• Published 28th Mar 2018
  • 530 Views, 16 Comments

Trapped in Equestria - The Spirit of Fire - Tropic_Turd

A being from another world gets thrown into a one filled with ponies eventually turning into one. This brave new world is filled with adventure, companionship and glory all of which will shape this young pony as he walks the path of life.

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Chapter 4 - Spring Rolls

Chapter 4 - Spring Rolls

“Why are so many ponies staring at us?” Creuset asked his travelling companion that was perched on his back.

“Well you see…” Lavender said. “It’s not every day that you see two ragged ponies trotting into town,” she said as they entered the small town of Springrolls. It was a fairly small town with a lot of farms surrounding it. And ponies left and right were staring at the queer and dirty duo that has just arrived in town. Whispers can be heard and other ponies seemed to be holding back their giggles and laughter while some ponies looked at them with general concern.

The two were in relatively good health. Lavender’s hind leg wounds have completely healed and she removed the scars after her magic recharged while Creuset was still healthily humming a strange tune that suddenly came to him, though he didn’t know where he heard it before. Their dirty and ragged appearance though, gave the false impression that they’re in a bad condition.

The town was mostly populated by earth ponies aside from the occasional pegasi swooping above the sky. And judging from the banners, decors and stall littered across the street, they seem having some sort of festival.

“Hey Creuset, I think the town’s holding some sort of festival,” Lavender looked at the elaborate decorations adorning town’s streets.

“What, don’t be ridiculous Lavender,” Creuset replied sarcastically. “I hear earth ponies are just attracted to bright colors because they’re kind and loving creatures,” He turned to smile at Lavender. “Of course they’re having a festival what else why else would they put up all this!”

Creuset got himself slapped on the cheek from Lavender who had quite enough of his shit. Creuset was about to say something clever when he was interrupted by the mare. “Don’t talk to me you uncouth swine. Find somepony else to entertain you!” Lavender crossed her front legs and turned away with an annoyed huff.

“Jeez! Alright your lordship!” Creuset said as he rubbed his cheek.

Creuset heard giggles coming from his left as he turned to see that it was coming from multiple earth pony couples. “Aww, they’re having a tiff,” Said a mare from the crowd.

“What’s this festival about any anyway?” Lavender asked as she looked at the festive decorations hund up all around town.

“I bet is a Spring Roll festival,” Creuset chuckled.

“Hello there, strangers!” Shouted an unusually energetic Earth Pony stallion catching Creuset off surprise and almost making him fall over. “What brings you over to our fine town?!”

“Damn it old colt! You almost gave me a heart attack,” Creuset replied as he sighed in relief.

“Nothing in particular,” Lavender answered. “We’re just here to stock up on supplies.”

“So you’re travelers huh?” The middle aged stallion said.

“Adventurers actually,” Lavender corrected.

“Adventurers! Guess the difference between the two is the type of clothes they wear,” The stallion replied as he looked at the duo’s oddly crafted gear. “Oh where are my manners. The name’s Rusty Trowel! I’m the mayor of this here fine town!” He introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you Mayor Trowel,” Lavender replied courteously. “My name is Lavender Oil and this here is my friend Creuset,” She said as she lightly smacked the head of her friend.

“Oww!” Creuset rubbed the spot that was hit with his hoof. “Hey! What gi-mpfff!”

“He says hi,” Lavender said with a smile as she held Creuset’s mouth shut with her magic.

“Okay…” The mayor said as he backed away a few steps. “I’ll leave you two alone now.”

“Wait!” Lavender said stopping the mayor on his tracks. “I have a question.”

“Well what is it?” The mayor replied politely.

“What kind of festival is your town celebrating right now?” The mare asked.

“Oh yes, the festival! I almost forgot. We are celebrating this towns annual Autumn Spring Roll festival to celebrate our bountiful autumn harvest,” The mayor explained with pride. “There’s a fair over by the town square. I suggest you visit it… after getting cleaned of course. There is a spa not far from where we are,” The mayor said.

“Does the town also have an Optician’s clinic,” Lavender said as she pulled out her broken glasses. “I really need replacement for these,”

“Yes we do have one. Just go down the road here and you’ll find it eventually,” The mayor said. “May I ask you a question miss?”

“Yes of course,” Lavender answered. “Go on.”

“Why are you… riding on his back?” The mayor asked as he pointed a hoof at Creuset.

Creuset let out a muffled reply that was incoherent because of Lavender’s magic before Lavender finally gave her own answer. “He’s just being a gentlecolt.”

“I see…” The mayor replied. “I need to go now. Enjoy the festival Miss Lavender and… Cusey or was it Kruste?

Creuset let out an annoyed groan.

“It’s pronounced Creuset,” Lavender corrected. “Nothing special really. That’s just how they pronounce crucible in fancy-speak.”

