• Published 1st Nov 2017
  • 2,642 Views, 124 Comments

DJ Valkyri-3 - Dark0592

Vinyl scratch was just a DJ and Nightclub owner, she wasn't ready for all of this.

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Chapter 10: The beginning of the end

“So… remind me again why we’re going all the way out to the griffonlands?” Vinyl asked, clearly bored out of her mind, in the flying chariot pulled by four royal guards.

“Because the princesses asked us to come help with the negotiations. I may not be a princess anymore, and you aren’t one either, but the Griffons apparently don’t see that as any reason to exclude us and have demanded our presence. The only reason Cadence is off the hook is because she has her own empire to run.” Twilight grumbled in reply, also bored.

“We’re almost there, get ready for descent!” One of the guards pulling the carriage called back. The alicorns sat up and kept themselves steady as in another minute they swooped down and landed in a courtyard. They stepped out to see the strange architecture of the griffons. The land was rocky and full of caves, though there were plenty of buildings that looked like they were built into the trees. The carriage was currently touched down in the middle of the city, Celestia and Luna were waiting there for them as were dozens of Griffons.

“Thank you for coming, our presence is needed in the council tower.” Celestia said with a smile. Vinyl knew that smile, something shenanigans-y was going to happen. Twilight was too professional to notice as they walked. Vinyl shared a glance with Luna, who also had a similar smirk on her face.

“So, I didn’t know there were negotiations going on with the Griffons. I mean, I don’t really keep up with politics or anything, but aren’t we already total allies?” Vinyl asked.

“Occasionally things pop up, even among allies. In this case, the Griffons are a strong people that value strength over words. Usually at least. They always love a good show, and apparently Equestria hasn’t had one for them yet.” Celestia explained, her smirk widening. Vinyl couldn’t help but give her signature grin at that.

“What kind of show? I hope it isn’t a show of combat…” Twilight grumbled. Vinyl snorted, she totally didn’t get it. Vinyl shared smirks with the princesses, oh yeah this was going to be great. Vinyl could already tell what was going on.

There was almost nobody in the streets, and those who were out and about were usually heading towards their destination. The massive council tower of the Griffon Capital could house the entire city at full capacity, and it wasn’t too far off from that capacity as they entered. At the head of the room, on a massive podium, lounged a dozen Griffons with different tribal markings and plumage. The one in the middle, one with black feathers and red markings, stood as they entered.

“So, the four alicorns of Equestria have finally decided to put on a show for us. Let’s see if this is a waste of time or not.” He said, clicking his Talons in a snap as the tarp over the massive center of the hollow spire was unfurled. A small stage was dropped in, speakers were quickly arranged around the spire, and a very familiar set of mix tables and audio engineering equipment was placed into the center. Banners unfurled, revealing Vinyl’s new advertisement. It was still her usual simplistic outline with her mane colors and shades accentuated,but now they were joined by brilliant wings made of what looked like energy pouring out of the speakers.

“Aw hell yeah! DJ Valkyri-3 makes her debut!” Vinyl exclaimed, a flash of her horn finishing the setup. The lighting was muted, a lightshow accompanying the now rumbling speakers as they pumped a simple track. Vinyl was already at the table working her magic and before long the entire spire was cheering and dancing. Griffons could party!

“What… What about the negotiations…” Twilight asked, surprised, earning a laugh from the two princesses.

“Oh those came and went, they were allowed trade permits with our port cities to trade for fish and they’ve granted us a defended trail through most of the country for trade. Black Talon himself heard of our latest ascension and wanted to meet both of you, and when he heard of her status as a performer he practically demanded we prepare a show to celebrate the trade. Sorry for the deception, but your reaction was totally worth it.” Celestia replied, ending with a giggle and bumping Twilight. The lavender alicorn just snorted and flew into the fray, meeting her partner in the middle and joining in the dancing.

“I hope you get around to talking to Vinyl about it soon, lest she grow suspicious. Her next show has already been confirmed in Draconis, and she doesn’t even know about it.” Luna said to her sister as they watched the light shows and the dancing griffons.

“Oh don’t worry about that, it was your idea though. Maybe I should make you do it.” Celestia snorted.

“Me? I’m terrible with breaking news to people. What am I supposed to say? ‘I know you don’t want any royal responsibilities or anything but we’re sending you to all of our allies to put on shows as a show of peace and friendship’? You’re much better with wording things Tia.” Luna replied. Celestia rolled her eyes.

“Oh come now, I think that’s the perfect amount of blunt for her. If I try to dance around it then she’ll probably think we’re using her.” The older princess retorted.

“But we are using her. Well, making use of her talents. She brings joy wherever she goes, with ehr music, I suppose if you really want me to do it I will. It can’t be too hard to explain we just want to make everyone happy.” Luna said. “If you need me, I’ll be around the refreshments area. I may not have acquired the taste for meat as you have, but Griffon Liquor is almost as good as dragon.” She said, her wings unfurling as she glided over to the massive table full of various bottles and pitchers. Celestia just shook her head and smiled to her other side as a ruffling of black feathers proceeded the arrival of Black Talon at her side.

“That one has great power, I’ve never seen my people so caught up in festivities. Especially that of foreigners.” The dark griffon said with a smile, a kebab of roasted chunks of meat and vegetables in a talon.

“You should see what happens when you put her in a room with the element of Laughter. Last time that happened the party lasted for a week straight. Manehattan was never the same.” Celestia mused.

“I’ve heard wind that she’s supposed to go around all of the other races, even those less friendly to us, and put on shows. What are you playing at, Celestia?” The griffon asked with a smirk. Celestia just gave him an even smile back.

