• Published 7th Jul 2018
  • 8,707 Views, 122 Comments

Warrior To Hero - Flowjam

A young man transported to equestria. Becoming a hero to the ponies slowly and rising up to being a point figure in the equestria world

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Chapter 6 Small threat's, Winning for bits

The group walked to their destination. Jet stream was up front with his scowl on full display. Shade was behind him with Drake still carrying skyress on his back and greta was walking beside him not wanting to leave his side.

For the past hour shade has been talking to drake about himself but he’s only told her only small details. Drake wasn’t going to tell them everything like he did with greta. Because they were like what greta said, shady and suspicious.

Soon shade notice that drake wasn’t going to talk so she tried talking about other things to pass the time “So drake, you must have gone through tuff training in order to beat one of our best fighters” shade wanted to know drake’s skills.

Drake snickered, catching the girls attention “‘I’ve had training. The type that not many could go through but that doesn’t mean anything when I fought that hack”

The two females thought that drake was kidding. Skyress was confused “But dad gold claw was one of the strongest griffons here. He was bigger, Stronger, and much more intimidating than any other griffon”

The older griffons in the group nodded with skyress agreeing with her. Drake waved off skyresses response “Skyress. I faced things stronger, bigger, and much more scary than that overgrown rooster” greta and shade tried to hold in their laughter, skyress wasn’t doing the same.

“Hahahahaha. R-r-rooster!!”

Jetstream didn’t find it funny. He turned to them with his mean face on “Oh yeah. And what have you faced that was stronger than a griffon”

They stopped. Drake placed his hand under his chin, thinking about it. “Well…. I fought people that were as big as him so It wasn’t really hard to beat him. I beaten skilled warrior, not to mention beast that would make you shit your pants”

Jetstream didn’t believe what drake said “Like what?” he had a cocky look on his face.

Drake started to think about all of the animals he faced back on earth he wanted to fight “Let me think. There was the time I fought this beast that was bigger than gold claw, it didn’t have claws, or fangs but the strength he had was crazy”

Greta and shade were know intrigued by this. An Animal that drake thought was powerful seemed fascinating. Skyress was just interested in the image. While jet stream wasn’t buying it “This creature couldn’t be as strong as gold claw”

Drake looked at jet stream with even eyes “Can gold claw knock down a tree with one blow?”

Jet streams eyes widen, he started to stutter “W-well u-umm no but” drake stopped him and continued.

“Could he pick up a boulder bigger than him and throw the rock in a far distance?”

Jet stream couldn’t think of something to save his pride or gold claws “N-no”

“Or shake the ground just by stomping his feet?" Jet stream couldn’t say anything because gold claw couldn’t do any of what drake said. He was strong but not that strong.

Drake grinned and moved around jet stream to continue walking “That’s what I thought” drake said before moving around the speechless griffon. Greta and shade were surprised in what drake said. Describing the feats no griffon could do or anything not unless it’s a minotaur. They also moved around so he could get himself back together, he was madder than before.

Greta was on drake’s right while shade was on his left. Shade said “Wow you really shut jet up back their. But I have to ask, was all that you said true?”

Drake didn’t turn to her but respond back “ Yes, completely true. Not to mention the other creatures I faced. And the warrior's I said was also true”

Skyress wanted to know the beast that drake took down on his adventures “What kind of animals did you fight dad?”

Drake again thought about it. Remembering the animals he fought and the ones that attacked him that he killed for food “Hmm… Well there was the one I already said, the name of it is called a gorilla. Then there’s the huge reptiles called crocodiles and alligators, they weren’t as big as the gorilla I was talking about but were really dangerous if faced without thinking. Also really challenging when taking them on in water”

Greta was surprise by this “So wait they can walk on land and swim too!”

Drake nodded “Yeah. There were other reptiles like anacondas, There snakes but much, much bigger than normal snakes”

Skyress tilted her head “How big are they”

Drake started to remember the length of the anaconda he fought in the savanna “If I remember correctly the one I killed was about 15ft long”

The girls eyes widen with their mouths wide open. They couldn’t believe the size of just a snake, the snakes in equestria aren’t even close to that size. The only thing bigger could be a sea serpent.

Skyress yelled out. Good thing it was still to early for anyone to come out “Woah! That’s huge… And you beat that dad”

“Yeah. That was the size of a female, the males are big but just about 9.8 ft but still pretty big” Drake said making them image a snake that big. Greta, skyress and shade body's shook, the thought scary to them. Jet stream heard how big the snake was and sweat started to appear on his feathers. “A snake that big could kill a griffon or pony walking by and if it's that big it would have no problems swallowing their victims whole!!!

They kept on walking with skyress and shade asking questions about other animals drake seen or fought. Greta and jet stream stayed quiet and listened.

Skyress started asking what other animals he met “There are many carnivores that I had to kill or make them retreat. Like tigers, lions, leopards, and even a panther that tried to sneak attack me from behind one time”

Shade listen and said “They sound like felines”

Drake turned to her “That’s because they are felines. There nothing like the manticore's here but are still ferocious when faced. Sharp claws, sharper than yours, Long bladed teeth, masters of stealth, a manticore is still bigger than any of them but anyone of them can still kill and take down an grown pony, griffon, hell even a minotaur can be killed by one of them if not careful”

Skyress listen to every word drake was saying “Man… Are there other dangerous animals you fought?”

“There are many creatures I had to face, bears, hyenas, and the most hated animal I had to fight would be the great white”

All of them were confused. They never heard of a name of an animal like that.

Greta said “Great white? I’ve never heard of that”

Drake didn’t think they would know “Of course you don’t. A great white is a shark that lives in the ocean. You should be glad that there’s no oceans around”

“A great white is 13 to 21 ft long depending the gender, their mass would be 1,500 to 2,400. They are one of the most dangerous aquatic animals with razor sharp teeth almost like knives, they are fast under water, and can kill you with one bite wherever their teeth land, ripping a piece of your body like a arm or leg. All and all if faced with a great white you can swim as fast as you can but it won’t do much”

Silence was in the air when drake was done speaking. The griffons were shocked and scared at how drake described such a powerful and dangerous creature without leaving no details. Skyress was having it worse because she was imaging the shark and it made her shake in fear.

