• Published 7th Jul 2018
  • 8,707 Views, 122 Comments

Warrior To Hero - Flowjam

A young man transported to equestria. Becoming a hero to the ponies slowly and rising up to being a point figure in the equestria world

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Chapter 7 Fighting To Win, First Monster

Time passes as the tournament continues. Fight after fight each battle was won for who ever wins and the loser is sent to the paramedics for their injuries. Mostly it was griffon pitted with another griffon, while other fights had one or two ponies that beaten their opponents, then there's the minotaur Dracule seen winning every fight he's been in, wielding a battle axe in every fight.

For Dracule it was child's play. He's won every match he was put in rising up in the bracket, he had to hold back from not killing his opponent. Drake knew when this is all over he would be known by many in the griffon kingdom but he didn't really care because he was going to leave the place once he gets his bits.

Drake fought those without a weapon bare handed, those with a weapon he faced with either masamune or durendel. Drake held back when swinging either sword, both being very sharp and could cause much harm to his opponent.

As of know Drake was sitting next to Skyress and greta on the bench with shade, while Eurus kept himself distance away from him while Jetstream stood next to Eurus bedside the bench. Drake looked up at the display seeing his name in the bracket above everyone else's name with a few under him, He looked forward watching the match between a pony stallion wielding a broadsword, wearing white armor with a helmet on. Against a griffon wielding two short swords, wearing leather armor for less weight on the body to move around.

The two crossed blades with the stallion swinging wide and strong around the two and the griffon moving around taking shots at the stallions open spots but failing when ever the pony swings his swords having to dodge the wide swing of his sword or parry his swings that could end his life.

The fight didn't last much longer when the pony started using different attack patterns, he swung his swords at the griffon knowing he would doge the simple attack, he slowed his advance then spinning his body to make his next attack stronger. Everyone watched as the stallion brought his swords down up at the griffon, the power of this swing and the momentum of his spin making him faster.

The griffon had no choice but to block his sword, when the two connected the stallion strength was to much for him and shattered the griffons short swords, this was his moment. The stallion dropped his sword back down and slashing across the griffons chest inflicting major damage to the griffon as blood shoot out of his chest and falling to the ground.

"We have a winner! Day breaker will be moving up in the bracket" zenith said, the crowd yelled out praising the pony of his victory. Day breaker walked down and headed back to his booth but not before looking towards drake, dracule notice this and waved at him, the pony turned away and continue his walk. medic griffons came and took the griffon away to be treated.

"That was a good match, haven't seen a pony with skill like that before" shade said, speaking to both greta and skyress. Greta would also agree, ponies hardly come near griffonstone because of them being predators and them prey making many ponies feel intimated by them. But few ponies that what to test their strength would come and participate in the tournament to face griffonstones toughest fighters.

Greta responded back "Same but I wouldn't think much of it" greta did not care much about the battles that weren't drake's, she didn't like the bloody fights that compose of weapons. Every fight had the two going wild trying to kill the other.

Skyress spoke out her own interest "I rather watch dad's than these guys. They all fight with such hate, with dad it ends as it begins but the way he does it is awesome!" drake laughed at his daughter, he patted her head finding the small griffon child behavior cute.

Once zenith moved day breaker up in the bracket he announced the next match "Can numbers 1&8 please come up to the ring" drake got up when he heard his number and headed to the ring, the same for his opponent that was a pony stallion that looked very different from the normal ponies he seen.

Once they were standing from a good distance from each other drake got a good look at the pony. This stallion had charcoal like fur, his main being davy gray but the most interesting about the pony was the bat like wings and slit eyes that made him think he was going up against some kind of vampire pony.

"On our left we have the unstoppable human that's defeated many of our past fighters in close combat or sword fighting, the creature that could make any predator flee in fear, The alpha Dracule Knight!" the crowd yelled out for drake, his fights making the griffons speechless and show skills no griffon could do.

Drake didn't mind the name they gave him, it just made him remember the times back on earth, living in the wild of jungles and interacting with the animals there. "On our right we have the pony species that live in the darkness, fighting with precision like a hunter, the thestral Dark Spear"

Dark spear was wearing something like what the griffon that faced day breaker was wearing but with metal patches to protect his weak spots and vital areas. His dark blue eyes scanned over dracule, measuring him up and noticing the simple clothes he was wearing that could not fend off attacks from any form of weapon.

Drake snickered at the bat pony, finding him analyzing him is the first step of a hunter "See something you like? Just so you know I don't swing that way, more into women than men"

Dark spear frowned at dracule's words, not finding it funny "I'm not here to play games human, you only got here through luck. This is were your luck ends"

Dracule shook his head "It's not luck but skill. I would say that those that had to face me were unlucky just like you"

Dark spear sneered at drake's words, he placed his hand on his back and retrieve a small metal stick. He press a button and then the stick grew longer, shooting out a blade at one end taking on the form of a spear. Drake whistled from the action of dark spears weapon.

The spear was all black, the blade included with silver lines on it. It was a fine weapon to look at and just by looks it could do crazy damage when used by a skilled fighter "Well know his name makes complete sense, Figured his weapon would be nothing else"

"Nice spear had one myself, broke it when facing an animal I was hunting" Drake placed his hand on durendel's handle and pulled the sword out of its scabbard. Every griffon, day breaker, and dark spear looked at durendel in amazement. They all seen drake pull the sword out when facing an opponent with their own weapon but it was just a beautifully crafted sword they have never seen before.

"I would praise you for your own weapon but that would mean nothing with someone like you wielding it" Some of the griffon's gasped at the remark dark spear gave, greta and skyress were angry by what he said with skyress calling him a jerk.

Dracule just smiled, thinking nothing of the rude remark. He twirled Durendel in his hand, he could feel the sword relishing to cross blades with the pony wanting to show that his master is a powerful warrior. Dracule felt the same "Lets show this horse skill he will never gain" it felt like durendel agreed with him.

Drake held durendel behind his back, taking on a relax stance. Dark spear took his own stance with him crouched low and his spear aimed straight. Zenith spoke out to announced the battle "Alright griffons this battle will decide who will be heading to the finals!" The crowd yelled out "Alright Lets start in, 3, 2, 1 Begin!!!"

Once zenith said that the battle started with dark spear making the first move and diving right at drake with his spear aimed at his chest. The thestral moved so fast that it would have been impossible to see him but not for drake, he used his own speed to block the spear, in his own way.

"Clang" The sound of metal hitting each other rung in the air, the griffons were speechless of what drake did. He didn't do much, all he did was turn around and had durendel positioned were dark spear was aiming, blocking the spear and not moving a inch from the attack.

Dark spear was shocked of the speed drake displayed. Drake turned his head to see dark spear behind him "Nice try" he than pushed the handle down shooting durendel up and knocking dark spear away, he turned to face the pony "Stuff like that won't get you far in this battle"

Dark spear growled and ran back into the fight, he started swinging his spear at drake doing a few spins to keep his body moving so drake doesn't get a chance to fight back. Drake has seen dark spear fight, the griffons he faced taken away to be looked at or killed by him. Drake dodged his attacks easily, he used one of dark spears spin moves by turning with his body in the opposite way then swinging his sword that only left a small slash mark on the right side of his body.