And with that the mayor bid them good bye before hurrying off.

Lavender finally let go of the silencing spell she casted on Creuset. The stallion gasped for air. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to breath with that… spell on me.”

“No… not that I care and all,” Lavender replied.

“Is there any particular reason why you despise me so much?” Creuset asked.

“I don’t despise you,” Lavender explained. “I just didn’t want you to cause a scene.”

“What, you think I’ll just jump on and attack the mayor of the town?!” Creuset raised his voice. “I may be new to this world but that doesn’t make me a damn tard!”

“I’m sorry…” Lavender whimpered in surprise at Creuset’s sudden change in tone. “I-I didn’t mean to-”

“Look, how about we just get your glasses fixed, grab some supplies and get goi-” Creuset suddenly stopped when he realized one small problem. They didn’t have money. “Shit… I just realized… we’re broke.”

“You’re broke,” Lavender replied.

“You have money?” Creuset asked.

“I’m the only daughter of an oil baron, of course I have money,” Lavender bragged.

“Oh right! You’re a spoiled brat with a rich father,” Creuset chuckled.

“I wasn’t spoiled!” Lavender growled.

Sure,” Creuset chuckled again. Lavender gave him another smack to the head. “Oww! Okay, okay stop it!” He said. “I’ll just drop you by the bank then.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Lavender replied as she reached for a small pouch hidden inside her robes. “I still have a lot of bits. It should be enough for a week.” She said as she counted her bits. “Just drop me by the Optician’ will you.”

“Yes ma’am!” Creuset said as he began to trot down the street.

While they we’re walking a question came into Creuset’s mind. “Hey Lavender?”


“You said your dad was a powerful oil baron right?”


“And that you we’re his only daughter?”

“Last time I checked I was the only one.”

“And no one is aware of the reason why you’re away except for Celestia?”

“Where are you going with this?”

“Don’t you think your dad will assume you were kidnapped and send an army of mercenaries to come after us?”

“I never thought of that…” Lavender answered as she scratched her chin. “I’m sure Celestia will pass on the note though… I hope.”

They soon arrive in front of the Optician’s clinic. Lavender hopped down from Creuset’s back and landed down gracefully.

“On second thought, I think we should get ourselves cleaned first,” Creuset suggested as he saw their dirty and ragged reflections on the glass pane in the front of the clinic.

“Nah, that can wait,” Lavender said as she took out her bit pouch. “Do you want to wait for me inside or do you feel the need to explore and familiarize yourself with pony society?”

“I feel like taking a look around,” Creuset answered with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll behave and be polite to the-” He cut his sentence short when he caught a few bits thrown at his face.

“That’s thirty bits in all,” Lavender said. “Don’t spend it all in one place.”

“Where will we meet up?” Creuset asked as he placed the bits in the inside pocket of his jacket.

“Meet me by the town pub,” Lavender said as she opened the door of the clinic. “Oh and don’t forget to get yourself cleaned.”

Creuset went over to the town square where the town’s festival was at full swing was being held. There were ponies dancing, musicians playing music, and performers doing their thing. Stalls lined the festival grounds and they sold all sorts of spring roll merchandise.

Creuset walked over to one food stall in particular. “I’ll have the uhh… Spring Roll noodles.” He told the earth pony mare managing the stall as he took a seat.

“Sure thing! That’ll be 5 bits.” The mare cheerfully replied before instructing the stall’s cook. “Tourist?” The salesmare asked while Creuset dumped the bits in front of her.

“Sort off…” Creuset said as he took a seat at one of the stool chairs in front of the stall. “Just passing by really.”

“Ah, I see,” The mare replied. “So, what do you think about our town’s festival mister….”

“Creuset… the name’s Creuset. And I think your festival is uhh… pretty neat,” Creuset asked as he tried to keep the mare entertained. He wasn’t actually interested in a conversation at the moment.

Just then another pony, a stallion wearing a bowler hat and a pair of shades sat down beside Creuset. “I’ll have the noodles,” The stallion said as he placed 5 bits on the counter. Creuset gazed at the stallion. He was a lot smaller than he was and had wings instead of a horn. He also had a small tattoo of a teardrop below his left eye.

While preparing their food the salesmare looked at Creuset’s ash stained jacket “Hey, did you see the wildfire in the Everfree forest a few days ago?” She asked.

“What fire?” Creuset tried to act innocent. “Oh you mean that wildfire. You see we were camping in the Everfree back then when it happened, we were lucky we got out without serious injuries,” He lied to the salespony who seems like she bought his deception.

“Sounds awful,” The pegasus stallion beside him commented.

“Sweet Celestia, that must’ve been terrible!” The salemare gasped in horror. She reached for an ice box and pulled out a bottle of cola. “You poor thing, here have a cold one, it’s on the house.”

