• Published 5th Mar 2018
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The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 29 - Day To Night

The cool morning air ruffled the designer clothing of Pencil as she, Buff, and Scootaloo walked through downtown Manehattan, amidst all the ponies pointing and talking about them. Pencil had a plan in place. To take her charge out for fun away from the hustle and bustle that was her life. Of course the trailing paparazzi were causing a slight issue. But since when were they never an issue? She had an interview in a few days with a radio show about something. She had a feeling it was going to be about her cutie mark once more. She may show it one day, but it won't be anytime soon. After she gets her businesses up and running, maybe.

She blinked when somepony snapped the camera in her face. White spots riddled her vision, getting her a little blurry eyed. Buff pushed the paparazzi aside effortlessly and then they continued. Scootaloo tapped the top of her head, getting Pencil to glance up into her excited magenta eyes. "So what are we gonna do when we get there?" She asked, obviously excited. "Movies, popcorn, ice cream, game store, huh, huh, huh?"

Pencil chuckled and tossed her head back, forcing Scootaloo on her back. Then answered, "We are going to the ice cream parlor, then you can show me a few things you can do on your scooter. Then after that, we can do what you want to do."

Scootaloo squealed and then scampered back on top of her head to sightsee as they made their way towards the train station. While they were walking, Pencil spoke to Rainbow Dash. "So what's the plan?"

"Well, it's exactly what I just told Scootaloo," she replied in her mind. "We're taking Scootaloo out so she can enjoy life as a foal without thinking about survival for the winter."

"We need to ask Celestia about the foals' living situation," Rainbow reminded her. "We can donate some funds for the project. I know there are more foals out there somewhere."

"Me too."

"Of course you do, we share the same mind," Rainbow deadpanned.

Pencil smirked and responded, "Exactly." Before they knew it they had arrived at the train station, which was a little crowded. It was always crowded, it was frickin' Manehattan. The largest city in Equestria. The City of the Lost, and Home for the Dreamers. The train hadn't gotten there yet, so Pencil was forced to sit down and hustle through the flashing lights of the paparazzi. Scootaloo was doing a good job with ignoring them herself, busy laying on Pencil's head with her hooves draped over her shades, groaning, "When is this train going to get here?"

"By seven-fourteen," Pencil responded. "It's only seven-twelve right now, Lady Loo. Hold on."

"My name is—" Pencil thrust a hoof into her mouth from the top of her head. Then used the other hoof to pick her up and set her down in front of her. Then gestured to the paparazzi around her, asking Pencil questions. "No names yet, remember? You're Lady Loo until we get there okay?"

"Yeah, okay," Scootaloo sighed.

"Ms. Sketch!" She looked up at one of the Paparazzis who was holding a notepad and quill in their magic. "When will Sketch It All! studios open, and why did you start the business?"

"Sketch It All! studios will be opened in a span of seven months and has been created for everypony pretty much participating in the Sketch Movement, which I had barely any part of, might I add. Except inspiration. Right now it is for painting and art only. But in the coming months, there will be more choices, such as music studios, salons, engineering labs, science labs, and more. Each department will have their own locations. Practically a school and physical workshop for the entrepreneurs."

"Will you be hiring anypony for the positions?" A train whistle blew down a little ways down the tracks.

"I will definitely be hiring ponies for different positions within the coming months at the same time that I will be distributing my newer paintings." The train stopped at the station, blowing steam out from underneath its cars. Pencil's was always attached on the end, serviced and maintained by the ponies at the station. Only cost a few thousand bits a month. She had way more than enough. She stood up and began making her way towards it.

"Will there be any paintings for the upcoming holidays?" One of the paparazzi asked desperately. "And are you attending the next Sketch Movement rally? Or to confirm that you went on a date with a possible pony?"

