• Published 24th Jan 2018
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My Little Pony: Ren's Adventures In Equestria - MaxTV1234

Ren Loodan, a human who awoken in Equestria from a spaceship, meets the Mane Six and tries to search for his past and defeat the forces of evil, along with other humans who awaken in pods as they team up with Ren in search for their pasts as well.

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Chapter 5 - Griffon The Brush Off

A week has past since Applejack's applebucking season thing, and I've been quite enjoying my time here in Equestria, I mean I still want to go home with my family, but still, I'm having so much with my new friends. Anyway, I was busy hanging out with Twilight and Spike, practicing my Hacking Gun.

"Break!" I said as I shot 'Break' at the target shot. Once the shot made contact with the target, it blew it up.

"Nice shot Ren!" Spike complimented me.

"Ah, it was nothing Spike." I responded rubbing my head.

"Amazing, the Hacking Gun is quite amazing Ren. I am curious on how it can fire shots and how it functions." Twilight looking towards the Hacking Gun.

"Yeah, me too, though I just wonder why was this in the spaceship with me while I was in that chamber." I wondered aloud as I looked at my Megaphone Hacking Gun.

"Yeah, that is strange. I guess we'll figure that out later." Twilight said putting away her book. "Well, I guess that it's for today's practice with the Hacking Gun."

"Yeah, I guess so, I am hungry anyway." I said as I stomached growl, much to my embarrassment. I would buy something but I don't any money of this world.

"Well actually, now that you brought that up, Princess Celestia send me a message and asked me to give this too." Twilight said as she gestured Spike to hand me the letter.

I received and open it up and saw a bunch of coins in there, both silver and gold. They look like coins you used in arcades and such. I noticed a scroll inside and took it out from the letter and read through it.

"Dear Ren, Twilight have told me that you don't any money of our world, so I decided to share some of mine to you. Inside of this letter is 1,000 bits, so you have no need to worry about your currency problem, also, I'm still looking for a way to find a way to return you back home, so stay patience. I bid you goodbye.

- Your Highness, Princess Celestia."

I couldn't help but smile happily for what she did. Thanks Princess Celestia.

"Thanks you guys." I said happily. Twilight and Spike smiled back at me.

"Anytime Ren." Twilight replied.

"Whoa!" Huh? What was that? I turned around, only to be crashed into by a familiar blue Pegasus.

"Owww..." I said as I put my hand on my head.

"Sorry about that Ren, just didn't see ya." Rainbow said shaking her head to relieve the pain.

"Rainbow Dash, why did you crash into Ren?" Twilight asked.

"Just don't tell Pinkie Pie I was here!" Rainbow exclaimed, much to our confusion.

"And why's that?" Spike asked.

"Just don't her that I was here!" Rainbow Dash then flew up to a cloud and zoomed inside the cloud. Strange, wonder why she's hiding from Pinkie?

"Hi Rennie! Hi Twilight! Hi Spike!" We turned around to see Pinkie Pie coming up to us, bouncing along in her usual way. "Have any of you seen Dashie anywhere?!"

"Hmmm..." I made a little smirk and decided to pay that Pegasus back for the times she crashed into me a lot. "Oh I don't know Pinkie." I said in a sarcastic tone, much to Twilight and Spike's confusion. "That mare is always thinks she's 'high in the skies'. She could possibly be in the 'mile high club'." Ha, okay maybe those puns were bad but still I think that maybe Pinkie could at least took the hints.

"So...did you see her or not?" Pinkie asked, not getting the hint. I face-palmed at her not knowing what I meant. Oh well, my puns were bad anyway.

"She's up in the cloud above us." I said pointing towards the cloud.

"Loodan, you traitor!" Rainbow exclaimed coming out of the cloud.

"Hi Rainbow Dash!"

"GAH!" Rainbow Dash quickly flew off, leaving a rainbow trail behind. Pinkie bounced off as she went to go follow her.

After they were gone, Twilight and Spike looked at me with smirks and raised brows. "What? She crashed into me? You think I wouldn't let it go, right?" I said shrugging my shoulders. Oh well, besides, I was curious on why Pinkie was so interested in Rainbow Dash in the first place. Nah, I'll asked them later.


