• Published 25th Jun 2018
  • 7,251 Views, 120 Comments

You Know I'm a Mare Right? - TheAnimerican

Everyone knows that Rainbow Dash is a mare right?

  • ...

Playing Dress Up

"Rainbow Dash? Are you still back there?" asked Rarity.

"I am not coming out," Rainbow Dash replied from behind the dressing screen.

"Why not? Are you not the one that came to me to find a dress that suits you?" questioned Rarity.

"Well yeah, but I am not used to this. Somepony will see me and my image will be tarnished," argued Rainbow.

"Darling, you already feel that from being called a stallion," Rarity reminded her. She covered her mouth immediately after realizing what she had just said. She cleared her throat and tried to choose her next words more carefully, "Sorry Rainbow. What I meant to say was that umm... Your image wouldn't be tarnished, but put you in a different setting. It would show other ponies that you are seeking a change in yourself. There is always a point in a pony's life when they want to try something new. So come on out and let's have a look at the new you." Rarity could hear small hoof steps behind the screen. She assumed this was Rainbow not able to make up her mind.

Rainbow groaned at the discomfort of the dress. No matter how many times she has worn them, she never liked the feeling of the fabric. Also, she always felt that wearing clothes limited her flight capabilities. There have been times where she actually ripped the clothes off her back after taking flight. However, out of respect for her friend, she fought the urge to make these dresses her next victims. Besides, Rarity was right after all. It was her own fault that she was in this predicament. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "You better not laugh."

"Oh of course," Rarity agreed to the demand. "I wouldn't laugh at a time like this. Besides, laughing at you would be like laughing at one of my own designs." Rarity stated. "Now Dash, let me see how the dress looks on you.

Coming out from behind the screen, Rainbow walked out in the dress that Rarity had chosen for her. The upper portion of the dress was a soft apricot colored fabric. On the neckline, there was an amethyst jewel. The lower half of the dress was purple with white zircon gems sewn into it. Looking at that end of the dress was like looking at the night sky.

Rarity was so proud of her own creation. Her eyes lit up as much as the dress. Not only did she succeed in creating another beautiful dress, but she also succeeded in getting Rainbow into a dress without a struggle. She wanted to celebrate as she thought this day would have never come. "Darling, you just look absolutely divine," Rarity complimented her friend.

Rainbow blushed in embarrassment. Although she loved receiving praise and attention from just about anypony, nopony has ever described her that way before. She walked to a nearby mirror to see what the fuss was about.

Even Rainbow had to admit that the dress was not bad. Despite the discomfort, she thought it looked good. However, she couldn't help but feel that something just didn't seem right.

Rarity noticed this and her smile slowly faded away. "What is wrong Rainbow? You don't like it?" Rarity asked.

"Huh? No no no. It isn't that at all. The dress is cool and all but..." Despite how Rainbow felt, she just couldn't think of the right words. She wasn't lying, she thought the dress was nice, and she did like it. Yet she couldn't figure out what it was that scratched behind her head. "I don't know," said Rainbow, "The dress is nice and all, but I don't know how to feel about it."

Rarity wasn't hurt by the comment, but she was taken aback. Based on past experiences, a thought came to mind. "Aha! I think I know what it is."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "You do?"

"Darling, I run three different boutiques. This isn't the first time I came across this little dilemma. Maybe it isn't a dress you need. Maybe you just need a certain style," Rarity suggested. "The style you are wearing is considered an 'elegant' style of apparel." Rarity then lit up her horn and rummaged through her racks of clothes. She then found a couple of pieces and laid them on Rainbow's back. "Now Rainbow, go ahead and try those on."

"Huh?" Rainbow questioned. "You can't be serious. Do you know how long it took me to get into this dress?"

"Yes," Rarity replied instantly, "You had just passed the twelve-minute mark. Surely it couldn't take you that long to get out of the dress.

"You're right," Rainbow agreed, "It will take me even longer. You know you could help me."

"But I want to be surprised," Rarity said in a pout.

"Ugh. Fine," Rainbow accepted her defeat. "At least help me get out of this dress."

Almost instantly, with the use of her magic, Rarity slipped the dress off Rainbow with ease, placed it on a hanger, and returned it to the assigned rack. "There you go!"

Rainbow, stood there with a blank expression, still wondering what had just happened. She checked herself to see that the dress had indeed disappeared. Also, with the new stack of clothes still on her back. "What? But-How did you-? Wait, if you can do that then just help me with these clothes!"

"Nope. I want to be surprised and I only agreed to help you out of them. Now go on and try them on," Rarity waved her hoof at Rainbow.

"Ugh!" Rainbow said in an irritated tone. "I swear. What was I thinking?" she asked herself.

***20 Minutes Later***

"20 minutes?" Rarity asked, "20 minutes to change? You have got to be kidding me. It doesn't even take Twilight this long to rearrange her bookshelves!"

"Maybe if you HELPED me, it would have been 10 seconds flat!"

"Well, what is going on back there? Are you having trouble?"

