• Published 28th Mar 2018
  • 530 Views, 16 Comments

Trapped in Equestria - The Spirit of Fire - Tropic_Turd

A being from another world gets thrown into a one filled with ponies eventually turning into one. This brave new world is filled with adventure, companionship and glory all of which will shape this young pony as he walks the path of life.

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Chapter 5 - A shot of Brandy

Chapter 5 - A shot of Brandy

“Forest fire?” The barkeep asked as he wiped the counter with a towel. “The only forest fire that happened near here was-” he looked at Creuset and then at his cutie mark before looking at him again. Creuset smiled at him as he downed what remained of his cider in one big gulp.

“Who are you guys?” Lavender asked as she rested one of her hooves on her sabre’s grip.

The stallion ignored Lavender and started trotting slowly towards Creuset with everyponies eyes fixed on him. “On this very day over about a year ago, a spirit came to forth to me in the form of a cloud of smoke from the forge of my workshop,” He said as he snatched a bottle of cider from one of the tables, the pony who owned the bottle knew better than to mess with the intimidating stallion who casted a deadly aura that made him look as if he was engulfed in flame. “She gave me… an incredible set of gifts. There was a catch though,” He opened the bottle and drank its contents.

“So you’re the one she sent,” Creuset sat on his stool chair, silently staring at the empty tankard. ‘A year ago! Oh man you have got to be kidding me. This guy has a one-year head start!’ He was starting to fell woozy but he wasn’t drunk yet. “Well… I guess it would only be a matter of time before you find me.”

Lavender looked at Creuset in confusion. “What?” She was at a loss for words. “Who is-” She drew her saber and pointed it at the approaching stallion stopping him on his tracks. “I don’t know who you are and what you want with Creuset, but if you take another step I swea-”

Before she could finish, a blinding flash of light engulfed the tavern. When it cleared Lavender found herself staring at the point of a rapier only inches away from her face. She looked forward and saw the tall slender mare that was with the stallion holding the sword. “You!” She growled recognizing the mare standing in front of her.

“That’s it!” One of the local stallions stood up from his chair. “I came here to get wasted not to get caught in some High octane unicorn shit. I’m out,” He left and soon half of the tavern’s costumers were gone. The barkeep wasn’t complaining; he was just nervously cleaning the bar’s counter.

“I see our companions are already acquainted,” The stallion laughed a little. “By the way I haven’t introduced myself, I am Branding Iron but folk’s call me Brandy,” He looked at his tall female companion who had her eyes locked over to a smaller mare. Their swords were both pointed at each other’s throats. “And this fair lady over here is Champagne, she’s from Prance.”

He walked past the two companions and sat down beside Creuset. “Now. What do they call you?” He asked as he looked at the stallion who was sitting quietly. “Do you have a name, or do you prefer to be called by your sobriquet, ‘The Spirit of Fire’ as the spirit told me?”

Lavender’s eyes lit up at that revelation. This pony knows who her friend is and had made contact with the spirit. Just who is this guy? She looked at Creuset who gave her a quick look before turning back to his drink.

“Creuset,” He looked at the stallion sitting beside him and inspected him. His size was average for a stallion which meant Creuset looked down on him. ‘I guess the advantage I picked was worth it after all.’ He remembered where he spent those five ‘mana’ points that were given to him by the spirit when he chose to have a rival that’s better than him. That one trait is his only advantage against Brandy. “And that little fella over there’s Lavender.”

“Fuck you!” Laveneder barked

“Creuset huh,” He chuckled a bit ignoring Lavenders outcry. “Champ! Stop pointing your stick at Lav’s face. It’s rude.”

“For the last time, my name is Champagne,” Champagne replied with a voice so cold and sharp it would probably cut through diamonds.

“Whatever! I’m just trying to make a good first impression over here!” He shouted at the mare. Champagne whimpered slightly in surprise before sheathing her sword. She stared at Lavender before walking over to a chair and sat down. The whispers among the ponies that remained in the bar increased in volume. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how long have you been here?”

“Just a few days ago,” Creuset answered staring at the smaller stallion. Their deathly aura was getting everypony in the room nervous and sweaty. It was as if two vengeful souls were staring at each other face to face. “About a few minutes before the fire broke out.”