I was taking a stroll Ponyville, saying hi to everypony in the neighborhood. Huh, I think they're finally getting used to me, well it makes since me and my friends did defeat Nightmare Moon and brought Princess Luna, though I wonder how she's doing?

While walking, I began to think about the money Princess Celestia gave to me. I kinda do feel bad actually that she had to give me so much money, I should repay back but I don't have a job, besides I don't think I'm good with anything with what they have here in Ponyville. Maybe I should ask Twilight.


I looked around and saw Rarity stepping past the Flower Flowers stalls, wearing a bonnet and sunglasses and levitating a hanky to wipe her nose with. Wonder what's wrong with her?

"Hey Rarity, did you catch a cold or something?" I asked, though it seems strange to catch a cold in the middle of summer.

"Oh no, Ren darling." Rarity waved off my concern. "Just a victim of a little prank."

"Really? From who?"

"From Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, of course." Pinkie and Rainbow Dash? That's weird, I thought that Rainbow was trying to run away from Pinkie, I guess they made up or something.

"Well, I didn't expect them to pull a prank like that." I said raising a brow.

"Oh darling, it was just a little prank." She assured. "All in good fun."

"Well, if you say so, anyway, I gotta go, bye." I said waving goodbye to Rarity.

I finally arrived to the Golden Oaks Library and headed over there and knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing Spike.

"Oh hey-Hic!-Ren, what are-Hic!-you doing here?" Spike asked as he hiccup on what he said.

"Spike, what's wrong with you?" I asked curiously.

"Oh nothing-Hic! -I was just a-Hic!-victim of Pinkie and-Hic!-Rainbow Dash pranks." Pinkie and Rainbow Dash again? Boy, they sure do like pranks alot, better keep my eye on them.

"So what-Hic!-brings you here-Hic!-Ren?" Spike asked.

"Oh I came to speak with Twilight." I said as he allowed in the tree house. I saw Twilight walking down the stairs, grumbling angrily about something. She noticed me coming in and smiled softly at me.

"Oh hey Ren, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh I came here to ask you something." I said but noticed that she seemed distress. "Is there something wrong?"

She let out a sigh and said "I guess...Pinkie and Rainbow Dash replaced my ink with invisible ink and I HAD to go get more...they even messed up my experiment." She said showing me a mess around the alchemy equipment.

"Oh wow, they really did something like that?" I asked.

"Yeah, our two favorite pranksters." Twilight replied as she gazed at her ruined alchemy equipment.

"Well I'm sure they didn't mean that. After all, they are just having fun." I said shrugging my shoulders. I remember back when I lived on earth, my sister would love pulling pranks on me back on April Fools day, which was pretty fun.

"Yeah, I guess so, so what brings you here, Ren?" Twilight asked getting back to the main topic.

"Oh yes, you see I was wondering if there was any job offering around Ponyville." I asked.

"No, I don't think so. Why do you ask?"

"Well, after getting the money from Princess Celestia, I felt kinda bad for her giving some to me, so I thought maybe I should repay her back." I explained.

"I see..." Twilight said putting her hoof on her chin. "Well I guess you could work around the places around Ponyville, or maybe something that depends on your talent." Twilight suggested. Something that depends on my talent? Well I do put my mind into one thing, but I wouldn't call it a really great talent.

"Okay then, I see, well I'll go look for a job tomorrow, I guess." I said still a little unsure about finding a job that requires my talent.

"Well if you want, you could work around the library if you want?" Twilight offered.

"Thanks but no thanks Twilight, it's best if I go and look for one on my own." I suggested as I waved goodbye to her and Spike. A job that may require my talent, I'm kinda not sure about that.


I was walking through the Ponyville Market place as I looked around in hopes finding someone would hire me. I just an average kid, I have no experience with anything besides using this Hacking Gun, besides I'm already getting the hang of it.

"HEY!" Huh? I looked to see Fluttershy and a bunch of baby ducks being harassed by a...the heck is that? It looked like a bird but it she had a brown leonine body, her foreleg were eagle claws, her head was covered with white feathers, her eyes were yellow, and large brown wings. Just what kind of creature is she?

