• Published 1st Nov 2017
  • 2,638 Views, 124 Comments

DJ Valkyri-3 - Dark0592

Vinyl scratch was just a DJ and Nightclub owner, she wasn't ready for all of this.

  • ...

Intermission 1:

“So, burn the camera and never talk about this again?” Twilight offered as the video recording finished.

“Agreed.” The other three alicorns replied in unison. They were back at the Philharmonic estate and were reviewing the previous night’s antics. The only reason they weren’t all a wreck was because Vinyl made sure to bring her anti hangover seltzers. Luna shook her head and grumbled something about weird dreams while Celestia just giggled.

“Well, I admit I had a feeling something like that was going to happen… I think it’s safe to say it wasn’t an intentional outcome.” The elder princess said. Vinyl never thought she’d hear embarrassment from Princess Celestia, but here it is.

“Is it wrong that I wish I could remember it at least?” Twilight eeped, earning a fierce snicker from Vinyl.

“I remember it all, you can watch it later if you want. I for one think it was the second best night of my life.” The newest alicorn said happily. The other three gave her looks with varying amounts of amusement.

“Yeah well you didn’t just spend the night with your elder sister and someone who’s like your younger sister.” Luna grumbled.

“Well, we aren’t technically blood sisters, but I share that particular sentiment. Except Twilight is like my daughter at this point.” Celestia added. Twilight just sank further into her chair. Vinyl caught on to it.

“It was still a great night, though, right? Even if you can’t remember all of it, still felt like a good night? No regrets?” She asked. Luna’s grimace finally broke into a soft smile at that before returning as she paced the room.

“Of course not. We knew what we were getting into.” The princess of the night said with an almost amused tone.

“And it’s not like this is the first time something like this has happened. Maybe not for many years, but still.” Celestia chuckled. Luna shot her a look that Vinyl couldn’t read.

“Alright, what part of never talk about this again don’t you guys understand?” Twilight groaned. Celestia and Vinyl shared amused expressions.

“You two are perfect for each other…” Luna snarked at the two. Vinyl just gave her standard shit eating grin while Celestia just giggled and wrapped a wing around Vinyl on one side and the other around Luna on the other.

“I don’t know, you seemed pretty into it last night.” The elder princess snarked back. Twilight stood up then, three separate books floating up to each of them and three separate thuds as they were knocked on the head with the thick tomes.

Never. Talk about. Again.” Twilight said sternly, like a teaching scolding a troublemaker. Vinyl was holding her head with puppy eyes, Luna just seemed amused, Celestia actually burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry Twilight, it’s been so long since I’ve had the chance to go have fun… even if it has left things slightly uncomfortable. Give it a few years, you’ll think back on it fondly. We should be heading back to Canterlot anyways. Where are the two of you heading?” The princess asked.

“Well I need to head back to Canterlot to take care of some business. Literally. I think Twi was heading back to Ponyville?” Vinyl replied, giving Twilight a questioning look.

“Don’t remind me… I wish we could just always have to go to the same place. My train leaves in an hour so I should actually get ready.” Twilight grumbled.

“I’ll go and get our own arrangements settled, care to join us in a royal carriage miss Vinyl?” Celestia said as she stood, moving to follow Twilight out.

“I don’t see why not. It’ll be cool to chat anyways.” Vinyl said as she made to follow. She was surprised by Luna putting a hoof on her shoulder, stopping her, and closing the door behind her sister.

“You are something else, Vinyl Scratch.” She said, almost incredulously. Vinyl gave her a questioning look. “You’ve intertwined yourself with Twilight entirely, in such a short time. I’ve known her long enough to know that is one miracle. The next miracle is that Celestia finds it so easy to shed her composure around you, not to mention last night. Even I find myself able to speak with you now so easily. And the third miracle is that you really are an Alicorn, truly, just like Twilight. Just like Celestia and I. Just like Cadence.