Creuset then felt bad for his action but he needed to play along lest he get arrested. “Thank you very much ma’am,” He replied politely as he took the bottle of cola and popped it open with his magic. He drank its sweet apple flavored contents, it’s been a while since he tasted something so sweet. He stopped and read the bottle’s label, it says ‘AppleFizz Cola’ and he read the manufacturer label that says ‘A product of Pear Food Corpotation (PFC)’

“You never had an AppleFizz before?” The salespony asked while she watched the stallion who looks more interested in reading the label instead of drinking the bottle.

“It’s just that I-” He paused and remembered how he entered Equestria. “I came from overseas.”

“I see, that explains your fancy name!” She replied cheerfully. “Though the accent doesn’t match,”

“I’ve been practicing how to speak in the Mainland Equestrian way,” Creuset lied as a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. “I don’t want locals to get confused with my native accent.”

“Fair point,” The salesmare smiled. “So I presume you’re from Prance?”

“Yeah,” Creuset answered while he took another drink.

“So you came from Prance huh,” Said the pegasus stallion who took a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass from his saddlebag and placed them at the counter. “I hear it’s lovely there this time of year,”

“Yeah,” Creuset answered as he formulated his lies. “Especially in the countryside.”

The pegasus stallion took another shot glass from his bag but he placed a few drops of a colorless liquid on it when Creuset wasn’t looking. He then poured whiskey on both glasses and handed the second one to Creuset. Creuset accepted the offer.

“Then let us drink to your health my friend!” He said as he raised his glass.

“Cheers,” Creuset raised his glass of whiskey only to have it snatched by a diving crow, “What the fuck!”

“Sweet baby Jesus!” the stranger smiled as he drank his shot. He took the bottle and stowed it away in his bag along with the shot glass. “Well it looks like luck ain’t your thing kid!” He said as he stood up and began to walk away.

What the hell’s a baby Jesus? Creuset asked himself mentally.

“Hey wait!” The salesmare called him. “What about your order?”

“I don’t know… I’m no longer hungry,” The stranger shrugged as he continued walking. “But you look like you could use something to eat.”

“What’s up with him?” The salesmare asked as she placed Creuset’s order in front of him.

Creuset looked at the bowl of noodles placed in front of him. As he expected, it was plain noodles with chopped vegetables; carrots, cabbages, peas, corn and leeks. The same kind of vegetables you will see in a spring roll made during autumn. “Damn bird came out of nowhere,” He grumbled as he slurped the noodles, it was surprisingly delicious.

“Yeah!” The salesmare chuckled. “Didn’t know crows were whiskey drinkers. I always though they preferred something fancier like wine or something,” She jokingly said.

After finishing his meal, Creuset stood up and decided to go around and explore some more while the salesmare went out back to have lunch.

Meanwhile the stranger he conversed with a while ago leaned beside one of the fair’s stalls as he watched the large unicorn stallion go on his merry way. He took a small rectangular metallic object that had a glass screen from his saddlebag. It was his only link to his past life, his only mirror to an old reality. It was a smartphone.

“Deja, I think I found our pony,” He said as he called an acquaintance, “Yes I’m sure it’s him. He was in the Everfree during the time of arrival, he’s acting like a damn tard who doesn’t know how to pony and on top of that… he has the devil’s luck, or plot armor whatever you wanna call it. I don’t care what the council says, I want you to get our boys ready we gotta get him before they do.”

The stallion quickly hid his phone in his bag before walking away. Unbeknownst to him the salesmare of the noodle stall was not eating her lunch but was instead relaying a message to her superiors using a telegram.

Creuset sat down at the local bar and was enjoying a tankard of apple cider. He had already cleaned himself and his clothes after he got tired of walking around in the fair grounds. He stared at the clock that showed it was already two past twelve as he waited for his friend to arrive.

“There you are!” A familiar voice called him from behind. He raised his head and his ears perked up while the mare sat down beside him. “So, how’s the festival?”

“It was great,” Creuset said as he took a sip. “They have some really weird spring roll themed shit in there.”

“I’ll bet you 10 bits that I’ve found something weirder than anything you’ve brought from that place,” Lavender said as she smiled smugly.

“You’re on,” Creuset replied knowing that no matter how this turns out, he will win.

“Ta-da!” Lavender pulled out a Spring Roll themed tape measure, the type used for construction. She pulled the tape and revealed that it was painted to look like a spring roll. “Bet you can’t beat this!”

Creuset reached for his inside pocket. “That’s nothing!” He said as he pulled out five Spring Roll flavored condoms. “The weird thing is, I got these for free and the mare said it’ll make my thing look like a Spring Roll,” Creuset chuckled. “Wanna try it out?” Creuset asked with a sly smile

Lavender blushed. “N-no thanks…” She placed ten bits in front of Creuset. “I concede.” The mare said as she watched Creuset stow away both the bits and condoms in his inside pocket.

