• Published 24th Jan 2018
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My Little Pony: Ren's Adventures In Equestria - MaxTV1234

Ren Loodan, a human who awoken in Equestria from a spaceship, meets the Mane Six and tries to search for his past and defeat the forces of evil, along with other humans who awaken in pods as they team up with Ren in search for their pasts as well.

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Chapter 27 - A Day With The Princesses

“And are you sure you guys got everything you need?”

“Relax Twilight, I got everything for our stay at Canterlot.” Man, sometimes she’s too worried whenever we’re preparing ourselves for something. Anyway, we were in front of the Ponyville Train station as we waited for our train that leads to Canterlot. Ever since the Grand Galloping Gala, Princess Celestia asked us to come to Canterlot so that we might have some answers about the strange dreams we’ve been having. I was carrying my one strap backpack, and the symbol on my backpack was a PokeBall logo. Yeah, that’s right, I got this Pokemon themed backpack for my tenth birthday. Best gift I ever gotten from my brother.

Kaede was carrying a pink cat-like backpack while she held onto her stuffed cat toy, Coco as she was seen talking with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Mason carried a white duffel bag around his back while Carrie had her small pink bookbag with rainbows on the back of it. We were also in our old attire, which was a relief for me because I was afraid we were gonna stay at her castle in those fancy clothes. Thank god we’re totally not doing that.

Anyway, Kodiak was also tagging along as he was sitting on my shoulder while our friends wished us goodbye.

“I hope you all have a safe trip, everyone. You too, Ren.” Fluttershy said, smiling sweetly at me.

“Thanks Fluttershy, we promise that we will have the best time at Canterlot.” I rubbed my head bashfully with a grin on my face.

“You know, I still can’t believe that you were invited to stay at Canterlot!” Rarity puffed her cheeks in anger. “Even staying at Princess Celestia’s Castle!”

“We’re sorry?” Kaede replied, sweat-dropping a little.

“Well either way, must be awesome to stay at the princess’s castle, am I right?” Rainbow smirked.

“Yeah! It’s going to be awesome!” Kodi nodded in agreement.

“Look, just remember…” Twilight gave us a worried and stern look. “Whatever you do, don’t look bad in front of Princess Celestia! If you guys do something bad, I can imagine what she can do!”

“R-really? Like what?” Carrie asked worriedly.

I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face and said “Oh come on Twilight! If you remember with what happened with Philomena, the Princess was chilled since she knew that Philomena was a phoenix, so there’s no need to worried.”

“But then again, we mustn’t do anything too stupid that can embarrassed the princess.” Mason said before slowly glancing at me. “I’m looking at you…”

“What?” I asked in confusion. Oh please, does he think I might embarrass Celestia? Oh please, like I would ever do that.

“Well either way, please don’t embarrassed yourselves in front of the princess.” Twilight pleaded. “I mean, if one of you does something horribly wrong, it might affect me as well!”

“Relax Twilight, I mean this is Princess Celestia we’re talking about, right?” Kaede said, surprised by Twilight’s panicking. “What could she possibly do to you if we do something terrible that we might regret doing?”

“Yes, Kaede does have a point, darling.” Rarity nodded in agreement. “I mean, what could she possibly do to you?”

“I can imagine one thing…” Twilight gulped. “Magic Kindergarten.” We just stared at her for five seconds before letting laughter escaped from our mouths. Magic Kindergarten?! She’s kidding right?

“HA HA HA! That’s a good one Twi!” I exclaimed, trying to contain my laughter.

“Yeah! I mean, that’s the worst thing she could ever do to you?!” Kodi agreed.

“Yeah! Good one Twilight!” Rainbow slapped her leg with her hoof while she laughed. Twilight, however, didn’t take the joke well.

“This is not funny everypony!” Twilight exclaimed as we all stopped laughing and tried to catch our breath. Oh boy, that was hilarious. “She could possible do that, meaning that I have no choice but to move back to Canterlot, kicked out of her school, and never see any of you ever again!”

“Okay, that’s...really is a problem.” Mason thought aloud. “But still, please relax Twilight. I’ve been studying her personality, and it seems that she learned to endure almost anything that upsets her and such.”

“Wait, you’ve been studying her?” Kaede asked. “But we only met at both the breakfast gathering here in Ponyville and at the Grand Galloping Gala. How could you possibly know so much about her personality?”

“Call it a lucky guess.” Mason softly smiled before crossing his arms.

“Wow, he has a good eyesight.” Kodi whispered to me, which I nodded in agreement. Just wow, this guy has such a keen intellect.

“That’s my big brother!” Carrie chuckled while Mason smiled at her.

“Well either way, we sure will miss you partners.” Applejack smiled at us. “You four have a good time at Canterlot.”

“And also!” Pinkie appeared right in front of me, which surprised me a little. “If you ever to Doughnut Joe’s Donut Shop, promise me that you’ll buy a lot of donuts for me and my friends, but mostly me because those things taste so good!”

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at my pink pony friend. “Okay Pinkie, I promise.”

“Pinkie Promise?”

I nodded and began doing the Pinkie Promise. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my fly!”

Everyone, except Kaede and Mason, laughed at that while the latter sweat-dropped at me.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s how a Pinkie Promise works likes that…” Kaede said, sweat-dropping and smiling nervously.

Kodi looked at her confusedly and said “What are you talking about? That’s how Ren showed it me back then.”

“And besides, it’s Pinkie way on how to do a Pinkie Promise.” Rainbow shrugged.

“I...see.” Mason slowly nodded while raising a brow at the pink pony. I guess he still hasn’t gotten used to Pinkie’s randomness. Well, I guess I can understand since she’s quite random herself.

“Hey guys, look! The train’s coming!” Soon, we turned around to see the train coming towards us. As soon as it stopped and opened the doors, we turned back to our friends and smiled softly at them.

“I guess this is a goodbye for now.” I smiled at my pony friends.

“Well, I hope your visit will be extraordinaire, darlings.” Rarity chuckled.

