• Published 26th Mar 2018
  • 764 Views, 16 Comments

Chronicles of Arche - Spellbounder

The story of a stallion and his never ending struggle to protect Equestria

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Ch.18- Plagues of the Past Part 3

“What gruesome act caused you to end up this way?”

That is all Luna could muster, seeing the bloody and unconscious state that Arche appeared before her. It was clear that this was the trauma that forever changed the unicorn’s mindset in the future. Yet there was still more to this that needed to be seen, and Luna wasn’t looking forward to it in the slightest. It had to be done, there was no questioning it any further. The Princess of dreams began digging deeper into Arche’s past, the hospital room she stood in now transformed into a camping ground. Clear skies above, trees everywhere, and the sound of hooves stomping on the dirt. She sees Arche much younger, standing in perfect sync within the row of stallions around him. His mane was longer, the streaks of blue and green glistening in the sun. There was no eyepatch, the damage he’d suffer to his right eye had yet to occur. The menacing gaze he usually showed was also gone, replaced with a look of determination, and confidence. An older pony appears, a unicorn like most of the soldiers that stood in front of him. This must be their drill sergeant.

“Remember this day, you bunch of worthless fillies. You’ll look back and wish you never stepped hoof in this camp. Cause I’m about to push each and every one of you past your limits, wishing for death, and begging for your mommies. School work is over, you pathetic worms! Today, you’re civilians, tomorrow, you’re soldiers!”

Luna shakes her head, this was the past, but not what she wanted. The issue is what caused Arche’s nightmares. What does this have to do with anything?

“I’ve gone too far, there needs to be more clarity here.”

The camp grounds began to change, the trees starting to lose their leaves, the clouds forming above. There was now a crowd of ponies cheering and yelling. From where she stood, Luna couldn’t tell what was going on. She extends her wings and rises into the sky, seeing with shock what was occurring in the middle of the crowd. Arche was covered in bruises, panting hard, blood smeared on his face and mane. He was fighting another unicorn, with a light orange coat, and a red mane. He was also covered in bruises and blood, which may or may not be his own. He starts laughing, taking a defense stance as Arche swings his hoof at him. His opponent easily manages to dodge it, swinging his own hoof underneath Arche’s chin, sending him off all four of his legs, and collapsing into the ground.

“Swing and a miss, Stone! Honestly, I don’t see why you even bothered signing up. If you can’t beat me, what chance you have out in the field?”

Arche slowly gets up, smiling.

“Damn you, Zed, take this seriously why don’t you?”

Luna’s eyes widen once hearing that name. Zed? Wasn’t that one of the names he was muttering in the hospital?

“You really can’t mean that. Wipe that smirk off your face, Stone, and maybe I’ll stop holding back.”

Arche starts to laugh, standing tall, despite the feeling of jelly in his legs. He could collapse any second, yet he still managed to stay conscious. Was it determination, or mere stupidity why he wouldn’t give in?

“You’re the one who wouldn’t last long in the field, Zed. T way you’re pulling your punches? Why? Cause you pity me? No, it’s because you don’t think I’m worth your best.”

His speed suddenly increased within the blink of an eye, as he now stood inches away from Zed.


“Cocky attitude like yours…”

His right hook knocks the lights right out of Zed, making the crowd roar like crazy with applause.


“My word….”

This was a completely different side of Arche Luna hadn’t seen before. The trauma he endured had truly changed the poor stallion. She could understand how deep cuts could alter one’s mind, but the real question here is how deep were his? This was still left unanswered, as Luna began traveling further into Arche’s future. The camp grounds had now disappeared. She now stood inside a large building, seeing Arche in his cadet uniform. Around him was a circle of ten high ranking military officials, each representing a different branch of the Equestrian Armed Forces. Though Luna had little knowledge of these ponies, she does recall her sister speaking of them. As large as Equestria was, the lands were divided with different sets of military forces to deal with whatever issues that occurred there. They were always busy, and couldn’t simply stop when a sudden magical threat made its appearance. As if they would be much help if they could. Celestia clarified that although these soldiers deserve their respect, against the likes of Discord or Chrysalis, they’d leave barely a dent. Which is why she’d resort to these matters herself, or get her student Twilight Sparkle for the cause. If the ten of these ponies were here in this room, leaving their posts to come together as one, it couldn’t be for anything good. As Luna was soon about to find out.

“Cadet Arche Stone, you stand here for the crime of abandoning your post against the threat of rogue users of corrupted magic. How do you plead?”

He’s silent at first, but soon speaks, confidence within his voice.

“I am guilty, sir, that I am much clear, but I don’t regret what I did.”

“What? You were stationed to guard the shipment of potion resources with your life. Those traitorous ponies are now one step closer to achieving their goals of using unstable magics against our forces all because of you! And you’re just…fine with that? Have you no shame in your actions, cadet?”

“Sir, the entire base had caught fire. My superior officer was trapped in his chambers under a large wooden beam. If I ignored his screams for help, he’d be dead.”

“The life of one pony may very well risk the lives of hundreds! You will be sentenced to six months as cleanup in the dark chambers of Tartarus. Let’s see if you regret it after cleaning up after that three headed freak of nature! Dismissed.”

As Arche leaves the room, he’s soon approached by the very same pony he saved, his superior, Commander Blitz. He was covered in bruises, with one of his arms bandaged in a cast. Seems as if he was waiting for him.

“Sir I…”

“Don’t, just don’t even try to explain.”

Luna watched from a distance, not looking forward to seeing poor Arche scolded again. Yet to her surprise, it would seem like the exact opposite.

“Those idiots only care about results. I hate how the times have changed for the military. Each soldier’s life matters, they’re living beings, flesh and blood. If the pencil pushers in there can’t understand that, then to hell with them.”

“You…You aren’t mad?”

“Mad!?! Why would I be mad at you? You saved my life, cadet. I can see that you’re what’s missing from this entire military. Equestria needs more ponies like you. You’re more than willing to come back when those pointless six months are up, and not as a cadet either. No, I need you as my lieutenant.”

“Sir? Are…Are you serious?”

“As serious as I ever been. Taking that means you accept the job?”

“O-Of course! Thank you, sir!”

Luna smiles, finally seeing a peaceful memory in Arche’s past. But is that all there is for him? Does it get worse before it even remotely gets better? She asks these questions has the room around her changes again, unsure what Arche’s past has in store for her next.

Author's Note:

A sight of light, in a mind shrouded in darkness.