• Published 1st Nov 2017
  • 2,642 Views, 124 Comments

DJ Valkyri-3 - Dark0592

Vinyl scratch was just a DJ and Nightclub owner, she wasn't ready for all of this.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Twilight woke up first and smiled happily at the Mare cuddled up to her. She expected the stupid grin she always had on her face as she slept, but her smile quickly turned into a frown of concern. Vinyl’s expression was scrunched, almost like she was in pain.

“Vinyl? Vinyl wake up, are you having a nightmare?” She asked, gently shaking the mare. She even resorted to touching their horns together to actively resonate, which usually made the mare wake right up. Not even a flinch, and the resonation felt odd. It was muted, but the power behind it was much greater. She gasped in horror and noticed that Vinyl’s arcane pool was almost completely empty so she opened up her trickle to a large flow. It only slowly started filling up again, whatever was happening was consuming far more energy than before.

“What…” She started to say as she started up a scanning spell. She was almost blinded by the energy that used to be the magic tumors having an overwhelming light it almost hurt to look at it. She quickly cut it off and switched to her eyes to scan the mare. She was taller again, much taller. Nearly a foot more, and she froze when she looked at the mare’s back. The spots where the rumors first formed, right around her shoulders, had little white nubs sticking out of them. She recoiled slightly as they shifted. They were growing. Realization dawned on her then.

Four times in Celestia’s memory, Vinyl’s height increasing, their resonance becoming more powerful. Vinyl was now as large as she was, and those little white nubs. Those somewhat grotesque things that were growing were growing into wing frames. Vinyl was becoming an Alicorn.

WHAT?!” half of Ponyville probably heard in the early morning. She hyperventilated for a few seconds before calming down. This was… this was ok. This was not ok, but she told herself it was ok. No, it definitely wasn’t ok. But it WOULD be ok. Yes, that did the tricks. She huddled down to let insanity take her for a few minutes, reveling in the fact that things were going to be ok AFTER she had a little nervous breakdown. A knock on her door finally roused her from her sorry state.

“Twilight? Was that you who yelled so loudly? What happened, did Vinyl said she was seeing someone else behind your… back?” Spike started calling through the door, but was stunned into silence as Twilight opened it and the wing frames, that were now extending about a foot from Vinyl’s backs, were slowly breaking off into the wing spines.

“What?!” The little dragon yelped, though not nearly as loud.

“I know, that’s what I said!” Twilight replied, deciding that now was the time it was supposed to be ok. Or at least telling herself that and refusing to be dissuaded again by herself. Spike recognized the signs of one of her breakdowns so he gulped and trotted in to hop up on the bed to look closely.

“Twi, is she…?” He started. Twilight nodded.

“Turning into an Alicorn. Yes, at least I hope she is. Any other result and I think I might actually go insane.” She said, her tone betraying her screaming thoughts.

“Does-” Spike started.

“Yes, Celestia knows. Judging by her cryptic wording and knowledge of it all, I think she knew exactly what was happening and wanted me to figure it out on my own.” She cut him off, slowly calming down.

“Well, what is she the Alicorn of? The Princesses are the sun and the moon, Cadence is love, and you’re magic. What is Vinyl?” Spike asked. Twilight didn’t actually have an answer to that.

“Well… I don’t know, that’s a good question. I need to ask Celestia, or we’ll just have to figure it out on our own if I know her. And I know her. I wonder why the transformation is so slow though… Especially the wings part…” She replied, trailing off as she saw the bones forming fully. The horn started growing next, matching Twilight’s horn’s length. When the sinew and muscle started crawling out of her back Spike immediately turned around and hopped off of the bed.

“That’s CREEPY!” He exclaimed. Twilight was fascinated by it. She thought and focused much harder, trying to feel out everything that was happening with both her physical and magical senses. Then she remembered how Vinyl’s pool of magic was relatively small, at least compared to the other Alicorns and advanced unicorns like her brother. It hit her, then.

“Wait! It’s because she doesn’t have nearly enough energy to fuel the transformation in one quick go like mine! My reserves increased significantly after my transformation, though, and Celestia once told me that it increases exponentially as you go. What if Celestia and Luna, and even Cadence went through what Vinyl is going through right now and I’m the special case?” She pieced together. Spike had turned back around now, his curiosity getting the better of him. Now that she figured that out, she let it take on her reserves in full, unregulated. She gasped as it sapped almost all of it, but it was still plenty. For normal activity.

