• Published 16th Feb 2018
  • 6,097 Views, 62 Comments

A Glow Just Below the Horizon - Dark0592

Celestia takes a vacation with her dearest student

  • ...

A Raging Inferno, Hiding Beneath

“Hm, I wonder why I haven’t been brought the morning paper yet… Even if I’m on vacation I’d still like to know what’s going on…” Celestia hummed after they finished their food and sat sipping their cocoa. Twilight shrugged and Celestia flagged down a passing servant.

“Excuse me, oh hello Scribble! Could you fetch me the morning paper please?” She asked, remembering the mare’s name. Scribble smiled and nodded, but took longer than expected to return.

“My apologies, your majesty, but your sister has ordered the front page be removed along with the corresponding article.” The servant Scribble said, returning with a slightly desecrated newspaper. Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Censorship? Wasn’t it made illegal to censor news?” Twilight asked, a little concerned.

“Princess Luna knew that would come up, and her reply was ‘I’ll censor what I damn well please if it comes to the dignity of our princesses’ and left it at that.” Scribble replied. Celestia’s other eyebrow joined the other.

“Lovely, I assume we must have dropped our disguises sometime last night as we stumbled around Canterlot.” Celestia said, mumbling incoherently as she opened up the paper. Twilight was staring at the table, though. The convenient hole in the paper letting Celestia see her student as the servant returned to her duties.

“Breaking news, two drunk princesses scandalously crawl on the cobblestone drunk off their flanks!” Celestia said in her best newscaster voice, poking her head through the hole. This earned a snort and a little giggle, which grew to laughter as Celestia started babbling in a feigned drunken stupor about nothing. She dug her hooves into the Princess’ side, causing her own laughter to join the younger mare’s.

“Princess, Sto~p! It wasn’t like that!” Twilight laughed. She had a particular knowing tone, though, and Celestia straightened out.

“I’m guessing you know what that headline might be. Hm, that means I can’t go to the publisher and demand the scoop myself. That’d be breaking the rules of your little lesson. Hmm, something so scandalous that my sister dearest would censor… Was I at least correct in assuming our disguises dropped?” Celestia asked. Twilight flushed up again.

“U-Um… mine did…” She said, but then shook her head and nudged Celestia. “But that’s too close to telling you! Stop fishing for information!” She whined playfully, earning more giggles from Celestia.

“Oh but getting you to reveal your own punchline is a challenge in and of itself. In the meantime, however, I do believe I have no idea what I wish to do with the day. It’s been so long since I’ve had a whole day to myself, what do you want to do my dear?” The older alicorn asked. Twilight hummed.

“Well, there was that new mall that just opened up. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie all have storefronts there but I don’t think any of them are in town.” Twilight suggested. Celestia nodded and sipped her cocoa.

“I do believe there is a Wonderbolts show this week in Cloudsdale, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash are going to be putting their teams up against each other. New blood against old. That’s in.... three days?” She added. Twilight’s eyes lit up.

“That would be great! We should invite the others too, I haven’t had a chance to head back to Ponyville with everyone around in months!” The younger mare exclaimed. Celestia giggled and they stood.

“So, lead the way my dear. Shall we take disguises again or no?” Celestia asked. Twilight nodded and used her magic to assume a simple disguise, how she looked as just a unicorn. Celestia smiled and followed her student’s lead, opening her eyes and giggling as she now met Twilight at eye level. She always hated hiding her wings, she loved using them too much, but she loved the utility of magic even more. She’d never understand how Luna prefered a Pegasus as her disguise.

“Right! It should be open by now, today was opening day.” Twilight said. Celestia nodded and followed her student in relative silence. They had conjured a white and lavender scarf respectively to go over them and they stuck close together in the streets of Canterlot. They had been sticking close all day, but at least they could use the cold as an excuse. A forty minute trot, involving a stop for more hot cocoa at Pony Joe’s, saw them to the new mall.

“This place has certainly come into its own, I remember approving the building permit. It used to be a Prison, you know, but we had it demolished a decade ago and it’s been an empty lot since.” Celestia said, dipping into teacher mode for just a moment. Twilight giggled and bumped flanks with the other mare.

“I know, I’m the one who suggested we build something here remember? Now come on, I’ve barely ever been in malls before!” Twilight retorted and took a step forward, though she didn’t seem to want to leave Celestia behind. Celestia just giggled back and followed.

