• Published 5th Mar 2018
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The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 3 - Finish It

"It's been four frickin' days!" Applejack yelled, trotting into Twilight's library briskly with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy behind her, all worried.

"I know, I know!" The librarian yelled, as she continued her pacing. "The weather ponies really need a Plan B for managers. And we need to find Rainbow. On Sunday, which is tomorrow, one of us will check her cloud home while the rest of us will do a search around Ponyville. But just to make sure, Fluttershy can you fly?"

The animal caretaker opened her wings and flapped them, not making any distance between her and the floor. "Sorry, Twilight. I can't."

"It's alright. It was just a thought. Looks like we're waiting 'til......Rarity, focus!"

The designer looked up from her newspaper in surprise, her reading disturbed. "Oh! I'm sorry, Twilight. Just really engrossed about this artist—"

"We need to focus on Rainbow," Twilight groaned.

"—that has created three top-of-the-line paintings in three days and has made over three million bits."

"Wait, WHAT?!" Applejack yelled, snatching the paper out of her hooves. She turned to the article and looked at it closely while everyone else crowded around, reading aloud. "'Overnight sensation Pencil Sketch has been on a roll! After appearing out of the blue, she has created three paintings that have earned five star reviews from Equestrian, Buffalo, Zebra, and Pony critics. One of the most surprising and notable ones were princess Celestia herself, who shook hooves with the artist in appreciation of her painting titled, 'Celestia Magnificent,' which has earned a spot in the legend exhibit at the Manehattan Art Museum.

"'I just want to start a new life,' She told us. 'There are many who don't appreciate me and I want to be appreciated, not lied to. I use my art skills for that.' Pencil Sketch has also said that she will soon be doing live models after the unveiling of some new work tonight, as well as herself. This would actually be the first grand public appearance of the sudden millionaire, all going down in Manehattan.'"

"Wow....." Pinkie Pie sighed, completely stumped. "That's....amazing. Really amazing."

"I'm gonna go check it out," Rarity admitted, taking the newspaper back and rolling it up. "I want to see the craze."

"Of course," Twilight deadpanned before turning to face her as she made her way briskly towards the door. "Just make sure to keep your eye out. We need to find Rainbow Dash and bring her back home."

"Will do, darling." She opened the door and stepped out into the hot air, blazing from the dirt on the ground and the summer heat combined. Ever since the manager went missing, there hasn't been any rain, nor any clouds. Just a bunch of heat that has been forcing Ponyville's citizens back into their homes. It's a wonder there hasn't been a fire yet. It's been like Tartarus in the town due to the immense heat, with ponies only being able to come out at night when it's a little cooler. Of course it was still hot. Just much more manageable. This was only in Ponyville, every other city was fine. Twilight was going to send a message to Celestia about it if Rainbow Dash doesn't show up tonight. Hopefully a new manager would be in place and they could find Rainbow.

Rarity sighed and held a hoof over her eyes. Then ran briskly through the unbalanced atmosphere, making her way towards the station for the Friendship Express. During the trek, she looked up at the only mansion in the sky, that looked more desolate than when it actually is occupied. But this time there was no one there. It was all alone. Just floating there.

Rarity slowed to a walk before taking a seat underneath the roof of the station, letting the shade knock down some of the heat that was hitting her coat. Dash really needs to come home. She's never been gone for more than two days. It'll have been seven after today, which is why this is such a big deal. A very big one.

Pencil Sketch opened her closet door in her room, a smile on her face as well as some very stylish sunglasses. She was ready for the unveiling of "Pain to Peace", her new collection to inspire those that have been affected by people who put them down. Just like a certain group of ponies she herself could name and point out without a second thought. Her work was getting so much attention so quickly. Less than a week after leaving Ponyville, she has been known throughout Equestria as a famed artist, and the path has given her 3,535,647 bits. That's a lot. She could build herself another mansion of some sort, but she liked her humble home. It was serene. Maybe in the near future.

No stupid useless parties, no ponies calling her names when she walks out....it was great. Of course she has to fly to travel because the ponies down below just wouldn't leave her alone. Not that she minded while at the exhibits, it was just in public.

She always had to avoid somepony.

Pencil chuckled to herself and shook her head. Then grabbed a pair of golden hoof shoes below and stepped into them. They weren't only for the royal. They were also for the wealthy. You know......now that she thought about it, she was richer than Hoity Toity. Pencil put her hoof to her chin thinking about who else could be the wealthiest of them all before shaking her head and grabbing a basic black uniform for now. She had to focus, not brag and boast in her head. The outfit was just a basic jacket that had a zipper, pockets, and more for a mission of some type of spy. But she would be using it for different reasons.