Dark spear did not know what happened. He couldn't see drake because he moved with him but going the oppose then finding drake behind him and feeling a stinging sensation on his side. He looked down to see little drops of blood going down his side. He looked at drake in anger while drake looked at him in pity.

"Damn, you did so well getting here. Sucks that your going to lose here, I'll try not to beat you up to bad" Drake smiled in the end, messing with the bat pony. Dark spear flew at drake in anger, and started battling him with drake fighting back.

The two did battle in the middle of the arena. Swinging both of their weapons, metallic rings heard by everyone. Dark spear attacked the same way he did before, while drake fended off his attacks blocking and parrying away his spear. Drake didn't move back, he stood his ground fighting dark spear without using much of his strength.

From the battles before drake has dropped his power low, about how he was back on earth. Fighting every opponent as if he never have gotten powers from the ruin. He could feel the strength behind dark spears attacks, it excited him. He soon fought back putting dark spear in the defenses stance pushing him back with every strike he landed on his spear.

Drake moved swiftly and attacked like lighting. It was unnatural for dark spear, he moved to block but was only able to block a few of drake's sword strike. He could feel slash marks on some parts of his body. Dark spear did not want to sustain to much injures and spin his spear with both hands in front of him being able to block all of drake's attacks for just 3 seconds, enough time to use his wings and fly backwards away from drake.

He flew a few feet away from drake, he looked over his body seeing the small cuts on his shoulders, legs, and chest. He felt that he was lucky that was all but then notice that he was really lucky, in a suspicious type "He did little damage to me but that doesn't make sense. I couldn't even tell were you was aiming at from how fast he moved. I should be littered with far more than small cuts?"

"Mind coming down!" he looked down to see drake looking at him, his sword held on his shoulder "I don't have wings, I need you on land to hit you" dark spear shook his thought away figuring he needed to stay focus. He spread his bat like wings and flew back down, his spear aimed for drake.

Drake saw him coming and thought "Been through this before" he easily parried the stallions spear, dark spear swung around to try again. He came down but drake jump over him passing right by him.

Dark spear grew irritated trying one more time. He increased his speed making himself look like a blur to everyone watching, drake saw him and blocked his spear to the side then elbowing him in the face making him fall to the ground. Dark spear faced forward on the ground with his spear still in his hands.

Drake stalked towards him "Flying doesn't mean much" when he was inches from dark spear, the pony shot up and turned swinging his spear at drake from his left. Drake stopped it with durendel, holding the sword on his left side blocking the attack. Drake grinned at dark spears surprised look on his face "When someone already dealt with it"

Drake moved the spear to his right side with durendel, he than moved up to dark spear and kicked him right on his chin stunning the bat pony. Everyone flinched from the kick drake gave him, he placed durendel back on his shoulder. He watched as dark spear pick himself up using his spear as leverage.

The stallion shook his head, making the world stop spinning giving him time to recuperate his senses. Drake gave him that time but spoke out, what he said angered dark spear further "Theirs no disrespect from surrendering, well except the fact everyone would see you as a weak pony that gave up"

Dark spear turned to face drake, he could see the pits of rage in his eyes "You hairless ape! I will strike you down and be the victor in this battle" what he said made drake smile.

"Guess my plan worked, never thought it would work but hey at Least I have a way making someone drop their cool" Once drake stepped forward and stood before dark spear he wanted to try and see if he could make dark spear become anger, unable focus and it worked.

Drake thought it was the right time to end this battle "Then lets end this in one final strike uh?" everyone heard him, the crowd roared from what drake said. Dark spear looked around finding himself trapped but he did not care his rage was blinding him.

They both took their own stances. Dark spear held his spear to his side and started to spin it, he spun the spear fast enough to pick up wind. Drake held durendel to his side, the blade positioned sideways and his body facing forward. Everyone was silent as the two stared off.

Then all of a sudden they dashed at each other. They were too fast for anyone to see, it started as it ended. They were both behind each other, everyone watched as the two stood motionless not moving at all. Some held in their breath just watching them.

All of a sudden the side of drake's shoulder slashed open making some of the crowed gasp the same for greta and skyress But than after that dark spear grunted making everyone look towards him, he moved back as his chest slashed open, blood shot out as he falls on his back. The whole crowd gasp, the guards eyes widen from the unexpected wound that appeared on dark spear.

Zenith was amazed but wanted to know what happened "I can't believe it ladies and gentlemen, they attacked each other so fast we couldn't even see them! Lets check out the screen and replay that whole thing" he pressed a button and rewind the screen.

Everyone looked up and watched the whole thing play out. It first showed drake and dark spear in their stances far away from each other, then as they move zenith slows it down so everyone can see what happened. They kept on moving until they were in swinging distance, it showed dark spear having both hands on his spear swinging sideways and aiming for drake's head but as he did drake lowered his head predicting were drake spear would attack.

Dark spear was able to slash drake's shoulder while drake aimed for his chest and swung across his chest, Soon it stops with them standing behind each other "Hot damn, you saw it griffon's drake has landed a fatal blow and defeated dark spear!" everyone roared out, greta and skyress jumped up cheering drake's victory.

Shade signed the stress she was feeling fading away "Man that was hectic, any other griffon would have lost that fight. Guess drake really is the real deal"

Drake spun durendel in his hand before placing the sword back in it's scabbard. He walked back to the steps out of the arena, he stopped next to dark spear as the medics rush in "Not bad, out of all those that faced me you were the most worth while fight I had"

"Ladies and gentlemen Dracule knight moves to the finals!!!" Drake smiled at the cheers of the crowd focus on him. Dark spear was taken away and one part of the semi-final match ends.

When he got back to the group drake was met with a hug from his daughter and a worried greta and shade that were focusing on drake's wound. Greta grabbed drake's arm and pulled him to the bench "No time for talking we need to bandage up your wound"

Shade handed her a roll of cloth, greta thanked her and was about to wrap it around his shoulder but drake held up his hand stopping her "Calm down gret, I got this" greta was confused because she had something to help stop the bleeding. Drake focused and switched his element to grass/wood.

He opened his palmed and a green glow appeared around his hand, skyress awed at the glow while greta and shade watched in fascination the same for Jetstream and Eurus watched, surprised that drake could use magic even if it wasn't magic that he was using.

Drake placed his glowing green hand on his shoulder, the light glowed bright for just a second and when he took his hand off his shoulder the wound dark spear inflict was completely gone. They gasp from the feat drake done, skyress was amazed by her fathers power "Woah, how did you do that. Did you use one of your elements?" she asked remember what he told her and greta back at the house.

drake nodded "Yup I used the element of nature to heal me, a handy ability when ever I get hurt" but drake thought in his head "If I have not held back and fought with my power the match would have ended to quickly"

Zenith announced the next semi-final match "Numbers 11&15 come up to the ring!" day breaker being eleven walked away from his pony dealer and headed to the ring, once he got there his opponent came up next. Drake was actually interested of this fight because day breaker a skilled fighter that drake notice from his other fights will be facing the minotaur that's killed every griffon he faced.

