• Published 24th Jan 2018
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My Little Pony: Ren's Adventures In Equestria - MaxTV1234

Ren Loodan, a human who awoken in Equestria from a spaceship, meets the Mane Six and tries to search for his past and defeat the forces of evil, along with other humans who awaken in pods as they team up with Ren in search for their pasts as well.

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Chapter 55 - A Canterlot Wedding Disaster Part 2

Previously on My Little Pony: Ren's Adventures In Equestria

"Princess Celesia Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and...Ah! My brother?!"

"Twily! It's good to see ya again!"

"Shining Armor? Pfft! What a lame name. Who names their children like that?"

"A-About your brother...you say that he's captain of the Royal Guard, right?"

"In a way, yes. So tell me, got any friends waiting for ya back home?"

"No, I'm not that good with having close relationships with people in my life."


"I am not being possessive, and I am not taking it out on Cadance! You're all just too caught up in your wedding planning to notice that maybe there shouldn't even be a wedding!"

"It's just that...I feel so useless...everyone is doing so well...and Twilight is so upset do to what Cadance...I-I mean Princess Mi Amore Cadenza done what with all her demanding and rudeness, along with insulting the rest of us. I...feel so unreliable..."

"We have proof! Plus, you saw it too, right? Then we can use your eyewitness testimony to show that Cadance is evil!"

"P-please Twilight! T-think this through....please Twilight...I-I don't want to accuse someone unless we find out more and we can't just jump on conclusions."

"Fine! I don't know why I ever became friends with someone like you!"

"And I don't know why I ever became friends with someone who always tries to confront the problems head on without thinking through nor being too possessive with her own brother!"

"Cadance hasn't been casting spells on me. She's been using her magic to heal me! If I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all."

"Come on, you all. Let's go check on the princess."

"Wait what? What about Twilight?"

"What about Twilight?"

"I could've had a sister...but instead...I just lost a brother."

"Twilight...I...please...Please! Forgive me! I'll work harder! I'll do anything! Just please! Don't abandoned me! I...I made a friend who's just like me and I...I don't want to abandoned you!...Please!"

"Cadance! I'm so sorry!"

"Oh you will be."


“W-w-w-w-w–w–w-w-w-w-what?!” Why am I standing around here for?! Why am I just stammering myself in fear?! I know what I saw! I saw…Princess Mi Amore Cadenza…burn Twilight to the ground!

“A…Ah….AHHHH!” I screamed as I began running away in fear. I need to warn the others about this! They need to know the truth! Twilight was right all along! Princess Mi Amore Cadenza…no….Cadance is evil! That can’t be her! She’s pure evil!


Darkness was the first thing Twilight saw. She felt like she was hit by a train before slowly beginning to open her eyes, finding herself in some weird cavern. It was filled with different colored crystals, either small and large, and she looked around in fear.

“Where am I?” She wondered to herself. She looks around the place before noticing a nearby body next to her, and to her shock, it was quite familiar to her. “N-Nicole?!”

That’s right, it was Nicole. She was laying on the ground, seemingly knocked-out as Twilight ran over to her and began shaking her.

“Nicole! Wake up! Wake up!” Twilight pleaded. Nicole’s eyes slowly began to open, as she looked over and saw the area she was in, even Twilight herself.

“…Oh hey Twilight.” Nicole greeted. “Where are we? Is this some sort of mine?”

“I’m not sure.” Twilight shook her head before placing a hoof on it. “Last thing I remember was…Ah! Cadance! I knew it all along! That wasn’t Cadance!”

“Wasn’t…Cadance?” Nicole questioned before slightly widening her eyes in surprise, which Twilight noticed.

“Are you okay Nicole?” Twilight asked in worried.

“So it would seem that you noticed it too, right?” Nicole asked, which Twilight nodded. “I should’ve known that I shouldn’t have dropped my guard down.”

“What? Why’s that? What are you talking about?” Twilight questioned. “Actually…I should be asking the more important question: What in Equestria are you doing down here?!”

Nicole looked at her for a moment and sensed something.

“….I’ll answer that later. Right now, let me ask you something…what happened?” Nicole asked, catching Twilight off-guard a bit.

“What do you mean?” Twilight raised a brow before slowly realizing what she meant since Nicole was a keen observer in the field of psychology.

“Twilight…why are you acting so depressed? You’re hiding it inside of your heart from all that concern and worried feelings you’re having.” Nicole said, narrowing her eyes a bit. “Something happened before you were sent down here by her, right?”

“Y-yeah…” Twilight looked away sadly. “It’s…a long story.”

“….” Nicole stared at her for a while before softly smiling. “Don’t be sad…you don’t have to tell me. You can tell me when you’re ready about the issue about your brother.”

“Thank you Ni-” Twilight froze upon her finding out about it. “H-How did you…know that?”

“I’ve seen your eyes. It’s feel with betrayed and great sorrow, and you were acting all too worried for your brother being around that ‘Cadance’, then he didn’t believe and must’ve left you by the side, right?” Twilight simply stared at Nicole in astonishment before sighing and slumping her head down.

“Yes…but Shining’s betrayal wasn’t the only thing.” Nicole cocked her head in confusion, wondering what she meant. But before she could find out…a dark laughter rang through the mines. They looked around till they saw a big crystal shined over them, revealing to be ‘Cadance’.

“You…” Nicole furrow her brows at ‘Cadance’. “What do you think you’re doing here?”

“My my, never would I thought nor suspected that you might be interfering with my plans for some human that I barely know of.” ‘Cadance’ chuckled devilishly, much to their irritation.

“So what? Do you really think one of you freakish species that appeared from some space-ship can really try to stop me?” ‘Cadance’ snickered before scoffing “If so, then you’re really too simple-minded and-”

“Too dumb, too stupid, and we’re too insane in order for someponies like us to stop your plans.” Nicole guessed, much to the imposter’s surprise. “Am I right?”

“Tch! Smart individual, you are…” ‘Cadance’ scoffed. “I don’t know how but I guess I underestimated you humans a lot.”

“Wait, hold up!” Twilight spoke up, glaring at the hologram ‘Cadance’. “Plans? What plans? And where in Equestria are we?”

“To answer your first question, I have big plans with your brother, of course.” ‘Cadance’ smirked darkly, making Twilight growl angrily at her.

“Don’t you dare do anything to my brother, you…you monster!” Twilight threatened.

“Oh please.” ‘Cadance’ rolled her eyes before her image slowly began enlarging itself in front of us as I backed away a bit with a neutral look on my face while Twilight backed away and looked in horror as the ‘Cadance’ hologram continued “Now, to answer your second question, don’t bother trying to scream because no one can hear you. And no one will ever think to look for the both of you, either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist, which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans.”

“So I’m starting to understand.” Nicole adjusted her glasses before looking over at the hologram ‘Cadance’. “You created that threat letter and send it out to Princess Celestia for her to see it, and you knew that she would tried to barricade Canterlot from the threat. However, it may have kept the enemies from outside, but not from the inside. You already disguised yourself as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza in order to hide your identity. I must say, you may have fooled the others with your disguise, but I think me, Twilight, Rantaro, and Jamie saw through your ruse. You may good with your disguises but you should have kept up with her personality.”

“Hmph! Who cares, what he said was right.” ‘Cadance’ darkly chuckled. “Ponies are too naive and too stupid to even see through my lies.”

“Wait…who are you talking about?” Twilight questioned with narrowed eyes.

“Sorry, but I’m afraid that I’m running late for my wedding to even go onto that subject. I’ll see you all later. Ta-ta!” ‘Cadance’ laughed evilly.

“And what makes you think we cannot escape?” I asked, tilting my head a bit. “How else did you get me and Twilight in here in the first place?”

“Duh, with-”

“Your magic, yes.” Nicole interrupted, much to the ‘Cadance’s’ annoyance. “But that doesn’t mean that you just didn’t know about these mines.”

‘Cadance’ glared at the psychologist with narrowed eyes before letting out an evil chuckle.

“Oh! Do insist then miss psychologist that you and that bratty unicorn of a student can even find a way out of here!” ‘Cadance’ laughed, upsetting Twilight a lot.

“We’ll see about that!” Twilight growled before firing a magic beam towards the crystal, destroying it.

“Twilight, calm down. She’s only taunting you.” Nicole stated. “It’s best not to divulge into what she got for us.”

“I can’t Nicole! She trapped us down in these mines and has my brother held captive in her own little hooves!” Twilight yelled out before noticing another crystal showing another ‘Cadance’.

“Over here!” The ‘Cadance’ hologram taunted them as Twilight began chasing after her.

“Wait! Hold on!” Nicole cried out as she began chasing after Twilight as she began destroying any crystal that showed a hologram ‘Cadance’ over and over again as the imposter kept making too many taunts.

“Oops! Better luck next time!”

“Nope, over here!”

“Is that the best you got?”

“Just…shut…up!” Twilight hissed, firing every magic beam as fast as she could. As soon as Nicole caught up to her, she widened her eyes upon seeing how much aggression Twilight was carrying.

“Oh boy…it would seem that she’s carrying too much aggression. Probably of that sisterly-brotherly bond of hers.” Nicole deduced, checking over her iPad before noticing that it was out of batteries. She blinked for a while before sighing “And it looks like we’re out of batteries…I should’ve brought a wireless charger.”

“Help…me…” Nicole looked up upon hearing a faint voice calling out as she walked over through the darkness before noticing a pony on the ground, looking all injured. She looked over and saw Nicole as she slowly raised her hoof at her and said “Hey…is someone down here?”

“Are you okay ma’am?” Nicole asked, walking over to help her out. As soon as she helped her off the ground, Nicole let out a small gasp upon seeing who it was. It was Cadance, but this one was different than the other she saw. She looked very exhausted, worn out, all dirty, looked like she hasn’t eaten for weeks, and she’s badly wounded with some cuts.

“Y-yes…I think so.” She nodded with a smile. “Thank goodness that I’ve been saved by you. Let alone, by a human no less.”

“It’s fine.” Nicole assured with a soft smile before realizing something. “Ah…so you do know what humans are and you can trust them?”

“Well yes, after meeting Mason many months ago, I know I can trust them and I’m quite amazed by them.” Nicole blinked in slight surprise before slowly realizing what she said. She mentioned Mason and she heard him mentions that ‘Cadance’ didn’t even mentioned him and just called him names along with the others. Which means…

“There you are!” Nicole and Cadance looked back to see Twilight with a snarl. “Nicole! Stay back! It could be that evil Cadance!”

“No! Wait! Ugh!” Cadance winced in pain, struggling to stay up. “Please! Don’t hurt me! Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter.”

“So I was right…” Nicole muttered. “What he told me was right all along…”

“Likely story!” Twilight scoffed, not believing what the real Cadance said.

“Hold on.” Nicole stopped her from before she could fire her magic beam. “She’s telling the truth. She looks all wounded and dirty unlike the Cadance we knew.”

“She could be tricking us with another of her illusions, Nicole!” Twilight shook her head. “How can we be sure that it’s the real Cadance?”

“Cadance…” Nicole glanced to her and asked “Do you know anything that can convince her?”

“Hmm…I think one that only me and Twilight ever done.” Cadance suggested before slowly getting up and wincing in pain. She softly smiled at Twilight and began doing…a strange-looking dance.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves…”

Twilight slowly widened her eyes before it began to form a bright smile as the two finished their dance by shaking their tails and said “And do a little shake!”

“You remember me!” Twilight immediately ran over and hugged Cadance, and I mean the real Cadance. Cadance hugged Twilight back with a soft and exhausted smile as she replied “Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?”

Twilight let out a chuckle while Nicole stood there with a soft smile.

“It would seem that their relationship really is close. Though I still can’t that imposter managed to fool everyone, but it would make sense to make a likely story that she would be stressed out with nerves to make the wedding perfect. But her tone of voice when I heard her when I was with Miss Pinkie Pie and Mr. Rantaro was filled with greed and disgust. It would seem that he was right…” Nicole thought, tapping her chin in thought.

“We need to get out of here…and fast!” Nicole’s thoughts were stopped as she turned to see Twilight and Cadance making serious looks. “Nicole, did-”

“You hear me? We need to find a place out of these mines before that imposter marries my brother? Am I right?” Nicole guessed, slightly surprising Twilight but Cadance widened her eyes on that guess.

“Whoa, how did you know she was gonna say that?” Cadance asked.

“I’m a keen observer and I can know what they might say by mouth movements.” Nicole replied, glancing away and looked around the place. “Now then, shall we get going? We should be careful when walking around this place. There’s something ‘off’ about it.”

“R-Right!” Twilight nodded before the three girls began running around in the mines, hoping to find the exit in time before it’s too late, unaware that three green eyes were watching them from the shadows.

Jamie’s POV

I gotta hurry! Good thing all that exercise training Ren, Mason, and Jack gave me helped improve my running that I’m not slightly exhausted. But no time to talk about it! I gotta go and tell the others about this! I immediately headed through the great hall at Canterlot Castle, where I found the others talking with each other.

“G-Guys!” I shouted, gaining all of their attention. Apparently, both Shining and Princess Celestia were here as well as they all stared at me with worried and concern looks.

“Jamie? What’s wrong?” Kaede asked in worried.

“Y-you…you gotta help Twilight! P-Please!” I begged, much to the other’s confusion.

“What? What is it?” Applejack asked.