"I am currently on a vacation," Pencil responded before Buff stepped aside so she could get into the private car with Scootaloo on the top of her head. Buff followed after her, then the conductor closed the door for them. Silence reigned inside the luxurious soundproof private car. Scootaloo squeaked and jumped of Pencil's head as she reverted to Rainbow Dash, heading for the snack bowl. "Those were some very interesting questions," she commented before settling down next to Buff on the couch, who placed a gentle wing on her back.

"I'll say," he agreed, watching Scootaloo stuff her face. "There was definitely a little wanting from the Paparazzi this round. Try not to stuff your face, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo turned around with her cheeks bulging out, filled with Red Velvet cake. Rainbow sighed and said, "If you eat too much cake, you'll turn into Pinkie Pie. And you won't have room for the ice cream."

Scootaloo swallowed her cake then trotted back towards Rainbow Dash and Buff. She jumped on the small space in between them and settled down. Rainbow silently chuckled and nuzzled the top of her head. "Gettin' a little more comfortable around Buff, I see," she commented knowingly.

She shrugged and said, "He's okay, I guess," forcing a giggle out of Rainbow and a grunt from Buff. The train began to move, finally departing the station with its cars full of ponies wanting to get out of the house this day. The sun was shining, its heat radiating off the black paint on Rainbow's long private car and shining like a beacon to anyone who spotted it. From above, it looked like a small black bolt, speeding towards the city of Canterlot before heading towards Ponyville. Unknowingly, Twilight was in Canterlot right now talking to Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance about what had happened that morning.

The four were currently in the dining room eating breakfast, save for Twilight who decided to just nibble on an apple. Celestia cleared her throat and said, "So Rainbow was very defensive over that tome."

Twilight nodded her head from between Luna and Cadance, who had a wing draped over her back. "Yes. She would barely let me touch it, let alone actually read it. She wouldn't allow me to after she asked a few questions. Which had me thinking and made me a little worried."

Cadance asked in interest, "And what were these questions?"

"That I wouldn't tell Celestia, Luna, Cadance, any historian, or any other pony I knew. Not even my friends that were at the same table with us."

Celestia arched her eyebrows and said, "Interesting. So the book is apparently very important enough that even Royalty aren't allowed to know about it. Let alone a recorder of history that is writing about everything she does in the light."

"But in the dark," Luna added. "She reads that tome and practices spells that even we cannot do. Let alone Twilight."

Twilight raised a hoof and said, "Exactly. That tome must be very important and had to come from somewhere, or somepony, very important that could have a role in everything that's been going on. Or have an important role in notable Equestrian society or history for it to be kept secret like that. I want to read it, but she keeps it with her all the time. Not to mention all the runes on it. I can barely understand any of them because I've never seen them before. But Dash knew exactly what they were for."

"Then I suggest wait for her invitation," Luna responded. "I don't like it either, but until we have proof that that tome is a threat or something, we do not go near it."

Celestia nodded and said, "I agree. Even if it belonged to somepony very important, it has been in Rainbow Dash's possession for seemingly a very long time. I still can't get over a pegasus using magic. Let alone dark magic. It worries me that there may be an enemy among us that we can't see."

"There is, remember?" Cadance reminded her. "The Therohs and their creator who has been commanding them to eat ponies for years underneath our noses? I have yet to spot a foal in the Crystal Empire that may be homeless and living in an abandoned home somewhere."

"I really hope there aren't any," Celestia agreed. She turned back to Twilight and said, "Try to stay away from the Tome. More so for your safety than for privacy. Rainbow Dash is strong. Much stronger than you by miles and I have a feeling she will not hesitate to blow you away if she catches you looking at her tome without permission."

Twilight sighed and looked away. She really wanted to know what was in that tome. It was very vital and important, she could feel it. But apparently, nopony else could. She turned back to Celestia and said, "I can't promise that, but I'll make an attempt. I just know there's something in there that could provide valuable information. Its original owner, its origin, all of it is in there, I can feel it."

Celestia sighed and shook her head. "Try to hold back your urges for information. It could cost you a mighty lot."

"I'll try, Celestia."

