• Published 16th Jan 2018
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Scootaloo's Accidental Harem - Mister Phoenix

Ponyville school brings in a dragon (Emerald), a Changeling (Yarrow) and a Griffon (Gabby) to see if ponies and other creatures can learn and live together. To bad for Scootaloo since it seems like everyone is falling in love with her.

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Chapter Four; Farming For Apples

It been a few days since Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo became filly friends, which made Sweetie Belle break apart from Scootaloo. The orange pegasus tried her best to get her best friend to start talking to her again, but with no luck. Scootaloo watched her first friend and best friend walking away from her, Scootaloo cries fell on deaf ears, trying one last thing to try and get Sweetie Belle back to her normal self.

“Together forever-" Scootaloo started, making Sweetie Belle pause to look at the pegasus who was grinning.

Scootaloo had a hopeful smile on her face, Sweetie Belle just stayed silent shaking her head sideways. Scootaloo couldn’t find any words, watching her best friend watching away. Scootaloo's expression turned sour, yelling out towards the white coated unicorn filly. Scootaloo bowed her head, ignoring Diamond Tiara's words, her friends watched Scootaloo leave the school grounds.

"I'll deal with Sweetie Belle, Diamond you handle Scoots, she needs you more than ya may know." Apple Bloom told the pink earth pony filly.

"Right then." Diamond Tiara said, nodding her head.

Diamond Tiara followed Scootaloo who was sitting under the shade of a large oak tree, the orange pegasus filly had her head hanging in sorrow. Diamond sat next to her filly friend, pulling Scootaloo into a nice warm hug. Scootaloo lay her head onto the pink earth pony with the tiara cutie mark shoulder.

"I just don't understand. What did I do?" Scootaloo asked, Diamond looked at her filly friend.

"You really don't know.... Well, have you and Sweetie Belle been having tough times?" Diamond Tiara asked, Scootaloo let out a sigh.

"That's not the problem. We always have a tough time, but we stick together, because I'm her best friend and she didn't even care about our friendship!" Scootaloo spoke, her voice began to raise in volume.

Diamond Tiara stops to let Scootaloo calm down, the pegasus was overflowing with anger. It like if some pony broke her scooter, maybe something even worse. Diamond had no idea what was so important about Sweetie Belle that made Scootaloo show anger, the orange pegasus filly is a lot of things, but being mad to her friends isn't one of them.

Scootaloo began to bang her head against the tree trunk. Causing the leaves to fall off the branches, Scootaloo waved her hooves around to shoo away all the leaves that were going to fall on her. Diamond Tiara watched letting out a quiet giggle at Scootaloo, the pink filly knew that Scootaloo is next to nothing without Sweetie Belle, it just hurt Diamond to watch them together, playing, laughing at each other jokes.

"Scoots," Diamond let out, Scootaloo looked over to her filly friend.

"Yeah, Di?" Scootaloo asked, scratching her mane.

"What is so special about what you said you Sweetie Belle?" Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo looked hurt more than not getting her cutie mark after all those time of trying.

"It's a long story. It doesn't mean anything now, since Sweetie Belle doesn't seem to care." Scootaloo spoke, Diamond Tiara looked confused.

The pink earth pony filly wanted more than what Scootaloo had just told her, Diamond Tiara took deep breaths trying to calm herself down. The last thing she wanted is to return to her old ways and in front of her new filly friend. Diamond had no idea what Scootaloo would think of her, if she would return to making fun of Blank Flanks.

It was something that Diamond Tiara wasn't proud of and is still fighting that inner bully that lay inside her. Scootaloo lay her head back onto Diamond's shoulder, the pink filly ran her hoof down Scootaloo's coat. The orange pegasus smiled at Diamond Tiara's touch, the pink filly thought that she heard Scootaloo let out a 'purr' Diamond couldn't help but laugh at how cute Scootaloo would look if she was a cat.

"I still want to know more about that stupid 'Together forever' thing." Diamond Tiara spoke, Scootaloo broke away from Diamond.