"Oh! Please excuse me." Fluttershy said getting intimidated by that creatures eyes.

"I'm walking here!" That bird thing glared at the frightened pony.

"I-I'm sorry...I was only..." Fluttershy was so terrified that she couldn't finish her sentence. I glared at the creature for its rudeness, to yell and bully a shy girl like Fluttershy is wrong.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The creature mocked her. "Why don't you watch where you're going, doofus!" Okay that's it.

"Hey, leave her alone!" I yelled out to them. The creature stopped and noticed me.

"Hey, what's your problem?! This doesn't concern you...you...what are you exactly?" She asked looking up and down at my body.

"My name is Ren Loodan and in case you're wondering, I'm a human. Now listen, leave Fluttershy alone, all she was doing was walking her ducks and she didn't noticed you, okay? So stop yelling at her already." I said sternly but the creature just laughed at me.

"Oh please, why should I listen to some hairless ape!" She told me angrily.

"Well at least I have hair, you weird eagle headed lion body whatever you are!" I yelled at her, which caused not only Fluttershy, but everypony around us to gasp in shock.

The creature just glared at me angrily and said "I'm a griffon! Gilda Griffon if you please!" She pushed off the ground and I landed on my butt. I looked at her angrily as she just laughed at me.

"Oh please, a hairless ape like you who doesn't even know a cool Griffin like me, huh, wonder why Dashie even hangs out a freak like you!" Dashie? Is she referring to Rainbow Dash? Why would she befriend someone that acts like she's better than anypony else. I gritted my teeth in anger as I got up and glared at her.

"Okay listen you..." I gained her attention as I grabbed her by the feathers. "You're gonna listen to me, apologize to Fluttershy, leave right now, and never come back or else?" Gilda just let out a 'PFFFT' sound as she pushed me away.

"Or else what you old fart?" She asked in a snarky tone. I made half-lid eyes and grabbed my Hacking Gun and shot it at her.

"Dance!" I shouted as she was hit by the beam, causing her whole body to dance.

"What the?! What's happening to me?! Why am I dancing?!"

"Now, Break!" I shouted as I shot 'Break' at her, causing to get hit and fall down. She got back up and flew away away, but before she left, she glared at me furiously.

"This isn't over yet you freak!" Gilda shouted before she flew away.

Suddenly, everypony in the market started to cheer and stomp their hooves at me, I guess they're congratulating me for getting that bully out of town. I smiled appreciatively as I waved them all off and turned to Fluttershy, who was still shaking in fear. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Fluttershy's eyes were streaming with tears but she nodded. I gave help her up and gave her a hug to calm down. "It's okay Fluttershy, I won't let her or anypony else bother you like that." I said in determination.

"T-thank you Ren..." She said happily. I smiled back at her, I'm just so glad she's okay but who was that anyway?

"That was stupendous!" Huh? We turned around to see Pinkie Pie bouncing towards us. "Good thing you showed up, Rennie!"

"Pinkie, what are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"I saw the whole thing!" Pinkie explained. "I knew it! I knew that Gilda was a grumpy mean-meanie pants!"

"You know her?"

"Yeah, apparently she's Rainbow Dash old Flight Camp friend, at first I wanted to hang out with them, but Gilda kept trying to get rid of me and told me to buzz off! I tried telling Twilight about it but she told me that I was wrong and need to improve my attitude! So I decided to keep a watch of her to prove Twilight wrong, but as soon as I saw you confronting Gilda like that, I just knew you save the day, Rennie!" Pinkie explained.

"Yeah, but that bird has some anger problems." I agreed.

"Actually, she's a griffon." Fluttershy corrected me. Though, I don't think I've ever heard about them on what I read on mythology books.

"Yeah but still, I just don't like people bullying others, it's just not right." I said still angry at what Gilda did to Fluttershy.

"Exactly, that's why we're gonna do some little pay-back, Pinkie Pie style!" Pinkie exclaimed as she rubbed her hooves together and smirked evilly.

"Yeah...Pinkie Pie Style." I agreed as I rub my hands and smirked evilly as well. Let us show that Gilda Griffin to never mess with us, but there's one thing in my head I kinda need to know. What the heck does Pinkie mean that we're gonna teach her a lesson, 'Pinkie Pie style' exactly?

