• Published 7th Jul 2018
  • 8,707 Views, 122 Comments

Warrior To Hero - Flowjam

A young man transported to equestria. Becoming a hero to the ponies slowly and rising up to being a point figure in the equestria world

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Chapter 4 The Griffon Kingdom

Drake drove the bike into the forest hoping to lead the griffoness inside and ambush her. The bike started to slow down and stop, running out of gas know being useless to drake “That’s as far i’ll get with you. I better hurry and hide”

Drake got off the bike and ran up a tree climbed it with his backpack and hiding in the branches, putting his hood on to hide his face “And know I wait”

Dracule waited about 4 minutes and out of the shrubs came the griffoness. She saw the dead bike and walked towards it. Dracule was able to get a good look at her, just like the ponies she was walking on two but could tell she could walk on four legs easily if she wanted.

Her fur and wings were a brown color and she had a dark green scarf around her neck with a gold clip to secure it, the feathers on her head was light green, the color around her eyes were a different shade of green, and her tail was brown to with a scruff at the end like an lions, her eyes were ocean blue, she was wearing a small light brown coat that fit her upper body, and blue jeans, just like in the stories about griffins she had claws like a hawk and her feet were a lions.

This fascinated drake actually seeing a griffon in real life “This is unbelievable. A real life griffon in the flesh!, those wings must be pretty strong to lift her up in the sky, and that body~…. She’s totally a female”

When drake was done looking at her, And totally not checking her out, he grabbed masamune and bent down to get a good push off the tree.

Drake pulled masamune out just a bit and put some of his power into his legs, when the griffoness was done looking around for him she turned back to the dead bike and that was when dracule pushed off the tree so fast he raddled all the branches on the tree, and the strength of the pushed left a boot mark on the tree that smoked a bit.

He was so fast the griffoness couldn’t react in time, not being able to even turn because how fast he was. Drake quickly grabbed her and pinned her to the ground locking her legs and having one of her arms behind her back and grabbing the other, making it impossible to fight back. Pulled out masamune and point it at her throat, all of that happening in just seconds.

The griffoness was able to get herself together she had a terrified look on her face. When she saw drake's sword close to her neck the point of the blade just inches away her eyes widened, she looked up at drake but couldn’t see his face because of the hood but could see his red eyes glowing from the darkness inside the hoodie.

Drake could feel her body shaking knowing that she was scared and defenses “Oh.. She’s like a scared cat~. I feel bad know, but I still have to ask her some questions”

Drake moved his body just a little to make sure she doesn’t try to escape or fight back “I’m going to ask you some questions. Got it?”

She shook her head up and down fast compiling “o-ok” she said, drake hated doing this but he needed some answers.

“Ok. number one, who are you?” still keeping his blade close to her throat.

She “Gulped” and answered “My n-name is g-Greta” she said sacredly.

Dracule thought on the names of these species “Ok. I guess gryphons names are normal than pony names or other species in equestria”

“Question two and don’t lie to me, I'll know” drake put masamune sideways putting it close to her neck and getting close to her face “Why. Were. You. Following me”

She moved her head back, sacred how close drake was to her “I’m s-sorry. I was just curious”

Drake looked into her eyes seeing if she lied and she didn’t, he huffed and moved his head back happy about the answer, he wasn’t going to kill her if she was hunting him anyways.

“Good , know last question and answer truthfully” she shook her head up and down drake smiled at what he was going to say “Number three, are you a virgin?”

She answered to fast to notice what drake said “Yes!” drake smiled at her and she could see his white teeth, she stopped and Thought for a second “W-wait huh??!”

Greta said with a blushed face and drake jumped off her and started to laugh at his cruel joke, rolling on the ground.

Greta sat up and looked at the male creature laughing out loud, her blush getting redder from the creatures laughing at her miss up. She looked at drake with a cute angry face and yelled “That's not funny you jerk!!!

Drake started to subside his laughing. Calming himself down and catching his breath “Sorry, sorry, it’s just how fast you answered without thinking” drake chuckled and looked at greta seeing she still had a cute pout face.

