• Published 7th Jul 2018
  • 8,707 Views, 122 Comments

Warrior To Hero - Flowjam

A young man transported to equestria. Becoming a hero to the ponies slowly and rising up to being a point figure in the equestria world

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Chapter 10 Saving more lives, Griffonstone colosseum!

In the land of equestria, a new day shined upon ponyville as everypony started to wake up. Twilight sparkle was one of those ponies, waking up as the light from celestia's sun hit her face. Getting up, and yawning twilight got out of bed, streached her arms. She then went to waking up her little brother spike. Twilight stared at the little dragon in his bed, looking over his form. He was completely healed thanks to drake, having no marks or scars at all, even she was impressed "I still can't believe he was able to save use all, and heal spike with no problem at all" twilight whispered.

The thought of drake, got her thinking about him "He fought all of those monsters and won! Used magic I've never seen before, and was good looking too~" she blushed when picturing drake's features in her head, she remembered his red eyes that made her sigh in bliss. She quickly shook her head and went back to what she was going to do. Tapping spike, and moving his arm twilight said "Spike.... wake up, time to get up and make use breakfast. And for drake, and skyress too"

Spike groaned, he sniffed the air and yawned "Breakfest is already done" he started going back to sleep.

Twilight looked at spike in confusion, that is until her nose caught the smell of food. She turned her head towards the door "Breakfast? But who would be making-" her eyes widen and shook spike awake "Get up, get up, get up!"

Spike got up, he wiped his eyes "Ok, ok I'm up. I don't know why your rushing" he sniffed the air "Is someone making breakfest?" twilight didn't answer, and used her magic to lift spike up as she headed out the door. Walking down the steps, she heading towards the kitchen smelling perfectly cook breakfast that stopped twilight in her tracks.

Spike said "Woah! It smells so...... good~" his tongue rolled out because of the smell. That's when they heard two voices inside the kitchen "Are you almost done dad?" It was skyress, she was awake earlier than twilight and spike thought.

They both heard a chuckle, twilight found it cute "Patience sky, I'm about to finish the last pancake"

Twilight and spike looked at each other, both saying "Pancake?" Very confused at what drake was doing. Walking inside together, they first see skyress jumping up and down on her seat, really wanting what drake was making.

Twilight turned her head where drake was "Dracule what are you d-d-d-d" she stuttered as her face turned beat red at what she was seeing, and she wanted to continue staring all day. Cooking breakfast, drake was standing in front of the oven flipping pancakes with ease. What got twilight acting like this was because drake was shirtless, showing off his muscled upper body, and abs that made her mouth water.

(Something like this)

Drake turned to them, he continued flipping the pancakes landing them onto the pan without looking "Morning twilight, spike. I thought I would make breakfast for you two" drake wanted to show how thankful he was to them for letting him and skyress sleep inside their libary home.

Spike was wondering how drake was flipping the pancakes without looking, and found it cool "Wow, thanks drake. Usually I'm the one making breakfast but this Is nice. But I have to ask, why are you shirtless?"

Drake looked down at his chest, and back at spike "I sometimes take my shirt off when sleeping, I didn't think about putting one on when waking up" he looked unsure "If it bothers you two, I can go put one on"

Spike waved his claw "Its cool, we guys got to show our free spirits at times" his comment made drake chuckle "And twilight doesn't mind either, right?" He looked up at her and saw she wasn't listing "Twilight?" No response, this time he shook the dream state twilight bringing her back to normal.

"Huh?!" Twilight wasn't listing and tried acted that she was "Yes! That's right, I agree at whatever spike said" nodding her head, trying to act the part. Drake grinned at her, seeing right trough her and finding her acting cute.

Drake finished the last pancake he was making, and set down four plates of pancakes on the table "There we go dracule's ultimate pancakes, enjoy" he sat down next to skyress that was already eating her pancakes like a wild animal. Twilight and spike also sat down across from them. Spike looked at his pancake in all different sides, he plucked a piece and ate it.

Spikes eyes widen, he then smiled "This taste great!" He bit a good chunk of it, and just like skyress he started eating the same way. Drake rolled his eyes at their antics.

"I know my cooking is great but can you two eat more civil, this isn't a zoo" skyress and spike heard him, they sheeply said sorry and ate in a more normal fashion. Twilight watched spike eat his pancake and wanted to try hers out. Eating a piece, Twilight's eyes widen at the taste, she said after swallowing "Spikes right, this Is good! What is this dracule?"

Drake answered "Its nothing much, I just found the right stuff to use in making a mix for the pancakes. Sorry in advance for using your kitchen without asking"

Twilight smiled at drake, his actions of making food for her and spike, and apologizing was sweet to her. His personality to be both strong, brave, and cocky, then being kind, thoughtful, and respectful was very fascinating. Twilight has never met anything like drake, and she wanted to know more for a few good reasons. Twilight blushed "He's so interesting, and uses magic I've never seen anypony use before. I hope he could answer my questions. Wait! What if he thinks that's the only reason I let him into my house?!" Twilight thought, she was having a hard time inside her mind but then she noticed something.

"Wait a minute. I've never thought of things like this before. Could it be...." she was then brought back because of spike shoving her arm. Twilight looked down at spike, seeing what he wants.

Spike pointed at her pancakes "Are you going to eat those?" He wanted more pancakes. Twilight shook her head and ate a pancake showing him his answer. Spike slump down, making drake and skyress that saw what happen laugh.

After everyone was done, drake said "Alright, I'm going to head over to town hall, and talk to mayor mare about the house" he got up and was about to leave but twilight stopped him.

"Wait!" Drake stopped, he turned around as she reached out for him. Spike and skyress walked pass him, going to do their own thing in the meantime. Drake looked down at twilight waiting for her to speak.

Twilight messed around with her hands, trying to steel herself but failing. She's never felt like this before, she knew why but it was her first time feeling this type of emotion. Thinking on what she wanted to say, Twilight breath out and spoke in her usual way.

"Dracule, it has come to me that I am feeling something for you. We may have just met but I have reasons that involve me l-liking you, in a more r-r-romantic feeling" twilights face was red because of her blushing.

At the time drake thought in his head "Did she just openly say, she's in love with me?" Because this was a first time thing for him. Well second thanks to Greta but this was really fast. He doesn't even know twilight that well except that she looks really smart and needs everything to be on time.

He stayed silent as she continued "A-and I would like it if you would become my c-coltfreind" her voice lowered but drake heard her perfectly. This was really bad, because he's already in a relationship with Greta so he's going to have to drop the bad news to twilight.

Drake scratched his head, and sighed. Twilight looked worried and sad seeing him sigh, drake said "Look twilight your a nice mare, you let me and skyress into your home without question. And for that I'm grateful, you'd be a great girlfriend" twilight smiled slightly, hearing Drake day that. But knew there was a but from how distant he looked.

"But I'm already in a relationship with someone else. Sorry but I can't be with you" drake thought she would turn away from being rejected like all girls would, but she didn't.

Twilight took on a thinking look, she said "So your ok being together, but your dating someone else"

Drake nodded slowly "Yeah but not right away, need to get to know each other and all that" he waved his hand in a circular mothion.

Twilight put that in her mind stored for later "Do you know anything about equestria's pony culture?" drake shook his head because he doesn't know anything about pony culture or any other in this world.

Twilight smiled widely that kinda scared drake for how her mood switched "Do you know what herds are, dracule?" Know that was a weird question. Thinking drake remember that animals like cows or horses have herds but didn't know why she brought something like that up.

Drake said "Well yeah, it's when one male gets to breed more than one female" twilight nodded like a teacher about to teach a student.

"That's right, in simpler terms for animals. But can be used for other creatures in equestria" drake looked at her in surprise, putting together what that means "Meaning herding can be used for ponies, griffons, even dragons in equestria"

What she said blew drake's mind. Never did he think something like herding would be used in real life for sentient beings. Drake said "But wait, why would that be a thing. Is there a reason?"

Twilight nodded "Yes, herding is mostly used for ponies more than any other creature because of the low count of stallions. The number between stallions and mares is 10 out of 100" know drake was beyond suprised, he was shocked. He showed this by leaning his head back, his eyes widen in shock.

Twilight suspected he would be shocked "From your reaction I guess herding is something your kind don't do" he nodded slowly, then shook his head from his bewildered state.

Drake know understood what twilight was talking about "So that means I can date more than one chick, and not be in trouble by it" she nodded "How many can be in a herd?"

