• Published 16th Jan 2018
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Scootaloo's Accidental Harem - Mister Phoenix

Ponyville school brings in a dragon (Emerald), a Changeling (Yarrow) and a Griffon (Gabby) to see if ponies and other creatures can learn and live together. To bad for Scootaloo since it seems like everyone is falling in love with her.

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Chapter Seven; Dancing Under The Silver Moonlight

Chaos. It one simple word that easily sums up Holiday and Lofty's home, with a Changeling, Dragoness, Griffin, Harpy, Hippogriff, and Zebra all living under one roof, chaos doesn't seem like the right word to use. Mayhem, or maybe anarchy it sounded better than just normal Chaos, Scootaloo began to think Discord's Chaos is more normal than the mayhem that happens within the house.

Yarrow and Ursal were busy fighting over the bathroom, Emerald and Sierra seemed to be the only normal ones in the house, that would just sit down and talk to each other, with Gabby and Scootaloo now being together it created more anarchy with Scootaloo trying to get away from both Gabby and Averis and trying to stop the griffin and Harpy from fighting each other. Something to do with proving their love towards the orange pegasus filly.

Scootaloo had no idea what any of that meant, maybe she should read more books about griffin and Harpy cultures so, she would know what to do to make the two of them stop fighting. From what Scootaloo had learn from just living with them is that Averis is a cunning little thief, trying to steal anything that she can get her little talons on.

Sierra is still a bit soft spoken, at less the female Hippogriff is warming up around the others. Getting nervous around Ursal, Sierra would still spend most of her free time with the Zebra, but she would fight the ever growing blush that would form on her cheeks whenever Sierra would give Ursal a hug or when the Zebra let Hippogriff cuddle close to her.

Scootaloo just shake her head at them knowing what Sierra is going through. Well, Yarrow have to tell Scootaloo that Sierra loves Ursal, the Changeling and Dragoness both thought that Scootaloo wouldn't figure it out on her own, Emerald and Yarrow was right since Scootaloo didn't even noticed that Sierra had a crush on someone.

Averis just follow Scootaloo around, trying to cuddle and nuzzle the pegasus filly. Scootaloo just hung her head and just let the Harpy hug the orange pegasus. Then was one thing to make order from this never ending Chaos, her name was Holiday. With just one cough, everyone would sit down and quiet down, listening to every word that Holiday would say to them.

Everyone beside Scootaloo learn the hard way that they should never make Scootaloo's Aunt Holiday mad. The others will never forget it never again, the day at school was uneventful, Scootaloo noticed that everyone was just taking down notes, the lunch time bell rang and everyone rushed out to get fresh air, Scootaloo was stopped by Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, hey Sweetie what's up?" Scootaloo asked, the orange filly wanted to talk to her best friend again, but she never could think of the right words.

"I'm good, nothing is going on. I just wanted to talk to you." Sweetie Belle said, she looked towards the ground.

"What about? I'm sorry for anything I did, what did I do wrong?" Scootaloo asked, Sweetie gave a small smile.


"Can I have my best friend back? Please, I missed you Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo spoke, Sweetie gave a smile.

"I missed being your friend too." Sweetie Belle said, bring Scootaloo into a hug.

Scootaloo was a little confuse that the hug she shared with Sweetie lasted for much longer than it should, all of the hugs that Sweetie Belle gives Scootaloo are rather long hugs, Sweetie always stating that Scootaloo is far too huggable. Scootaloo always have to break the hug by force since Sweetie doesn't want to ever let go of the orange pegasus filly, plus for Scootaloo it felt good hugging her best friend once again.

During class, it was about the different star constellations within the night sky, stuff about the old Alicorns that all left Equestria in fear from some normal unicorn, then something else to do with the Queen of Time. Scootaloo were too busy napping, her head on her desk drool flowing out of her mouth. Yarrow gave Scootaloo a hard kick, waking the orange pegasus from her slumber.

"Now, The Silver Moon Ball is happening this weekend." Miss Cheerilee, chatter filled the classroom, Miss Cheerilee clear her throat causing the chatter to stop.

"It'll be at City Hall on Saturday starting at six-PM." Miss Cheerilee spoke, Scootaloo couldn't care less about everything that was happening. She looked towards Diamond then Gabby, wondering which one she should bring as her date.

Miss Cheerilee kept talking about The Silver Moon Ball, just on how it was made. Created by Princess Luna, the Princess of The Night decide to make the Moon in the sky shine a lovely silver colour, shining all across Equestria. Couples found it the most romantic thing in the world, dancing under the silver moonlight. It disappeared when Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon and got trapped in the moon that she controls.