"Why no Rarity," Rainbow answered sarcastically, "How could I have any trouble getting into tighter clothes, with pegasus wings, and NO MAGIC!?!"

"Fine fine, I can take a hint," Rarity annoyed, "But I am not happy that the surprise will be ruined for me now." Rarity used her magic and took hold of the screen.

"Wait! Wait! Don't-!" Rainbow tried to stop her, but it was already too late.

Once the dressing screen was out of the way, Rarity still got her surprise. However, it was not at all what she expected. Rainbow was on the floor and tangled in the black and white striped shirt she gave her. In fact, where the front hooves were supposed to slip into, the wings found their way through them instead. Rarity's jaw dropped at the sight, "Rainbow, how in Equestria did you turn that shirt into a straitjacket?"

Still on the floor, Rainbow looked up to her friend, "Well the shirt you gave me was tighter than it looked. So I thought I could use my wings to stretch it out enough for me to slip my legs through. Instead of my legs, it was my wings that slipped and I fell down. For the record, I could have ripped my way out of here, but knowing you you probably would have been pretty mad. You think you can HELP me now?"

Without saying a word, Rarity used her magic to get Rainbow out of the shirt with ease. Also, she helped Rainbow back on her hooves. "Rainbow, I am sorry you went through that. I will help you from here on and no need to surprise me any further."

"Forget it Rarity. I can't do this. I don't know how you put up with it. The different styles, what matches with this or that, I just don't get it," said an annoyed Rainbow Dash. "Rarity, clothes is just not meant for me. I don't think ponies were meant to be wearing them period!"

Rarity gasped at the statement, "Rainbow Dash! Designing apparel is an art and it is my life. You are my friend, but I will not have you say such horrible things in my presence!"

Rainbow realized what she said and felt guilty at her friend's words. If somepony said something similar to her about flying, she would have retaliated the same way or maybe even worse. She gave Rarity an apologetic look, "I'm sorry Rare, but I just can't wear clothes. No wonder almost everypony sees me as a stallion. Maybe I should just accept it." Rainbow looked down feeling defeated and she hated to lose.

"Now hold on there darling. It is as you said, clothing just isn't for everypony. I mean, look at Twilight, Fluttershy, or even Applejack. They are mares and they don't dress nearly as much as I do," Rarity attempted to cheer up Rainbow.

"Rarity, you can't really compare. Fluttershy acts like a scared little filly and doesn't act like a stallion in the slightest. Twilight doesn't even have to prove anything since she has been given the title 'Princess.' And Applejack-" Rainbow stopped herself and puzzled for a moment. "Actually, she gets just as dirty as I do, she is stronger than most stallions, and she acts just as much a stallion as I do... How the hay do other ponies see her as a mare!?!"

Rarity contemplated on Rainbow's words and she too was at a loss, "You know I am not quite sure myself darling. As you said, she does have the qualities that can match another stallion. Yet other ponies recognize her as a-," Rarity stopped herself as an idea popped into her mind. "Ah! I think I got it!" Rarity stated.

"Huh? What? What!?!" Rainbow questioned.

"You see darling, she doesn't act like much of a mare now. However, in the past, she was taught how to be a well-mannered mare and has already shown herself as one throughout Ponyville."

"Wait, she has?" Rainbow asked.

"Of course. Remember Rainbow? She went to Manehattan for a short time to live with her upper class relatives. There, she was taught proper manners and how to be the ideal mare."

"Yeah I remember, but how does that help me?" Rainbow asked confused.

"Don't you see Rainbow? It wasn't a dress you needed, you just need to act more like a mare," said Rarity.

"Rarity, I don't want to go asking Applejack for help."

"You won't have to," Rarity said with a smile. "For you see, I too know the ways of etiquette and I can teach you myself," Rarity said proudly as she rested her hoof on her chest.

Although this didn't seem like a bad idea, Rainbow was once again getting that same bad feeling she got from before she tried on the clothes. "Well, at least I am not trying on dresses. This shouldn't be too hard," Rainbow thought to herself.

"Now Rainbow, why don't we start with the basics," Rarity suggested. Suddenly, from another area of the room, she levitated a six-inch-thick book and dropped it between Rainbow and herself.

Rainbow gulped, "WHAT THE-!"

Author's Note:


I know this took so long to write up and once again I apologize.
I finally found inspiration again and I hope to finish this.
Also, I already have other stories in mind and in motion.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter until the next one!

Comments ( 28 )

Oh no, not ETIQUETTE!!! Fly, Rainbow Dash, fly away while you still can!

I feel bad for rainbow and yet at the same time I don't

I have an example of etiquette book. The problem is, it’s not on the internet. It’s a screenshot

6 inches thick?! Rainbow's reaction was entirely justified.

Things Rainbow can do to present in a way that screams "I'm mare"

1. Etiquette.
2. Alter her casual behaviors. (This goes far beyond etiquette)
3. A bit of regular makeup.
4. Voice training to change the natural pitch and resonance of her voice (that raspy voice is probably one of her most androgynous characteristics).