“And please be careful on the way.” Fluttershy said before gasping. “Oh right, I almost forgot.” She took something out of her mane and handed it to me. It was a bracelet made out of flowers, much to my amazement. “I-I...Umm...made it myself a while before the Grand Galloping Gala. I was planning on giving it to you last night, but then…”

Oh right, the whole gala disaster. Well, I wouldn’t call it a disaster since Celestia enjoyed it as she stated that the gala was boring every year, which is why she invited us all so that we might make it more ‘excited’ or so to speak…

“Wow...it looks amazing.” I said, looking at it. “I gotta say Flutters, you really know how to make a good bracelet.”

Fluttershy blushed lightly at my comment as she said “O-oh thank you so much, Ren. I hope you like it.”

“Like it? I love it!” I exclaimed with a big grin on my face.

“No fair! I want a bracelet!” Carrie pouted.

“Don’t worry sis, I promise I’ll make you a bracelet.” Mason assured, much to Carrie’s joy as she smiled happily at her brother.

“And I hope you guys will do alright and tell Princess Celestia that I’m doing alright.” Twilight said, softly smiling at me.

“We will!” I nodded as I gave my friends one last hug before we left.

“Come on Ren! Let’s go!” Kaede called for me as she, Mason, Carrie, and Kodiak already were inside of the train.

“I’m coming!” I shouted back as I was about to head in until I was hugged again by none other than Fluttershy.

“Last hug!” I smiled softly and hugged her back. Man, she’s really gonna miss, huh? It’s only gonna be like...what? A week or something? Either way, it would be the first time we’re going somewhere without Twilight and the others. As soon as we finished with our hug, I boarded the train before the doors closed and I waved goodbye to my friends as soon as the train started to go.

“Best wishes everypony!” Twilight called.

“You too everypony!” I called back as we left Ponyville and headed our way towards Canterlot. I soon headed into one of the carts and saw where Mason, Carrie, Kodi, and Kaede were sitting.

“Hey guys!” I called.
“Oh hey Ren! There you are.” Kaede said, smiling happily to see me. “Here, you can sit next to me.”

“Thanks Kaede.” I sat next to her as Kodi hopped onto my lap and let out a yawn.

“I’m gonna take a nap. Wake me up when we arrive to Canterlot.” Kodi then fell asleep as I softly scratched behind his ear before taking out my Nintendo Switch handheld device out of my backpack. Yeah, that’s right! I found it in my room closet, and I was so ecstatic at seeing my favorite game console, made by Nintendo nonetheless.

“I didn’t know you brought your gaming console?” Mason questioned.

“Well of course, it helps me from boredom.” I answered with a smile as I continued to played Sonic Mania. I love this game because it gives you this nostalgia feeling, don’t you agree?

“So...what do you think Princess Celestia want from us?” Carrie asked curiously.

“Well she did say that she wants to tell us about the dreams we’ve been having.” Kaede stated.

“And also so that we might try to figure out why are we experiencing these dreams.” Mason added, covering his mouth with his scarf while he was thinking. “She said that her sister has been exploring our dreams for a while and find these strange dreams, and yet, we don’t remember them that often, or whatever that means.”

“Exploring our dreams? Is that even possible?” Kaede asked.

“But we’re in a magical world, right? So I think anything’s possible, Kaede!” Carrie exclaimed before we headed through a tunnel. “Though, I’m excited to see the princess again! And I can’t wait to see her sister!”

“Calm down Carrie, we’re excited too.” You...excited? That’s sorta a surprise. “But remember, this might be a very important thing if we’re ever gonna get back home.”

“Right, oaky big brother!” Carrie nodded.

“Well either way, I do want to explore Canterlot. We haven’t done that due to the Grand Galloping Gala.” Kaede said, looking out the window as we were out of the dark tunnel. “I wonder what kind of dresses, costumes, or even magazines they have there!”

“You like reading magazines?” Mason asked in confusion.

“Well of course, how am I gonna know about the latest designs that might inspire me to make costumes?” Kaede teased before making a happy grin on her face. “Besides, I love reading them, it helps pass the time. Though, I have to make sure that my stepmother nor stepsisters knows about my magazine collection that I keep secretly underneath my bed.”

“I...I see.” Mason cleared his throat while Carrie snickered.

“That’s amazing, Kaede! Maybe you can show us your magazine collection with us.” Carrie said, which made Kaede chuckled and smiled at her.

“Thanks Carrie.” Kaede chuckled.

“Well either way, I say I’m glad we’re getting along.” Mason smiled before noticing me playing my nintendo switch. “And I see you’re enjoying your game, Ren.”

“Well, yeah Mason, I love playing video games. I mean, you see me play games sometimes whenever I get up.” I replied, finishing Stardust Speedway Zone Act 1. I think the music in the background is now stuck in my head, but it’s quite catchy.

“Heh, of course a teenager like you would enjoy that.” I playfully glare at Mason, who gave out a sly grin on his face. “Besides, are you playing some sort of Sonic game? Yeah, real mature…”

What did he just say?! “Excuse me…” I paused my game, gently put Kodi off my lap and put him next to Kaede as I got up my seat and got close to his face, puffing my cheeks in anger while he became surprised by my reaction. “I am playing Sonic Mania! The series is one of the best franchises I’ve ever played and one of last year’s best selling games before we got into Equestria somehow! Sonic Mania gives players that nostalgic feeling, and a blast to the past of 2D gaming! I don’t care what they say about him due to some of his bad games, I’ll always enjoy his awesomeness!”

“Okay?” Mason sweat-dropped and blinked in surprise.

“How dare you?! Apologize to Sonic!” I exclaimed.

“I-I’m sorry…”

“I can’t hear you!”

“I’m sorry Mr. Blue Hedgehog!” Mason shouted, causing me to make a grin and let me play back on the next level of Stardust Speedway as I said “There...Sonic forgives you.”

“Well...okay?” Mason blinked in surprise as he looked at both Kaede and Carrie, who shrugged while we noticed some of the ponies who were in the same cart as us looked at us in surprise. I sat back down and continued to play my game.

“Jeez, I never seen you so angry like that before, Ren.” Kaede said in surprise.

