• Published 28th Mar 2018
  • 530 Views, 16 Comments

Trapped in Equestria - The Spirit of Fire - Tropic_Turd

A being from another world gets thrown into a one filled with ponies eventually turning into one. This brave new world is filled with adventure, companionship and glory all of which will shape this young pony as he walks the path of life.

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Chapter 6 - Toasted Spring Rolls

Chapter 6 - Toasted Springrolls

“Come out and face me coward!” Brandy roared as he fired an explosive fireball like a mortar and destroyed one of the festival booths on the festival grounds in the town square. “Come on Creuset, I thought you were the stronger one so come out and face me to prove your point,” He shouted in frustration as he torched another booth. “Come on asshole! I’m waiting.”

The town was immediately evacuated the moment the fighting started between the two rivals. Civilians hurried out and left most of their belongings in favor of keeping their lives as two incredibly powerful fire mages fought in their town, burning buildings and tearing down most of towns infrastructure with ease while turning the sky black with smoke. But surprisingly none of the two stallions barely got hit and they only suffered cuts and minor burns.

It was clear to Creuset from the very start of the fight that taking brandy head on and fighting him with magic is suicide. The small stallion’s magic is slightly more powerful than his and the bastard already has a year of experience using it. So he decided to lure his rival to the town square where there was a wide open area as well as a sizable amount of booths for cover. But by doing so they were separated from their companions and now the two stallions are stuck in a cat and mouse game in the burning festival grounds.

Creuset peered out from one of the booths near Brandy and casually observed him. This guy sure knows how to manage his cooldown time. The stallion thought to himself as he observed how his rival rarely used his spells in quick successions to ensure that he doesn’t overheat. He also noted how his rivals low profile made it easier for him to dodge the his attacks.

I need to get close to make sure he doesn’t get a chance to dodge my attack. Or I could slam a piece of wood on him, he looks like he wouldn’t even be able to stand up after a little beating. Creuset exited the booth quietly keeping his head low and while holding a wet towel he picked up from one of the booths over his face. He began to silently stalk his rival.

I just need this bastard to expose himself! Brandy's eyes shifted rapidly as he searched the festival grounds for a sign of his rival. “Come out beefcake!” He taunted as he coughed.

The air was already beginning to thin out and smoke has already engulfed most of the town square. Brandy was sure his rival was also suffering from the smoke but he fears that he will be the first to die for he is indeed physically weaker. “Fuck!” He shouted as he continued to cough. How could I not find that huge fuck, he’s like a fucking tower. He began to feel dizzy as he blasted another booth with a fireball. I wonder how Champagne’s doing?

The eerie silence of the town square was broken when a pillar of light shot out off the ground and into the sky somewhere in the merchant district. Brandy stopped and stared at the amazing display of power. “Well it looks like she’s having a lot more fun than me,” He said as he spat on the ground.”

Now’s my chance! While his rival was distracted, Creuset took a heavy hardwood stool chair from a festival stall ran up to him.

Brandy smiled. Works every time. He thought as he heard soft pad hoofsteps rushing towards him from behind. He charged his horn with magic and readied himself. Three… two… He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. One.

“Surprise motherfucker!” Creuset let out a deep throated roar as he swung the stool chair downwards at Brandy with the force of five angry gorillas. To his surprise, Brandy disappeared after being shouded with light for a spilt second. The chair shattered as it hit the ground. Creuset took several steps back looking left and right for any sign of his opponent.

“Up here!” Brandy shouted.

Creuset stopped, turned around and looked up and saw a familiar looking silhouette obscured by smoke standing on top a lamppost a fair distance away from where he was. The two stood quietly for a while as they stared into each other, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Creuset quickly took the initiative to run away and find cover. Just as Brandy predicted.

The small stallion took aim and waited for a clear line of fire before sending a lance of pure heat flying towards his rival. Creuset saw the projectile from the corner of his eye and acted on instinct as he took another stool chair from one of the booths and threw it at the projectile.

The collision of the two objects caused an explosion about three meters away from where Creuset was. The blast was so powerful that it cleared the smoke in its surrounding area.

Creuset grunted in pain as wooden debris from the explosion was sent flying towards him ripping off bits of his jacket and injuring him. He staggered onto the ground because of the small shockwave the explosion cause while his ears rang from the sound of the blast.

