• Published 16th Jan 2018
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Scootaloo's Accidental Harem - Mister Phoenix

Ponyville school brings in a dragon (Emerald), a Changeling (Yarrow) and a Griffon (Gabby) to see if ponies and other creatures can learn and live together. To bad for Scootaloo since it seems like everyone is falling in love with her.

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Chapter Nine; Changeling Love

Scootaloo ate her apple, looking at the list of girlfriends, she let out a small sigh. Hearts and Hooves Day going to arrive soon, the orange pegasus had no idea what to do for any of them, watching the orange pegasus suffer is one of Yarrow's favourite past times. Laughing to herself while eating some popcorn, Scootaloo looked over to the orange and black Changeling.

"This is all your fault." Scootaloo said, Yarrow rolled her eyes.

"How? You're the one that wanted to kept building your little harem. You could've stop anytime or maybe just have one like any normal pony would. Instead you wanted all your friends." Yarrow said, Scootaloo let out a groan.

"You gave me the idea. But I have stopped, no one else, I swear, maybe Averis, but no one else." Scootaloo spoke, Yarrow raised her eyebrow, not believing the orange pegasus.

"Sure Scootaloo." Yarrow said, rolling her eyes.

"I got things worked out for most of them, I am thinking of giving everyone parts. I have to save Sweetie Belle until she thinks it's Hearts and Hooves Day so, I'll cross that bridge whenever that holiday rolls around." Scootaloo said, Yarrow raised her eyebrow.

"Oh right, umm... I won't ruin the surprise for you, it better that way." Scootaloo said, Yarrow shook her head.

"Whatever, I don't really care about your holidays none of them would even make me interested in pony kind." Yarrow said, Scootaloo gave off a smirk.

"Hearts and Hooves Day is all about love." Yarrow looked at Scootaloo, her red eyes filled with curiosity.

"But it not like you care, it like love is in the air. The day is basely an all you can eat for Changelings that still like to feed off love, but it too bad that there's no Changeling like that in Ponyville." Scootaloo said, her evil smirk towards Yarrow.

She let out a growl. "How about I come with you on your dates. To tell you want to do, you need me." Yarrow said, smiling, Scootaloo giggled.

"Sure, or I could talk to the girls about teaching you about the holiday." Scootaloo said, Yarrow looked away giving off a pout.

"Fine." The changeling said, folding her two front legs.

Ever since Sweetie Belle joined Scootaloo's harem, with the number growing by one. Diamond been getting a little greedier for Scootaloo, keeping the orange pegasus to herself. When the pink earth pony filly saw Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle together, happy with one and another. It made her flare up with jealous, Diamond couldn't stand it.

Yarrow sat with a quill in her hoof, barely listening to the conversion happening next to her. She wrote down in a line book, Scootaloo sat next the female Changeling, the pegasus filly looked over the to see what Yarrow was writing down.

The dashing; Alessa leap through the air, spending her wings wide to take flight over the dangerous pit that would spell doom for any normal pony. Arrows shot through the air, Alessa let out a gasp trying to dodge the flying arrows shooting her wing. The pegasus mare let out a scream of pain, crashing into the rocky cliff.

Alessa spiral down towards the large spiky rocks that the crashing waves from the river below. Dizzy, her left wing broken from the arrows. Alessa, tried to flap her right wing to avoid the spiky rocks, that cut through her coat, Alessa fell into the raging river, her head smashing against the large rocks, drowning under the river.

Yarrow pushed Scootaloo away, quickly closing the book putting it in her saddle.

"That story is so cool!" Scootaloo cried out, causing Yarrow to cover the pegasus filly mouth.

"Shut up, I don't want anyone thinking that I'm soft. If anyone learns that I write stories about ponies and romance, then my strong personally would be destroyed!" Yarrow said, pulling Scootaloo close, their noses were touching.

"Don't you dare think of telling anyone, or I will destroy you." Yarrow said

"Why? It's good, that's one of the best stories I had ever read." Scootaloo spoke, Yarrow pushed the pegasus away, storming away from Scootaloo.