“Sorry, I just don’t like people calling one of my favorite video game characters names and all.” I said, sweat-dropping a little and grinning nervously before turning to Mason. “Sorry about all that Mason.”

“It’s okay…” Mason chuckled as he put his bamboo pole next to him. “I just never played or done anything childish before.”

“Huh? Really?” Kaede asked.

“Yeah...me and Carrie didn’t have a fun childhood...or so to say.” Mason glanced away from us as he gazed out the window, seeing the city of Canterlot up close.

“Is that true?” I asked in surprise.

“Yeah, it’s true.” Carrie nodded with a sad smile. “But until a miracle appeared that made us move on from our terrible childhood.”

“A miracle? What kind of miracle?” Kaede asked, interested in their story.

“Sorry, but it’s a secret!” Carrie said with a grin on her face, much to our disappointment.

“Well...at least you tried.” I chuckled nervously.

“Either way, I’ll tell you when the time is right.” Mason promised before we heard an announcement saying “Attention all passengers, arriving in Canterlot!”

“Huh, guess we’re here.” I said before finishing a boss fight with Metal Sonic. Huh, bingo bongo. Soon, Kodi got up and let out a yawn and said “Are we there yet?”

“You bet Kodi!” I nodded before putting away my Nintendo Switch in my backpack and allowed Kodi on my shoulders before turning to my friends. “Come on guys, let’s go!”

I then walked out of the train before hearing Mason and Kaede talking.

“Wow, he must be really excited like a little kid.” Kaede said, surprised by my childish and optimistic personality.

“Tell me about it, he was even angry because of what I said about Sonic games.” Mason rolled his eyes. He soon got up and grabbed his bamboo sword before Carrie said “Yeah, but I never played a Sonic game before.”

“Yeah, I’m surprised that Ren likes all his games.” Kaede agreed. “You don’t think he plays that one Sonic game. You know...Sonic 06?”

“Maybe.” Mason shrugged, causing me to growl and yell “I HEARD THAT!”

“And I should’ve known he was nearby….”

“Me too Kaede, me too...”

We soon exited out of the train and looked in amazement at the buildings here in Canterlot. Wow, we didn’t get the chance to see more of Canterlot do to the Grand Galloping Gala, but seeing them here is quite a sight.

“Wow…” Both Kodi and Carrie muttered in amazement.

“Oh my goodness…” Kaede widened her eyes, seeing the city before our eyes. “This place is so beautiful! No wonder why Princess Celestia lives in a city like this! It’s beautiful…”

“Yeah…” Mason nodded in agreement.

“Ah, I take it you four are the humans the princess spoke of, correct?” Huh? Who said that? We turned around to see a white pony with cerulean eyes, his mane and tail color were sapphire blue with some dark blue streaks on it, and his hooves were the same color as his mane, and his cutie mark looked almost like a shield or something, but the coolest part was that he was the same armor as the royal guard.

“Yes sir, we are.” Mason bowed to him with a calm and serious expression. “I am Mason Hunter, and this my little sister, Carrie.” Carrie looked at Shining Armor with amazement before blushing a bit and shyly smiled.

“H-hi there…” Carrie waved at her.

“And these are my two friends, Ren Loodan and Kaede Ross.”

“Hey, how it’s going?” I smiled at him.

“Oh, nice to meet you.” Kaede nodded to him.

“And I’m Kodiak, but Kodi for short!” Kodi greeted him, surprising the royal guard himself.

“Wow...when the princess spoke about a talking dog, she wasn’t kidding.” He shook his head before smiling himself. “Anyway, it is an honor to meet you all. I am Shining Armor, captain of the royal guard.” Shining Armor? PFFT! Ha ha ha ha! That’s so hilarious, more funnier than the name ‘Fancy Pants’! “Is there something with your friend?”
“N-nothing at all…” Kaede assured while trying to hold in a chuckle. See, she even gets it?

“Anyway…” Mason spoke up, trying to change the subject. “A captain, eh? It makes sense since a team like the princesses very own royal guards do need a leader.” Mason stated, which made Shining Armor smiled.

“That’s right, you know your stuff.” Shining Armor praised.

“Thank you.” Mason bowed.

“You don’t have to bowed, you know.” Shining said, softly smiling. “I’m just your everyday royal guard, here to protect and make sure there is peace here in Equestria.”

“That’s so awesome!” Carrie chuckled while smiling. “You must be really strong if you’re able to become the Captain of the Royal Guard!”

“Ha ha ha, thanks.” Shining chuckled while he ruffled Carrie’s head with his hoof. “So anyway, the princess ordered me to go and pick you four up at the train station. It didn’t seemed too hard since you four are...you know.”

“Yeah, we know.” Kodi nodded while he wagged his tail. “I’m a talking Siberian Husky while Ren and the others are humans, right?”

“Exactly…” Shining nodded his head, raising a brow at Kodi. Well it makes sense since he hasn’t seen a talking dog at all. “Anyway, I shall be your royal escort towards the princess’s castle.”

“Wow, thank you!” Kaede smiled happily, overjoyed to hear that. “That’s really nice of you for taking us here.”

“Well, it was more like the princess telling me to wait for you.” Shining blushed a little from Kaede’s comment.

“Well true, but Kaede’s right.” I said, making a tooth-eating grin. “Even if you were told by Celeste to do it, you still came for us. That’s quite awesome and bold dude.”

“U-umm...thanks.” Shining nodded before frowning a bit. “And did you call the princess, ‘Celeste’?”

“Yeah, it’s a cool nickname, huh?” I asked happily.

“But you must know that it’s very disrespectful to refer to her, like that, you know?” He asked as we began walking out of the train station as he gave me a stern look. “I can imagine the other guards hearing you say that in front of her like that.”

“Oh...sorry about that. It’s just that me and Celestia are good friends since I first came to this world.” I explained, sheepishly smiling.

“Yeah, and she and Ren known each other for a while and she doesn’t mind his energetic attitude.” Kodi added. “It what makes Ren an awesome friend and owner!” I smiled at my little dog friend as he complimented about my personality. That’s really nice, thanks Kodi.