She set it down on the bed before making her way towards a normal looking canvas on the wall with nothing but gray paint on it, the same exact color as her coat. She tossed some more paint on it before turning to the side and pushing her left flank against the paint, doing the same to the right. When she was in her home, she doesn't worry about her cutie mark. But out in public, she hides it in order to stay hidden. Any one of those ponies could come to Manehattan for her work. It was a very big possibility, considering almost everyone in Equestria will be attending her master showcase next month. Even the princesses, which could probably pose a problem. Once they discover that one of the embodiments of the Elements of Harmony is missing, they'll be searching high and low. The Elements of Harmony were the most important defense Equestria has, over the Princesses. They need all of them in order for them to work. If one is missing, Equestria wouldn't be so powerful. It would be far less than anything.

Pencil Sketch shrugged, figuring it's their fault for driving her away before positioning her flanks in front of two sunlamps to dry the paint. They'll just be looking for a dead pony. Rainbow Dash died and was replaced by Pencil Sketch. But Rainbow Dash's ghost still has one last task to do before she's gone forever. She stood back up to put on her black incognito outfit. Once finding nothing wrong with her look, nor did it reveal anything other than her face, she walked out towards the balcony and took off at her intense speed towards Canterlot. She had business in her old town. Important business. There were still remnants of her life there. And they definitely did not need to be there. At all. She zoomed straight over Canterlot, clearing the city in seconds before spotting her destination. Ponyville. And her target. Her mansion. The Cloudominium.

She stopped in the air above a field and reached into one of the pockets of the jacket, pulling out some goggles. This was going to get really loud and crazy. The hoof shoes weren't just for design. They were thick enhanced steel, able to withstand any impact and break anything it slammed into. Making it easy for this last task. The mansion wasn't entirely cloud. It had solid columns, walkways, and rooms. Unlike her old apartment back in Cloudsdale.

Once she was sure she was prepared, she zoomed straight towards the mansion, leaving the gray speed trail behind her.


"Twilight.......it's way too hot for this," Pinkie groaned as she, Applejack, Fluttershy, and the librarian dragged their way towards some more places Rainbow could relax at. Twilight thought if Rainbow wasn't anywhere in Ponyville, she could either be in Cloudsdale, Canterlot, or somewhere else. Even the woods nearby.

Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes, sweating bullets. "Guys, if we don't find her, then Equestria's in a bind where anything could happen," the librarian explained, sweat dripping down her face. "You know....besides the whole town burning to ashes."

"Dash wouldn't just let us all burn like that," Fluttershy assured timidly. "I'm worried too, but.....should we really be—"

All their attention went to the sky when a shrill whistle sounded off through the air, a very familiar one.

"It's Dash, I know that sound anywhere!" Applejack said loudly and hopefully, looking around like the others. The sound got higher and higher before it stopped. The mares stopped turning their heads and looked towards the mansion in the sky. Twilight spoke her thoughts first.

"Do you think—"

An insanely loud explosion made everyone below the mansion scream and take cover, ducking the wind that ripped through the air, along with a gray shockwave. The Gray Boom.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked up, gasping in horror at her find. She gasped and placed her hoofs in front of her mouth. "NO! NO NO NO, WHAT DID THEY DO?!!!!" Up in the air, there was a falling structure, heading towards the ground below. Rainbow's mansion was being destroyed. Part of it blew up from some chemicals that were being lit, blowing out another part of the mansion and sending items crashing to the ground.

The others still had their eyes closed before glass and more things started raining down and crashing onto the ground below, the destruction evident from various things that crashed apart. Twilight pushed them all into an alley when a stove fell and crashed right where they were a second ago.

"Oh my Celestia," Applejack muttered in disbelief when they all peeked around the corner. The mansion was gone. Completely and utterly gone.

"Who would......do something like this?" Fluttershy whispered, tears coming from her eyes.

"I'm guessing it's whoever that gray speck is!" Twilight yelled, pointing her hoof at the object hovering in the sky in the location where the cloudominium was previously in the sky. "HEY! GET DOWN HERE!" She yelled using her magically enhanced voice, gasping as she realized what just happened. "My magic! My magic is back! I'm going up there!" She ran out and teleported upwards in a series of flashes, making her way towards the floating object.


Pencil Sketch looked down nonchalantly at her work. Her original home destroyed. Nothing left. Photographs, belongings, and stupid gifts from those stupid ponies. It was definitely a new life now. A new and better one.