Drake stood back up and walked towards her, greta flinched making drake stop seeing she’s still scared for what he did, dracule smiled and bent down on one knee “I’m really sorry for what I've done. I was just being conscious” drake stuck out his hand towards her “My names dracule knight, nice to meet you”

Greta was not sure at first but when she heard him apologize to her and wanting to help her up she felt she could trust this creature even if it attacked her “He apologized to me! well he did say sorry” she looked at dracule’s hand then his face, his hood fell off his head when he was rolling on the ground, his smile was giving off a warm peaceful sensation that made greta’s fear vanish, she stuck out her hand and grabbed his “His hands are bigger than mine but soft and warm~”

Drake pulled her up to her feet his smile still on his face “There you go. Sorry again for what I did, I didn’t hurt you did I?”

Greta was surprised that he cared for her well being, griffon males don’t care about griffon females if their feelings are hurt or if they got hurt at all “No.. I'm fine, you didn’t hurt me”

Drake sighed in relief “Good. I don’t think I would live on if I hurt a cute girl for my own needs” greta looked at drake in surprise at how caring he was and the way he acted. it Nothing like other males, and she blushed for being called cute.

Greta wanted to know what he was, she breath in and asked him “Umm excuse, dracule knight”

Drake looked at her and smirked “You don’t have to be so formal just call me drake”

Greta’s blush got redder but she calmed herself “Ok, drake. Can you tell me what you are if you don’t mind”

Drake answered her “Sure I'm called a human back where I'm from”

Greta was fascinated at this, she never heard of a human. “Wow! A new species of sentient life and I'm the one that discovers it!!” greta jumped up in the air at her achievement but drake crashed it all down.

“Well not really, cause I'm from another world” greta actually crashed to the ground at what drake said.

He was about to help pick her back up but she stood back up with a shocked face “What do you mean from another world?!” she yelled at drake.

He put his hands out in a defensive manner “Calm down I'm just telling you I'm not a new species in this world because I'm not from this world”

Drake’s answer calmed down greta “Sorry for my outburst it’s just…, this is all new for me” drake laughed and put his hand on greta’s shoulder that made her heart beat faster “well I guess that makes two of use then”

Greta didn’t know why she was feeling like this she just met this guy and was attacked by him, but he’s so nice and cared about her even if he didn’t know her. And his eyes “They were so scary at first but when his hood fell off they looked so memorizing, they were bright and pretty, and had this wild look in them” while she was daydreaming about drake’s eyes he was trying to ask her something.

Then he started to pat her head “Hey. Greta”

She felt drake’s hand on her head looked and notice his face was close to hers “And his features might be different, but he’s more handsome than any griffon male!” “Y-yes drake” she said nervously.

Dracule took his hand off her head “I wanted to know if there’s anywhere I could stay” he pointed at the dead bike “My motorcycle is dead so I can’t go further on. So is there any place I could stay at that you know of”

Greta was thinking about what drake said “Well the only place there could be is griffonstone but he might not have any money to rent a inn” greta then blushed at a solution and told drake. “I... Could take you to my kingdom. Griffonstone, its not to far away and…” she blushed “You can stay with me for the time being”

Drake looked at greta and smiled, he then pulled her into a hug that made greta “eeep” “thanks gret your lifesaver”

Greta’s blush went into critical levels, her heart beat faster and she felt butterflies in her stomach from being hugged by dracule, he was taller than her so she was about at his chest and could feel the warmth from his body, she spoke shyly “N-no problem d-drake” “Did he just give me a nickname already?!, and a cute one!!!”

Drake pulled away from her and greta took a moment to get her thoughts together and stop her rapid beating heart “Dammit. I never felt like this with any other griffon, and they all tried to hit on me more times I could count”

Her thoughts were intervened by drake “Hey gret!” greta turned to drake, he pointed his thumb to a direction “Let's get out of here and head to your home, the sun will go down soon” greta looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was moving down making it dawn, meaning predators would come out when it gets dark.