Brandy saw his rival fall back onto the ground after trying to stand up once more. He’s dazed! Now’s my chance! He fired the single largest fireball he can conjure without it destabilizing and burning out.

Creuset managed to regain his composure just before Brandy sent the fireball flying towards him. It was big, but not big enough. The large pony didn’t even bother standing up and instead crawled rapidly towards one of the booths for cover eventually reaching one just in the nick of time.

Is he dead? Brandy asked himself as he leaned forward to get a better look. “Shit!” He shouted as he began to lose balance and fall forwards. He tried to lean back but instead of balancing himself he began to fall backwards. “Fuck, fuck, Fuck, FUCK!” He shouted as he completely lost balance.

Meanwhile. Creuset stood up and fired a stream of fire at Brandy while he was losing his balance. The spell missed Brandy’s face by and inch as he fell backwards. “Dammit!” Creuset shouted as he tore a long plank of wood from one of the booths intending to use it as a club. He charged towards his rival’s location ravaging any and all obstacles that stood on his path.

“Oh fuck!” Brandy muttered as he tried to catch his breath. I almost died! He thought as he got up. He looked over to where Creuset was and saw booths and other debris fly upwards as he heard a pair of hooves thundering towards him. “Oh shit!” He said as he ran away without a second thought but not before firing a fireball at the direction where the sound was coming from.

The fireball destroyed the last set of barriers that hindered Creuset from getting a clear line of sight. The buff stallion fired another stream of fire that was dodged by brandy when he went prone. Creuset used this opportunity as a way to close the distance between then.

Brandy looked back and saw the large stallion charging at him. He immediately fired a fireball out of instinct. Crap, Crap, CRAP! He thought as his heart raised.

Creuset fired a third stream of fire to cancel out the fireball that would’ve surely hit him. He continued to charge forward as he fired another stream but cursed himself when only sparks came out of his horn. “Fuck!” Creuset shouted as he doubled his speed. This is bad. This is bad! He thought after realizing his horn has overheated

Seeing Creuset’s condition and inability to cast a fire spell, Brandy took advantage of the situation by creating a wall of fire to keep his rival from reaching him at the cost of making his horn overheat as well. “Eat my shorts beefcake!” He taunted Creuset before running away.

“Eat my wood asshole!” Creuset replied as he hurled his wooden plank like a javelin at Brandy.

The plank found its mark and slammed into Brandy’s left hind leg. An audible cracking of the bone was heard by both of them as Brandy screamed. “Ah fuck!” The stallion screamed as he limped, determined to get away from his physically superior rival.

"Where are you Champ!" Lavender called out as she twirled her sabre, dagger and rapier. "Come on, stop hiding," SH demanded as she walked in the streets of the burning residential district of the town.

There was no response, but Lavender was certain she's being watched from afar. "What! Are you scared now that I disarmed you!" She taunted. "And you used to be the confident one. My, my, have times changed."

Her ears shot up when she heard laughing. "I admit I underestimated you Lavy," Champagne replied from a secure position. "I never thought you'd be able to best me by blade. But then again... I did underestimate you."

Lavender gritted her teeth. This is bad. She can see me but I can't see her!. "What! Are you too afraid to be bested by magic as well. That was quite a light show we pulled off earlier," She said. "How about we finish it!"

Her rival just laughed once more. "The meek and weak filly I bullied has now become a strong and confident mare! How amusing," Champagne said. "But are you sure that you still gave the strength to carry on fighting against me using magic?"

Shit! Lavender began to sweat profusely. She saw through my bluff! This is bad. This is very bad! She had carelessly tossed spells which all missed her opponent during their engagement. Champagne on the other hand barely used magic. "If you're so confident I can't last long. Then why don't you show yourself."

There was silence. "Very well," Champagne said. "I no longer see sense in continuing this deception. But before I reveal myself I want you to promise not to fire or attack," She demanded. "I have a... proposition."

Oh! This has to be some sort of trick. Lavender thought. "Now why in the hell would I do that!" She began to scan the surrounding areas. She must be in one of the buildings.

"I'm not in the buildings by the way. That would be far too obvious," Champagne said. "As for why you should trust me. Didn't you remember her saying. Now what was it again?"

Wait a minute. She couldn't possibly be referring to...

"She used to say it a lot to us young ones. 'Remember. There’s always a way to solve a fight without violence. Speak before you strike'" Lavender's eyes widened.