"Never say that again! It not STUPID!" Scootaloo yelled out slamming her hoof against the ground, Diamond Tiara lean back in shock.

Scootaloo never yells, well Diamond never seen it before. She heard from Yarrow that Scootaloo doesn't yell even at home, after seeing that Emerald took all the hot water from the shower, or that Yarrow ate the rest of Scootaloo's favourite breakfast cereal. Scootaloo quickly calm down, Scootaloo looked at Diamond Tiara.

"Sorry about that. I shouldn't had yelled at you,” Scootaloo sat back down. “I understand if you wouldn’t like after that, I thought I had it under control.”

Diamond Tiara moved closer to her filly friend, pulling her into a hug. Diamond gave Scootaloo a kiss on the pegasus right cheek, Scootaloo gave a smile towards her filly friend. The two stayed holding each other, Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo lost track of the time, while the pair sat under the shade of the oak tree.

Scootaloo soon gave Diamond a small kiss on her forehead, bidding a goodbye to the pink earth pony filly. Scootaloo trotted down the street, knowing that her aunts are going to destroy her for skipping school. There are only a few rules in that house, plus Aunt Holiday just wanted the best for the orange pegasus filly, wanting her to soar to heights while Scootaloo just wanted to soar next to Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo crash on her bed, the door to her room slowly open. The pegasus filly looked to see Gabby slowly entering Scootaloo's room, the orange pegasus filly gave the griffin a friendly smile. Gabby returned Scootaloo's smile, while the female griffin lay next to Scootaloo. The griffin and pegasus was sharing the room tonight, Yarrow and Emerald muttered something out about the two of them being the worst roommates ever.

"Are you alright Scoots?" Gabby asked, Scootaloo let out a sigh.

"Yeah, well I feel alright... I believe I lost my best friend and the worst part is I don't know if I want her back as my best friend." Scootaloo spoke, Gabby looked confused towards the pegasus.

"Do you like Sweetie Belle... More than a friend?" Gabby question.

The female griffin already didn't like the fact that Scootaloo started dating Diamond Tiara, Gabby didn't know much about the pink filly wearing the silver tiara, she only knew the rumours around the playground with Diamond Tiara was the school bully. Gabby didn't judge the pink earth about what Diamond did and judge on what Diamond was going to do, but the main problem was that Diamond Tiara took Scootaloo away from the female griffin.

"I don't know. Sweetie Belle is my best friend, I used to have a small crush on her. I just didn't act on it since I don't think Sweetie likes me that way." Scootaloo spoke, Gabby looked away giving off a deadpan stare off to the wall covered with Wonderbolts posters.

"It just I don't know how I feel anymore, I like Diamond, but there's Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon and well you. I don't like picking favourites, but there's no other choice." Scootaloo spoke, jumping off the bed to run down the stairs.

Gabby lay watching the ceiling, her cheeks heat up in bright red blush. She just lay thinking about Scootaloo's words, the young female griffin is trying her best to hold down her excitement, soon just letting her mind wander to thoughts of her and Scootaloo, Gabby would hold the pegasus close to her fur covered body.

"Scootaloo like me.... Scootaloo like me!" Gabby spoke, her voice was filled with excitement, while she tried her best to keep her voice down.

"If she didn't ask Diamond out, would I be the one Scootaloo choose just because she couldn't have the one she wanted?" Gabby asked herself.

The weekend couldn't have come sooner and where's Scootaloo, right next to a joyful white scale dragoness while the pair walk down to Twilight's Castle to return a book. Scootaloo mentally hit herself over and over, this was one of the punishments that her aunts are forcing the orange pegasus to be put through since she didn't go to school yesterday. Since Emerald and Scootaloo had gotten to know each other.

The white scale dragoness gotten a little less shy around the orange filly and Gabby. The only one Emerald would call a friend is Yarrow, which Scootaloo highly doubts the female Changeling feels the same way for the young dragoness. Even Emerald's reading has been getting better, she can't understand any large words, but she can easily read the black board and most of a book, it only matters on the size.

"Do you think he'll be there?" Emerald said, her ocean blue colour eyes sparkle with excitement.