“If it makes you feel any better I’ve never actually been to a mall. Never had the need, and any desire was often overshadowed by work.” She offered as they walked in tandem into the large complex.

“Then this is perfect! We both get to experience it together!” Twilight said. Celestia nodded and was happily dragged along to the various stores. Twilight would occasionally purchase something, usually little trinkets for friends or Spike. They even paused at the arcade for a good twenty minutes as they blasted away at zombie ponies in ‘Stable of the Dead 7: who cares anymore just shoot zombies!’. They stopped by Pinkie and Applejack’s storefront, which was really Pinkie’s bakery with an entire outlet dedicated to the Apple family apples.

“Oh my gosh, Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed, almost choking on her apple fritter as she galloped towards Rarity’s ‘Petite Boutique’ outlet. Celestia looked and saw the somewhat startled element of generosity quickly recovering and planting herself for Twilight’s alicorn sized hug.

“Twilight Darling, it’s been far too long! And my, who’s your beautiful new friend? OH I absolutely MUST find something for the two of you!” Rarity exclaimed as Celestia stepped in as well and Rarity recovered from her hug.

“Uh, Rarity, I have so many dresses from you I think I could wear one every day for a month and still have clean ones.” Twilight giggled. “And this is-” She continued, but Celestia cut her off.

“Cotton Candy, I’ve been meaning to come to your Boutique in Ponyville Miss Rarity, but I’m afraid the distance is a bit much for me.” She said fluidly, giving Twilight a wink. Twilight snorted, but Rarity caught the wink. Celestia had a feeling she’d regret this little deception as soon as she saw Rarity’s face.

Maybe tomorrow, at least.

“Oh how wonderful! Well, in this little Petite Boutique we focus on modern formal wear and casual wear. My heart is still on dresses and gowns, but I understand the needs of the masses. I was coming by to make sure the first impression in Canterlot is a wonderful one. As such, listed prices are half off for the day.” Rarity explained happily. Twilight looked around in wonder. Celestia was rather impressed as well, she never thought she’d see street clothes looking like a noble would wear them.

Twilight was off in the store before she realized it, and she herself was gravitating towards a few racks.

“Darling you simply must tell me how you met, I never thought anyone would catch dear Twilight’s eye.” Rarity’s voice startled her. She was giving Celestia a bit of a knowing look, it was a shame what she thought she knew was wrong.

Celestia seriously mulled over going along with it, but instead decided to mess with poor Rarity in another manner. She scoffed.

“Miss Rarity, I can’t believe you’d address your Princess so casually.” She said, poorly feigning offense. Rarity didn’t react at all.

“Hah, so I thought. But really, I’m a little curious. She’s absolutely smitten with you.” The fashionista said, dropping her voice low as she lowered her working glasses down her snout. Celestia stood stock still at that.


Wait, did she really just think that? Luna is definitely rubbing off on her.

“Really now, I hadn’t realized…” She managed to stutter out softly. Rarity just chuckled and patted Celestia on the shoulder.

“While I’d normally be all about this with gossip, it’s honestly not the greatest shock I’ve experienced with her. And she’s one of my closest friends, I can’t help but feel it’s fitting that she falls for her darling princess.” She continued somewhat dramatically. Celestia laughed and shook her head.

“Now you’re just messing with me.” She said, though there was no sincerity in those words. Only confusion. Rarity just winked and turned to where Twilight was.

“Twilight, Darling, I’m afraid I’ve got to prepare a few things. Might I suggest a place for you to visit here? It’s on the ground floor, tucked away in the corner. Outlet number ninety-three if I recall. I think the two of you will have a fabulous time there.” She called out, drawing the lavender alicorn closer.

“Really? But I was thinking of buying something today…” Twilight replied.

“Oh don’t worry, I’ll be here at the shop! Other customers have come in and I’m afraid I gave the cashier an early lunch since I had arrived. I’ll be at the counter if you need me.” She said, quickly hugging Twilight and giving Celestia another wink. Celestia just rolled her eyes and joined Twilight.

Feeling mischievous, she wrapped her tail around Twilight’s when they stopped at the next rack. The mare in question squeaked and looked back, then immediately turned beet red.

“Celestia~ you’re evil!” She whispered. Celestia just playfully tugged, ever so gently, but that caused Twilight to shiver and her blush intensify.

