• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,954 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 20 - News Of Renaissance

After about a week of waiting, studying her cards, and Rainbow saying, "You're an egghead" over and over in her head, the day had finally arrived for Pencil to give her speech to the school. She had a few cards that she had prepared for the topics she was going to talk about that were requested by the students themselves apparently. The staff was just passing on the word. So she was going to do it.

After reorganizing, Pencil put them in her own custom saddlebags, fitted with her initials. PS. It was just a basic font. Nothing too flashy like her outfit. Which was a gray basic dress that had gold parts to it. Like the neckline had gold bits. It accentuated the outfit so she looked, in Rainbow Dash's eyes, like an egghead.

"I look so young," Rainbow commented, adjusting the dress enough so it looked flawless. She turned around in the mirror, looking at herself from the side. Then flexed her wings to get a feel of flight in case Pencil had to take off. "Alright, sister! You're up! Don't make me look bad!"

She changed back to Pencil, who sighed in return. "Rainbow, they don't know you're alive, let alone know you actually exist," she pointed out while she grabbed her saddlebags in her magic. "If it makes any difference, they won't even see you."

Pencil turned around and eagerly walked out the room, making her way downstairs. The morning was quiet. Like always. Pencil wondered if Rainbow ever became lonely without Buff or herself around. Was she always so.....alone? Was she always this scared? Because if so....there was going to be a lot of yelling and crying at the last battle between her and the Elements of Harmony. She. Is going. To vent. A LOT. She really wouldn't want to see that. Those creatures her magic picked up indicate that they were moving in one one location. Ponyville. Always the historic town of magic, friendship, and.....parties. Courtesy of the Pink one.

Pencil sighed, tired of those thoughts already as she made her way to the front door where her guard was waiting for her, smirking at her as she walked down the grand staircase. "Dressing a bear up there?" Buff asked.

Pencil scoffed before she smirked at him. "But you're down here. How could I possible dress you up there?" Buff blanched while she laughed. Then sighed as she walked past and out the door, making her way to the chariot while he closed the it behind him, following along. Pencil sat in the front row and waited for Buff to climb in after. Once they were situated, the two ponies pulling the chariot rolled up the street, going past other ponies.

"I really need my own chariot," she muttered. Buff looked over at her in curiosity. "But I don't want to hire extra hooves for that and I don't know how much a chariot actually costs."

Buff rolled his eyes then deadpanned in a slow manner, "You are above a multi-millionaire, I really doubt that's the issue. You could buy a skyscraper and still have at least four hundred ninety nine million bits left. A chariot is nothing."

"Hmmm, yes."

"Oh no, don't tell me you're becoming haughty, your highness. I've seen where that leads. Your speech is changing." Pencil rolled her eyes, then reached over and bopped him on the nose. "OW, stop that!"

"I don't get haughty, Buff," she whispered with a wink. "Also, congratulations. You passed the test for not staring at my flank."

"So I guess my reward is I get to touch it?" He asked hopefully.

Pencil snorted before she cast a sideways glance smirking. "We'll see. Just don't get too hopeful. And stop looking at my flank now or you may have an accident in the chariot. And in your suit. Could get a little sticky in there." He took in a deep breath and averted his eyes while Pencil just chuckled and shook her head while giving him a nuzzle to soften his mood. Stallions were so predictable. Well...him anyway.

The chariot rounded a corner, revealing the sight of the school where there were more chariots on the side. Looks like there were going to be more speakers. "How long was this supposed to last again?" Pencil asked.

"Five hours," Buff replied. "Would be over half a school day...if it wasn't Saturday." The chariot turned down a block where there was an open spot with her initials on it. Not far from the door, but not close either. The chariot pulled to a stop and set down, allowing Pencil and her bodyguard to step out. The painter looked around on the grounds. Once again it was very beautiful. Not enough depth for a painting though.

"Pencil!" She looked to her right where....Golden Carat was approaching her. "It is great to see you," she commented as she stopped in front of her. Pencil chuckled and offered a small smile.

"Hello, Golden," she greeted before they shared a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I happen to be attending the event here. I didn't actually know you were coming."

"Yes, I am one of the speakers." The three of them began walking towards the entrance while Pencil introduced her bodyguard. "Golden, meet Buff, my...bodyguard."

"Hey, Buff. You're buff," she greeted. He shrugged in return.

"Runs in the family genes," he replied. Pencil scoffed and looked at him stoically.

"It does not," she denied. "Your father is.....a little under you."

"Eh, he lost it over time. But before, he was about as big as me. Probably even bigger. I can't remember, but I have pictures of it. You'll have to see them sometime."

"Yeah, sure. Over some Blueberry Zebra. Golden, you should come to the mansion sometime. It gets really boring when I just paint all day, and Buff only likes to come during his free time. He neglects me."

"I do not!"

"He likes to treat me like the lady I am....by failing to show up on a date."

"That is a lie," he pointed out to her friend. "Don't listen to her, I show up to all of our dates. On time. I'm very punctual."

"So you two are dating," Golden whispered. They were nearing the doors now. Had to keep this low.

