• Published 16th Feb 2018
  • 6,081 Views, 62 Comments

A Glow Just Below the Horizon - Dark0592

Celestia takes a vacation with her dearest student

  • ...

A Thundering Storm, A Warm Candle

Celestia let out a content sigh as she vaguely became aware of the waking world once more. They hadn’t actually gotten into Celestia’s stash like Twilight had suggested, they got… distracted… which was good, it meant that she remembered the night in vivid detail.

Celestia was sore, but it was the good kind of sore. She wasn’t an achy old mare by any physical definition, but there were certain things even regular exercise and the occasional yoga session couldn’t use. It was also like an itch had been scratched that she didn’t realize she had for centuries.

And one in particular that she’d been trying to scratch for millenia. That passion wasn’t just random, it was nurtured from other forms of love that had finally coalesced and grown into the raging inferno it was. Just like the mare it was focused on. Celestia has, of course, loved in the past. She’d even loved a student or two similarly to Twilight, though there was never that fire. This time it was less a desire for companionship, and more of a smouldering need for it. With Twilight in particular.

It was concerning, if she was honest, but the ball of warmth she was wrapped around hadn’t stirred yet so she just snuggled closer. She didn’t care that they both nearly reeked of sweat and musk. She couldn’t really fall back to sleep because of it, though, so she simply watched Twilight sleep. It wasn’t long before Twilight’s nose wrinkled and she groaned lowly as she tried to bury her face into her comfy pillow to escape the smell. Unfortunately for her, that was one of the sources. At least of some of it.

“I don’t want to get up, but we really need a shower.” The younger mare mumbled out with a fairly weak tone. Oh yeah, she was sore too. Celestia giggled and carefully pushed herself to her hooves, supporting Twilight as she herself got up on shaky legs.

“Whoa… is it always like this afterwards?” Twilight asked, earning a laugh from Celestia.

“Only if it’s good. And I have to say, this is the most sore I ever remember being.” The older alicorn replied. It took Twilight a few seconds to parse the meaning, but she smiled tiredly and leaned into Celestia a little heavier in response. The bathroom was just how they left it the previous morning, though to Celestia’s chagrin she wouldn’t be able to relax under Twilight’s hooves again. It was a tradeoff she was happy to make, though. It wasn’t every century she had a chance to feel that level of passion.

“Celestia… not to be super cliche like every romance story out there, but what does this mean for us now?” Twilight asked, her exhaustion fading in the slightly chilly shower before the water heated fully. Celestia hummed as she doted over her student, rubbing soap into her coat and tail especially.

“Well, what did you have in mind? I’m content to spend the rest of our lives as it had been, or like last night. I will not force anything upon you, nor do I wish for you to think you are forcing something upon me. As long as we are in each other’s good graces, I will be happy.” Celestia replied, kissing Twilight on the head for effect before starting on her mane. Twilight giggled and kissed Celestia along the jaw, earning an involuntary flick of Celestia’s tail.

“Why not both?” The younger mare giggled as Celestia’s face went red. Gods, it hadn’t been this easy to rile her up since she hit puberty!

“Are you suggesting you wish to court me, my faithful student?” Celestia asked with a sly tone, grinning wide. Twilight simply shrugged, which earned a surprised snort from the alabaster alicorn. So casual about the topic!

“I mean, whenever I think about it like that it feels like I’ve been courting you for years… just without the public- or private- displays of major affection. I mean, the night before last wasn’t even the first time I’ve kissed you! It was the first time you kissed me, though, and I was sober enough to remember it and not excuse it to me not being able to hold my liquor.” Twilight explained. Celestia hummed, she had a point. In fact, Celestia had all but forgotten about the two… no, three? Yes, three times Twilight has kissed her while drunk.

“I hope you aren’t proposing to me, dear.” Celestia said in response, her tone teasing. Twilight just rolled her eyes.

“I might be, but I have no idea. I guess what I’m trying to say is… I can’t really think about this like I normally do things. I try to put things into lists, charts, analyze it like an experiment. Every time I do, though, more feelings pop up when I don’t expect it and I have to start over and over and… well…” Twilight continued. Celestia was a little shocked, something that even Twilight Sparkle couldn’t analyze? To be honest, Celestia herself was feeling a similar type of feeling. She was just very good at hiding it. She waited for Twilight to speak, she was obviously trying to figure out what she wanted to say.

“I guess I love you? Like, in every way. I don’t think even that covers everything, but words can only go so far I guess.” Twilight finally got out. Celestia blinked, and then she chuckled. And then she started laughing sweetly, even ending in an unladylike snort at the end of it. Twilight looked like she didn’t know whether to be disappointed or worried about the sudden laughter.

