• Published 26th Mar 2018
  • 764 Views, 16 Comments

Chronicles of Arche - Spellbounder

The story of a stallion and his never ending struggle to protect Equestria

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Ch.16- Plagues of the Past Part 1

“You…You can’t….you shouldn’t be here…my mind is not a place you should go wandering off in.”

The princess simply chuckled at his warning. Seems Arche had forgotten who he’s truly speaking to.

“Arche Stone, for thousands of years I’ve traveled through dreams, both peaceful and menacing. Whatever horrors your subconscious creates in the dream world, you and I shall remain safe.”

“You don’t understand….forgive me Princess, but you don’t know what I’ve been plagued with for so long in my life. These nightmares….they aren’t something new to me. However it may change, it’s the same thing over and over again….for the last two decades this horror has consumed me. I don’t think there’s any pony that can help me through this….starting to question if even a being as strong as you or your sister can ease my suffering.”

Luna couldn’t help but feel displeased in herself. She was told of Arche shortly after the events of the Royal Wedding, but this was their first actual meeting. If she had known him in the past when the nightmares first manifested, if she was not imprisoned on the moon to face her own demons, perhaps this unicorn could’ve spent these years in peaceful slumber, rather than in constant fear.

“I know you have your doubts in me….after the things I’ve done, I can’t help but feel the same way…but my sister has always told me to believe there’s always hope, even when all seems shrouded in darkness. If you’ll let me, I’ll do whatever I can to help you….will you accept my offer, Arche Stone?”

She held out her hoof to help him up, a proud smile now on her face. Arche remained silent at first, questioning if he should even attempt to open that can of worms that was his tainted past. Only a few ponies know of it, including Shining Armor, Spin Railing, and of course, Princess Celestia. Surely Luna must be aware of what Arche went through, most likely informed by her sister, yet every time he talks about it, the misery of it all feels as fresh as if it were just yesterday. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but at this point, he was desperate for anything. Arche just prayed that what Luna was about to see wouldn’t change her view of the old Admiral.

“You…can just call me Arche.”

He finally accepts her hoof, as her horn began to glow with a white beam of light.

“Wha…What are you doing?”

In a flash of light, Arche found himself back in an old, yet familiar setting from his past. It was his old office from his time as a teacher working at the Academy. The room was empty, but was decorated with old posters of Nightmare Moon. He looks over at the chalk board, recognizing the style to be his own writing.

“Happy….Nightmare Night.”

“You remember this day?”

Luna suddenly appeared beside him. He wouldn’t dare question how, knowing the Princess of dreams was far capable of achieving the impossible in this world.

“Yes…I remember quite fondly….even the most serious of cadets loved Nightmare Night. The faculty would excuse them early and allow them to leave campus grounds. A night of terror for fillies was the perfect time to socialize and party for these soldiers to be.”

“And how did you spend your time?”

“I was…..never the best at celebrations…no matter what it was for. At the time, I wanted my class to spend the whole night reviewing the war against Nightmare Moon, yet I was outvoted by the faculty. There’s so much more to this than acting like morons hopped up on cider. I wanted to show them that. How this night was not to be celebrated, but simply remembered for the brave individuals who gave their lives to protect Equestria against a true monster………oh no, Princess please forgive me, I didn’t mean to say that.”

“Oh it’s not an issue at all. Sadly, I agree with everything you say. As Nightmare Moon, I did such horrible things that would drive any pony away. Even after all I’ve done, I still witness a few who quake in fear of my former self, no matter how hard I try to show I’m not as I was. For most, it is a night of celebration, but for soldiers like yourself, it’s an entirely different ordeal.”

“Yet soldiers aren’t anything like they once were. To the faculty, I was an honored veteran, to my class, I was something entirely different in their eyes. That is why we are here. Tonight, I nearly ruin my career.”

The sound of laughter was heard coming from the halls. Arche slowly opens the door, shocked at what he’s witnessing. It was his past self, around ten years younger, dressed in his military uniform. He’s levitating books with his magic, making his way around laughing students, wearing ridiculous masks they made in their dorms. One was of a bugbear, the other a dragon. The teacher rolled his eye, hoping to get into his office before these student really start to annoy him.

“Hey Admiral! Happy Nightmare Night! We’re heading off to the dance club!”

“Yes Yes…..enjoy drowning yourself in cider like the animals you are, cadets.”

“Sure will! Hahahaaa! Hey, where’s Jazz? He said he was coming, right?”

Arche turned away, not wanting to see what happens next. Luna was about to ask him why, when out of a locker popped out Jazz Blitzwave wearing a changeling mask. This made their teacher jump in fear, dropping his books, and falling on his back. Seemed it was another one of the Academy’s classic Nightmare Night pranks of the teachers. Though Arche didn’t find it so funny.

“Hahahahaaa! Got ya, teach! Oh you should’ve seen your face! Hahahahaaaa!!! Priceless!”

Luna looked over at Arche, who began to shake in fear. He could still remember that laughter.

“Such rude boys, they should know better than to resort to such childish antics on a grown stallion.”


“What do you mean?”

Suddenly, Arche grabbed Jazz and slammed him against the locker. His teeth were grinding in anger, his breathing hard.

“Wow! Hey teach, easy! It was just a joke! Jeez..”

“A joke? A JOKE!?!”

He then slams his hoof into the cadet’s face, knocking the mask right off. The cadet tried to say something, but Arche had wrapped his magic around the boy’s neck, as he continued punching him.


The other two cadets tried to pull Arche off their friend, but he was just too strong. He wouldn’t stop punching Blitzwave. His whole face was turning bloody, as Arche punched harder, strangling him with his magic.


More of the cadets show up, managing to pry Arche off of Blitzwave and hold him down. He was still alive, but barely. Even after all that, Arche tried to push the other cadets off of him, screaming like a rapid animal.


Everything goes black, as Luna remained speechless. Arche couldn’t stop shaking, barely standing as he looked at his hooves, remembering how they were drenched in that poor cadet’s blood.

“After what happened, the cadet was flown to the nearest hospital by winged carriage. I was locked in the academy’s holding cell for three days. When I finally calmed down, I was forbidden from ever teaching again. I ended up court martialed, and almost lost my title as Admiral. Only reason I’m not in jail for what I did was because of Celestia. She knew more than other pony about what the changelings did to me. Instead I was put in psychiatrics for the next two months. I still think of that cadet….wishing I got the chance to say how sorry I was to him.

“And….what did happen to him?”

Arche remained silent, as he now appeared on a grass field. It was raining, as he watched his younger self walk up to a tombstone, leaving a rose underneath it. It read “Here Lies Jazz Blitzwave, beloved son, friend, and soldier.”

Author's Note:

Princess Luna helps Arche with the cause of his nightmares, but is there really any way to help him?