The house hit the ground loudly, the cloudy substance breaking apart along with anything else in it, making her smile. Time to start anew. Completely.

"HEY!" She glanced up, seeing two Pegasi coming towards her. One that was yellow and another that was purple. Sunshower and Clear Skies. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY!" Sunshower yelled. Pencil chuckled at the irony. She actually could if she wanted to. A noise from behind her made her look over her shoulder to see Twilight preparing to fire a spell, forcing a snarl out of her. Still acting like the tough pony she thought she was. Well she was going to get it now. Before Twilight could release it, Rainbow had darted forward and bucked her with her rear hooves, the hoof shoes making a huge impact on her stomach as she flew down towards the ground and hit the dirt, sliding and bouncing, grunting in pain.

"Twilight!" Pinkie rushed out and helped her up while she held her stomach.

"That was....a REALLY good hit," she grunted painfully. Pencil Sketch really wanted to finish her off but she had an exhibit to attend. She turned back around and disappeared in a puff of black smoke, causing Sunshower and Clear Skies to gasp. She appeared behind them and flew away once more, making her way towards Canterlot. The ponies watched them leave their sights before focusing on the damage below.

"Dash is definitely not going to like this," Fluttershy whispered, shaking her head.

The Friendship Express pulled into the station for the large city of Manehattan to drop off the anxious Citizens of Ponyville and Canterlot. Most of them were staying out of town until the air down there got cooler or a new weather manager was assigned. Rarity herself was really giddy to get to this city. Not because of what goes on here and away from the heat, but because she's barely been here before. Only once or twice but that's it. You have to have a lot of bits to stay even one day down here.

"Phew, okay," Rarity muttered to herself, jumping off the train and onto the platform with the rest of the passengers. She stopped and looked around, training her sights on Manehattan. Then muttered, "Made it. Now, let's see how good you are."

She walked forward towards the end of the landing, headed towards the city where the event/show was being held. She needed to catch up on the gossip of how a famed pony such as Pencil Sketch managed to get to fame overnight. It was so....inspiring in a way. Rarity always wanted to be known overnight. And to be honest, she was jealous of her. Arrive in a city such as this one, where there's no pony willing to give you a shot when you manage to wow them with a painting. Rarity made clothes, something you actually use in your life, but she didn't make nearly as much as this mare. Maybe two hundred to three hundred bits, maybe even four hundred bits for four of her designs. Pencil Sketch randomly appeared out of nowhere and made over three million bits for four paintings. That's faaarrr more than what Hoity Toity and Fleur De Lis make combined. That's A LOT! And over just paintings?!

Rarity looked down at the paper that she received that morning talking about the event as she walked. This was apparently supposed to be the first time anypony else has ever seen her besides those at the art museum and her exhibit. No one knows how old she is, or where she came from. Hopefully they'll find out today.

She looked around the city, observing multiple business ponies walking around doing whatever it is they do at seven in the evening. Why were they out anyway, it's seven at night. Rarity shook those thoughts from her head before she made her way towards the museum, already visible by the flashing light for the exclusive ponies arriving by chariot. Of course most of them were playwrights, musicians, and large business owners. Not to mention those who just want to see what all the buzz was revolving around a single mare. Rarity was there for that too. Trying to figure out her origin. Just like everypony else.


Pencil Sketch had arrived back at her home at the same time her chariot arrived to pick her up. Of course she would go with the exclusive. Being rich and famous was everything this pony had ever dreamed of. So she was going to take advantage of that. She took off her incognito suit and hung it back inside a hidden compartment in her closet. Afterwards she grabbed a black dress from some fashion designers that had a gray sword on the sides, along with some round tinted sunglasses to conceal her face. Yeah, it was going to be dark, but she needed to preserve her identity. As well as her cutie mark. Her artwork was already at the museum behind the curtains which was guarded by, get this, royal guards. A thank you present from Celestia for creating "such a beautiful painting in her honor." Pencil definitely didn't turn that down.

She sighed and pushed half of her various different hues of gray that made up her mane in front of her left eye in case someone could match her face. Then grabbed her saddlebags and made her way out of her large room and downstairs. Her mane had actually gotten longer than that shoulder length she had while in Ponyville. It was nearly to the floor when she first looked at it after arriving in Manehattan. Perfect. The dark side of her was truly inspiring.

She opened and walked out the front doors of her home, spotting her personal bodyguard standing to the right looking out for attention before he turned to her. "Hello, Ms. Sketch," Buff Battalion greeted her with a smile. He was a big pegasus, no wonder he was called battalion. He had a dark blue coat, yellow mane, and cerise eyes. He was handsome. Very handsome. But Pencil had been hurt before and she was not going down that road again. No matter how tempting it seemed.....maybe in the future if she trusts ponies again. Some ponies at least.