“Ah ah~ I’m Cotton Candy. Rarity is convinced I’m your new marefriend.” She said, mischief still in her tone. Twilight just snorted and levitated over a nice royal purple hoodie with a lovely gold design not unlike the flares from the sun on Celestia’s normal flank along the edges.

“I don’t know, you’ve been eating so much sugar lately. We might have to get you an XXL size.” She said, trying to hide her blush behind the joke. Celestia noted, with no small amount of embarrassment herself, that Twilight made no attempt to disentangle their tails.

“Whaaaaaat, don’t say that! You’ll have to make up for it later~” Celestia teased back, practically whispering it into Twilight’s ear with a little breath. The way Twilight stock stock still as her ear twitched it seemed like she was about to bolt. Celestia started to worry she had gone too far, but Twilight laughed and nuzzled against her.

“Ok, deadline’s changed. You’ve got until tonight, and we are breaking open your not so secret stash if you fail to meet it.” The younger alicorn in disguise said happily. Celestia’s eyebrow went up.

“Drinking two nights in a row? I’m starting to think you’re a lush. Then again, you didn’t seem like your body cared much at all for how much you were drinking.” Celestia asked as they both picked out a few outfits to try on and moved to the fitting rooms. They dropped their disguises then, the fitting room more like an actual room thankfully, to make sure the clothes fit their actual bodies. Their tails were still intertwined though.

“Oh so you do remember more of last night?” Twilight retorted. Celestia grumbled at her disheveled mane after pulling the lovely hoodie on, but was soon delighted at how nice it looked and felt- it even had slits for her wings to fit through!

“Not all of it of course, but I remember up until the last bar. We were both fairly trashed at that point. I remember dancing with you, and I remember both of us finishing an entire bottle of Applejack Daniels together even in our state. Now that I think about it, I didn’t know you could even hold your liquor that well.” The older Alicorn replied. Twilight snickered.

“Well, Rainbow Dash has never lost a race before… be it in the skies or to see who goes under the table first. Pinkie pie is... well, Pinkie Pie. I’ve literally never seen her floored by drink. One time she passed out standing up, but that was it. And then Applejack. Applejack Daniels, you can put two and two together.” Twilight explained, earning a giggle from the other as she rolled her eyes.

“Yes I suppose you’ve had much more experience with the drink since your 16th. Oh, that looks absolutely magnificent on you!” Celestia admitted, before interrupting her train of thought as Twilight pulled on another hoodie similar to the one Celestia was wearing. This one had a marbled white primary color with a few little pink sparkles here and there, and a soft pink gradient towards the hem and ends of the sleeves- similar to the sky at Twilight. Fitting, really.

“I think we’ll have to officially endorse Rarity’s new work.” Twilight said happily, looking at the both of them. They shared a little laugh and Celestia intended to inject a little humor into the situation and reverted back to her disguise- expecting the clothing to be comically oversized. They both examined it in fascination as it shrunk to fit her.

“Oh wow, no wonder it’s so pricey. She used mana infused fabric… That makes me feel way better about buying these!” Twilight observed. Celestia nodded.

“Except I’ll be paying for these ones. I never get to buy you things.” Celestia said. Twilight gave her a look like she was going to protest, but Celestia wrapped their tails up again and the embarrassment stopped her from doing more than squeaking again. Celestia giggled in response and they walked back out, disguised again. Rarity gave them a look as they reached the counter but happily rang them out.

“And Twilight darling, do be sure the both of you come back if those wing slots get torn. An unfortunate side effect of their addition is their weakness- but I make repairs like that for free and magically reinforcing the fabric would make it cost too much to sell anything but special orders.” Rarity added as they were leaving. They both waved as they turned to leave, but Celestia snorted as Twilight froze. She heard it too.

“Wait, she-”

“Knew who I was? Absolutely.”

“And she thought-”

“That I was your new marefriend? Not exactly… but close.”

“A-And we’ve had our-”

“Tails scandalously intertwined this entire time? You bet.”

The exchange went, rather adorably if Celestia was honest, before Celestia shook her head and nuzzled the back of Twilight’s neck for a moment.

“Don’t worry, she promised not to gossip about us. Especially since I’m not actually your new marefriend or anything… though I admit my sense of humor with teasing you has been rather raunchy lately. If you’d like me to stop I will do so.” Celestia said. Twilight leaned into the nuzzle, and then answered with her own nuzzle into Celestia’s neck.