“I’m playing at a game of peace. There is no war, at least open war, but many races do not see us as allies yet. The Changelings especially, but even the Zebras are wary of us and vice versa. I simply want the lands united in peace, where offending a political leader would lead to a scolding match instead of a war. I want to see members of every race in my cities, and my people in theirs, happily living and visiting together. We’ve even started open talks with the Timberwolves in the Everfree so that zap apple season isn’t so dangerous.” Celestia explained.

“For one as old as you, it still baffles me how ready you are to vie for peace. It is commendable, but the longer there is peace the more warriors grow restless and generals grow bored. Our people are too reliant on each other to spark open war, but I know there are small tribes that still eat ponies.” Talon said. Celestia nodded and, when he offered the kebob, happily munched on a roasted pepper.

“And, as the past has shown, we are more than capable of defending ourselves. And our allies. I despise pulling the whole ‘I control the sun’ card, but it works when a show of power is necessary. I want peace because I am sick of fighting. I’m not sick of fighting because we’re bad at it, rather the other way around. My people are tough to keep down, and we’ve faced incredible foes recently. I just want a year or two where nothing dangerous happens. Hopefully decades, but I know my luck.” Celestia replied fluidly. The last part came out sourly, though, and Talon laughed.

“I suppose you are right. With your new Alicorns to make peace, though, I think you may actually succeed in at least a couple years of peace. I’d say you’ve gone soft, but then again my great grandfather never let our family forget just how strong you ponies really are. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go join your sister before she gets all the good stuff.” The griffon finally said after a few moments of silence. Celestia nodded to him respectfully and he glided down to the refreshments table to chat with Luna.

Celestia looked back at Vinyl and Twilight and smiled as they danced an entirely new dance, stumbling every now and then, but still achieving the desired effect. The room couldn’t have been more happy.

Author's Note:

So there were a lot of things that I wanted to do with this story, and I only got to about half of them, but then again this was just a little short idea that came from a picture. This ending may be disappointing to a lot of you, I know it kinda was to me, but anything different and it'd just never end. I've been trying to come up with how I wanted to do this for two weeks now and finally I just sat down and wrote. it's not perfect, but it's an ending. I may come back to it later, but for now this is it. Hope you all enjoyed!

Comments ( 21 )

Thank you for another great story line.

“I’m playing at a game of peace. There is no war, at least open war, but many races do not see us as allies yet. The Changelings especially, but even the Zebras are wary of us and vice versa. I simply want the lands united in peace, where offending a political leader would lead to a scolding match instead of a war. I want to see members of every race in my cities, and my people in theirs, happily living and visiting together. We’ve even started open talks with the Timberwolves in the Everfree so that zap apple season isn’t so dangerous.” Celestia explained.

I'm sorry, what was that last one Celestia? Open talks with the TIMBERWOLVES?! I'm gonna need some background on Timberwolf culture and society, if you are gonna just drop that in the final chapter. And I can guarantee I won't be the only one who wants it in story form.

it's been dabbled in with older stories, but I do need to work with that. We Rise will definitely hit on it

There's nothing stopping you from making a few short spin-off stories in this world...

I love this I would love if you came back to this with a couple chapters of WAFF

She brings joy wherever she goes, with ehr music

Aw, there's a typo. I guess it finally caught up; this one was mostly free of them.

Now I want to remember what utterly crazy story I was reading where that actually happened. From what I recall, I am pretty sure Pinkie set up some kind of party at a club, and it created the party equivalent of a black hole. No one was able to observe what actually happened inside, it pulled in both princesses (who made sly expressions at most of the town for some time afterward! :rainbowhuh:), and managed to shut down the country for a week as increasing numbers of important personnel and departments ended up inside. I think it's somewhere in my list of favorites, but I don't remember where or what it was called.

I've seriously followed this story the whole way through and I must say I'm impressed. I'm normally not a fan of one-off crackships but you did an incredible job of making me invested in this story. Especially at the point where Vinyls new role began to spring up.

Happy to hear it! It's not actually the first time I've done Twinyl, but it's the first one that's completed and not humanized. After some playing around, and especially with this one, I fell in love with the ship. Though to be fair, it's fun to ship Vinyl with literally anyone.

I can sorta see why. Characters like Vinyl are in the same boat as Luna and Rainbow Dash. They have this certain appeal that seems to draw them to just about anyone. Though personally, I'll always be an Octascratch fan myself. However, that doesn't mean I won't give other ships a chance. I learned that lesson a long time ago.

I never got around to finish my story about that duo, though I reference it a lot because I also love it, but Vinyl- or at least my personification of her since she really doesn't have much to go on anyways- is just so much fun to write period.

If you need more to work from I suggest checking out more fan content revolving around her. The fandom has this specific ability to fill in gaps left by the series. Like Vinyl's voice or Trixie's last name.

Oh I have more than enough headcannon for her for complete characterization. Seeker has her as a main character, though that one's a little out there. I develop full characterizations for characters right away, to the point where I barely even remember these characters from the show - even the main 6- and it's actually a lot more fun to write that way. Mould their personalities and change them through experience and setting/events.

Fun little story you got here, and in a very nice time frame as well, even if it did finish about a year ago.

it's still one of my favorites to write to date. Vinyl is just fun to write period.

Will this ever have a sequel?

I didn't plan on it. I thought about it early on but as it was getting close to the end I realized there's only so much SoL I can do until it goes on infinite hiatus, and a more exciting genre wouldn't fit

Hmm, why not little bits of life after this story?

With this one I feel that all that needs to be said has been said. And they lived happily ever after, what happens then is up to the reader. Maybe one day I'll come back for little bits, but I have such a large list of things I need to work on first already.

I imagined, just do your thing at your pace

Glad I finally got around to finishing this story. A little rough around the edges, but it's got heart. Cheers!

Glad you enjoyed it!

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