"The number can go as many mares a stallion wants. Only those that want to be with said stallion can raise the number on its own" twilight said. Drake didn't know how he should think about this. Herding and being with more than one girl would be any guys dream, it wasn't a bad thought.

Drake rubbed his hair "Huh, that's very interesting" then smiled at twilight, she blushed "Guess that means we can date. How does this work?"

Twilight gladly told him "Every herd needs a lead mare, and seeing as you didn't know and just made one I'd be your lead mare if this relationship goes well between use. Meaning I get to choose if any mare is ok to join your herd with your thoughts also. And as lead mare, I'm first before others that might join in the future"

Drake thought "So like a normal herd, but more in mind" he placed his hand on twilight's shoulder, she jolted from his touch "Ok, this may be going fast so let's take this slow" she nodded fast, drake took his hand back "Cool, I'll be back later" drake walked out and headed back up the stairs.

Twilight followed and watched him head up stairs, and when she heard the door open and close she jumped up in the air in joy "Yes! I can't believe I did it, but I did! My first coltfreind, and it's someone that's everything I wanted, this is a dream come true" she landed and did a funny dance.

But then someone coughed out, making her stop. Turning she sees spike and skyress looking right at her, making twilight freeze in place, spike said "Congratulations twilight, I think" he look away with a shaky smile on his face, looking like he was about to laugh.

Skyress held in her laughter "Y-yeah we heard everything. Nice little dance, really showed your stuff there" know that made spike laugh out, and made twilight blush in embarrassment. Drake came down wearing a white undershirt, his coat, black pants, and boots, he also brought his bag of bits. He heard what happened in the room, he had a smile on his face as he was leaving.

"No making fun of twilight, skyress. I'll be back once I'm done talking to mayor mare" he opened the door and looked back "Listen to twilight, her house, her rules ok?"

Skyress said "Ok dad" hearing her, drake left and headed to town hall. Walking through ponyville, drake looked around seeing constructor ponies working on houses. He could feel a peaceful aura from the town, even if they were attacked yesterday everything seemed fine to them.

Drake got greeted by many ponies saying thanks, and morning to him like he was apart of the town. He waved back but continued on his way, seeing town hall up ahead. Getting there, drake opens the doors to see a mare messing with her nails. Knowing she worked here, drake walked up to her desk "Excuse me, I'm here to see mayor mare"

The mare looked bored, she said "Sorry but she's not in today, please come back later" she sounded uninterested ignoring drake as she painted her nails.

Drake knew she was lying, remembering what mayor mare said about meeting her in the morning. Using the good guy route, drake said "Excuse me miss, but I was told by mayor mare herself to talk to her the next day about owning a house here in ponyville"

His plan didn't work "And like I said she's not here right know so please leave" she strained the wotds. Still painting her other nail, on her other hand. She spoke harsher that pissed drake off. So he convinced her in his own way. Slamming his hand in her desk, he cracked it in half, she finally looked up having a face of shock and fear seeing it was dracule knight that she was speaking to.

"And like I said, I was told to be here. So cut the crap and buzz her in that I'm here. I can hear her behind those doors" he pointed at the double doors "Do your job unless you want me to tell her your poor work skills and have you fired" drake stared down the mare, his red eyes burning through her.

She nodded fast and stuttered her hand to her mic. Clearing her throat, she presses the button "M-mayor mare, dracule knight is here to see you..."

Mayor mares voice spoke back "Good, let him in" she got up and escorted drake to the doors. Opening them for him, drake walks inside but turns his head towards her.

"Next time pay attention when working, you might lose your job doing something like that" and after that, drake walks inside to speak with mayor mare, leaving the mare to rethink about how she acts when working because of drake's threatening action against her.

As the doors close, mayor mare greets drake for coming on time "Good morning dracule, how was your day walking through ponyville?"

Drake sat down on one of her guest chairs "It was great. Even after being attacked by monsters you all are able to still go out and live in peace. A very good outlook for a town such as this"

Mayor mare felt proud from drake's good response on her town. She always took pride in making ponyville a loving and peaceful place for ponies, or any other creature to live in. She said "I'm happy to hear that, and..." she pulled out sheets of paper and a map of ponyville "I'd like to inform you that I got everything done and ready for you, and your daughter sighed at ponyvilles new residents. I marked places here on this map for you to choose where you want your home to be built"

She handed him the map, drake looked over it seeing red X marks showing the places where the home will be built. Drake took his time looking over the map, and found a good place for him and skyress to live.

He place the map back on her desk, he pointed at one of the red X's "Here would be fine" mayor mare looked at the map with a raised eyebrow, looking at where drake pointed.

Drake Pointed at an X mark placed near other houses, and between where twilight's library, and sugercube corner is. She nodded accepting drake's discussion "Nice pick mister knight, we had that spot empty for a while, and it's separated from the other houses for extra space"

"Thanks, so about the amount for the land there" drake started taking out the bag as mayor mare answered back.

"The full amount for this spot is 10,000 bits because of how much space it has, but for saving myself and everypony in ponyville from those evil monsters, I can drop the price down to 5,000 bits" mayor mare thought it would be fair for someone like drake that saved theirs lives to pay less, his heroics being noticed.

Drake smiled widely, making mayor mare think how handsome he looked while smiling, he said "That's very kind of you mayor mare, you didn't have to do that but I'm still grateful" drake takes out the right amount of bits and gives them to mayor mare of bits.

"I think It would be easy to pay even higher than 10,000 but thanks anyways for lowering the price" his eyes took on a playful look.

Returning to her professional state, her voice sounded surprise and a little shy for her show of kindness was not needed, thanks to drake being prepared "Well... let's get this done, shall we?" She pushed the papers towards drake for him to sign his name. Drake gladly took the papers and started writing down his name, and getting ownership of the land he picked.

Back at the library, skyress was reading a comic book she found and found it interesting. Spike was cleaning around, as he usually does, and twilight was writing down notes from yesterdays encounter of the monsters and drake's abilities when facing them.

Spike finished cleaning and looked around at his work, smiling spike said "Finally done. Know time to catch up on that comic bo-" he stops as something came out of his mouth. Skyress heard spike make a sound of throwing up, and sees spike spit out green flames that turn into a letter. Suprised, skyress looks at the letter wondering how something like that could happen.

Twilight also saw what happened and walked over to spike as he opened the letter, Twilight said "What does it say spike. Does the princess need something?"

Spike reads the letter and said "It says that she wants you, and the girls to head to canterlot. Wanting to speak with you guys about something, it doesn't say why or what it's about"

Twilight went into overdrive, she first grabbed spike and headed to the door "Then let's go! We can't have celestia wait on use" before she left, Twilight turned to skyress "We'll be back, tell drake that we went to canterlot with the others. Can you watch over the library for me?"

Skyress gave twilight a thumbs up "You got it, I'll take care of everything twilight" that's all she had to hear. Smiling twilight left out the door with spike to gather the girls and head over to the train station. It didn't take long, and they all went to the train station together.

Getting there, rainbow dash said "So what does the princess what exactly. I haven't finished taking care of the clouds yet"

Applejack deadpan at rainbow dash "Well maybe if ya weren't sleeping you could have been done from the start" rainbow glared at applejack, only making her smirk back.

Twilight said, getting their attention "The letter said to only meet her about something. She didn't write anything about what it is, but we have to get there if we want to know"

Rarity was excited to head to canterlot "This is simply marvelous! I've always wanted to go to canterlot, there are so many things I can learn and get from the thread shops"

Pinkie only wanted to make more friends "Oh.... I wonder if the ponies there are friendly! I'll give them the old pinkie love, and fun!"

Twilight didn't want pinkie to cause any trouble "No pinkie. We're only going to the castle and that's it, ok?" Pinkie slumped down, but agreed with twilight.

The train whistle blew, startling fluttershy. They went inside, and headed to canterlot wondering what celestia wanted to tell them. As they left, drake was done and know owned the land he bought. Mayor mare gave him his paper, and took the 5,000 bits from him.

"Thank you for buying one of ponyvilles area's and I hope you enjoy your life living here mister knight" drake smiled and got up, putting the bag of bits away.

Drake said "Happy to live here mayor" he headed out the door "And call me drake, We're not strangers anymore" he left not seeing her blush and stare at his back as he went out the door. Exiting town hall, drake headed back to the library. As he did, there were more ponies out than before. Looking around drake had a thought in mind

"I should ask twilight to show me around ponyville, get a feel of the place I'll be living in" drake would ask her today if she's fine with it. A few minutes later and drake reached the library, he listen in and heard only one person inside.