“Oh it’s fine, I don’t exactly have anyone to make jealous anyways. And I know you’re just teasing.” She giggled. They both had a particularly disappointed expression after that, though she only barely caught Twilight’s. This day was getting more and more interesting as it went on.

“Well then, what shall we do now? We’ve spent most of the daylight hours eating junk food and shopping, what now?” Celestia asked, suddenly wishing she could extend a wing over the other. Twilight hummed.

“Maybe some real food. I picked this outing, why don’t you pick where we go to eat?” The younger alicorn suggested. Celestia hummed in response before shaking her head with a giggle.

“No dice, I’m afraid. I haven’t gone out to eat in such a long time.” She actually replied. Twilight hummed again, earning a little snicker from Celestia.

“Oh, wait! There was that place that Rarity suggested. Outlet number ninety-three?” Twilight exclaimed. Celestia nodded.

“I suppose we can pick a place at random afterwards then.” Celestia mused as Twilight was already walking. She was forced to quickly step up and follow so as not to pull their tails.

Twilight immediately regretted remembering it.

‘Excess is Bliss’ was a very deliberately unmarked outlet, with a little neon sign that said ‘open’ in the darkened windows.

“Oooh no, we are NOT going into a sex shop. I swear to all that I hold dear I’m going to kill Rarity!” Twilight whispered very loudly as they looked at it. Celestia practically cackled at that. She’d never heard that expression before. She realized that most ponies use her name in Reverence like that, but Twilight said… oh now they HAD to go in. She just simmered her cackle down to a little humming chuckle as she started walking towards the outlet.

Princess!” Twilight practically squeaked, cautiously following so as not to pull their tails again. Celestia couldn’t tell what was more adorable at this point. Twilight’s inhibitions towards the shop, her tone, or the fact that even though this clearly made her uncomfortable she apparently preferred it to separating again.

“Oh if you really don’t want to go in we don’t have to. Rarity was obviously poking fun at us, but I do admit it has been a very long time since I’ve seen anything that’d be inside. Last time I went into a similar establishment it was either a straight brothel or the sign started with ‘ye olde’.” Celestia said, ending with a little chuckle. Twilight grumbled a bit, but her head shot up after a moment.

“You’ve been to a brothel?” She asked. Oh, her poor innocent heart. Celestia chuckled as they stepped in. Twilight’s ears immediately flattened, the dim lights didn’t help the feeling of unease she was practically screaming with her body language.

“Well, yes. I may not have paid any mind to my.. Carnal desires… in centuries, but long before Luna’s Banishment I was actually quite the scandalous little princess. I had just ascended a year or two prior, being the ruler of Equestria made it a damn sight more fun.” Celestia recounted, chuckling at her student’s expression. A mix between fascination and horror.

“My, the Princess and her student are in my hidey hole of a shop in disguise? I don’t know if I should be enthused or worried.” A fairly gentle stallion’s voice came. They both shot looks at the counter. A very well groomed stallion with a grey coat and a dashingly silver mane and tail stood there, he had a little smirk and his eyes were a very handsome teal.

“We haven’t decided yet. I’m honestly a little surprised to find a place like this outside of manehattan or the red light district.” Celestia replied, ignoring the nagging voice in her head screaming at her she should be denying claims that she was Princess Celestia in a sex shop. It was far more fun this way.

“Hah, that’s because we’ve got class! There’s no peep shows or shady dealings in the back alley. We deal in Bliss, and of that we provide in Excess. Hence the name.” He retorted with an easy smile.

“Ah, a simple business plan with refined tastes. I like it.” Celestia giggled. The stallion threw a hoof out to the store, Celestia inclined her head and pulled Twilight along with a little ‘Eep!’ from the mare. “If you really want to leave let me know, but this does seem like a nice little shop.” Celestia continued idly.

“I-It is kinda n-nice… Just don’t expect me to b-buy a-anything…” Twilight stammered out, her cheeks flushing profusely as they passed a particular wall filled with… toys.

“Oh, really? I thought you said you had class!” Celestia called lightheartedly as they passed a shelve of cards that were horrifically inappropriate or lewd for the situation they’d be given. Celestia gave a rather unladylike snort at one.

“I never said we didn’t have a damn good sense of humor, your majesty!” The shopkeeper called back. Celestia just rolled her eyes and snorted again. She levitated one out to show to Twilight.