The minotaur was just a foot taller than day breaker, his fur was dark brown with his nose taking on a peach color, he was a big fella with broad shoulders and a powerful muscle body under his armor, the armor he wore seemed to look like the type the romans made for battle and his legs had long sketch straps from his waist to his legs, chainmail around his arms and bronzed plated leg armor. On his back was the axe he used to kill his opponents, his horns were long and sharp maybe even strong enough to block a blow from a sword.

His axe was beautiful master piece of combat, two sided blade with markings like drake's durendel but not to many, Long having to use two hands because of weight and length of the axe but drake has seen him swing the axe one hand before.

Zenith announced the two fighters "On our left we have the pony stallion that's pushed his way up, defeating all that stands against him. The shining sun, Day breaker!" the crowd roared out as day breaker takes his sword off his back. His broadsword was long and the blade sharp; possible to cut down a tree with just a few swings. The handle was light blue with dark gold mixed together, at the end of the blade was a circle that looked like the sun.

"On our right we have the brutal fighter that's defeated and killed every opponent he has faced, the minotaur from the kingdom of Minos, Asterion!" the crowd booed at him mostly because unlike others he killed his opponents and everyone of them were griffons. Asterion grabbed his axe off his back and held the weapon in both hands, he puffed smoke out of his nostrils, he spoke in a low deep voice "I do not care what they think I've only come to face warriors like myself"

Day breaker thought the same but didn't find his ways understandable "Same but that doesn't mean you have to kill to win"

Asterion chuckled lowly for only day breaker could hear, drake was able to hear because of hi hearing "You know nothing of the ways of combat, it's either you live or die there is no such thing as letting your enemy live in a battle to the death"

Day breaker may not think like asterion but drake kind of understood what he meant. Yes in a real fight it's all about surviving but this was more like a game to drake not gladiator coliseum having to kill those you face to reach the top. Zenith started to count down after calming down the crowd.

"Alright! In 3, 2, 1, begin!" Once zenith said that and the timer on the screen labeled "Begin" was shown the two hulking warriors ran towards each other, when they got to the middle of the arena the two swung their weapons "Cling" the sound of metal was met as day breakers sword was blocked by asterion's axe.

The two stepped back and attacked again "Cling" "Cling" Cling" this kept on going, hit after hit. Everyone watched as the two fought, Drake had a critical eye on them both and could tell that between the two asterion was the strongest. Day breaker kept on getting pushed back farther than asterion when they clash blows.

Day breaker started to move around and attack asterion's side. Asterion followed breakers movements like a bull staring at a red flag.

Asterion blocked and parryed day breakers attacks but know was the one being pushed back because of his low movement.

Day breaker dashed forward slashing down with his sword, asterion blocked the slash with the pole of his axe. The two stared off while day breaker tries to force asterion down.

Asterion legs were crouched, with a primal yell asterion shoved day breaker off him. He jump high and swung his axe at the stallions head.

Day breaker jumped to the side just in time, asterion' s axe cracked and spotted the area floor were breaker was standing.

Small droplets of sweat tell down breakers face glad that he moved away in time, even if he tried blocking he would have been forced to the ground and left defenless.

Asterion pulled his axe out of the floor with ease, he looked over at day breaker and hugged "You are a skilled warrior I'll give you that. There are few ponies that fight like you"

Day breaker nodded asterion's praise "I was one a guard but quit to become something greater, I will win this tournament and be looked at as a powerful warrior"

Asterion rolled his shoulders, in his head he shook that the determination his opponent had "That could only be possible if you win, but even if this fight will be nothing like facing him"

Day breaker was a little confused at what he meant. He did have time to question when asterion charged at him, his horns aimed at his chest.

Day breaker faced the charge at swung his sword at asterion's horn, when he did asterion moved his head to intercept his sword "Bing" asterion horn was surprisingly stronger knocking back day breakers sword.

Day breaker was shocked that he was knocked back he silently gasp when asterion swung his axe from his left side at him. Day breaker quickly held his sword in front of him, blocking the blow but sent flying back.

He fell on his back, grunting he pain because of the hard landing. He looked up just in time to see asterion running up with his axe held high.

When asterion dropped down his axe day breaker rolled away "Boom" asterion's axe breaking the arena floor again.

Day breaker took this moment, he got up on his knees and swung his sword at asterion. The minotaur moved to the side but was still hit by day breakers sword.

The two stood with asterion having a small slash mark on his left cheek. Small line's of blood fell down his cheek, he wiped the blood off with his right hand.

On the bench drake whistled of how exciting the fight was becoming "Know this is what I call a battle, truly warriors of their own skill"

Greta watch like the crowd in awe as the two males fought. Skyress didn't what to miss anything, never in her life that she thought she would get the chance to watch a true battle.

"This year is surely interesting" drake and Greta turned to shade that spoke "Last year's tournament was ok, mostly having just Griffins but I guess others wanted to try this out. We never had ponies come fight but anything can happen" she said to them.

Erueus looked to drake with a frown and steady glare "You better give it your all in the next fight, I will not lose my money to who ever you face in the finals"

Greta and skyress frowned at the old Griffin, not liking that he had no fate in drake.

Drake grinned and looked back at the two fighter "Don't worry your old feathery head erueus, I won't lose you can count on it"

Erueus huffed and watched the fight like the rest, drake chuckled in his head "You should be more worried about yourself, Turkey"

The two dash and fought again. day breaker had more movement than asterion be, as asterion was stronger than day breaker. Day breaker held his sword side ways and parried asterion axe, he placed both hands on his sword and swung for asterion neck.

The minotaur was quick enough to move his head down letting his horn block his sword. Asterion used this moment to let one hand off his axe, he sent his left fist at day breaker stomach. luckily his armor protected him from taking to much damage but it still hurt and sent him back a bit. With his right hand asterion swung his axe at day breaker, day breaker was able to settle the jarring feeling of pain he got from asterions punch, he moved back only letting the axe cut his armor.

He jumped back before running back at asterion, he swung his sword at him "Cling" only for asterion to block it, he then spun his axe making day breaker hold on his swords loosen. He than "Smack" hit day breakers head with the end of his axe, asterion then went for a forward push but day breaker still held on to his sword.

With enough strength eh sent his sword at asterion side. The minotaur's eyes widen seeing the stallions blade, he tried moving his body away but the length of day breakers sword was unavoidable. Day breaker "Shining" Slashed asterion's side , he roared in pain but still pushed on.

With a new found rage of angry asterion "Bash" pushed day breaker back with so much force he was sent flying, he slide on the arena floor "Ah Shit!" he grunted in pain feeling his ribs shake from the bulls push. Asterion placed both hands on his axe and leaped towards day breaker.

In a shout of rage he aimed his axe right at the downed pony. Day breaker saw this, eyes widen in fear of being killed. He tried to get up but his body felt numb the affects of asterion's powerful push making him vulnerable to attacks "Rawr!!!" in a shout of fury asterion was coming close to finishing day breaker.