Drake said in confusion "Twilights not inside, and neither is Spike?" He placed his back aginst the tree "I could try increasing my hearing further, they could be in ponyville somewhere"

Drake concentrated and expanded his hearing. He could hear everypony in ponyville, and where they are. Looking for twilight's or spike's voice, drake couldn't hear them in ponyville "There not in ponyville. Did they leave to go somewhere?" At that thought, drake reach outside ponyville and even inside the everfree forest by accident.

This abilities was very helpful to drake. He learned this out of pure instinct. Trying to find Twilight, drake could hear birds and rabbits in the everfree, even timberwolves that were miles away. But then drake heard something that caught his attention "The hell?" Pinpointing the sound drake was able to hear the voice clearly.

"Please.... Stop" it was a women's voice. Not only that but there were more voices with the first, and each one sounded weak, fearful, and broken.

Another voice sounded out "Somepony save use please!" This voice was from another female. There were both males and females voices, even voices from children. Drake didn't know what was going on, but knew it was very problematic.

Drake thought "What's going on? Why are there ponies so far inside the everfree?" that's when he heard another voice, this one sounded different, it was male and he yelled at the ones pleading for help.

"Quiet slaves! Keep working or get wiped" the sound of a whip cracked, scaring the ponies and silencing them. Drake pieced it all together quickly inside his head.

"Slaves.... that would mean. Those ponies are being held captive and working for who ever is controlling them. The voice alone sounded way different from a ponies, and a griffons so it could be another spieces in this world" drake has killed many kinds of evil bastards back on earth, but someone that would use people as slaves was something new to him and didn't like it one bit.

Drake pushed off the tree, his red eyes gleaming In anger. He walked over to the door and headed inside. Skyress was still reading the comic book as drake entered, she looked up from her book and at drake "Hey dad, how did it go-" she cut her sentence when seeing her father look different from morning.

She could tell from past times that he was mad, very mad. She didn't know why he looked like that, she said "Dad what's wrong. Is something the matter?" She was worried that something terrible happened while she was in the library.

Drake stopped at the first step, he turned to skyress with his normal happy look "Nothing terrible sweety. Dad's just got things to do real quick" he headed up stairs leaving skyress wondering what he meant.

Drake opened the door, grabbing both masamune, and durendal. Placing both swords at their respected positions and headed back down to leave. Skyress saw both masamune and durendal and knew something must be going on for drake to be bring his swords with him.

"Could i-" drake cut her off "No skyress. This is something I have to take care of by myself. Stay here and watch over the house, I'll be back soon and tell you all about it, ok?"

Skyress wanted to go, but listened to her father "Ok dad, I'll stay here" drake smiled at her. Happy that she listened to his request. Drake opened the door and looked back at skyress.

"Don't cause any trouble ok. Tell twilight and spike when they come back that I'll returned soon" skyress nodded her head. Drake left out and was back outside. He walked around the library, looking towards where the everfree forest is.

He extended his hearing inside the everfree to pinpoint the voices so he could get there faster. When he found them, drake changed his element to lighting, sparks struck around his form as he looked towards his objective.

"I don't know who these bastards are. But harming innocent ponies, or any creature in general are worth getting cut down. They better hope they have escape plans, because I won't leaving nothing left of them!" The lighting around drake made his hair rise, showing a strong, and terrifying look on his face.

Crouching down, drake shot forward. His body zooming fast into the everfree forest, and towards the voices in a very fast rate. He passed by many animals that were startled when he passed by them without them noticing. He was getting closer to his objective quickly so he slowed down when he heard the voices get stronger.

Halting on the ground, drake walked through the forest his lighting element setting down to not bring attention to him. Walking forward, drake heard two voices that popped up as he got closer. Reaching the spot, drake hide behind thick bushes and moved them away to see.

There he saw a cave entrance that looked to be made by some creature able to dig perfectly. And guarding the cave were two talking, and bulky dogs that stood on two legs. Drake suspected these were the new creatures he heard and the ones enslaving the ponies inside.

Their facial features looked to be like a canines, but looked morphed to look tough. They wore armor that seemed familer to drake, a ding noise sounded inside his head "Those are the armor the guards that went back to canterlot look like. So they not only captured innocent ponies, but the guards as well?"

In their hands were swords that also looked liked pony guards normal swords. The two looked around, watching and listening for anything hostile. Drake knew he was far away, a good distance so that they couldn't smell him. Grabbing masamune's handle, drake was ready to put down these bad dogs.

Both diamond dogs looked around making sure nothing dangerous comes near the cave, they've done this for years. They knew barely any creature comes this way, or so far deep into the everfree. Ponies are too scared to go off inside scary forest like the everfree, griffons and dragons don't bother coming near any pony area's because of the princesses but their skill to hide under ground let's them capture ponies easily for them to enslave.

The two diamond dogs spoke with each other about what they will do when going back inside. Left diamond dog said "Can't wait go back. Stomach rumble to much" he was hungry.

Right diamond dog said "I have work in mines. Take turns whiping slaves to work faster. And relieve self~" he chuckled darkly, imply he was going to pick any mare they have, and rape her.

Left dog laughed with right dog "Maybe stone head do same. Never did sex with griffon before, could be fun?" But right dog looked disgusted.

He shook his head "All griffons worthless. Pony females better, more softer. When done here I find and have fun with pony" left dog shrugged and went back to looking around. That's when they heard a loud shot of lighting, startling both diamond dogs. Gripping their swords they both looked around even if the two didn't know their lives were already over.

Stone head said "See anything?" He didn't get a reply. Turning his head around, stone head sees with his right eye his companion falling down. Suddenly he feels something cut into him so fast he couldn't yell out in pain because he was already dead from the attack.

Both dogs fall to the ground. Right dogs torso was sliced off, and stone heads chest was slashed open, his heart cut horizontal killing him instantly. As both dogs fall, behind them drake was putting masamune back in his sheath and headed inside the cave, leaving both dead bodies to rot on the ground.

Deep inside the cave, moans of pain and sadness could be heard. Ponies of different colors, covered in dirt and dust mining rocks with pickaxes. Being force to work non-stop, only resting when told. There were mares and stallions working, foals in cages and some old enough to mine with the adults.

But there weren't only ponies that were enslaved, but a few griffons and even two doe's that got taken when fleeing from their kingdom. They worked with the ponies, fearing if they don't listen they'd be taken and punished for not working.

Working on one of the mining area's was a unicorn mare, her fur was azure, and her man the same color with a light blue stripe. She was wearing rags like all of the other slaves as she tried breaking a rock but not being strong enough to crack it.

This caught the attention of the diamond dog warden. He walked over to her, cracking his whip making her squeak, startling the poor mare.

He said "Work faster Pony! You move to slow!" She shook in place, scared of being hit for her failer in mining like the rest.

She looked over at him, she stuttered "T-trixe will go faster please don't hurt trixe?!" He growled and cracked his whip, startling her again.

He huffed and walked away "Then mine rock better. Puny ponies like you take time, and waste it!" As he walks away a griffon next to trixe worked faster as he looked over at her.

He placed the whip on her back, making her jolt from its leathery touch "Good birdy. Wouldn't want to get punished like last time" he laughed, smacking his whip near her feet. She jump making him laugh even harder, he left leaving the two scared.

Trixe looked over at the griffon "You alright Gilda?" She was worried for the griffoness.

She coughed getting her throat straightened, she said "I'm fine trixe just get back to working before he comes back. I don't want to get hit a second time" she sneered from the thought remembering her time here, and learning what happens when you try to fight back. Trixe nodded and went back to hitting the rock, trying her hardness to break it.

Back with drake, he carefully walked through the cave making sure no diamond dog could sense where he is. He switched his element to rock, and could feel everything within the cave. It made it helpful because there were tunnels leading to many different places that could get any normal person lost easily.

Moving forward he found where the innocents were being kept. Slowly, drake walked through a entrance and found the mining area. There he could see every pony being force to work by the diamond dogs.

Drake looked around laying out everything he sees. There were 8 diamond dogs with whips watching the slaves work. Once he jumps in and kill one of them, one of them will contact the rest and come after him.

His eyes landed on a diamond dog that walked away from a unicorn mare, and griffoness. Walking over to a mare sneaking food to a filly that maybe be her child. The diamond dog saw this and without question, sent his whip at her. Smacking her back, and making her scream in pain.

The diamond dog chuckled "What did we tell you ponies. No feeding the caged!" He whiped her body, no mercy in his actions. The mare cried out, pleading for him to stop but he didn't listen and continued.