Well looks like my question just got answered. Me and Pinkie were in Sugarcube Corner, which I have to say, it's not bad at all. Anyway, Pinkie invited almost everypony to the party, which was made for Gilda apparently.

"Pinkie, are you even sure this is gonna work?" I asked as I started to have doubts about this whole thing.

"Don't worry your ahoge, Rennie!" Pinkie said patting my head. "Just leave everything to your Auntie Pinkie!"

"...Uhh, are you even old enough to be my aunt?" I questioned. "No offense, but its hard to tell because of your child-like personality."

"Sorry Rennie, I can't tell, not even the author or the people who read this story can know how old am I." Pinkie said looking at something that I couldn't even know, and what the heck did she mean author and people who read this story? What story exactly?

"Who are you looking at?" I asked raising a brow.

"Oh look, the guest of honor has arrived!" Pinkie pointed out as we saw Gilda come in, once she came and walked right past over us, her tail smacked my face as I spat out some of her hair that got into my mouth. I guess that a little payback for what I did.

"More like the guest of dishonor, in my opinion." I said rolling my eyes. While looking around the bakery, I spotted Rainbow Dash meddling with something over at the punch bowl. She suppressed her laughter, having done something, maybe setting up a prank I guess. I just hope that Gilda didn't tell her about what did I do earlier to her.

Suddenly, more ponies began to show up, including Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, and Fluttershy. I saw Pinkie talking with Gilda, so I listen to their conversation.

"Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely, hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony, and of course, human folk!"

Pinkie Pie held out her hoof. Gilda hesitated for a moment, but she reached out to grab it was instantly shocked, literally. Pinkie Pie laughed, and so did everypony, including me.

"Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoof-shake buzzer. You are a SCREAM!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Yeah..." She chuckled nervously. "Uh, good one, Pinkie Pie..." It looks like she's trying to hide her hatred towards the pink pony as long is Rainbow Dash is here. No wonder why Rainbow Dash is hanging out with Gilda, she's oblivious on the cruel stuff she does to us.

"Come on G, I'll introduce you to some of my other friends."

"Right behind you Dash." She replied, but she said something to Gilda that I didn't make out. Oh well, whatever, Pinkie did her part, now its my turn.

"Okay...let's do this, Loodan-style!" I said as walked over to a table and grabbed the Lemon drops and approached the griffon with a small smile, but she tried to hide her disdain at me.

"Oh hey...Uhh, Looney, right?" I tried to hide my angry face for her making fun of my last name. Remind me to change my last name when its get out of hand.

"It's actually Loodan, Ren Loodan. Pinkie Pie and I went through great lengths to give you this awesome party, to show you that Ponyville is a really friendly place." I held out the the bowl of lemon drops, keeping my small smile. "So how about a lemon drop?"

"Well, don't mind if I do!" Gilda said licking her lips upon seeing the lemon drops in my hands. Gilda took one and chewed it. However, this is part of the plan me and Pinkie came up with. And what's that you see? Oh you'll find out.

"HOT!" Gilda cried out as she released a roar of fire. Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere and roasted a marshmallow with the flames. Okay, you see, I may or may not rigged the lemon drops and put spicy pepper on it.

"G, the punch!" Rainbow yelled over to Gilda. Gilda race over to the punch bowl. However, she had an unexpected surprise with the glass. Apparently when she tried to drink it, there was a small hole in it that caused the punch to spill over her chest. We all laughed at the random pranks the griffon was hit with, Oh now I now what Rainbow did now, clever Pegasus. Oh boy, where's a camera when you need one these days?

"Well, whaddya know, pepper in the vanilla lemon drops, and the punch served in a dribble glass! That's hilarious!" Pinkie said as she took a bite of the lemon drops.

"Wait, Pinkie, I don't think-" But I stopped to see that she was unfazed by the spiciness of the sour sweet. Is she immune to the spice or something?

"Ha! Priceless! Priceless!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

Gilda finally managed to drink something that was prank free. She chugged the drink and gulped. "Yeah, hilarious." She said in a hint of disgust and sarcasm in that tone. Yeah, you deserve you jerky griffon.