"What? You thought you were the only student Celestia gave that sort of attention," Champagne interrupted. "I was her student as well you know. And I took most of her teachings at heart. Hell, I even took her advice on what career I should take."

Lavender sighed. "Fine!" She dropped her weapons on the ground. "Enough dilly-dallying! Show yourself."

Lavender then heard the sound of clacking roof tiles. "Over here!" Champagne called out from the roof of one of the buildings.

Lavender glared at her. "I thought you said you were bot in the buildings."

Champagne laughed. "Still the gullible idiot I see. Its all in the wording Lavy. I said I was not in the building because in reality, I was on top of the building!" She taunted with a grin on her face.

Lavender gave out an annoyed sigh. "Just get on with it! And stop calling me Lavy. I'm not twelve anymore."

Champagne jumped off of the building and softly landed on the street. "Now about that proposition," She looked at Lavender. "We need to stop this."

Lavender stared at her in confusion and disbelief. "What!?"

Champagne sighed in annoyance. "Oh y Celestia! Can't you see you naive prick!" She said as she waved her hooves around. "Look around you!"

Lavender looked at the surrounding areas. The entire town was burning. There were no longer any ponies because the royal guards had evacuated them. The fact that they weren't attacked by the guards spoke volumes of how dangerous they were. At this rate they'll be branded terrorists. She bit her lip.

"Do you see now Lavender! We need to stop fighting," Champagne said. "We need to get Brandy and your..." She couldn't remember the name of Lavender's companion so she just improvised. "Coltfriend? Is he your coltfriend?"

Lavender blushed. "Heavens no! Creuset's just a friend and nothing else!"

Champagne gave an impatient sigh. "Fine, fine, whatever," She said. "My point is we need to stop fighting now. Because we are going to get into even more trouble if we do. What do you say?"

Lavender can see her point. "Its a temporary truce then," She replied.

Champagne gave a satisfied smile. "Deal!" She said as she stretched out her right hoof.

Lavender approached her. She was sure that her opponent won't do any tricks because even though they're both enemies, they're still students of the same teacher. "Deal!" She said as she shook Champagne's hand.

"its good to see that your grudges haven't blurred your vision," Champagne smirked and withdrew her hoof.

Lavender glared at her. "And its good to see that you've learned to have manners," She replied.

Champagne laughed. "You'll learn a lot of things in the military!"

Lavender's mouth was wide open in shock. "You! In the military!" She then laughed. "Oh you were always the clown weren't you."

Champagne just stared at with. "Not anymore apparently."

Lavender stopped laughing. "Army?"

Champagne nodded. "Army," She walked over to her rapier. "We should find those two before this gets worse," She said as she picked up sheathed her rapier.

Lavender snarled. "We're not through though!"

Champagne gave out another annoyed sigh. "Yes, yes, yes! There will be lots of opportunities to hack each other to death over stupid things we did when we were young."

Lavender glared at her. "WE! Last time I checked, you were doing all the-"

"Shut up already!" Champagne shouted. "The more we talk over this... shit! The longer our prison sentences will be."

"Fine!" Lavender said as she took her weapons.

The two of them began they're search.

"So, Lavender. How's life?" Champagne asked casually.

Lavender rolled her eyes. "Are you going to gr-"

"I'm just curious," Champagne interrupted.

Lavender wanted to scream at her in anger, but she held it back. "Well, I work at-"

"As Celestia's handmaiden, her seventh to be exact. And you're also the royal apothecary." Champagne interrupted once more. "She wrote about to me once. I want to know more about what you've been doing lately"

Lavender raised an eyebrow. "You were pen pals?"

"She's pen pals with all of her students. Except for the ones who live next door," Champagne explained. "So, how did you and Creuset meet."

Lavender was baffled. Normally, Champagne would've already began her alpha bitch mode. But she hasn't been that mean to her at all. In fact, she was more serious. There was that sudden outburst in front of the tavern, but it was justified because who wouldn't attack Creuset after being insulted like that by him.

Perhaps she matured. She thought. "Well you see. It all started when I met these travelers at the Everfree...."

I will skin that son of a bitch!The enraged Creuset thought as he hid inside a blacksmith’s shop. He and his rival and a wild goose chase that ended in the edge of the merchant’s district when Brandy decided to fight back. The resulting battle ended in a stalemate forcing the two to retreat to the building in the opposite sides of the street.