Drake could feel skyress shaking. He smacked himself in his head for describing the shark that way. Drake grabbed skyress and held her in front of him, he spoke softly “Hey don’t be scared. As long you're with me I’ll never let something like that harm you”

Skyress slowly started to relax. She whispered “You promise?” she looked at drake, her eyes looking at his”

Drake grinned “Of course. I promise on my honor”

Skyress smile came back, she hugged drake with him hugging back. The females found it heartwarming but jet stream found the scene disgusting.

Drake placed skyress back on his shoulders. But skyress said “Did you beat that creature to”

Drake nodded “Yes and it was actually fun. I had to keep pushing myself to the side every time he tried to ram me or take a bite at me”

The older griffons were surprised to hear him face off such a beast and win. Greta knew drake wasn’t lying because she trusted him and the things he told her help with his achievement.

Shade was trying to decide if drake was lying or was telling the truth. She never heard or seen animals like what drake said but that would say the same for him because she’s never met anything like him.

Jetstream was denying it. The creatures drake spoke of may not be like cockatrices or hydra’s but anyone of them are dangerous in their own right and could kill like any other carnivore in equestria.

Jetstream spoke out “Their is no way you could have beaten anything like that. Anyone of those creatures could kill a griffon in minutes”

Drake turned his head around to look back at Jetstream, he put on his smile that scared the griffon just by looking at it “That’s because him me and your you, their no way around it. I’m just stronger”

After drake said that he continued to walk with greta and shade catching up to lead the way, jet did the same but was getting madder the more drake kept countering him.

Skyress asked another question but was about the creatures on eques “Hey dad are there Timberwolves were your from”

The first thing drake thought was the name of the creature “Timberwolves? Is that like a cross between a wolf and wood. How the hell would that work

Drake said “No just the normal flesh and blood wolves”

Shade and greta got interested by what drake said “Really! Like the ones that are furry in different colors, with sharp fangs and yellow eyes!” shade said a little to excited.

Drake moved away from her just a bit “Umm yeah. That’s what flesh and blood mean their not wooden”

Shade notice how excited she got, she blushed and got herself together. She heard snickering and looked to see greta laughing at her slip up. Shade huffed and turned away not liking that greta is chummy with drake.

Greta asked drake “Have you fought those kinds of wolfs drake?”

Drake nodded but said “Yeah but I mostly let them go every time they attack me”

Greta, shade, even jet stream were surprised and confused to hear that from him. Shade said “Why would you let them free?”

“I like them too much to really harm them in anyway”

Skyress said “Why’s that"

Drake started to remember the times he faced a wolf or a pack of them “It’s just that when I first saw one, and looked in their eyes it was like I was staring at another person. I think that wolves are more like my kind than any other animal”

They could all feel the sympathy in drake voice when talking about wolfs, it was different when he was talking about the other animals.

“That and” they all looked back at drake “They were the first to be called man's best friend a long time ago”

Skyress was the one to speak “Man’s best friend?”

“Yeah. Like a companion that would have your back, help you hunt, or just be their by your side when you need it. Like a best friend but with an animal and no other person” drake explained to them.

The females and child thought that it was intriguing and sweet at the same time. Jet was still not buying what drake was saying but was slowly starting to believe him.

As they walked drake was remembering his past life “Those animals were dangerous but nothing like the dinosaurs I found. That was fun, crazy, and exciting for me. The challenge was just too much for me to not try!

They continue on walking close to the place were these fights are taken place and the boss the two spoke of that wanted to meet drake in person.

They turned into a alley that made greta and skyress stay closer to drake. When they turned into the alley the first thing drake notice with his enhanced sight was a hatch that was on the floor.

Jet walked up to the hatch. He pulled out a key and placed it on the lock, he turned it and opened the hatch for everyone. Shade walked in first, then drake and greta. Drake took skyress and placed her on the ground but held her hand on the way down.

They all walked down a few steps and then went straight. Greta and skyress were feeling uncomfortable. Drake didn’t mind he’s been to much scarier places.

There was a door at the end. Jetstream opened the door, inside was like an office but looked like a mob boss type place. There were griffons everywhere, some were working and organizing the bits, others were talking and drinking with a few males and females helping out.

A few turned to look at them. Drake didn’t care the looks they were giving him, mostly the males that didn’t seem to like drake, the females were actually looking at drake in a way he’s seen women in his world looked at him, in interest. And just like shade they saw the video of him fighting gold claw.

They walked by and continued on. Skyress was looking around the place while greta was sticking herself close to drake, not liking the vibes the place was giving off.

They kept on going but were stopped by a griffon male. He walked in front of Jetstream blocking their path to the bosses office. He was taller than everyone inside about gold claws height, his fur was white with his feathers being brown, he was wearing some kind of wrestling outfit that pro wrestlers wear. The outfit was red and black with a white star on the middle with wings, showing off his muscles making him look powerful but to drake it looked like seeing another child that wants to be put in time out.

Drake can seeing in his brown eyes rage, and anger and could feel it aiming towards him. Jetstream said “Thorn what are you doing? We got to see the boss”

Thorn said, his angry face still there “The hell are they doing here?” he was implying drake, greta and skyress, the two girls flinched from the tone thorn gave off when he spoke.

Jetstream stepped back just a little probably because of the height difference and feeling nervous at the way thorn was being that made Jetstream choose his words carefully “The boss asked use to bring the guy that beat gold claw last night to him and talk-”

Jet stream wasn’t able to finish, thorn interrupted him “We don’t need some animal here, you got me and that’s all”

Jetstream started to get nervous. When he faced drake it was like facing a wild animal, no a beast ready to strike at any moment. With thorn it was like facing your superior the difference helped him stay calm because talking to thorn was much more easy than talking to drake that could make you pass out just by looking at you.