Drake saw this coming before asterion pushed day breaker back. In that amount of time he found a good size pebble on the ground and picked it up. He looked at asterion that was falling towards day breaker and took aim, he held the pebble with his right hand, his hand in a fist with the pebble balanced on his thumb.

With perception aiming he sent the pebble at asterions left eye. The pebble hit it's target surprising and distracting asterion aim and focus, day breaker notice this and moved his body to the side just in time for asterion's axe "Schlicht" hitting were he was.

Day breaker shook in fright from almost getting killed before asterion could get his bearing day breaker yelled out "I surrender" once he said those words a loud buzz went off. The huge screen glowed red, stopping the fight from continuing.

Zenith let go of the buzzer and spoke out "There we have it everyone our first surrender in the tournament with that asterion takes the win and heads to the finals!" The crowd started to boo at both asterion and day breaker. Asterion for winning and day breaker for giving up the fight.

Asterion pulled his axe out of the arena right when the medics came. He looked down at day breaker and huffed puffing out smoke 'You got lucky pony, if not for my sight messed with I would have killed you" He walked off with one of the medics to treat his wounds "Very Lucky indeed" he side questionably.

Day breaker breath in and out calming himself down while being helped up by one of the medics. He thought the same thing, thinking he was about to be killed and his life taken "What the Tartarus happened. He was so close to killing me why did his sight moved away from me?" day breaker was broken from his thought when he felt something hit his head.

"Ow!" he looked down to see a pebble next to his feet. He looked over to who ever threw the pebble and when he did his eyes when seeing drake looking right happen. Drake smiled and fake saluted day breaker, the stallion was ushered by one of the medics to be taken and looked at.

Drake scratched his head when he felt someone tug of his sweater. He looked to his left to see skyress with a confusing expression on her face, he then asked drake a question "Dad, why did you save that pony?"

Drake responded back "Because he didn't deserve to die, from every fighter I've seen he was the only one with honor and signs of respect. Someone like that should give a chance to live"

Greta agreed with drake "That's very kind of you drake"

Drake grinned at greta "Thanks I try by best" greta rolled her eyes but smiled back. Soon time went by as the whole tournament went into intermission, once it was finish asterion came back with bandages around his waist because of the wound day breaker caused with his sword.

Once asterion's dealer gave the go ahead that he was ready to fight zenith spoke out to everyone "Ok, this is it. We have know gone to the end of our tournament. Only two are left to decide who will win the tournament" the crowd cheer finally having to see who would become this years champion.

Zenith crossed out all those that lost leaving drake and asterion on the screen "Can numbers 1&15 come up and start the final match!"

Asterion said no words and headed to the ring, he knew this would be the fight of his life. Every match that drake took part ended in his favor, he felt something he never experienced "Fear". It was more like a poor man pitted up against a wild animal.

Drake got up and turned to his companions "Hope you brought a bag for all the bits I'm getting, Eurus don't forget our deal" Eurus's back fur stood out when looking at drake's eyes. He nodded fast making drake chuckle "Great lets finish this whole tournament"

Skyress got excited and yelled out cheering drake "You got this dad, bring home the money!" her cheer made greta and shade laugh.

Drake walked up the steps and stood a good distance from asterion. Zenith was also excited, this would be the best fight in this years tournament. Zenith spoke out "Its time to see who will become this years champion! On our right we have the merciless minotaur asterion! And on our left we have the unstoppable human dracule knight, this is going to be a fight to remember"

The crowd roared out ready to see who will win. Drake placed his right hand on masamune's handle, asterion held his axe in both hands his eyes focused on drake keeping a watchful eye on his movements remembering how fast drake was when faced against dark spear.

He notice drake was going to use the tiny sword strapped on his waist and found it insulting "Human why do use that small sword than the one on your back, you dare insult me!"

Drake didn't understand what asterion was talking about "Um no, I already used durendel against dark. It wouldn't be far if I used him again" he pulled the whole blade out with his right hand, the light of the blade shined out.

Zenith started the count down on the screen "In 3, 2, 1 begin!"

Asterion charged right at him with his axe positioned on his side. Drake stood his ground and waited, when asterion got close he swung his axe at drake's left side hoping to cleave drake through "Clink" soon the crowd gasp and asterion eyes widen from what happened.

Drake blocked asterion's swing with masamune with one hand. Asterion couldn't believe it, he didn't use a lot of his strength but it was still enough to send any normal creature off the ground "I wouldn't underestimate a weapon" asterion looked at drake,the smile on his face unnerving "When the one holding it is a master"

Drake shoved asterion back by pushing his axe towards him. Asterion balanced himself getting ready to attack drake but stop when seeing him put masamune back inside it's scabbard and taking on a stance he never seen before.

Asterion didn't know why drake positioned himself like that but ignored it and charged right at him. He raised his axe and aimed for drake's head, with unnormal speed drake knocked asterion's axe away making the minotaur move back almost falling backwards.

Everyone watching could not see the speed drake used into intercepting asterion's axe. Asterion growled and attacked drake again, using iaijutsu he's learned and practice over the years drake fended off asterion's axe in a quick manner. Hitting away the axe then placing the sword in the scabbard.

After drake knocked away asterion's axe for the 10th time the minotaur grew even more angry. His muscles bulged in rage and in a shout, he ran at asterion than jumped into the air sending his axe at drake's head. He saw this coming but notice the strength he was giving off and with having to hold back drake could not block the blow with just his strength.

Drake jumped out of the way, rolling on the floor than jumping back to his feet as asterion hit the ground and shattering the arena floor worse when he fought day breaker. Drake took this chance, he dash at asterion pulling his axe out of the floor and turning to drake. His eyes widen for a bit before pulling back his axe and waiting for drake to get close.

When he did drake "Shing" striked first because he was faster. Asterion attacked right after but he was to slow so drake was able to get past unharmed. Asterion thought's were on the pain he should be feeling but he felt no pain but did feel he lost something important.

"Huh, I thought that would be harder. Guess I'm just too good" he turned around to look at drake but saw something in his hands. Once he was able to get a good look at it his left eye started to twitch.

He yelled out in rage "What!" startling everyone from his outburst but than confused when seeing him touch his right horn.

Zenith was confused just like them "What just happened? It seems something has gone wrong with asterion's horn. Let's see what's wrong shall we"

Asterion heard zenith and yelled out to him not to, zenith didn't listen and used the camera's to look at asterion closer.

Everyone gasp on the screen they all can see that asterion's right horn was cut off, the screen changed to drake holding the severed horn in his left hand.

Zenith yelled out to the crowd "I can't believe it, asterion's right horn, horns strong enough to take blows from day breaker and other fighter weapons were chomped off by dracule knight!"

Every Griffin in the stands could no believe that drake cut asterion's axe. The same for erurus and jetstream that said with out thinking "Holy shit" when seeing asterion's horn in drake's right hand.

Greta and skyress thought the same, skyress was thinking how incredible the feat her father did with one of his sword. Asterion kept touching were is right horn was. A minotaur horn is very strong, becoming sturdier when age and a important factor in his race.

He looked at drake's sword shocked to see it not bent or cracked, he could not understand how a small, long blade like drake's being able to slice his horn like butter.

