• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,954 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 35 - Manehattan Foal Chaos

The ride back to Manehattan was long. Considering the train had to move through Ponyville and Canterlot. All in all it was a five hour ride. The cars that made up the Friendship Express jostled and moved along the terrain they crossed. Save for the one in the back with pretty stable shocks that delivered to its occupants a smooth ride. As well as a near silent one. So silent in fact that Scootaloo and Gray Fire were sleeping on top of each other, sawing logs. Gray Fire herself looked like she needed it. Scootaloo just got tired.

Twilight was staring at the fast moving green of the plains as they neared the bridge for Manehattan. Hopefully Rainbow had a plan. Because these institutions all over Equestria were going to be filled up at this rate. Beyond capacity. There had to be someway to catch the invisible. But Rainbow Dash also had her own thing going on. With her Sketch It All! Studios popping up all over Equestria. How in actual Equestria was she going to balance all of that? Including her love life?

Something flew across Twilight's lap when the train finally reached the bridge, ruffling her fur and grabbing her head. It was a notecard, like the ones used in school. Using her magic, she lifted the note and read it to herself near quietly. "'Use the rear entrance. P.S.' Rear entrance? Her house has a rear entrance?" She lowered the note and directed her eyes towards Buff who was sleeping silently. "Buff," she whispered.

He must be a light sleeper because his eyes quickly popped open and focused on her. She lifted the note and said in an undertone, "She wants us to use the 'Rear Entrance'. She has one?"

Buff nodded tiredly. Then sat back up and stretched his wings. After the joints popped and he happily sighed in relief, he responded, "Yep, she has a rear entrance. Not a visible one though. You'll see." The two looked out the windows as they approached the station. Watching the city flow past before they entered the tunnel. "Twilight?" She looked back at Buff when he called her name. "I need you to teleport us off this train to a hidden spot once we reach the platform. Since you know who is pretty famous, when the train pulls up..."

"All eyes turn to this car, I get it." Twilight huffed then smiled at the two cute fillies mumbling in their sleep. Scootaloo had her head propped up on Gray's, pinning her to the seat.

Before the whistle blew anyway. Gray Fire's eyes popped open at the same time she sat straight up, tossing Scootaloo to the side. "What's going on?! Where's the fire?!" Scootaloo moaned from the side and rubbed her eyes, disturbed by the rude wake up call.

"I'm awake, not dead...awake, yeah," she responded to her outburst. She sat back up and stretched. Then looked around the car. "Where are we?"

"The station in Manehattan," Twilight answered. She looked out the window towards the platform where a bunch of Royal Guard were waiting. They were directing passengers to the side while also helping the many foals get off the train. Paranoid was a sugarcoated word to describe them. Being in a new city amongst a bunch of unfamiliar ponies was a lot to take in at once. They were trying not to take it in at all.

The second the foals were on the platform, they looked around, hyperventilated, screamed, then began running in circles.

"Where are we?!"

"What happened?!!"

"What the buck?!" A few ran towards the unfamiliar ponies, screamed, then ran right back. The guards were so taken back by it that they just watched. Not knowing what to do at all.

Twilight and Buff stared with huge eyes. Then turned to face each other. Was it really that bad? It made Twilight wonder if the foals in Ponyville were currently having the same issue.

"They need me!" They all looked towards Gray Fire who was worriedly watching the chaos through the window. "They get like this when I'm not around. I don't know why, they just do."

"Alright. Hold on. And try not to throw up." Before Gray Fire asked what she meant, Twilight teleported towards them in the center of the chaos. Making all the foals jump. After the shock wore off, they continued screaming and running around.

Gray Fire stepped forward and cleared her throat. Then took in a huge lungful and yelled, "Hey!!! Shut up and pay attention!!!" The foals all stopped then gathered in front of Gray Fire. It was like somepony flicked a switch from chaotic to calm and curious. They weren't even talking anymore. Instead, they bunched up into a formation similar to a block, all facing Gray Fire. Impressing even the guards nearby.

"Whoa...creepy," Scootaloo muttered.