Scootaloo let out a dry chuckle, knowing the only reason why Emerald decide to tag along with her was to meet with Spike. It took more than ten minutes to get the dragoness out the door, Emerald had some strong claws for her age, ripping through the wooden walls and it being near to impossible to get her out.

Yarrow was little to no help, she just explains that Changelings can't change into creatures they never seen before and since the orange and black female Changeling hadn't seen the new Dragon Lord. She stayed on the couch with a cup of juice in her hoof, when they finally got Emerald out the door she walked next to Scootaloo.

"What if he doesn't like me.... He was a Dragon Lord, for only a matter of seconds, but a Dragon Lord no less!" Emerald cried out, Scootaloo slapped Emerald's cheek.

"Thank you." The dragoness let out, Scootaloo chuckled

"Emerald don't worry. Spike's a cool guy, he's not on the same awesomeness level as Rainbow Dash but who is?" Scootaloo question, Emerald put her claws on her hips giving Scootaloo a glare who soon let out a chuckle.

"He has his moments. Just be yourself and I'm sure he will like you, heck you and him might become friends." Scootaloo spoke, Emerald smiled at Scootaloo.

"You think so?" Emerald asked

"I know so, heck maybe you and him might be something more. You are the closest female dragon to his age after all." Scootaloo said, hitting Emerald's side.

The orange pegasus looked to see that Emerald wasn't moving, she was frozen. Scootaloo waved her left front hoof in front of the white scale dragoness eyes hoping to get some sort of reaction out of her. Scootaloo poke the young dragoness, before giving off a light kick. Nothing, Emerald did nothing.

"Oh, shoot. I think I broke her!"

Scootaloo dragged Emerald over to the park bench, there was marks left on the ground the orange pegasus threw the frozen dragoness on the bench. Scootaloo was out of breath, wanting to fall asleep on the hard ground. She looked at Emerald, Scootaloo started poking the dragoness to try and get her to move.

"You're much heavy than you look." Scootaloo spoke, rolling her eyes.

"Umm... Dragon Lord Ember just over there." Scootaloo lied, pointing off in a random direction.

Scootaloo is close on just leaving the white scale dragoness, 'No friend left behind' rang through her head. Scootaloo let out a loud moan, her purple colour eyes caught the site of the town's local dragon, Scootaloo wave her front right hoof in the air to try to get his attention.

Spike looked over Scootaloo waving, he shook his head, the orange pegasus gave off a nervous smile. Spike just had a confused look on his face seeing a young dragoness frozen while she lay on the park bench. The young male dragon put his claws on his hips, Scootaloo still had a nervous smile on her face.

"Scootaloo." Spike spoke, Scootaloo just let out a 'Hmm'

"Do you mind telling me why there's a frozen dragoness laying on the park bench?" Spike asked, Scootaloo let out a small chuckle.

"Well about that... You see that's a real funny story." Scootaloo spoke, giving off a fake grin.

Emerald's head shot up, she looked at Spike, her sparkling blue eyes looked with Spike's green. Emerald head fell back down onto the bench, Scootaloo looked at Spike who just gave off a shrug in return. The pair of them watched Emerald get back up, her right claw rubbing the bump on the back of her head.

"Is she alright?" Spike asked, Scootaloo raised her eyebrow.

"Why are you asking me?" Scootaloo asked back

"I'm not worthy!" Emerald cried out, going on the ground in front of Spike.

"Hey, don't look at me, Mister I was Dragon Lord for five seconds!" Scootaloo spoke, when Spike cast a glare over to the pegasus.

Scootaloo pulled Emerald from the ground, the young dragoness moved her head away from Spike, so the two dragons wouldn't look each other in the eyes. Scootaloo rolled her eyes at Emerald's nervous nature, she was trying her best to hide behind the orange pegasus filly.

"Spike, this is Emerald. She's from the Student Exchange Program and she's a bit of a fan." Scootaloo stated, Spike scratched his head.

"I know I have fans in The Crystal Empire, but The Dragon Lands? Are you sure Scoots?" Spike asked, Emerald popped her head up from behind Scootaloo.