“Fuck!” Creuset shouted as he cauterized a cut on his leg that was inflicted on him by Brandy. “I swear I’ll get that cunt for this. I’ll-” He stopped when he saw something displayed on the wall inside the shop. A smile crept up in his face as he finally found something to balance the odds.

Oh this just keeps getting better and better!

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the street inside a merchant house on its second floor. Brandy moaned in pain as he applied a splint on his legs fracture. He didn’t receive any serious damage from his second engagement with him only getting a bruise on his left cheek as opposed to the cut he inflicted on his rival when he threw a knife at him.

“I’m keeping this,” Brandy said as he looked at the same knife he used while he struggled to catch his breath. Unlike his rival, he was not physically fit. In fact he was rather thin and unathletic. I fucking hate running. He stood up slowly. But I hate that son of a bitch more than anything else. He thought as he applied a minor healing spell on his fracture.

“That should do it,” Brandy told himself as he slowly trotted over to the window and took a peek. The street was empty and nothing interesting was coming out from the building where Creuset hid in. “Say your prayers motherfucker! He stepped in front of the window, opened it and threw every ounce of magic he can muster in to a single explosive fireball.

The spell hit its mark and it completely destroyed the shop sending a pillar of smoke flying up at least a kilometer into the sky. As the smoke cleared the only thing left standing was a large blackened crater in the place the blacksmith’s shop once stood.

“That should take care of that!” Brandy said as he sat down and smiled. He felt his fatigue overtook him and he was almost asleep when he was startled by a loud sound.

From what Brandy heard, it seems that someone has kicked down the front door on the first floor of the building by force. “Swoogitty swagitty! I’m coming for that Brandy booty motherfucker!” Shouted an all too familiar stallion.

“Oh shit,” Brandy felt his adrenalin kicked in as he stood up near instantly. He heard heavy hoofsteps and metal clanging as if some heavily armored stallion was moving up the stairs. “Oh shit he has armor,”

When he turned to the door, a longsword slashed through it lengthwise in a crude manner stopping at the midpoint of the door. “Oh shit, he has armor and a sword!”

The longsword was pulled out and a face peered in from the slashed section of the wooden door. The face was completely covered by a metal facemask but Brandy could make out who those light brown eyes belonged to. “Here’s Crucy!” The armored stallion crackled like a madpony before he stood back and began hacking the door with his sword.

Brandy just stood there in shock.

“You messed with the wrong unicorn Brandy!” Creuset said as he kicked the entire upper half of the door open. “You should’ve just walked away when you had the chance,” He said as he opened the locked doorknob of the room from the other side through the open part of the door.

Brandy had a split second to decide his next action. Fight or flight. In the end, he decided to jump out of the window and make a run for it. But that plan was scrapped the moment he landed on the ground as he felt the pain of his broken hind leg return. “Oh no,” he whispered to himself. I need to get out of here! He began to limp away and was stopped when he heard something big and heavy land in the building behind him.

The small stallion turned around and saw a tall fully armored pony with a sword raised forward and a shield slung on his back looking at him in the eye. “Let’s end this,” Creuset said as his horn glowed.

It’s over! Brandy thought as he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. He heard Creuset cast a spell and he was sure that he was going to die. So he waited, and waited… but nothing happened. He then noticed something odd, his hind leg was no longer hurt.

He turned forward only to see that his rival had casted a healing spell on him. “I want to end this properly,” Creuset said as he pointed his sword at Brandy. “So no more running! This ends here.”

Brandy smiled. “Sure!” He said. Well it turns out he isn’t that bad after all. He thought. At least he has the decency to not strike an injured pony.

“Now let’s see who will win,” Creuset said as the two began to circle each other. “One year of experience and a slightly more powerful version of my fire magic,” He twirled his sword around before pointing it at Brandy. “Or a large heavily armored stallion with a big fucking sword.”

Brandy didn’t reply. Instead, he threw a fireball at Creuset who sidestepped and galloped forward simultaneously. “Die!” Brandy threw a second fireball bigger that the first one while he ran backwards. Creuset didn’t have the time to dodge it. He held his front hooves out to block it and hoped for the best.

Brandy looked at the smoke cloud and waited anxiously. Did I get him? He asked himself. But then, he saw something in the smoke. It was the silhouette of a large pony running towards him. “Shit!” He shouted while preparing another spell.