“I guess you are correct, my dear. It is rather difficult to put it into words. I love you as well, of course, but saying it just sounds so casual. But, luckily, we had last night to feel the fire we felt for each other.” Celestia replied with a smile. Twilight smiled as well and leaned in to kiss her. There was definitely love and fire in it, but mercifully the intent behind it was for it to be just a kiss. Celestia actually had to physically resist the urge to deepen it and go further again.

“Am I really that good of a kisser?” Twilight giggled. Celestia rolled her eyes and held the shampoo bottle in front of Twilight. A nonverbal ’your turn!’. Twilight giggled again but took it, returning the favor.

“I haven’t felt these urges in centuries, and now they’re back in overwhelming force. Every time you touch me, or even give me a sultry glance, the heat fights to smoulder and I have to physically simmer it down… I wouldn’t dare smother it however.” Celestia explained.

“Really? To think, after all the things we’ve faced, our true weaknesses would be each other.” Twilight mused. Celestia giggled and nuzzled the other fo a moment.

“If that’s weakness then I will be but a foal.” Celestia said, earning a laugh from Twilight. A companionable silence followed as they finished bathing and returned back to the bedroom. A few simple spells had the room back to its pristine condition, no need to bother the maids with it, and they were walking to the dining hall for breakfast. Their tails were intertwined again, though the few guards and servants that saw didn’t seem to react much to it.

“So… What do we tell the public? Two princesses ‘dating’ is kind’ve a big deal.” Twilight asked as they sat down to eat across from each other. They paused the conversation as one of the cooks came out to ask what they wanted. However much Celestia wanted to cook again, she was still a little sore. She was allowed to be lazy, it was her vacation after all.

“Well, nothing really. Let them figure it out on their own, it’s not a secret. The only reason we’d need to address it is if someone asked or started spreading terrible rumors. Unless you want to see who folds first, unable to hide the truth.” Celestia answered, ending in a bit of a mischievous whisper. Twilight giggled in response and they once again paused as their breakfast was brought out.

“Nah, now that I’ve spent most of a day unable to wrap a wing around you I don’t think I’d be able to stop myself even if I tried.” The younger alicorn said with a little smile. Celestia smiled back and was going to move closer, but they were interrupted by a night guard. He bowed, to which Celestia and Twilight inclined their heads in return, and he spoke.

“My apologies for interrupting breakfast, my princesses, but Princess Twilight’s presence has been requested in the morning’s court.” The guard explained. The two looked at each other and Celestia spoke first.

“Why would Luna request Twilight’s presence?” She asked as they both stood and started walking with the guard.

“Luna has requested that Princess Twilight Sparkle come to court at her earliest convenience in order to defend herself. There are a great many nobles who have much to say about yesterday’s paper, and today’s. To be perfectly frank, they’re being right bastards.” The guard explained. Celestia and Twilight shared another look, this one somewhere between concern and mischievousness.

“What was in today’s paper?” Twilight asked, her tone betraying her concern. The guard retrieved a page from his armor and Twilight levitated it over. She deadpanned at it. It was a picture of her and Celestia at the mall yesterday, luckily nowhere near Excess is Bliss.

“There are also reports that the two of you have become much too close as of late, nobles on the grounds or loose lipped staff have seen the two of you abnormally… affectionate.” The guard continued. Celestia didn’t sit well with what that particular comment insinuated but she chose to let him continue.

“Permission to be honest?” He asked after a moment. They both nodded. He stopped and looked at them, their tails still intertwined, and smiled.

“It’s obvious, and you’re perfect for each other. Don’t let any of those old fools tell you otherwise. They’re under the impression that you are having an affair, and it’s a stain on the crown that our newest princess is cheating on her marefriend with the oldest. Not to mention all of the things that brings up on its own… Princess Luna decided it would be best to get you in there to lay things out, and I’m glad you came Princess Celestia. Nobody can out shout the nobility like you can.” The old guard explained as they started walking again. Celestia laughed, but Twilight seemed worried.

“Oh don’t worry dear, worst case scenario we get thrown out of our own kingdom and go make a new one. Only with blackjack and hookers. At least I think that’s how the joke goes…” Celestia said, trying to inject a bit of humor. This earned a little chuckle from the mare, but the old guard nearly fell over laughing.

“Alright, you better recompose yourself. We’re here.” Celestia said good humoredly as they neared the doors to the throne room. The ones next to the throne, not the main gates. They unwound their tails, considering the reason they were here, and pushed through with light smiles.

They immediately fell to neutral frowns at the mass of ponies in the room. The second they entered the room exploded, and were almost immediately quieted down by Luna’s royal canterlot voice.

“SILENCE. I WILL NOT HAVE THIS COURT DEVOLVE INTO A MOB OF BABBLING IMBECILES!” Came the royal decree. Luna cleared her throat and motioned for the two to come over with a hoof.