“I see. Sorry about what I said.” Shining said with a sad smile. I rubbed my head bashfully as I said “Nah, it’s okay. I promise I won’t say it in front of the princess.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that.” Shining nodded with a smile on his face.

While walking, I noticed some ponies whispering to each other and looking at us with wondered and confusion. This might take a while for everypony to get used to us like the ponies back in Ponyville.

“So...what do you think the princess might wanna say to you guys?” Kodi asked in worried.

“I don’t know.” Mason rubbed his chin in thought. “But if this involve about those dreams and a way back home, this has to be very important.”

“Well, when you put it like that, we have to talk to her.” Kaede nodded with a determined look. “I mean, we won’t be able to get these answers if we keep standing around like this.”

“You’re right Kaede.” I nodded in agreement. “Come on everypony, let’s go.” I exclaimed as we walked towards the castle.

“Excuse me, Mr. Shining Armor?” Carrie called for him. “What’s it like to be a captain?”

“Well, it was a difficult challenge, but I was able to move up the ranks and became a captain.” Shining smiled. “You must know, it was my dream to become a member of the Royal Guard so that I could help others.”

“Really?” Carrie asked in wondered. “That’s really a big dream.”

“Tell me about it.” Shining nodded. “I know it’s a Royal Guard’s duty to protect others, including the princess, but it’s my dream as well as I want to protect others and maintain peace here in Equestria. After all, my mom, dad, and Twily were the ones who helped me achieve thanks to their encouragement.”

“Huh? Twily?” I asked. That name...it feels so familiar to me.

“Yeah, Twily is my sister’s nickname. I’m sure you know her as Twilight, you know.” We stopped and looked at him before making shocked expressions.

“WHAAAAT?!” We all exclaimed in shock.

“S-so wait...you’re Twilight’s...brother?!” I asked.

“Yes, you didn’t know that?” Shining asked, raising a brow at us.

“No.” Me, Kaede, Carrie, and Kodi shook our heads as Mason said “Actually, now that you mention...I can see the resemblance between you and your sister.”

“Seriously?” Kaede asked with a deadpan expression.

“So wait, Twily never told you about me?” Shining asked, frowning a bit. I rubbed my head bashfully with a nervous grin and said “No, it’s just that there’s been a lot of stuff happening around Ponyville that she might’ve forgotten to tell you that.”

“Well...I guess that is understandable.” Shining said before grinning “But you gotta admit, I’m proud to hear that Twily finally made some friends instead of staying all coop up in a room full of books.”

“Well, she’s still does that, but likes to hang around with us.” I answered with a smile on my face.

“Hey wait, what do you mean that she finally made some friends?” Carrie asked curiously. “I thought that she had a few friends here in Canterlot.”

“Well no...my sis dreamed to become a perfect protege of Princess Celestia that she spend all her time cooped up in her room reading books. She read through my parents’ library like five times.” I see, so that explains about her attitude back during the Nightmare Moon Incident. Wait, she read her parents’ library like five times? That’s impressive, but not impressive that I beaten Super Mario Galaxy 2 thirteen times or so.

“Wow, I never heard of someone reading books from a library like five times.” Kaede said, surprised by that achievement Twilight made. “It’s no wonder how she’s so smart. Probably more than Ren.”

“Hey!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, that’s quite an achievement! I don’t even know how to read!” Kodi exclaimed.

“Well, you are a talking dog…” Mason muttered before softly smiling at Shining Armor. “But I must say, you must miss your sister, do you?”

“Well yeah, but I’m more happy to hear that she’s finally making friends and learning about friendship.” Shining smiled. “That’s a way outta my book.”

“I see...well even so, an older brother like you must keep supporting your siblings no matter how and care for them, and I’m saying this out of experience.” Mason chuckled.

“Tell me about it.” Shining agreed. “So anyway, let’s head over to the castle. I’m sure the princess is eager to meet up with you all.”

“Yeah, wonder what’s she doing at the moment though…” I thought as we proceeded to head over to the castle.

“Maybe she’s sleeping?” Kodi suggested, which we look at him weirdly. “What? That’s what I would do if I was tired.” You...make a good point, but I don’t think that’s what she’s doing.

Soon, we stood in the front entrance of the castle as we gasped and looked at it in amazement.

“Wow...that’s a big castle.” Carrie said, blinking in surprise.

“Oh trust me, it’s more beautiful in the inside.” Shining stated as we headed inside of the castle as the two Pegasi royal guards bowed to their captain and allowed us in.

We entered the castle as Shining led us to the throne room, and we even encountered more royal guards, who bow to us, well I think mostly to Shining Armor. Still, that name is still hilarious. But I guess I can understand, since some people laughed at my last name. Anyway, we walked through the halls, seeing the beautiful flowers hang on the walls and some pictures on the walls.

“Wow, look at them! They’re amazing!” Kodi complimented as he wagged his tail.

“Those are murals.” Mason answered as I noticed a small smile through his scarf. “They’re paintings put on walls to show people the past life and such.”

“Oh, I get it!” Kodi nodded with a smile on his face.

“You know, you’re really an expert on knowing these things. How’s that exactly, Mason?” Shining asked.

“W-well…” Mason glanced away as he tried to answer to us until we heard a loud booming voice.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WON’T ARREST THAT PERPETRATOR!” Whoa, what the heck was that?! We looked towards the big door in front of us and the two royal guards, who flinch in surprise at the loud noise.

“Whoa! What was that?!” Kaede asked in surprise.

“It sounded like it came from that door over there.” Carrie pointed towards the giant doors. Shining let out a sigh and said “And I have a feeling I know that voice anyway.”

“Yeah, same here.” Mason nodded with a stern look on his face. We all headed straight for the giant doors as the royal guards bowed, putting back on their calm expressions as they slowly opened the doors for us, revealing Princess Celestia, and a pony with a blonde mane wearing a vest and some bandages on his cheeks. Wait, isn’t that Prince Blueblood? Well wasn’t expecting this.

“Auntie Celestia I request that you find the perpetrator that...that...did this to my face!” He showed her the bandage around his muzzle where Mason once punched him. Don’t you think he’s being too much of a drama queen?