He was going to reply back but shade cut in not wanting to lose anymore time to talk with the boss “Thorn the boss said and on his order to bring drake here, if you don’t move the boss won’t-” shade was also interrupted

Thorn looked madder than before “And I said we don’t need him! Gold claw lost because he was weak! That idiot got taken down by something smaller than him is a disgrace to all griffon’s”

Shade growled lowly she never liked these types of male griffon’s. Always talking like their better “He’s just like gold, thinking their better but not”

All of the griffon in the room stared at the commotion wanting to see how this will play out. What came next they didn’t see coming.

A low chuckle could be heard. Then it started to rise, they all looked to see drake laughing? The griffons in the room didn’t know why he was laughing.

Drake wiped a tear from his right eyes, he looked at thorn “You think your better than that clown?!” he went back to laughing but louder for everyone to hear.

All of the griffon got nervous thinking that drake was crazy to laugh at one of the top fighters in the ring. Jetstream started to sweat even more, looking at drake like he was crazy, shade was somewhat surprised but hearing and learning about him made it make more senses, greta was just like shade just surprised and skyress was holding in her laughter.

Thorn wasn’t liking how things were going. He wanted to show drake who was better and give off his superiority. And seeing that it wasn’t working angered him.

Thorn yelled at drake in rage “Shut it! You damn animal, if I can I could beat you like a rag doll!”

Drake looked back at thorn, his eyes dangerous and savage like. Then he smiled and said “Oh really?” then let go of skyress hand and moving her close to greta.

He walked up, moving shade and jet out of the way and stood right in front of thorn. Drake looked up at thorn “If your so strong why don’t you prove it then” challenging thorn to prove himself if he’s really stronger than gold.

Thorn didn’t want to believe it. Many kinds of creatures he’s meet, griffons, ponies, minotaur's, yaks of all kinds he faced and retreated because of his intimidating features and bulky body.

Thorn raised one eyebrow thinking like the rest if drake was crazy “You must be joking. If I punch you there won’t be nothing left of you” thorn’s cockiness was showing.

Drake whistled completely not believing thorn one bit “Wow, that sounds scary. Sadly when it’s coming from you it sounds more like bragging than anything else”

The griffons gasped. Watching as drake stand up to thorn and mocking his claims of being stronger. Thorn just like gold wasn’t liking how things were playing out “Fucking freak! I could end you with one punch if I wanted!”

Thorn’s outburst made the griffons step back and flinch away. Drake stood his ground and grinned “Ok then. I’ll give you a freebie”

This shocked everyone in the room. Drake placed his finger on his cheek and turn his head to the side “Come on. Try giving me your best shot birdy”

Thorn started to boil in rage and in a rage filled screech he “Bash” punched drake right on his face were drake placed his finger at. Drake’s head turned to the side from the hit, the impact made all the griffons jump in fear.

Greta and skyress were the only ones that didn’t really react because drake could take a hit. And hearing about the creatures he faced and the claims about warrior he faced and won were true than they didn’t have nothing to worry about.

Thorn grinned he wanted to break the person that beaten gold claw before he could to a pulp. Finding that if he could beat drake then he would be the strongest. That all crash down when he notice that he didn't hear the sound of cracked bones, or a pain fill yell from drake.

He focused and saw drake turning, thorns fist still on his cheek. When he looked in drake's eyes he saw them brighten for just a moment then he heard drake speak “Well guess that proves it”

Drake placed his left hand on thorns outstretched arm. Thorn tried to pull his arm back but could move it. He started to get scared and pulled harder but drake kept his arm in placed. Drake then pushed and moved thorn's arm to the side making thorn move also and having him a defenseless position. If drake wanted he could break thorn’s arm.

Thorn started to sweat. He held in the pain he was feeling with his arm rotated close to being broken. He fell to one knee because of the pain, this shocked the griffons , shade and jet also. Thorn looked up to see drake staring at him. Before he was much taller than drake but know it seemed drake got bigger and much more intimidating.

“Your not stronger than me. When I fought gold he couldn’t even touch me. I could have done the same with you but that wouldn't mean anything” drake pushed thorns arm to the side making groan in pain.

Drake then curled his right hand into a fist. Thorn saw this and tried to move away, he tried shuffling away with his feet but that didn’t work. He couldn’t stand because of his arm still grasped in drake left hand.

So he tried begging “Please. Stop, I surrender you win!?” what he said shocked all of the griffons further. Thorn is one of the top fighter they have besides gold claw, hearing him give up and beg was impossible to them.

Drake shook his head disappointed at the display of weakness, and how cowardly thorn was being “Wow. What happened to all of the bravado this guy was showing. Guess he wasn’t all that just like gold claw

What drake said next frightened thorn “No can do. I let you get a hit in, it’s my turn now” drake smiled at the end and put more pressure on thorn arm so he doesn’t escape or move much.

Drake pulled back his right arm. Thorn started to shake, his feathers falling off his wings because of how scared he was right know. Drake put less power into his fist not wanting splatter thorns brain everywhere.

But before drake punched thorn he said “Oh and one more thing” Thorn looked up into drake's eyes the sight made him rattle and his eyes to shrink. Drake's eyes were glowing menacingly “My names not animal or freak. It’s Dracule knight” He pulled back his fist further.

“And Don’t You Forget!” Right when drake said that he sent his fist right at thorn’s face. His fist “Bash” connected to thorns face. Time started to slowed down. Thorn’s beck cracked, his head moving back, drake let thorns arm go so he wouldn’t rip his arm off. Thorn’s body got up time still slowed as his body flew to the wall.

Right when his back got close to the wall time returned to normal. He slammed into the wall cracking and making an imprint of himself on the wall.

The griffon's that were close by got pushed away when thorn hit the wall. Everyone was just staring at the wall of thorn. His pupils were faded meaning he was knock out, his body stayed still stuck on the wall. every griffon in the room just looked at the unconscious thorn on the wall.

Drake Cracked his knuckles and turned to the others "That's how you get someone really annoying to move out of your way. Any questions?"