“Now, if we are going to behave like a civilized people then let’s get this over with. Otherwise I will personally kick your flank out of this room with my own hooves!” The lunar triarch continued. She nodded her head to a rather frazzled looking herald, who announced the first noble in line.

“Princess Celestia! Are you aware that your student and co-ruler is going out in disguise to meet with a mare she is believed to be romantically inclined with?” The older stallion asked. Celestia rolled her eyes.

“My student is an adult, and as such she may do whatever she pleases. And all three of us are forced to take disguises if we want to leave the palace without making a scene.” She answered him. He kinda paled and nodded.

“Yes, well, there are also rumors circulating from reliable sources that you are, in fact, romantically inclined with your student…” The Stallion continued. She shared a quick glance with Twilight, who decided to speak up then.

“Didn’t she just say I may do whatever I please?” She said with a snort. Celestia almost couldn’t hold back a laugh, she had gotten good with her snobbish noble voice. The room was silent for a good five seconds before it exploded again. Luna was taking in a breath to yell again, but Celestia simply raised a hoof.

“Enough!” She said, not even needing to dip into the royal canterlot voice. Most of the nobles quieted down at that, but a few stepped up in response. The herald threw his list of names up and leaned against the wall. Nobody was following protocol anymore.

“Auntie, while it may be expected that the young mare would fall for you… you… allow her to take advantage of you?” Blueblood asked, a mix of disgust and anger in his tone. Celestia groaned and rubbed a temple with her hoof.

“It was actually my idea.” She said simply. That got a stunned expression from her nephew.

“But she’s so young! Barely out of her teen years!” One of the older nobles called.

“And she’s another mare! It’s an abomin-” Another had started, but the room raised a couple degrees as she glared at the noblemare. Blueblood scoffed and interrupted Celestia’s interruption.

“No, those don’t matter. You can’t seriously be the matriarch of this affair, though. This ‘Cotton Candy’ mare will surely have a broken heart when she finds out her new marefriend is going behind her back- even if it is with you.” The normally ignorant and obnoxious stallion said. Celestia hummed, that was actually a pretty respectable problem to have all things considered.

“First, if age is the issue then do remember that I am a millenia older than even my sister dearest. The only creature near my age that isn’t still currently a mortal enemy is Discord, and that didn’t work the first three times we tried it. That leaves the other immortal beings. There’s my sister dearest, which would be even more scandalous than anything you’ve thought, Cadence, who is already happily married and would be an actual affair I don’t currently have any interest in, and my most faithful student. You tell me which sounds like the best option.” Celestia started, earning expressions of awe from everyone. Luna had a raised eyebrow, but Twilight didn’t react. She had, of course, known about those escapades with the god of chaos in Celestia’s younger years. They made rather amusing drunk stories.

“Secondly, homosexuality is very common in Equestria- especially in the last century. Mares outnumber Stallions nearly three to one, and there’s now even an entire branch of arcane study devoted to safely conceiving a child through magic.” This got much less of a response, so she continued without pausing. “And lastly…” She started again with a sigh. She really didn’t want to let any of the nobility know about this disguise, it was her favorite, but she could always make them swear an oath that it never leaves this room. In fact…

“As this is a matter that could potentially concern national security, the knowledge of this disguise is to never leave this room under persecution of the crown and of myself personally.” She said quickly and took her disguise. The masses generally gasped. Blueblood shared the shock, but snorted and smiled even.

“So you’ve been sneaking around for some time then. I apologise for my personal intrusion on both of your privacy then, my concerns have been put to rest.” The pompous stallion said with what even sounded like a respectful tone. And with a quick bow he left. Some nobles followed his lead, but a good amount stayed as Celestia reverted back to her usual look.

“What’s left to say?” Luna called, obviously beyond frustrated with the group. Another stallion stepped up, this time Twilight recognized him. He was from the university of arcane study.

“Princess Twilight, I know you are enjoying your vacation with your… teacher… but I do implore you don’t forget about us. As the Princess to come to concerning magic, we only ask that you take time out of your relaxation to continue your work.” The stallion explained. Twilight seemed surprised for a moment before facehoofing.

“Riiight, I keep forgetting to have this sent to you. I’m so used to having my assistant around… Here, before I forget.” The young alicorn practically groaned. With a flash of magic, a very large stack of mismatched papers bound together in a leather cover appeared and levitated over to the stallion. “My complete analysis and notes on the glyphs and other studies I’ve gotten to, that should be enough for now.” She explained. The stallion flipped through it and his eyes widened.

“This… This should keep us busy for months! A year even!” He exclaimed. Twilight snorted. Wow, she’d gotten a lot more casual in court. It reminded Celestia of Luna and she couldn’t help but smile.

“A year? Well, I won’t let you off the hook that easy. I’ll have the next batch ready by next month.” She said confidently. The stallion just nodded and a good portion of the remaining nobles left. One of the few remaining stepped up.