“Now dear nephew, I understand that you’re upset-”

“Upset?! I’m not upset Auntie Celestia! I’m infuriated with this new species!” Blueblood exclaimed angrily. “I want you to send your royal guards straight to Ponyville and bring that freakish monkey so that he may confront justice!”

“Why that…” Mason growled until Carrie shouted “Hey!” She ran straight towards him with a ster and angry expression.

“Don’t call my brother a freak, you meanie!” Carrie puffed her cheeks as Blueblood turned around, surprised to see her.

“GAH! No another one of you humans!” Blueblood exclaimed before noticing me, Kaede, Mason, and Shining, which led him to gasp in shock.

“YOU!” He pointed straight towards Mason.

“Oh, hey…” Mason glanced away, not wanting to argue or put up with him.

“Don’t you turn your head away from me like I’m a nobody! Show me some respect!” Blueblood demanded.

“Umm...do you two know each other or something?” Kaede asked.

“Know him?! Of course I do, this imbecile of a freak show is the one who dare did this to me!” Blueblood showed us the bandage around his muzzle.

“But...it’s just a bruise, right?” Kodi questioned, which surprised Blueblood a little but he sneered at him and exclaimed “A bruise? A bruise?! This bruise ruined my beautiful face and now I’m ruined!”

He soon started crying, which made us feel awkward. “Wow...and I thought Rarity was a drama queen.” I said bluntly, blinking in surprise.

“Wait? I’m confused, what does Mason have to do with this?” Shining questioned.

Blueblood wiped away his tears and made an angry expression. “This fiend! He assaulted me last night and ruined my face, including that Ponyville civilian!” Oh great, now he’s making Rarity and possibly, my friends in this, that isn’t good.

“Oh, so you’re that stuck-up pony jerk that my brother punched, right?” Carrie asked bluntly, which surprised us all, even the one who was Carrie referring to, and I could’ve sworn that I saw the guards snickering at that name.

“S-snuck up?! Why you little! GRRRR!” Blueblood growled at her as she stuck her tongue on him, which upset him more.

“Ah, Ren, Kodi, Kaede, Mason, and Carrie, it’s nice to see you finally arrived to Canterlot.” Princess Celestia came over with a soft smile on her face, walking past her angry nephew.

“Hey Cele..I-I mean, Princess Celestia, how it’s going?” I rubbed my head bashfully, almost about to say her nickname in front of everyone.

“I’m doing quite alright Ren.” She smiled at me before saying “Excuse my nephew, I am terribly sorry for his rude behavior.”

“It’s alright, we’re just surprised to see him here.” I said honestly. Blueblood intervened into our conversation as he exclaimed “Auntie Celestia, why are you talking with this...freak?! He’s also a mere accomplice to that freak over here!” He pointed towards Mason, who glared at him.

“I see you still haven’t learned your lesson, huh?” Mason asked, crossing his arms.

“I don’t take orders from a freakish species like you!” Blueblood exclaimed angrily. “Not after you punched me in the muzzle!”

“That’s only because you kept pissing him off!” I retorted back, defending Mason. “And you kept calling him and Rarity names!”

“So what? What I spoke was the truth, after all, they are mere low-class ponies!” Seriously? This conversation again?

“But does it really matter because of something like titles?” Kodi questioned, which made Blueblood glare at him.

“Listen you mutt, I don’t need into this conversation! This is between me and these freaks!”

“Hey! Leave my friends out of this!” Kodi growled, ready to bite his face off.

“Kodi, calm down.” I said, picking him up s he continued his growling towards Blueblood.

“Nephew, please calm down and-”

“No Auntie Celestia! I will not calm down in front of the ones who make a mockery towards me!” Blueblood exclaimed, rudely interrupting Princess Celestia.

“Wow, for a prince, he sure likes to be rude.” Kaede shook her head. Well, I’ve seen some disney films and some princes like Prince Hans from Frozen are arrogant jerks.

“You still haven’t learned, huh?” Mason asked angrily. “I told you before that it doesn’t matter if you’re a low-class, a middle-class, or a high-class, what matters is that we’re one of the same and are equal.”

“I don’t take orders from any fool like you!” Blueblood exclaimed angrily.

“Alright, I’m starting to be confused.” Shining spoke up from the entirety of this conversation. “Are you telling me that you assaulted Prince Blueblood last night during the Gala, Mason? Is that true?” He looked at Mason with a stern expression, which caused him to glance away.

“Y-yes, only because he was insulting my friends and kept taunting us. I couldn’t help but felt enraged by such rudeness, and I couldn’t control my anger. I am sorry for my behavior.” Mason apologized with a bow.

“It’s quite alright Captain Armor.” Princess Celestia intervened. “He didn’t mean no harm. I’m sure it was just an accident.

“Yeah! My big brother is a caring person and he would never hurt anyone unless if someone else hurts an innocent person! He told me that last night, Prince Blueblood was teasing him and Rarity because he called them names and Mason always says that guiding people to the right path is the duty of a ruler and if he continued his arrogant ways, his kingdom would be his downfall!” Carrie exclaimed, surprising us all again. Wow, I gotta say, for a little girl, she knows what her brother says.

“Is that so?” Celestia asked with a soft smile. “Well I must say that your brother knows to say the right words.” Mason blushed a little upon hearing Celestia’s comment.

“I don’t care!” Blueblood said, not interested into hearing Carrie as he turned to Shining Armor and exclaimed “You! Captain Armor! Arrest this freak immediately!” Oh no, please Shining, don’t do this! I’m sure you can understand this, just don’t arrest Mason!

“...I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I won’t.” Well that was easier than I thought. Blueblood widened his eyes from Shining’s response as he exclaimed “What do you mean you won’t?! I’m a prince and you shall do what I say!”

“In case you didn’t hear, I said no.” Shining said in a serious tone. “From what his little sister says, he was provoked by you, nonetheless. You kept insulting him and his friends, so I think all this fault is all yours, Blueblood.” Ooh snap, you just got burned!