Shade and jet just looked at drake, still not believing what they saw. Greta smiled getting used to drakes behavior quickly, skyress giggled finding her new dad the type to not be looked down by anyone.

A loud yell attracted everyone "The hell is going on!" a door open and out came an older griffon. He was wearing a expensive black with bronze buttons on the suit, his fur was dark brown with caramel colored feathers. He had this glare that made all of the griffon stand tall when he yelled out.

He turned to wear he heard the noise and his eyes widen to see thorn knocked out and stuck to the wall. He looked around and said "Can someone tell me why thorn is On The Wall!!"

Shade was the one to speck "Boss, thorn got himself into the wall because he's an idiot"

The Griffon looked at shade not paying attention to drake and the other two. He sighed and said "I already know that shade. What I want to know is, How He Got Stuck In The Wall!!!" the old griffon jumped up and yelled out making everyone shuffle back and a few to cover their ears.

Drake stepped up and raised his hand signaling the griffon boss "That would be me"

The griffon looked and again his eyes widen but much further when seeing drake. For a split moment the boss was trying to figure out what drake was but remembered that he saw drake in the video one of his employees showed him.

He coughed in his claw calming himself down "You must be the creature everyone Is talking about"

Drake grinned "Yup, that's me. Your helpers here told me you wanted to meet me?" drake pointed at shade and jet.

The boss nodded "Yes I have a propension I wanted to give you. Come, we can talk inside my office" he turned around and walked back to his door with drake and the rest following. When the boss got to the door he turned back to the griffons in the room and yelled "The Hell Ate You All Doing!! Get your feather hinds moving and get thorn out of the wall!"

They all got startled and went to getting thorn out of the wall. The boss looked back to drake but noticed greta and skyress. He shook his head and said "No, no, no. They are going to have to stay out here, like I said it's for you to know"

Drake rolled his eyes and looked to greta and skyress "You two stay here while I hear what he wants"

Greta didn't like the idea of being left with strangers with out drake so did skyress "But what about all of the griffon here!?" she whispered to drake.

He chuckled and said "Don't worry they ain't going to do nothing" Drake looked at the griffon getting back to work "Right you guys!" he called out to them.

When they looked at drake each and every griffon felt a cold shutter run down their bodies when seeing his predator smile and red eyes that seem to shine brighter the more they looked into them. They all nodded fast and others spoke out saying "Yeah" or "Of course" with a drop of sweat running down their faces.

Drake turned back to greta "See your both fine while I'm here"

Greta breathed out. Forgetting that drake wouldn't have bring them if he wasn't going to keep them safe. Skyress nodded back to drake and said "All right dad, we'll wait"

Drake nodded back and walked inside the office with jet and shade behind him. The old griffon walked around and sat down, drake sat on the chair that was in front of the griffons desk. Shade and jet stood standing to the side.

The griffon put his claws together and went into what drake thought was his bushiness mode "Know tell me..." he turned to shade, she walked to him and whispered in his ear probably telling him drake's name. He turned back to drake while shade went back to the side "Dracule knight. Do you know why I've ask for you to come here?"

Drake placed a finger on his chin pretending to think "Does this have anything relating about me sending gold claw to the hospital, and this going bad for you because he was your "Best fighter" and without him you can't compete in any fights"

The griffon raised one eyebrow thinking that drake was smart to piece it together "Yes, gold claw was supposed to fight in the ring. Because of you we can't enter without a fighter and seeing what you did to thorn just minutes ago we have no one to present"

Drake didn't much care for what he did, finding his reasons justified "I Don't regret nothing. Those two assholes deserved getting their asses kicked"

"That maybe true but that still can't change what you did" The griffon said wanting to in act his plan.

Drake eyed the old griffon, never liking those that play a dangerous game and knew what they were doing "Mind telling me your name. I want to know who I'm specking with"

The old griffon smirked "Eurus bronze, I'm one of the wealthiest griffons in griffonstone. I've been in this game since those two were in diapers" he pointed at jet and shade.

Drake didn't care about that he wanted what he would get for this "Ok Eurus, mind telling me why you aske to them bring me here?" he already knew but still wanted to hear it from Eurus.

Eurus huffed, finding drake to be blunt "I asked those two to bring you here so I could persuade you into joining me and fighting on my side"

"And what to I get for helping you?" Drake wanted to hear about the bits.

Eurus tapped his pointed claws together "If you fight for me you will win bits for every fight you win, adding the amount up to the finals. You will also be known by other rich business griffons like myself and gain popularity if giving the audience a good show" Eurus smirked at the end, finding all of these reasons to join him and fight for him.

Drake listed and said "Ok but I'm going to honest. I Just came here for the bits and just the bits. I don't care about anything else" Eurus was surprised to hear this, mostly and probably anyone would love to be in the lime light earning praises from everyone, being the center of attention.

Eurus went back to business and said "Well that's fine. All I care about is if your willing to work for me" Eurus just sat there he knew that he had drake. Every fight could be his and all of the bits will be rolling into his pockets. He just had to get drake to agree.

Drake final spoke "I'll join" Eurus was about to crack a smile but drake wasn't finished "But I'm not being apart of your so called business. Like I said I'm only helping because I need the bits.When this is all over I'll be long gone"

Eurus glared at drake. Jet and shade knew that when something doesn't go as the boss plans he would try and force a way so everything can go for him, and that's what he tried to do. Eurus put on a sly look on his face "Hmm, is that so. Well I'm sorry to say this dracule but you have no choice but to do as I say"

Drake's eyes harden when he heard how Eurus was specking, he sounded like many other shady and corrupted rich assholes he faced and sometimes killed back on earth "What are you talking about?" Drake said, his voice a warning that jet and shade could tell, sadly Eurus couldn't.