Drake's eyes got darker, he clenched his fist and went into action. Jumping out of the entrance, drake fell and landed right behind the diamond dog. The noise made him turn around but was caught in drake's hand grabbing his neck. Drake lifted him up as the diamond dog struggled and tried freeing himself but was weaker than drake. Everypony, griffons, and both doe's watch in shock, and surprise as drake put pressure in his hand, choking the dogs neck.

In a loud shout, drake says "This ends know!" He then sent the diamond dog downwards, smashing him into the ground as the ground cracked and kill the dog. They gasp as drake slammed their cruel tormentor, his feat of strength shocking them all.

Standing back up, drake was soon surrounded by the other 7 diamond dog wardens while one went to call upon every diamond dog inside the cave leaving six diamond dogs to face drake.

One of the wardens point at drake, the rest pulling out swords and clubs from their waist "Don't move creature, or we will kill you!"

Drake looked over at him, the warden jolted back when seeing Drake's red eyes. He then looked confused when drake smirked as his eyes went from being dark to a glowing red.

"You guys are really dumb" His insult made them growl at him, but then he said "For a bunch of mutts, it's sad you can't see just how screwed you all are" drake clicked masamune out, startling them into forming attack stances "Killing bastards like you guys really get my blood boiling!" The sound of masamune being drawn was heard by every being inside the mines, and soon painful howls heard right after.


With the main six they reached canterlot and headed straight to the castle. Entering twilight lead them to the throne room, being guarded by two pony guards. Walking inside to meet both celestia and Luna that were waiting for them. Inside they all bowed to their princesses, twilight said "It is great to see you again princess celestia"

Celestia smiled down at her student, and her friends "And I as well twilight. I am happy you came as I ask, both me and my sister needed to speak with you all on a important matter" her smile vanish, but Luna catching twilight's attention brought out something else in mind.

"But before we do, tell use about your day in ponyville is everything fine for our ponies?" Luna wanted to both know if everything was alright, and stall time before dropping the news on them.

Twilight and the rest stood back up, she nodded "Yes princess Luna, ponyville is getting back together. Mayor mare has gotten constructors to rebuilt the houses that were destroyed"

Applejack spoke next "Eyup! Ponyville Is returning to its usual self. Those monsters could come and cause trouble but we'll be ready next time they come" the other girls believed her and thought the same.

Luna and celestia looked proudly at their subjects bravery. Luna said "I commend your will, all of you. But the monster are very dangerous, more than we first thought"

Celestia nodded "That's right. We have no idea where they came from, perhaps tartarus or from another power we don't know of, but as we speak they move around in equestria and further beyond causing problems for our ponies and all other creatures in equestria" she looked sadden at a thought in her head "Our only defense is the elements we hold for you all"

Twilight was confused at how her teacher sounded crestfallen at the mention of the elements. They were pony kinds powerful artifacts that can be used to stop any evil.

Pinkie pie yelled out, bring on a new topic "Well not really. Dracky did save use and beaten every monster that attacked ponyville real easy, he was like a super hero!"

Celestia chuckled at pinkies bubbly nature, she said "Ah yes, lieutenant green breeze told use about the human known as dracule knight. His abilities and bravery when facing the monster truly brought hope in me"

Twilight went to comment on what celestia said, but rainbow spoke out first "You should have seen it princess! He fought and took down every last monster that attacked ponyville. It was so cool, like an action movie but in real life!'

Rarity agreed with rainbow dash "Dracule was very heroic, coming to our rescue like a shining knight. And his features! He looked like a prince from my novels" she fluttered her eyes at the thought. Spike looked over at rarity, frowning at how she spoke about drake.

Luna nodded, wanted to meet drake in person like celestia "Thy would love to meet the one who saved our ponies from those disgusting monsters" she then looked sadden, and tried hiding her frown "But we must tell you all why we asked to speak with you before they come"

Twilight saw how hopeless both celestia and Luna looked, she said "What is it princess? Is this about other monsters in equestria, has something happened?!" Twilight and the others wanted to know why they're here.

Celestia first breath in, and exhaled out "You can say this is the monsters fault. For this year they have caused trouble and mayhem to not only use but other creatures such as the griffons, dragons, minotuars, and caribrou. We know not why they do this, doing so has caused those nations to fend themselves and try fighting back, but to lose under the monsters might"

Luna said next "The other kingdoms have been planning behind our backs, and soon allied together with out our notice, our focus souly on the monsters have blinded use. And such blindness has come to cause all pony kind grief"

Twilight and the others didn't know where the princess were going, or what they were talking about. Twilight asked "Princess what are you saying?"

Celestia looked down at twilight in sadness "Me and Luna recived a letter from king black beak his request, no order of use was to hand over both elements of harmony and the bearers to him"

The girls, plus spike were shocked and completely suprised. Being told that the princesses were to hand over the girls and their elemnts like they're objects and nothing more.

Rainbow looked angry and yelled "They Can't do that! Asking to take use, like objects that's insane!" Applejack spoke the same.

"Like I'd let them take me away from ma family. This Can't be true!" Rarity and fluttershy stood quiet, unable to speak. Pinkie pies hair went flat at what celestia said.

Twilight tried believing celestia was joking "This isn't true, it can't be. Princess please say this isn't true?!" Twilight yelled, not wanting to believe what her teacher told them.

Celestia closed her eyes, she also didn't want to do this but had no choice "I'm sorry twilight" she opened her eyes to see twilight's horrified looked that cracked her heart "We had no choice but to agree, or we would be at war with griffonstone. And with them allied with the other kingdoms our chances plummeted" Luna took charge, seeing her sister look away in shame.

"King black beak has proposed a challenge between only the griffons, dragons, caribrou, and minotuars to battle in his colosseum. Whoever that is last standing from their kingdoms would take you all and the elements into their possession. Their fears of being soon attacked by the monsters has set their eyes on use for having something that could possible fend them off"

Twilight said "So no pony can enter to fight for use. They'll be the only ones to take use who ever wins! That's not fair, how could they do this" her answered was told by someone else that barged in, rudely interrupted them.

"Because life isn't all sun shines and rainbows little pony" the girls turn to see a griffon wearing royal clothing, and with him a large group of griffon soldiers lifting a cage into the room.

Celestia was worried, but hide it behind a serious face "What are you doing here chancellor wing deed, why are you here?"

He chuckled in his claw at celestia terrible acting "Why to take the bearers of harmony princess celestia. Have you not told them about the letter, and my arrival the next day, that is today?" The girls looked terrified, answering his question "It seems you did. As I said I'm here to take them and bring them back to griffonstone so the colosseum can begin"

Waving his claw towards them, his griffon soldiers surrounded the girls. Knowing if they resist equestria would go into war between all ponies and every other creature, they obeyed and followed them. Before entering the cave, each of them were chained just in case they try to escape, and a magical cancelling ring was placed on both twilight and rarity.

Spike not wanting his sister, and friends to be taken tried stopping them but was knocked back by one of the griffon soldiers. Smacking spike away with his wing "Stay down dragon, if you know what's go for you" he threatened spike, making him get scared and stay away as told.

Wing deed turned to the princesses "Our king as your arrival ready when ever you both come. Everything is prepared and ready for to whoever wins the colosseum, even if out kind will win In the end" he said proudly, angering both celestia and Luna.

He waved goodbye, wanting to leave canterlot and return to griffonstone. Twilight and her friends voiced out their please of help to their princesses even if they knew they couldn't do anything.

Celestia said "We will try our best in freeing you all. Do not give up yet my ponies and student!" This was a tragedy to celestia, watching her student and ponies be taken from her. Unable to stop it, as a tear ran down her eye.

Rarity was freaking out "This Can't be happening! My banquet, sweetie belle, my life can not go out like this!" Fluttershy took comfort near rarity as the two cried.

Rainbow dash banged her chained hands at the cage, wanted to be let out "You guys won't get away with this. We won't be your slaves, I won't let this happen!" She acted tough, her hopes dwindling. Applejack and pinkie were silent thinking about their families and the possibilities of never seeing them again.

Twilight started thinking in any way of how they could get out of this, and found nothing. With the rules saying no pony could enter means their chances of ending up as another kingdoms property is factly.

She covered her eyes as tears started to form. She thought about her family in canterlot, her home in ponyville, and her first coltfreind back in ponyville. Twilight's eyes shot open "Dracule...." she whispered, and that was it.