She ran back to drake as they walked out of the forest “So how far will it take to get to griffonstone” he asked greta she turned to him. “Not to far. I came out to get some fresh air and fly around” drake nodded and they were able to leave the forest and into the grassy plains.

He jokingly bowed like a butler and spoke in a snotish voice “Well by all mean milady lead the way” greta smiled holding in her laughter at drake’s childish act, she played along “Just follow me good sir and we will get there in no time” she walked ahead.

Dracule laughed at their silly acting, his laugh making greta giggle and like that they head off to drake’s first kingdom, Griffonstone.

On a road leading to the distant kingdom of the griffons, Griffonstone. Dracule was being lead by the first griffon he met in equestria, greta. Following her to the kingdom and staying at her home for the time being.

While they were walking. Because drake doesn't have wings to fly so they took the road to griffonstone. Greta was asking dracule questions about his world. Like the people, the places in his world he seen, and the creatures he faced in his journey around the world back on earth.

Drake told her everything he knew, thinking it would be fair after what he did to her back in the forest. And greta was amazed to learn about all of the things humans have done on earth that far surpass what anyone in equestria could do, even pony magic can’t do anything what humans can do.

“I can’t believe all of the things your kind done that we can never do in just years. Flying through space is impossible for griffons or ponies, and the technology in your world is nothing like ours” drake could see twinkling stars in her eyes that made drake “awed” in his head.

Drake has been seeing greta not as a animal but a person, she may look like a bird part lion creature but she speaks and acts like any other women. So he didn’t mind it at all.

Any other human would freak out at thinking in the way he was, but he’s not like them, he’s different and he liked it. After she calmed down and wasn’t afraid of him, she showed him who she truly was and acted as herself.

And drake had to say she was cute and had a womanly figure that not many women have back on earth, “She’s like a kid that found something new in a toy store. She told me she’s 18 but she acts like she’s 12. But I can’t lie, I like the way she acts, her personality is cute”

“What kind of technology are there in equestria?” drake asked her.

That brought her back to reality “Well we griffon have some technology like heart motors in hospitals and other things like phones, and TV's but that's all we got, and in canterlot the ponies have the same thing but more high tech than use” drake thought about it and suggested that equestria is a more old time with a bit of new age mixed together.

Then he thought about the weapons in equestria “Hey, gret. What kind of weapons are there in equestria”

Greta blushed a little at the nickname drake gave her and responded back “In the griffon kingdom we only have different kind of swords, spears, and crossbows the guards use in combat, the same in all the other kingdoms, also hammers and axes but only those strong enough can wield those like the minotaur's in their kingdom. Why do you ask?”

Drake took in what greta said and thought about the minotaur's “So there are also minotaur's in equestria too huh?, can’t wait to meet one of those!” drake was getting more excited the more he learns about the things in equestria, his blood boiling for the need of adventure and the new discoveries he could find or face in a fight, it was just so much to do here and he wanted to do them all.

Dracule answered greta with a smile “No reason. Just wanting to know what I might face if I get into some trouble in the long run” “Or cause if someone pisses me off”

Greta looked at drake for a bit in thought and asked him a question “Drake” dracule turned his head towards greta “Why are you not freaked out about all this?”

Drake was confused in what greta was talking about “What do you mean gret?”

“It’s just you said your from another world and know your in another place you’ve never been in before. But here you are, just being casual like its nothing” drake looked at greta and stopped in his tracks making her stop as well.

She saw drake look up in the sky thinking on what she said. She started to freak out thinking she offended him “Oh no…! Why did I say that, he’s going to think I was making fun of him!!”

Greta was about to apologize but drake spoke first still looking up at the sky “Hmm, Well you see gret, in my whole life I've been to many places that people have never been to or seen in their lives that would make them speechless, but instead of being shocked and scared”

Drake looked at greta with a big smile and his eyes shining brighter than before that made greta blush get hotter “why not be happy and excited in being in a new place that could make your whole life even more exciting!”