“D-did something happened to Twilight?” Fluttershy questioned in worried.

“I-it’s Cadance! Twilight was right! That wasn’t Cadance!” I exclaimed with a panic look, but instead of seeing shocked looks, all I saw…was doubt. Even Shining had an angry look.

“Jamie…what are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“W-what? I’m saying that Twilight’s in danger! We need to find her!” I exclaimed.

“And why bother?” Huh? We looked over to see Shining Armor scoffing. “Don’t bother with him, you guys. He’s probably just joking around and making things up just like Twilight.” He walked over to me with a glare, causing me to flinch. “Ha…now I can see why both you and Twilight are friends, you two like to make things up.”

“Now hold on!” Ren said, stepping up. “Why you would say that about your sister?”

“Stay out of this, Ren! I’m busy with my wedding than with my sister!” Ren and the other humans gasped in shock while Princess Celestia and the girls looked at each other.

“N-no! I-I’m not making it up!” I shook my head with a worried look. “Come on you guys! You have to believe me! Twilight is our friend!”

“She was our friend till she screwed it up.” Rainbow blurted out, much to my shock.

“W-w-what?” I asked, standing in front of them in horror.

“Jamie…” Applejack looked at me with a serious look and said “Stop lying. I understand what you’re doing but lying is gonna help us forgive Twilight for what she did to Cadance.”

“You guys…think I’m lying?” I questioned.

“Wait…” Mason spoke up. “Why would you girls say that?”

“Yeah! Isn’t Twilight our friend?” Kodi asked. “I mean, sure she screwed up but we all make mistakes.”

“Yeah, sure…mistakes.” Rainbow scoffed, shocking me greatly. “It’s just another Twilight thing that she’s going through and she took it too far…just like always.”

I don’t believe what I’m hearing…they really mean it.

“But what about Nicole?” Carrie asked curiously. “We haven’t seen her anywhere.”

“She’s right. She wasn’t even during the wedding rehearsal.” Kaede agreed. “We need to go and look for her!”

“Don’t worry, she’s fine.” Rarity waved it off. “You know her, she’s probably in her room minding her own business.”

“And how can you be so sure?” Rantaro questioned with a raised brow. “You aren’t going to check up on her? I thought you girls care for each other.”

“And ignoring the broker guy…” Rainbow scoffed before turning to me. “Jamie, just stop joking around and don’t bother convincing us to make us forgive Twilight. Just drop it and let her go cry out and she’ll be back.”

“Skittles, that was too far!” Jack yelled out in shock. “I mean, did you see how tearful she was?!”

“It’s a Twilight thing-”

“NO IT’S NOT!” I yelled out, shocking the others as I glared at them angrily. “You all don’t know Twilight at all! You guys call yourselves friends and yet you don’t know each other!”

“J-Jamie…please calm down!” Fluttershy pleaded, feeling a bit scared at my outburst.

“Yeah Jamie!” Pinkie nodded. “How about we calm down and-”

“No! I won’t calm down!” I shouted. “She’s our friend! Twilight may panic but we all our different and we all make mistakes! We’re not perfect and-”

“Shut up already!” Shining hissed angrily, causing me to flinch and froze in shock. “I don’t care about anything you say! Just drop it and let Twilight cry. It’s her fault that she tried to ruin my wedding.”

“Shining Armor!” Mason glared at the captain as he yelled “How could you say that? What if Jamie is right? What if something happened to your sister-”

“I have no sister!”

……..What? We all stood there in silence as we looked over at Shining Armor, who was panting heavily from his outburst.

“W-what?” Mason asked.

“S-Shining? How…could…you?” Carrie asked, slowly forming tears in her eyes. Shining huffed before leaving me in a shocked state.

“No….you’re joking, right?” Kodi asked in horror.

“While I do not like Shining’s tone of voice or what he said, he somewhat has a point.” I turned to Rarity, who simply just shrugged and said “Twilight is simply going through a phase, so she’ll be alright.”

“No she’s not!” Ren shook his head. “We saw her regretting everything she did, and she was mourning in tears! How could you guys say that?!”

“She’s obviously faking it.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Well…she was acting a little mean.” Fluttershy couldn’t help but agree.

“Yeah…” Pinkie nodded.

“And besides, we have no time.” Applejack stated. “We have a wedding to prepare.”

“She is right.” What? Even the princess? Princess Celestia held a bold look on her face and said “What Twilight did to my niece is unforgivable, I know. But you must understand that the wedding always comes first and-”

“Stop it.” I spoke up, causing everyone to stare at me as I looked at them angrily. “How? Why? Why you all say that? How could you all do this?”

“Because we’re super busy with the-”

“Shut up! Just shut the hell up for once in your damn life!” I exclaimed, shocking Rainbow Dash. “I thought you of all ponies would know! You told me that you would never ever abandon your friends and never your side! What ever happened to that?!”


“So it was a lie…Were…you guys lying to me all along? Even to Twilight?” I asked, letting out some tears and whimpered. “You guys….lied to me? Were you all using me?”

“Using you? Darling, what ever do you mean?” Rarity questioned.

“Stop it! Just stop it! Stop with all that lying!” I exclaimed in anger. “You all tricked me! I-I can’t believe it!”

“Jamie, we didn’t-”

“Everything you told me! Telling me that you trust each other, you never leave each other, and that friends should stick together as a team! What ever happened to that?!” I demanded.

“Jamie, calm down.” Ren said. “We all know that you’re upset, but-”

“No Ren! Just stop it! You all are liars! You!” I pointed over to Princess Celestia. “How could you just abandoned your own student like that?! All because of a bunch of accusations she made! You should have comforted her! Twilight looked up to you and wanted to be a great mage like you! But you broke that trust!”

Princess Celestia glanced away, unable to retort what I said. I then turned to the girls and exclaimed “And what about you all?! Why didn’t you at least tried to say anything to Twilight about the accusations and tried to at least side with her?! I thought friends would never betray each other but you did! You made Twilight have emotional pain!”

“Well it wasn’t our fault that she had to make those accusations! She shouldn’t have and maybe we haven’t have left in the dust!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

I darkened my face, gritting my teeth as tears began flowing down my cheeks. How? How could they?! Did they pretend to be my friends just to give me more emotional pain?

“I knew it…you all really used Twilight.” I hissed with a dark and angry look, shocking everyone at my expression. “You don’t get her, do you? She told me that she never made friends because she focused on her studies, and she’s still learning about the magic of friendship. She was bullied a lot from other ponies when she was still going to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns because of her smarts and the others were envy for being the princess’s protege! I knew everything about her and even if I did know, I would have still have concern and check up on her! You all claimed that it was just another ‘Twilight thing’, but even so, you all would’ve helped her but instead you all abandoned her just because of some false accusations! If anyone is terrible, it’s all of you! You all are monsters!”

“Now Jamie-”

“Shut the hell up!” I exclaimed, shocking Rarity as I continued “You all know nothing about friends or anything! You all don’t care about others but yourselves! Are you happy now? Because you just lost someone I thought of as a friend! Thanks to you…you hurt me again…”

“Again?” Kaede asked in worried.

“All my life, I was always harassed by other people for being rich and for my smarts.” I whimpered. “Many people pretend to be nice to me and sooner or later, they either let my guard down and I get pounced by a pack of bullies, getting all wounds and cuts from them, or just used me to do stuff and get plenty of money from me! And worst of it all, to just pretend to be friends to create emotional trauma in me!”

“Jamie…” Applejack walked over and tried to comfort me, but I swatted it away with an angry look.

“Don’t touch me you liar! I hope you’re all happy that you all lost a loser, weak, unreliable novelist like me! I hope you’re happy that you made me realize that I am a coward! I am weak! I am unreliable and deserves to die!”

With that, I ran out of the room with tears on my eyes as I didn’t want to stay in a room where my heart would be crush even more.

Everyone was right….I am weak…I am a coward….I am unreliable to others……I….don’t deserve to live….

Ren’s POV

Jamie, no! I can’t believe everything I’m hearing from the gang! Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Princess Celeste, and even Shining just dissed him off. But why? I thought we all were friends and seeing Jamie running off in tears and agony…I can’t just stand around and do nothing! If so, then I have this dark feeling that something is up!

“So what now?” Fluttershy asked in concern. “Should we go and help Jamie?”

“He’ll be fine. We’ll check him on him and Twilight later after the wedding.” Rainbow assured, causing me to turn to her in shock.

“Rainbow! He’s our friend and we’re supposed to help him!” I exclaimed. “Don’t tell me that you guys aren’t serious?!”

“Yeah, what if something happens to him?!” Kodi barked in concern. “We need to hurry.”

“Exactly!” I nodded in agreement before turning to the others with a serious look. “Are you guys are just not gonna help Jamie out?! He thinks that we all betrayed him and he’s in so much pain like Twilight was! We’re their friends and friends should never leave each other! That’s why I’m gonna help Jamie out!”

“Yeah, me too!” Kodi nodded. “I’m with ya to the end, Ren!”

I smiled happily before scratching him behind the ears and said “Ha ha, thanks bud!”

“I’m coming too.” Huh? Mason stepped forward with a serious look. “There is no way that I would abandoned my friends.”

“Mason darling!” Rarity gasped as Mason glanced at her.

“I am sorry Rarity, but I must. We have to make sure Nicole, Jamie, and Twilight are alright. We made promises to each other earlier that we stick together as a team, and Ren is right. We never leave each other behind. That’s what real friends would have done.” I stared at Mason with a surprised look before smiling over him.

“Same here! I ain’t gonna let that nerd do anything to whatever he’s planning! Along with that purple chick and the psychic chick!” Jack joined in, cracking his knuckles.

“Me too!” Kaede nodded in agreement. “Jamie, Twilight, and Nicole are our friends and we’ve always been! We’re supposed to stick together no matter what! Who cares about some wedding when your friends are in danger!”

“Meh, you all are just a waste of my time and energy.” Rantaro scoffed. “But…whatever. I guess I would join ya.”

“Me too! I wanna check up on my friends and want to protect and comfort them!” Carrie agreed while I stood there with a smile and chuckled.

“Thanks you guys! I’m really glad I count on you!” I grinned.

“Are you really gonna check up on them?” Fluttershy asked.

“We have to Flutters. We can’t just abandoned them.” I shook my head with a soft smile. “I’m not upset with you guys, it’s understandable. But it wouldn’t hurt to check up on them.”

“You all are just wasting time. If you guys wanna side with them, then don’t bother coming to the wedding either.” Shining scoffed, annoying some of us.

“To think that you care more of this wedding than your own sister. You disgust me.” Mason growled. “Very well, I may have to decline the offer of ever being your Best Stallion because unlike you, I care about my sister and would never put her into harm’s way.”

“Yeah!” Carrie nodded.

“And besides…” Rantaro spoke up, looking over at the girls. “You girls should be ashamed of yourselves as well. You just made poor Jamie cry, and you claim that you’re friends.”

“Well what if he’s wrong?!” Rainbow exclaimed, only to receive an annoyed look on his face.

“Well it would seem that you guys being friends was nothing but a little lie.” Rantaro stated before turning to the princess. “And I guess you care more for yourself than your own student. Truly disappointing to you Celeste. Oh well, doesn’t matter. Not that I care. You all should’ve known that Jamie wouldn’t joke around, not even from the atmosphere you girls created after abandoning Twilight. I guess Jamie was right…you girls really don’t know anything about friendship and were just using him.”

Rantaro let out an amused smirk and said “Heh…that’s cold. Even for you girls. Oh well…”

Rantaro…I don’t want to blame each of them, but still…what they said to Jamie and abandoning Twilight like that, saying that the wedding is more important than checking up on their friends was wrong and we have to make sure that once we find them, we can make everyone forgive each other and go back to normal. I don’t know why Shining would even say those things, saying that he doesn’t have a sister anymore, but he seems too off….I just can’t help but feel like that something’s weird happening.

“Well…either way, we’ll be back. I promise.” I assured with a soft grin. “And once we get back, I want each of you to forgive each other, please?”

“…Fine, do whatever you want. I won’t stop you.” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Hmph…whatever.” Jack scoffed. “Let’s just find the nerd before he does something he’ll regret.”

“I agree.” Kaede nodded before the rest of us began taking our leave, the girls behind as we ran out of the room and searched through the corridors in search of Jamie and the others. Where could they gone? Jamie stated that Twilight disappeared in a ring of flames back at the wedding hall, but we can’t go back there because the wedding is just being prepared, so no use there.

“If we were Jamie, where could we be?” I wondered aloud.

“Maybe at the Canterlot library?” Kodi suggested. “He does seem to calm down after reading some books.”

“Nah, probably not.” Jack shrugged. “Not after witnessing that.”

“Yeah, I don’t think reading a couple of books is gonna get through what we saw.” Kaede agreed. “He looked like he was really in great emotional pain.”

“True…and what he said before he took off in tears was that he was a victim of bullying and harassment.” Rantaro added, rubbing his chin in thought. “It seemed like that he was the prime example of bullying.”

“Yeah…” I nodded in agreement with a sigh. I remembered something that Jamie said back when we first met that he was suspicious of us treating him so kindly and that he never felt comfortable being around others till he started living with us.

“Indeed….hey listen…” Mason spoken up, crossing his arms with a serious and solemn look. “Back when we last visited Canterlot for Twilight’s birthday party, after Jamie was insulted by those wealthy idiots of ponies, he left his notebook behind and I took a peek of it.”