Jumping up, and startling her friends. Twilight ran to the bars and yelled out to spike "Spike! Head back to ponyville and tell drake what happened. He maybe our only hope and chance in being free!" The girls all looked at each other, knowing what twilight was thinking.

Hearing her, spike contemplated if drake could even have a chance in surviving an all out fight inside a colosseum against many different creatures. He then thought on the monsters he killed and thought it was possible. Quickly standing back up, spike ran pass the griffons heading for the door.

"You got it twilight. I'll tell dracule everything that happened, be safe twi!" He said, running out the door and finding the exit so he could get to the train station, head back to ponyville and ask drake for help.

Wing deed thought "Dracule....? Where have I heard that name before" he couldn't piece it together. Shaking away the thought he ordered his men to move out, leaving the castle with the elements of harmony in his grasp.

Fluttershy asked twilight, the girls also looking towards her "D-do you think dracule can save use?"

Twilight nodded, determination in her eyes "Of course he is. Dracule will come, and this whole thing will be a forgotten nightmare" the girls nodded also, trusting their hopes on dracule knight to come and saved them.

Back inside the everfree, and inside the diamond dogs cave. Drake has swiftly "Shining" slashing one of the diamond dog wardens arm off in one swing. The dog howled in pain, clutching his severed bleeding arm. Behind him, drake "Shink" stabbed masamune through another ending his life.

The action was too fast, faster than they expected. Drake shot away from where he stood and ended up killing one of their kind in just 5 seconds. Pulling his blade out of the diamond dog, and letting his dead body fall. Drake swung masamune, letting the blood on the blade fly off and near their feet, making them flinch back.

He pointed his blade at them "Get ready" he took on his sword stance "My fangs will leave you all sliced and broken, I show no mercy to the wicked" They tensed up at drake's intimidation, and threatening stance. They spread apart moving around him so that they could attack in a group.

Drake stood still, and composed. He looked at the three in front of him as the others four dogs moved behind him. The slaves watched in silence, waiting for whoever to attack. In a yell, the ones behind drake rushed in, sending their swords and clubs at him.

Spinning around, drake "Crash" swung at their weapons. He sliced through their swords and clubs like they were butter. Knocking them back as they looked at their weapons in shock. When drake turned, the three from the front attacked taking their chance when seeing drake turn away.

He knew they would strike when his back was turned. Waiting for them to get closer, drake stomped his foot on the ground, and said "Earth spikes!" The ground behind him morphs and turn into spikes, stretching out and stabbing the three warden through their stomachs.

The three wardens grunted in pain. Two of them tried pulling themselves out but that made it quicker for the two to die, the last dog twitched from being impaled at one of his pressure points. Everyone looked unbelievably at the scene, it was like the ground listened to drake, turning into spikes under his command.

Drake then lifted his left hand up, he clutched his fist "Rock trap!" He said. The ground rose under the four diamond dogs feets, wrapping around and trapping them in place. Suprised they tried freeing themselves but to no hope.

Drake walked to their left sides, he said "This is good. A good position to kill you four in one strike" sheathing masamune, drake crouched down to end their lives.

Foot steps of many individuals was heard. From different entrances, diamond dogs appeared with weapons in hand, informed that an intruder has invaded their cave. A diamond dog wearing buff armor, and bigger than the rest was in front.

He said "Who dares attack rock roughs home!" They all see drake and their four dogs trapped by rocks. Drake ignored him, and shot off the ground towards the wardens. In his quickdraw style, drake swung forward "Shining" slashing across their necks.

Landing at the end of the four dogs, and sheathing his sword "Click" a sound rung when masamune clicked back in its sheath. From the click, their necks cut open, blood sprayed out covering the ground.

Seeing their kind get mercilessly killed, rock rough gulped seeing his men die so easily. He commanded his dogs to attack drake, seeing him as a threat. Yelling they marched over to drake as he looked over at them. Because of his connection to the rocks in the cave, thanks to his element, he could tell the amount of diamond dogs entering the mine.

Diamond dog total: 90

Drake was actually suprised by the number, but wasn't hesitated. He knew there had to be a large amount of them, seeing how large the cave was. They formed together in front of him, he smirked.

He thought "Its like their lining up to die. Makes my job a lot easier" he got ready to use more of his spiritual rock element as he please, his left hand glowing light brown.

Rock rough was behind his diamond dog army pulled out his large battle sword, it was black, and wide. The tip was curved and the handle was covered in white cloth. It looked heavy but thanks to his bulk he was able to use the sword with ease.

Waving his sword, then pointing the blade at drake, he yelled "Kill the intruder!" Ordering his men to attack drake. Following his orders they changed towards him.

Drake sent out a wave of his element spiritual magic inside the cave. A light brown color light went over everything, drake then activated his element and rocks started to form together from the cave. He created 30 floating balls of rocks around him.

Drake sent his hand forward, aiming at the charging diamond dogs. He shouts "Terra bullets" and then the 30 floating rocks rocket towards them in fast speeds. The ones up front were unable to dodge the flying balls of rocks, getting blown back from the force and knocking into their companions, sending them back to.

Some were pierced by the terra bullets leaving holes through them. Drake sends out another torrent of terra bullets killing 30 diamond dogs plus the first deaths that were 20.

They stopped, staying weary of drake's terra bullets. Thinking, some pulled out shields to protect themselves from his terra bullets. Drake chuckled "Smart but it won't stop my terra bullets. But I might as well change it up a bit"

Dropping his terra bullets down to the ground, the diamond dogs looked at each other wondering what he was going to do. Coating his other hand in a light brown color, drake lowers his hands then rise them up. Doing so caused the ground to rise and change, forming together and creating something.

Rocks broken by the slaves flew up, startling them. All of them flew towards the morphing ground creating something that stood taller than drake, and the diamond dogs. Standing eleven feet tall, are drake's first elemental creation made out of rock. Both legs spaced out between the body, making the upper body float. It had no face but solid rock, and both hands had claw like stone fingers, the hand was large enough to bash a person's skull open.

Drake created 10 rock golems all looking the same and very powerful. The diamond dogs each took a step back when seeing the golems fully made by drake. The slaves awed at his powers of creating and shaping rocks into something large and powerful looking.

Looking at his creations, drake called his master pieces perfection. This idea was made when he faced the timberwolves back in the everfree, and thought in a way if he could create something movable with any of his elements. Drake thought "Nice! I knew this would work, creating something with any of my elements could help me a lot in many ways. These guys could lower their numbers so I could get the ponies and griffons out of here faster"

Drake would call them rock golems because how they looked. Looking over at the diamond dogs that looked frightened, drake pointed at them, he said "Attack my golems. Kill every last one of those dogs that you face!"

Hearing his words, and the command he gave them. Their bodies shift, heads aimed at the diamond dogs and started walking towards them in a slow but intimidating fashion. Each diamond dog took a few steps back as the golems got closer.

Rock rough, seeing his men with fearful faces growled at them, he said "Don't let this stop you my brothers! He is but one being. His magic will not stop use, we break rock monsters!" His talking got the other diamond dogs to stand their ground.

They growled at the golems, their weapons at the ready. Rock rough swings his sword, and points at the golems "Destroy them!" He yelled. Yelling they charged at the golems.

The first ones to reach the golems attacked, striking their swords against the golems and doing no damage at all. A diamond dog swung his sword hard hoping to shatter a piece of the golems body, but ending up breaking his sword.

Looking at his sword on shock. The diamond dog didn't see the golems tilt his head, wondering what he was trying to do. Lifting it's large arm the diamond dog looks up to see his enemy send it down "Bash" smashing his head like an apple.

Another diamond dog was lifted up by a golem, held in its grasp "Crash" then slammed into the ground, squashing the poor dog with its might. No matter what they did, the diamond dogs couldn't even harm the golems thanks to their hard, solid bodies and the little energy drake put into them. Making every single golem harder than normal, not even magic attacks would do much against them.

As the two sides fought, the battle was completely one-sided for rock rough. His men were sent flying, or either smash like bugs. Their swords useless and no match against the golems.

Rock rough sweated, seeing his men getting killed one by one. Their numbers dwindling down to only 30 diamond dogs, the ones that died were left turned into bloody messes over the ground. Laughter caught his attention, looking pass his men, the golems and seeing drake laughing out loud. Drake found every diamond dog stupid, and idiotic because of rock roughs choice in sending his men against his golems.

Stopping himself, drake calmed himself "Oh man!" He chuckled "You guys are totally stupid!" His words angered rock rough.