Eurus started to show his true colors "You see Gold claw is still in the hospital and won't be getting out for months, not to forget that thorn is probably in the same boat as him"

Drake was getting tired and said "Just get to the point already"

Eurus right eyes twitched but he composed himself "My Point is that without them I can't join the fights with no fighter to compete. So as a contribution your going to be apart of my business for how ever long I want! You will do everything I say to the letter and follow my orders to the T. And I might not bring the guards to take you away for disturbing and attacking a griffon born in griffonstone and thrown into the dungeon for what you did yesterday"

Eurus saw drake lowering his head, his eyes unseen. He cracked a smile thinking that he had drake in a corner, having no choice but to do what he says. Shade and jet turned to look at each other thinking that this might not have been a good idea.

Once again this happens to drake. Doesn't matter were you go, there will always be those that try to pull a fast one on you "Bastard. I'm the one that's helping him and this is what happens!"

For reasons unknown to the griffons the room started to get darker, small black spaces started to widen and get closer. Eurus looked around and was about to stand up but when drake spoke the shadows stopped moving "So that's how you wanna play huh?"

Drake stood up and the shadows started to move again. Shade and jet quickly moved away from them, not wanting to find out what would happen if they get touched by it. Drake moved up to the desk, he raised his left hand "Smash" Slammed his palm on the desk creating a crack line almost breaking the desk in two.

Eurus looked up to see drakes eyeing him. He could see a black wave on the corner of his eyes but what made drake more intimidating was how red his eyes were if focus you could see a black dot in the center of his eyes.

The old griffon started to feel fear something he hasn't felt for a long time since he started his mob company. He couldn’t move his body, it wouldn't let him.

Then drake started to talk "Let me tell you something about me. First off I came here for the bits if I wanted to I could have beaten every single griffon in that room and take all of your bits, Second Gold claw had it coming to him when he tried to force himself on a defenseless female. I did what I do best and sent his sorry ass to the hospital were he can reflect on his mistakes"

The shadows started to move closer to Eurus "And lastly I don't take kindly to assholes that think their stronger, smarter, or above me in anyways just because their famous or important"

Drake moved back and started to walk to the door, he turned his head and said "By the way I want 50% of the bits you get for the matches I win tonight"

That got Eurus to come to his senses and speak out "WHAT! You little fucker how dare you speak to me like that, who do you think you are!"

Drake laughed and raised his right hand into and fist and counted down, he raised index finger "I'm the one that took down your best fighter by myself" then his middle finger "And sent your other fighter that was leagues with gold into a wall" when he raised his ring finger the shadows shot forward at Eurus, rapping around to fast for him to do anything.

Shade and jet were to scared to try and help their boss not wanting to suffer the same as him. Eurus couldn't call for help because one of the shadows rapped around his mouth only leaving his eyes. He looked at drake to see him smiling, only showing his sharp teeth scaring Eurus further, drake then said "And the one that's going to send you to your grave faster if you try and mess with me like that again"

The shadows squeezed on Eurus for just a minute to prove drakes point "Do I make myself clear" Eurus nodded,the shadows making it hard for him to move but signaling he understands.

And just like that the shadows unwrapped them self's from Eurus and returning to were they came from to fast for any of the griffons to compensate. Drake returned to his normal self and said "Thanks glad to do business with you" he opened the door "I'll be walking around griffonstone to past the time until night time. Later" drake walked out leaving the shocked, scared, and shacking form of Eurus with shade and jet trying to understand what happened.

Drake chuckled in his head. You see the shadow's moved because drake used his dark element to take control of them, he wanted to scare Eurus into agreeing and having no way of declining his offer "These power are going to make life fun, and easy for me"

Drake looked and saw Greta with skyress sitting on a few chairs that were left out and talking to pass the time. He walked
over to them "Come on you two let's go and get some ice cream"

Skyress yelled out in excitement "Yeah!" she got off the chair and flew over to drake. He grabbed her from the air and held her in his arm, Greta got up and they walked to the exit.

Greta said "So how did it go?"

Drake grinned "It went great, we talked and know I'm going to get 50% of the bits Eurus gets"

Greta's eyes widen "What! How did you get him to agree to that?"

Drake acted innocent "I can be pretty persuasive" he turned and saw a griffon placing the bits inside a bag "I'll show you how its done"

He placed skyress down and walked over to a male griffon organizing the bits. Drake tapped his shoulder and said "Mind if I get a few of those"

The griffon huffed and turned to drake "Sorry but I can't let you-" he stopped when he notice it was drake that was speaking to him, he started getting scared when he saw the leer drake was giving him. The griffon changed what he was going to say and grabbed a hand full of bits "Here take it all yours!"

Drake took the bits and thanked the scared griffon. He walked back to skyress and Greta, skyress was amazed at how drake just asked and got the bits with no problem "Wow dad, he just gave you the bits just like that"

Drake smiled a his daughter "Like I said. Persuasive"

Greta didn't by it and knew why the griffon gave him the bits "Oh yes very persuasive... It had nothing to do with him not wanting to suffer the same fate as thorn"

Drake rolled his eyes and smirked. He picked skyress up and placed her on his shoulder, walking again to the exit "Sure..."

Greta shook her head finding drake's behavior crazy but fun at the same time. She ran to drake while he was waiting at the door. They walked out and headed to a ice cream shop and do whatever else there is to do.

They walked around griffonstone for hours. talking, laughing and just having a good time. Drake wanted to look around so he would know and memories everything griffonstone had to offer like the food shops, clothing store that he went to get skyress a few new outfits, he even found a blacksmith and crafting store that he would remember when ever he needs his swords fixed or sharped. But seeing as his swords got boosted since he placed an element in them they won't be breaking any time soon.

They had to avoid the guards that was searching for him. Drake didn't know what they would do if they find him, he just thought that if their like the police on earth then they would send him to jail or take him to their leader, or king because this is a old time world.

Like drake said they waited until it got dark. When the sun change to dawn drake and them went back, so they headed back. Drake opened the door and they walked down to the hallway. He knocked on the door at the end because it was locked.

A slot on the top opened, they could see someone looking at them "How's there?" the griffon asked they can tell it was male by the sound of his voice.

Drake groaned, hating this time of thing. Greta was the one to answer "We're the ones that came here the morning with shade and Jetstream"

They could tell that the griffon was thinking because how his eyes changed, then he said "What's the password" Greta and skyress were confused because this never happened when they walked in.