The train whistle blew as they neared the Ponyville station. From one of the couches, Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and then smacked her lips, waking from her slight nap with Scootaloo leaning on her side. She looked over and smiled at her. Then nuzzled her head again. "Come on, Scootaloo. Time to wake up, we're here. Battalion? Get your flank up, right now."

Buff groaned and sat up as the air brakes for the train screeched, and the train itself stopped. Scootaloo's eyes popped open and she jumped off the couch, dancing in place. "Oh yeah, let's party!" She yelled. Buff and Pencil shared a look before Scootaloo turned around and pointed a hoof at them. "We got the millionaire awesome pony, the lame-o—"

"Hey!" Buff protested.

"And you got the most awesome in Equestria, me," Scootaloo continued boasting, pointing a hoof at her chest.

Rainbow scoffed and then reverted back to Pencil Sketch, who stalked forward and scooped Scootaloo n her back with her wings. "Dream on, kid, I'm the most awesome," she denied. Buff walked towards the car door and slid it open, letting in the warm air of the town of Ponyville. Pencil walked out first with Scootaloo on her back to breath in the air of the town she actually missed a lot but knew she couldn't come back to. There was just too much hate and deceit here for her. Scootaloo on the other hoof would be fine. She was here for her.

"Come on, come on!" Scootaloo cheered while Buff took the lead for the town. Pencil chuckled and adjusted her glasses. Then walked next to him. Completely missing the violet colored unicorn getting off the train behind them, meeting with her friends who also didn't notice Pencil Sketch walking past. The only one that did notice was Clear Skies and Sunshower from high above. Who immediately swooped down and landed next to Pencil on her right.

"Hello, Skittles," Clear Skies greeted. Pencil stopped and turned to her with a confused expression. Then looked up at Scootaloo who was whistling and avoiding her looks before continuing on behind Buff towards Sugarcube Corner.

"Hello, Clear and Sunshower," Pencil greeted. "How are you?"

Sunshower shrugged and said, "We're okay. I never told RD, but I was promoted to Weather Manager. Amazing pay by the way. Didn't know she had that many bits."

"Rainbow says enjoy it while you can. Once the dry season comes, the pay dwindles." Sunshower made a silent "oh" with her mouth. "I'm taking squirt out today since she hasn't actually been able to have that much fun being in charge of the community and all that. What happened to those foals by the way?" The group walked into the busy square where Pencil was immediately recognized by a pony who screamed, "Pencil Sketch!" Then everyone else's heads turned and started talking all at once.

"I knew you were going to ask that," Sunshower responded enthusiastically. She motioned with her head towards the General Hospital in the distance. "They're all staying at the hospital until the Princesses figure something out. Saw you in the newspaper when you came by. Pretty amazing. A good image with you and Celestia."

Clear Skies hummed in agreement. "Yes, well that must have been taken without me noticing," Pencil responded. They arrived at Sugarcube Corner that Scootaloo quickly walked into, followed closely by Pencil and Buff.

The door dinged when they arrived, letting those inside know that they had a customer. Some of the customers looked up from their conversations with other ponies and nearly started choking on their treats. Pencil Sketch scooped Scootaloo on her back while Buff stood by to watch for any ulterior motive holding ponies.

Pencil looked through the glass displaying the treats with Scootaloo. Who pointed at a cake and said, "Oh! I want a lemon cake, and ice cream, and chocolate cake, and—"

"How about just a lemon cake with ice cream?" Pencil suggested.

An orange Earth Pony stallion walked out from the kitchen, a decent smile on his face with an apron, a bow tie, and a mane cover on. "Hello, welcome to—oh my faust! Ms. Sketch!" He walked out from behind the counter and eagerly shook her hoof. Pencil only smiled in return. "I-It's an honor to meet you! Sweetheart, get out here!"

Mrs. Cake popped her head out of the kitchen in curiosity and gasped. She grinned and walked out of the kitchen, eagerly making her way towards the famous pony wearing the obviously expensive dress, glasses, necklace, and purse. With a very familiar filly on the top of her head. "Ms. Sketch! It's a true honor!" She greeted, shaking her hoof.

