• Published 16th Feb 2018
  • 6,081 Views, 62 Comments

A Glow Just Below the Horizon - Dark0592

Celestia takes a vacation with her dearest student

  • ...

Rising Up, Above The Clouds

Twilight and Celestia, joined by Luna, were staring at the cloud city of Cloudsdale as their carriage brought them closer. Luna seemed almost giddy with excitement, matched only by Twilight’s.

“I’ve never seen a wonderbolts show with the new team! I’m so excited, Tia!” Luna practically bounced in her seat.

“And I get to see the girls again, all together! We’ve been writing and we have an outing planned. Both of you are invited of course, Pinkie is going to be throwing a private party for all of us!” Twilight replied with just as much excitement.

“A Private party? A strange change of pace for Equestria’s number 1 party animal.” Celestia hummed. Luna seemed to brighten even further at the reminder of the elements attending the show. Twilight didn’t seem to notice but Celestia made a mental note to watch her sister closely when they met up with the others.

“Are we meeting them before the show? I do admit it’s been far too long since I’ve seen heads or tails of any of them.” The lunar princess asked. Twilight nodded.

“Everyone except Rainbow Dash, she’ll be practicing and rehearsing with her team until showtime. As the second in command under Spitfire, though, she won’t be participating in the whole event and will join us in the VIP box for most of it. The after party was her idea, which is why I brought these.” Twilight explained, ending with a smile as she pulled a tin out of her bags. Celestia recognized that tin. The hangover cure tablets were in there.

“Oh, what are these?” Luna asked, which spurred an explanation that lasted until they finally arrived. Twilight was immediately buried under four different ponies, and one dragon, the second she stepped out of the carriage. Celestia smiled at them all, she always loved seeing her student happy with her friends. They were all practically clinging to the younger alicorn and bombarding her with questions about how she’s been and the likes, though she noticed something about two of them.

First, Fluttershy and Luna hadn’t broke eye contact for a good ten seconds. Second, Rarity was giving her the most peculiar look.

“Princess Celestia, Darling, we are graced by your presence as always!” The clothier said when they finally all stood and gave a little bow. The rest of the elements followed suit, to which she waved them off. Before she could mention the lack of need for formalities at the moment, though, Rarity continued.

“I heard a rather peculiar story around some of my circles in Canterlot yesterday, and even saw a few newspaper clippings.” The unicorn continued with a little smirk.

“So? It’s news! News that has nothing to do with us, otherwise I’d have already known about it!” Dash exclaimed. Rarity rolled her eyes as Celestia gave Rarity a little smirk back. Nobody seemed to notice the sudden appearance Rainbow Dash.

“Oh? Do tell, I’m afraid I’m on vacation and I haven’t had the chance to keep up with the gossip of the country.” Celestia said, deliberately laying a wing on Twilight as the younger mare walked over. Twilight seemed to realize what was happening and tried to hide. Unfortunately for her situation, the nearest thing to hide behind was the source of her embarrassment.

“Wait, something happened with Twi?” Applejack asked, a little concerned. Luna snorted.

“That would be an understatement.” The lunar triarch said humorously. They all kinda looked at Rarity then, who just let the smirk turn to a grin.

“I Dare say I’ve seen some papers concerning your time together when Twilight gets drunk, but I do believe the story about court yesterday morning didn’t involve a drop of alcohol.” Rarity continued beating around the bush. Fluttershy made a noise, she must have figured out what the unicorn was talking about and was looking between Celestia and the younger alicorn trying to smother herself under her wing.

“You would be correct. It’s been a very… unique… vacation. I dare say the best I’ve ever taken.” Celestia said, adding the smallest of hip wiggles in to accentuate the unique part. Rarity’s eyes flashed before she almost looked too embarrassed to continue. Twilight made a noise too, probably intending to scold Celestia for her implications, but it came out as little more than a squeak.

“Oh for the love of… get on with it!” Luna said with a laugh, betraying her amusement at the situation.

“Girls, I believe our little Twilight has finally grown into a proper mare, with a proper suitor to match.” Rarity said. Celestia rolled her eyes, she still didn’t want to directly say it. Pinkie was taking in air for the largest gasp Celestia had ever seen and Applejack had a completely flabbergasted stare. Dash looked so confused.

“Whoa she got a hot date? Nice! Who’s the lucky stallion? Or mare? You’re probably a mare kind of pony I think…” Dash started. Celestia blinked, when did she get here? After a moment of confusion she decided to cut the train of thought before it got too far off track and take matters into her own hooves. The faintest flick of her still pink tail and Twilight’s head shot up. It wasn’t much of a crack, but Twilight’s hindquarters were certainly not ready for that.