Greta asked "What do mean a password"

The griffon on the other side said in a annoying tone "As I said, you need a password to get in"

Skyress then said "But we didn't need a password in the morning"

The griffon huffed "That's because all members are free to get in only in the morning. Those that come at night need to verify a password just incase"

Greta still didn't understand "But like I said we came her in the morning with shade and jet, they work here don't they?"

The griffon answered her "Yes that's true but whose to say your not lying and coming in here to cause trouble for the boss, huh" The griffon said in a sly tone that pissed drake off.

Greta didn't know what to do. Drake saw this and thought he should just end this idiocy that was happening. "Ok. this is getting dumb" he said and walked up to the door. When he was in front of the door he turned and waved his hand to signal the two to move back.

They nodded and moved back. drake grabbed the door handle, the griffon behind the door saw what drake was doing and laughed "The hell do you think your doing. This is a grade A metal door you won't be ope-" he was cut off when drake put a small amount of power and "Crack" pulled, making the wall around the door crack and move towards him.

The griffon's eyes shot out through the slot. Shocked at drake just did, he saw that the metal handle was crushed and the door was almost broken down just from one small pull from him.

"Hey buddy" The griffon looked to drake that was smiling "If you don't want this door ripped off the wall coming with, your going to have to open the door for use unless you want me to open it myself?"

Drake pushed the wall back in place. The griffon quickly opened the door for them. Drake walked passed him and patted his back "Smart move" They walked by a few griffon's that saw him and moved to the side for him and Greta to walk through.

Skyress notice this and said "Man. you really scared them from what you did to that big guy"

Drake looked around him, making the griffon's that were watching him turn away and go back to work "Not the first time this happened"

They walked and saw Eurus with shade and jet, talking about something. Drake smirked and thought of messing with Eurus. He snuck behind him while he was speaking to the other two griffons that saw him but didn't say anything because drake put a finger on his lips to keep them from saying anything.

Drake tapped Eurus on the shoulder; Eurus turned while talking "can't you see I'm talking he-" he screeched like a frighten bird when he saw drake real close to his face.

The look on his face and how his feathers were all crazy made drake laugh with skyress. Greta and shade giggled, even if jet didn't like drake it was funny to see his boss get pranked; making him lowly chuckle so his boss does yell at him.

Eurus growled but didn't yell. He smooth out his feather and his suit "Ah, dracule I see you have returned on time"

"I did say I would come back. I'm ready to win and get my bits" drake put his hands inside his pockets wanting to fight and earn his bits the fun way.

Eurus fixed his tie, he didn’t like how drake talked about bits, saying its his. Remembering what happened the morning, his body rattled when thinking about "Yes of course" he walked pass and headed to another door "Let use go and get you sighed in then"

Drake and the rest followed Eurus out to were the tournament will start. They walked out to see a carriage with four griffon's wearing butler outfits. They walked inside and when Eurus tapped on the side the four griffons got moving and carried the whole thing in the air and flew off.

Drake found it fascinating that he was being transported through the air inside a vehicle that was made to travel on the ground like back on his world. He looked out the side "This might be one of the crazies ways of transportation in my whole life" he had this goofy smile that Greta and shade found cute.

Eurus found it strange at how drake describe it "What are you talking about? This is how we move around with those that don't have wings"

Drake stuck his head back inside "Really? That's pretty cool"

Skyress then asked "Are there those that can fly where your from dad?" The others pointed theirs ears up to hear drake's answer.

Drake shook his head "Nope. If your talking about animals we have birds like, hawks, eagles, and others that can fly but if your talking about sentient life; then no, my kind can't fly but create things that gives use the power of flight"

Skyress eyes sparkled "Woah" never thinking that anyone without wings could fly but create a way for them to fly. The older griffons that were listening that was Greta and shade believed drake while jet and Eurus found it strange and crazy. Ponies could use their magic to fly but making a machine for flight could never be done.

Jet said "How can that be possible. No one can make and create flight"

Drake wagged his finger "Sorry birder, that's a trade secret" Jet growled and turned his head away. Greta and shade with skyress talked with drake about others things but Eurus was thinking to himself "A device that can be made in giving those the power of flight will make anyone rich and powerful!" he turned and looked to drake that was playing rock-paper-scissors with skyress, with Greta and shade watching but mostly looking at drake "If I can learn and get the information from him I'll become the most riches and powerful griffon in the kingdom. Even greater than the king, gain the support from others and rule griffonstone with a iron claw!!!" Eurus put on a smile but behind it was a sinister grin getting wider and wider the more he thought about it.

The carriage landed and when they got out there was a huge round building. When they got inside to drake, Greta, and skyress it was amazing. There were griffons everywhere; drake looked around seeing couches and those he might be facing getting ready.

In the middle was a ring but not the boxing type rings. It was a square shape platform with four pillars at each end, it was big enough for two people and space to move around.

Drake put on his smile, his body jittering wanting to throw a punch or kick. His warrior spirit on full throttle ready to fight anyone he faces. But he calmed down, not wanting to bring attention to himself "Damn, almost lost it. I'm starting to act like when I was younger; Fighting anyone that could give me a challenge"

Drake signed remembering it all "Those were the days"

Skyress just like Greta was looking around but heard drake and said "What did you say dad?

Drake looked at skyress "Nothing kid. Just excited to throw down!"

Skyress giggled at her father's childness. Eurus snorted "If your done looking I'd like to get to our spot, the whole thing should start soon"

They all walked to a corner with a bench and supplies like water, Bandages if drake get's hurt; Drake laughed when he thought about himself getting hurt. Skyress and Greta sat down on the bench, jet and shade stayed sanding and keeping watch.

Drake just looked at the those he would be facing. There were griffons everywhere, those that were buff like gold and thorn, others with a small build but seemed faster, and those that drake notice practicing and showing off there skills, he even saw a few wearing armor or with weapons like swords and daggers; a few that were wearing cloths to hide their face but new what they were and got more excited, even ones that were wearing metal claws over their claws.