The front door of the boutique opened before the Element Bearers walked in, curious as to why all the ponies outside were watching the restaurant. Rarity stopped and motioned towards Pencil at the front, speaking with Mrs. and Mr. Cake. "Wonder why she's here," Rarity whispered.

Mr. Cake stepped in and asked, "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, how may we help you?"

Pencil motioned up to the top of her head at Scootaloo. "I'm here with my charge," she answered. "She wants a slice of... You know what, make that a whole loaf of Lemon Cake and a small tub of Ice Cream, strawberry, please. Take your time, no need to rush for my sake."

"Oh, o-of course!" Mrs. Cake responded before looking over Pencil's shoulder. "Pinkie, we could use your help!"

Pinkie Pie bounced away from the element bearers and behind the counter. Then walked into the kitchen, preparing to cook while the cakes prepared the tub of ice cream. Pencil looked up and asked, "Satisfied, Scootaloo? This is for your friends. The two other fillies that I'm sure I'm going to see later."

"Yeah!" Scootaloo agreed. She jumped off Pencil's back and up to Buff, who was looking at her in amusement. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Uhhh...." He looked up at Pencil who was smiling at him. Even in a sweet restaurant, the multiple personality mare still looked beautiful. Even if he couldn't see her eyes behind the shades.

"Come on!" Scootaloo grabbed his hoof and pulled him towards the counter. Once there, he glanced at Pencil who pushed her gray mane in front of one half of her face. "You're getting a slice of the loaf!" Scootaloo commanded to Buff from the ground. "And you're going to enjoy it with me and my friends! I'm not taking no for an answer!"

Pencil grinned and turned to Buff. "Better listen," she warned him. "Or she'll bite ya'."

"I'll survive the bite," he responded. "Not sure about the cake and ice cream. Sounds like we're about to have a birthday party with a way too excited filly." Pencil nudged Scootaloo away from the counter and towards a nearby table so everypony else could order.

"Yeah, well Scootaloo deserves it," Pencil responded. She sat down with Scootaloo between her front hooves and looked around. It only seemed like yesterday when she had her Welcome to Ponyville party here. Right in this same shop when Pinkie had cornered her, trying to force feed her cake... Something seemed off about that. Pinkie needs to stop trapping ponies to have parties. Very dangerous. Good thing she didn't plan one for today. Hopefully. There was always those dangerous flash parties. When she would just yell "Party!" in the middle of the street and fifty banners would just appear, music would start playing, and everypony would just start dancing. Pretty scary stuff.

"Here you are, Ms. Sketch!" She buzzed away from her thoughts and focused on the counter. Her food, or treats since all sweets were definitely not food, were in a plastic bag on the counter. Mrs. Cake was grinning way too hard at her from beside it. Pencil got up and stepped towards her while reaching into her purse to get the money. "How much?"

"Don't worry about it!" Mrs. Cake tried to wave it off.

"No, I am paying, how much?" Pencil responded sternly. She hated when someone would always try to wave off her pay for their hard work just because of her name.

Mrs. Cake, taken back by her stern tone responded meekly, "Oh, uhh, twenty-three bits. Pencil dropped the required bits on the counter while Buff grabbed the bag with his teeth. Then smiled at Mrs. Cake from behind her glasses. "Thank you for your service," Pencil thanked appreciatevly. Scootaloo turned around and jumped on Pencil's back as they made their way towards the door.

"Th-thank you for stopping by, Ms. Sketch!" Mr. Cake called after her. "Please come again!"

Once the door closed behind the three, everyone in the shop relaxed and took a deep breath. Even Twilight, even though she just met her this morning. It was always surreal to see her. More tense than anything. Even when Celestia would just stop by the library to just have tea and talk.

Rarity fixed her mane and took a deep breath. "Well!" She exasperated. "This was a fast environment!"