“You really shouldn’t be hiding from your friends, love. Especially since Rainbow Dash still doesn’t seem to get it.” Celestia said, halting any embarrassed scolding with a quick kiss. Twilight’s face just continued to redden. They all looked at Dash, who had a similar expression to Applejack’s, as her wings shot out in surprise.

“Reel it in girl.” Applejack laughed, snapping out of it first. Dash shook out of it next, getting her surprised appendages back under control. Fluttershy seemed to be smiling happily rather than surprised at this point. Rarity shook out of her surprise next. Spike broke the silence that formed first, though.

“About time! I swear, she was either going to adopt you or kiss you! I couldn’t really tell which.” The dragon, who was now the size of a pony with wings of his own, blurted out.

“I guess we have always been… really close.” Twilight said, rubbing the back of her head. Luna snorted.

“Once again, that’s an understatement. I admit when I first returned I was very jealous of you, Twilight. I wasn’t keen to the idea of sharing my sister. After that first nightmare night, however, the magic of friendship prevailed.” Luna said. Celestia noticed that she had glanced at Fluttershy, who was now standing next to the lunar princess, when she said it.

“Lulu~ when were you going to tell us about your little secret?” Celestia asked, prodding her sister to confirm her suspicions. Both Luna and Fluttershy paled at that. Bingo.

“Oh you might as well say it, Darling. It can’t be any more stunning than Twilight and Celestia’s ‘reveal’.” Rarity said. Fluttershy squaked and hid behind Luna, but Luna just shook her head with a laugh.

“We’ve been seeing each other since that first nightmare night, and things may have escalated from there.” Luna simply said, smiling at the memory. The rest of the group, except Rarity of course, gawked at the two.

“Aw man! Everyone is getting frisky with princesses! Who knew Flutters and Twi would have the guts to go after the most important ponies in the world.” Dash said, breaking the new silence.

“Well, you’re not very far behind us I daresay.” Celestia said. Most of them, sans Pinkie who was still concerningly gasping the same breath of air, seemed confused.

“We may be your rulers, Twilight included now if you remember, but you are her closest friends. Even before my vacation this elevated you to great importance to me personally. Not to mention the deeds of valor and harmony you’ve accomplished, your status as the elements of harmony, and each of you individually have garnered your own individual importance. Rainbow Dash, you’re starting to surpass even Spitfire as a Wonderbolt. Pinkie Pie can make even the hardest of creature laugh with joy and has garnered quite the following in Manehattan. Rarity is practically beloved in the highest circles of Canterlot Nobility for her generosity and perfect tastes, not to mention her business success. Applejack and her family supply equestria almost exclusively with the finest apples in the country, and even Fluttershy has spearheaded a great many movements and policies to maintain Equestria’s flora and fauna. Spike of course has his exploits as Twilight’s assistant, but recently his success in aiding diplomacy with the dragons near and within Equestria.” Celestia explained, each of them puffing up slightly in pride as she spoke of them. She was about to ask pinkie what was wrong as she managed to do so while still taking in breath, but then she let out the one thing she knew was coming.

“THE PRIVATE PARTY IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Pinkie yelled loud enough for probably all of Cloudsdale to hear. Before she could dash out, however, Rainbow Dash grabbed her.

“No, Pinkie, the show is happening now. The party happens AFTER.” The wonderbolt said. Pinkie just happily nodded.

“So, those cloud walking talismans work I see.” Twilight said with a smile, walking over to examine the pendants hanging from Applejack and Rarity’s necks. Pinkie, for some reason, wasn’t wearing one.

“Yup, they gave us extra strength too! Should last 48 hours.” Applejack said happily, stomping on the cloud under her hoof for effect. It dented significantly, to which Dash laughed as she scrambled backwards from it, but she seemed satisfied. She’s cracked floors like that.

“Pardon the interruption, but aren’t you supposed to be rehearsing?” Celestia asked the wonderbolt. Dash shrugged.

“Show doesn’t start for an hour, we finished our routines. I decided to come meet you guys here. I DO have to head back in like 10 minutes for sure, but for now I can at least walk you to the stadium.” The wonderbolt replied happily. “I’m glad I did, I got to find out about TWO lovebirds in our group! But wait, Fluttershy, what about Moonshadow?” She continued, stopping and looking at the shy pegasus walking next to Luna. Luna snorted.

“Moonshadow? Oh you devilish little thing you.” Celestia laughed. Dash was, once again, confused.

“That was me.” Luna said, though the way she flushed up told Celestia that something happened with this group. Her raised eyebrow was enough for Twilight to pick up on it, and Luna glared at her sister with a special look that said ‘don’t you dare say it’. Rainbow Dash took that out of her hooves though.