“Oh come on, Twilight! I know it’s tacky, but you have to see the humor in it!” She nearly cackled. It was a depiction of a mare lying on her back. The front of the card looked as if the picture was made from a side perspective, and the back the other side. When opened it revealed a rather explicitly detailed front view with the caption ‘now come eat your cake’. It even had some party streamers in the background!

“Wow, that is NOT the kind of card I’d want on my birthday.” Twilight said, though there was some mirth in her tone. There was even a little snicker.

“I fear it might be my sense of humor as of late, but I can’t help it. This is going in Luna’s inbound box for her birthday.” Celestia said. Twilight snorted loudly at that.

“Seriously? I have to make sure I see her get that mail!” Twilight laughed. Celestia joined in and Celestia kept the card. That seemed to break Twilight out of the shell she’d built to block this place out and was soon joking around with Celestia almost as much as she was the other.

Celestia took note of how Twilight’s eyes ran over the leather more than the others, but ultimately they only left with the card- though she almost convinced Celestia to buy the phallic shaped candy at the counter.

“Ah well, it’s so hard to sell the good stuff to couples nowadays. Nobody is experimental in the bedroom anymore.” The shop’s owner, appropriately named Excess, mused as he rang out Celestia’s one purchase. She giggled as Twilight paled, but was ultimately surprised when Twilight didn’t even try to deny the comment. Celestia promptly teleported the little black bag into her ‘important documents’ tray in her office for later and they left the mall. It was silent, but there was a certain feeling about it that felt… something more than companionable at least.

“Twilight, dear, I must admit I’m surprised. You didn’t even try to sputter anything out back there.” Celestia cautiously prodded her student as they walked around the area until a restaurant caught there eye. Twilight seemed to shrink a little bit before quickly glancing at their still intertwined tails.

“I mean, at this point the only thing we’re missing is the public displays of major affection. I don’t know about you… but in there, the only thing I could think about when looking at all of that stuff was… well… you. It was kind’ve embarrassing since we were standing right next to each other, tails all wrapped up.” Twilight finally said after they had walked into the first place they found and perused the menu.

“Normally I’d aplogize for dragging you along in there, but you seemed to be having a good enough time. And that doesn’t answer my question, even though it wasn’t really phrased as a question, which isn’t like you…” Celestia said carefully. This conversation was going to go one of only a few ways and she didn’t want to damage the relationship she has with Twilight- even if it would only be temporarily.

“Well, I was having a fairly decent time. Because of you. If I would have stumbled upon the place on my own and had the courage to walk in I probably would have bolted right back home and had a panic attack! All of this day so far really! It’s… I’ve been so open… I’ve been having fun… I’ve crossed so many lines I never thought I’d really cross so casually, especially with you. I… I have to ask, what do you think about it?” Twilight explained, the last part she almost couldn’t get it out she was so nervous. Celestia blinked a few times before it ticked what she had just been asked.

Well shit.

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at herself for thinking that. Again.

“I… You…” She started. Wow, that left here wholly flabbergasted. She’s stared down ancient dragons, gods of chaos, her own rioting people, her corrupted sister… and she was blindsided by a simple question from her student? Twilight’s expression sunk a bit, but Celestia shook her head. No, that’s not how she wants this topic to end.

“I think a great many things about it, Twilight dear… So far I can’t quite envision anything particularly terrible in those thoughts though… but perhaps that discussion should wait until tonight. I still can’t meet your deadline, afterall.” She replied a lot more confidently than her stammering before. Twilight seemed to physically elate as she nodded.

Normally when they had a fancy meal like this, they’d savor it and talk extensively about their goings-on. They were in public, though, and they were in disguise. That’s what they’d tell themselves, however Celestia knew that she at least was more anxious to have that talk than anything else. It didn’t stop her from having the restaurant blow the dust off their most expensive wine though.

They made their way back to Celestia’s chambers in a warm silence, their tails intertwined again and an absurd amount of bits in wine feeding the fire in their stomachs.

“Oh…” Twilight said when they closed the door and she saw something on Celestia’s desk. She recognized the hornwriting to be Luna’s and the material it was on top of to be that of newspaper.

“Oh? Is she playing another prank?” Celestia asked, not expecting that to be the answer at all. Twilight just laughed softly and held the clipped piece of newspaper up.

“‘Hopefully this will jog her memory’ it says.” The now undisguised lavender mare said. Celestia could only stare in surprise at the front page of the newspaper clipping. It was a picture of her disguised form kissing Twilight. She would have giggled at it if it was anyone else but her there. Twilight had a look of utter surprise on her face, her wings splaying out in surprise. Yeah, I guess that’s what she meant by her disguise fell.