“Huh? You did?” Kodi asked in surprise.

“Really? Did it say anything?” Carrie wondered.

“It was probably just a bunch of boring stuff from things he learned, right?” Jack guessed.

“That…wasn’t all I found from it.” Huh? What does Mason mean? “The book he carried was also used as a diary for us depicting what he felt everyday with us. Apparently, I came across one entry that stated about his life…and how he was neglected by his father, everyone picking on him and kept harassing him even though he never done anything wrong.”

“Poor Jamie…” Kaede muttered. “I feel awful for him. So that’s why he felt so tense up when meeting us for the first time. He…never had anyone to trust in his entire life.”

“Jamie…we’re so sorry that we didn’t understand you.” Carrie cried out,

“Jamie!” Kodi howled sadly.

“Dammit…!” Jack hissed. “Now I see why the nerd wants to get stronger…”

“Yeah…” I nodded. I can see where Jamie is coming from, I was bullied a lot during my days at elementary school, but I kept going forward because I kept thinking that everything’s was gonna be alright to the very end and it turns out that it came true. I made several friends in middle school and never looked back in the past. Jamie…is surely trapped in his own past, afraid and scared from the trauma he suffered over the years. And I have to help him come out of his past.

“Say Mason…” Rantaro turned to him with a curious look. “About that journal of his, did it say anything else?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact.” Mason nodded. “According to the book, it stated about him never should have existed and should have taken his life.”

“Hold on!” Kaede stopped him. “It sounds like as if…!”

“Yes, he was planning to commit suicide.” Mason nodded. “I’ve been keeping my eye on him during training in case he tries anything like that. Fortunately, what with we’ve been through for a while, he began feeling happy and a little bit stronger, but that was until today from what we experienced that is.”

“I know, I can’t Shining Armor would say all those mean things.” Carrie frowned, tearing up a bit. “Why big brother? Why would he say that stuff about Twilight?”

“I’m not sure. If it was about her accusing Cadance for being evil, then I would understand. But the way how he was taking it, that was pretty questionable.” Mason shrugged.

“Tch! Forget about that bastard!” Jake scoffed. “Telling us that Jamie was kidding around. Kid around my butt.”

“….” I looked over to see Rantaro not saying anything but held a serious look. Strange, he normally shows off his cocky grin and makes a sarcastic remark that annoys some of us…well most of us, actually. So what’s up?

“Rantaro…what’s up?” I asked curiously.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Rantaro stated.

“Huh? Why do you say that?” Kaede questioned.

“I mean that Jamie might be in danger.” Rantaro held a serious look as he continued “And if I have a feeling that we need to hurry.”

“Yeah yeah, what’s the deal?” Jack scoffed. “How much do ya want to tell us about where he might be?”

“This is no time for jokes. Hurry now or it’s too late.” Huh? That’s awfully strange…Rantaro would normally make us pay up any ludicrous price he would like to make, but right now, he’s serious. “Well?! What are you all waiting for?! Find Jamie before he does something stupid!”

“Umm…okay.” Kaede nodded.

“Wait, what if we have Kodiak sniffed his scent?” Carrie suggested.

“Good idea! I’ll try and find his scent!” Kodiak nodded before he began using his nose to find Jamie’s scent. He kept searching around the place for a moment before raising his head up with a small gasp and shouted “I caught his scent! Follow me everypony!”

“Right!” We all nodded before following after Kodiak. I don’t know what got into Rantaro, but if he’s acting like this…then I fear what Jamie is at isn’t a good idea at all.

Jamie’s POV

…..I’m done…All my life…I was berated by people…always getting picked on. Whenever I go to school, I don’t get five minutes of alone time during class time that I always find my desk written with insulting names, and garbage and junk stuffed into my desk. Worse of all, my dad just pays more attention to his job and to his money instead of watching over his own children. It just sickens me…I done nothing wrong to anyone…I gave up trusting others because I was fooled many times by others as they use me for my family’s fortune, create emotional pain in my heart by betraying my trust…I just can’t take it anymore…When I finally decide to trust on Ren, Kaede, Jack, Mason, Rantaro, Nicole, and the Mane 6 along with Spike, I thought…I could trust them. But after going through what just happened, none of them feeling concern for Twilight, her own brother abandoning her, even the princess. She was just innocent, a unicorn mare who was so curious to learn more about how friendship works and how is it magical…

I wanted to keep learning so much….but no matter where I go….I always receive the full on stab of hatred, sorrow, and betrayal at the very end. Why can’t I have a happy life? Why…was I even born if my life was gonna end up like this?

….Oh well…it doesn’t matter. Because now…it’s time to finish something that I should have done a long time ago. I was standing at the balcony. Hold on, let me clarify: On the edge of the balcony. It was time…time to let go out of this pain….I have no reason to live….

With that, I stepped forward and then…I began to fall.

Yes…it was time. I don’t care about my life…it was time to end it.

“Jamie! No!” Huh? I then felt as if someone grabbing on my arm, much to my shock as I immediately looked up to see…

“Ren…?” I asked in shock. It was true…it was him. Apparently, he was holding me, but how is he doing that? Wait…I looked over to see Jack holding onto his hoodie’s sweater, struggling to hold onto us. He then lifted us up and threw us onto the balcony grounds.

“W-w-what?” I asked in fear as the others ran towards me in great worried.

“Jamie! Are you alright?!” Kaede asked in worried before forming an angry look. “What were you thinking?!”

“I-I was-”

“Jamie, are you crazy?!” Mason exclaimed, picking me up with a stern look. “What is your problem?! To just jump off a balcony like that?! Are you insane?!”

“W-why are you-”

“You idiot!” I was then immediately grabbed by the tie as I was confronted a furious Jack, growling angrily at me. “Are you such an idiot that you tried to take your own damn life out of this?! For a nerd, you really are stupid!”

“I-I-I….I’m sorry…” I muttered, whimpering a bit.

“And quit that whining!” Jack demanded. “What was all that training we’ve done meant to ya?! We trained ya to help you get strong and here you are, trying to kill yourself for what?! Just some bullcrap at what they said?! Just forget it! Be a frigging man for once!”

“Jack, that’s enough!” Ren stepped forward, getting in between our conversation with a serious look. “Look, I understand that you’re upset. I mean, we all are but we should be glad that Jamie is still alive and alright, right?”

Jack stared at him with an annoyed look before letting me go, dropping onto my back while he scoffed “Fine…just saying.”

“Good.” Ren sighed before turning to me as I flinched in fear. He soon walked over to me before I closed my eyes. He hates me…he probably hates me for making such a stupid decision…why? Why did I even try to do that? I…I…

“Hey…you need help?” Huh? I looked up to see Ren extending his arm out towards…me. He had a soft smile on his face while the others stared at him in surprise, but no one was more surprise but me. He’s…willing to help someone like me? Even after what I tried to pull? “Come on dude, don’t be like that. I’m just trying to help ya out.”

“….O-Okay.” I nodded before grabbing his arm and getting back up on my own two feet. I glanced away from their looks, mostly from Jack as I rubbed my arm bashfully. “I-I’m sorry…”

“Hey, it’s okay man.” Ren assured. “We’re just glad that we were able to find you thanks to Kodiak’s tracking sense.”

“Hey, it’s what I do best.” Kodi chuckled.

“But still, that was pretty stupid Jamie.” Carrie pointed out. “Why would you do that?”

“Yeah, why DID you try to kill yourself?” Rantaro questioned, leaning against the wall as he looked at me with a curious raised brow. I flinched away from their peering eyes and looked down in my feet with a sad look.

“I…I….” What could I say? Why should I bother? They’re all traitors…all of them….

“Jamie…” I glanced upwards to Ren, who gave me a supporting smile as he said “It’s okay. We all will understand your reasons. Plus, we all know that you’re extremely upset because none of the girls, the princess, or Shining believed in you. So you don’t worry dude, we promise that we’ll listen to every word you say.”

I looked at Ren in shock and surprise. How could someone like him forgive me so easily after the stunt I pulled? He saved my life…so easily…with help from his friends.

“…O-Okay…” I nodded, realizing that there’s no choice but to say something. “I…thought I should have taken my own life now…I…I-I thought that no one would bother to listen to me anymore. I thought you guys were using me, and later betray me.”

“It was because after hearing what the girls say, you felt betrayed, right?” Kaede asked in worried.

“Yes.” I nodded. “I thought everyone would believe me. I thought we should work together to check up on our friends, but instead they treat it like it’s a normal thing and don’t bother to check up on her, not even believing a word at me because of what Twilight did at the wedding! I feel so stupid I could trust them!”

I whimpered before letting out a few tears as I gritted my teeth and exclaimed “I tried to be brave for you all, I wanted to be strong like all of you…I wanted to be reliable for you guys to see…but it looks like after what happened earlier ago…I felt like everything we’ve done together as a team…was all meaningless…I felt like you all were actually making fun of me behind my back…I…I…”

“Shaddup!” Huh? I was then confronted by Jack as he grabbed me by the shirt collar as I whimpered in fear. “Are you frigging stupid?! So what if they didn’t believe you! They’re just idiots! Just because of one bad thing doesn’t give the rights to just commit suicide! Listen, what was everything we’ve done, what we’ve said, what we’ve learned, everything?! Listen, if you want to be a man, then frigging be one by finding Twilight!”

I looked at him in shock as I stopped crying, but had a tear-stained look on my face until I looked at him at the eye. He was right….I was so stupid to think I would commit suicide.

“Jack! That’s enough!” Mason came forward and made him put me down on the ground. “Listen, I understand your frustration but threatening him won’t help him.”

“Tch! Whatever.” Jack scoffed before looking towards me. “Listen nerd, do you really want to take your own life? So what if you’ve been bullied? If you were keep thinking that your life was so meaningless in the past, why are you still here?”

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

“I think I get what he’s saying.” Ren said. “He means that if you hated your own life, why are you still alive? If you are still here with us, then that means that you kept feeling strong and gave up, right?”

“S-strong…” I muttered before slowly widening my eyes in surprise. They’re right…I could’ve taken my own life whenever I wanted to over the years…but here I am, crying and be confronted by an angry biker…it would mean that I was strong to try and face my fears, and I…almost took my own life away.

“Jamie?” I looked over to Kaede, who held a worried look on her face. “I get why you wanted to do this to yourself, but do you really want to kill yourself? Do you think…that’s what Twilight or anyone would’ve wanted?”

“…..No….” I shook my head, looking down with a sad look. “I was such an idiot to try and even take my own life. I should’ve expected better of myself not to do that.”


“I should have been determined enough to search for her and Nicole, but instead here I am…planning my own death. I really am an idiot…” I sighed.

“Jamie, don’t say that.” Kaede smiled before walking over and hugging me, catching me off-guard. “You’re not an idiot. I get it that you don’t have any special super powers, you’re just…normal. But so are all of us but we kept believing in the talents we possess.”

“She’s right you know.” Ren nodded with a smile. “I mean, I’m just your everyday average high school student that you normally would see every day. I mean, the only thing I’m good at is being a video gamer. But even so, we still keep moving forward and I’m sure you can too!”

“Yeah!” Carrie nodded in agreement. “I mean, I’m just an ordinary girl in an ordinary wealthy family with my big brother, but I know that you’re a great person Jamie. I mean, you are a novelist, right?”

“Indeed he is, Carrie.” Mason nodded. “You know, you have a way with words and your knowledge is quite amazing. It’s been proven useful to us many times whenever we needed it. It just shows that you aren’t useless as you think.”

“I’m not gonna compliment your or whatnot, but you’re at least a lot better than these ponies here.” Rantaro added.

“E-everyone…” I muttered in surprise before looking over to see Jack glaring at me as I looked at him and asked “You must be still mad at me, aren’t you Jack? It’s understandable after the stunt I’ve tried to pull but…I’m gonna try. I…just want to be strong…just like you and Ren.”

“Huh? Just like me?” Ren asked in surprise. “What do you mean?”

“Truth be told Ren…” I looked at him with a serious look. “I always envy you whenever you cheer up the others with your kindness and supporting words, you never show any hint of fear when facing off against enemies. Like how you handled Iron Will like it was no big deal, you were amazing.”

“I…have no idea that you were jealous of me.” Ren admitted, rubbing his head with a sheepish smile.

“It’s true, you’re so much better than I am.” I sighed before letting out some tears. “There’s no way that I could ever match up to you…” I soon turned to Jack, who still held his glare as I continued “And you Jack, you’re so big, tough, a bit of a brute sometimes, but you never back down from anything. I admired your strength and determination…but I wonder if I could ever had that strength.”

Jack stared at me for a moment before stepping forward with a darkened look, much to the other’s worried. I looked at him, having a slightly determined look because I felt like he was gonna punch me or knee me in the stomach like before. However, he didn’t do either but instead…

“O-oh!” I looked over to see him ruffling my hair with a toothy grin.

“Well, didn’t know you looked up to me as some admirer.” He just grinned at me, and he didn’t even lash or tried threatening at me like he did before. He…appreciated me. “Well even so, what you did was incredibly stupid but…I forgive ya. If you were able to stand your ground for this long, then I guess it nearly makes you a man.”

“R-really?” I asked incredulous.