“OHHH! Wow, that’s cool. Wait! That means that we…. With the princess!” The speedster slowly came to the conclusion. She looked at Luna, who looked somewhat amused. Then to Fluttershy, who looked like she was about to explode.Then to Twilight and Celestia, who had somewhat knowing but confused looks. Rarity got right in her face before she could look at anyone else however.

“Rainbow Dash, Darling, please don’t utter another word about it in public or you will find just just how cruel I can be with my punishments.” She said lowly with a very serious tone. Applejack snorted.

“Even got me to call it quits once or twice.” The farmer said. Rarity froze upright for a moment before slowly turning to the earth pony who spoke those dastardly words out loud. Applejack just smirked at her and turned to Twilight and Celestia.

“Since you’ve been honest with us, I’ll be honest with you. We’ve had some experience with polyamory while y’all were gone. Flutters started bringing a sweet pegasus with her a year ago, guess that was the Princess.” She explained. The group kinda looked uncomfortable at that being explained right to Celestia of all ponies, but she just laughed.

“My, close friends both in public and behind closed doors. I would have done anything to have friends like you in my days.” Celestia said. She looked down at Twilight, who seemed more curious than appalled at the knowledge of what her friends have been doing in her absence. Celestia decided to tease her again, because that was what she always decided. She leaned in real close, just enough for the mare’s ear to flick from the breath on it, and she whispered.

“Sounds like fun, maybe we should join in sometime.” She got out in the raunchiest voice she’d used in a long time. She expected Twilight to sputter something out, but her response made Celestia’s tail flick ever so slightly.

“Celestia? I was about to suggest the same thing.”

The rest of that particular conversation was drowned out as the group started moving and they all started chatting about their weeks. It seemed it had been some time since all of the elements had been together in one place. Celestia let herself fall slightly behind, as did Luna, and they both shared a look.

“Moonshadow? Really?” She asked.

“Cotton Candy? Really?” Luna replied. They both snorted simultaneously.

“Point taken.” They both said and let themselves be integrated back into the conversation.

The event itself was spectacular, it had been a long time since Spitfire’s team of stunt fliers had ever been challenged, let alone by nothing but new bloods. The difference here was that they were hoof picked by Rainbow Dash, trained by Rainbow Dash, and coordinated by Rainbow Dash. That’s three injections of awesome right there. In the end, the crowd gave the two teams a tie.

The VIP box had been a little awkward before the event started in full, nobody possibly expecting three princesses to be joining them. Let alone the three of them there cuddled up to someone else. The news had circulated already, of course, but it seemed until now it had been discounted as rumor. Celestia couldn’t help but grin at the baffled expressions around them as she was practically sitting on top of Twilight. Luna and Fluttershy had a much more tame setup, simply throwing a wing around each other, but they had apparently been an item for years.

“Alright, party time. We go get some real food in us, preferably with a lot of bread to be a good base, and then we get smashed.” Dash announced as she rejoined the group in the VIP box after the show.

“You aren’t planning on having another session tonight are you?” Rarity asked, almost appalled. Dash shrugged.

“I don’t plan a goddamn thing when we get smashed. If that’s the way the cookie crumbles, then I won’t mind. I’ll probably bring the milk to dunk it in.” The speedster said. This earned somewhat flustered expressions from everyone, save Celestia and Luna, who just burst out laughing.

“Well shoot, if I would’a known you wanted to get smashed I’d’a brought some good stuff.” Applejack said as they left the box in their fairly large group.

“Oh please, this is Cloudsdale. I may live in Ponyville now but I still have an apartment here. And it’s stocked. That’s where we’re heading.” Dash explained. The group shared looks with each other. There was no way all of them could fit inside of an apartment right?

Well, Dash failed to mention it was a penthouse suite in one of the most recent apartment buildings in the city. It was a massive tower, they tried to call it Wonderbolt Tower but could never get the copyright privileges from the crown. Now they just tried to make it a colloquial name by housing as many wonderbolts as they could. They gave Dash a huge discount on the suite for that reason, and hell if she was going to deny it. At least that’s how she described it.

The party was rather tame since it was just their small group. Well, tame by Pinkie’s standards. Dash’s selection of wines and liquors, however, were the opposite of tame. She even had dragon liquors! Spike was particularly happy about that. The magically aged liquor was fermented with gemstones, which were then powdered into the liquid to drink. This was some high quality stuff too, no chunks or anything. A pony could drink this, which Dash certainly did.

Things did get decidedly raunchy with most of the group, however it never went much further than sweet words and sweeter kisses. When they were all properly smashed, they decided to call it quits. Dash commandeered Applejack and Pinkie and headed for the bedroom, Rarity and Spike were getting cozy on the loveseat, Luna was carrying Fluttershy to her own home in Cloudsdale, that just left Celestia and Twilight still awake.