"Hey G, look! Presents!" Rainbow Dash pointed to several boxes of presents lying on the table. Gilda immediately ran over to the presents, excited.

She began opening a cylinder one, but several fake snakes shot out of the can and surprised her. We all started laughing once again at that, ha, classic. Though, I wonder why people always keep falling for that old trick in the book?

"Spitting snakes." Applejack said smirking at the griffon. "Heh, somepony pulled that prank on me last month."

"Ha ha. I bet I know who that was." Gilda responded giving Pinkie a glare.

"Time for cake everypony!" Pinkie shouted, pulling out the large cake from the kitchen. Oh, this is going to be good.

"Hey, can I blow out the candles?" Spike asked in a exciting tone.

"Wait Spike!" I said, making the dragon turned to me in confusion. "Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles? She IS the gust of honor after all." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Exactly! Thanks Looney!" Why your welcome you jerk. Gilda pushed Spike over and moved over to the cake. I walked over to the clothed table to next to me and secretly took out my Hacking Gun and put a good aim at the candles without nopony noticing me. Okay, just blow out the candles and fun shall begin.

Gilda took a deep breath and blew out the candles, half expecting something to happen, only to grin as they were successfully blown out.

"Burn." I whispered, shooting a small burst of fire at the candles and re-lighting them. You see, I learn that the Hacking Gun can shoot and control weak and powerful shots by how the way you press the trigger too quick or slow.

Gilda became confused on how they relight themselves, so she blew them again, only for me to lit them up again. She kept doing this over and over until she ran out of breath, making the crowd laugh at the hilarious re-lighting candles prank, even though the candles were actually normal.

"Huh. I don't remember putting re-lighting birthday candles on the cake, but that sure was funny!" Pinkie said.

"Oh really?" Gilda said looking towards me, which I only waved back at her. She clenched his talons in anger and came over to me while nopony was looking. I quickly put away my Hacking Gun and grabbed some punch to try to look innocent. With nopony looking at her from the direction she was facing, she dropped the grin and leered at me. "What are you up to Looney?"

"What do you mean?" I asked grinning at the griffon.

"Don't mess with me, you scrawny little hairless ape." She growled, struggling to keep her temper in check." I'm watching you and that pink dork like a hawk."

"Don't you mean, watch me and that pink dork like a griffon?" I mocked her. Gilda right eye twitched as she brought out her talons, and prepared to slash me, but stopped herself before making a scene. "Relax. It's a party. Learn to be a good griffon and have 'fun'." I said adding the fun part with sarcasm.

I took a sip from the punch and walked over to the others, waiting in line to get a slice of cake. Okay, so phase two was done, getting her all riled up. So now it's time to move on to the final phase, get her to show her true colors about her behavior around others when Rainbow wasn't around.

"Time to pin the Tail on the Pony!" Pinkie announced, grabbing a blindfold and a fake pony tail. It's kinda weird since they're ponies and they are playing a similar game to Pin The Tail on the Donkey, oh well, I'll never understand the logic in this world I'm stuck in.

"Oh, my favorite game. Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?" Rarity asked, approaching her, but only for Gilda stomp over to them, anticipating her to shove him, and she did, knocking her aside.

"I get to go first! I'm the guest of honor, I'll have the purple tail." Gilda said as she retrieved the tail. I winked over to Pinkie for it, which she winked back at me.

"Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blindfolded!" Pinkie Pie encouraged.

"Hey what- ugh-"

She quickly blindfolded Gilda. "What are you doing? Rrrah." Then Pinkie spinned her around.

"We're spinning you around and around and then you pin the tail on the pony. Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." Pinkie Pie directed.

"Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." Gilda mocked her. "Heh, yeah, right. This is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way." She turned around the exact opposite way the poster was at and headed for..oh boy, must...contain...laughter..

"Wait, the poster is this-"

Gilda just ignored her again and walked the direction she went and instead, she slipped on cake icing while she was walking, then crashed into the other room and came out with the tail on her beak. Well, looks like she just got her just desserts, literally.

"Uh, Gilda? You pinned the tail on the wrong end." Pinkie Pie pointed out, getting the rest of us to laugh at the griffon's new accessory.