"Yes," Pencil whispered back. "Don't tell a soul."

"You have my word. Now...time to show these ponies how Pencil became....Pencil." Buff stepped forward and pushed the school doors open, allowing them to walk inside and into the foyer where faculty was standing, running about, passing out flyers, schedules, and more to the ponies who happened to be attending the event. And there were a lot. The three stopped and looked around, trying to find the dean. But she found her first.

"Ms. Sketch," someone said from behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see the pristine white pegasus smiling at her. "I am pleased to see you made it. Sorry about this, we just a had a spike in attendees, as you can see. And it's about to get bigger." Pencil raised an eyebrow and looked over the Dean's shoulder. More ponies were arriving to see what was going on and probably get a seat to themselves.

"Well.....that's unexpected," Golden Carat muttered.

"I thought there was only going to be around three to four hundred," Pencil asked.

"Yes, under normal circumstances. Follow me and I'll explain." She made her way past the three of them, while Pencil just stared at the crowd. After a moment she followed after them.

"Equestria is in a current....renaissance, so to speak," Dean Scroll informed her. They turned down a seemingly empty hallway that led to a hoofball field with the others behind them while she spoke. Their hoofsteps were the only things in the hall that could be heard at that moment, besides the dean's voice. Pencil had her head down while listening, with Rainbow Dash listening as well. "Ever since you showed up on the scene, celebrities all over Equestria have been making their own moves to try and make a change. Your paintings? They changed ponies' views and thoughts on subjects entirely. They inspired other painters, engineers, artists, musicians, soldiers, scientists and many more to innovate. Even Royalty have managed to try and create change in their kingdoms. Zebrica more specifically. Ponies are attempting to create things that have never been created. That have been thought of as impossible, as legends, as foalhood tales. They have bypassed a limit that defines Equestria and are trying to make it happen. And those celebrities, big names, big ponies, mages, and many more.....they have inspired the small time ponies. Citizens that try to get past each day by doing what their cutie mark says. Ponies from towns and small villages that aren't as popular as Canterlot. Manehattan. Las Pegasus. And when they heard you were coming.....they wanted to hear it from the pony's mouth who has started it all. And it's all thanks to you."

"That sounds....a little familiar," Buff said in Sketch's ear. "Remember? Your views?" Pencil thought about that before she gasped unnoticeably. Her views and beliefs on Cutie Marks. They were coming true. Everypony was going to try and defy that limit. Which could either end in disaster....or could end in success.

"I...don't know what to say about all this," she responded. The group stopped at the door and faced her. "On one hoof it could be beneficial to all of Ponykind. But on the other, it could be disastrous."

Dean Scroll nodded in agreement and said, "I know. I suggest you put that into your speech since you have more influence on anypony anywhere THAN anypony anywhere. Our race tends to go overboard when we get ideas. It could result in disaster and disharmony."

"I have experienced that firsthand," she sighed while gazing out at the packed field. "Which caused me to leave where I came from...and it tore apart a friendship....that was never real. I will use my story as an example. As a warning. Are we ready?"

"Yes. You can converse with the other ponies out there. Meet and greet. And, Ms. Sketch?" She looked at the Dean who was sporting a smile. "Try to have fun. Enjoy yourself for once."

"I do," she deadpanned.

"At least take a break from being the serious painter....to being the playful pony that can smile. That's what this event is actually for. Having fun, relaxation, and more. Notice how we have games, plays, food, beverages, and of course, vendors. Enjoy yourself." The dean opened the doors and walked out, leaving Pencil there to ponder what she said. In the end, she sighed and followed along with her bodyguard slash boyfriend and friend. There were a lot of ponies out there so far. It was a pretty big hoofball field. It seems they moved the benches to another area to allow more space. And to also see the speakers. To see her. Time to get this show on the road. Sketch style. She took a deep breath and levitated her bag to her bodyguard before she trotted out with her head held high, a fake smile on her face.

"So...where to first?" Golden asked as they walked past ponies who were drinking and eating food.

"Well first, I suggest we try to avoid being spotted. Do you realize how hard it is just walking around when you're me?" The jeweler chuckled before she shook her head. "It's like I'm behind enemy lines, trying not to get captured and interrogated. That is the most accurate description I could ever give you. So—"

"Ms. Sketch!" A teacher greeted, sliding out in front of the two. They slid to a stop and Pencil nearly bumped noses with the stallion. "It's fantastic to see you here! Please have a drink with us." He motioned to the side where there were ten other faculty teachers waiting.

"The enemy has spotted me and has called in reinforcement," Pencil whispered to her friend.

"Do we slice our way out?" Golden whispered in her ear. Pencil chuckled and shook her head.

"Sure, I'll join you at your table of teachers," she responded.

"That sounded so....strange coming from you." Pencil nudged Golden. This was going to be intense.

Author's Note:

I hope this can satisfy everyone! And I hope I gave you an insight into what will happen next! Until next time!

P.S. There may be some grammar errors I may have missed. I was watching a movie while i was typing this, so.....yeah.

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