it going rather than transitioning back into the heavy techno and bass rhythm.

“That doesn’t sound like a reason to celebrate.” Vinyl hummed as she sipped her drink.

“We’re not celebrating that, silly! We’re celebrating getting our best friend back!” Pinkie practically yelled. Vinyl shrugged.

“Fair enough. So what, decided to come to a club and get trashed before heading back to Ponyville?” The DJ asked. The group nodded.

“Not exactly trashed mind you, well at least not all of us…” Applejack started, nudging Dash with a foreleg as the pegasus was already on her second drink. The Speedster grinned. “... but we haven’t had the chance to sit down and have a drink as a group in ages.” The country mare continued, sipping her family’s signature alcoholic drink.

“I also thought we might get someone to catch Twilight’s eye.” Dash said, the Alicorn next to her swatted her face with a wing playfully.

“No, YOU want someone to catch my eye. Playing matchmaker doesn’t work too well when everyone’s too intimidated by your social status to even say hello.” The Alicorn said with a bit of a playful smile. The comment was offhand, but Vinyl caught the emotion behind it.

“Oh I see, another reason you gave up the crown huh? Well then, Twilight, your drinks are on me tonight. The mosh pit’s dying down and the rest of the night is wind down, so get shitfaced and find some lucky colt and make the first move.” The DJ said, downing the half of her drink that was left before hopping over to the bar to get it refilled before turning to her mix tables.

She left it on the wind down playlist, but she wasn’t idle. She was tweaking and mixing things so that they still had enough energy for the remaining clubbers to still be able to populate the dance floor, but it wasn’t the wild dubstep or heavy techno like previously. Besides, her own drinks were starting to get to her.

Within two hours there weren’t many ponies left in the club. There was Vinyl, who was at the bar now since the bartender had called it a night, Dash and Pinkie had passed out at their table, Rarity and Fluttershy had gone home, Applejack was trying to rouse her drunk friends to get them home, a few other ponies either getting ready to leave or rousing their drunk friends, and lastly Twilight. She had apparently taken Vinyl’s advice to heart as she had ordered many more drinks after their talk. While she wasn’t nearly as shitfaced as Vinyl was hoping she’d get, it was still more than enough to remove the inhibitions she was feeling.

She was the only one on the dance floor. If anyone remembered the night well enough to tell a reporter it would probably be on the news as ‘ex princess in a drunken stupor on the dance floor!’ or something like that. Vinyl knew the alicorn was notorious for being a terrible dancer, but in her intoxicated state she was dancing rather elegantly to the remixed orchestral piece that was currently playing.

She would expertly use her wings to balance or propel a twirl, her tail and forelegs for balance, and just seemed like she should be in a ballroom. At least until the remix kicked in. Fluently, she transitioned from a twirl into an almost erratic dance that barely maintained the old rhythm. It was like her movements themselves were tied to the remix. Vinyl hadn’t realized that she had gone out and joined the Alicorn in the dance, or that they were now the only conscious ponies left in the place. Their movements were synchronized, almost perfectly, despite their significant levels of intoxication.

The music finally crescendoed and fell silent, and the two had stopped perfectly in time. While they hadn’t been specifically dancing with each other, the way they ended had them both on their hind legs, twisted slightly around each other. One of Twilight’s wings were stabilizing the DJ while the other one was helping her keep the both of them balanced. Their horns weren’t touching, but they were close enough for the ambient magic around them to give them a hint of feedback. Normally Vinyl would have shrunken back from the sheer power that Twilight’s horn was pinging her own with, but in their intoxicated state it was rather soothing.

“You know, Vinyl, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you without those shades of yours on. Your eyes are really pretty.” Twilight suddenly said. Vinyl didn’t feel the blush, but she still grinned. The movement caused their horns to touch, causing both to shudder. Horns touching wasn’t exactly an uncommon thing among unicorns, especially ones who drank far too much. This was different, though. Normally it was like a warm embrace, except with magical energies. This was something else entirely that neither of them could properly describe.