“I guess he might have a point.” Mason nodded in agreement, crossing his arms with a serious look but I saw a small smile through his long red scarf. “I saw what you wrote on that journal describing your suicidal thoughts, but you never showed a sign of wanting to commit suicide till now. Like Jack said, if you were able to stand your ground for this long, then indeed you are getting strong.”

I held my mouth agape to that as Kaede chuckled and remarked “They’re right. You even lash at Iron Will from before he could have punched Ren in the face.”

“Could we not talk about that?” Ren pleaded with a deadpanned look.

“Yeah! Who could also forget how you stood up to those two ponies back at Canterlot?” Carrie reminded him, much to Jamie’s embarrassment.

“She’s right you know.” Ren nodded with a grin. “All this time, you kept saying that you were weak and unreliable, but you just never realize that you had incredible strength inside Jamie.”

“Y-yeah…I suppose so.” I smiled a bit before frowning. “But how could I have a great personality like the both of you? You always never give up but I have the personality that can give up.”

“Don’t be like that. Anyone can do it, even you.” Ren assured with a soft smile. “If you just have faith in your abilities, you’ll see that you aren’t useless. You really are a reliable guy that we can always count on.”

I looked at Ren in shock as I took in the advice he gave to me. Have faith in yourself…Alright…I have to have faith in myself. I gave Ren and the others a smile before bowing with an apologetic look and said “Thank you so much! And also, I’m sorry for what I tried to do. I didn’t mean to do that! I wasn’t thinking straight!”

“Whatever, just settle down.” Jack assured, patting me on the back hard. “Now that we found ya, let’s get down to real business.”

“Oh yeah! We need to look for Nicole and Twilight!” Carrie gasped, remembering who else we’re looking for.

“Where in the world do you think they could be?” Rantaro thought aloud. “I mean, that psychologist is good appearing out of nowhere whenever we need her but to her disappearing like that is unusual…”

“And plus…” Kaede turned to me with a curious look and asked “Didn’t you say that Cadance trapped her in a ring of flames and disappeared from it.”

“Yes, but the problem is I don’t know where she sent her.” I shook my head.

“Hmm…this is sort of troubling, indeed.” Mason sighed, tapping his chin in thought. “If only there was a way we could find them.”

No, then we won’t be able to find neither Twilight nor Nicole! Just where could Cadance do to them!? Suddenly, we heard a loud noise before looking over to see…

“Ah, about time.” Rantaro smirked before seeing his raccoon friend, Gizmo, running towards him before leaping onto his shoulders with a note in his hand. “Ah, looks like you came back and wrote something down to tell us the scoop, eh?”

“Wait, what are you saying Rantaro?” Kaede asked.

Rantaro let out an amused grin before he replied “See, after little miss imposter had insulted Pinkie’s party room. I grew suspicious on her, along with Nicole and I asked Gizmo to keep an eye out for her and write it down in a sheet of paper to tell us what he saw.”

“Wait, you taught him how to write?!” I exclaimed in shock.

“Yeah, he’s not some one-trick pony.” Rantaro remarked. “He’s got many tricks up to his sleeve.”

“Unbelievable…” Mason muttered in surprise. “I heard that raccoons are quite intelligent, but never have I imagined that it was capable of doing something like that.”

“Who cares about it! What the hell did that squirt say?!” Jack demanded.

“Aye aye, hold in your gut, fatso.” Ignoring the squawking from Jack himself, Rantaro received the note from Gizmo and began reading aloud for us to hear.

“Rantaro, I saw the princess do something to Nicole. She was busy talking with some guard before she was knocked by that pink pony princess bride. She used her magic to trapped Nicole in a ring of green flames and she was gone without any trace. I heard her muttering something about some ‘mines’ or something.”

“Mines?” I asked in confusion.

“They could be anywhere…” Rantaro muttered, rubbing his chin in thought. “Hmm…gotta say, we won’t be able to find them anywhere. We don’t even know where these mines could be.”

“That doesn’t mean we should give up!” Ren exclaimed.

“Y-yeah!” I nodded in agreement. “We just need to figure out if anypony knows about the mines.”

“What about Princess Celestia? Maybe she has a clue about it.” Kaede suggested.

“Are you kidding me?” Jack scoffed. “She’s too pissed off with Twilight that she doesn’t care, especially after witnessing Jamie fleeing the room in tears.”

“Y-yeah…I don’t think it’s a wise idea to consult her with it.” I sighed, realizing that he may have a point.

“Well this is certainly quite a pickle we’re in…” Rantaro muttered, looking down in deep thought. “Hmm…who else can lead us to find these mines?”

“Ooh! Ooh! I think I got one!” Carrie immediately raised her hand in the air as we all looked at her with confusion.

“What is it?” Kodi asked curiously. “I mean, we’re pretty much running out of ideas so far.”

“Same here.” Rantaro sighed irritably. “Alright little princess, what you got?”

“I think I know someone who could help.” Huh? Really? Who could it be?


Huh? She took us all the way over to her room? Apparently, Carrie led us over around the castle before showing us a door that had a crescent moon mark on it along with some twinkling stars on it.

“You see, Princess Celestia told me that she would be here a while back when we came to Canterlot.” Carrie explained.

“Heh, better be worth it.” Jack scoffed, picking his ear a bit.

“Trust us, Princess Luna is a cool pony just like her sister.” Ren assured.

“I just hope she could help us.” Kaede wondered before knocking on the door. We waited for anything to happen, but no answer. “Huh? No one’s answering.”

“Does that mean she isn’t here?” Kodi asked.

“No, hold on.” Rantaro stepped forward towards the door, pushing Carrie to the side before taking something out his pockets along with Gizmo as he took something out of his fur coat as the two began doing something to the doorknob, and before you know it…


The doors slowly opened, much to our surprise.

“What? It’s open?” Kaede asked in surprise.

“Yep, just a little trick we learned.” Rantaro smirked, holding out a hair pin in his hands while Gizmo showed off his claws. “Unlocking these locks may be difficult, but we’re experts onto doing this. If you want, I can teach you guys how to pick-pocket locks like a boss…for 600 bits.”

We all gave him deadpanned and blank looks due to the price and offer he gave to us.

“Yeah…no.” Kaede shook her head before asking “But…are you sure it’s right to just sneak into Princess Luna’s room.”

“Oh relax, if she’s like her older sister or so you told me that she has a sister, I bet she’s as gentle as Celeste.” Rantaro shrugged before entering through the doors.

“Hey! Wait up!” Ren called out, chasing after him while the rest of us went after them, hoping that we don’t bumped into Princess Luna and hope that she doesn’t feel upset about what we might try and do in her room. We looked around, seeing the whole room covered with paintings of many constellations, a telescope over by the balcony outside her room through the glass doors, a mural of shooting stars, twinkling constellations and a full moon painted on the ceiling of the wall. Her whole room’s color design were as the same as her coat body.

“Whoa…it looks pretty stellar.” Carrie commented.

“I know that Luna is a big fan of the night time…” Ren stated in surprise. “But I never knew that she was this much of a big fan.”

“Yeah, but you know her and Princess Celestia.” Kaede chuckled.

“So…where could she be?” I wondered aloud. We all investigated the room together and tried to look for any trace for her. Oh no, what if Cadance did something horrible to her…no, she’s one of the royal princesses of Equestria. She’ll be fine…maybe.

“Where is this princess you guys keep talking about?” Jack questioned before sitting down on the bed, hearing an ‘OOF’ sound, much to our surprise. He immediately gotten off as the sheets of the bed began to slowly rise up, revealing to be none other than…

“Princess Luna?!” Me, Ren, Mason, Carrie, and Kaede screamed out in surprise.

“Ah…who dares thou wakes me up?” Princess Luna asks groggily before noticing us. “Ah, Ren Loodan, Mason and Carrie Hunter, Kaede Ross, and Jamie Watson. Long time no see it would see.”

“Good day Princess Luna.” Mason greeted with a soft smile. “It is quite nice to see you once again.”

“Yeah, we haven’t seen each other since Hearth’s Warming Eve and Christmas Day.” I added with a soft smile.

“Cherish the thought. I am glad to see you all here.” Princess Luna chuckled before noticing both Rantaro and Jack as she made a solemn look. “Hmm…so these one of the new humans that has appeared in Equestria, huh?”

“Yo!” Jack waved at her.

“Hey.” Rantaro shrugged.

“…Charming.” Ooookay…I feel as though this meeting is getting awkward.

“Yeah, the biker is Jack Yamaki and the one with the fedora is Rantaro Wilde.” Ren explained. “But now’s not the time for self-introduction.”

“He’s right. We’re just wasting time.” Rantaro agreed.

“Why? What is going on?” Princess Luna questioned. “Did something happened at the wedding?”

“I-I think it’s more than that, your majesty…” I sighed, much to the Princess of the Night’s confusion.

“Princess Luna…did you hear about the ‘threat’ that came to the kingdom?” Mason asked.

“Why yes. My sister told me about it and asked Captain Shining Armor to create a powerful force field that blocks the entire city of Canterlot.” Princess Luna nodded. “Why did you ask about that?”

“Because I think the threat is already inside.” Princess Luna stared at Mason with widened eyes.

“I-It’s true!” I nodded in agreement with a worried look. “Apparently, the force field may have prevent evil forces from entering outside, but do you think it’s possible that they were already inside of Canterlot the moment the threat was delivered to the castle?”

“I…supposed that is quite a possibility.” Princess Luna nodded. “Tell me, did you humans figure out who this threat might be that we are dealing with?”

“Well…it’s sorta complicated.” Kaede said, rubbing her cheek in embarrassment.

“Basically, it’s your little niece, Princess Mi Amore whatever.” Rantaro answered, much to the princess’s shock as we stared at him in surprise. “What? We’re already wasting time with this pointless conversation the longer we stay here.”

“What?! Are you serious?!” Princess Luna exclaimed.

“It may be hard to believe, but yes.” I nodded, making a sad frown. “She even did something to Twilight and probably to Nicole as well as she trapped them into a ring of green flames.”

“That is true.” Mason nodded. “If what Jamie and Gizmo stated is true, then it’s sorta strange that her magic aura will do something like that.”

“Huh? What do you mean big brother?” Carrie asked curiously.

“Your brother means that Cadance’s magic aura’s color was different. Tell me, have you ever seen her use magic before?” Princess Luna questioned.

“Yes.” He nodded with a serious look on his face. “When we last met, I saw her magic aura was pink, but what Jamie stated was that it was green.”

“Strange…” Princess Luna muttered.

“What? What’s so strange?” Jack questioned.

“I think she’s talking about the magic aura color, right?” Kaede guessed, which the Princess of the Night nodded.

“Is it possible that it can change color?” Kodiak asked.

“No, that isn’t possible.” I muttered loudly, enough for the others to hear. “When unicorns cast magic, it produced a colored aura around their horns and any objects their magic affects. The color of the glow is different among individuals, usually matching the color of their eyes or a prominent color of their cutie mark. The color is distinctive to each unicorn…”

“Ooh, now I get it.” I froze in fear upon finding out what I said.

“Oh no, not again!” I complained, but Ren shook his head with a smile and replied “No worries James. It was pretty helpful.”

“O-oh…thank you.” I smiled softly.

“So what can make it change different aura colors?” Kodi asked curiously.

“I am not sure…” Princess Luna shook her head. “But what you say is true, then I must say that Cadance is not the Cadance I knew when I finally came back to Equestria.”

“Yeah! We get that princess!” Jack exclaimed. “Not after what Jamie told us what she frigging did to Twilight and Nicole! We have to do something and fast!”

“Right! We need to warn my sister and the rest of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony about this.” We all looked at each other with worried and scared looks. Well…this might be tough to explain this to her. She soon noticed the looks on our faces as she raised a brow and asked “What?”

“U-umm…Princess Luna? About that…”

“Those girls, Twilight’s brother, and your sister abandoned your sister after she made the fake Cadance cry after she figured out something was up with her. Unfortunately, that crazy imposter of a hag cried out some tears, which I guess were fake, to fool the others and they abandoned her butt out of there.”

We all stared at Jack for what he just said, much to his surprise and confusion.

“What? Isn’t that what we’re doing?” Jack questioned.

“WHAT?!” Princess Luna screamed out in a loud voice, causing the rest of us to cover our ears. “Tia! You disgraceful pony of a princess! When I confront you, you shall be getting a loud lecture from me!”

“Ooh, I never seen her this angry before since Nightmare Night!” Carrie whispered to her brother, which he nodded in agreement.

“Quite.” Mason replied.

“But anyway…” Ren spoke up with a serious look. “We think that they might have taken to some mines or what we might’ve gotten from the fake Cadance before she made both Twilight and our other friend, Nicole disappeared.”

“Mines…” Princess Luna muttered. “Do you happen to talk about the crystal mines underneath the castle?”

“You know about it?” Kaede asked in confusion.

“Yes. Tia explained it to me that the crystal mines used to belong to greedy unicorn miners who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside of the mines, but never to be seen again. Only a few such as myself, and my sister knew about the mines.” Princess Luna explained.

“Oh crap!” Jack cursed herself.

“I see…” Rantaro rubbed his chin with an amused smirk. “Well it would seem that we gotten ourselves a new journey.”

“You’re right. If Twilight and Nicole are down there, then that’s what where we need to go as well!” Ren stated with a determined look before taking out his Hacking Gun. “Let’s hurry before it’s too late.”