Drake said "You all have no chance in winning. I could have made more golems but knew only ten, hell even five would have been enough to kill you all" hearing that drake could have made more golems made the diamond dogs bleach in shock. Drake continued "I barely put much of my energy into them. That just shows how much weaker you all are compared to me"

Drake's boasting driven rock rough into charging to battle also. He attacked one of the golems with his sword "Crash" landing a hit, he was able to break a piece of rock but needed to try harder if he wanted to kill the golems. Being attacked, the golems swung it's fist "Clank" hitting rock roughs sword that he used to block the hit, but sent far back because of the force.

Dragging his hind paws, he stopped himself. Looking over his sword, rock roughs eyes widen when seeing the golems he attacked charge towards him. Sending a few diamond dogs into the air that were blocking his path. Thinking fast, he rolled out of the way just in time as it also dragged it's feet to stop itself. Turning the golems aimed it's fist down towards rock rough, but he jumped back distancing himself away.

As he did, some of his men went in to help their leader. Attacking and distracting the one golem. It swung hitting a few while the rest kept themselves away. Seeing his chance, rock rough would use his most strongest attack. Moving back a bit, he dashes forward towards the golem, then he jumps high in the air catching drake's and some of his dogs attention.

Dropping down, he yells out swing his sword down "Bash" and smash the golems head. Landing it, unsteady and crouched down. Rock rough watches the golem drop down and killed. Finally defeating one golem with the help of his men.

Seeing what their leader did, they all cheered for him, praising him for killing one of the golems that they couldn't even beat in groups. Basking in his glory, rock rough looks over at drake in smug "Do you see creature. Diamond dogs are strongest compared to any other race in world!"

He sees drake with a bored look. Not surprised seeing one of his creations be beaten. Drake rolls his eyes, completely not impressed "What I see is a dog needing help from his men to beat only one golem, or did you forget the other nine in here?"

Remembering there were more, rock roughs turns around seeing them standing apart unmovimg for some reason. Drake called out "Their not moving because I made them stop. I wanted to see you fight with no distractions, but it was a waste of time. You've proved being actually more stupid if thinking your kind are powerful, sadly your not" drake disses rock rough, and was about to snap his fingers to get them moving but rock rough stopped him by yelling.

"Enough with your insults! I rock rough challenge you creature to kombat. Me and you will fight to decide whether or not the slaves be free or you will become like them in exchange" the ponies and doe's gasp. Their savoir being challenge in a one on one duel for their lives.

Drake looked suprised making rock rough think he had him on the run, but actually he was surprise that rock rough would wish a duel when he had no chance in winning. Wanting to play with the pup, drake said "Ok, I accept your duel" the ponies, griffoness, doe's were shocked that he would accept.

Drake then said "But when I win, I'll be taking the slaves anyways so I'll just finish off every diamond dog here. Can't let fucks like you get a chance to live and do something like this again" drake's voice grew deep, and dark that scared rock roughs men.

Rock rough would be lying if he said he wasn't frightened from what drake said, but he couldn't back down when he's the one who challenged him. Gulping and Steeling himself, rock rough told his men to move back, away from the up coming fight.

Drake ordered his golems to do the same. Giving both drake and rock rough space to fight each other with no one to interfere. Everyone watching stayed silent. The diamond dogs putting their fate to rock rough, ponies and griffons hoping that their hero would win and take them away from the diamond dogs.

Taking on a stance, rock rough had his sword in front of him in both paws. Lowered down and pointed at drake, he raised an eyebrow when seeing drake not taking out one of his swords.

"Pull out your sword creature, rock rough is ready to do battle!" He yells out. Drake takes small jumps, then rolls his arms like a boxer.

He moves his hair back "So am I. I don't need to use any of my swords to beat you" he waves rock rough over with a smug smile "Come on little doggy, let's go!"

Rock rough felt insulted, humiliated, and talked down all at the same time. He growled savagely. He charged at drake, then jumped into the air. Raising his sword up, he was going to use his most powerful move, the same one he used to kill the golem he fought.

They all watched rock rough descend towards drake, shouting as he fell. Sending his blade down, some closed their eyes while others flinched thinking the attack would kill drake. Instead there was no noise of a sword hitting something, or the sound of pain from drake.

Everyone's eyes widen at what they were seeing. Rock rough was shocked as them to. Around him and drake slowed as rock rough swung down, drake raised his left hand, and at the right moment grabbed his sword with his thump, index finger and middle finger.

Simply drake stopped rock rough with his bare hands with no trouble at all. Landing on his feet, rock rough stared wide eyed at drake's hand touching his sword. Pulling his hands back, rock rough couldn't release his sword out of drake's fingers "How is this possible! Rock rough put all his power into swing. But creature stop attack with its fingers!!!"
He heard drake chuckle, ending his thoughts.

Drake spoke smoothly yet dangerously that rock rough noticed "What did I tell you...." Drake's right hand glowed light brown, then was covered in rocks from the ground and in the air. Cocking his right arm back, rock rough froze in fear at drake's red eyes piercing his own "You had no chance in winning!"

Sending his rock armored fist at rock rough, drake says "Earth armament: Terra Buster!" Then "Bash!!" Punched rock rough in the face. His skull cracked under the force, his face flattened in the front. Rock rough was then sent back, flying past his men and crashing into a wall. Blood shot out covering the wall from his back.

His men bleached and some looked almost about to throw up at his destroyed face. He died once drake punched him, his world turning black, and life ended at that point.

Drake had rock roughs sword, tossed it to his right hand, and shattered the blade easily. Letting the pieces fall to the ground, and canceled his ability making the rocks covering his hand fall off.

The slaves were shocked that the fight ended so quickly, heck it didn't even last a minute. Rock rough was feared to be the strongest diamond dog compared to the rest, but drake proved to be his better or out of his league.

Shaking the small pieces of rocks off his hand, drake catches the diamond dogs attention "I win mutts! You know what that means" not letting any of them speak, drake waves his hands causing the golems to break down, and their body parts to fly over to him.

Floating them together, drake uses terra bullets again. They flew and impacted any diamond dog it hits. Some were lucky to drop down, others dodging them while the rest got killed like the ones before that were first hit by drake's terra bullets. He killed 20 diamond dogs leaving 10 left alive.

Thinking fast, the ten diamond dogs dug under ground, digging like their lives depends on it. Drake smirked, seeing them flee. Shaking his head at their poor choice in escaping.

"Smart" crouching down, drake places his right hand on the ground "But still stupid" his hand was covered again in a brown light. He yelled "Earth burial!" The ground started to shake, startling the slaves and rumbling all over the mines.

Under ground, as the rumbling started. the earth below begun to shift and squeeze together. The dogs couldn't push pass the force of earth, and screamed out as their bodies were crushed "Crack" bones breaking and soon killed by the ground itself.

Their muffled screams could be heard above ground. Drake could sense their lives dwindling until he couldn't sense them at all. Standing back up, he walks over to the slaves that look at him in awe. Without them knowing, he slice their chains and broke the locks freeing the children that ran straight to their mothers or father's.

Freeing others, he comes upon a unicorn mare and griffoness both watching him wearily like he was going to do something harmful. Putting on his kind smile, drake responded that he wasn't going to hurt them.

"Don't worry ladies. I'm not going to hurt you, but if you want to leave we've gotta take those chains off yea" he points at their cuffed chains around their hands. Know his intentions, trixe and gilda let drake cut their chains just like the rest. After them was the two doe's. They both looked weak, and drake thought that they might need a docter. Cutting both chains, he ask two stallions to help carry them, they agreed and carried the doe's as he lead everyone out of the mines and through the tunnels.

Exiting out if the entrance. The mares and stallions gasp when seeing the two diamond dog guards drake killed first before entering the cave. Gilda and trixe didn't think a creature like drake would save them, they both wondered who or what he was but were too weak and tired to ask.

Out of the cave, drake stopped them. He knew they wouldn't make it through the forest as they are know. So he thought up a way to transport them all to ponyville faster than walking. Drake said "Ok, I want you all to group together. I'm going to transport use back to ponyville and to the hospital"

Doing as he said, everyone group together. Walking up, drake changed his element to light and surrounded himself and them in a yellow sphere. They all spoke wondered what was happening, but then the sphere lifted up off the ground and in high speeds flew off towards ponyville.

At the ponyville hospital, everything was going smoothly as ponies came in for check ups, and flu shots. Miss red heart was maining the hospitals main desk when a loud sound outside bang into existence. Startling everypony inside, including red heart that wondered what it was.