Eurus walked up to drake and asked "Nervous?"

Drake turned to him his smile still on his face "Naw"

Eurus glared at drake and yelled "Well you should be!" Startling Greta and skyress, drake just looked at him not getting startled. Eurus pointed around them "Every single one of them are fighters that earned names for them self in griffonstone, each one capable of beating gold claw and taking his title"

Eurus looked back at drake but stepped back when drake looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a face that doesn't give two shits. "And your point is?" drake asked rolling his hand.

Eurus was getting mad, finding drakes cocky behavior annoy "My point is that you beating gold claw means nothing! Anyone of them could have defeated him and earn the title, your cockiness will end you getting beaten to a bloody pulp in the end!"

Greta didn't like how Eurus was speaking to him, the same goes for skyress and shade. Drake just looked at Eurus; he grinned making Eurus pissed, he was about to say something but drake spoke first "If you think I'm going to lose, then your dead wrong"

Drake turned back to look at the other rich griffons and fighters still talking "I'm not cocky. I only act like that when ever I'm facing someone that has no chance in beating me. Right know I feel excited, pumped, even happy"

He stood up fast startling Eurus that was next to him, he continued "I'm not like these guys. As of right know I'm only doing this for the bits just like them. In my whole life I've been fighting were ever I go, doesn't matter who or what; if challenged or threated I fight and I win"

He turned to look at Eurus . They all could see the fire in drake's eyes blazing and moving around, it was even more memorizing because how bright his eyes were "I am a warrior and if theirs anything I'm good at it's fighting, and surviving. I don't care what you might think"

Drake was looking right at Eurus. Making the old griffon scared And freeze up "I'm going to win this tournament and get those bits no matter what!"

When drake was done, they just looked at him. Skyress was amazed and just overjoyed at what drake said "Woah, Best. Dad. Ever"

Greta once again was speechless. She knew that drake was headstrong, smart, and adventures but this was new to her. Seeing how unrelenting he was being made her think nothing was stopping him.

The same goes for shade. She watched drake and notice that he wasn't anything like the male griffon's. She found him unique, and not because he was a creature she never seen before but because how he acted and showed himself as a strong, no worry‘s, kind person she ever met. He may change and act like a dangerous animal but that only happens when those that try to attack, force, or harm him or those he's friends with.

Jet and Eurus were the only ones that didn't think that and got scared of how different drake was. He wasn't behaving like a pony, griffon, minitour, yak, not even those across the sea like the ponies from saddle Arabia or the three predator tribes.

A loud buzzer went off catching everyone's attention. They all looked to see a griffon younger but old on a stand high up. He tapped the microphone then spoke for everyone to hear "Thank you all for returning and joining to once again battle and compete in the Battle Stone Tournament!"

Those like Eurus clapped while the fighters yelled out. When they settle down he continued "Before we get this started I would like all those competing to head to the desks were you will sigh in to be registered into the tournament" When he was done every single fighter went to a desk, there were 10 and each person went up to sign in while the rest waited behind and form a line. Eurus was about to tell drake to go but when he looked drake was gone. He turned to look over at the registrations but saw drake walking back.

Eurus was confused just like the rest that weren't paying attention and not seeing how fast drake was. Right when the griffon was done talking drake, with his enhanced speed, was at the first desk before anyone moved. Combined with his sight he saw what he had to do and sighed the whole thing with his full name. When he was done writing that was when the griffon managing the desk notice drake,too surprised and shocked to say anything as drake walks away back to the others.

Some of those that got to the desk and those waiting looked at drake. Each one bewildered from how he looks never seeing anything like him.

When every fighter was done they all went back to their group so the griffon can continue. When that was done the griffon up top went on "Know that's done we can bring everyone in"

The griffon clapped his hand and griffons wearing bodyguard suits like shade and jet moved away from the doors. And when they did, Griffons started walking through each one looking richer and important in their own way.

"Know I want all Groups to move in their detonated spots so we can begin the bloodshed!" The crowd clap and yelled out while the groups were given a number by zenith's guards.

Drake and them was given a number 1. They moved to a spaced area with another bench with a 1 marked over it. When every was at there areas Zenith finally got the whole thing started "Ok fighters!" Zenith pushed a button in front of him making the wall next to him open. It was a screen with a bracket of very fighters name and the number they were given from side to side. They all saw the names of who they were facing and saw how this was going to play out.

Up top zenith had his own screen to look at and said "Can number 1&2 come up and get this thing rolling!" The crowd scream out with the female griffons pulling out those fancy glasses to look closer. Drake grinned and got off the bench, he
felt a tap on his arm and look at skyress "You got this dad. Show them who's the strongest!"

Drake felt joy and happiness from the support of his daughter. He stretched out his fist to skyress she looked at it and knew what drake wanted and fisted bumped him, he said back "You got it sky"

Greta walked up to him grabbing his attention. He turned to face her, she was right in front of him. She looked nervous but breathed and said "I just wanted to say to be careful and try not getting hurt or killed"

Drake chuckled patted Greta on the head making her blush and making shade jealous, Drake said "Don't worry. The only one that's going to get hurt are the ones that will be facing me"

Zenith Spoke out "Number 1 can you please come center of the arena to start"

Drake turned around "I'll be back" and walked to the arena.

When he stepped into view every griffon in the crowed gasped. Those that have seen him in the video was fascinated and intrigued and others that never seen the video were trying to know what he is and or if he was strong. In the ring drake saw that he was facing a griffon around his height wearing armor all over his body. The armor looked like a griffon with white and gold colors on them, beautifully crafted but it won't be staying perfect for long.

Zenith changed the screen and with magic he got from a few dealers back then had magic base camera's all around so everyone can see the fight off the screen "Ladies and Gentlemen It seems we got our self's a bizarre first fight. On the right we have Silvertail wearing one of his armors again to take any blow and take the fight in the defensive" The crowd yelled out to silver.