“Yeah but…there’s one thing I don’t get.” Kodi wondered. “Why does that fake Cadance wants to marry Shining Armor in the first place?”

We all looked at each other in surprise, realizing that Kodiak had a good point. Oh man…I never did think of that. But whatever it is, it’s not good that’s for sure!

“Whatever that crazy faker is planning, we gotta stop it!” Jack exclaimed, cracking his knuckles with an angry look.

“Right!” Mason nodded.

“D-do you think you could take us there?” I asked curiously, which Princess Luna nodded.

“Yes. I can transport us all through a portal to get there.” Princess Luna nodded.

“Awesome! Let’s go!” Carrie said in excitement until Mason shook his head and said “No Carrie, it’s best if some of you stayed behind.”

“What?!” Carrie asked in shock.

“But why?” Ren asked in surprise.

“We don’t know what could possibly be down there. It’s best if some of us went down there with Princess Luna before we might end up getting hurt or worse.” Mason explained. “That’s why I should come.”

“While you losers stay by, I’m coming too!” Jack growled.

“Now hold on…I don’t think it’s get idea. It’s best if you stay here as well Jack.” Jack turned to Mason with an angry glare and exclaimed “What?!”

“Trust me Jack, what if something happens during the wedding. I can’t help but wonder what that imposter is planning. It’s best if you stayed here and help out. Trust me.” Mason assured with a serious look.

“He might have a point.” Ren nodded in agreement. “But I’m coming too Mason! You and Luna can’t do this alone! With my Hacking Gun, I can totally take them on!”

“Well…” Mason glanced away, unsure to bring Ren with him and Luna. “I’m not sure Ren. You may have the Hacking Gun but it might dangerous.”

“Mason is right. There are thou traps that I’ve heard that their might be down there.” Luna nodded in agreement.

“So what? I’m not gonna leave my friends behind!” Ren shook his head with a serious and determined look. I gripped onto the book in my hands, forming a slightly determined look.

“U-umm…excuse me, everyone?” Everyone turned or glance towards me with curious looks. “I…please, take me with you!”

“What?” Mason asked in surprise.

“Please! Twilight’s down there! Along with Nicole! We have to do something!” I exclaimed. “I-I want to help and I want to prove myself that I am reliable in your eyes! I want to be prove that I’m not weak!”

“Jamie…” Ren muttered in surprise as I fell to my knees and did a bow to them.

“Please…give me a chance. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. I want to save Twilight and Nicole down there…so please…” I kept pleading while the others looked at me in surprise. I can’t let Twilight die down there, and neither should Nicole.

“…Alright dude, let’s go!” Huh? I looked up to see Ren raising his hand towards me with a determined look. “Don’t leave me hanging! Let’s go!”

“O-oh…Okay.” I nodded in agreement.

“It’s best if me, Carrie, Kodiak, Rantaro, and Jack stayed behind for the wedding.” Kaede suggested. “I mean, you three are the strongest compared to us, well except Jack. He can handled in pretty much a fight with anypony he meets.”

“And don’t you ever forget it, toots.” Jack grinned boastfully, causing some of us to roll our eyes.

“Well then, let us make hast!” Princess Luna’s horn glowed as she created a dark blue portal, much to our surprise.

“Ren, are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” Kodi asked in worried.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Ren assured, scratching him underneath the chin, much to his joy. “I got my friends, and my Hacking Gun by my side.”

“Big brother, please be careful.” Carrie begged, which Mason nodded before she came over and hugged her brother, which he hugged back as well.

“You better be alright nerd.” Jack remarked with a light scoff while I looked at him with a slight nod and smile.

“D-don’t worry…I-I’ll be alright.” I assured with a soft smile. It seemed like that my smile gotten him to ruffle my hair with a light chuckle.

“Now that’s better.” Jack chuckled. “Get to it or else don’t make me kick your butt if you die on us.”

“T-trust me…I’ll do good.” I nodded.

“Well we hope to see you all get back here safe and sound.” Kaede held a worried look before asking “But what happens if you don’t make it in time?”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.” Rantaro assured with a light chuckle. “Hee hee…I thought I should let you know that I have a great reputation in weddings.”

“And what kind of reputation is that?” Mason questioned, raising a brow at him.

“Sorry guard boy, but I’m afraid that you got a job to do and so do we.” Rantaro chuckled. “So good luck.”

“…Fine.” Mason sighed.

“Don’t worry guys, we’ll back before the bride and groom says ‘I do’ to each other!” Ren nodded with a smirk before turning to Princess Luna as he held his Hacking Gun and said “We’re ready Princess Luna! Let’s go!”

“…Very well.” Princess Luna nodded before the rest of us began walking into the portal towards the abandoned crystal mines. Before I could take my step, I looked back at the gang as they gave me encouraged yet concern looks, presumably due to us having the feeling that we might not make it. I gave him them a soft but awkward smile before jumping into the portal and landing onto the cold hard ground.

With that, I took one last look at the portal and saw it closing for good.

“Welcome to the abandoned crystal mines.” Princess Luna called as we all looked around the area, seeing many floating crystals in different colors like pink, purple, red, blue, yellow, and green. Some were still entrapped in the rocky walls. I took note of this in my journal and decided to copy down a map which might hopefully help us through this place in search of our friends.

“Whoa, this place looks awesome.” Ren stated in awe. “It’s like we’re inside of an RPG dungeon!”

“Ren, focus.” Mason said sternly. “Right now, we need to find our friends and fast.”

“Indeed.” Princess Luna nodded. “But thou must warn ya that this place is full of dead ends and booby traps. It is best if we keep calm and don’t fall behind.”

“O-Okay!” I nodded with a meek smile. “But…where should we go?”

“Hmmm…” Princess Luna thought for a while before looking around to see an old entrance covered with planks. “Something tells me over there.”

“Princess Luna, do you know where we’re even going?” Mason questioned.

“Unfortunately not. I only heard rumors about and its’ traps, but never about the rest of the area.” Princess Luna shook her head. “I am sorry…”

“It’s alright you guys.” Ren assured. “We just gotta believe in our gut feelings.”

“No offence, but I think we need more than ‘gut feelings’.” I retorted. “Right now, we should explore this place.”

“Good idea Jamie.” Mason nodded in agreement as the the four of us began looking around the mines in hopes of finding our friends. Where could Twilight and Nicole be? They have to be here somewhere right? No…you need to have faith just like they said. Believe in them…

“Let’s try going there first.” Ren said, pointing over to the boarded up entrance. “It might be something that imposter could’ve hidden them there.”

“I’m not sure about that…” Mason shook his head with an unsure look. “It seems way too obvious.”

“Mason Hunter has a point, Ren.” Princess Luna nodded. “Wouldn’t that be too obvious?”

“Well…I guess you have a point.” Ren sighed. “Actually, now that I think about it…I remember this let’s play I saw on Bendy and The Ink Machine that something came popping out of a boarded up door and tried attacking the player.”

“R-Really?” I asked in fear.

“That’s ridiculous. This isn’t a game.” Mason stated seriously before blinking in surprise and slowly looked around the place.

“What? What’s up?” Ren asked curiously.

“Did you guys…hear something?” Mason asked, much to our confusion.

“H-hear what?” I asked, clutching onto my notebook in fear. Princess Luna narrowed her eyes as well before we heard some loud banging as the rest of us turned over to the boarded up entrance as it began banging over and over again till it began breaking apart.

“YOU! FOOLS! BETRAYED!” W-w-w-what?! Suddenly, the entrance immediately got broken down, revealing to be…some short of shadow with yellow eyes and it was in the shape of a pony.


“AHHHHHH!” I screamed out loud as it charged towards us.

“Gah! Break!” Ren screamed, firing a ‘Break’ bullet at the ghost, completely destroying it. “What the heck was that?!”

“That’s what I’m wondering.” Mason nodded as Princess Luna looks over at the shadow with a shocked look. “Your majesty? Do you anything about it?”

“T-this shadow…I felt as though I’ve seen it before…” Princess Luna gasped.

“Yeah…same here.” Ren nodded, calming down a bit. “Wait…that shadow! It looked exactly like the ones that attacked at Nightmare Night!”

“Wait what?” I asked in confusion and shock.

“You see…” Ren rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin. “Before me and the others met you for the first time, our Halloween/Nightmare Night celebration got interrupted by those shadow monsters like the one we just saw but…now I’m wondering is what is one of them doing down here?”

“I am confused of this revelation too…” Princess Luna nodded in agreement. “Why was one down here?”

Before any of us could question it, we heard some loud noises emanating down here as the rest of us turned to see more shadows escaping through the hole.


“WAAAAAH! There’s more of them?!” I screamed out in fear as my face began to turn a lot more pale than before.

“Apparently so.” Mason took out his wooden pole and began attacking the shadows while Ren raised his gun and shot multiple ‘Break’ bullets at them.

“Stand back you fiends of the darkness!” Princess Luna threatened before firing a dark blue magic beam at a group of shadow-like ponies, completely destroying them.

I began backing away before hearing a loud and creepy noise behind me, prompting me to turned around and saw a shadow-like pony staring at me with a loud snarl, causing me to scream out in fer before falling on my back and began backing away from her.

“P-please…leave me alone!” I begged as the pony slowly crept towards me.

“YOU FOOL! YOU PROMISED US TO LET US GO! YOU PROMISED US TO SAVE US!” Huh? What it saying? Before I could think more, the shadow in front of me started glowing before I noticed a horn on his head. “NOW! LET’S SEE HOW YOU FEEL TO BE LEFT IN THE DARKNESS!”

I flinched in fear and closed my eyes as it was prepared to hurt me until I heard a loud moan as I opened my eyes and saw Ren taking out that monster with a ‘Paralyze’ bullet, causing it to be frozen in place before disappearing.

“You okay man?” Ren raised his hand to me as I looked at him in surprise before nodding and grabbing his arm, getting right back on my own two feet.

“Y-yeah…thank you.” I nodded before noticing a bunch of other shadows attacking us. Mason began swatting them away with his pole like a professional Ken-do master would’ve done. He was quite perfecting any move that comes natural with Ken-do like the Renzoku Waza as he moved in towards one of the shadows through a rhythm of correct strikes and throwing the opponent off-guard.

Princess Luna fired multiple magic beams at many shadows while Ren defended me by using multiple ‘Break’ bullets. He then switched the dial around before firing a ‘Link’ bullet towards one of the shadows, gaining control of it as they began attacking their own brethren. I stood there, wondering what can I do before noticing a bunch of shadows jumping into the air and preparing to attack Ren from behind.

“No! Look out!” I pushed Ren out of the way and raised my hands in the air in fear, but before you know it……nothing. I felt nothing knocking me down. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped a little, seeing a blue shield surrounding me and the shadows were already gone. I blinked in shock as the shield immediately disappeared as I looked at my raised hand. What the?

“What was…that?” Mason asked, looking around the area. “Where did those all those shadows go?”

“I…don’t know.” I shook my head before looking at my hands. Did…I had something to do with it?

“Luna, was that you?” Ren asked her, but she shook her head.

“I’m afraid not. It wasn’t me. I was too busy destroying some of the shadows.” Luna replied, much to our surprise. So then…who-

“TRAITORS!” We looked over to hear more voices coming towards the entrance.

“Oh crap-baskets!” Ren yelled out. “Not this again! We’re gonna hit by another wave of shadows!”

I looked around before noticing a bunch of rocks lying between the walls of the entrance….Wait, that’s it!

“Ren, shoot at those boulders!” I pointed over them, much to Ren’s confusion. “J-Just do it!”

“You got it!” Ren nodded before raising his Hacking Gun and shouting “Knock-Back!”

He fired a gust of wind on the rocks, blowing them towards the entrance, blocking the path as the shadows were howling and screaming.

“That was a close one.” Mason sighed. “I never expected to see those things again.”

“Trust us, neither did we.” Princess Luna nodded in agreement. “But why are they here? I thought that was the last of them…”

“True…” I muttered. Just what we’re they? What were they saying? Traitors? Betrayal? It’s like they’re blinded by their emotions…

“It’s…best if we didn’t think about it.” Ren suggested, which the rest of us nodded in agreement. “Right now, we should get going through these caverns.”

“Right!” We nodded before making our way through the cave in search of Twilight and Nicole. I’m wondering how those two are doing…I just hope they’re doing alright…

Nicole’s POV

We sure been walking around for quite a while…I’m pretty sure that we’re lost…no wait, we’re definitely lost.

“Ooh! We just have to hurry! Who knows what that fake imposter is going to do to Shining?!” Cadance exclaimed in worried.

“Don’t worry Cadance, we promise that we’re gonna stop that fake you in order to save Canterlot!” Twilight assured with a determined grin. Speaking of which…

“Excuse me, Miss Cadance?” I questioned, gaining these two ponies’ attention. “Exactly how long have you been down here?”

“I would say since the threat to Canterlot was made.” Cadance explained. “And that happened several weeks again. I thought I was gonna die…but luckily you two came…”

“I see…” I nodded. “But do you also know about your captor’s identity?”

“I do…and I know what they are.” Hm? What they are?

“You do?” Twilight asked in surprise, which Cadance nodded.

“Of course! She’s a-”

Before she could finish, we heard another dark laughter coming through the mines as we looked at one of the crystals to see the fake ‘Cadance’ in front of us.