“I guess I also got a head start,” Brandy chuckled a bit before smiling mischievously. “About the catch that came with the… ‘gifts’ the spirit gave me. It wasn’t really a catch,” He said. “In fact, it was a gift. Because for the first time in my life I had something better to do than making branding irons. Now, I have to chase you all around Equestria to prove I’m better than you. And well… I think you already know it, I’m technically you, but better in every way.”

Creuset was silent for a while but then he broke the brief silence by laughing menacingly. “That’s simpley not true, Brandy,” He said with a wide soulless smile. He stood up from his stool chair revealing just how much larger he was compared to Brandy.

The boastful stallion almost fell out of his chair in surprise of how big Creuset was. ‘But… but how?’ he asked himself. ‘I thought I was supposed to be better. The why’s he bigger than me.’

Creuset cracked his neck joints. “You see my friend, you may be better than me in every way. But there is one trait I have that you don’t,” He dropped his saddlebags and unzipped his jacket before tossing it to Lavender who caught it. He stood there in front of the smaller stallion staring silently at him. He then flexed revealing how swole he really was. His bulging muscles glimmered and sparkled as the light radiating from the windows touched it. Brandy looked in horror and awe at the muscular stallion.

Champagne on the other hand licked her lips as she stared dreamingly at the muscular stallion. ‘I’d ride that!’ She thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Lavender was staring at him with her mouth wide open in shock. “I thought you were a flab,” Lavender said as she wiped her glasses to see if what she was looking at was real and real it was. She stared at him as her imagination began to run wild with dirty thoughts.

“Uhhh…” The barkeep handed Lavender a clean towel. “Ma’am your nose is uhh.”

Lavender wiped something that was dripping from her nose and saw that it was blood. “Oh dear,” She took the towel and wiped the blood with it before thanking the barkeep. ‘What is wrong with you Lavender!’ She thought to herself as she blushed. “Having dirty thoughts about that asshole! He’s not worth losing your chance at getting your job back after this is all done!” She muttered to herself.

“You see Brandy,” Creuset said as he flexed with a different pose. “I’m you, but SWOLE!” He began rubbing his biceps in Brandy’s face.

“Alright! Alright! I get it,” Brandy stepped back. “So the spirit gave you this one advantage. Sure you’re bigger, taller, physically stronger and…swole-er, but what difference does it make!” His horn began to glow violently yellow.

Creuset can already feel the rage building up inside Brandy, and for some reason it felt good. He stood proud and tall in a manner that implied he was superior while the latter was small and weak. “Sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of my contracting muscles,” The ponies in the tavern burst out laughing at the reply.

Brandy began to fume up being surrounded by ponies laughing at him. It even got worse when he noticed that even his companion Champagne was laughing so hard she began to tear up. “Quiet!” He shouted. And in an instant everypony was quiet. Brandy looked at Creuset with rage filled eyes. It was already bad the stallion pointed out that he was smaller than him and he just had to embarrass him further. “How about let’s take this outside and see who’s really better huh?”

Creuset’s grin grew even wider after Brandy challenged him. It was the moment he was waiting for, he had the perfect insult and Brandy just gave him the golden opportunity to drop it. “Ohh I’m sorry but I can’t,” He said plainly.

Brandy smiled as he felt his pride come back. “Well of course you ca-”

“Sorry, but I don’t fight colts,” Creuset interrupted as his smile grew even wider.

The entire tavern gasped out at that reply. “Damn son! That’s brutal,” The tavern’s barkeep said.

“W-what!” Brandy stammered as he felt his rage return.

“I prefer to take on stallions my own size,” Creuset looked at his rival with a smug smile that taunted him. “I’m not the type of pony that picks on little colts.”

The entire tavern gasped out even louder this time and some of them even began to giggle and snicker at Creuset’s insults while some began to laugh. “I like this stallion,” Champagne said as she stuggled to control her laughter. “He got you good Brandy, he got you good!”

Lavender began to worry about her friend’s actions and decided to take action. She trotted over to him and whispered at his side. “Creuset, I think he’s had enough,” She said as she handed him his jacket.

“This stallion walked into this bar and threatened us,” Creuset whispered back while he put on his jacket. “He insulted my honor and I’m not gonna let that pass easily.”

Lavender looked at the fuming stallion in front of Creuset. She can see in Brandy’s eyes that he was about to snap any moment now. She then looked at Creuset who had a face of pride plastered on his face and she knew that any attempt to stop him was futile. “If that’s what you want,”

“Everypony shut up!” He shouted at the ponies in the tavern but to no avail. They continued to laugh as if they were no longer afraid of him. “You… you’re going to regret this!” He growled at Creuset who laughed lightly at him. “I’m going to toast you so hard no one will be able to recognize you.”