"Hello, Buff," she greeted back, giving him a hug. He's actually been around her since she first went out her way to get some more things done. Some ponies were some really bold art junkies that they actually came up to her asking her about her technique. Luckily, Buff was there to literally throw them back where they came from. She didn't actually condone that but....hey, it worked, so she let it drop. "How are you?"

"Ugh. I'm fine, just trying to get this over with. I'm sure you're feeling the same way?"

"I'm actually looking forward to it, beef-head," she teased, poking him in his big strong muscle. Oh my god he was so big. "I like to show off. It's all part of me. How do I look?" The bodyguard looked her over before nodding.

"You look smashing, Pencil. Honestly beautiful. You'll throw them a new bone tonight. Are you ready?"

"Yes. Let's get this done so you can go back to what you call a 'nap.'" The two laughed before he escorted her to the luxurious chariot a few feet away, opened the doors and let her hop in first before following after. Once the door was shut, the ponies pulling the long chariot all began pulling the chariot briskly towards the museum, which was two miles away. Even from here, you could see the skylights dancing on the clouds above, coming from the museum. She looked out the tinted windows at the display, hoping for the best. It was always some things that would affect her in the future. She bucked Twilight in the chest, no problem there. It was just.....she looked her right in the eyes before she did it. What if they recognized her?

"You look nervous." She turned back to see Buff staring at her worriedly. "Expecting somepony to cause trouble?"

Pencil sighed and took off her shades, but kept her hair in front of her eyes. Then turned back to the window. "I'm expecting somepony, but not to cause trouble. They're from my very very recent past that I'm trying to forget. Based on all the fame I'm getting, they'll no doubt try to put some pieces together and figure out that it's me. Let me ask you something. Have you ever.....been doubted by those who call themselves your friends for years......only to know that it was a big lie and erased your past and anything that was connected to it?"

Buff nodded instantly. "Yep. A very small amount of ponies in Manehattan has. We all have back stories. This city is nicknamed the City of the Lost, we come here and stay here. Trying to rebuild our lives and make new names for ourselves. I'm guessing that's why nopony knows your background?"

"Yes," Pencil confirmed. She looked back down at the carpet in the chariot before glancing up at the stallion. "I didn't even look like this to be honest. I was full of color. A lot of it. Then I heard about and saw what friends do to you......so I left them all. Even the one I had the longest and closest relationship with. And I'm never going back. My color changed and everything else did as well."

"Friends aren't always the best thing to have," the bodyguard commented looking at the window as the chariot passed the museum's front entrance unseen. "That.......is A LOT of ponies." Pencil Sketch looked out the window, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head. That had to be at least the whole city and then some! The main road was closed off and everything!

"Whoa!" She gasped, moving the hair out of her face to get a better look. The place was practically overflowing with spectators. They were undoubtedly going to the underground floor of the museum where they hold events and such. The floor was big enough to hold all of them. They even had some type of device in there that enhances the portraits for the ponies who couldn't see them. Like a giant magnifier.

The chariot turned and went around the corner of the building, going out of view before turning into the back, to get inside in secret. The chariot stopped before the chauffeur who was directing it came over and opened the door for the VIPs. Pencil thanked him and hopped out with Buff right behind her. While they walked, she pulled out the necklace she had crafted to finish her look just for special occasions. It was completely golden and covered in diamonds, costing over five hundred thousand bits at the jeweler. She paid for it easily out of her own pocket. That felt really great. To pay for things with your own money.

It was a rainbolt. Just like her cutie mark in the past, but around her neck instead of her flanks. After she got herself ready, she walked forward and past the open rear entrance of the building. The ponies there were going to get a very special show tonight.....of her anyway.

Those who came to see what the big fuss was all about descended the carpeted stairs down into the lower level of the museum, desperate to see the new paintings of the "Mysterious Mare". Of course with her reveal for tonight, they could finally drop the nickname. Or stick with it, either way she made over three million bits just for making art. The ceiling of the level had massive chandeliers and the floor was stone. It was really big. In Rarity's opinion anyway as she walked down and touched the stone floor. There were a lot of ponies talking and making noise. As well as obvious security. Mostly by the stage way ahead.