Drake grinned in satisfaction "I told you to not underestimate my sword. Durendel is a wicked blade" he felt durendel on his back appreciate the praise "But I've only had him for just a day, unlike masamune that I used for years when I was just a kid"

He threw asterion's horn to the side angering the muscle bound minotaur further "Come, lets end this so I can get the bits for my journey in this world"

Asterion didn't understand what drake was talking about when saying "This world" but moved pass it and focused on killing him. Asterion concentrated his power into his legs more when he faced day breaker. He jumped high in the air, higher than anyone thought surprising the crowd.

He raised his axe above his head and started to head down at drake. Drake on the other hand crouched down doing the same thing like asterion. He wanted to head this fight flashy so he used his lighting element in his sword and used the cycle in his body choosing lighting.

In a shot of electricity drake jumped and rocketed at asterion. The action shocked everyone and asterion when seeing drake appear close to him in the air. Asterion in shock and pride tried attacking first with his axe but that ended when drake pulled masamune out of it's scabbard "Shining" Slashing asterion horizontally on his chest as blood shot out and rained small droplets from the air.

The two fell back down with drake landing on his feet and asterion falling on his back "AHH" yelling out in pain.

Zenith quickly pressed a button making a buzzer go off ending the battle "I can't believe my eyes. Dracule knight our first human as beaten asterion and takes the win as our new campion!" the whole crowd yelled and scream, cheering drake for winning and showing he was the strongest by his skills and strength.

Greta and skyress jumped in the air hugging each other while flapping their wings. Shade clapped and yelled out like the crowd while Eurus and Jetstream clapped slowly.

Drake placed masamune back in it's scabbard and started moving around the arena taking praise from the crowd and doing victory poses making them cheer louder.

Drake started to walk off while zenith spoke to the crowd "Ok know that the tournament is over and we have our winner, we can all give the pri-"

"Wait!" zenith was interrupted by another voice yelling out for everyone to hear. The cheering stopped and everyone turned to the entrance to see a griffon holding a microphone in his claws with 10 suited guards around him.

Everyone was confused from this unknown griffon entering the tournament building. The only one that knew the griffon was zenith that talked when the silence needed to end "Foulnail? What is the meaning of this" Foulnail is a griffon smuggler that's been the one helping zenith having magical equipment from pony area's.

Foulnail laughed in his mic the demeanor coming off the griffon made drake suspicious to him. The medics also stopped when he entered and drake seeing asterion losing blood from his sword strike made them move "Hey get your feather asses moving unless you what him to bleed out!" They heard drake and quickly moved asterion away to be treated.

"I'm hear to enter the tournament. Why else would I be here" the crowd started to talk in whispers. Foulnail flapped his wings and flew over to zenith, the griffon announcer not like this one bit.

Zenith shook his head "I'm sorry foul but you should have been here earlier and either way the tournament just ended" foul landed next to zenith with a dastardly smile on his face.

"Oh come on old friend you can put me in right. I did help came things better with the gear I gave" he pointed at the camera's and giant screen but zenith wasn't having it, this was his tournament that he created himself and no one else. Approved by the king and made his by his words.

"I said no" zenith held down making foul frown but than smiled when in acting his plan. he looked down and signaled one of his guards to come up. He did and handed foulnail a large briefcase.

He posited the case in front of zenith sideways and held up "Than why don't I put in my money into the others hmm?"

He started to open the case with zenith speaking "There is no way that you can get in with bribing me for a amount of bi-" He stopped when foul opened the case fully and showing zenith the bits he had. It was no small amount more like a mountain of bits.

foul laughed when seeing zenith shocked face "This will be put into the rest and don't forget this also goes to you for manufacturing the whole thing remember" Zenith did remember and couldn't agree to the bits displayed to him. He nodded and grabbed his mic

"Ladies and gentlemen it has come to my knowledge that another fighter has been forgotten and will be going up against the winner of the finals" everyone was know confused because this never happened before over the years. Eurus was completely pissed that this wasn't over "Goddammit how dare he lie and not give use the win"

Shade went to calm her boss down while greta and skyress watch drake stand and wait. Drake tapped his foot not liking that this whole thing wasn't over even if he won "Come on, can this get even more annoying"

Zenith turned to foulnail and asked "Alright where is your fighter?" Foul smiled making zenith feel uncomfortable. Foul placed his claw in his beak and whistled down to his guards. They nodded and left out of the tournament, they soon came back with 55 more griffon pulling a huge cage that was trashing and roaring scaring everyone but drake.

They placed the cage in front of the arena floor were drake was standing in the center waiting for them to open the cage. Foulnail used his mic to announce his fighter "My griffon's I have come to bring a fight of a life time. I have gone far and brought back a creature that's kill half of my men in bringing it here. This Monster I have brought will kill this monkey and give me the prize I've come to earn"

The females in the crowd gasp and the males feared like them when hearing the words monster come out of foul's mouth. Greta, skyress and everyone also got scared with greta yelling out to drake to get away from the cage but he didn't listen and waited for them to show off their monster.

His guards started to open the cage while foul spoke out the name of his monster "I give you the four armed beast, Girallon!" Once the cage fully open two red eyes glowed and I giant figure ran out and landed on the arena floors shaking the ground and making the griffon fighters and bosses rattle and shake.

When it stopped everyone looked at the monster, females screamed whiled males yelled out in fright. Drake looked at the monster with a raised eyebrow and looking at it from bottom/up. The monster stood on two feet like him but more monkey like reaching up to 12 feet tall, it's whole body was covered in white fur and bulge with muscles all over, just like foul said it had four arms on either side of it's body, it had the face of a gorilla with sharp fangs and pointed claws for ripping out flesh from either way, and red eyes that would give drake's a run for it's money.

The girallon "ROAR" out loud scaring the griffon's even more but than something around it's neck started to make the girallon spas out and shake from electricity it stopped with smoke coming off it and look over at foul that was holding
a remote with a red button on it, wagging his index claw and pointing at drake.

It looked at drake than "Roared" at him making his hair move back from. When it stopped the monster huffed but than notice drake wasn't shaking in fear, he could not smell fear coming off drake. Soon the girallon saw drake chuckling.

Drake placed his right hand on masamune and said "Damn, never thought I would get to face your kind so fast but I'm not complaining" he pulled the sword out shocking everyone thinking that he would run away. he took his stance ready to fight his first monster "After this I can cross out killing a monster off my list"

Music: I Climb, Thousand Foot Krutch

He positioned masamune upside down, the blade pointed at the girallon. The girallon charged at drake than stopped to punch down at him.

Drake jumped back inches away from the punch, he than jumped forward on the girallon left lower arm and running up it. The girallon tried grabbing drake but he smoothly flipped over the upper left arm and "Shining" slashing the upper arm as it moves past him. The girallon was able to tear a small munch of his sweatshirt, ripping the side.

The girallon roared in pain moving back and moving it's upper left arm away from drake. Once he got close to the monsters chest drake stopped and jumped to the side of the girallon's biceps and "Shining" cutting horizontally than "Shik" stabbing masamune into the girallon's right upper arm shoulder.