“Aww, little Brandy’s having a tantrum,” Creuset spoke as if he was speaking to a little foal. “Does the little Brandy want upsies?” He asked in a mocking tone as ponies around him broke out in hard laughter. Champagne almost fell from her seat while laughing.

I will END you!” Brandy snarled angrily while he stomped his hoof on the floor.

“Aww isn’t he cute when he’s angry,” Creuset said as he rubbed the smaller stallion’s head. Brandy immediately slapped his hoof away.

“Creuset, stop!” Lavender attempted to stop Creuset. “He’s had enough,” She tried once more but he didn’t listen.

“I swear to Celestia I will-“

“Boop!” Creuset interrupted Brandy by booping him in his snout. Creuset giggled as Lavender stared at her friend in shock and disappointment. The was a brief moment of silence following the boop. And in that brief moment, Creuset found out what kind of face a pony makes when he’s about to murder somepony. Brandy’s horn glowed followed by a small yellow flash and the small stallion disappeared from Creuset’s line of sight.

Creuset remembered two important things in a split second. One, He may be stronger physically but Brandy is slightly better at him in every aspect of magic. Two, Brandy had a one-year head start so he’s probably more attuned to his abilities than he is and since he lived in Equestria most of his life, it probably isn’t beyond him to know teleportation.

“Creuset! Behind You!” Lavender shouted before Creuset heard a loud bang and everything went black.

Ugh!” Creuset groaned but to his surprise he wasn’t able to hear it. All he can hear was the heavy ringing of his eardrums. His eyes were clamped shut by the excruciating pain he felt all over his body as if he was thrown into a wall like a ragdoll. He coughed up dust as he tried to move but he couldn’t feel his limbs, he couldn’t feel anything at all except for the pain.

This is it! He thought to himself. I’m gonna fucking die. He breathed heavily as he waited for the dreaded moment where he’ll lose his consciousness. But then, something unexpected happened. He felt a warm liquid like substance cover his body. The warmth of the substance took away the pain and he could finally move and open his eyes.

Even though the pain was gone, his senses were still pretty numb and he could barely see shit. And even though the ringing of his ears was beginning to subside he can still barely make out anything he heard. But in front of him stood a kind and gentle white figure that seemed to whisper an angelic serenade. And even though his vision was blurred, he knew this pony must’ve been the most beautiful of its kind. “Are… you an… angel?” He asked as he gripped his chest, who knew speaking could be so painful. “Am I… dead!?

The angelic figure responded by slapping him hard across the cheek. Creuset’s vision and senses were restored to their former glory and he turned to the pony that slapped him… it was Lavender. “Can you hear me!” Lavender shouted at his face. Creuset responded with a confused nod. “Oh thank Celestia!” Lavender sighed in relief. “If I hadn’t casted that bubble shield you would’ve been killed. Still, you’re very lucky you only got minor injuries.”

Creuset looked around to see where he was. He found out that he was in the other side of the street in front of the Tavern. He looked at the tavern and saw that its entire front half has been blown up and smoke is rising from the building. Some ponies in the sidewalk were shivering while others ran away. To his relief, nopony aside from him was hurt. A whole fucking year and that’s how powerful he becomes! He stood up awhile Lavender tried to assist him stand. I thought he was only supposed to get a slight advantage. This has got to be a fucking joke. It wasn’t.

“Creuset!” Lavender called her friend’s attention. “Is there something you’re not telling me.” She looked at the damage done to the Tavern. “Who is this guy?”

“You already know that,” Creuset answered a while he dusted off his jacket. “He’s me… but better.” He looked at the wrecked tavern

“Shall we continue… my dear Creuset!” A shadowy figure emerged from the smoking building. His red eyes burned with both hatred and passion as he smiled wickedly while three large fireballs floated above him. “I’m going to show you how much of a difference one year makes!” Brandy’s aura intimidated every bystander to the point where they all galloped away screaming in fright.

Creuset stood in an aggressive stance and was prepared for the worst. But to his surprise, his friend Lavender stood in front of him in a defensive stance. She covered herself with a bright pink colored bubble shield made out of light while five floating sunlight lances hovered above her head. Creuset felt weak and useless. a while ago he was bragging about how he’s stronger than Brandy and now here he is, dazed and weak while his friend stood between him and his enemy. “Lavender…” He said as he swallowed his pride. “I’m sorry, I should’ve-”

“We’ll talk about this later!” Lavender barked at him and Creuset could’ve sworn that he heard himself whimper. He felt his grief and shame overtake him. He was weak and his actions were a proof of that.