“My my, you three sure are persistent. Don’t you ever just give up and abandoned all the love and hope to ever see your ‘friends’ again?” The fake ‘Cadance’ mockingly laughed as Twilight glared at her and exclaimed “Keep laughing all you want! We’re not giving up!”

“Oh surely you must. Face it, my plans are nearly complete. Once I have Shining by my side, all of the love in Canterlot…no, all of Equestria’s love will be mine!” Huh? All of Equestria’s love? I narrowed my eyes a bit and demanded “What…do you mean? Why are you saying it like that?”

“Hmm? What do you mean human girl?” The fake ‘Cadance’ questioned with a confused look.

“You’re saying that you’re interested in this love in all of Equestria. If it’s something like wanting to have power by getting into the royal family with Shining, then maybe I would have believed you…” I narrowed my eyes and pointed at the hologram. “But you said that you are interested in love? What exactly do you mean?”

“Hmph, why not ask the real Princess Cadance for that?” The fake ‘Cadance’ mockingly chuckled as the real Cadance walked over with a glare and exclaimed “Forget it you Changeling! You won’t be winning Shining’s heart!”

“Ooh, I’m afraid that isn’t possible.” The fake ‘Cadance’ chuckled.

“So you’re a Changeling…” I muttered.

“A Changeling?” Twilight asked in confusion. “I feel as though I heard that name from before.”

“Oh right Twilight, I think you read about it once you were a filly. You see-”

“A Changeling is an insect pony-like bug creature that has the ability to shape-shift into many identities and objects, which would be hard to tell and not only that, they seemed to also have the ability to suck in the love out of people’s hearts, which could result into them to long-term of comatose or in rare cases, death. Am I right?”

Cadance and Twilight stared at me in shock while the fake ‘Cadance’ raised a brow as I sensed that she was impressed by my intellect and how I knew she was gonna say that.

“Y-yeah…I am generally surprised that you could have figured that out.” Cadance stated in surprise.

“Hmph…so what if you do. You fools still don’t have a chance stopping me at my wedding.” The fake ‘Cadance’ laughed. “Not even you’re friends can stop me, Twilight Sparkle. Not even after the stunt you pulled to cause them to hate on you, even the fair Princess Celestia and your brother did.”

Twilight winced before slumping her head down with sadness while me and Cadance looked at her in confusion. I looked at her for a while and saw through her eyes. It was the same look she had when I found out that she and her brother betrayed each other, which means…!

“Twilight…what is she talking about?” Cadance asked in confusion.

“You see…” Twilight sighed sadly. “I…may have tried to pin you, or at least, the imposter, that she was evil after she starting being mean to my friends while we worked on the wedding, and I tried to convince them, but neither of them believed in me…”

“Which not only resulted in your brother in abandoning you, but the others as well, right?” I narrowed my eyes a bit. I don’t get it…I thought that they stated that they would always be together and never leave each other, so why would they do that? They weren’t lying at the time.

“Yeah…” Twilight sighed sadly. “But I guess I was the fool to even believed in them…well except for Ren and the others. They stood by my side before I drove them away, wishing to be alone…”

“And that was beautiful.” We all glared at the fake ‘Cadance’ as she continued “Thanks to you, now I have no distractions from neither your or your annoying bunch of your friends or humans in my plans.”

“Acting all arrogant will make you fall.” I stated. “You think you won, but you won’t know until your plan is completely finished.”

“Hmph, I don’t need to let it finish on what I’m about to do.” The fake ‘Cadance’ scoffed. “I know that I will be successful. I do not anyone to tell me what to do.”

“…Alright…” I shrugged, walking off as the others nearly fell over in an anime-like style as the fake ‘Cadance’ shouted “Hey wait! Where do you think you’re going?!”

“To look for an exit. Come on Twilight, Cadance, let’s leave her before we get annoyed.” I said politely, which the other two blinked in surprise before nodding.

“You little…! You really think you’ll find the exit?! Besides, what’s the point?” The fake ‘Cadance’ scoffed. “You really think that you’ll be thanked by your ‘friends’ and brother and even the princess, not after what she did.”

“I’m well aware what happened. But they were all too busy with the wedding to even suspect you.” I stated. “So I guess it’s technically not their fault to not suspect you, but what I don’t appreciate others leaving alone in tears and sorrow.”

“Ha, like I care about those weak emotions.” ‘Cadance’ scoffed.

“Hey imposter, could you do me a favor and please be quiet?” I asked politely, much to the imposter’s anger. “Thank you.”

“Wow…” Twilight muttered in surprise. “Way to go shutting her off.”

“We should really focus to save Canterlot, Miss Twilight. So let’s go.”

“You’re right! We need to hurry before it’s over!” Cadance nodded in agreement as the three of us began running while we saw multiple fake ‘Cadance’s’ through the crystals as they began laughing mocking at us. Oh, I guess she didn’t hear me to be quiet. Oh well…she’s too arrogant to even listen to us.

Wait…do I hear music?

This day is going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
Everypony will gather 'round
Say I look lovely in my gown
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!

(Princess Cadance):
This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
But instead of having cake
With all my friends to celebrate
My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all…

I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows, well I'll be lying when I say
That through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together
The truth is I don't care for him at all
No I do not love the groom
In my heart there is no room
But I still want him to be all mine

(Princess Cadance):
We must escape before it's too late
Find a way to save the day
Hope, I'll be lying if I say
"I don't fear that I may lose him
To one who wants to use him
Not care for, love, and cherish him each day"
For I oh so love the groom
All my thoughts he does consume
Oh, Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon

Finally the moment has arrived
For me to be one lucky bride

(Princess Cadance):
Oh, the wedding we won't make
He'll end up marrying a fake
Shining Armor will be...

...mine, all mine.

The…musical number ended with ‘Cadance’ making an evil laugh while the rest of us looked around in worried and fear. We all looked around the place in search of an exit, but when the song was finally over, there was one thing that was in my mind.

“…Where did all that background music come from in a cave no less?” Oh well, it’s best not to dwell in it.

“Come on! Let’s hurry!” Cadance said before running ahead while me and Twilight ran followed after her. As we kept running, I glanced over at Twilight and thought of something to maybe make her feel a bit better.

“Hey…Twilight?” I called, gaining her attention. “I was wondering about what that imposter said and…who cares about what your friends did?”

“Huh? What do are you talking about?” Twilight cocked her head in confusion.

“I mean is that they never knew the truth and were being fooled around, or so that ‘Cadance’ said in her song.” I pointed out. “Your friends don’t know the truth. I understand that you feel so betrayed, but you need to remember…they’re your friends, aren’t they? You said that Ren and the other gang didn’t leave your side till you forced them to leave, right? That mean that they believed in you and felt concern for you.”

“…I guess you’re right…but Jamie…I may have said some horrible things back to him…” Twilight sniffed, looking down in sadness. “I’m not sure if he cares for me anymore…”

“Judging from his personality, he’s the type to forgive easily.” I smiled softly. “So I have a feeling that you do not have to worry.”

“…Well…I sure wished I knew that…” Twilight sighed while I gave her a soft and comfortable grin, which made her smile softly at me back.

“Oh, we’re never going to save him!” We turned to see Cadance sitting on a rock, looking up on the ceiling with a mournful look.

Twilight and I looked at each other and nodded as she pulled a determined look and said “We will. We just have to find….”

“There!” I pointed upwards, seeing some light emanating from the cave upwards. “That may be the exit.”

“Perfect, let’s go!” Twilight smiled happily as the three of us began heading over there, but not until we heard some laughter coming from the shadows. We looked around before seeing a trio of eyes glaring down behind us. I stepped back with narrowed eyes and inspected those green eyes….strange….what..are they?

“You’re not going anywhere.” The trio of eyes revealing themselves to be…bridesmaids? And they looked like they have been beaten down judging by the way their clothes were teared apart. We began backing away in fear from the ladies…why now of all places?

As the three began closing in on us…

“Paralyze!” We looked over to our left to see a bunch of yellow beams of light shooting towards the bridesmaid, shocking them by that static electricity.

We looked over to our right to see some familiar faces, which made Twilight become shocked to see one of them.


Fifteen Minutes Earlier
Jamie’s POV

We’ve been walking down this path for a while now since we defeated and locked away those mysterious shadows but now we were getting deeper into the cave.

“I’m still confused by those things we encountered.” Ren stated. “Those things remind me of the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts. Maybe they were dark creatures created from the dark hearts of humans.”

“Ren, please don’t be ridiculous.” Mason said with a serious look as we continued walking down a narrow path. “While it is true those things are quite confusing to begin with, I’m still not sure about those things appearing right here in the mines.”

“Me neither.” Princess Luna nodded in agreement. “What are a couple of creatures doing here? They should have been locked away in Tatarus…”

“Hold on…what do you mean?” I asked, blinking in confusion.

“You see, we remember before we ever turned into Nightmare Moon by succumbing to the darkness.” Princess Luna started to explain about the situation surrounding the shadows. “They were dark forces that came out of nowhere 10,000 years ago, and me and my sister taken care neutralizing the threat, sealing them away in Tatarus, but now they seemed to be finally escaping, but why here? This doesn’t make any sense…”

“Indeed…” Mason muttered in agreement before coming to a stop. “Huh? A dead end?”

“Wait what?” I asked in surprise before looking over to see the path we were walking in…had nowhere to go. No, it didn’t had a wall covering the place, the path itself was destroyed.

“Aw man…now what?” Ren wondered, rubbing the back of his head.

“I don’t know…we could fly over but I’m not sure if Twilight Sparkle and Nicole Bonnie are on this side.” Princess Luna shook her head. “Let us try and find another path to go…”

“Yeah…” Mason nodded as the three of them began taking their leave while I stood there, looking over at the path with a sad look. I guess we don’t really have a choice but to find another way…I…I don’t know but…I just have this strange feeling…this feeling that…

I know…this feeling in my heart…I can feel Twilight’s presence over by that side…I just know that….I don’t why and I can’t explain how I knew…but I somehow knew…I know that there on the other side of this broken down path.

“Guys wait!” I called, gaining the other’s attention. I flinched a little from their curious stares before I shook it off and made a serious look. “How can we be so sure that they’re not over by the other side? I mean…it’s not worth checking, right?”

“What makes you say that dude?” Ren asked curiously.

“W-well…it’s…just a feeling.” I muttered. “So…could we at least try it out and see for ourselves.”

“That could be case…” Princess Luna spoken. “But I cannot carry you with all my might and my magic is nearly finished up from using all my energy fighting off all of those shadows…”

“That is a problem…” Mason muttered. I looked around before noticing a bunch of crystals slowly floating in the air. I narrowed my eyes and saw them blinking into different colors like blue, red, green, yellow, pink, and cyan….Wait, where have I seen those colors before?…Of course!

“Hey Ren, do you mind if you shoot any of those crystals by using ‘Move’?” I asked curiously.

“Huh? Uhh…sure dude.” Ren nodded before aiming his Hacking Gun at the floating crystals. “Move!”

Ren shot a ‘Move’ bullet at the crystals, causing them to completely turn green as Ren began shooting more and more ‘Move’ bullets at every floating crystal we saw and before you know it…they lined up together as a path.

“Whoa…” Ren muttered in awe. “That’s just awesome. Looks like shooting those things created a path for us to cross.”

“Hmm…” Mason turned to me with a soft smile. “I guess you figured it out, huh?”

“Y-yeah…was it good enough?” I asked meekly and nervously before being feeling a hand on my shoulder as I looked over at Mason, who gave me a soft smile and nod. I smiled softly at him before the rest of us began crossing over it while Princess Luna flew to next to us. Ren, Mason, and I began jumping over by crystal by crystal.

“Man, good idea James! How did you figure that’ll work?” Ren asked curiously as we continued crossing over the path of floating crystals.

“W-well you see…when I saw the crystals glowing the same colors as the Truth Bullets from your Hacking Gun, I thought that maybe we could use ‘Move’ to make them go over and form a path…I just thought it could’ve work.” I explained, blushing a little while keeping focus on where I step so that I won’t fall down the bottomless pit.

“Well I say you’re plan really worked out dude.” Ren winked before we finally made it to the other side. I looked at Ren in awe before smiling over him. “I think you’re starting to change…I hardly hear you stuttering to yourself.”

“Thank you…” I thanked with a soft smile before we continue our way through the dark corners of the abandoned crystal mines. As we continued our way, we heard some squeaking before I looked over to see Mason’s pet squirrel duo looking around frantically in fear.

“What’s wrong my friends?” Mason questioned in worried and concern. The two looked around in great concern before they hopped off and began scurrying through the place.

“What are they doing?” Ren wondered.

“I do not know.” Princess Luna shrugged before turning to Mason and asked “Young Mason, what are your little squirrel friends up to?”

“It looks like they might’ve found something.” Mason replied, but his tone of voice felt unsure about it. The two squirrels looked around before pointed over upwards over a long cliff. We looked over it to see…

“An exit!” Princess Luna blurted out. “So that’s what they found!”

“Huh, how intentional that we found it.” Ren said, blinking in surprise. “I guess maybe once we found Twilight and Nicole, we can go through there to escape.”

“Good idea.” I nodded before asking “But the only problem is…where are they?”

Suddenly, the two squirrel’s ears’ perked up before they immediately dashed back to us, mainly to Mason as they climbed and began pulling his hair.

“Ow! What? What is it, you two?” Mason asked as they kept pulling his hair, like they were trying to tell him something.