"Well, you were a Dragon Lord. All Dragon Lords are famous... Unless you break the laws and then you’re an outcast and no one wants anything to do with you." Emerald spoke, she lowered herself back down to hide from Spike's gaze.

Scootaloo moved out of the way, pushing Emerald close to the young male dragon, her white scale cheeks heated up in a bright red blush. The young female dragoness turns to give off a worried expression towards the orange pegasus filly, who was just giving off a grin that made Emerald feel safe.

"Just think of him as a normal dude, Emmy's. Spike's a good guy." Scootaloo spoke.

"If you hurt her, I will destroy you." Scootaloo whisper in Spike's ear, causing the male dragon to swallow his breath in fear.

Emerald stood next to Spike, her whole body was shaking. Spike began to walk next to the white scale dragoness, Emerald stopped her blue eyes move to the sky while she bite her lips. Spike turn to look at the dragoness in deep thought, Emerald grabbed onto Scootaloo tail bring the orange pegasus close to the white scale dragoness.

"Wait... Did you call me fat when I was frozen?" Emerald question the orange pegasus glaring into Scootaloo purple coloured eyes.

"Noooooo." Scootaloo spoke through her teeth, trying to not grin just hoping that Emerald won't catch her lying.

Scootaloo was sweating, giving off a nervous smile. Emerald made signals with her middle and index fingers on her right claw, showing that she was going to keep a close eye to the nervous pegasus filly. Scootaloo watched Emerald walk away with Spike, with the book in her claw that she need to return to the library. Scootaloo finally felt like she could breathe once again, the orange pegasus turn to head towards her next stop; Sweet Apple Acres.

Sweetie Belle sat inside The Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse, she let out a soft displeasure cry within her two front hooves. The young unicorn filly sat crying, while Apple Bloom sat on the crying unicorn left side. The young apple farmer held her best friend close to her yellow coat, while she moves her hoof down Sweetie Belle's back, Apple Bloom just trying to get Sweetie to stop crying.

"She never going to love me." Sweetie Belle cried out, rubbing her red puffy eyes.

"Ah know, ya just need to move on. The best thing to do is to tell Scoots how you really felt 'bout her, bottling ya feeling up isn't healthy." Apple Bloom spoke, Sweetie Belle let out a sniff.

"Really?" Sweetie question, looking over to her fellow Crusader

"Ah know it, plus I'm right here if you ever need me." Apple Bloom spoke

"Thank you, Apple Bloom. I know why Scootaloo doesn't love and never will, it's because I'm not pretty, it's because I'm always just second best. Sweetie Belle the filly not good enough for any pony!" Sweetie Belle spoke up, Apple Bloom let out a soft sigh at the site of her heart broken friend.

"Look Sweetie, you are pretty. Any filly or colt will be lucky to have you, you're a great girl and a great friend. Ya have the singing voice like an Angel, your kind and caring to everypony you meet." Apple Bloom spoke, Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom and blushed.

Apple Bloom closed her eyes, just to have her lips meet by Sweetie Belle's. Apple Bloom's eyes shot up in surprise feeling Sweetie Belle's soft lips pressing against the young apple farmer. Apple Bloom pushed Sweetie Belle away, the unicorn looked at Apple Bloom.

"You're a great girl Sweetie. Ya just got your heartbroken yesterday and ah don' want to be a rebound girl, once you start thinking clearly then tell me ya love me, until then just think." Apple Bloom spoke, Sweetie rubbed her nose.

"Your right, sorry about that Apple Bloom. I should leave, see you on Monday at School." Sweetie Belle spoke, leaving the clubhouse.

It was an awkward moment that lasted longer than it would've. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo bump into each other at the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. Sweetie Belle didn't say a word, Scootaloo just walked right past the white unicorn filly. The orange pegasus head looked away to the right her purple colour eyes were facing towards the dirty ground.

Sweetie Belle pushed past the pegasus. The young unicorn looked back towards her oldest friend, she didn't know how long it will be until she feels like she can be around her closest friend without feeling hurt. Scootaloo just couldn't look at Sweetie Belle, the young unicorn stuck by her side since the two first time they meet.

