• Published 26th Mar 2018
  • 763 Views, 16 Comments

Chronicles of Arche - Spellbounder

The story of a stallion and his never ending struggle to protect Equestria

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Ch.4- Tea with Trixie

Trixie Lunamoon, Arche’s egotistical and rambunctious niece. Like her father, Trixie decided to become a magician. Arche never was too fond of ponies using magic for entertainment and not for combat, especially in the condition Equestria had become in the last few months. He really had no time for this, the next train to Canterlot would be leaving any minute. Yet Trixie wouldn’t let go of him, and she knew he wasn’t much of a hugger.

“How long are you in town? Did you get my letters? Honestly I didn’t think you’d actually be here!”

“Yes....well....it’s good to see you too, Trixie, but I really must be on my way.”

She lets out a small chuckle, using her magic to drag Arche by his tail to her wagon.

“Honestly Uncle Arche, you really need to take a vacation. Just have some tea with me for a minute.”

Trixie never was one to give up so easily. Whenever he visited her as a filly, she would whine until he agreed to play. He didn’t mind it back then, but kinda hoped she’d grow out of it.

“I guess I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”

“Oh stop being such a downer.”

Her wagon was a tad small, but somehow she managed to cook a pot of tea without spilling. Arche kept looking at the clock, train would be departing soon. Of course his men would stall, but he’d prefer not to abuse his power like that.

“Trixie, as much as I appreciate this, I really don’t have time for-“

“Oh here it comes again, all work and no play makes Archie a dull pony!”

She laughs, as Arche groans in annoyance. Always hating being called Archie.

“Must you quote your idiotic father?”

“Well he’s right, you know? Every time we try to get in touch with you, it’s ‘I’m doing recon here’ or ‘I’m commanding these ponies there.’ Wouldn’t kill you to have some fun. Did you even get the letter I sent you about my next show?”

“Trixie, you couldn’t comprehend the importance of my work. Neither could your father, and speaking of work, some of us have to finish it.”

He gets up, but so does Trixie. From the look in her eyes, seems he angered her.

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

“Trixie, just let it go and let me-“

“No! What are you saying? You think I don’t work?”

Arche sighs, deciding to finish his tea before speaking again. He knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant but it was the only way she’d let him leave.

“Trixie, Equestria is in chaos. The royal family was attacked by changelings, I just read that Sombra was sighted in the Crystal Empire, and we’re running low on soldiers. I’m trying to save lives here, and you’re prancing around in your cart playing wizard.”

That really did it for her now. She gets up and slams her hoofs on the table, making her tea spill.

“I’m a professional magician!”

“Oh please, you’re wasting your life! If you only listened to me all those years ago about joining my class you’d be top guard by now! Instead you’re prancing around as a street clown like your worthless father!”

There was a silence for a few moments. Trixie continued to stare at Arche, as if she was about to cry or scream. She then turns around and opens her chest.

“That a fact? You really think I’m wasting time here? Well wait till you see what I have in store for Ponyville when I-“

She hears the door slam. Turning around to notice he was gone. Her eyes started to water, looking at the red and black amulet she held with her magic. A few tears hit the Alicorn emblem, as she straps it on around her neck. She then slips on a black cloak and looks at herself in the mirror.

“Just you see, I’ll make them all see!”

A strange red aura began glowing out of her horn and eyes. She runs out the door of her wagon and slams it shut, making a picture hung on the wall drop and crack. Showed a small blue filly with a huge purple hat sitting in the lap of a young pony in a uniform.

Author's Note:

We all know what Trixie plans to do next.