• Published 26th Mar 2018
  • 764 Views, 16 Comments

Chronicles of Arche - Spellbounder

The story of a stallion and his never ending struggle to protect Equestria

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Ch.11- Student and Teacher

Upon entering the classroom, there was nothing but silence. Most of them knew what to expect, already failing his class in the past. Mister Arche Stone gazed upon the rows of desks, scanning new lumps of clay ready to mold into fine soldiers. His crystal eye patch was gleaming in the sunlight, and his green and blue mane combed back to look more professional. As a teacher, he had to wear a suit, but took it upon himself to wear his insignia medal, showing his sign of proper authority among the lines of the delinquent. He knew the academy was full of them.

“For most of you, I say welcome back. As for you NEW cadets, I am Arche Stone, but you will address me as Admiral, or sir. By the end of this semester, one of two things will happen. Either you pass my class, and transfer to basic training…..or like most of you already know, you will fail, and be required to retake my course. I want to make something very clear, to all you ponies. Know that my somewhat crude manner of teaching isn’t out of hate, but rather by my disappointment in the lack of dedication, resourcefulness, and dignity your generation seems to offer. Make no mistake, no matter how many times you take my class, I won’t pass ANY pony that I deem unfit for the dangerous journey a soldier shall witness. Now then….to begin, please open your history textbooks to page seven as we analyze the strategic use of combat positions during the thousand year war. You’ll notice that…”

The door slams open, as a white coated stallion with a blue mane trots in.


Arche rolls his one good eye, closing the door with a look of pure annoyance on his face. He approaches the young stallion, panting hard. Seems he was galloping hard to make it here.


“Huh? Uhhh sure….first off though, this is room 225, right?”

“Yes….this is intro to Equestrian History, and who might YOU be?”

“Oh right….how’s it going? Names Shining Armor! Really psyched to be here!”

He raises his hoof to Arche with a big smile, expecting him to shake it. Arche sighs in disbelief, using his magic to levitate his roll sheet to him. There’s a brief silence as he looks over the list, the young stallion lowering his hoof, realizing he isn’t gonna get it shaked.

“Aww! Yes, Mr. Armor, seems you are in this class.”

“Phew….thank Celestia, this is the third room I’ve checked.”

“Somehow, I’m not surprised. You have yet to explain WHY you’re late, Mr. Armor.”

“Well I was on my way, but I kinda overslept, then you wouldn’t believe how long it takes the trains to run, and…”

“Alright, I’ve heard enough, just take a seat over there.”

He quickly gallops over his seat, which so happened to be in the back row. About an hour later, the class was dismissed, every pony making their leave except for one.

“HOLD IT right there, Mr. Armor.”

“Ummm is there a problem, teach?”

“Yes I believe there is a problem, and it’s admiral or sir to you.”

“Whoops, sorry. So what can I do for you, sir?”

Arche’s menacing glare makes the student’s big smile disappear, not a good sign, especially on the first day of class.

“You know what I see in you, Mr. Armor?”

“Ummm….just me….right? Maybe pretty stones in the other one? Heehee….get it? Heehee…it’s a joke about how your eye patch is….uhhh….crystals…and…..I should stop talking now, right?”

“Precisely. What I see when I look at you, Mr. Shining Armor, is nothing but an absolute waste of my time. I’ve spent enough of my life in the Royal Guard to separate the achievers, with the worthless lumps of hair and hooves. Guess what category I just put YOU under, Mr. Armor?”

“Uhhh….hopefully the achieving side? Heehee….right?”

He opens the door, signaling him to leave.

“Get out of my classroom.”

“Sure…no problem, have a nice day, teach…I MEAN sir.”

When he knew Arche was out of earshot, Shining mumbles “one-eyed freak” under his breath. The Admiral closes the door with a slam, and stacks his papers on his desk, groaning hard and rubbing his head with his hoof.

“This is going to be a long year….like always, expect disappointment, Arche.”