Her answer was answered when drake opening the double doors, and letting them all inside. Seeing the ponies, griffoness, and doe's injured and dirty made red heart clicked the emergency button, causing doctors and staff to quickly come to the hospital entrance.

Docter horse, and others behind him were shock to see so many injured ponies inside their hospital. Drake yelled out "I got both injures adults, and sick kids that need help like it's yesterday people!" His outburst brought them back from their shocked state, and started escorting them all to rooms to be looked at and cared for.

Gilda and trixe were both taken to a room with extra beds with others like them inside. Nurse red heart walked over to drake, she asked "Dracule knight, what's going on? Where did you find these ponies?!"

Drake said "I found them being imprisoned, and forced to work under creatures called diamond dogs deep inside the everfree forest" she gasp knowing what that meant "Luckly I was able to notice this and went inside to save them all" sighing in reassurance, she was happy drake was able to find out and save them all.

She thanked him "Again thank you dracule, if not for you ponyville would have ended up like them. And Saving our kind from those beast" smiling at red heart, making the nurse blush drake nodded in gradatute.

"No problem red, saving lives Is one of my hobbies" she giggled at the mention of saving others was one if his hobbies. But drake had to leave, making her pout unable to talk to him more but she had a job to do so she said goodbye to drake, and he doing the same.

Drake wanted to see if twilight and spike got back from wherever they went. Using his light element, drake blinked and like teleportation he appeared at the door, but instead moved at the speed of light to get there quickly. Opening the door and walking inside, drake wasn't suspecting spike to run into his leg, hugging his leg as he cried out.

Drake stared down at spike in bewildered surprise, not knowing why the small dragon reason for crying. Spikes balled out his eyes, saying his name and saying other stuff that drake couldn't piece together because of his crying.

Drake patted spike on the head, and tried getting him to stop crying "Come on spike, stop the water works and tell me what's wrong. Why are you crying? And where's twilight, I thought she was with you"

Sniffling spike let go of drake's leg, stepped back and spoke in a saddened tone "M-me and twilight went to canterlot after getting a letter from princesses celestia telling twilight to bring her friends also. We took the train and headed to canterlot as fast as we can, because twilight wanted to get there in time" he chuckled sadly.

Spike continued "When we got there. The princesses spoke about things like the monster and how dangerous they are to equestria and every other creature besides the ponies..." Drake wondered why talk about that, when they would already know that.

"And what happened next?" drake asked. Spike felt like crying again, and drake crouched down, stopping him "Calm down spike. You need to tell me what happened next, where is twilight and the others?"

Spike breathed in. Skyress that walked over, hearing the story first said "They were taken dad. Spike told me when he got back that the other kingdoms formed together against the princesses, forcing them to do whatever they want unless war will break out"

Drake was truly suprised "Why would they do that when there's monsters running around killing their people? But instead they fight each other, and go against the ponies that are facing the same treatment!" drake started to get angry, but knew not to lose himself.

Still mad, drake asked spike "Who took them, which kingdom has them spike?" Spike told drake that black beak, the ruler of griffonstone has the girls trapped but there was something else.

Spike said "Black beak has them inside his colosseum. And started a tournament for only griffons, minotuars, dragons, and caribrou to fight one another. Whatever creature from one of the kingdoms is last standing will have jurisdiction and control over both the elements, and the girls" this was bad, that would mean whoever wins would have the girls as their property.

Drake knew this was bad, but at the same time he couldn't let his warrior spirit not get excited at the prospect of fighting other creatures besides ponies or griffons. This was a chance to fight not only minatours that he wanted to face in battle, but dragons like spike and caribrou.

Drake knew the stacks were high, but a challenge like this was also one of drake's hobbies. Fighting! standing back up, drake knew he had to save the girls.

Drake had to hurry, if it was like the tournament he went to before then he would have to sign up. He opened the door to leave, turning his head back at spike, and skyress "I'm going to head to griffonstone before signing up will be to late. You both say here, I'll bring them all back safe and sounded" turning away he was going to leave, but skyress stopped him by grabbing his leg like spike did.

"Wait!!!" He looked back, seeing her pouting at him "I want to go too. I want to watch you just like in the tournament!" spike tilted his head in confusion "Tournament?"

Drake said to spike "I'll tell you later spike" looking back at skyress "And no, you can't sky. This is way different, And I can't watch over you if something bad happens to you"

Skyress didn't give up "Pleaseeeee. Maybe Greta will be there and she could watch me?" drake didn't think Greta would be there. Mostly because of how bloody it will be, but she could be there?

Thinking hard, drake signed when seeing her look at him with a sad and hopeful look on her face "Fine.... you can come" smiling wide, skyress let drake go and flew up on joy.

Drake looked down at spike "What to come to? If Greta is there I could have her watch over you to" spike seemed to think, then nodded saying he wanted to see if twilight was alright and watch him fight remember not seeing him face the monsters that attacked ponyville.

Leaving the library. They stood near the door as spike was telling drake about the train then stopped him. Drake said "The train will take to long spike. I have a better and faster way of getting to griffonstone" he waved skyress over. She grabbed his hand ready for whatever her father was going to do.

Spike wasn't sure and douted drake "The trains our only way of getting there! You don't have wings and you couldn't be able to teleport use there" drake smirked at the statement is teleportation.

"Well it's kinda like teleporting. Just grab my hand so we can get there, I don't what to be late" spike frowned at drake for not listening. He grabbed his hand, but when he did drake surrounded them in a yellow sphere. Then zoomed out of the area and towards griffonstone at the speed of light.

Moving pass equestria through the sky. Drake had full control over the sphere, and made it to griffonstone in seconds. Flying over the entrance and went towards the huge collessum that he's never seen before from the ground when he was in griffonstone before.

Landing a distance away, drake canceled his ability and dropping the sphere. Spike landed on his butt, dazed and confused. Skyress held onto drake has her dizziness faded "Woah..... what happened? And a-are we..."

Drake answered for her "Yup, inside griffonstone like I said we would" spike heard him and looked shocked. Looking around him, he's never been to griffonstone before but saw griffons flying over and in the distance.

"W-hat?! But how?" He asked drake.

Drake said "Its one of my elements. All I did was surround use in a light dome, and sent use to griffonstone at the speed of light. Really handy when needing to get somewhere fast" spike was speechless, a power that can move that fast was very close to teleportation that only the princesses, twilight and few unicorns could pull off.

Turning drake sees the colosseum first hand and was impressed. He's seem colosseum in his adventures in his world, also ways wondering what it would have it been like if he fought in them. His distant dream coming to life, but not in a good way.

With his eye sight he could see griffons signing up, and different creatures ranging from dragons to minatours, then caribrou in the line. Grinning he looks down at skyress and spike "Come on you two, I gotta sign in if I want to save the girls" nodding they followed drake over to the line where many strong looking fighters were signing up to fight for their kingdom.

Heading there skyress looks around until she sees something, or someone that makes her smile. Flying off, drake and spike watch her fly over to where griffons are walking inside the colosseum.

Spike asks "Where's skyress going?" drake wondered and followed her line of sight. Seeing who the person was, drake smiled and started following skyress.

"Meeting a friend. Come on, I'll introduce you" spike followed along as they both followed skyress. Over at the lines of griffons that will be spectating the all out fight. Greta was in line and grumbled, she didn't want to come here but her new friend got her to come.

"Again why are we here? You know I don't like these types of things very much" she asked the griffon next to her. Giggling at greta's display of reluctance, she responded back.

"Come on greta... this will be great to watch. It's going to be even better than the battle stone tournament" shade said, excited to see who will win this year. After quitting her job, shade worked around the market and found greta by luck. They talked and soon slowly became friends.

Greta still didn't feel it, she liked the stone tournament because a certain someone competed. Speaking of him, she thought if he was doing ok. She knew he could take care of himself, and strong enough to deal with anyone that may cause a problem, but that still didn't stop her of thinking about him. Her boyfriend that she misses very much.

"Maybe I should have went with them. Griffonstone isn't the same how I used to remember it" her thoughts were broken when she heard someone call out her name.

"Greta...!" recognizing the voice, Greta turns and sees skyress fly towards her. She slowed down and hugged Greta that was suprised to see skyress so soon. Shade was also suprised wondering what skyress was doing here when Greta said she left griffonstone with dracule.

Greta hugged back after her surprise changed into a happy one. Pulling back skyress landed on the ground, she said "I new we would meet you here, and he said she wouldn't be here" she whispered at the end.