The bell rang, class was finally over, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked home together, chatting like the best friends that they are. Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo a smile, the young apple farmer and orange pegasus sat down on the blue coloured table.

"It's good seeing you and Sweetie Belle talking again." Apple Bloom said, Scootaloo smiled.

"Yeah, I missed her. It might be nice if we just hang out like The Crusaders we are!" Scootaloo spoke, Apple Bloom smiled.

"Ah been thinkin' about ya harem offer. Is it still on the table?" Apple Bloom asked, Scootaloo raised her eyebrow.

"You said no, the only girls I'm with are Diamond Tiara and Gabby." Scootaloo explain.

"I wanted ya and Sweetie to become friends before joining. Ah don' want to be your date to The Silver Moon Ball, ya mind if ah join ya little harem?" Apple Bloom questioned, Scootaloo let out a sigh.

"Sure. I did say you could join whenever you felt comfortable."

Silver Spoon just looked at Diamond Tiara, Silver gave off a neutral expression towards her best friend. Blinking at the pink coated filly, Diamond Tiara idea was that Silver Spoon teaches Scootaloo how to dance, seeing that the orange pegasus filly most likely didn't want to go to the Silver Moon Ball.

"No." Silver Spoon said, Diamond chuckled.

"You own me one Silv, just teach Scootaloo how to dance." Diamond said, Silver Spoon rolled her eyes.

"Fine then Diamond Tiara." Silver Spoon said

Scootaloo let out a sigh of boredom, the orange pegasus rather been out racing around Ponyville with her scooter, or try some flying lessons. Instead, she was in Diamond Tiara's mansion, with Silver Spoon. The gray earth pony filly was task on teaching the orange pegasus on how to dance for The Silver Moon Ball.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, the orange coat filly noticed that Silver Spoon doesn't want to be here either. The gray earth pony filly had an expression that told Scootaloo that the glasses wearing filly rather be anywhere else beside with Scootaloo. The two are more frenemies, Silver Spoon rolled her eyes.

"Di wanted you to learn how to dance for The Silver Moon Ball. I'm guessing since you two are filly friends that she wants at less one dance with you, and I believe that Di rather not have you stepping on her hooves." Silver Spoon spoke, Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, I don't really care, but if Di wants me to learn I guess I can give it a try." Scootaloo said, Silver Spoon gave a soft smile.

"Now, put your right hoof on my shoulder, I'll put my left hoof on your shoulder. Pulling us closer, just follow my lead." Silver Spoon explain.

Scootaloo held Silver Spoon close to her body, the orange pegasus could smell the nice perfume that flowed from Silver Spoon's body. Scootaloo felt soft, Silver Spoon found it easy to lay her head on if she needed. The gray filly was a little surprised that Scootaloo got the hang of dancing.

Both of the fillies found dancing with the other amazing. It was strange to explain for either of them, when the two held each other in their hooves it felt like they was nothing that could break them apart besides Silver Spoon who broke up the dance the two were sharing because the their lips almost touched each other. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo looked away, a bright red blush on their faces.

Silver Spoon coughed. "I think that's great for today, I'll keep teaching you until the Ball in two days time." Silver Spoon spoke, giving off a small smile.

"Sounds good to me. Later Silver." Scootaloo said, leaving the mansion.

Scootaloo walked through Ponyville her thoughts based around Silver Spoon, she let out a cry of annoyance, Scootaloo was beginning to worry that she might be falling in love with other filly again. Scootaloo open the gate of Chaos, or the front door to make it simple. Scootaloo was greeted by a Ursal running away in fear from Sierra, the female Hippogriff wanted the female Zebra to be her date for The Silver Moon Ball.

Emerald was in other world, the young dragoness couldn't look more excited for the upcoming Silver Moon Ball, stating that Spike had said yes to her asking. Gabby and Averis was neck to neck, facing each other down for Scootaloo love. The only normal one was Yarrow who was just eating a chocolate chip cookie.

"Sup." Yarrow said

"I was half expecting a girl Diamond Dog or Buffalo to be living here." Scootaloo stated, causing Yarrow to let out a chuckle.

"You know it's bad when I'm the normal one in this house. Jealousy love is never tasty, the love Emmy's haves for that boy dragon taste sour. I didn't want to feed off Sierra, so I stole the cookie from the cookie jar." Yarrow said, Scootaloo sat next to the orange and black Changeling.

"Ya going to the Ball?" Scootaloo asked

"Oh, Scoots. I thought that you would never ask, I was counting the days until you would ask." Yarrow joked, putting her left hoof on her chest and her right hoof behind her head.

"Wait, really?" Scootaloo asked, Yarrow just gave off a deadpan expression.