Fluttershy peeked out from behind Applejack and nodded. "I agree. She was really scary." Applejack only rolled her eyes.

The second they walked outside, Pencil nearly blanched at all the faces watching her. A few pegasi smiling from the sky, and everyone else smiling and waving at them. Buff escorted her through the crowd and down another street that was empty. Oh how Pencil loved the way this Stallion moved.

Pencil walked next to him and discreetly nuzzled his cheek. "You sure know how to move, Mr. Battalion," she teased. "It explains your dancing skills."

"You love my dancing skills," he responded.

"Take me to a professional party with suits, violins, and amazing wines... And we'll see."

"Hi, Scootaloo!" Pencil looked over and spotted Applebloom and Sweetie Belle in front of her, gazing up at the boasting filly standing on the top of her head. As if she were the greatest superhero. Sorry, Scoots. The real hero of Ponyville's underneath your hooves. Applebloom pointed up and said, "Whatcha doin' up there? Get down from Ms. Sketch's head, ya' hear?"

Pencil chuckled and said, "It's okay, children. She can stay up there."

Sweetie Belle gasped and ran up to her. Then looked around and whispered, "Are you Rainbow Dash?" Pencil froze and then glanced up accusingly at Scootaloo.

She nervously scratched the back of her neck and said, "Yeah, I sort of... Told them... Sorry."

Pencil sighed and looked down at the two in front of her. Then whispered, "You can't tell anypony about it. Okay?"

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle saluted and yelled, "You got it, Ms. Sketch!"

"We got Lemon Cake and Ice Cream!" Scootaloo cheered. She jumped off of Pencil's head and then grabbed her hoof. "To the.... Place!"

"Yeah!" Applebloom cheered before the three shot off, yanking Pencil along.

"Wait wait whaaa!" Pencil was yanked down the street, headed towards a place really far off with Buff flying behind to catch up. Those three fillies could run. A small trail of dust followed their path, starting from where they were before, leaving nothing behind as a clue to where they were on that street away from prying eyes. Nothing but a very important item from Pencil's belongings.

Her tome dropped back down onto the soil of the streets, still locked close. After Scootaloo pulled her off, nearly yanking her hoof out in the process, the thick book had flown out without any of them noticing. Now it lay dormant in the streets, glowing every now and then with runes and lock spells. Leaving it alive for anypony to find. But only five ponies walking nearby would recognize.

Twilight sighed amidst the conversation she was holding with her friends about the talk she had with Princess Celestia. "I know there's something in that book," she exasperated. "As a scholar it's important that I know! Right?"

Rarity hummed and answered, "While it could provide information on some possibly vital things, it is still impolite and rude to go rummaging through her things without permission first."

Applejack hummed and nodded. "I know I wouldn't want you going through my things without askin' first," she added.

"I know, but this is vital information that could possibly change Equestria—I CAN FEEL IT!" The group stopped and jumped at her outburst. Then turned to her. "I feel magic! A lot of magic!"

Rarity glanced up and tapped her horn. "I don't feel anything," she responded.

"That's because your magic isn't really adapt like mine." Twilight started looking around, scanning her surroundings for that familiar source of magic. Pinkie saw it first.

"Lookie what I found!" She announced, the quickly bounced into the street Pencil and everyone was just on a second ago. She bounced up to the book, sniffed it, and then turned to Twilight pointing at the cover. "Is this it?"

Twilight trotted over with the others and picked it up, looking it over in curiosity. "Who would leave a book out like this?" She asked. "This is where the magic's coming from."

Fluttershy raised her hoof and then pointed at the cover. "Umm, maybe there's a name inside."

Twilight lit her horn and tried to open it, not expecting the result. The many runes on it lit up, surprising her. She yelped and dropped the book back down on the ground. "Runes. It's locked. Tightly. I can't break those, there's way too many."

Applejack hummed and walked up to it. Then grabbed it with her hooves and tried to open it again, lighting the runes. "Wait... I recognize them runes," she whispered. Then gasped in realization.

