• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 2,771 Views, 35 Comments

Scootaloo's Accidental Harem - Mister Phoenix

Ponyville school brings in a dragon (Emerald), a Changeling (Yarrow) and a Griffon (Gabby) to see if ponies and other creatures can learn and live together. To bad for Scootaloo since it seems like everyone is falling in love with her.

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Chapter Five; New Face In Town

It was a bright day in Ponyville, and well things were awkward. Scootaloo was hanging out around Gabby, Yarrow and Emerald beside her fellow Crusaders. The orange pegasus hasn't gave a second thought to the idea of creating a harem of her own, it was scratching at her brain, even if she made it who would be in it?

Sweetie Belle won't even look the orange pegasus in the eye, Apple Bloom said no, Silver Spoon.... Well Scootaloo has no idea if Silver Spoon even liked her. The orange pegasus filly scratched off Emerald since she been hanging out with Spike more and Yarrow just seems to not care.

The class bell rang, Miss Cheerilee smiled at the students. Scootaloo knew what was going to happen, she already had the pleasure on meeting the newest exchange student joining their class since her house seems to be the hot place for everybody who isn't a pony. Miss Cheerilee smiled towards her class.

"Since, the exchange program is going swimmingly, Princess Twilight Sparkle had decided on adding a new student to our mix. Please come in" Cheerilee spoke, clapping her hooves together.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes joining in with a soft clap while Gabby who sat in the back rapidly clapped her claws together. Student, it was more students. There are two new ones joining in for all the fun that Ponyville has to offer; the first student was a young female Zebra that had no marking on her flank. Scootaloo asked about that last night when the orange pegasus meet the young female Zebra, the orange filly was meet by a threat.

The young female Zebra; Ursal was her name, she was chewing on some bubblegum. Ursal was looking over the students with a cold look in her Emerald Green colour eyes, Ursal seems cold, she just felt like she doesn't want to be here at all. The young female Zebra had black and white stripes and mane what was hanging on a bang reaching the top of her right eye.

The next student is a young female Hippogriff; Sierra was her name. She was nervous, wanting to hide away behind her wing. She can fly for only a matter of five minutes, it still made Scootaloo burn with jealousy, everyone seems to be confused on the young female Hippogriff, the creatures had just re-join Equestria after The Storm King got defeated. Sierra had a light blue coat, red mane with yellow stripes, mane tied up in ponytail, wears red coloured glasses, orange colour eyes, hooves and claws are golden yellow.

"Just like with Emerald, Yarrow and Gabby. Name one interesting about you, how about you go first Sierra." Miss Cheerilee said, smiling.

Sierra froze up, she started to mutter something under her breathe, causing Ursal to roll her eyes. The young female Zebra kicked the Hippogriff causing her to let out a 'epp' Ursal just gave off an ignored expression.

"Umm... Well I just want to make others happy." Sierra said, her voice just hearable, but slowly started to turn into a soft whisper.

"Ugh. I want to be the first female warrior for the Zebra army!" Ursal spoke, puffing out her chest.

Sierra only felt comfortable around Scootaloo, only talking to the orange pegasus for everyone else like Yarrow or Emerald the female Hippogriff would mutter and whisper. It ignored Yarrow to no end, but the female Changeling and Zebra has been getting along lot, they acted like two long lost sisters.

Sierra quickly grew on Ursal, after some colts try to pick on the young Hippogriff. Sierra would hug the female zebra; the young Hippogriff would use her claws to force a smile on Ursal's face. Nuzzling Ursal close, almost never leaving the zebra's side, Yarrow could see the pink love energy flowing around Sierra's body going towards Ursal.

"Let me guess, Sierra loves Ursal?" Emerald asked, Yarrow just nodded her head. "How long do you think it will take until Scootaloo wins the heart of one of them?"

Yarrow started chuckling, "I give it a month. Maybe that holiday called Nightmare Night?"

"I raise your Nightmare Night and say the romantic day; Hearts and Hooves Days I believe it's called." Emerald spoke, Yarrow kept chuckling.

"You're so on, Emerald. What are we betting?" Yarrow asked, Emerald scratched her chin.

"The same thing we always bet on. Come on Yar, gems if I win and if you win you suck out my love and all that good stuff." Emerald said, Yarrow and the dragoness shook hoof and claw.

Scootaloo looked at the dragoness and female Changeling talking to each other, the orange pegasus felt like a third wheel around Sierra and Ursal, Scootaloo lay her head on the table, humming a tune under her breath tapping her hoof against the ground.

Scootaloo was soon grabbed by gold talons, lifted in the sky. The other fillies and colts just looked in shock at the site of something grabbing the orange pegasus most of them looked over to Gabby who was busy scratching her fur. She looked confused that everyone was looking at her for, she blinked looking around.

"Hey where's Scootaloo?" Gabby asked

Scootaloo rolled on the dirty ground, bumpy her head against the ground. The orange pegasus began to dust herself off, Scootaloo looked over to see a strange looking creature, she has meet a lot of different creatures like Changelings and Hippogriff's. But the young girl in front of her was something Scootaloo has never seen before.

She had wings for arms, she had blue fur, her fur seems to form around her body to act like shorts and a short t-shirt. She had bright red hair, short, spiky and leans off to the side of her face. She wore a white feather with a black on the tip in her red hair. She had golden talons, for feet.

"You have a nice voice and a lovely smell." She said, moving close to Scootaloo.

"Who are you?" Scootaloo asked

"Averis, I'm a Harpy!" Averis said, smiling to the pegasus.

Scootaloo felt the Harpy cuddling closer to her, no matter what Yarrow said, Scootaloo wasn't dense. Averis stopped cuddling Scootaloo to looked that the orange pegasus, smelling Scootaloo's mane, Averis wrapped her blue feather wings around Scootaloo's body. Hugging her close, Scootaloo looked to see Twilight landing close to her.

"Who's the purple pony?" Averis asked, Scootaloo looked at the Harpy.

"Averis, I told you a million times. I'm Twilight Sparkle, sorry about her Scootaloo, leave her alone Averis." Twilight spoke, the Harpy just hugged Scootaloo tighter.

"No way! She's the one for me!" Averis spoke, "Plus I can learn the thing, you know the thing that I was sent here for... What was it again." Averis wondered

'She's a bit of a Bird Brain. For anyone beside me.' Scootaloo thought.

"Friendship, umm... Averis how about you stay with Scootaloo?"

"YES!" Averis cried out, never letting go of the pegasus.

"Don't I have a say in this?" Scootaloo asked

"Nope!" Averis said happily, causing Scootaloo to hang her head in defeat.

Author's Note:

This is the chapter where everyone learns that I'm a liar. I held a voting blog for a extra member for Scootaloo's harem here, since there's a lot of ponies and not a lot of other creatures. I decide to pick one and let everyone else pick the other one.

This was just a filler chapter, and it shows. I was working on Flying High before thinking about this, so that chapter is going to be out soonest. Don't worry, you'll get your Gabby and Scootaloo love for each other. This is more about the two new O.C's I had made.