“What’re you thinking about?” Twilight asked, surprising Celestia with the break in silence. She almost replied ‘you’ by instinct, but even in her drunken state she knew better than to get that cheesy.

“How I’ll ever get back to my normal routine.” She said instead. It was true, she was starting to dread the end of her vacation. It was only three days away afterall. Twilight hummed and nuzzled deeper into Celestia’s jaw.

“If Luna can manage to sneak off for years without even you knowing, for days at a time even, then I’m sure we can manage.” Twilight said in a little playful whisper. Celestia snorted.

“If only. The only reason she has so much time to do it is that not much is expected of her within the palace, and her courts are usually weekly rather than nightly.” The alabaster princess mumbled. She may have been a little jealous, and in her intoxicated state she wasn’t able to mask it. Twilight just giggled and kissed her jaw.

“It sure was nice of her to take on some extra work then if she has so little.” The younger alicorn mumbled. Sleep was starting to take her as she snuggled into her favorite snuggle buddy. Celestia smiled and quickly pecked her on the lips, eliciting a tired smile, before the mare drifted off. She could feel sleep nipping at her own consciousness, but her mind was a little overactive at the moment.

What would this mean for them? What would it mean for Equestria? Hopefully it’d guide it into an even happier time of peace like she hoped, she’d never been happier to be honest. That had to bleed through to her country, right? Twilight too, maybe she could get her to come to court to get her more into the swing of politics again- as well as making her at Celestia’s side a normal occurrence. She was startled out of her thoughts by a voice from the corner.

“You seem happier than I’ve ever seen you, Princess.” Spike said, his R’s rolling like a reptilian fantasy villain in his drunk state. Celestia giggled slightly for effect and looked down at Twilight’s sleeping form. Even in unconsciousness, she had that sweet little smile that told her she was as happy as could be.

“I have your big sister to thank for that, my dear.” She replied, noticing some time must have passed. Her abnormally fast metabolism was already deconstructing the alcohol and she was sobering up quite nicely.

“Yeah, I guess so. I have to wonder what it’ll be like telling Cadence and Shining, or even Twilight’s parents. Last time Twilight tried to date, Shining almost made the colt wet himself with just a stare.” Spike reminisced. Celestia snorted.

“I’d like to see him try.” She said, almost threateningly. Ok, maybe not as sober as she had thought. Spike just chuckled and gently ran a talon through Rarity’s mane as she slept.

“I’m afraid I haven’t heard much from Ponyville aside form what Twilight tells me, have I missed something between the two of you?” Celestia asked as she noticed. Spike stuck out his forked tongue at her and shifted to get more comfortable.

“I may have been joining in their sessions lately, and ever since I was big enough for her not to see me like a little kid anymore she gave me a shot.” Spike explained.

“He’s the perfect gentleman, Darling, and you have no idea what a forked tongue can do.” Rarity’s tired voice mumbled, earning a chuckle from the two. Celestia smirked. Spike knew that smirk and suddenly felt like he should plug his ears.

“And you have no idea what a forked tongue can do when it’s half as long as you are.” She retorted. Rarity looked up at at her at that, earning a little giggle. Then she looked back at Spike, who was giving her an awkward grin, and finally resigned to snuggle back into her scaly companion.

“I’m going to have strange dreams tonight…” She mumbled, fading back into sleep. Twilight shifted under her, causing Celestia to look down again and meet a set of very tired eyes.

“Can you guys please not have this conversation when we’re supposed to be sleeping? When you talk it makes my horn vibrate, and when you laugh it throws my head around.” The groggy mare groaned.

“Oh I’m sorry, it wasn’t my inten-” Celestia started, but was cut off as a very tired kiss was planted on her lips.

“Ahhshshshhhshhhhhh.... No talky… more sleepy…” She said afterwards, resting her head alongside Celestia’s on the large sofa and smiling with mostly closed eyes. She peeked over at Spike, who just waved a claw, and then looked back at Twilight. She was already back asleep. She could lie here staring at Twilight all night, and she probably would have if that sweet little smile and the rise and fall of her breathing against her didn’t lull her into sleep so quickly.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay and the not so great transitions here, it was written sporadically over multiple days. There's only one chapter really left in me for this one, luckily that's all I planned to do.
There's a lot of bad happening at the moment and I fear it may be affecting my writing. Hopefully not too much, this one is still such a joy to write.
Hope you enjoyed!
I totally didn't accidentally upload the previous chapter above this one. Nope. I don't know what you're talking about