"And on the left we have the strange creature that's we all have seen in the videos that's saved a griffoness being attacked by the champion gold claw, beaten and sent to the hospital; please give a welcome to our first human fighter Dracule.... Knight!" The audience yelled out for drake, Greta, skyress, and shade joining them not caring the looks she was getting from Eurus and jet.

Drake had to put in the name of his race because it wouldn’t help if he lied, he didn't really care cause it wouldn't create a problem. "Hey" Drake looked to silvertail "Your that creature that took gold out?" his voice was low and gruff mostly because of the armor.

Drake nodded "That would be me. Why do you ask?"

His voice stayed the same but drake could tell he was mad at him "I made this armor just to face gold claw again. I calculated everything. his strength, plus his weight, and power; creating this suit to take his blows that no other griffon can surpass"

Zenith yelled "Let... the battle Begin!!"

The crowd screamed and yell. They already betted on who they think would win on a button, putting the amount of bits on the roaster. Drake found silvertail's reason kind of dumb "Well I guess that was all for nothing, seeing as he's not here and all"

Zenith yelled back "It doesn't matter! He was the strongest griffon around here, him losing to you can't prove that my work wasn't lost"

drake moved durandel and masamune that was on him the whole day adjusting them in a better position. He looked back at silvertail "Why not see if that armor can take a hit from me then?"

Zenith heard them because of the speakers behind the pillars "What's this dracule has just challenged silver to test if his armor is strong as he says!" the crowd gasped again those that have faced silvertail and his armors have broken their claws, paws from hitting his armor. "Will silver take the challenge or back out like a baby bird!"

The crowd started to chant "Do it" Over and Over. Silver inside his armor started to sweat. He's never seen the video but heard what happened to gold, he didn't thing the one that beat him would compete but he didn't want to back down and let his pride be beaten by drake

"Fine I accept your challenge" after silver said that zenith roared out "Do you hear that. He is going to let dracule take a free hit!" the fighters on the sidelines looked at each other and thinking that silvers armor will break drake's hand. The two walked to the center of the ring.

Greta with skyress watch to see what will happen just like everyone else. When they got to the center Silver raised his arms to the side giving drake a wide open shot to his chest or stomach "If you want you could try using either two of your swords, the rules say you can use any kind of handed weapon; you can even use both of them if you want" silver laughed thinking he will take any attack from drake.

Drake found silvers cocky voice entertaining to him. He shook his head, declining his offer "Sorry but I'm not here to kill, I'm her to win" Drake cracked his knuckles. Silver looked at drake thinking that he would throw a punch, breaking his hand and giving silver a opening while drake howls in agony.

But what drake did shocked silver and those watching. Drake didn't throw a punch, He placed two finger on silvers right chest armor, standing in front of him not moving.

Everyone was confused at what he was doing. Silver looked at drake and started to laugh out loud "What do you think your doing?? are you going to use your mind to break my armor??!" he continued to laugh making the fighters watching laugh also.

But what happened next shut everyone's mouths. When drake was getting tired of silvers laughing he quickly changed his hand into a fist, "Bash” punching silvers chest armor fast and simple. But when he did silver shot forward from the punch,his whole body shacking, the noise of the punch was loud enough to hear.

The whole place got quiet staring at the two; silver stood still not moving. But then everyone shot up and startled when his armor "Boom" cracked and exploded. The whole armor destroyed into little piece and silver still standing with his eyes faded and mouth open with trickles of blood running down his lips.

Drake moved back and started to walk away. One of the guards saw this and moved in front of drake from going "You can't leave the fight not over until one of you goes down"

Drake just looked at the guard and said "The fight is over, he's knock out. I won" Drake shoved passed the guard making him fall down. The guards looked at drake finding that he was able to knock down a grown griffin easily crazy, one of them moved to silver and was speechless that what drake said was true.

The guards shook his head and spoke into his hidden mic. Zenith heard what his guard said and was shocked from what he heard. He slowly grabbed his microphone "Um this fight goes to dracule in knock out" The fighters and audience were speechless; silvers armor made many have their claws seen by a doctor by how broken they get when attacking his armor.

They all watched and saw drake give one punch and didn't pulled back his fist or charge at him. Just moved his hand close to his armor and punch. But that's what made it shocking to everyone there.

The medic crew rolled into the arena, grabbing silver and placing him on a stretcher and took him away to get looked at. Drake walked back to the rest, skyress ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged her back they pulled away and skyress started to talk excitement in her voice "That. Was. Awesome! The way you challenge him and how he thought you were going to just run in and throw a punch was crazy, and when you did that punch I was like "Holly cow" Because the sound it made was loud! And how you just walked away from the arena was sick!"

Drake smiled at how hyper and happy skyress was being. He looked up to see the other looking at him. He picked skyress up and walked to them. Jet was the first to say something but he was looking wild "How did you do that. That was impossible! You just punch the armor and it just broke!"

“Calm down you crazy loon" Shade shoved jet to the side making him almost lose his balance but catching himself. She looked to drake Giving him her own amazed look on her face "That was crazy! The way you punched, making his armor explode was sick!

Drake laughed at how shade phrased it "Wow. I didn’t know you had this side of you" shades eyes widen she started to say that she was just saying what she thought but then drake said "I like this side of you, more up beat and wild just like this little fuzz ball" drake started tickling and shacking skyress fur and feather making her laugh and begging drake to stop.

Shade blushed at what drake said and rubbed her arm looking away shyly. Greta saw this and glared at shade. Eurus was bewildered by how fast drake ended the fight , he smiled that this whole thing would be easy but remembered that he wasn't going to get the full amount of bits and grumbled, he just hopped his plan would work after the whole tournament.

Zenith spoke out "Ok. That may have gone a little faster than I thought. But this isn't over" the screen lit up showing the 25 fighters including drake "We still have more fights, and more excitement to give to full your entertainment!"

Drakes name rose up over the other names. He looked to see every fighter looking at him, some pretending to not be looking. Many would get nervous from all the stares but he welcomed it "It doesn't matter who I face. I will win and get those bits I came here to get"