Greta was speechless at what drake said to her. If it was her, she would be scared, freaking out in finding a way back home. But here’s drake happy to be in a world he’s was sent to, and instead of finding a way home he wants to go around and learn more about it!

“He doesn’t think about the bad but the good he could do in equestria, he’s nothing like the males in griffonstone” her blush getting hotter “He’s so much better”

Drake saw greta fidget in place and walked up to her seeing she had a red blush on her face. Dracule smirked and put his hand on her cheek that made her jump a bit at the feeling of his hand “That’s one big blush you got there gret~” that only made her blush even more “Blush any more and you might burn your face off”

Greta stepped back away from drake, his hand leaving her cheek and putting her hands up over her face away from drake sight “S-shut up, I'm not blushing it’s just hot out here” her excuse didn’t fool drake at all.

He smiled at her “Uh huh so you say” greta stomped her foot on the ground getting mad at how drake can make her feel like this “Quiet you. And just follow me, we're almost there” greta walked off back to the road that leads to griffonstone.

Dracule chuckled and shrugged “Whatever you say little bird” and walked off right behind her.

Drake and greta walked 20 minutes later and the entrance to griffonstone was right in front of them but there were two griffon males that were guarding the entrance.

Greta thought it would be safer if he put his hood on but drake didn’t want to because suspicion, and even if, they might force him to show his face any ways.

Right when they got close the two guards stopped them “Hold it right there” the first guard said, drake and greta stopped.

Greta walked up to the guard “Calm down feather beck, we just want to get inside before it gets dark” greta told the griffon guard

“Greta. So you're back from your little flight huh” feather beck mocked

“yes I'm back, know can you please do your job and open the doors” she said back. Feather beck had a scowl on his face for being told what to do. He was about to open the doors when the second male griffon notice dracule behind greta.

He spoke up and pointed at drake “Hey. What’s that thing behind you” feather beck heard him and looked back seeing drake finally noticing him, probably focusing his attention only on greta.

Feather beck pulled his sword out and moved towards drake pointing his sword at him “Who and what are you creature, speck!” drake looked at him and his comrade that also walked up to his side and pointing his sword at drake too, but that was a huge mistake because drake hated when people told him what to do.

Greta was about to intervein and try reasoning with the guards but stopped when drake closed his eyes and sighed, this confused the two gryphon males.

But when drake looked at them, his eyes turned into a predatory look that the two guards spines shook, drake’s mouth formed into a scowl that showed some of his sharp teeth, he *Growled* scaring the two griffons at not knowing he was a carnivore.

This also affected greta but not to much because all of drake’s hate was aiming towards feather beck and his comrade “He never told me he was a carnivore like me, their so sharp!” greta thoughts changed and she blushed “I wonder what it would feel like getting bitten by him?

Drake spoke in a dangerous tone that raddled the two griffons, he looked at the second guard “First off dipshit, I'm not an it I'm a he” then drake looked at feather beck that was shaking in his boots “Second” he stepped forward that made the guards take a step back “Don’t ever tell me what to do!” at this point the two guards were terrified of drake and then their minds went blank when something unexpected happened that freaked out the two griffons.

Dracule’s eyes glowed in a dangerous red and a black mist formed behind him, a figure so massive it was bigger than a hydra! That came out of the mist, it was something they never seen before, it had razor sharp teeth and it’s skin was completely white, the claws of the creature looked like it can cut through metal, it had spikes on its head and back, and its eyes were red just like drake’s, it wasn’t an animal it was a monster!!!

Greta also saw the creature that formed behind drake. She should be scared, shaking in fear, but she wasn’t? it had no affect on her for some reason and she didn’t know why?. It’s because drake’s anger wasn’t aimed at her but the guards.

Drake eyes glowing but instead of a glare they changed into a ferocious gaze. The murderous intent coming from drake was so much for the guards to handle that they blacked out from fear and fell on the ground unconscious.