“W-why you!” Blueblood was about to say something until Princess Celestia intervened.

“Blueblood, I think it’s time for you to go.” Celestia said in a calm and orderly tone.

“W-what?! Auntie Celestia, why are you-”

“Please Blueblood, I invited them over for a little conversation, so can you please take your leave?” She asked nicely, but forcefully.

“I would not put up with this mockery, Auntie Celestia! I will not-”

“If you won’t leave, then I will have no choice to take away all your belongings.” Celestia interrupted him with that little threat as she was very serious. And Blueblood widened his eyes and jaw-dropped at that.

“Well, that was unexpected.” Kaede said in surprise.

“Tell me about it…” Shining nodded in agreement.

“Fine…” Blueblood growled as he walked away and glared at us before taking his leave.

“Hm! That big meanie!” Carrie exclaimed, puffing her cheeks in anger.

“Yeah, how can he be such a jerk?!” Kaede asked, fuming in anger. “I mean, I know he’s a prince, but he acts like he’s so superior than us all!”

“And he’s your nephew?” Kodi questioned Celestia. “Well he sure doesn’t act nice like you!”

“I know my nephew is quite a jerk, but you get used to it.” Celestia sighed before softly smiling towards Shining Armor. “And I must say Captain Armor, that was very nice of you to defend Mason like that.”

“Y-yes Princess Celestia. Just doing my job…” Shining nodded, blushing a bit.

“But anyway, I welcome you four to my castle.” Celestia said, smiling softly at us as we smiled back at her.

“Yeah, your castle is quite beautiful.” Kaede said happily.

“Why thank you Kaede.” Celestia bowed.

“So...you told us that there’s something you wished to tell us about our dreams, what is it?” Mason asked, getting straight to the point.

“Yes, we shall explain everything towards you.” Princess Celestia nodded. We? Does she mean?

“We?” Kodi asked, tilting his head in confusion.

“Shining Armor could you please leave us for a moment, along with the other guards?” Princess Celestia asked politely. Shining nodded and replied “Yes your majesty.” With that, he and the other royal guards took their leave until Shining turned back to us.

“Well, guess this is where we’ll depart. Bye.” He said, waving goodbye to us before the doors closed.

“Bye bye.” Carrie and Kodi said in unison, waving goodbye to him. Soon after, we turned back to the princess with confusion on our looks.

“Umm...why would let your guards out of the throne room?” Kaede questioned.

“You see, my sister is quite shy around everypony, and isn’t ready to show herself to the others yet.” Celestia explained.

“Ah yes, you mention last night that you had a sister, correct?” Mason asked, which Celestia nodded.
“Yes, I shall call for her right now.” Celestia turned back to her throne and said “Luna, you can come on out now.”

Soon, a pony slowly walked out from behind Celestia’s throne. She had a dark sapphire blue mane and tail color and a dark blue coat with a crescent moon shape cutie mark with a dark background on her flanks. Huh? Wait, that cutie-mark...I’ve seen that one before. Could it be?

“Luna?” I asked in surprised as she slowly walked towards us with a nervous grin.

“W-why hello there, long time no see as they say...Sir Ren Loodan.” I widened my eyes, realizing who that really is.

“Luna, you’re here!” I exclaimed, making a happy grin. “And yeah, it’s been a long while huh? I haven’t seen you since I first came to this world. How it’s going?”

“W-we have been alright. Thank thee for asking, Sir Ren Loodan.” Luna smiled with a nod. Huh? What was up with that kind of accent? We? Thee?

“So this is Princess Luna?” Kaede asked, which I nodded and replied “Yeah, it’s a long story.”

“And we can chat while we drink some tea.” Celestia smiled as she led us to where we can chat. I glanced at Luna and smiled softly. I’m happy to finally see her again, I was sorta worried on how she was doing now that she’s back with her sister. But you know, she looks quite good and different from the last time we met.

“Can anybody tell me what’s going on?” Kodi asked. “I’m already confused about all this.”

“Don’t worry guys, I’ll explain everything along the way.” I assured as I cleared my throat and began to tell them the story that Celestia told me back then.

“And that’s the sum of it.” I said, finally done explaining everything to them. We were in the private quarters of Celestia as Celestia poured us some tea while I finished my story to them. Of course, Luna was uncomfortable upon being mentioned that she transformed into Nightmare Moon.

“Wow...that’s crazy!” Kaede exclaimed in shock. “So Princess Luna was actually Princess Celestia’s sister and she was banished because she was transformed into an evil being called Nightmare Moon, but you and the others were able to transform her back to normal, huh?”

“Yep, that’s about right.” I nodded with a grin on my face.

“Wow, that’s awesome and insane Ren!” Kodi exclaimed. “I can’t believe you and the others fought off an evil monster...umm, no offense?”

“None taken, dear Kodiak.” Princess Luna assured with a sad grin on her face.

“I am sorry to hear what has happened to you, Princess Luna.” Mason said, taking a sip of his tea. “But I’m glad to hear that your sister has forgiven you for your actions and are happily reunited with each other.”

“Thank you, Sir Mason Hunter. We are glad that me and my beloved sister are back together as well.” Princess Luna nodded with a soft grin on her face.

“Yes, though my sister couldn’t explore much more outside of the castle because she’s still afraid of what ponies might say to her.” Celestia stated before taking a sip of her tea.

“I see, so I guess when the time is right, you’ll come out of your shell, right?” Kaede asked, which Luna nodded.

“That is quite madam Kaede.” Luna replied. “Though, my sister told us a lot about you four a lot, and we are happy to finally meet at last.”

Carrie snickered as she said “You talk funny, why is that?”

“Carrie!” Mason looked at her sternly.

“But this is thou how we speak, of course many ponies in this era don’t talk like this anymore, but even so, this is Canterlot tradition.” Luna explained.

“Oh I see, no wonder you sounded like Shakespeare.” I chuckled before smiling. “Though, I’m happy to finally see ya again Luna.”

“So are we, Sir Ren Loodan.” She nodded with a smile.

“Hey, you don’t have to all me that. We’re friends after all, just call me Ren.” I made a tooth-eating grin, which confused and surprised Luna.