"Listen, everypony," Gray said loud and proud. "We're being moved to a facility here in this city called uhh....something, I can't remember." Buff chuckled and shook his head. At least she tried. "Until all of this is sorted out, we're listening to whoever's in charge. I won't be with you. So I'm leaving Purple Bubble in charge."

A purple filly with a short deep purple mane and glossy bubble for a Cutie Mark that looked almost like a colt—and would blend in very well if it weren't for the eyelashes—looked around then pointed a questioning hoof at herself. "Me?" She asked.

"Of course!" Gray cheered. Then hobbled over with her cast and looped a hoof around her neck. She whispered something unheard by everyone else. Whatever it was must've been very sweet because she and Gray Fire blushed and shared a nuzzle. Gray Fire pulled back, then addressed everybody else. "Listen to Purple Bubble! Dismissed!" The foals began muttering and turned to Purple Bubble for instructions.

Meanwhile, Twilight lit her horn and teleported Gray, Buff, Scootaloo, and herself out of the crowd and to the front of the station. They looked around for a moment before Scootaloo wrapped a hoof around Gray Fire's neck. Then smirked and asked, "So...who was that?"

"Oh... Wh-What do you mean?" Gray asked nervously. Twilight and Buff began to lead the two through the large city towards the mansion on the other side of town.

"That filly, who was that? Your friend?" She teased.

"Yep! Just a friend!"

"Uh huh."

"Look, Scoots..." She turned and whispered, "Can I call you that?" Scootaloo shrugged and waved it off with a hoof when they turned a corner. Rainbow's mansion was directly ahead. "Scootaloo, who I talk to is my business."

"Okay. I was just wondering because you two were mighty close and blushing a lot. Making googly eyes. And what was with the screaming?"

Gray sighed and decided to tell them. "All those foals in there? They're like...unstable children without a leader. They run around, break things, crash things, go wild. Until I step in. When that happens, I....what the buck?" She whispered. Buff and Twilight shared a knowing look. This filly had a very bad mouth. They were coming up on the mansion that Rainbow Dash occupied with Scootaloo, its walls and atmosphere daunting to even Buff, who had been here multiple times already.

Pointing, Gray Fire asked in astonishment, "Who lives there?" She asked.

"A very famous pony," Scootaloo answered. Buff took the lead and turned towards the side of the building, walking parallel to the high brick wall with simple runes covering it. After awhile, he stopped at a certain point then looked around. Coast determinedly clear, he pressed his right hoof against the surface then pushed it in, opening it wide into the freshly cut backyard with the large pool that Pencil was currently sunbathing in.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Gray scolded quietly. "We can't just walk in there, that pony is loaded!"

Buff chuckled then used his hoof to push her inside, despite her yelps. Once Scootaloo was in, Buff walked in after all of them. Then closed the wall back. Intrigued, Twilight turned around and touched the wall. It felt pretty solid. "Chaos magic," she muttered. "A form of dark magic."

"That's right," Pencil answered. She was still sitting on her beach chair with a freshly poured cup of lemonade beside it. Wearing sunglasses and a large beach hat, staring at her pool. "How was the ride, squirt? You enjoy it?"

Scootaloo ran over to her and jumped on her lap, nearly knocking her off the chair. She pulled Pencil into a hug around the neck and answered, "Yep!"

"Good. Snacks are on the table in the kitchen. Show your friend around, then take her to my study. You know where it is. Then come and enjoy the pool while you can. You have school in the morning." Based off of Scootaloo's look, she didn't understand. "Just because you live with me doesn't mean you don't have school. Still in Ponyville, and still with your friends. I'm taking you in the morning."

"Okay!" She turned and jumped off of Pencil onto the concrete beach. Then gestured towards Gray Fire who was looking around in wonder, trying to take in everything at once. The massive mansion, pool. All of it. "Come on, let me show you around." Gray looked back down at Scootaloo and followed along towards the doors that led into the mansion.

They first walked into the exercise room. Apparently, Gray Fire has never heard of Pencil Sketch. The other foals either maybe. Boy was she in for a surprise.

Author's Note:

Everybody, please, please, please be safe out there. Hurricane Florence is no joke. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Mystery Scootaloo tomorrow. Maybe. We'll see.

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