Vinyl didn’t know why she did it, but she leaned forward and kissed Twilight. She almost immediately pulled back wondering what the actual hell she was doing, but Twilight’s expression almost made her laugh. She had that almost cross-eyed look, her lips frozen half-puckered in shock as she tried to process what just happened. After a second or two they they turned to a lopsided grin. Twilight’s drink floated over, she downed it in one go, and then she kissed Vinyl back. Now it was Vinyl’s turn to be surprised.

“And you’ve got a purdy face.” Vinyl said in a somewhat teasing tone. Neither kiss was particularly long or passionate, but it was certainly not just sloppily sucking on each other’s faces in an intoxicated stupor. Twilight snorted and laughed as they fell back down to their hooves and she leaned into the DJ.

“Mind if I crash with you tonight? I hadn’t meant to get this drunk, and I’d rather not go back to the palace and wake everyone up stumbling through the halls.” Twilight asked, though her tone was fluctuating and her words ever so slightly slurred. That last drink put her over the line from drunk to wasted. She definitely wouldn’t trust the mare to get home alone, even if she was an Alicorn.

“Sure thing, new best friend. Hopefully I remember where that is.” Vinyl snorted. Twilight rolled her eyes but was probably starting to regret that last drink as she couldn’t stand on her hooves properly without swaying. Vinyl didn’t mind supporting the larger mare, however. The cold winter air caused both of them to shiver slightly before, even in their drunken state, they instinctively channeled a bit of magic to keep themselves warm. Vinyl was stunned as she realized someone was waiting outside for them. Twilight didn’t notice until she spoke, though.

“Ah, I was beginning to grow worried she had drank far too much to return home.” The familiar, at least to Twilight, Alicorn of the Night said.

“Princess Luna? What’re you doing outside of my club at four in the morning?” Vinyl asked, though immediately kicked herself internally for talking to a Princess like that. If there was any offense, Luna took in in stride though as she looked the two of them over.

“Merely checking up on young Twilight. She hadn’t returned, I asked one of the elements and they told me where she was. Judging by most of their states I had feared she was left alone in there.” The Princess said. Twilight finally spoke.

“I miiiight have. You don’t gotta worry ‘bout me though, Scratchy here is a very adequate host.” The Alicorn giggled with half-lidded eyes. Luna couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Far more drink than you intended I assume, Twilight? It seems like you had fun at least, a rare occurrence outside of the libraries.” The Princess mused. Twilight let out a combination of a giggle and a hum before leaning heavily into Vinyl again. Vinyl was now supporting most of the larger mare’s weight as the ex-princess nuzzled into her neck. Luna raised an eyebrow.

“It seems she’s unable to return on her own. I can take her off of your hooves if you’d like.” Luna offered with a warm smile. Vinyl looked at the mare, seeing that she was so far gone at this point it would take a miracle to get her anywhere. She remembered their kiss, though, and smiled.

“Nah, I’ll take care of it Princess. She can crash at my place, she asked since she didn’t want to wake everyone at the palace up. Much shorter of a walk too. If you don’t think you can trust me then I’d understand, but Dash and Pinkie are good friends of mine. They can vouch for me if you can wake them up.” The DJ replied. Luna raised a hoof.

“I can see you are trustworthy enough for now, I bid you good morning and good luck then Vinyl Scratch. I will understand if she is late returning tomorrow, but please have her back by night.” She said, almost like a mother sending their daughter off to prom. Vinyl was about to say something witty back, but Luna winked and took to the sky again. She stood there for a moment before Twilight mumbled incoherently and almost knocked her over as she leaned further onto the unicorn.

“Damn Twi, I’d say that flank of yours was too heavy if the rest of you wasn’t that big.” Vinyl groaned. She tried to nudge Twilight to her feet a few times before nudging her face with her own. Twilight didn’t open her eyes or do anything more than mumble incoherently again, but she at least began supporting her own weight again, so Vinyl guided her along. Vinyl’s apartment wasn’t that far away, the three flights of stairs were a problem though. She got plenty of stares by the time she finally got into her door. With a flick of magic she locked her door up again and tossed the now fully unconscious mare into her bed. She yelped as she was dragged down with her, but didn’t complain as she was wrapped in forelegs and wings. She smiled as she let herself fall asleep wrapped up in Twilight, it was the comfiest she’d been in a long time.

Author's Note:

so this just farted out into words before work today. Who knows if it'll go anywhere. And it's not humanized for once.