“But, unlike us, you haven’t been instilled with a sense of duty that the ascension has always come with. You were not groomed for ascension, or even nobility. You were, and I believe still are, just a normal pony who was in the right place at the right time. And I respect that immensely, because you do what you feel is right. Not once has the thought of taking power for yourself come up, I can tell. You don’t want a kingdom, you don’t even want a title. Even Twilight takes pride in her social status when it doesn’t harm her, she loves that she is so close to us and is widely recognized as the one to go to for magical knowledge.” Luna explained. Vinyl was almost stunned to silence, almost.

“Hold up there, girl. Don’t get all sappy on me. Even though I’m an alicorn now, I’m just Vinyl Scratch. I admit that I’m loving the fact that I can be casual with the princesses of equestria and all that, but I’m here both for and because of Twilight. I’m not like you lot, like you said I have no grand intentions. My goal has always been to spread music and cool tunes across the world, that hasn’t changed. Now I guess it’s more than a business model though…” The young alicorn said. Luna smiled at that, and even gave Vinyl a quick nuzzle. That shocked Vinyl, Luna wasn’t even known for displays of affection with her sister. At least in public. Even after last night, though, being this close to the princess was… strange.

“Well, I may be wrong, but I think I’ve figured out what you embody. It might be dreadfully cliche, but you might just be the alicorn of friendship. Which would make sense considering what your other half is. Friendship is magic after all.” The princess of the night said. Vinyl snorted.

“Friendship? Naw, bringing people together is just a bonus on top of spreading the music.” The newest alicorn retorted, though her tone seemed unsure.

“Well, we’ll never truly know for sure. Well, not for a while. Cadence figured it out eventually, though I suppose not everyone has such blatantly obvious concepts to embody as the rest of us.” Luna said as she stepped to the door. “Regardless, I’m glad you entered our lives. You’ve given not only Twilight a new happiness, but even ‘Tia and I find ourselves looking forward to meeting with you.” The princess continued. She stopped just at the door as Vinyl fell into step with her and they looked at each other.

“Yeah, I’m sure as hell enjoying being friends with you guys. Before you go, though, something I’ve been meaning to say for a while. That whole Nightmare Moon thing was because you thought everyone shunned the night right?” Vinyl started.

“I… well… That was a big part of it yes, but I know that isn’t the case.” Luna said, a little confused by the sudden change in topic. Vinyl nodded, though she was getting better at reading Luna at least. Old wounds still hurt, and there was definitely a little bit of spite for how everyone slept during the night still there. Spite probably wasn’t the word for it, though. It wasn’t nearly that intense. Vinyl just smiled and draped a wing over Luna’s shoulder.

“Well Luna, if you ever feel otherwise just stop by my club. Whether I’m there or not, drinks will always be on me. And you’ll see just how many people love the night. It’s called the ‘Night Owl’ for a reason, I sometimes go days without sleeping to enjoy the night. Hell, that’s probably why Twi and I work so well. We’re both complete insomniacs it doesn’t bother the other. I think I’m rambling now, so back to the point. Plenty of people love you, Luna. Even if it doesn’t seem like it. I sure as hell do, like the big sister I never had. Not like an actual sister though, otherwise last night wouldn’t have been so awesome, but you get the idea.” Vinyl explained. Luna kinda stared at her for a moment before chuckling softly and leaning into the feathered embrace.

“Vinyl… I’ve heard things like that from so many people… but, for some reason, you’re the only one that’s made me truly believe it.” The princess said softly. Vinyl grinned as she pulled the door open with her magic.

“Hey, we’re all one big family now that sometimes gets drunk and has wild nights together. We’ve gotta look out for each other.” The DJ replied before ridiculously kissing Luna on the cheek, patted the side of her head with a hoof, squeezed the princess one last time, and trotted off. Luna just snorted, having recovered most of her composure, and trotted off after her sister.

“Tia, I think I know what to do with her.” The princess said to herself as she walked off.

Author's Note:

So I'm losing some steam, I think I'll wrap this up in the next two chapters. I don't know when that'll be, this time of year is chaos for retail work, but I will finish this story before it dies. That's my promise to you guys who've been following it.