That made Gilda snap, roaring like a lion as she ripped the presents to shreds. Okay, if I ever met another griffon that's a bigger bully than Gilda, remind me to never make them ticked off like that.

"This is your idea of having fun!? I have never in all my life met a bunch of lame-o ponies!" She turned to Pinkie Pie, her pupil shrinking as she glared at her. "And you, Pinkie Pie! Setting up this party with all these lame pranks, thinking you could make me lose my cool!?"

"What? I didn't set up any pranks," Pinkie said innocently.

"Don't you lie to me! You planned all this! I'm done with this stupid town! Dash, let's leave this dumb party! She's got more cool than all of you dorks combined!" As she was about to leave the bakery, I stood in her way. "Hey, get out of my way you stupid hairless ape!"

"Well that's not very nice, calling me and my friends names and freaking out just because of a few pranks. Quite a weird coincidence that you ended up getting hit by all the ones that I set up." Gilda's eyes widened on what I said as she looked back at Pinkie, who was just surprised as the rest of the group to hear me say that I set up some pranks for the party. She looked back at me with a scowl, while I gave her a smirk. "You must be pretty unlucky to have pranked by a 'hairless ape', huh?"

"...You..." Gilda growled as she unleashed her claws and tried to attack me, but I quickly grabbed my Hacking Gun and pointed it towards her.

"Knock-Back!" I shouted as a gust of wind was shot out of the Hacking Gun, blowing Gilda away and causing her to hit the wall. "Hey Gilda, ever heard of the phrase 'never judge a book by its cover'? Well the same can be said about you, now that you've shown us your true self."

Gilda got back up and glared at me angrily. "You tricked me!" Gilda shouted angrily.

"And you yelled at Fluttershy after she tried to apologize to you for bumping into you and almost was ready to scream at her!" I shouted angrily. "I don't why Rainbow Dash ever befriended you in the first place, but she shouldn't deserve a friend who acts like a jerk to her new friends." I yelled, causing the griffon, and the others to stare at me in shock.

"Pinkie Pie told me that she wanted to hang out and fit in with you, but you just threw her away and lashed out of her because you wanted to keep Rainbow Dash to yourself, well I'm sick of it! I've always people who likes bullying others because they think they're better than anyone and hurt those who can't defend themselves, like Fluttershy and Pinkie. Well I'm sick of it."

"Yeah." Pinkie spoke up. "I threw this party to get you to turn that frown of yours upside down, but it wasn't very nice of you to be mean to Fluttershy, Rennie, or any of my friends!"

"You two made me look like an idiot!" Gilda exclaimed.

"You made yourself look like an idiot!" We turned to see Rainbow Dash, who looked disappointed at her. "I thought you would like my new friends and get to know them, but instead, you're treating them like manure...if being cools's all you care about, and that pranks are lame, then I suggest you make cooler friends somewhere else. Out of the those Ren and Pinkie laid out, mine was that dribble cup...guess that makes me lame, too, huh?"

The entire party went silent as we all stared at Gilda, but I turned to Rainbow, who may looked disappointed and angry at her friend, but I can almost feel her sadness coming from her.

Gilda just grew speechless at what Rainbow before making an angry expression. "...W-Well...Y-You're...You're a flip-flop! Cool one minute, and lame the next! If you want to decide not to hang out with these dweebs, which I know is obviously NEVER, come and find me!"

Gilda stormed out of the building and flew off. The party remained silent as Rainbow Dash stared at the door, where her old friend once stood, a friend who didn't care about her anymore.

"Rainbow Dash?" I called to her.

"J-just, leave me alone." She said as she flew off the building. Rainbow Dash.....

I walked out of the bakery and find Rainbow Dash sitting on top of the cloud which was above Sugarcube Corner. "Rainbow Dash!" I called out to her. Rainbow looked down and made a depressed look before coming down to me.

"What is it, Loodan?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm sorry what happen with Gilda, you're not...mad at me for making you lose your best friend, right?" I asked nervously.

"....No..I'm not angry at you Ren, I'm just disappointed that Gilda was rude to you all, and I thought she would get along with you all, but I guess I was wrong."