“Princess Celestia, is this really the reason you decided to take your vacation?” She asked. It seemed more curious than anything. Celestia laughed.

“No, it honestly wasn’t. It was merely my family and friends, as well as nearly every member of my staff, convincing me that I should finally take a vacation in most of their lifetimes. It really has been centuries... “ The solar triarch replied. The mare just smiled and bowed before leaving herself.

“Are the rest of you here for actual business? I won’t tolerate any more negative assumptions about my sister and her student.” Luna asked. They all nodded, one of them even had a presentation that was miraculously untrampled.

“Luna, go ahead and get to bed. You get cranky when you’re tired. We can manage the rest of this court.” Celestia said, walking over to the thrones. Luna hummed.

“I suppose after that mob I am feeling rather spiteful… Alright, just be sure to get back to your vacation before long. I’d hate to keep you on my account when I’m the one who offered.” The lunar triarch replied and stood. Celestia and Twilight took their respective thrones, Twilight somewhat cautiously.

“I’m sorry, I suppose I should have asked your opinion first.” Celestia said with an apologetic smile. Twilight almost never used that throne, even when she was in court she had a tendency to pace or investigate presentations closely. Even then, she didn’t have an official court of her own since everything besides emergencies concerning magic was usually discussed directly and personally rather than in court. And magical emergencies usually meant Twilight immediately leaving to stop something from blowing up, or repairing whatever had blown up.

“I would have stayed anyways, I don’t really feel like doing anything else.” Twilight replied with a smile, finally finding a comfortable position to settle in. They both nodded to the remaining nobles, and one business pony, and the first one stepped up and introduced himself since the Herald had left with the others.

“I am Lord White Winds and I apologise for bringing it up again, I do promise I have actual business to bring up afterwards, but I’d like to know what the two of you plan to do with this arrangement you’ve created for yourselves.” The stallion asked. Celestia hummed, she recognized that name.

“Ah, White Winds! I know that name. You’re the grandson of the royal archivist are you not?” The triarch asked. The stallion smiled and nodded.

“Yes indeed. While I am proud of my grandfather’s work, and my father’s work with him, I must admit I’ve taken a different path. I plan weddings, to be exact.” The stallion replied. Celestia nodded, that’s why he wanted to know. A little noise from her right told her that the thought of marriage was one she wasn’t ready to have yet. She snuck a glance and almost lost it at the sight of Twilight sinking in her chair, face beet red, trying to hide behind her wings.

“We’ll be sure to let you know if that becomes an option.” Celestia said, unable to keep the laugh out of her voice. White Winds smiled and nodded before beginning the topic he came here for. It was actually a plea to repurpose an old building for his business. He had asked on the city level, but they denied it on the basis that the building was protected by the crown and couldn’t dig up the reason why. It was a decently sized building, mostly just an old warehouse, that nobody was using. Celestia actually facehooved in front of the court.

“Heavens, I totally forgot about that. I had intended to turn it into a laboratory and gift it to my student, but she has free reign of the best now… I’ll forward the notice to the city and you should be sorted out by the time I return from my vacation.” Celestia said. Winds bowed and let the next one pass.

The rest of the court went by as it usually does, mostly nobles looking for tax reforms or various projects looking for funding from the crown. Celestia was almost lulled into the uniformity of court as she always was when she was startled by Twilight. The young mare hadn’t spoken for a while, and the last noble was preparing a presentation and taking a while. She was sitting straight and proper like she always did when a weight and a warmth on her chest forced her to look down and see Twilight nuzzling into her.

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” The mare whispered with a giggle. Celestia quickly glanced over to the noble setting up a wooden easel to put a chart on, and then snuck a kiss in. She saw some of the guards drop their jaws, a few older ones roll their eyes, and the noble in front of them finally turn around. He started talking about restructuring one of the walls surrounding the city as it had been showing signs of wear when he stopped. Celestia was confused for only a moment as she felt a warm wing wrap around her.

“Don’t worry about us, we are actually listening.” Twilight said, urging him to continue. Celestia just giggled and snuggled into the appendage, though as Twilight said she was giving the stallion her attention.

“Very well… It’s more of a time sink than money, the architectural community has already funded the project. We just need your approval and perhaps a little encouragement to get it done quicker. We have the full plans and timeline here…” The stallion started and continued. Celestia smiled as she listened and leaned just a little further into Twilight, court just got a whole lot less boring.

Author's Note:

I have no idea if these chapter names are making any sense. I just didn't want to do chapter 1 and 2 and so on. I'm terrible at naming things, you have no idea how long I stare at my screen thinking of story titles.
This one was kind all over the place but it was written over two days with me being frustrated at putting a computer together during half of it. Hopefully the rest won't be so scrambled, but either way there's only a couple chapters left. Two, maybe three. Hope you enjoy nonetheless!