Rarity herself was still jealous, trying to figure out what made Pencil's art any different than anything she herself made. They were both exquisite, putting diamonds and jewels into strategic areas while she did the same with colors. It couldn't be that good. Right? She got into a row with another batch of anxious speaking ponies, eagerly watching the curtain where the display of the artwork was to be held. Ponies all around were checking the time, since the unveiling was to begin at eight. It was now seven fifty eight. Two minutes on the clock and decreasing. Here we go.


"Hello again, Pencil Sketch," the mare Pencil first met when she tried to drop off her first painting greeted her. Her name was Color Rise, the museum's director in Manehattan. She helped her get some guards into the building as well as a meeting with Celestia. Of course she could've done it herself....if they even knew if she was still alive. She looked exactly like her name. The bottom half of Color Rise was black that increased to white on the way up. "It's fantastic to see you."

"Same here, Color Rise," she responded back, giving her a hug. "Thank you again for the security. They're extremely important for my artwork."

"So I've seen. That art out there looks simply amazing. So much color, so much life. It's like you took more colors and made them even darker than last time." The two mares laughed before they walked towards the reveal hall. "Your special talent has gotten you a lot of buzz. I believe you—"

"This was never my special talent," Pencil corrected. Color Rise looked at her oddly.

"What? Painting isn't your special talent?"

"No. My special talent was going fast and far. Flying. I still fly very fast. I'm just not going anywhere anymore." They stopped at the rear entrance to the massive auditorium, looking at the ponies all facing the stage, unaware that the artist was right behind them.

"So.....painting is like a hobby? You're way too young to be giving up on that."

Pencil chuckled and said, "It is a passion. But it's not my calling. Hopefully my calling won't ever have to be revealed because it brings trouble. And flying was part of what I was working for. But where I went......it wasn't for me." Color Rise nodded, understanding the jealousy of ponies before the announcer's voice came on the stage.

"Hello, mares and colts everywhere! Welcome.....TO THE EXHIBIT....OF PENCIL SKETCH!!" The ponies watching all cheered before the curtains started to slowly rise, displaying the eight royal guards beside each magically protected display case for backup. Nobody was getting those.

The ponies awed at the paintings. On of them was a picture of Discord's head grinning demonically at the city of canterlot, obviously hatching some sort of devious plan. The next one was of the royal guards, who were in deep combat with the the changelings. It showed emotion, feeling, tears, and pain. The next one was of King Sombra who was being defeated by Celestia and Luna, and the final, greatest one of all.....was of a pretty sunset that had a dragon going through the sky with fillies and colts watching from the ground below. They were all extremely detailed, Pencil Sketch taking out eight hours of her day to get it right and vivid to the eye.

"Pencil Sketch's 'Pain to Peace' collection," Pencil sketch whispered proudly to Color Rise, who had a gleaming smile on her face. "This is about how Equestria has fought through the wars and survived to tell the tale, giving a home to fillies and colts, stallions and mares."

"It is truly inspiring," she responded. "They will be moved to a section after everyone leaves tonight. Of course you will be overseeing the move."

"I'm aware." The spectators all studied the paintings, trying to put them all to memory before the announcer came back on to the reveal.

"This paintings were inspired by........I don't know, let's ask her shall we?" The ponies all cheered. Even Rarity who was actually finding the paintings to be inspiring to her. "Pencil Sketch....how were these paintings created? Their origins?"

Buff handed her a microphone and gave her a wink. She took it in in her hoof and revealed herself.

"It was....how about I just come out and show you?" The ponies all looked around trying to find the source of the voice before cheering and stomping their hooves. She handed the microphone to Color Rise before the guards in front of her began making their way out of the entrance and towards the aisle that led to the stage. Pencil Sketch grinned and put her head high before shifting her gray hair over to cover her sunglass-covered eyes. The ponies all turned around at the sound of marching and started stomping their hooves as Pencil smiled and waved at them, plainly visible in all her glory.

Cameramen on the floor recorded her arrival, making sure to save this for the historians. Making four paintings in a week and having them become the center of all Equestria was a really big deal. Especially since it inspired most of the ponies there. She walked right past them, her hoof continuing to wave at everypony around her. Her golden hoof shoes gave her that authoritarian look, letting people know she was the boss. Her necklace letting others know of her riches and luxury. But there was something about that necklace that gave Rarity pause. Something familiar. Why did it......

A cutie mark. It was shaped like Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. She gasped lightly when she walked past, not even recognizing her. That was not Rainbow Dash. For one, Rainbow wasn't gray, and she didn't have long hair like that. She was a boaster like this mare, but besides that there was no other comparison. But she'll have to keep any eye on this one. Suspicious. Very suspicious indeed.

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