Number 2 feels like it would be trying to rewrite who she is. Number 1 feels like it would fall short. Number 3 just doesn't seem like Rainbow would enjoy having to deal with daily.

Number 4 is what I would recommend; it does take a lot of work and practice up front, but once the voice is trained it just becomes her natural voice (using her old voice would be hard to impossible to do and just feel weird and unnatural) and doesn't require her to actively do anything from there on out.

The first thing I thought upon seeing the title and thumbnail was this:

Fluttershy: "You know she's a mare, right?"
Rainbow Dash: "You know I'm a mare, right?"
Rarity: "No you're f***ing not."
Rainbow Dash: "No really! I'm a-"
Rarity: "I said. No. You're f***ing. Not."

Makes sense though. Most of the “advanced” etiquette is trivial details created by upper echelons to make themselves appear superior to the lower classes. The number of rules that exist concerning tableware alone could take a few hundred pages.

The funny thing is, when I saw the first episode for the first time I entirely thought Rainbow Dash was a Stallion and the token male character of the main cast. Her voice was the biggest factor in this belief.

WHAT THE-!! :pinkiegasp:

Things just got more intense. Most excellent.

*Cackles evily* Oh this is getting GOOD >=)

Thanks for keeping the story alive! And looking at it it was well worth the wait :) Keep it up buddy!

Now say after me Rainbow "The rain in Spain fsll mainly on the plain!"

Heh, I have seen some folk here who are also bald fillies that been here since 2015...
I did made a couple OCs... But I wouldn't use them for an avatar since, you know, they aren't me....

Almost instantly, with the use of her magic, Rarity slipped the dress off Rainbow with ease, placed it on a hanger, and returned it to the assigned rack. "There you go!"

Well, unicorn magic is kinda cheating...

"Actually, she gets just as dirty as I do, she is stronger than most stallions, and she acts just as much a stallion as I do... How the hay do other ponies see her as a mare!?!"

I have been wondering abou that, too.

Good chapter!
I'm happy to the the story continues!


Always good to hear from you! :twilightsmile:

I can say the same about you!

I would like to throw this out there right now. I wrote this fic for pure entertainment. I am in no way judging females or claim to know exactly how females act. I apologize if I offended anybody.

Honestly: That offends me. You're talking to me, and your other readers, as if we're a bunch of children! You're talking down to us.

Yes, one or two people might throw hissy-fits. Those types just want to be angry. If someone's determined to be angry and unreasonable: Just delete his posts, and block him. I don't think talking to your readers like that is called for, or necessary.

I have NO idea how you got that through that message. I don't talk down to anyone because I am just as human as the next person. I am just someone who enjoys writing.

Also, I don't delete comments because everyone is entitled to their opinions.

If I did offend anyone, that was the whole point of the apology. So please think about what you just did.

To follow up on that last comment, did anyone else feel that way?

If so, those were not my intentions. I am so sorry if it made anyone else feel that way.

Granted, I'm only slightly offended. But I think you really overdid the pre-empitive apology, to the point of being insulting to your readers.

And yes, I realize the irony of causing offense, by making a pre-empitive apology for offending people. But you sound like you're afraid we're going to snap at you, over this silly little story! And it's not nice to treat people like they're going to snap at you.

You know what else isn't nice?

Taking things out of context and judging what you think I meant by it. So next time, think before you judge people's actions.

It's not a matter of "jugging your actions", or of what you meant by it. It's a matter of how it comes off. And honestly: I think the pre-empitive apology comes off as insulting the audience.

I've given you my advice: Be careful with pre-empitive apologies, and don't treat your readers as if they'll be offended by a silly little story like this. Take my advice, or don't take it.

And to be clear: I like this story, "silly little story" isn't meant to insult it.

Edit: Put it this way: I don't think you owe anyone an apology for this story! I think the overwhelming majority your readers are grown-up enough, not to be offended by it.

And that's why the apology comes off as insulting: Because it implies that we're not grown-ups.

I probably should have been more careful with my choice of words though. Apparently, I came off as kind of hurtful and insulting.

I can relate, though as the vice versa (a male mistaken for a female). It doesn't happen these days because I cut my hair and bulked up, but in the past, I had longer hair and no to little muscle definition. Much of my DNA is taken from my mother, since we look pretty much the same. Soft spoken, not a very deep voice. Then I guess you could consider my mannerisms to be feminine. So often got called "miss" - even my stepmom grabbed me by the shoulder once while I was talking with my dad because she thought some woman had approached my dad. Like, who the heck is this chick talking to my man. Somehow forgot that I was there.
Anyway, while altering my appearance helped, I found it better to just not fuss about it, eventually. It gets to a point where it happens so often that it just doesn't bother you anymore. If someone called me "ma'am," I'd just play along and not say anything.

Also, I have to agree with comments that it's RD's voice. That's the difference between herself and AJ, one has a clearly feminine voice whereas the other can be mistaken. I didn't think RD was male, but her voice makes me think of English dub Naruto Uzumaki. Come to think of it, they both somehow seem similar...
Anyhow, I'll be watching in case this continues.

Its dead, Jim.

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