Girallon roared not in pain but took the hits and tried slamming drake flat on his shoulder, Drake saw the monster moving it's upper left hand heading towards him, drake pulled masamune out of it's shoulder and flipped over the arm and landing on it instead.

Drake ran up the arm to the girallon's head but with a smile shake and swinging its arm up, drake was suddenly in the air.

And with no time at all, girallon sent a punch at drake and from his suspective it looked like a boulder headng right at him.

Drake couldn't do much while in the air so he raised his right arm to take the hit "Bash" girallon punched drake and sent him back a distance away to the arena floor.

He rolled on the ground making the crowd gasp from the monstrous hit he took and making Greta, skyress yelling out his name once he touched the floor and rolled away for just a second. Drake jumped off the ground and landed on his feet crouched down and holding his right arm in pain, his cloths dirty because him rolling on the floor.

Drake felt his right arm bruise up. He relaxed his body to let the pain flow pass like water moving pass stones in a lake. He used his grass/wood element to heal it but with him suppress his power it dropped the pain to a numb feeling and leaving a small bruise mark.

Drake looked back at the girallon and looking it over again and noticing the look in it's eyes, the eyes of intelegance "Fuck, so I'm up against a somewhat smart monkey. Great" he said sarcastically in his head.

He didn't let this stop him and stood up, shocking everyone of his endurance. Drake rolled his know number right arm sword in hand, than ran back at the girallon.

Girallon saw drake coming and in a feat that surprised him and everyone watch. The monster stomped it's right foot making the whole tournament building shake.

This caused drake to stumble because of his running speed. He fell and fumbled on the ground face down.

He started to get up but then he say a large shadow appear over him. In self instincts drake moved his body to the side, spinning away from the girallon's large foot that almost squished him.

Girallon growled when drake evaded it's attack. Drake got up and jumped "Shining" slashing across the beast back.

The girallon again roared in pain and swung it's fist at drake that was behind him, drake stepped to the side dodging the fist than seeing the girallon turn his body and send another fist at him, using it's lower right arm because drake was to small.

Drake didn't try dodging and waited for the beast fist to get closer, when it did drake stepped back and reaching his left hand on the fist. When the girallon moved it's upwards drake let go and was sent into the air.

He looked down at the girallon seeing it look confused when thinking it hit drake but didn't. Drake used this and dropped down on the girallon "Shik" stabbing masamune on it's face.

At that moment drake and everyone watching thought he killed it but soon notice it growling, he looked down looking at girallon in the eyes seeing it very much alive. Drake soon came to understanding "It's skin is easy to cut but the bones are to strong without using my power to help"

Before drake could pull his sword out of its head, girallon grabbed drake in it's upper left hand, the one he cut and held him tight.

Everyone watched at the girallon held drake roaring in the air making some scream in fright and others to wet themselves.

Foul chuckled when seeing his monster having drake in it's hand "It seems my fighter has dracule in his clutches. Watch as he squeezes the fool onto paste!"

Greta watched as drake hold on with the girallon squeezing him unable to think of a way to save him.

Skyress on the other claw would not let her father be killed "Let my dad go you ugly four armed freak!" He tried flying over to help but Greta stopped her.

"Let me go, I got to save him!" She moved around but Greta wouldn't let her go.

She held skyress own "No, I can't let you go. You could get hurt maybe even killed, you have to trust drake"

Skyress would not listen and tried harder screaming "Daddy" over and over.

Drake looked over at his daughter, seeing Greta keep her from doing something dangerous. He grunted and looked at the girallon squeezing him slowly, a cocky grin on it's face.

When seeing that drake got pissed for letting himself get caught and the look on the girallon's face "That's it no more holding back" he whispered.

Drake was able to pull his arms out and grab girallon's hand, drake started to pull and move the monsters hand.

Girallon was shocked that drake was strong enough to pull his fingers away. In that moment drake flipped backwards kicking girallon in the face, making him move back and hold his face because of the power of the simple kick.

Drake dropped down and jumped back. The crowd cheered for drake being able to get away, Greta sighed letting go of skyress when seeing drake escape glad that he was ok. Skyress also cheering followed by Greta and shade, eurus started to sweat thinking drake would lose this and jet stream that took part of the cheering, he doesn't like drake but he hates the monster even more.

Drake stood tall and relaxed his body. He closed his eyes and focused the small sphere in his body that was his power that he suppressed to fight his opponents fair and square. He breathed in and exhale out making it expand and wide. He stopped making the ball grow as big as a basketball.

A faint aura came out of him and surrounding his body before disappearing, when he opened his eyes the dark orange color came over his eyes before fading away.

The action of his power being opened wider made the girallon stiffen, it felt the power coming off him and took the defensive.

This surprised everyone and shocked foulnail because of the sudden action, he yelled at girallon "What the tartarus are you doing! Go and kill him!" The girallon ignored him and watched drake closely.

Drake rolled his shoulders, arm, neck making crack noises. He first used grass/wood element to heal his while body, being able to use a quarter of his power he could use the strengthhe held back and the speed.

His body shined green and when it ended he felt good as new, the numb feeling in his right arm was gone and the pain he felt from girallon grip was also gone.

Drake grabbed durendel our of its scabbard with his left hand. He twirled the sword in his hand, he stopped and held durendel with both hands.

Drake changed his element to lighting and got into a forward position, durendel held to his side the blade pointed back.

Drake thought in a way to kill girallon in just seconds and enacted his plan. First drake shot right at girallon to his right leg like a lighting bolt, he "Schlicht" slashed through the leg even part of the bone.

Girallon roared even louder from the pain it felt and almost dropping to a knee, drake didn't slow down and like lighting shot at it's waist "Schlicht" slashing through girallon's waist and cutting his right ribs.

This got girallon to fall to his knees and clutching his side were drake slashed, blood pooling out. The crowd gasped, foul's eyes widen when seeing the tables flip and having drake make his monster defenseless.

Drake swung durendel making the blood fly off the blade. He wanted to try out what he learned from the book back in greta's house.

Drake positioned durendel in his hands sideways, he concentrated making the wind element mark glow white. A white aura started to appear on the blade, drake held durendel with both hands and raising the blade in the air. Wind started to surround the blade like a tornado with blue highlights in the wind. The action again surprised everyone making their eyes widen from this unknown use if magic they have never seen before.

With girallon unable to do anything with the wounds drake did on him, he watched as drake pull the sword back than shot it forward and up as wind formed and made girallon rise in the air. Soon a small tornado formed around the girallon.

The wind was strong enough for everyone to cover their faces and try keeping themselves from falling off their seats. Drake looked at the tornado and walked in. He looked up as girallon flail around not knowing what to do.

Drake once again twirled his sword, than taking a crouched stance with durendel held in his left hand. He changed his element to wind inside him and was ready to kill his first monster "May the wind move me through the air. Your death will end smoothly"

Drake flew straight to the other side of the tornado and landed his feet on the side, like touching his feet on a solid floor. He flew much faster at girallon and "Shining" slash his left side making him roar.

Drake did the same thing "Shining" slashing his arm "Shining" chest "Shining" arms "Shining" some parts of his face and just all over. He flew once more to the head but didn't attack but grab masamune that was stick in his head when drake tried killing him.