With an almost cliche sound of feathers unfurling, the wings immediately formed and sprouted magnificent white feathers. Vinyl’s coloration wasn’t nearly as pristine as Celestia’s, the DJ was a pale white compared to Celestia’s marbled white, but Twilight couldn’t help but admire how the new appendages looked.

“God damn girl, I didn’t drink last night did I?” Vinyl’s raspy voice asked. She seemed confused when she finally opened her eyes to look at them. Twilight just shook her head, a hint of concern on her face. “What? Did that tumor thing do someth-...” She started, but froze completely as she made to stretch and felt herself being propped up by something. That something was clearly part of her, though, as she felt the sheets and her weight on them. She put a hoof to the bed and turned to look at what it was and caught a flash of white as the wings followed her back. That caused her to start freaking out before Twilight grabbed her face in her hooves and looked her dead in the eyes.

“Vinyl, I need to you calm down… If you start freaking out then I’m going to start freaking out, again, and then neither of us will be functional ponies for hours.” She said a little shakily. Vinyl just slowly nodded. Twilight let go and reeled back a bit. She fanned her wings out and put them forward, as if to look at them. Vinyl very slowly followed her lead, seeing the action being done helping her brain unconsciously work the alien appendages. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she saw pretty white feathers. Her pretty white feathers. She tentatively poked at them with her hooves and was startled when a tiny prick of pain went through her other wing. She looked to see a white feather in Twilight’s mouth, it was bent and broken.

“All that shaking around messed up some of your feathers.” She started around the feather before playfully blowing it into Vinyl’s face. “They need to be bent back into shape or plucked if they're too weak or it’ll affect your lift generation and stability.” She continued. Vinyl didn’t know how to react, so she just let Twilight work on that wing. Carefully, she looked at her other wing. She did notice a few things. How was she supposed to know if the feathers were too weak? She’d never taken care of wings before!

It was far easier than she imagined. She didn’t have much of a problem getting used to things, it was like her body already knew what it was doing. She even figured out how to fold them and move them around a bit, even enough to lift things. By the time noon rolled in, however, they realized there was a BIG problem.

“Wait, what does this mean for Equestria? I am NOT being a princess, YOU didn’t even want to be a princess.” Vinyl said, her anxiety returning. Twilight took a deep breath at that, careful not to trigger her own.

“I had told Celestia about it, and she said to wait here. That was two hours ago, so the best thing we can do is wait. Spike should be back any minute now with the girls.” The lavender alicorn replied, though her tone didn’t exactly do Vinyl any favors. They sat in silence for about two minutes before Vinyl groaned.

“Twi, I don’t know if you went through the same thing but right now I REALLY want to try and fly. It’s like, an itch that I can’t scratch.” The DJ practically whined. Twilight smiled and nuzzled closer to the mare in her grip.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get to that. I just don’t want to freak out the town until we’re ready to deal with it. I don’t know about you, but if I get bombarded with a million questions about it I think I might actually explode. Probably take a few blocks with me too.” Twilight retorted. Vinyl thought she was joking at first, but the tone was very serious and she wasn’t smiling. Yikes. Spike opening the door and the voices of the other elements were enough to distract them for now, though as they both stood and turned to the group. The overwhelming response was just awe. The only one who wasn’t standing there in complete shock and awe was Pinkie, who was bouncing higher and higher.

“OH MY GOSH WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE THIS!” She exclaimed loudly, snapping the others out of it.

“Hang on there sugarcube, first we need to know WHAT this is that we’re celebrating.” Applejack said, turning to Pinkie for a second.

“I wanna know what the hell’s going on too, guys. Princess Celestia knows something about it, though, so we’re waiting for her to reply.” Vinyl said. As if on que, a familiar pristine white head poked through the door.

“Actually, I thought it best to come personally. This is a momentous occasion afterall.” The Diarch said casually, startling most of them. All gazes went to her as she stepped in and closed the door, leaving her guard outside to dissuade anyone asking about the Princess showing up for now.

“Princess, what happened to me?” Vinyl finally broke the silence that formed. Celestia smiled.