“I think they want to show us something.” I suggested, which made the two squirrels nod their heads.

“Show me what?” Mason asked as they pointed over in front of us as we began moving forward through the path before seeing a bunch of figures over by the side of the mines.

“You aren’t going anywhere.” Hey…who just said that? We looked over to see…bridesmaids stepping forward through the darkness at…

“Twilight?!” I blurted out in shock. “And Nicole?!”

“And dear Cadance!” Princess Luna yelled out. “What are they doing here?!”

“More importantly, what are those bridesmaids doing here as well?!” Ren exclaimed.

“It doesn’t matter right now! Right now, we gotta save them!” Mason yelled, which we nodded as we ran over to them by climbing down some rocky areas as Ren leaped down to the ground with his Hacking Gun by arm.

“Paralyze!” Ren shot a ‘Paralyze’ bullet straight at the bridesmaids, causing them to be electrocuted and frozen in shock. Twilight, Nicole, and apparently, Cadance, looked over to our right as they turned to us with surprised and shocked looks.

“…Jamie?” Twilight muttered in shock. “Is that…you?”

“Twilight…we’re here.” I panted, finally climbing back down on the ground with a heavy sigh. Before I even had the chance to move at all, I was immediately hugged by Twilight none other.

“I’m so glad that you came!” Twilight exclaimed in joy. “For a moment there, I thought you wouldn’t bother to save me. Not after what I did back there earlier. I’m so sorry…I was a major jerk.”

I gave her an awkward yet apologetic look and replied “H-hey…it’s okay. I’m the one who should apologizing for what I said back there. I was the major jerk.”

“Well…” Twilight gave me a soft smile. “I guess that makes us the biggest jerks, huh?”

I blushed a bit before hiding my face with my notebook and muttered “Y-yeah…I supposed so.”

“Nicole, are you alright?” We looked over to see Ren talking with Nicole with a concern look. “Is this where you’ve been? How did you get down here?”

“You could ask the imposter that tricked all of us for that.” Nicole answered. “It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you another time…okay?”

“O-okay…if you say so.” Ren nodded in agreement.

“Well I’m glad everyone’s alright.” Mason sighed before noticing Cadance staring right at him, “C-Cadance….?”

“Mason! It’s really is you!” Princess Cadance smiled happily before running over and chuckled in delight upon seeing Mason. “So I guess you really did came to the wedding. I’m really glad that we got to meet each other.”

Mason stared at her for a moment before making a soft smile at her and replied “Well…after we met last time for handing me Twilight’s birthday present, it was sort of returning the favor by coming to meet up with ya.”

“Tee-hee. I see.” Cadance chuckled before turning to Princess Luna. “Oh! Auntie Luna! You’re here too?”

“Yes, after all…we wouldn’t want to let our niece die in our hooves.” Princess Luna smiled before hugging her niece. “It is good to see ya again.”

“Me too! I’m so happy that you all came to save us!” Cadance smiled softly, letting out tears.

“So you’re Cadance? Well, the real one, right?” Ren asked in surprise before smiling happily. “Well I’m glad to finally get to meet Twilight’s greatest foalsitter in all of Equestria.”

“Oh, I bet she said that you, huh?” Cadance looked over at Twilight, who looked away in embarrassment. “Well if it wasn’t for her allowing me to become her foalsitter, I wouldn’t met my Shining Armor.”

“Ha! Good one!” Ren chuckled with a grin.

“Well…I can safely say that we’re glad to see each other.” Mason smiled before forming a serious look. “But right now…we need to hurry before that faker tries to get married!”

“Y-you’re right! Let’s go!” I agreed, forming a serious and determined look of my own. Cadance took a good look at me and raised a brow before letting out a small gasp. “H-huh? Is there something wrong Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?”

“Huh? Oh it’s nothing…” She shook her head with an awkward soft smile. “Oh! And you can call me ‘Cadance’. It’s sorta a weird thing for anyone using my full name like that.”

“Right…sorry.” I nodded.

“Let us make haste towards the exit!” Princess Luna said as we tried to make our getaway until we heard some hissing before looking back to see the three bridesmaid glaring down at us as they slowly began advancing at us.

“You all aren’t going anywhere.” The three chuckled darkly, causing me to feel afraid of them. Wait…their eyes…what’s going on with them? They weren’t like this before…!

“Dang it! Someone do something!” Ren exclaimed. I began feeling intimidated by them that I accidentally tripped over by a small rock, falling on my back before noticing a bunch of some flowers near me. Wait…a bouquet of flowers? What are they doing here? Hold on….It might a long shot but maybe it could work…

I immediately got up with the bouquet in my hands before waving it around in front of them, causing them to feel ‘Ooh’d’ by it before throwing it towards a pit, causing the three to immediately jump in after it.


Phew…that took care of them. Everyone soon turned to me with shocked looks, which made me flinch in fear.

“W-what? I-I thought it would’ve worked but-”

“That was amazing! Good idea Jamie!” Twilight exclaimed in joy. “I didn’t even think that would’ve worked!”

“Well…that was quite a stereotypical way on how to beat them.” Nicole said bluntly before softly smiling at me. “But…could work and you don’t need to feel embarrassed about it.”

“H-hey! I-I don’t do that!” I exclaimed, which made the others either laughed or make amused smiles on their faces.

“You know, you’re slowly starting to becoming more better and awesome by the minute, Jamie.” Ren chuckled, much to my embarrassment.

“H-hey…stop it.” I muttered with a blush while I twiddled my thumbs in embarrassment.

“Anyway, come on everypony! We got ourselves a wedding to crash!” Mason exclaimed in a serious manner. “Right now, we need to get to the exit in time!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll try and transport us up there.” Twilight assured. “I was planning on doing it since Cadance’s been down here for so long that she’s derived of enough energy to transport the rest of us up there. So allow me!”

“O-okay…we trust you, Twilight.” I softly smiled at her, which made Twilight smiled at me back before her horn glowed and before you knew it, we were already by the exit by a second.

“Yes! We made it!” Cadance beamed in happiness and excitement.

“Now come on, let’s go!” Ren shouted. “Hopefully Rantaro and the others are getting the wedding getting kept longer.”

“Wait, Rantaro and the others are trying to stall the wedding?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Yep!” Ren nodded with a smile before rubbing the back of his head with a confused look. “Though…I wonder how’s he gonna stall a wedding?”

That’s…actually a good question. Rantaro stated that he’s been to many weddings back in his days back in our world and he’s experienced this kind of stuff…so like…how is he gonna do that?

Rantaro’s POV

Okay, I think I get it now. In case of you kiddos didn’t figure it out, the wedding ceremony started out five minutes ago. I was over by the side with the common crowd while Jack stood by my side. Carrie and those little fillies began delivering the flowers by throwing them on the ground while the spoiling little bratty imposter princess began walking up towards the groom, who has been quiet for some time after we took our leave.

Ah yes, I don’t believe I told you why we’re even here. You see, me, Carrie, Kaede, Jack, and that mutt, Kodiak, headed back with the others as they questioned where Ren, Mason, and Jamie went. I made a quick lie by telling them that they went off to search for Nicole while we checked up on Twilight and Jamie, explaining it to them that they were alright but wanted to be left alone for a while. They seemed to believe in that and said that they were sorry for not checking on them, but we forgave them. Though, I didn’t forgive them being such a bunch of naive idiots. But now then, let’s get into some serious business…

Anyway, I looked over at the bride, seeing her making a smug look on her face. Wow, and none of these ponies are noticing this. Whoever she is, she may be good with disguises but she’s not good with copying down the real bride’s personality. I mean, I’m sure Celeste would’ve found out. Pretty much, I think anyone who ever knows her would find out…wow, it just shows that these guys are so stupid. At least Twilight found out, so she’s pretty much an exception.

Now then, as soon as ‘Cadance’ managed to walked over next to her groom, Princess Celestia began announcing the proceedings of the wedding.

“Hey…” Jack whispered to me grudgingly. “Isn’t this your part to stall the wedding in time?”

“Yeah yeah, be patient fat biker.” I scoffed, much to his irritation. Now then…time to fun to begin.

“Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of…”

“Your majesty!” I called, gaining her, ‘Cadance’, and Shining’s attention. “I object!”

“Wait what?!” Jack yelled out while everypony murmured in shock and confusion.

“Object? But we…haven’t gotten into that part yet.” Celeste pointed out.

“Then I’m objecting prematurely…Celeste.” I gave off a cocky smirk while the girls stared at me in shock and anger while Kodi, Kaede, and Carrie looked at each other in worried, wondering how is this a good plan.

I then scooted out of the way along with Jack, who was still glaring at me on what I was trying to do as we made our way through the crowd before walking over to the said lovebirds and such.

“Excuse me, brat.” ‘Cadance’ scoffed. “But we have a wedding to do. Not to deal with a freakish-”

“Yeah yeah, save it princess.” I chuckled, making the others gasped in shock.

“Rantaro! Jack! What are you two fellas doing?!” Applejack demanded.

“To be honest, I have no clues farm chick.” Jack shrugged.

I ignored the two as I gave him a smirk towards the bride and continued “Oh, well, if you to get your wedding done, you know…you got to use the big ‘L’.”

“The big ‘L’?” Princess Celestia questioned, raising a brow at me.

“That’s right!” I chuckled while Jack gave me an incredulous look.

“What the hell does that even mean?! Are you talking about les-”

“Nuh-uh! Not that kind of ‘L’ Jacky, my good boy.” I shook my head in amusement. Was he really gonna say that word? No no, I’m talking about that ‘L’ word. “I’m talking about love!”

“O-oh right! Yeah love!” Jack nodded before giving me an incredulous look and asked “What?!”

“That’s right! Love!” I wiggled my brows while ‘Cadance’ gritted her teeth and Celeste looked at me with a raised brow.

“If I may ask…care to ask what love means to you Rantaro Wilde?” She asked curiously.

“If you wanna know…” I turned to the crowd, crossing my left foot behind my right foot and explained “Love is the engine that drives the train forward, backwards, side to side, round and round love does go.”

“Seriously?” Jack asked. “That sounds pretty stupid.”

Once again, I ignored him as I began continuing my little ‘explanation’.

“I’m not talking about no $20 up in here, back seat of the car, hobo. No no no. I’m talking about good, wholesome, fortified with eight essential vitamins love. That cost anywhere because of inflation!”

“Y-yeah….whatever the hell you’re talking about.” Jack muttered with a scoff.

“Love is meant to be together, show that these two can live together happily ever after. Can I get an Amen?”

“Amen!” They all yelled out.

“No no no! That’s enough!” ‘Cadance’ begged with a nervous chuckle before glaring at me. “I think we should stop talking about love.”

“Really? There’s not enough to talk about love.” I scoffed before smirking at her. “But let me ask ya something…what’s love to ya?”

“What’s it to me?” She asked incredulous before sweating nervously. “W-well…love is something to enjoy and it’s all about sharing it and showering it over to the ones you love.”

“Aww…!” The crowd gushed at that while I shook my head with an annoyed sigh. Wow, you guys are so smart that you couldn’t tell that she was so lying.

“Then we have more time to talk about it.” I chuckled.

“Rantaro!” I glanced over at Rarity, who held an annoyed look as well. “We have no time for this! Please don’t tell us that you are insisting onto helping Twilight claims of her being evil!”

“And what if I am? All I’m doing is talk about love.” I shrugged with a nonchalant look. “Besides, why would I believe that she’s evil? I don’t side with anyone but myself.”

And that there is the truth.

“And listen to you folks, love isn’t something to just take, it’s about sharing it with your loved ones. Like you marry couple right there…” I pointed over a random couple, one had a blue fur coat with a light blue color while the other looked very similar to one unicorn mage I know. Meh, probably none of my business to figure that crap out. “You two love each other, do ya? You two deserve more with each other, spread that love and keep making it happen.”

The two ponies looked at each other with soft grins before nuzzling each other as I continued “That’s right! Anypony out here who shares their love to those behind ya! Amen!”

“Amen!” Everypony shouted.

“That’s enough!” Well…it would seem that I nearly broke her. She gave me an angry glare, one look at her that can tell ya that she’s nearly broke because she looked psychotic with that glare. “That’s enough! Enough! Enough! Enough! Enough!”

“Jeez, settle down toots.” Jack scoffed. “That look you’re giving us is scaring the undies out of me.”

“Shut it fatso!” Everypony gasped as she glared at us. “I am done with you two! Either you two get out or I’ll make my Shining call the rest of the guards! Just what the heck are you trying to do?! Are you trying to ruin MY wedding?!”

“I’m not…just waiting.” I stated, much to her anger and confusion.

“Waiting? Waiting…for what exactly?!”

“Beats me…why don’t you find out for yourself?” I grinned cockily at her. “After all…your little charade has gone long enough. You may have fool all of these guys’ eyes but you can fool ours. Mainly because we’re more smarter than these idiots here.”

“Why you…!” ‘Cadance’ held herself back, not wanting to break anymore. “I don’t care! My wedding comes first and that’s all! Shining!”

Shining glanced towards us as I raised a brow, seeing his eyes all green, like he was….Ah crap.

“Guards…get them.” He demanded, causing two random Royal Guards to come out of there and grab me and Jack.

“What the?! What the hell did I do?! I hadn’t say anything!” Jack yelled.

“Well…this is unfortunate.” I sighed. “Oh well…guess you really want to believe her more than us, eh Celeste?”

