• Published 16th Feb 2018
  • 6,096 Views, 62 Comments

A Glow Just Below the Horizon - Dark0592

Celestia takes a vacation with her dearest student

  • ...

Twilight to Dawn, Dawn to The New Day

Spike’s words the night of the party rang through Celestia’s mind as she and Twilight sat in the carriage rolling through Canterlot. It was the last day of her vacation and the two of them had been invited to Twilight’s family home for dinner. Celestia knew that Cadence and Shining were going to be there, since they were technically foreign dignitaries entering the city, but she had managed to keep that fact from Twilight all day.

“Oh hell, I hope they like you. I mean, of course they like you you’re the Princess, but I mean the pony you are behind the crown!” Twilight fretted. Celestia noticed that a hair or two of her mane were starting to fray out of place and quickly kissed her on the snout. That at least paused the tirade.

“Twilight, your parents and I have had extensive conversations in the past, both before and after your time as my student. They still work at my school for gifted unicorns so we have regular correspondence. Your mother actually sent me a rather dashing bouquet yesterday, didn’t you see it on the desk?” Celestia explained. Twilight seemed to snap out of her paused panic attack at that.

“That was from mom?” She asked. Celestia nodded.

“Your father even had a ridiculous hoof written card. ‘I have a princess as a daughter, and now I have two as daughter-in-laws. Is Luna up for adoption? I’d love to complete the set!’” She laughed at the memory of reading it.

“Oh, so that’s why you were still laughing at breakfast…” Twilight said, as if a mystery had finally been solved. Celestia chuckled and peered out of the window. The Sparkle estate was coming into view, and Twilight apparently caught her mischievous grin as she noticed the carriage with a very particular crest on it. It was a crystal heart with the backdrop of a dark blue shield. It was the symbol of Cadence and Shining Armor’s design, a personal crest that combined their cutie marks. The little gasp from Twilight was worth the surprise being found out early, however.

They didn’t even have a chance to knock on the door, let alone step up the first step to it, when it shot open and a pink and vanilla blur impacted Twilight so hard Celestia was almost dragged with the tumbling mass of alicorn.

“Ooh Twilight, it’s so good to see you! You feel so much brighter now than ever before!” The alicorn of love practically squealed. Shining’s head poked out of the door and shared a look with Celestia before they both shared a little laugh. Twilight finally hugged Cadence back after getting over being bowled over by the alicorn-turned-projectile.

“I’ve been both dreading and dying to see you guys all week!” Twilight said, not sure if she was happy or mortified they were here. Cadence just giggled and helped the youngest alicorn up, quickly wrapping a wing around her and Celestia as they walked up.

“I’m so happy for you two! I almost didn’t believe what I heard on the news, so when Mom and Dad invited us here to dine with you two with them I couldn’t say no! Now that I can see you though I can literally feel the love you guys have. Super strong stuff, might even be more than Shiny’s.” The alicorn of love continued. Twilight and Celestia shared a quick glance before the stallion in question coughed.

“We’re going to be here all day if we try to have the ‘who loves who more’ argument. Come on Twily, Mom and Dad are waiting for you.” He said with a warm smile. They nodded and quickly entered the dining hall. Dusk Sparkle, Twilight’s father, was sitting at the table when they entered. He had been watching the door and was now standing as they entered. The two pushed out chairs to one side of him, one of them on the floor, told them that Cadence and Shining were probably with him before coming out to meet them.

“Twilight! Princess Celestia! I’m so glad you could make it!” He said, giving a quick but respectful bow.

“Oh come now, I’m almost your daughter in law at this point. Maybe that’ll finally get you to stop bowing at me in your own home?” Celestia said with a slightly teasing tone. Dawn, Twilight’s Mother, stepped in from the kitchen with a table’s worth of trays in her telekinesis.

“He still insists on calling me Dame in normal conversation, don’t get your hopes up princess.” The mare said with a little smile as she set the table. Twilight rushed over and hugged them in turn. She gave Celestia a particular little smirk. The same smirk Celestia always gave when she was messing with someone.

“Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet my new marefriend. We were just out clubbing one night and really hit it off. She’s kind of important though. Maybe if I’m lucky she’ll even want to spend the night!” The young alicorn said in the voice of a somewhat rebellious teen. Dawn rolled her eyes while Dusk snorted trying not to laugh.

“Oh Dearie, I knew this day would come. Our little filly is all grown up! And she’s dating mares now! What else has she done when we weren’t looking?” Dawn said, feigning something along the lines of shock at the ‘news’.

“Beats me dear, Our little Twilight would never do something like save the world, become the element of magic, ascend into godhood, save the world some more, or I suppose go out clubbing and find a saucy mare to take home.” Dusk replied. The last comment earned a blush from Twilight, a snort from Celestia and Cadence, a deadpan from Shining, and a smack on the back of the head from Dawn.