At lunch Emerald bump Scootaloo's hoof with her claw that she made into a fist. Yarrow munching on a orange, the three of them got A+ for the essays on other cultures of Equestria, it helped that they had a Hippogriff living with them, so all the errors or the facts that they didn't know, with Sierra's help what would have been a simple C- or D+ turned into the second best grade in the class.

Right next to Sweetie Belle and her team, Scootaloo just guess that Sweetie didn't try much, that unicorn was far too smart for her own good. Scootaloo remember that she and the female unicorn used to play chess, Scootaloo never won a single game, Sweetie would look off to somewhere else and it seem like she was just bored.

When the bell rang to let everypony out of school, Diamond Tiara held on Scootaloo's leg, dragging the orange pegasus by the leg towards Sugar Cube Corner. Scootaloo gave off a sorry expression towards her other girlfriends, with her meaning to be hanging out with Gabby beside Diamond.

Scootaloo brushed her cheek, when Diamond kissed her after their date at Sugar Cube Corner. The young pegasus filly looked rather ignored, deeply breathing in and out. Once she opens the door, she got attacked by a over excited Averis, who rubbed her face against Scootaloo's.

The orange pegasus gave a soft smile to the Harpy, seeing Ursal giving a single rose to a blushing Sierra, Scootaloo let out a small yawn, heading towards her room. Yarrow sat on her bed, with a book open and a quill in her hoof, her eyes search each line, she bit her lip in thought looking towards a piece of paper that sat next to her, which most likely had all the plans that she wanted to write for that chapter.

"Diamond is getting a little greedy." Scootaloo spoke, Yarrow turn to the orange pegasus before turning back to her book.

"It all started when Sweetie Belle joined." She continued, Yarrow let out a moan, closing her book to look over to the pegasus.

"Then tell her how you feel, it's not hard. Diamond most likely thought that you would have only one or two extra girlfriends, not four. She might just feel like you are going to forget about her or something like that because that what always happen in stupid romance stories. That why I only like Adventure." Yarrow spoke, Scootaloo blinked.

"Huh, I'll talk to her tomorrow, which happens to be Hearts and Hooves Day. Our promise is still up." Scootaloo spoke, Yarrow gave a smile.

"Great, I just can't wait." She spoke, her voice sounded like she was being sarcastic.

Scootaloo decided to hit the female Changeling with her purple tail, she felt Yarrow cuddle close to her, the Changeling hated how much she loved cuddling close to Scootaloo, it felt nice, she didn't know how to feel about it. She began to fear that she might love Scootaloo, since the orange pegasus made Yarrow happy.

Scootaloo sat down with Diamond Tiara the next day before school started. Talking about how the pink earth pony filly has been more jealous ever since Sweetie Belle had join, Diamond lower her head in shame, Scootaloo lifted her head back up and gave the sadden filly a warm hug.

Today was the beginning of Hearts and Hooves Day, where School had half a day, ending around lunch time. It took a bit for Scootaloo to tell her girlfriends that she would be spending the day with Yarrow, beside Sweetie Belle who wore a bright green hat and thought it was St. Patrick's Day.

Scootaloo rubbed her head in annoyance, going to the carnival with Yarrow by her side, the female Changeling could feel the love in the air, with stallions with their mare friends, or that Lyra and Bon Bon sat together on the bench eating pink cotton candy.

The two girls walked past the carnival games, one is the Dunking Game, throwing a ball to dunk a pony into cold water. Yarrow held her head in pain, feeling a headache coming to her. Scootaloo grab onto Yarrow's shoulder, the changeling gave the pegasus filly a smile.

"Sorry, too much love gives me a light headache." Yarrow spoke, Scootaloo picked up back up.

"Then don't eat any." Scootaloo said, Yarrow just nodded.

The young changeling looked to see a ball throwing game, to win some stuff toys. Yarrow's eyes widen in joy, seeing a toy of a blue Spirit Wolf, a rare creature in Equestria. Most ponies don't think that they are even real, the earth pony stallion that stood behind the counter, he had short dark mane and a light brown coat.