“Oh yeah,” He said as he placed his tankard on the counter. “By the way, nice glasses,” He said as he stared at Lavender’s new set of glasses. He also noticed that she was clean. Her coat was now back to its pristine white color and her robes were also free from dirt and stains. “and uhh… nice saddlebags too,” He said as he looked at her newly brought white saddlebags.

“Thanks!” She replied cheerfully. “I kind off noticed how you were carrying all out burdens so I-”

“I’m also carrying you by the way,” He reminded her as he drank his cider.

“Yeah… I really haven’t thought of that,” Lavender blushed in embarrassment. “But I did buy us some foodstuffs so we won’t rely on what’s left of your MRE’s,” She said as she opened one of her saddlebags. “I have some canned goods, a pot for cooking, pouched noodles, vegetables, some nuts and water bottles. And a small aluminum pot.”

“Neat,” Creuset replied plainly as he drank some more of his cider while staring at the mare.

“Anyway…” Lavender trailed off while she thought of a polite way to deliver her proposition. “Now that we’ve satisfied our appetites… do you want to come with me to Canterlot?”

“To Canterlot!” Creuset was a little bit confused. “Why would I want to go there?”

“Well… we can find a good use for your magic there,” She replied gleefully before she gasped. “You can settle down and be a royal guard. I’m sure they’ll accept you immediately. Come on Creuset, it’ll be great I promise.”

“No thanks,” Creuset replied plainly while he drank some of his cider.

“And then you co-” Lavender stopped after she began to process what her friend said. “What! Why?!”

“I don’t wanna stay in one place Lavender,” He replied as he starred at his reflection in his cider mug. “I’ve been sent here for no clear reason. There’s a whole new world out there and I’m just gonna stay in one city! Might as well sign my last will and start digging my own grave don’t you think,” He replied sarcastically. “No, we’re going to go on an adventure.”

“Okay…” Lavender replied and from how she delivered it, she was somewhat disappointed at the result of her offer. “…if that’s what you want,” She tried to sound enthusiastic but failed.

“Lavender,” Creuset said stoically looking at Lavender straight into her eyes. “If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I’m going to start peddling you until you spit it all out.”

“Alright fine,” She gave out an annoyed sigh. “It’s just… remember how I told you I went AWOL… I think I can still save my job and give you a decent new life while helping you. But no! You have a better idea. So let’s just go on an adventure and die horribly,” She said sarcastically. She looked at her friend only to see the baffled stallion staring at him with an open mouth.

“Wow…” He said while trying to think of a clever respond. “And you call me a sarcastic jerk,” He chuckled.

“It gets worse…” Lavender’s replied with a semi-hysterical tone. “I’ve been thinking about what you said regarding my dad. He must’ve went… apeshit when he heard what happened! Oh and there’s my mom too,” her head began to ache just by thinking of what they will say when they find her.

“You know…” Creuset swallowed a lump on his throat. “You…” He tried to find the courage to let it out, but he really doesn’t want to let her go. “You can leave if you want,” He took a deep breath.

“What!” Lavender was offended by Creuset’s remark. “Why! Do you think I’ll just leave you like that!”

“Lavender I didn’t mean to offend you I just-”

“No! NO, no, no, no, no!” Lavender slammed her hoof on the counter and startled everypony on the tavern. “I’m never going to leave just for my self-interest, do you think I’m a greedy mare” She shouted angrily at Creuset who recoiled back a bit. “I made a promise and I’m going to keep it. You and I are in this together whether you like it or not,” She pointed a threatening hoof at him. “Even if I have to give up my job, I will keep my promise. Together!?” She asked as she held out her hoof.

Creuset looked at his friend’s hoof and thought for a while. This mare’s willing to stand by me even if she runs the risk of getting killed! He felt a warm and heavy feeling on his chest as if this is the first time someone was willing to do something like that for him. “Together!” He said as he slammed his hoof on hers. Lavender winced in pain and grabbed her hoof. “Sorry! I’m so sorry!”

Creuset was about to stand up from his stool when he was pushed back down by Lavender’s seemingly powerful telekinetic magic. “I’m fine… I’m fine” She said as she stretched out her hooves slowly. “So where have you been all this time Creuset?” She asked with a worried look on her face. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“And so have we!” A stallion called out. Everypony in the tavern turned to the doorway where the voice came from. There was a yellow unicorn stallion of an average build with a light blue mane who was standing next to a tall, slender and beautiful white unicorn mare with emerald green eyes and a silky blonde mane. “You think a forest fire is enough to set us off track. You have to try better than that.”

Author's Note:

I ain't dead yet!

Sorry for the long wait. I've had a lot of other personal stuff going on and that was why this update is a few months late.