The small mare then turned to Brandy who was laughing at them. “The great and muscular Creuset is whimpering while a small and cute little mare is protecting him from me!” He roared in laughter. “Pathetic!”

Lavender drew her saber and dagger. “My name is Lavender Oil, fourth child and only daughter of Baron Diesel Oil.” Lavender announced with pride as she stood in an aggressive stance pointing her sabre at her adversary. “And I am not Cute!” She launched her five lances at Brandy while the stallion sent forth his three fire balls. The three crashed and exploded with three of Lavender’s lances but two went through and were heading for his head. But they were stopped in the last possible moment by a green barrier that stood in front of brandy.

“Perfect timing Champ!” Brandy smiled as Champagne trotted to his side.

She held out her rapier and cracked her neck joints before speaking. “My name is Champagne!” She looked at her companion with the same annoyed look she gave him earlier. “And you will address me as such.” The Prench mare demanded.

“Whatever,” Brandy replied with a smirk. “I’m just glad you’re on my side.” He looked at Lavender who was still standing in front of Creuset. That loyalty… I wish Champagne could show me that kind of respect. He thought as he looked at his companion who just stood at his side and avoided eye contact. “By the way Creuset, my companion’s also better than yours in every way. Hell, I think you’re better off without her babysitting your ass.”

Brandy’s low-key insult at Creuset’s friend sparked something inside of the large stallion. For some reason he was filled with the determination to stand up for her friend who would go to hell and back for him. You just made this personal bitch! The stallion thought. Brandy can throw as many insults as he wants at him and he’ll just laugh it off. But if he throws even the lightest insult at Lavender, a treasured friend who stood up for him even against all odds, he will never find it in his heart to forgive his rival.

“You know what…” Creuset walked over to his friend’s side and charged his horn with magic. “I don’t give a shit!” He said with a smug smile. “My Lavender is the sweetest, kindest and hottest mare in Equestria!” He roared proudly as he looked at Lavender and smiled while she looked away in an attempt to hide her blush. “Anyway. Your companion’s an ugly motherfucker,” He looked at the duo while acknowledging his friend’s unexplained hatred against Champagne. Champagne gasped in surprise. “She’s a goddamn toothpick,” Champagne looked at him in disgust. “And I bet she’s just some half used whore you found on the sidewalk!”

“Now you listen here you disrespectful Piece of shit, I’ll have you-”

Die!” Champagne interrupted Brandy’s reply by shooting a large beam of pure light at Creuset and Lavender. Creuset and Lavender dodged the attack by dashing to their right. “How dare you insult me!” Champagne nagged. “I’ll have you know that I am Champagne Glass the eldest daughter of Champagne Cork the Duke of Champagne.” She pointed her rapier at Creuset. “And I will hang you by the neck on the highest tree in Equestria!”

Creuset leaned towards Lavender’s ear “I’ll take Brandy, you take the toothpick,” He ordered.

Lavender looked at him with a smile. “Consider it done!” She replied with a gentle smirk. “Nice insult by the way,” She said as she charged up her horn. “For a second there I thought you were gonna ditch me and run.”

“Anything for you hot stuff,” Creuset replied with a wide smile as he confidently walked to Lavender’s side.

Lavender felt her face heat up and looked away. “Whatever!” She huffed while Creuset giggled.

Brandy looked at his adversaries in envy. He always wanted his relationship as a companion with Champagne to be like that. He wanted that sweet and kind friendship. He was supposed to be better than Creuset yet his standing with his companion is leagues below his rival’s ‘Why… why does he have to be better at that aspect. Why can’t I be happy like that.’

Unbeknownst to him, Champagne was also thinking about the same thing. ‘Why does Lavender of all ponies get such a fine and humorous stallion to travel with her.’ Even though she hated Creuset for his earlier insult, he admired the pony for his ferocious loyalty and respect for his companion. Something she never felt while being with Brandy. ‘And why do I have to be paired with such an idiotic lowlife like Brandy.’

“Alright Fillies and Gentlecolts!” Creuset announced sarcastically with confidence and poise. “Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?” He asked his rival’s mockingly as he and Lavender lunged forward.