“Hey! It was funny!” He complained, earning a little giggle from Celestia. He seemed satisfied by her reaction.

“Speaking of, I never thought I’d be scared to give my usual hazing of anyone trying to get smoochy with my little sister.” Shining said, though by his smile he didn’t seem like he was intending to actual go through with it.

“Hah! Yeah, even though she isn’t your boss anymore that must have been a fun mental image.” Cadence laughed. Twilight snickered at that.

“Alright, are we going to start dinner or are we going to keep teasing us?” The younger mare asked. That seemed to settle everyone down a bit. They chatted a bit while they ate, but the conversation Celestia was both anticipating and dreading didn’t start until they had moved to the foyer afterwards with a few bottles of wine.

“So, the ruler of this glorious country or not, I have to ask you Princess Celestia. What are your intentions for my daughter?” Dusk asked. Celestia hummed as she sipped her glass.

“We are both going to hopefully live a very long time. And, hopefully again, we’ll be living that time together. It… I apologize, it must be strange when I speak of my age… but after living as long as I have I’ve learned to be content with what I have. If this development never progresses any further than this, I will be happy. If She decides that she’d rather give her heart to someone else, I’d be disappointed but ultimately happy as long as she would remain my faithful student and dearest friend. And if the idea of marriage should cross our minds, I would certainly hope you’d be alive to see it.” Celestia explained. She felt a little uneasy telling this to Twilight’s family, she hadn’t even had this discussion with Twilight, but it seemed like as good a time as any.

“Celestia! I would never leave you for someone else!” Twilight exclaimed, looking almost appalled. It certainly put a smile on Celestia’s face as she leaned a little closer to the mare she already had a wing around.

“I feel exactly the same way, my dear, but time changes many things. People included. You may or may not remember that my frist romp with Discord lasted nearly two centuries. I must admit, however, I’m anxious to see his reaction if we beat that record.” She retorted. Twilight hummed lowly at that, obviously not liking the idea of them growing apart.

“At least you get to spend eternity together! I only have another seventy years with Shiny!” Cadence pouted. Dawn seemed like she wanted to coo, but the particular subject hit a little hard for the family it seemed.

“Seventy? Not even giving me past a hundred now love?” Shining said with a snort. By his playful tone this was a subject that came up a lot.

“Not with the way you still refuse to relax half the time. You have no idea how much I have to keep him out of the Crystal Guard’s business!” Cadence retorted. It spawned more conversation for a few minutes before Dusk stopped that particular train.

“So, you never answered my question Princess.” The stallion said with a smile. Celestia almost facehooved. Woops.

“Ah, my apologies. It’s a simple answer, really. I wish for her to be happy, and as long as I don’t destroy myself or my kingdom to do so then I will be happy.” She said with a smile, looking at the mare in question beside her. Twilight pecked her on the lips and nuzzled into her neck at that.

“That’s probably the best answer I could have gotten.” Dusk said with a lopsided grin. Dawn rolled her eyes but patted him on the head lovingly.

“It is what we want for our daughter as well so I can’t help but approve wholeheartedly.” The older mare agreed with a little smile. The room fell into an easy silence then as they all sipped their glasses. Dusk once again broke the silence.

“So, Shining, since we’re not going to see any grandchildren out of your sister I sincerely hope you’ve put some thought into it.” He said. The blunt-ness of the comment nearly caused Celestia to spit out her wine with laughter, and Shining in surprise. Celestia was about to add in a jab of her own directed at Cadence, playing off of her being an avatar of love without a child of her own, when the alicorn started giggling like mad.

“Oh!” Celestia could only say, catching on right away.

“Oh?” Twilight asked, confused. It took her only a moment to realize what the oh was for. “Oh!” She repeated. It took Dusk and Dawn a moment or two longer before they stared at Cadence.

“Twins.” The alicorn of love said simply. All of their faces lit up at that. The next hour consisted of questions, congratulations, and advice. They stayed and chatted a little while longer after that before Cadence and Shining retired to their room in the estate. Twilight and Celestia were returning to Celestia’s room in the palace when Celestia noticed something on her love’s mind. She didn’t ask her of it though, Twilight would bring it up when she was ready. As they lay snuggled into Celestia’s bed, Twilight apparently decided that was the time to bring it up.

“Celestia, do you want to marry me?” Twilight asked. It was much more of a serious question out of curiosity than a proposal, but it still caught Celestia by surprise. She took a few moments to think of her response. Her first thought was an immediate ‘yes’. The next couple ranged between ‘sure, why not?’ and ‘Aw hell yeah’. She finally settled on a thought before long though.