“O-oh, w-we see. Very well, we shall call you ‘Ren’, then.” Well, at least it’s a working progress, I guess. "Hm? That is that in your left...um...what do you call it?"

"Oh, well first, this is called an arm." I answered before showing the bracelet Fluttershy made for me. "And this is just a gift that Fluttershy made for me."

"Ah, so Fluttershy made that for you, huh?" Celestia asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, it was quite nice of her to do that." I said, letting out a grin. That just shows that we're quite close and good friends.

“Anyway, we were brought here because you two wanted to tell us about our dreams, correct?” Mason reminded them.

“Oh yeah, you did say something like that, right?” Kodi asked. “So what’s this about Ren and the others having weird dreams again?”

“Ah yes…” Celestia cleared her throat as she said “Now then, you four are confused on why you were inside of that ship and don’t remember how you got here, correct?”

“Yeah…” I nodded, raising a brow. Where is this going exactly?

“Well, I was curious to know those questions as well, so that’s why I ask my sister to enter the Dreamscape and explore your dreams.”

“Huh? Dreamscape?” Carrie asked confusedly.

“Explore our dreams?” Mason asked, widened his eyes. “Does that mean…”

“Yes…” Luna nodded. “We’ve been exploring your dreams for quite sometime now. Our sister needed thou’s help in order to help you four get back home and try to solve the mystery behind your arrival.”

“Whoa, so wait, you can go into our dreams?!” I asked in amazement. “Like...literally?!”

“Yes, ‘literally’.” Luna nodded with a raised brow. Holy crap, that’s amazing! That’s gotta be something out of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Man, I wish I had that ability to explore dreams as well.

“No offense Princess Luna, but that kinda sounds creepy.” Kaede said, feeling unsure about that ability.

“Well, as Princess of the Night, it is our duty to protect the citizens of Equestria from terrible nightmares that might affect them and make sure they have good dreams.” Luna replied before letting out a yawn. “Of course, we have to do this in the night while our sister does her job during the morning time.”

“I see, so it likes you two are taking turn from your jobs on either the morning or night time.” Mason said, covering his mouth with his scarf.

“Yes, and while we was travelling through your dreams, we managed to break through your locked memories and saw some things, but however, most of your memories were bolted shut apparently.” Huh? Bolted shut?

“What do you mean by that?” I asked confusedly.

“We don’t know why, but it seems that some of your memories are somehow bolted tight and my magic isn’t powerful enough to unlock it. But we shall try our best to try and help you unlock those locks to help break open your lost memories. They might be the key on figuring out how you got here and a way back to your world.” I see, so our memories are locked tight. I don’t know if that’s literal or a metaphor.

“So wait, the dreams we’ve been having…” Kaede spoke up. “Those were our memories, correct?”

“That is quite right, Ma...We mean, Kaede. After I managed to unlock some of your memories, it turned into a dream and made you all remember what they were.” Luna answered.

“Hold on, but what about the vision I had?” I asked, which confused Luna.

“Vision? Whatever do you mean Ren?” Luna asked.

“Well, back then, I used to had this weird vision of seeing myself with a machine on my head.” I replied, surprising Mason, Kaede, and Carrie.

“What? You too?” Mason asked in shock.

“What? But I thought I was the only one who had that?” Kaede added.

“I see…” Luna rubbed her chin in thought. “It would seems that after we helped unlocked your memories through the dreamscape, you all started to recovered some of your lost memories from your own, it’s like amnesia.”

“Amnesia?” Kodi asked.

“It means that someone who forgotten some important things, including their identity.” I answered. “I’ve seen this type of thing in movies, TV shows, and games, but never encountered something like that in real life.”

“So...you’re suggesting we might have amnesia?” Kaede asked.

“But...is that even possible?” Mason asked.

“I don’t know, I’m getting dizzy from all this big talk.” Carrie said, her eyes swirling around like crazy.

“Well either way, we thought we should inform you four about this.” Celestia said before softly smiling. “In the meantime, I thought I should allow you four to stay in Canterlot for a while. I mean, you should at least enjoy and explore around Equestria, at least.”

“Yeah, I do love to explore around the place.” I grinned happily. “But anyway, I’m still confused on whether it’s amnesia or not. I mean, the four of us getting amnesia at the same time? That’s just weird.”

“That I agree.” Mason nodded.

“Well anyway, we are glad to finally see you four for the first time.” Luna smiled. “Anyway, we should probably take some rest.”

“Huh? But it’s the day time.” Carrie reminded her.

“True, but we have been working so hard that we need some beauty sleep.” Luna stated.

“Well anyway, why not you five head out and explore Canterlot a little? I hear that Donut Joe’s Doughnut Shop are selling some new donuts there.” Celestia chuckled, which me and Kodi’s stomach growl like crazy.

“Y-yeah, I see why not.” I said as I got up before letting out a gasp. “Oh right, I almost forgot. I got something for you Luna.”

“For us?” She asked as I took off my backpack and took something out.

“Yep, here ya go!” I said, handing the perfectly wrapped square gift to her. She became curiously as her horn glowed and used her magic to tear off the wrapping, revealing a portrait of the night sky with the moon, the stars, and beautiful grasslands.

“Oh my…” Luna gasped before turning to me. “Y-you made this for...us?”

“Yeah, it’s a little gift from me to you. I mean, I wanted to make this for you because I was wondering how you were doing now that you’re back in Equestria, so yeah, I hope you like it.” I chuckled happily as I saw a tear falling out of Luna’s cheek.

“W-we thank thee, Ren. We shall never forget this lovely gift thou gave to us.” Luna smiled happily as she embraced me in a hug, much to my surprise. I noticed everyone smiling happily as Luna ended our hug and blushed a bit. “Now then, we should probably head back to our quarters. Carry on.”

“Umm...Princess Luna?” Mason called for her. “May I have a word with you...privately please?” Huh? Privately? Wonder what Mason is up to now?

“Why yes Mason Hunter. You won’t mind sister?” Luna asked her sister as she replied “I see why not. We’ll leave the room if you want.”