Scootaloo had her head facing towards the ground, while her hooves drag across the ground. Scootaloo shook her head putting a smile on a face. Seeing Apple Bloom waiting for the orange pegasus filly, the young apple farmer had a lot on her mind, the kiss the young apple farmer shared with her unicorn friend.

"Hey AB." Scootaloo spoke up, breaking Apple Bloom out of thought.

"Sup Scoots, what are ya doing here?" Apple Bloom asked, Scootaloo let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, this is my punishment for skipping school yesterday. I got to help you out around here for the weekend, my aunts talked with Applejack and Granny Smith." Scootaloo said, Apple Bloom's gamboge colour eyes looked towards the clear blue sky.

She couldn't remember much of last time, she was too busy being upset at her pegasus friend. Going to bed much early than she normally would. The talk about Scootaloo's punishment must have happen when the young apple farmer was just lying on her bed facing towards the ceiling.

"Ya won't last five minutes." Apple Bloom stated

Four minutes and thirty second later, Scootaloo had decide that loathe farm work with a burning passion. The orange pegasus wanted to prove Apple Bloom wrong, trying to push the heavy bucket filled with red fresh apples. The young apple farmer let out a chuckle at Scootaloo, the stubborn pegasus filly won't listen to Apple Bloom words of wisdom.

Scootaloo pushing with all her might, the orange pegasus had no idea how long she been at it, well that's a bit out there. Scootaloo did know, since Apple Bloom's comments on the orange pegasus filly told Scootaloo all she needed to know. Tired and out of breath, she looked over to a smirking Apple Bloom who tower over Scootaloo who lay on the ground.

"Ya don't push it, ya put it with the others. Bring it back is AJ's and Big Mac's job." Apple Bloom spoke, Scootaloo face planted against the ground.

It been over an hour before Scootaloo and Apple Bloom stopped for lunch, Scootaloo felt like she could eat every treat inside Sugar Cube Corner. The young apple farmer let out a giggle, just stating the fact that she must get used to it if Scootaloo would ever continue to do farm work.

"Never again, I’m never doing farm work again after this." Scootaloo shouted to the sky.

"Yeah, it's not for everypony." Apple Bloom spoke letting out a giggle.

She wasn't on her best game either, the kiss Sweetie Belle gave her beforehand, it haunted the young apple farmers thoughts. The only problem Apple Bloom's mind kept changing how it happen, there was one time she thought of kissing Scootaloo while the pair travelled back to the farm house to get a cup of lemonade.

"Hey Scoots." Apple Bloom spoke up, Scootaloo looked at her fellow crusader.

"What's wrong AB, it seems like something is troubling you?" Scootaloo asked, her voice wasn't demanding, but kind Apple Bloom gave off a soft smile.

"I don' know, ah think I might like some pony...." Apple Bloom explain, Scootaloo tilted her head in confusion.

"Might? Who do you like is it some pony I know?" Scootaloo wondered, Apple Bloom looked at her pegasus friend.

"Yes, ya know her well." Apple Bloom spoke, while Scootaloo gave off a smile.

"Do tell." Scootaloo spoke, while the apple farmer bites her lip.

"I'm not sure, if I like her or not." Apple Bloom stated, Scootaloo pulled the young apple farmer into a warm hug.

"Well, you have me. If you ever need any pony to talk to, I'm your girl!" Scootaloo spoke, hearing the clock ding.

Scootaloo looked to see that her time was up, giving Apple Bloom a hoof bump before running out the door, Apple Bloom looked away, she had always believed that she like colts, since her first kiss with Sweetie Belle the thought had chance. The only problem is that she doesn't know which gender she rather date, Sweetie Belle just got her heart broken and well Scootaloo shares Rainbow Dash's loyalty.

The orange pegasus wouldn't be turning her back onto any pony. Apple Bloom just looked annoyed, but she was only annoyed to herself for falling for both of her best friends that one is going through a tough time while the other one was already dating the former bully of the school.