‘Princess Twilight Sparkle has one wild night!’ The headline stated. Celestia couldn’t help but laugh when she finally got over her own shock at seeing it. Of course Luna would censor that, at least in the palace. She of course would have recognized Celestia’s favorite disguise- as would most of the staff. It was basically just her if she was a unicorn afterall.

She laughed a little more as she finally remembered what happened last night. In her drunken state, she had taken Twilight’s offer of the hangover cure as a challenge and infused her drink with mana like mana water. She had then proceeded to down the entire thing in one go, which explained her loss of memory and hangover. She only distantly remembered after that, but it was enough.

She looked at Twilight now as she did the previous night, examining the younger mare with impunity. The beauty she radiated, and the warmth between them even when they weren’t touching. She couldn’t help herself any better sober than she was drunk… She leaned in and kissed Twilight. Again, apparently.

This was decidedly different, however. Twilight squeaked slightly in surprise, and her wings shot out again, but this time Celestia was *mostly* sober. She would definitely remember this. It quickly became far more memorable as Twilight recovered from her surprise and kissed her back.

And there was fire in that kiss. She stepped closer to Twilight and was surprised and somewhere between horror and bliss as her next breath let out the smallest of moans- barely more than a squeak herself. She immediately pulled back, reluctantly breaking the kiss, and almost started it right back up again when she saw Twilight’s face immediately fall from bliss to concern.

“I-I…” Celestia could only stammer. Once again, she had been floored by her student. Left completely speechless.

“That… wasn’t me just daydreaming… was it?” Twilight asked. Celestia almost giggled at the bit of hope in her tone. She was too busy staring, almost incredulously, at the other.

“I certainly hope not… otherwise I may have to go steal Luna’s secret of entering dreams to do it again.” Celestia said, finally shaking the feeling away, and managing to sheepishly smile. Twilight’s relief was palpable as she leaned into Celestia. She clearly wasn’t done with that kiss, but she seemed to sense that something wasn’t quite right. Afterall, she wouldn’t have stopped that for the world unless something was amiss.

Though, amiss wasn’t the right word for it.

“Twilight, dear… When I told you that I hadn’t cared for my carnal desires in centuries, I meant that I hadn’t even felt them in centuries. That’s why I stopped going to places like that… It became… boring. But… but that… That was something I fear I had forgotten how to feel… That was passion… that was pure fire...It may be the warmth of the wine adding to it, but the warmth I feel when I’m just touching you has been… different, lately… but that… gods…” Celestia explained swiftly, almost stumbling over her words to get them out. The last part was even accentuated by an involuntary shiver.

Twilight interrupted anything else by practically crashing into Celestia to start another kiss. This one was far deeper than the other, and she could feel that fire again. Twilight could hear that fact as she let out another little noise with her breath. She looked a little disappointed as Celestia cut it off there again.

“I-I’m… sorry… This is going way too fast for us isn’t it?” The younger mare said with a shaky voice, looking at the ground.

“For you, perhaps… I’m just… worried… about you. I know that wasn’t your first kiss but… heavens… it feels like it was mine! I’m a very old and very experienced mare, Twilight… but never have I truly burned like I am now… I don’t want you to be actually burned in the process. Metaphorically speaking of course.” Celestia said, her voice wavering slightly. It wasn’t because of nerves, though. It was something much closer to the fire she spoke of than nerves. Twilight looked up at her then. Celestia’s unsure eyes softened then. She saw the fire she felt in those eyes.

“Well maybe I want to be burned… I can handle… a little heat.” The lavender alicorn said. Was that a raunchy tone? That thought was cut off as Twilight kissed her again, but this time she kept leaning. Celestia squeaked into the kiss as she tripped on the side of her bed and they both plopped onto it. They separated again because of it, and they stared at each other. With a little sultry giggle, Celestia flicked her mane out of her face with a wing and swiftly leaned forward and bit Twilight’s ear.

That earned a surprised yelp, though the breath afterwards was something that made her flush up completely.

And the fire burned.

Author's Note:

So this got a lot raunchier than I originally intended. Gonna update with the sex tag, but will keep the rating to teen as it still hasn't crossed that particular line yet.
12 pages for one chapter, definitely a record for me for one chapter.
Hope you all enjoy!