“Big brother?” Carrie asked in concern as he bent down and ruffled her hair a bit.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be a quick talk. I promise.” Mason assured.

“Hmm...okay!” Carrie nodded happily as she and the rest of us took our leave and waited outside while both Mason and Luna were busy talking.

“Wonder why Mason would want to talk to Luna?” Kodi wondered aloud.

“Beats me.” I shrugged. Wonder what is going on in there?

Mason’s POV
“So, what is it thou wished to talk about?” Princess Luna asked as I made a serious expression and asked “So...you say that you can enter this Dreamscape and explore other’s dreams, correct?”

“Correct.” She nodded.

“And that you’ve exploring our dreams for sometime, trying to find a reason why we were here in the first place, but for some reason, our memories are bolted shut, possibly amnesia, and that you’ve been trying your best to unlock our memories for us to see through our dreams?”


“Does that mean...you saw my dreams?” I asked, getting slightly angry.

“Why yes, why do you ask?” She asked, raising a brow.

“Did...did you see the one dream where…”

“If you are referring to that one dream, then yes.” She nodded before frowning a bit. “Though, we can understand about that one, but I sense doubts inside of your dreams.”

“W-what?” I asked in confusion.

“You see, we can feel how the pony, or a human, feel when they’re dreaming, and we can sense fear, doubt, and anxiety from your dreams. Though, we can understand why you should be afraid, you’re just like us.”

“Why? Why bother look into my own dreams?” I asked, shaking my head in disappointment. “I’m nothing more than…”

“Because we have something in common...fear. We’re afraid of transforming back into Nightmare Moon and harm others again with my dark powers. You’re afraid that if you tell them, they might not want to be friends with you.” Princess Luna said, feeling bad for me.

“Yeah, we want to tell them but...would they even believe me that I’m the protector of a...nevermind.” I shook my head because I didn’t want to bother to even reveal it to her since she practically knows it already.

“We know what thou are referring, and after seeing them today, we would say that they would believe in you. My sister told me through Twilight Sparkle’s letters’, that you protected both your sister and your friends from harm, meaning that they’ll surely believe in thou.”

“Y-you really think so?” I asked.

“Precisely.” Princess Luna nodded with a soft smile on her face. “Now, we think that your friends are waiting for you.”

I nodded with a soft smile on my face and said “Yeah, you’re right. Thank you Princess Luna for having this talk, and I hope we meet again.”

“We hope to see you again as well.” Princess Luna nodded as she and I took our leave out of the private quarters, where everyone was waiting for us.

“Oh hey Mason and Princess Luna.” Kaede greeted us with a smile on her face. “So how did it go?”

“I-it went well…” I nodded until Carrie came over and grabbed my hand with an excited grin on her face.

“Glad you’re finish big brother! Me, Kodiak, and the others were about to have lunch, and Princess Celestia is gonna make some for us!” Carrie exclaimed.

“Oh really?” I asked with an amused smile before turning to both Princess Celestia and Luna.

“Well, you are our guests, so why not entertain them?” Princess Celestia teased.

“Yeah, and it sounded like a great idea to me. Though, I never seen Princess Celestia cook anything before.” Ren grinned as he was playing with his Sonic Mania game.

“I see.” I nodded.

“Well, I am an amazing cook.” I feel like I heard a little boastful in that tone of hers. “Anyway, while I go and make lunch, I’ll go and tell the staff to set up rooms for you all.” Princess Celestia said as she and Princess Luna took their leave. “Take care you all.”

“We’ll be in our room to take thou beauty sleep. Sweet dreams.” Princess Luna said as she took her leave.

“See ya later Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!” Carrie waved goodbye to them. Suddenly, both Kodi and Ren’s stomach to growl, causing them to smile sheepishly.

“Sorry about that, but I am getting hungry.” Ren chuckled nervously.

“Yeah, same here.” Kodi nodded in agreement.

I chuckled a bit and said “Alright, let’s go everyone.” We began to head our way towards the kitchen and go have a delicious lunch special made by the princess of Equestria herself. While we headed our way, I noticed the flower bracelet was wearing and I couldn't help but smile. That was very nice of her to give it to someone like him, which shows that she really does like him. I'm just surprised that he doesn't know about her affections. While thinking, I noticed Ren beating the game, much to his joy.

“Yes…” Ren whispered.

“You really like that game, don’t you?” I asked, which he nodded.

“Well of course, Sonic is one of my favorite games ever.” Ren replied with a smile on his face. “Hey, I know! Why not we all play a game together when we go back home to Ponyville?”

“What?” I asked. “But I barely know how to play a video game.”

“And I don’t play video games that often, unlike you Ren.” Kaede added.

“And I have paws! I don’t know how to play a video game as well!” Kodi exclaimed.

“Yeah, I don’t play video games as well.” Carrie agreed.

“Don’t worry guys, I’ll teach you all how to play!” Ren suggested, surprising us all.

“R-really?” Kaede asked, which Ren nodded and replied “Well of course, I know so. Trust me on this one.”

We all looked at him in shock before smiling and chuckling a bit. “Alright, I see why not.” I answered with a soft smile on my face.

“Awesome! Now come on, let’s hurry before our stomach keeps on growling.” Ren exclaimed as we continued our way towards the dining hall. I couldn’t help but smile at them, mostly at Ren because he really thought of me as a friend, but still...would they even believe in me? I-I’m not so sure at all. Then again, Princess Luna did say that I have save them some times and Ren is quite a good person, despite his naivety and gullible nature, I can’t help but admire it. He’s quite a good friend, and I’m glad to even be friends with him...no, to be friends with Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Kaede, and Kodiak. I’m glad to even be called...a friend.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

I am so sorry if this wasn't good enough nor I was late. I hate a lot of stuff to take care of, and I was feeling quite tired, but anyway, I'm just glad to finally finish this. This is just a prelude to the upcoming two part season 2 premiere. This is all I can make for you all. I promise that I'll get the next chapter next week or so. I promise, and sorry to disappoint you all with this chapter or so.

P.S. - So can any of you identify which reference was used in this chapter?

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