“You know what happened, what you want to know is Why though.” The Princess replied. They all nodded at that. The Princess trotted over to the large couch and casually plopped down on it, letting her wings rest after the swift flight. Twilight immediately sat down at her side, and Vinyl behind her with a bit of hesitation. Celestia motioned for them all to sit when they still stood and she even levitated the various chairs and beanbags over in a semicircle in front of the couch.

“When you two resonated for the first time, it sparked what was already within the both of you for a long time. I don’t know exactly why this potential was within you, Vinyl, without carefully examining every facet of your life and every memory you have. That’s something the two of you will have to figure out on your own. My guess would be your personality and your magical prowess reacted positively with Twilight’s signature, since all ponies technically have the potential within them. It’s so rare for it to come out in full, though, instead blossoming as something else entirely.

“Your Brother, for example, had a similar potential a long time ago. Cadence brought it out of him, though rather than ascending it manifested in his incredible prowess with shielding magic and protecting others in general. All of you have actually awakened your potentials, some of you before we even met. Rainbow Dash is fiercely loyal, and that Sonic Rainboom isn’t something even I could replicate. Applejack, you can reap a full harvest even in the worst of conditions and the land cares for you as you do it. Fluttershy, the ability to commune with animals and nature itself is not an ability very known outside of druids and dryads, and your ability to quell the fury of even the mighty dragon with your kindness is unparalleled. Pinkie Pie could make Nightmare Moon herself laugh if she wanted to, and Rarity’s ability to make anything beautiful, especially others. These are your special talents, yes, but they are so much more than that.” Celestia explained.

“Wait, you’re saying our special talents and our cutie marks are tied to this… potential? Then why did I get mine and not suddenly turn into an Alicorn?” Vinyl asked. Celestia smiled, Vinyl wasn’t just stunned into silence like the rest of them.

“The same reason Twilight didn’t. The two of you were able to coerce even more of your potential out. Alicorns ascend due to their link with something truly incredible. They become an Avatar of what it is they represent. Twilight is an avatar of magic as Luna and I are the moon and the sun. Cadence is an avatar of love. I can’t know for certain, but I believe that you piggybacked off of Twilight’s link to magic due to your prowess, but your true power lies in your music.” The Princess continued. They were all silent for a while.

“Waaaait wait wait…” Vinyl started, being the only one to break the silence again. “I can’t be the alicorn of music. I don’t even like a lot of music.” The new alicorn said, confused.

“No… Vinyl, I think she has a point… When you’re on the stage, you have this power over everyone. Sometimes when you’re not even behind the table. You read the room, set the volume perfectly, form a playlist on the spot, and even mix it live to what the crowd needs. That dance on that first night, I was just feeling the music and letting it do what it wanted me to do… Celestia knows I can’t dance…” Twilight said, though the last remark brought a little giggle from the Princess in question. It amused her when her name was used in reverence like that right in front of her, as much as she disliked the practice.

“So it may not be music itself, probably your delivery of it… or something. Only you’ll be able to figure that out.” The Princess added. Vinyl just groaned. “Anyways, I have quite a few announcements to make. I’d prepare yourselves for a lot of publicity and press. I’ll speak to the mayor here and address the issue on my own, I won’t bother you. Just be sure to be back in Canterlot after hearth’s warming eve for your coronation.” She continued, the last part a bit mischievously. Twilight rolled her eyes, but her expression softened as she saw Vinyl’s look of horror.

“Don’t worry Vinyl, that part was a joke.” She assured her partner. Vinyl didn’t looked convinced until Celestia giggled and stood.

“The Coronation part, I’d like you to give a public address and express your desire to not become a princess since the masses still overwhelmingly believe that all alicorns should be princesses. Take as much time for yourselves as you can before then, though. You’ve both earned a hefty vacation and I daresay things will be hectic for a while.” The Princess said as she turned towards the door and opened it.

“In the meantime, I’m not returning to Canterlot until I have at least one of your incredible cakes Pinkie Pie.” She said with a little smirk, looking back at the mares assembled in the room. It was like it was Pinkie’s birthday.

“OF COURSE PRINCESS BYE TWILIGHT BYE VINYL I’LL SEE YOU LATER I HAVE A HUNGRY PRINCESS TO FEED!” Pinkie practically screamed in glee as she shot out of the door past the princess.