"Step right up, kid. If you win, ya get any prize that you want." He said, Yarrow looked away, Scootaloo noticed the sadness in the young Changeling eyes.

"How much?" The pegasus filly asked.

"Trying to win a prize for ya girlfriend? Three Bits." The stallion said, Scootaloo face blushed.

Scootaloo put three bits on the table and got three soft balls. Scootaloo's eyes locked on the empty glass bottles, she licks her lips, aiming for victory. With one throw, the orange pegasus knocked down all the bottles much to the surprise to the unicorn stallion, Scootaloo pointed towards the stuff toy of The Spirit Wolf.

Yarrow looked at the toy and back to the grinning pegasus, Scootaloo grab onto her hoof pulling her towards the Ferris wheel. Yarrow swallow in fear, but she felt safe with Scootaloo holding onto her, she felt a strange feeling within, that smile that Scootaloo shine bright.

Hearing the loud and strange noise that The Ferris wheel made, Yarrow hugged Scootaloo in fear, the orange pegasus raised her eyebrow towards the female Changeling.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Scootaloo asked, Yarrow just nodded her head slowly.

Scootaloo bought the Changeling closer to her, Yarrow cheeks heated up in a red blush and smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, I won't let any harm come to you." She said, Yarrow knew every word that she said is true.

"I been afraid even when Chrysalis was Queen. I never wanted to be in the sky, when Thorax took over and became King. Some other Changeling wanted me to get over my fear, it didn't help, I only more afraid and my flying took a hit. Whenever I do fly, I move up and down. I'm like you, can't stay in the air for long." Yarrow said

The Ferris wheel stopped once Scootaloo and Yarrow was at the top, looking over Ponyville, everypony down below looked like they weren’t there. Yarrow shaking stopped when Scootaloo's hoof touched Yarrow's, the orange pegasus gave a small smile towards the female Changeling.

Yarrow was glad to have her hooves back on the ground, it was just about time for Scootaloo and Yarrow to leave. The next thing happened rather quickly, Yarrow pulled Scootaloo into a kiss. The orange pegasus eyes were wide in shock, feeling the lips of her Changeling friend pressing against hers.

When the two broke, a bright blinding light surrounded Yarrow, Scootaloo covered her eyes with her hoof. When the light faded, Scootaloo couldn't believe the Changeling standing in front of her. The pegasus filly heard about the Changelings changing once their learnt how to share love.

Yarrow wondered why Scootaloo was frozen in shock, the orange pegasus looked at the orange female Changeling, her black body parts are now a shade of ocean blue, while her wings are a shiny silver. Scootaloo turn the Changeling around, so she can look at her reflection in the window.

"I guess it is because you love me and decide to share it." Scootaloo answer the question Yarrow didn't ask.

Yarrow smiled, looking at her new self. She felt even better than before, sharing love with Scootaloo and even for Scootaloo it felt and tasted much better than just stealing it away. It didn't make her feel sick when she ate too much. Yarrow bought Scootaloo back into another kiss.

Scootaloo didn't fight it, with the female Changeling joining the harem that Scootaloo had accidental created.

Author's Note:

Yarrow. I had a bit of trouble with her at the beginning, I wrote down a Character List for her that I'll list at the end of the Author Notes. I decide when I was writing this, I wanted something to change with one of the O.C's and I felt that if Yarrow was in the half where she still feed on love.

For the rest of the story, Yarrow will be Orange and Blue, no more black. That was her Changeling side that still feed on love. It will get bought up in the next chapter, Nightmare Night Love. By the way the next two chapters are based off holidays.

Yarrow's Character Sheet:
Afraid of heights
Get anger quicky
Soft spot for Stuff Toys
Likes cuddles
Hates that she likes cuddles
Always trying to talk herself out of liking Scootaloo.
Bad at flying
Bad at Games (Mostly throwing a ball)
Good at lying
Good at writing
Doesn't like apples
Favourite food: Oranges
Wants other to like her the way she is
Too much love gives her an headache
Wants to be a writer
Feels safe around Scootaloo