"What? What is it?" Twilight asked.

"This is... This is Pencil's tome."

"What?!" Twilight quickly yanked it out of her hooves then tried pulling it open, revealing the runes again. The familiar lights, the strange magical signature that had her horn cold, the many pages that left it like the size of a textbook... "You're right! Pencil's tome, it's just laying here on the ground!"

"She must've dropped it and didn't notice," Rarity responded. "I certainly wouldn't have left something like this out."

"This... This is my chance! To finally read it and find out its secrets!" Twilight yelled, staring at the book in excitement.

"Twilight..." Applejack said sternly. "You can't take Pencil's book and read it without permission. You have to give it back to her. What were we just talkin' about?"

Twilight waved a hoof in her direction, awe-filled eyes still trained on the book. "I know, but... This is history right in ny hooves! I have to do something!" Now let's see..." She looked the book over, hoping for an unlock mechanism. She didn't see anything, so she instead looked at the cover and binding, eventually finding something. She pointed towards the clue and said, "Look, initials!"

Rarity peeked over and read it. "'StB'. What's StB?"

"Library!" Before any of them could say anything else, Twilight lit her horn and teleported them all back into the Golden Oak Library. While their eyes were spinning, Twilight ran forward towards one of her bookshelves and started searching using her magic. "Okay, StB, StB, I've seen that before somewhere. References!" She teleported to the other side of the room where all the textbooks were and started scanning.

"Twilight, I'm tellin' you," Applejack warned. "Drop the book before she shows up and bucks you inside your own fridge!"

"I saw it, I saw it!" Twilight grabbed the book she just scanned and dropped it on the table behind her. Then placed the tome right beside it. She scampered over and quickly flipped the reference book open, turning to the page. "Okay, okay... StB stands for...." Her face of focus slowly changed into that of the utmost shock and surprise. Then she pointed to the book's signature. Then the one in the reference guide. A perfect match.

"Oh my faust!!" She screamed. "This book is by—"

"What...the buck...are you doing?"

Everyone froze and stood still, staying as quiet as possible for a few seconds. The clock ticked in the corner. Rarity slowly and fearfully turned her head towards the hall that led into the kitchen. Pencil strode out with narrowed eyes and black tendrils crawling over her body and dress, mainly around her eyes. Buff was behind her with Scootaloo on his back, eating cake with the other crusaders in the kitchen, no care in the world. Her metal hoofsteps were the loudest things as she walked over to the table.

Twilight quickly stepped back and stuttered, "W-we found it! Honest!"

"And then brought it back to the library so you can research?!!" Rainbow yelled. The crusaders stopped their eating and looked over each other into the library.

"I-I'm sorry!" Twilight apologized, nearly shivering in fear. "B-B-But that's Starswirls the Bearded's book! I-I have to know—"

"Twilight?" Rainbow interrupted. "You. Are. Not. Going. To. Know. Anything. About my BOOK!" She stomped her hoof, the sound of metal cracking wood reverbearated around the building. "At. All!" Twilight gasped and looked about ready to cry. "This book belongs to me and I've kept it with me for over ten years. You are not going to tell anypony about this either! I'm just going to have to erase your memory of this."

"What?! No!"

"Do you prefer the Frozen North then?"


"Then memory it is!" Rainbow lifted her hoof, crawling with tendrils towards Twilight's head. She gasped and quickly lit her horn, teleporting away. Rainbow groaned and then turned towards the door, preparing to go after her. But had a better idea. She cleared her throat and then grabbed her tome from the table. "Buff, an emergency just came up. We have to head back to the mansion. At once."

Buff nodded then slid Sweetie Belle and Applebloom off his back. Rainbow calmly walked over and summoned a spell, shadow teleporting them away. Then all was quiet in the building. Save for the racing hearts of the Element Bearers.

Pinkie gulped and muttered meekly, "Uh oh."

Author's Note:

Whoo! Long chapter! Took me awhile. I hope you enjoyed it! :scootangel:

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