"What! Heck no! I was being sarcastic you dummy." Yarrow stated, Scootaloo let out a loud moan.

"You're meant to use an sarcastic tone, now I just look stupid!" Scootaloo cried out, Yarrow rolled her red eyes.

"Yeah, because that has never happen before." Yarrow said, her voice now dripping with sarcasm.

Silver Spoon knew that Diamond Tiara is up to something. The gray coated filly knew her best friend too well, Diamond wanted something, the pink coated earth pony lay in her soft bed sick. On the night of The Silver Moon Ball, Silver glared down her best friend, waiting for her to crack, to show some sign of weakness, the gray earth pony filly thinking that the pink coated filly was faking.

"You're really sick?" Silver Spoon asked, she raised her eyebrow, causing Diamond to let out a cough.

"Yes, I terrible ill. I don't want to spend it, you can go with your date." Diamond said, letting out a series of coughs and sneezes.

Silver blinked. "I don't have a date. Because I was too busy teaching YOUR filly friend how to dance!" Silver yelled, she could've swore she saw Diamond give a smirk.

"Oh, is that so. I just guess you'll have to go with Scootaloo then since you both are without dates." Diamond Tiara said, giving off a small evil smirk towards her best friend.

Silver Spoon let out a small growl towards Diamond Tiara, the gray coated filly stormed out of the mansion that her best friend lived in. She looked to the Ponyville clock tower, knowing that she had a bit of time to get ready for the Ball, Silver noticed a grumpy Scootaloo who stormed next to her.

"Diamond Tiara?" Silver Spoon guessed, Scootaloo let out a chuckle

"Yeah, she's 'sick' if you can believe that." Scootaloo stated, Silver Spoon shook her head.

"It's looks like I'm your date," Silver stated, Scootaloo let out a sigh.

"It's the best I can do with you helping me learn how to dance and all that." Scootaloo replied.

It turn to Six-PM sooner than Scootaloo had hoped, to most it took far too long. A weekend long event, The Silver Moon Ball. Scootaloo just got to it and already try scratching off the pink dress that her Aunt Holiday and Lofty put her in. Her normally messy purple mane is now comb to be neat and tidy, she just gave off a deadpan expression about it, the whole thing felt much too girly for her awesome self.

The town hall looked much shiny then normal, crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, most of the roof was open to let the moonlight shine down on top of them. The moon itself was the lovely colour of silver that reflected off the crystals that are around the town hall, a rainbow light shined out of the crystals spinning around the room.

Scootaloo looked towards Silver Spoon who was wearing blue dress, Scootaloo gave the gray coated filly a smile, Silver Spoon looked amazing. Scootaloo blushed towards Silver who just rolled her eyes, Silver Spoon put her hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder, there was already a lot of fillies and colts dancing together, Sierra finally got Ursal to say yes to one dance while Spike and Emerald dance together.

Silver Spoon and Scootaloo spin each other around, holding each other close letting the silver moonlight shine on them dancing, with a room packed with ponies while the two fillies held on to each other while dancing with each other, it felt like there was nobody else in the room, Silver Spoon was happy that Scootaloo was no longer stepping on her hooves.

The two left the crowded town hall, once outside, Scootaloo saw the moonlight shining on Silver Spoon. Without any thoughts Scootaloo and Silver Spoon lean in to kiss each other, Scootaloo broke away before the two fillies lips could touch. Silver Spoon was in thoughts.

"I still hadn't even kissed Di, I do like you ..." Scootaloo said, Silver Spoon gave a soft smile.

"I know, it's was Di's evil plan to get you and I together. She most likely thought I was jealous since she was in a relationship I wasn't." Silver Spoon spoke, Scootaloo let out a chuckle.

"You're joining my harem?" Scootaloo asked, Silver Spoon gave Scootaloo a kiss on the cheek.

"Then, may I have this dance?" Scootaloo asked, holding out her hoof.

Silver Spoon took Scootaloo's hoof, the two dance under the silver moonlight for the rest of the night the two dance together.

Author's Note:

I thought that maybe because of how much ponies liked The Silver Moon that made Luna dislike her sister more. Thinking that ponies would enjoy the night more without the day, soon turning into NIghtmare Moon.

Anyway, this was Silver Spoon, I think I did alright with her. Now next up this is it, the chapter that took far too long to get to. The chapter that the only reason why this story was made in the first place. The next ship, the next chapter, the next filly is....

Sweetie Belle! Yes, it's Scootabelle turn finally. Next chapter is; Sweetie Belle's Guide on How To Get A Pegasus to Like Her. Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle :yay: can't wait for that fun, I have already wrote down what I want to do with the chapter, so I hope everyone enjoys it.