Drake pulled masamune out and flew up out of the tornado above in the air. When he was out he waved his hand making the tornado form into wind leaving girallon in the air.

When the tornado was gone everyone was able to see, their eyes widen when seeing girallon and drake in the air.

Eurus felt like he was dreaming, greta, shade, jet stream acted like the crowd. Skyress yelled out cheering drake on.

Girallon looked up seeing drake, he watched as he place durendel back in it's scabbard and leaving masamune in his right hand. He saw drake smile right at him and dreaded seeing the smile feeling death hand close.

Drake placed his left hand on masamune, he raised the sword over his head. He activated the mark element just like the wind and chose fire. An eruption of fire came out of masamune startling everyone of the sudden appearance of fire. Girallon was in a straight forward position and like that drake used the wind element inside him and flew down at him.

Everyone watched as drake headed to the girallon. Drake made the fire on his blade grow hotter, he got to the face and "Shining" cut vertically down through girallon's face and down his chest and stomach.

Drake landed and walked away just when girallon fell to the ground on his butt. The monster started to stand up, it's collar around his neck sliced apart. Girallon looked at drake but than started screeching in pain from a hit feeling in it's skin.

Every Griffin watch as the monsters face made a line and fire shooting out of his face, this scared them making some scream and others gasp.

Foul and zenith also got startled, but than shocked when seeing fire coming out of his face, chest, and stomach that drake cut into.

Girallon wailed in pain, turning and shaking trying to extinguish the flames but every time he tried it would just keep on gushing out fire.

Drake stuck his pinky in his ear, the noise of the girallon annoying him. He soon got tired of the screaming and turned left facing sideways and sticking his left hand at the girallon.

Drake changed his element to fire making the palm of his left hand turn red because of the heat. He looked right at the girallon and said "Shut up" and fired a torrent of flames out of his hand engulfing the monster completely.

They all jumped back when seeing fire shoot out of drake's hand, he kept on going than stopped. When the fire flew past and away from the girallon everyone gasp when seeing a giant skeleton of the girallon then with a simple blow of wind from drake the while skeleton turned to dust flying away in the wind.

The crowd was silent never thinking drake would win except greta and skyress that was yelling out in drake's victory.

Drake placed masamune back in his scabbard and looked up at the stand were zenith and foul were looking from. He changed his element to wind and flew up to the stand.

When drake landed on the stand, making zenith and foul yell in fright from the sudden entrance of drake.

Drake sat in the railing and said "I would like to get my bits please" he said nicely.

Zenith gulped and said "Mister knight we can't give you the bits without pri-" drake stopped him when clicking masamune out a little.

Drake glared at him making the poor Griffin freeze in fear "I want my bits, don't make me have to make you announcer" drake's voice not in a playing mood.

Zenith turned and told his men in his Mic to bring the bits to him. He turned back to drake, sweat running down his face "My men will be bringing your bits as of know" drake nodded and looked over at foul and his two guards.

"You" drake pointed at foul making him jump and his guards taking a defensive stance "Give me the case, know" drake ordered.

Foul maybe scared but he wouldn't let his money be taken "I will not you damn monkey, boys get him!" They started to head to drake with their claws out.

Drake jumped off the rail standing in the stand with them. The first guard got to drake and swiped his right claw at drake, drake moved away from the claw swipe and "Bash" kicked the Griffin in the right leg hard enough to crack bone.

The guard screeched in pain, drake shut him up with a "Bash" kick under his beak with his left foot.

The second came when drake unwrapped masamune off his left side. The guard tried slashing drake's face like the first but he duck under his claws as the Griffin moved pass him.

When the guard turn he was met with masamune's scabbard to the gut, then falling to the floor knocked out.

Drake looked over at foul that was shaking in fear, to make it worse drake started to pull masamune out signaling him to give him the bits.

Foul finally complied and gave drake the case just when zenith's guards came with two giant bags of bits. Zenith handed him the bits adns moved away fast.

Drake looked over the bag and nodded placing masamune back to his side. He smiled at them "Thanks, it was fun fighting and getting a chance to kill a monster but I'm tired, Later" drake first threw the case over the railing making it land near greta's paws making her jump and startled. Drake grabbed both bags with ease and jumped off fly back to them.

He landed and was met with a hug by his daughter and surprisingly Greta thinking she would have been more nervous or embarrass to show her affection to him.

They both pulled away, skyress the first to speak "That was awesome! The way you fought that monster and beat it was crazy and the way you turned and torched it was so badass!"

"Skyress, language!" Greta said. Skyress sheeply smiled making drake laugh.

Skyress giggled with her father and looked at Greta with a apologetic look "Sorry got to excited"

Greta huffed thinking that she couldn't blame the girl understanding that things did get crazy fast. Greta looked over drake body seeing no cuts or bruises from the fight, just his cloths being dirty and ripped.

She looked in drake's eyes and said "I'm glad you didn't get hurt"

Drake replied in a prideful manner "Of course, I took down a gorilla before. Killing another even if it was bigger and had four arms didn't change much"

Greta rolled her eyes at drake's comment. He showed them the two bags of bits in his hand, pulling one out and showing them the bit "Dracule knight gets what he wants when he sets his mind to it. And with this much me and skyress could even buy a house for use to stay"

Skyress poked the two bags and feeling the large amount inside. While he was watching her, just so if she accidentally tear the bag. Greta had on a sad look on her face remembering that drake was going to leave the next day.

She hide her sad look when drake looked back at her but than seeing eurus picking up the case and opening to see the bits inside.

Once he saw eurus face turn into a greedy look drake walked over and snatched the case out of claws. Eurus had on a mean look on his face, he yelled at drake "What was that for? I want my money knight!"

Drake spoke in a calm voice but eurus could feel a threating feeling coming off him "And you will when we even the pay 50/50 remember?"

The last words he said were in a taunting way. Drake heard eurus growl in anger but ignored it and headed back to Greta and skyress. Unknown to drake eurus set up a trap before heading to the tournament building "Those bits are mine! I'll get them one way or another" he whispered as drake place the one bit in his pocket and handed jet stream the case and drake takes the two bags and head through a door leading out of the tournament were the carriage is at.

They all walked and turned into a locker room. Drake didn't know where to go so eurus took the lead with a smile that drake found strange.

They all walked pass two spaces on either side, moving forward pass the locker until eurus stops and turned to drake.

Drake stops looking at eurus in suspension remembering the same feeling back on earth. Greta and skyress behind drake stopped when he did and looked confused.

Eurus spoke sinisterly "I'm sorry to say this knight but those bits are mine"

Out of nowhere two silhouettes in the two spaces came out and grabbed Greta and skyress inflicting screams from them both.

Drake turned his head, seeing two males griffons he recognized back at eurus hidden work place.

He looked forward seeing jetstream hand eurus the case. Shade knew this but didn't find it necessary, drake can tell by the frown on her face.

Drake looked back at eurus a frown of his own just not sad but mad "Your making a mistake eurus, you should have taken the deal"

Eurus laughed and said back "Do you really think I would just take 50%. I am a businesses griffon, if I want something I'll get it"

Skyress spoke out "You slimy butt muncher. Your kind always stinks" she was silence when the griffon holding her place his claw on her beak.