“And I sure as hay can’t let ya leave without a fresh basket of our finest apples.” Applejack said, quickly hugging Twilight and patting Vinyl on the shoulder goodbye before trotting off as well.

“Heavens, I need to get some of these ideas down before I faint! Vinyl Darling you absolutely MUST stop by later to give me new measurements, do you like ballroom dresses or do you prefer the club culture styles? Wait, I know the answer to that one of course.” Rarity said, hugging both of them before heading for the door.

“If there’s a new alicorn in town, Princess of otherwise, there HAS to be a Wonderbolts event to celebrate it. I’ll see what I can do with my squad!” Dash said, giving them a salute and zooming out of the library in a chromatic streak.

“Oh! Um… I… I don’t know what I can do for you… um…” Fluttershy stuttered and seemed almost guilty.

“Fluttershy, dear, why don’t you come with me? I’ve been meaning to order a floral arrangement from you for some time now, to go right next to my throne.” Celestia said ,still standing at the door. Vinyl seemed confused.

“Order a Floral Arrangement? I didn’t know you did that kind of stuff, Flutters.” She asked. Fluttershy perked up at the suggestion and smiled at the two, quickly hugging them.

“It’s not a business or anything, but one time Princess Luna asked me if I could throw something together for her once and now I do custom floral arrangements for friends or some nobles that pay me much too much…” The shy pegasus explained, even seeming guilty at the idea of accepting pay for it. “I um… I should go now, I’ll see you two later!” She quickly said and left as well.

“Princess, thank you.” Twilight finally said when the only ponies in the room were the three and Spike.

“Whatever for, Twilight?” The Princess replied with a smile. Twilight smiled and was already at her side to hug her mentor.

“Oh, just everything… For coming here to help explain things, letting me resign my crown, sending me to ponyville in the first place…” She said, sniffling slightly. Celestia’s expression softened even further as she hugged her student back.

“I can’t pretend I always know what’s best for you, Twilight, but I certainly do my damnedest.” She said, earning a snort from Vinyl.

“You know, until like two weeks ago I never thought I’d ever be important enough to make friends with an alicorn, or even really talk to one. Even Twilight seemed like she was out of reach even though we had mutual friends. Now, though, I know I’m nowhere near your equal… but I feel like I don’t have to grovel at your hooves.” Vinyl explained, stepping up. Celestia waved a dismissive hoof to her.

“Please, we’ve always been equals outside of my duties. Nobody ever seems to remember that. For now, though, I’d be happy to call you my friend. Or, judging by your tactics with Twilight, I’d be happy to have a few drinks to earn that spot.” The princess replied, the last part a little teasingly. Twilight flushed up but Vinyl laughed.

“Hell yeah! If I’m supposed to be the avatar or music or whatever, then I gotta start planning renovations on my club. Maybe I’ll buy out the places around it and make it a huge building, with like three stories! Either way, your drinks are always on me Princess. If you ever wanna swing by disguised again I’ll give my bartenders a code word or something.” Vinyl exclaimed, looking deep in thought for a bit until finishing with a grin at the princess. Celestia couldn’t help but grin at the thought of free drinks.

“Princess, isn’t Fluttershy waiting for you?” Twilight asked, her cheeks a little flushed from the teasing. Celestia just giggled and let Twilight go. She turned to where Fluttershy was trying to look like she was chatting with the guards and not listening, and squeaked when the princess turned.

“I suppose you’re right, Twilight. I’m proud of you, both of you.” She said and finally left the library. The door softly clicked closed and they just stared at it for a while.

“So please tell me you got a stash in here, because if I don’t get something hard in me right now I think I might lose my shit.” Vinyl broke the silence, eliciting a giggle from Twilight. She was startled as she felt Twilight bite her ear again and turned quickly.

“Ow! Hey girl, you know what that’d st… start… oh… OHHHHHHH HELL YEAH.” Vinyl started and had a shit eating grin as she saw Twilight’s expression. There was a bottle of applejack daniels in her magical grasp and Twilight was giving her the most obvious bedroom eyes she’d ever seen.

Needless to say, Spike suddenly decided it was at about that time he’d go and ask Rarity if he could spend the night.

Author's Note:

Chapters are getting a little shorter, or spread out between multiple days. This train is slowing down, but it won't stop until it's at the station.
Hope you all enjoy!