The next day came by fast Apple Bloom watched Scootaloo picking apples from the lustiest green trees, the orange pegasus looked so proud of herself that she was able to get them down with only using five buckets to stand on just to reach the top of the tree. Apple Bloom been lost in thought since yesterday, everything seemed to remind her of either Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle, her thoughts are haunted with the thought of feeling Scootaloo kissing her, wanting to feel their lips pressed together.

"Scoots" Apple Bloom spoke up

Scootaloo looked to her friend and fellow crusader, annoying the apple that fell on her head. Scootaloo rubbed the pain, giving off a smile toward the young apple farmer.

"Is there something wrong?" Scootaloo asked, Apple Bloom looked away.

"Yes. I believe that I like you more than a friend. Ah know ya with Diamond that's why I'm telling you this, to get it off my chest." Apple Bloom explain, Scootaloo sat next to her friend.

"When did you start liking me more than a friend?" Scootaloo asked, Apple Bloom paused not knowing if she should tell Scootaloo that Sweetie Belle kissed her.

"Yesterday. You can go home if this is too awkward for ya." Apple Bloom spoke.

Scootaloo left without saying another word, Apple Bloom lean against the tree trunk. Scootaloo climb onto her blue scooter and travel home. Once she opens that door, she got greeted by an over excited Emerald. The young female dragoness was over the moon screaming the fact that she had a date with Spike, shaking Scootaloo's body. The orange filly sat down, causing the Emerald to look over at her downcast friend, causing a napping Yarrow to awake.

"What's wrong Scoots?" Emerald asked, Scootaloo let out a sigh.

"Apple Bloom just said that she likes me more than a friend. I don't want to break her heart, but I don't want to cheat on Diamond, there's just nothing I could do." Scootaloo said, resting her head on the soft chair.

The silent room still filled up with laughter, Emerald and Yarrow was laughing at her problem. Yarrow rub away some tears running down her eyes. Emerald couldn't stop chuckling.

"That's good, is that it?" Yarrow asked, Scootaloo looked confused just nodding her head up and down.

"One word, "Harem" it an old thing that dragons used to do. It was if a male dragon had a larger gem pile than the other. The male dragon would offer to share his mate with the other to share gems. Or he would just 'take care' of the other male and take his gems and his mate." Emerald spoke, Scootaloo scratched her head in confusion.

"It's means you can have more than one girlfriend. It only works if the first girlfriend agrees on the girl you wish to add to your harem." Yarrow said.

"So, I can have both Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo question, the female dragon and changeling nodded their heads.

Scootaloo rushed out the door, putting on her helmet and grabbing her scooter. Rushing back to Sweet Apple Acres, once Scootaloo got to the farm that the Apple Family ran, she saw her filly friend and Apple Bloom talking to each other. Scootaloo gave a wave to them, the two earth pony fillies looked at the orange pegasus. Scootaloo stopped and explain what a harem was to Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara.

Diamond cast a bit of a jealous stare over to a blushing Apple Bloom, once Scootaloo finished, she gave the two a smile.

"It just to give others you might like me a try, I don't think there's any more." Apple Bloom and Diamond shared a look, "But other than that are you fine with it?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure, that's gives everypony a fair chance." Diamond smiled, "I just want to know who before you start dating her."

"Thanks, but no. Ah don't know how I feel about you Scoots, ah don't think I'm ready to start dating yet. We can still be friends, but I'll tell ya if I ever change ma mind." Apple Bloom spoke

Author's Note:

I think I might be sick. I wrote a kissing scene with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom before Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo! Bottling up all the Scootabelle is going to be bad. Anyway; Apple Bloom, will still be joining the Harem, but it a strange idea. While Scootaloo isn't planning on making one, this whole story is about how Scootaloo accidentally wins over these fillies in her life.

Next chapter is Flying High Gabby's chapter, I have no idea how to write her, I just hope I'm doing a good job for now. But, well now a whole chapter base around her and Scootaloo, I hope everyone is enjoying this, I love writing this seeing the strange way I thought of this.