"Quiet you!"

Greta was trying to escape but she wasn't strong enough to get free. Eurus found them amusing.

"Know, be a good human and hand me the two bags and I'll them both go. And you will become apart of by business" eurus said clinking his claws together.

Drake glared at eurus making him, shade, and jet stream to flinch "I thought I said no"

Eurus composed himself and coughed in his claw "Yes you did but" he snapped his claws. Drake heard the two girls behind him scream and looked back to see the two griffons holding knifes around their neck.

Drake's eyes widen a bit in worry when seeing his daughter and friend held captive "But you have no way of declining my offer" he looked back at eurus seeing him with a smile that drake just wanted to slash apart.

Drake claimed himself and breathed out. Unknown to eurus drake somewhat saw this coming. He first notice this in the behaviour eurus showed in the carriage than when he relaxed and spoke too nicely to drake.

He heard the two male griffons in the shadow like spaces when they walked in. Drake didn't act because he didn't want eurus noticing him finding out.

Drake first threw the two large bags at eurus paws making the old griffon chuckle, thinking that he won but drake had a trick on his sleeve or more like In his hands.

While eurus opened the bag to check the bits drake took that moment to change his element to light. He placed his right hand in his pocket grabbing the bit and transferring light to the bit.

Once eurus was done he looked at drake and said "See that wasn't so hard, everything is going as I planned"

"I guess so" drake said and was done putting the amount of light he needed into the bit "here"

Eurus looked at drake seeing him pull out a bit "You forgot one" drake flicked the bit in the air at eurus. When he did drake's right hand was closed, once the bit was evenly for everyone to see drake extended his hand and when he did the bit glowed and shined out inside the entire locker room.

This blind everyone except drake because of the light element making immune to the brightness. He took this moment and in light speed drake was right behind the two griffons holding the girls "Holy shit, felt like I just teleported behind these two. I'm going to use the light element for speed now on"

Drake pulled masamune out and "Shining" slash across the back of both male griffons necks in one swing.

They fell down letting Greta and skyress free just when the bit stopped glowing and falling to the floor.

Eurus spoke in a shock and scared manner "W-what just happened, what's going on?!" He and everyone rubbed their eyes being able to see just little.

Drake saw both girls having the same problem and said "Here let me" and changed his element to grass/wood and healed their eyes from being faded and blurry.

When he did the two looked around startled when seeing their captors on the floor dead. They moved to stand next to drake.

Skyress said "What happened? All of a sudden a bright light came out of nowhere and almost blinded me"

Drake sheepishly smile "Sorry I put to much light in the bit"

Greta looked at drake confused "Wait was that one of your elements?"

Drake nodded "Yeah that was my light element I used it to blinded them and mostly those two giving me a chance to save you both" drake pointed at the two dead griffons.

Skyress hugged her father, Greta doing the same and saying their thanks. Eurus was able to see better and looked on surprise seeing his men down and dead.

Jet and shade were able to see and has the same look on their faces like eurus. Drake moved the two behind him and glared at the know scared griffon that tried to hurt his daughter and friend.

He looked over at the case in jets claws. Drake extends his arm and aimed at the case, he changed his element to steel and like magnet the case flew to his extended hand, startling jet from the sudden pull of the case.

Drake grabbed the case and set it down. He looked at eurus and pointed at the two bags "I what my bits eurus, hand them over" drake said in a threatening tone.

Eurus shook in fear but didn't let his resolve falter "I will not give my bits to you, I rather die than hand over my bits!"

Drake sighed that eurus made things annoying and stupid. Drake changed his element back to light and pointed his left hand index finger at eurus.

He focused the light to his finger making it shine and glow, making eurus, jet, and shade to cover their eyes with their hands. A sound came like when charging a laser gun.

Drake aimed at eurus head and said "Fine by me" and fired. He hit eurus on the forehead, the beam of light going through his skull, burning the brain, and shoot out from the back.

Drake canceled the light from his finger before the beam could touch the wall far back. Everyone watched as eurus eyes dilated then fade out, he fell forward landing on his face; dead on the floor.

No one spoke a work until jet screamed seeing his boss get killed by drake, then running out of the locker room through the exit. Shade didn't scream, she looked at her dead bosses body. Drake walked over with the two handing Greta the case and making sure she could carry it. Then picked up both bags in each hand.

He looked over at shade, calling her out and scaring her. He rolled his eyes "Calm down I'm not going to hurt you I was just going to say you should get home, the sun should be coming up soon" drake and the other two went out the door, he let greta and skyress out first.

Before he left he turned his head looking down at Eurus, he remembered what he said when he spoke to eurus "It seems like I was the one to lead you to deaths door steps faster" They walked out of the building and found the carriage Eurus was talking about.

Greta told them were to go and with no questions ask the two griffons carrying the carriage flew them to greta's house. They got there and dropped down, exiting the carriage and headed inside. Skyress flapped to the couch and relaxed, happy she could sit on something not made out of wood.

"Ahh~ it's good to be back home" drake and greta chuckled at how chill skyress was being. They took off their cloths leaving their undergarments, drake told skyress to do the same.

Drake took his sweatshirt off sad that it got ruined when fighting the girallon "Damn I liked this sweatshirt. Good thing I bought other sets of clothing back on earth" He tossed the sweatshirt at his bag and took his swords off placing g them near the couch.

He sat down next to skyress, greta doing the same sitting on the other side. They all relaxed together when all of their stomachs growled. They all laughed, greta got up and said "Seems like it's time to eat. I'll cook use some chicken and rabbit"

She walk to the kitchen while drake took that moment to smell himself. With his increase sense of smell drake could scent the lingiring smell of cobble stone, blood, and sweat. .

He got up went to his bag and fished out a clean white-T. Gym pants for in doors, and boxers. Drake turned to skyress that was watching him "I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back"

He was going to walk away until skyress asked "Then what should I do to pass the time?" In a confused tone, seeing the adults doing their own thing and not knowing what to do.

Drake thought about it and looked at the tv and back at skyress "Watch some tv" he grabbed the remote off the couch and turned the tv on.

The tv turned on and showed a cartoon about a green fur, black mane colt with a weird watch around his wrist and yelling "Its hero time" a phrase drake thought he heard from "I feel like I've seen this before"

He didn't real mind it when seeing skyress get completely in gross to the show. Drake smiled and headed to the bathroom.

A minute passed and drake got out of the bathroom smelling clean and wearing a clean set of cloths. He smelled the food Greta said she was cooking and went to the kitchen.

He first saw skyress sitting on one of the seats eating chicken and then Greta that placed a plate if food down that was his.

She looked up and saw drake step inside the kitchen "You got just in time drake, here you Greta's supered cooking" she said in pizzazz making skyress giggle.

Drake walked over and sat down next to skyress and started eating, Greta sat next to him and also ate. Drake looked up at both skyress and Greta and thought "Its been awhile since I ate with someone, this feel nice" a glimpse of his parents crossed his mind than faded.