"No Rainbow...it wasn't your fault." I said shaking my head. "Gilda must've been jealous that you had me, Pinkie, and the others, that's why she tried to get rid of us." I told her.

"Yeah but that doesn't excuse her to try and be mean to my friends." Rainbow let out a sigh and became sad. "I trusted her back in Flight Camp and she broke it."

I felt bad for Rainbow Dash, so I did something to cheer her up. I quickly hugged, which surprised her. "I can understand Rainbow Dash, I know what its like to be betrayed by people that you could trust." I admitted sadly.

"What? You mean, you went through what I went through?" Rainbow asked, surprise to hear someone like me was betrayed once.

"Yes, back when I was little, I was home-schooled by my parents, but when I became nine, I finally got a chance to go to school for the first time." I said sadly.

"Home school?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"It means your learning stuff from your own home." I explained.


"Anyway, Once I went to school for the first time in my life, I was always bullied a lot by my classmates, because I was too naive to know what was happening and too optimistic about everything. I always trusted in others in my elementary and middle school, and I thought they were my friends. But instead, they just lower my guard and attack me from behind. Since then, I never went outside to play with anyone, but my mom told me that even if there are bad people, there are also good people in the world who will always help each other. She, dad, my brother, and my little sister were always there for me, and the reason why I always smile and be optimistic and motivate others is because of they did the same for me. I know Gilda acted like a jerk but I'm sure she'll change and apologize back to you." I explained everything to her.

It's the sincere truth, people used me a lot to make me lower my guard so that they can hurt me more. Since then, I never hang out with anyone except for my brother and sister, and my parents. We were always together, and my parents taught me many things about the world, my brother and I reading Manga together, and my sister and I having slumber parties, I really miss those times.

Suddenly, I felt someone hugging me, I opened my eyes and saw that it was Rainbow Dash who saved me.

"Hey, don't try to make me cry, I'm not a fan of the mushy stuff you know, but..." Rainbow Dash gave me a soft smile. "Thanks for understanding me and I'm sorry that happen to you, Loo-I mean, Ren." I smiled back at her and nodded my head to hers.

"Yeah, and thank you and the others for always being there for me and being my first true best friends." I said happily.

"And we're happy to be your friend too, Ren." Huh? We turned around to see Twilight and the others walking out of the bakeryand smiling towards us.

"Sorry, but we felt worried about Rainbow Dash and heard everything about your life story, sorry if we eavesdrop." Twilight apologized.

"No, it's okay. I'm just a little relief that someone listened to my story besides my family." I said letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, I know you had a rough life Rennie, but you and Dashie will always be our best best friends!" Pinkie exclaimed giving me and Rainbow Dash a big hug.

"Thanks Pinkie." I said happily as she let go of us.

"So Ren..." I turned to Dash as she made a soft smile. "How about we start over...as friends?" She offered her hoof in front of me.

"Aren't we friends already?" I joked which made everypony laughed at that. "But then again, I'll be glad to accept your offer Dash!" I said as I grabbed her hoof until suddenly, I was shocked, literally.

"HA HA HA HA! Can't believe you fell for that Ren." Rainbow then showed me an electric buzzer on her hoof. Oh that clever little Pegasus. "And that's for ratting me earlier ago for when I was trying to hide from Pinkie Pie!"

I kept blowing my hand to get rid of the pain. I then turned back to Dash as she kept laughing at me, along with everypony else, in a good way. I couldn't help but smiled softly at them.

"Okay...I get I deserve that." I said as I started to laugh alongside them. Okay I'll admit, that...was a very clever trick she did.

"Hey everypony, let's head back in and enjoy the party!" Pinkie exclaimed, which everyone agreed.

"Okay, I am hungry for some of that cake." I said as we began to head inside. You know, it's kinda nice to have somebody-no, I mean someponies to be with me, it makes me feel so...happy for the first time, just like when I was with my family. I just know that I can find my way back home, I just gotta stay positive and keep believing and hope that I can get back home.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Sorry if it wasn't much but I gave it my all. Though, it was nice for Ren to stick for his friends like that, well anyway, see ya later. Until then, Bye-onara!

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