It has now been over a decade since his days as a teacher of the Royal Academy. Admiral Arche makes his leave off the train, the shining glow of the Crystal Empire lying before him. It was as breathtaking as the stories claimed it to be. He recalls how his very own red gemmed eye patch came from this very kingdom, an given to him by Princess Celestia for his service in the Royal Guard. She had told him that though the Empire was long forgotten, this small gem she had acquired was a constant reminder of a shining and brighter hope. She had believed Arche could bring such a hope one day, and still does. Although reminiscing of the past brought a smile to his face, the Admiral had to hurry to the arena for the Equestrian Games. A crystalized pony quickly approaches him with a carriage ready for him. While normally he’d prefer to just walk, Arche had absolutely no idea where the arena was. After all, this was his first time in the Crystal Empire.

As the carriage made its way through the crystalized lands, Arche couldn’t believe the sights of the locals. He wasn’t as insightful on the ways of magic as he was on military combat, but the way these ponies looked was breathtaking to him. He always did kick himself for not studying up on magical spells, being a unicorn, and having access to magic. There just wasn’t any time, constantly commanding ponies and eradicating changeling hives. All the magic he had was simple levitation and the manifestation of shields for defense. After ten minutes of sight-seeing from the carriage window, Arche finally arrives at the colosseum arena for the annual Equestrian Games. Standing there at the entrance, waiting for him in his Royal Guard armor, was none other than Shining Armor.

“Admiral Arche, it’s really great to see you again, sir.”

The Admiral forms a smile, a rare sight for most who know him, walking over to his former student. He raises his hoof, expecting Arche to shake it. What humorous nostalgia this day has brought him. He rolls his eyes, and smacks his hoof away.

“Shining Armor, what the hay is wrong with you?”


Shining expected this, the Admiral’s smile now a sinister looking frown. It was his own fault, Arche had every right to be mad at him. He was so busy with his new wife, and now running the Crystal Empire, he rarely kept in touch. Even after he had promised before the wedding to spend more time with his former mentor. Shining just had to take the lecture coming, no matter how cruel he’d sound.

“You’re a ruler now, you can’t just shake hooves with every blasted pony you see.”

“I’m sorry, sir, forgive me. I know I have much more responsibilities now.”

“Exactly! You expect to greet your teacher, YOUR FORMER MENTOR, with a hoof shake? Unbelievable.”

Shining lowers his head in disappointment.

“Again, I’m truly sorry.”

There is a short silence among them, when suddenly Arche’s smile suddenly returns, bigger than before.

“If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t even be here, you owe me a hug, you moron!”

He grabs onto Shining, look of surprise on his face, and hugs him. Arche bursts into laughter, then so does Shining Armor, realizing the old pony had fooled him.

“My boy, look at you! Prince to the Crystal Empire, hosting the Equestrian Games! I’ve never been more proud.”

Shining smiles proudly, holds back a few tears as well. It had been far too long.

“It’s good to see you, old friend.”

“It’s good to see you too, Shining.”

The two just smile at one another before bursting into laughter again, as they make their way into the coliseum.

“Games start this afternoon, have a few hours to spare before final preparations, you hungry?”

“I could eat an entire bugbear!”

“Hahahaaaa….we don’t have any of those, but we do have hay burgers.”

“Heeheehee….the next best thing. Lead the way, your highness.”

“Sir, please, your highness makes me sound old, older than you!”

“Well how do you think Celestia feels? Hahahaahaa!”

“Hahahahaha! Careful, she’s around her somewhere! You better hope she didn’t hear you.”

“Hahahaaa! Right! Right! Though I heard the moon is nice this time of year!”

“Hahahahahahaaaa! Heeheehee….let’s go before we’re found out!”

The two old friends laugh all the way inside. A glorious reunion between student and teacher.

Author's Note:

A brighter side to a dramatic and fearful story. Hope it made you smile. Next chapter, the games begin!