Greta was somewhat still suprised to see skyress, she said "Skyress? what, why are you here. weren't you and drake supposed to go to ponyville" skyress nodded.

"We did. And you should have been there! Monsters attacked the place, and dad had to jump in and save the ponies. It was totally awesome, he took them all down in no time!" Greta listen and smiled at what she heard. As she thought, she knew drake would be fine.

Skyress looked next to Greta and saw shade, with a raised eyebrow skyress said "Aren't you that griffoness that worked with that old guy that tried taking our bits?" She squinted her eyes at her, making shade sweat.

She sheeply chuckled "Yeah.... sorry about that. I quit that job right after that day, and work around the shops in griffonstone"

Greta voiced for her "Don't worry skyress, shade doesn't work for that jerk and has been helping me out" skyress hummed then shrugged, excepting greta's words. But then this got Greta thinking, and her eyes widen at the thought.

She said to skyress "Wait. If your here, that would mean..." she was correct when another similar voice spoke up. Hearing the person made her heart flutter. She looked forward to see drake walking towards them, not even minding spike that was walking with him.

"Yo gret. Did you miss me?" drake said playfully, and without warning greta flapped towards him and hugged drake instantly. Drake was kinda suprised but rolled with it and hugged back. He misses her, and after starting a relationship with her, drake wanted to see her again.

Greta rubbed her face against his chest for two reasons. The first being she wanted to feeling him again, and the second was out of instinct by putting her scent on him. Drake with his heighten senses could smell her on him, but didn't mind it. Greta is his first girlfriend in this world after all.

Pulling back, drake smiled down at greta "Miss me gret?"

She smiled back at him "You have no idea drake" he chuckled at her honesty, not feeling embarrass to say it.

Shade walked up, and waved at drake "Heyyyyy dracule..." grabbing his attention away from greta. She flinch when seeing him look at her. Inside his mind drake was trying to remember the griffoness.

"Do I know her?" A ding noise sounded inside his head "Oh yeah! She the one that worked with eurus. Shade is I'm right" and he was.

He waved back "Sup shade, I see your with my GF. You two friends know or something?" shade looked at drake in surprise. Thinking he would be hostile towards her because of what her boss did.

Greta responded "Shade quit the mob job and started working at one if the stands in griffonstone. We met a few days ago when you and skyress left, and became good friends" shade smiled at being called a friend by greta.

Drake understood and nodded "Cool, and I see you two are heading inside to watch the all out fight"

Greta said "Well yes, shade got me to come saying it would be "fun" but I think it won't be. I'm still not into that kind of stuff" shade knew drake was here for a reason and put it together.

"If your here, that means your going to enter to colosseum too right drake?" This got greta's attention, wondering why he was here.

Drake nodded "That's right. A group of mares I've met in ponyville are the prize for this whole thing. I came here thanks to spike telling me about it, to compete and save them from being someone's property" Greta and shade both gasped at the revelation. They didn't know that the prize of trapped mares taken from their home.

Drake turned his head, seeing the lines has shorted. He looked back at them, moving spike forward "This spike, twilight the mare that was captured little brother. I need you to take him and skyress with you while I sign in" He lightly pushed spike into greta's possession, and started heading back "I'll see you all after I win, and save the girls"

Before Greta could say anything back, drake ran back to sign in. She sighed, then looked down at spike that was twiddling his claws looking nervous. Greta patted his shoulder getting him to look up at her "You worried?"

Spike looked away, but nodded "Yeah.... It's just, I really hope dracule can save the girls" Greta reassured him.

"Don't worry. Drake will save them, he's dependable and brave. He'll win this dumb thing and save them" spike looked back at Greta, and sadly smiled. Her small speech helped him believe and hope that drake saves the girls.

Shade called them all "Come on! We need to get inside before all the seats are taken" they all hurried inside to wait on the start of the colosseum.

With drake, he was able to sign up and get inside. He came upon a room where every fighter that signed up was at, waiting for the large double door to open. He counted them all and came up to 50 fighters, all ranging from griffons to the three other creatures in equestria.

Drake suspected there were others because this was a small amount of creatures to fight in a colosseum. As drake walked by, a few noticed him wondering what he was. Drake placed his back against a wall as dragons, minatours, and caribrou looked at drake in either curiosity or disgust.

He could hear them talk about him "What is that thing?" "Never seen anything like it" "Looks weak! first one to die" "Got nice swords on it, might take them when it dies"

Their talking annoyed drake but it didn't matter. Soon silence will befall them all when he's done with them. Drake grinned at the thought, to fight many warriors in one place, free to fight as he pleased.

"Truly a dream come true" drake thought. He heard the double doors creak open. The 50 fighter all shouted out, ready to fight. Drake was at the back standing tall and ready.

"Don't worry girls, twilight. I'll win this thing and save you all!" The doors fully open, and light shined out as they all ran out into the open. Dracule was last, walking out and to see the full number of fighters in the colosseum. Other doors just like theirs opened, revealing 5 other doors, all opening and bringing out another 50 of fighters into the colosseum.

The number of fighter rose up to 300 creatures plus drake that will be fighting each other, until only one is left standing. Drake's red eyes gleamed in the sun light "I'm going to enjoy this more than killing those diamond dogs. Rightly so"

Comments ( 36 )

Don't You Dare

Dis is going to good

Huzzah! The next chapter is finally here! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:. Can't wait for the next one. Keep up the good work.

Don't Get Cocky story, before Don't You Dare stoy.

Wow third story I've seen with the tournament and the mane six as prizes thing saw it first in wolf among ponies and then dont get cocky their might be others but I cant remember

fifth i've seen, two of them are basically copies of don't get cocky.


Hell In The Colosseum

Cant wait for the next chapter

Aside from the typos throughout the story, this is exactly how a 'HiE' story would go, and the mindset of the main character is not defiled with 1-having pony dna/becoming a pony at any point. 2- does not see himself/herself as the human they really are. 3- corrupted by no faith in humanity. 4- being a little b**** boy torwards everything. 5- just being retarded. Sir Dracule represents what it truly means to be human and i await further chapters.

Thank you for agreeing with me I couldn’t push through how idiotic this character was so I couldn’t focus at all on how bad the writing was.

Just found is and im freaking loving it!

I’m join the story so far cannot wait to read the next chapter :twilightsmile:

this is a good HIE story not like some of the others! cant wait for more

I hate spineless humans, or demi-humans as much as you do and I do enjoy a completely over powered character too but there is more to story writing than this. If you have an OP character than the story should shift away from fighting and focus on the mind. The story should be primarily focused on psychology and how the characters interact with eachother, otherwise the story becomes boring.

Is the next chapter almost ready

You okay because you're acting like a little BITCH RIGHT NOW.

I hope u can continue this

Chapter 11

Hope a new chapter comes out soon

i just found this and it looks exciting i hope this fanfiction is still alive

can you make the next one please its one my best book

I found this a while ago and had it “Read Later”. Once I got to it I was still debating on reading it because I noticed when it was last updated. After noticing that I really didn’t want to read it because it was going to be like one of those stories that you read and find out it’s very good (minus the grammatical errors) but may not get updated again. I have found a few of these stories and really hate reading them because we don’t get to see a continuation or completion of the story.

This so far has been a good favorite that I have read so far and wish to see more. I have yet to read your other stories but if they are as good (or better) than this, than I hope you can pick one and try to complete them one at a time. Once you have a lot of stories set it becomes hard to continue on some of your best work(s). Please continue this one. I want to see how you write this all out.

Yeah, he’s OP but I’m liking the side romance a bit. Action is pretty cool but in this case (OP) the romance is turning out to be a little more interesting. If he wasn’t too OP than maybe it would have turned out a little better. I hope I wasn’t rambling. Thanks for the story and hope you continue with it.


Not anymore.

Thanks for the report.

Great, no Amazing!! Story please continue:twilightsmile:!!!

Is dis story dead?

When is the next chapter

This story has some nice potential and I like how ya have him holding back most the time but one, get an editor like yesterday, two stop switching between night and knight for his last name, three please try cutting back in the “shing” and all that it kinda ruins the flow of the battles, and finally four slow down and take your time please. A story is about the adventure and the character building there is no need to rush through it like it’s your math final exam. I do not mean to sound rude so please do not take it as such I am just trying to provide some criticism now other then that very nice story ya got going and hope to see more.

Not sure if you Will continue writing this but I hope a New chapter gets out soon

realized this is just another retelling of "Don't get Cocky"

More more more good

Comment posted by Haver deleted Dec 26th, 2022

I wish someone could continue this story

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