“Rantaro…Jack…I don’t know what’s making you two act like this, but I’m afraid till you two calm down. I’m afraid that you two have to spend the night at the cells.” Oh…well that’s unfortunate. With that, the guards began dragging us away, I made a small smirk before reaching out for my little personal weapon and…

“GAAAAAAH!” I literally shocked the guard while Jack straight-up punch the other straight in the nose.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Celeste demanded, raising her tone while the other guests felt extremely worried about this.

“I ain’t gonna leave.” Jack stated with a growl. “This whole damn thing is a farce! I mean, look at the crazy woman!” He pointed at her, who still snarled angrily at us. “She’s clearly evil and yet you idiots haven’t recognized it.”

“I knew it, you two really are working for Twilight.” Applejack growled a bit. “I thought we would drop this ‘evil’ stuff.”

“Really? I would’ve expected you to figure this out since you’re good at finding out who’s lying, but I guess you’re only good with just telling truths.” I scoffed with a shrug, much to her surprise.

“And same goes for ya Skittles!” Jack exclaimed. “I thought you said that you would never leave a friend behind, but ya left Twilight’s back tail behind because you weren’t in the mood and just focused on the wedding!”

“I-I-I…well…” Yep, can’t retort that back, now can you?

“This is ridiculous! Why would the likes of you two care about anything?!” Rarity questioned with a raised brow.

“No, not just them Rarity…” Kaede soon stepped forward, much to the other’s shock. “I’m siding with Twilight and Jamie on this.”

“K-Kaede?!” Rarity gaped in shock upon seeing that she joined our side. “What are you doing?”

“Rarity…I understand that you didn’t believe in Twilight, but you should at least comfort her despite everything you said.” Kaede said in a serious tone. “We were her friends and we were supposed to stick together as a team. Whatever happened to that? You even made Jamie cry and nearly made him commit suicide!”

“He tried to do WHAT?!” Applejack yelled out.

“I think she said-”

“We know what she said, Pinkie!” Rainbow exclaimed angrily, making Pinkie Pie make a sheepish grin.

“She’s right!” Carrie nodded in agreement. “We even saw him tried to fall off the balcony.”

That caused the others to look at each other in shock while the other guest members murmured in shock and confusion. Celeste herself felt shocked that one of her students’ friends tried to kill himself for what has happened to Twilight after they discouraged her for accusing ‘Cadance’ for being evil, which she is since she isn’t the real one.

“That’s right.” I nodded. “You guys call yourselves friends, but instead, you betrayed your own friends. You didn’t have faith in them because all you care is about the wedding than yourselves, claiming it to be a ‘Twilight’ thing and that you claimed that you guys’ friendship were close with one another, but that just shows that you guys are so stupid and that she deserves far better friends who don’t abandoned her. I guess even kind hearted ones and those who stay loyal with them can’t even cheer her up because they don’t care, do they?”

“Of course we do! We-”

“Then why didn’t you all comfort Twilight when she needed it?!” Kaede demanded. “Do you know how she felt?! Even Jamie tried to tell you guys the truth, but you dismissed it which nearly made him try to kill himself!”

“Well…” The girls looked between themselves and felt guilty for what they’ve done. Suddenly, we began hearing some laughing before glancing over at…

“My oh my, you idiots sure know how to entertain me for quite a while.” We all glared at the imposter as she continued “Right now, we have more important matters and that’s focusing back on the wedding. Guards…escort these freaks out to the door, now…”

More guards began appearing and surrounded the rest of us as Carrie hugged Kaede in fear.

“Kaede, I’m scared!”

“It’s okay Carrie, I got ya!”

“Hey! Back off!” Kodi barked. “You guys! Leave my friends alone!”

“Ha, I told you all once before that I won’t allow you ruin my wedding!” ‘Cadance’ screamed before she began crying out. “It’s supposed to be my perfect wedding!”

“Oh goddammit.” I cursed myself, seeing her using that act once more.

“Now escort them guards and don’t come back!” ‘Candace’ cried out as the guards began swarming us till…

“Stop it right now!” Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie stepped in with determined looks.

“What?! What is the meaning of this?!” ‘Cadance’ demanded.

“We are not gonna let you harm our friends!” Rarity exclaimed. “Everything they told us and how they kept defending Twilight and the others…they showed us something today.”

“They showed us that we should have believed in our friend, Twilight and Jamie more and that we should have been more faithful to them.” Applejack stated.

“Yeah! And we should have been there to comfort them from their sorrows!” Rainbow Dash added.

“We should have been better friends…” Fluttershy nodded in agreement. “But instead…we ended up like jerks to her when we should have been with them.”

“Yeah, and Jamie wouldn’t have killed himself.” Pinkie frowned sadly. “I hope that I can give him the best party to cheer and forgive him later till after this 4-part season finale!”

And once again, ignoring the pink pony, it would seem like our friends are finally understanding the cause on what they’ve done.

“Very well…guards, seize them!” ‘Cadance’ demanded as the guards closed in as we all prepared ourselves to fight them back.

“That’s enough!” We all froze in shock before looking over at Princess Celestia, who held a serious look on her face. “After hearing what they say, I’ve realized that they have a point.”

“Well duh Celeste.” I shrugged. “You did abandoned her as well.”

“Rantaro!” Kaede scolded, which made me shrug.

“Anyway…Rantaro is right. I shouldn’t have l left my own student…I was supposed to be her mentor, guiding her and teaching her the Magic of Friendship…” Celeste looks away with a sad look. “But instead, I left her in sorrow and tears…but now, it’s time for me to repay her back.”

“Are you serious?!” ‘Cadance’ exclaimed in anger. “Auntie Celestia…get on with the wedding NOW!”

“What is wrong with you?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Why are you getting all upset just because some wedding is being interrupted.”

‘Cadance’ began gritting her teeth in anger while Celeste looked at her with a stern look before saying “I do not know why you are acting like this, but right now…something isn’t off with you.”

Really? You’re now suspecting her? What is wrong with these guys? Before any of us could respond…

“STOOOOP!” Well well well…look who decided to show up. We all turned around to see familiar faces slamming the door opened with serious looks.

“Twilight.” I spoke up.

“Twilight!” Kaede, Carrie, Kodi, and Jack yelled out.

“Twilight!” Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy screamed out in joy.

“TWILIIIIIIGHT!” We all gazed over at the pony choir, who seemed to be screaming out since we did.

“…Umm, thanks?” Twilight raised a brow.

“Everypony! Step away from her! She’s evil!” Ren yelled out.

“Ren! You’re alive!” Fluttershy and Kodiak rushed over and hugged him tightly, much to our amusement as the crowd went ‘Ahh’ at them. Ren became surprised to see the two of them hugging him before he hugged them back.

“Hey, I don’t told ya we be back.” Ren smiled while I watched the two with an amused smile. Well…looks like my side of the story is done for. Let’s head back to our heroes side of the story, shall we?

Jamie’s POV

After Ren, Fluttershy, and Kodiak finished up their hugs, the others ran over, passing through the Royal Guards and immediately came over to surround us.

“You guys are okay! I knew that you guys would come back!” Kaede smiled happily.

“Big brother! You’re back and just in time!” Carrie laughed, hugging her brother tightly as he hugged her back.

“I told you we would be alright.” Mason chuckled.

“Twilight, you’re back!” Rainbow Dash yelled out in joy.

“Yeah…I am…” Twilight nodded before glancing away, along with me. How could they be happy after what they said to us?

“Twilight, Jamie, we’re so so so so sorry!” Pinkie apologized, hugging the both of us. “We’re sorry if we didn’t believe you!”

“Pinkie!” Twilight wheezed out in surprise.

“What? Y-you’re apologizing?” I asked in surprise.

“Of course. Rantaro and the others convinced us that how wrong we treated ya and how we shouldn’t have abandoned ya like that.” Applejack apologized.

“It’s alright, we don’t blame you.” Twilight shook her head.

“She’s right…you guys were fooled and we should have expected that we could’ve at least brought some evidence to prove so.” I added.

“Luna, what are they talking about?” Princess Celestia flew over to Princess Luna, who held a serious and firm look on her face.

“Sister, you need to listen to us! That niece…is an imposter!” Princess Luna explained, causing everypony to gasped in shock.

“A-An imposter?!” Princess Celestia exclaimed.

“I-it’s the truth!” I nodded. “She’s the one who trapped Nicole, Twilight, and the real Cadance down in the abandoned crystal mines underneath the castle!”

“Ugh, they’re just being ridiculous.” ‘Cadance’ spoken up with a light scoff. “Why must that sniveling purple brat be so possessive of her brother?”

We all stared at her in shock, which she realized on what she said.

“I-I mean…” She began tearing up as she cried out “Why must you two ruin my perfect day?!”

We all glared at her onto seeing that trap wasn’t gonna fool us twice, she spoken up.

“Because it’s not your special day…it’s mine!” We all looked back to see Cadance, and I mean, the real Princess Cadance glaring towards the imposter, much to her shock.

“What?! But how did you get past my bridesmaids?!” ‘Cadance’ demanded.

“Let’s just say, try not to have minions that can be easily distracted.” Mason explained with a smirk before glaring at her. “So tell us, who are you really?”

“Doesn’t matter. My perfect day is gonna come true and I won’t you freaks get in my way!” ‘Cadance’ growled angrily.

“I-I don’t get it…” Applejack shook her head before turning to Rainbow Dash and Rarity before asking “How could they be two of them?”

“That’s because she’s a Changeling.” Nicole explained, much to our surprise. “They’re shape-shifting bug-like ponies who have the ability to steal loving emotions to increase their power judging by how powerful the bond between ponies and other species are, and they take it.”

“I’m surprised that you even know that.” Rantaro pointed out.

“It’s a long story…” Nicole stated, glancing away and adjusting her glasses.

“And not only that!” Cadance stepped forward and turned to the crowd and exclaimed “She isn’t just some normal Changeling! She’s the queen of all Changelings, Queen Chrysalis. She’s the one who trapped me down the mines for several weeks and began disguising as me to fool you all, even my beloved Shining Armor!”

Everypony in the crowd gasped in shock while Princess Celestia and Luna glared at the imposter, who began sweating nervously

“…Puh-lease! These fools are lying!” ‘Cadance’ scoffed. “I don’t even know anything on who are these Changelings are or a bug queen named Chrysalis!”

…..Silence. We all stared at her, blinking in surprise before she became angry again before asking “W-what? Why are you all looking at me like that?”

“Hmph. It would seem that it came biting ya in the dust, didn’t it?” Rantaro chuckled with a smirk.

“W-what are you talking about?” She demanded.

“I’ll explain.” I said, stepping up with a serious look. “First off, why you say ‘who’ are the Changelings? The Changelings themselves referred to a specimen’s or species’ name, not a person. And how do you know what this Queen Chrysalis figure really is? It’s almost if…you would know her by person or pony.”

She looked at me for a moment while the others stared at me with surprised and shocked looks.

“Damn, when the hell did he grew a spine to stand up to her like that?” Jack whispered to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, who only shrugged since they don’t know either.

Soon…she began laughing.

“Ah ha ha ha…ha ha ha ha…HA HA HA HA HA HA!”

“Hey, what’s so funny?” Ren asked.

“Yeah, all that Jamie did was pointing out your mistakes.” Kodiak added with a raised brow.

“I gotta hand it to you humans, you’re all pretty good and unique.” ‘Cadance’ laughed mockingly. “I guess what he told me was true. It would seem that I shouldn’t have underestimated you lot since we first met.”

“He? He who?” Ren asked.

“It doesn’t matter who I mentioned, what matters is…what you’re about to face.” H-huh? We all looked to see a ring of green fire circling around her as her body began to alter and change.

Soon, the green inferno died down and revealed herself in the flesh as we all widened our eyes and jaw-dropped on her real identity.

“Holy…” Jack muttered in shock.

“Crap-baskets…” Ren whispered.

“W-w-what is she?” Carrie asked, hugging onto her older brother as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger.

“Oh my…they weren’t kidding on saying that she looked like a bug…” Kaede’s face turned pale upon seeing her.

“Huh…talk about ugly…” Rantaro muttered, tilting his hat down a bit while Nicole widened her eyes a bit in surprise.

“So…this is your true form…”

We all gazed at her true appearance, revealing to be a bug-like pony but had longer legs like a Daddy Long’s Leg Spider. She had a twisted unicorn horn, a pair of tattered insectoid wings, and stands as tall as Princess Celestia. In addition, she has a sharp pair of fangs and dark green eyes with elongated oval pupils. She has a teal mane and tail, blue-green chitinous plating over her midsection, and she wears a small, black crown tipped with blue orbs. Her legs, mane, and tail are full of holes, and her limbs and torso are very slender.

“Right you are, young human. And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!”

Everypony let out a terrified scream while I widened my eyes, my face turning pale and sweating nervously. All of my bravado vanishing in a moment and returning to my coward-like personality.

So this is Queen Chrysalis…this insane bug-like pony that is said to be queen of all Changelings and the one who locked Twilight, Nicole, and the real Princess Cadance down in the abandoned Crystal Mines is her? The one…who tried to ruin our friendship…the one…who we are about to face…

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Like I said, I'll be doing a four-part event of this season finale because right now, I'm getting tired so please relax and wait till I'm done with the third part next week. Happy Late Valetine's Day everyone!

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