Creuset emerged from the smoke screaming an incoherent battle cry. His helmet and most of his armor were stripped away by the blast leaving only the chestpiece. “Die!

Creuest rapidly closed the distance between the two of them. Brandy knew that it was too late to cast another spell to stop him so he did the unthinkable. He galloped forward, his horn pointing at his rival. Just give me an opening!

Creuset was undaunted by Brandy's sudden change of pace. Your bluff won't work! He thought. He swung his sword sideways at his enemy when he reached striking distance.

Now! Brandy used the momentum he built up and slid down on the ground. He went down under Creuset with ease thanks to his small size, avoiding the massive blade that would've decapitated him while giving him an opening to attack at point blank range. He fired a single heat lance at Creuset's chestplate piercing it without much effort before standing up after he had exited his rivals underside.

Creuset ran a fair distance before he realized what was wrong. What the.... He coughed up blood and turned around to face Brandy who was looking at him with a wide smile. He then heard his own blood dripping on the street, realizing why he had a stinging pain in his chest. His vision was now beginning to blur. "Damn you!" He roared as coughed out more blood before he tried to charge once more before collapsing on the ground. "Fuck!"

“I win,” Brandy said as he began to laugh in victory. This angered Creuset more that it should have. While the his rival was distracted with his supposed triumph, Creuset took the shield slung on his back and tossed it at Brandy using all the strength he had left.

The shield slammed into Brandy’s chest shattering several ribs and made him vomit blood. He then fell onto the floor and lied down on his back.

A brief moment of silence followed as the two ponies lied down on the ground.

Creuset looked over to where Brandy was while he kept pressure on his chest wound with a piece of cloth he ripped out of the sleeve of the jacket he wore underneath his armor. “Are you dead!?” he shouted and was surprised when his rival’s body began to twitch.

“I… don’t know,” Brandy mumbled as he coughed. “Are you?!”

“I don’t think so,” Creuset answered as he groaned in pain. His vision was getting worse. He was beginning to loose his peripheral vision and everything was gradually going black. Damn, I got hit really bad didn't I.

The large stallion began breathing heavily as his head began to feel light from his injuries. Brandy began to laugh much to Creuset’s surprise. “What’s so funny?” He asked the injured stallion laying on the ground.

“That was the best fight…” He took in a deep breath before groaning once more in pain. “-I’ve ever had!” He laughed and laughed like a little colt who finally found a playmate worth hanging out with. “It was kinda weird though.”

“What do you mean?” Creuset asked.

“You barely used your fire magic,” Brandy replied before coughing a few times.

“Well, you’re kinda better with it so I decided to use my one advantage,” Creuset explained before coughing. “And that’s why I charged at you with a fucking longsword.”

“Is that also why you ran away and hid like a little bitch?” Brandy asked the large stallion. "You know. The stunt to tried to pull off in the town square."

Creuset laughed a bit at his rival’s remark and coughed. “Good one Brandy!” His head suddenly felt lighter.

“How about we call this a draw” Brandy said.

“Yeah!” Creuset smiled. “How about we also do this again some other time?” Creuset asked his rival.

“Yeah… but next time, I’m gonna win!” Brandy sat up and smirked at Brandy.

“In your dreams shorty!” Creuset replied as the two laughed.

Though they had reasons to hate one another, but their rivalry was not very personal and both considered it to be a friendly one since the only reason they’re doing this is because some random spirit told them to.

“Suck a fat cock Creuset!” Brandy taunted the large stallion. “No seriously, eat a fat cock you size shaming shithead.”

Creuset didn’t respond.

“Hey Creuset!” Brandy called out. “Creuset!” He managed to find the strength to sit and look at Creuset. His body was motionless and blood was pouring out from his wound in a slow but steady pace. “Come on dude… You’re scaring me!”

Creuset didn’t respond.

“Oh, no…” Brandy muttered. “Help,” Brandy cried out. “Somepony… help!

Author's Note:

Feedback is always welcome!

Comments ( 3 )

Better writing but there are often redundancies, like saying the characters name again right in the next sentence, or that along boring identical sentence structure and do the same for the following one, like starting with. You might want to consider that aesthetic for your writing to give it a good flow.

Why was this cancelled?

I lost interest. I really don't know how to put it, but I just don't feel like continuing this story.

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