“In the sense that I wish to spend the rest of my life committed to loving you, absolutely. When it comes to everything else, though, I honestly couldn’t care less. I don’t need a ring or the descriptor of wife to tell you that I love you, or tell the world for that matter. For them, they will see how I can’t even keep my eyes from meeting yours. Or the little pecks and kisses when we think nobody’s watching, the little nuzzles when we don’t care if they are. I can’t fairly say that you are my everything, as I do have a kingdom I care quite deeply about as well, but if given the choice between the two I think I’d have to just freeze time forever so I wouldn’t have to make that decision.” Celestia explained carefully. She had gotten somewhat off track in the end, but she stopped herself from going much further down that road of nonsensical hypotheticals. She hummed, trying to sum it up into a few words. She opened her mouth to start trying to speak the thoughts aloud, but the words never made it past the kiss.

And there was fire in that kiss. Again.

“And what about for me?” Twilight asked after finally breaking the kiss. She was tired, but she obviously had enough energy left to give Celestia a saucy look. She couldn’t help but giggle and boop Twilight’s snout with her own.

“For you, my dearest, we have the fire we share. The passionate inferno of the sun itself bending to your will and desire. Beyond that, though, we have the times we spend alone together. You tucked into my side as you study or we read together, these nights with you all to myself, everything. The fact that I can look at you right now and I can see, beyond the lust even, the pure love you have for me. It almost brings a tear to my eye, it certainly makes my knees weak sometimes, that I can see just how you love me with a casual glance. And, judging by your expression whenever we gaze into each others’ eyes like a lovey dovey couple, you see just how much I love you in mine. Words don’t quite do it justice I think.” She explained. When she was finally done she could feel those tears she had mentioned threatening to fall. They had already formed. Twilight wasn’t so lucky with her self control, however, and Celestia could see the little drops falling down her cheeks. They practically glowed in the moonlight.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” The young alicorn said, her voice full of emotion. There was still that fire, deep down, but now it was far more than just lust.

“Hey, that’s my line.” Celestia giggled and pulled Twilight close.

“I love you. I hope I never stop.” Twilight practically whispered into her neck. Celestia just held her closer.

“You and I both, my dearest. I sure have fallen the absolutely batshit insane level of in love with you.” The older alicorn replied, earning a little tired giggle from Twilight.

“But guano isn’t insane… it’s rather versatile… actually.” Twilight started saying, probably intending to joke a little. The night caught up with her before she could finish, though, and Celestia kissed her on the head as she drifted off to sleep.

“For the both of our sake, I hope you never stop loving me either. I don’t think I could ever stop loving you at this point…” She said to the sleeping mare. She readjusted to get a little more comfortable and let herself drift off along with her partner.

Author's Note:

And here it is. Hopefully it was short and sweet and not short and disappointing. I admit I skimmed over a lot of things that probably could have been chapters on their own, but I wanted to make sure I was able to finish this while I was still going strong. Otherwise things would have died and we'd be left with another permanent hiatus on the story.
Either way, I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing!

Comments ( 19 )

Only things that threw me were the changes to the number of children Cadance was expecting and the names of Twilight's parents from show canon, otherwise, it was cute.

My knowledge of cannon up to the changeling invasion and the Crystal Empire, that's about it. That's whne I stopped watching, so I have my own established headcannon for things.
I didn't even know cadence having kids was cannon.

Ah yeah, that would do it... Cadance had an alicorn baby named Flurry Heart in season 6, I think, and Twilight's parents fanon names of Night Light and Twilight Velvet were recently canonized in an episode that focused on her family.

Got a little talky in the last two chapters, and using your own names for Twilight and Shining's parents was an odd choice that kinda threw me more than I thought it would, but otherwise it was a very nice piece.

Thumbs-up! :moustache:

Well, I didn't plan on going further than the teen tag, didn't plan an adventure or a tragedy not much to do besides talk XD.

Beautifully done good sense of humor throughout. I'm not going to lie I laughed harder at the hookers and blackjack joke than I should have. :rainbowlaugh:

Glad you enjoyed it!

Glad you wrote it! :moustache:👍

:fluttershyouch: oh, well. It sweet and nice story on its on.

I also have no interest in writing anything sexually explicit anymore, especially if it's not humanized. I experimented with it a while back and it's just awkward to write for ponies.

I still think it needs at least a joke chapter about whatever the hell Luna managed to do, but otherwise it's quite fluffy.

That was so cute and squishy!

They didn’t even have a chance to knock on the door, let alone step up the first step to it, when it shot open and a pink and vanilla blur impacted Twilight so hard Celestia was almost dragged with the tumbling mass of alicorn.

the cadence missile strikes again, I have to say this happens in so many fanfics it's almost like a law at this point :rainbowlaugh:

SO CUTE. FLUFF OVERLOAD. brain explodes in fluff
And of course, the Cadence Missile(TM)!

That was SO beautiful! In every way. Definitely one of my favorite Twilestia fics out there.

Thanks for the fic! It was amazingly fluffy and cute!

I'm still beyond proud of this one, I love it

Oh my goddess all the fluffy feels :fluttershysad:

Twilestia with public displays of affection? Favorited and added to my personal fluff collection.

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