Dracule looked down at the unconscious guards and closed his eyes, the monstrous figure fading away and the mist disappearing, drake opened his eyes, changing back to his normal bright red eyes looking at the guards in distaste “That will show you to be more careful who you speak to, assholes”

Drake walked over the unconscious griffons to greta that was still thinking about what she felt but drake broke her out of it when he tapped her beck “Yo, greta let’s go before they wake up” she shook her head and nodded at drake’s idea. They both walked up to the gate, drake opened the doors letting greta walk in first, then him both heading to greta’s house and leaving the unconscious guards behind.

Greta was leading drake through the city of griffonstone. Drake was looking around at all the different griffons that were walking or flying around in the air. He notice the different kinds of color fur they had, there were houses and shops everywhere, ones that were selling stuff like bags and others that were selling meat.

But drake was just happy to be in a new place in general “Wow. There’s so many gryphons, and in different shades of color, this is great!!”

Greta heard drake excited voice and smiled happy he’s enjoying be in griffonstone “I know your happy to be here, but please try not to gain attention of yourself, how you look is already gaining looks from other griffons” drake looked around and greta was right, there were some griffons that were looking at him some in fascination and others in caution.

Dracule scratch behind his head and laughed at himself “Sorry it’s just, this is great” then drake walked up to greta’s side close that his arm was touching hers making her face blush a little, she looked up at him and saw he had a pout face that confused her “And what do you mean how I look huh?” drake gave her the stink eye.

Greta fumbled and tried to gather her words into a apology but stopped when she heard drake laughing “I’m kidding. I know what you mean gret”

Greta got mad and started hitting drake on the chest for playing with her feelings. “You jerk how dare you mess with me”

Dracule laughed as greta hitting his chest, not feeling anything from them because of his skin has gotten tougher that could take a hit from a powerful blow that could destroy the area around him but not hurt him at all “Her punches feeling like getting hit by a new born baby” drake laughed in his head at that thought.

Greta got tired of hitting drake, noticing he didn’t feel any of it. She was about to scold drake when her stomach “Growled~” she blushed at how loud it was and heard snickering, she looked and saw drake was holding in his laughter.

She grumbled and look around and saw an old griffon female selling fresh cooked rabbit meat, apples, and some bread. She smiled then grabbed drake by the arm and pulling him to the stand he reluctantly accepted it not wanting to make greta more mad.

They both walked to the stand, well more like greta walking and drake being pulled to the stand, but whatever. When they got there, she greeted greta “Why, hello there greta. Your back I see” the old griffon smiled at her, drake could feel a peaceful aura coming from the old griffon.

Greta smiled back at the old griffon “Yeah. It’s good to see you to talon quill” talon quill looked at all of her food she was selling “So anything you want?”

Greta looked around and pointed to a piece of rabbit meat and a apple “I’ll take a piece of that rabbit meat and bread please”

She nodded and placed the items greta picked in a bag and handed it to her “There you go greta” she then looked towards dracule “Is there anything you need young man”

Drake nonchalant and said “I’ll just take an apple” greta looked at drake in confusion at his choice of food remembering his sharp teeth thinking he was a carnivore.

The old griffoness nodded and handed drake the apple “That will be 7 bits please” This is what drake wanted to see.

Greta pulled out her wallet that she had in her pocket and took out 7 gold tokens that drake believe were the bits “So that’s the currency in equestria, small gold tokens?, no jewels or gems”

She handed them to talon quill, she smiled “Thank you greta and have a nice day” greta put her wallet back in her pocket and started to head off with drake right behind her “Thanks Ms. quill and you to”

But stopped at what talon quill said next “Oh. And have fun with your new coltfriend~”

Greta almost tripped when talon quill said that and turned around fast and yelled “What, no. He’s not my coltfriend!” her yell attracted some attention from other griffons around the area and she blush at her response.

Ms. quill giggled and smiled at both drake and greta “I’m just messing with you sweetie” and like that drake respected the old griffon’s playfulness but greta wasn’t feeling the respect and had a scowl on her face.

Drake walked up to her and pulled her back on track “Come on crazy let’s go before you gain an audience” greta answered back trying to form words but failing “What, no, I, she” drake waved at her excuse “Yeah, yeah, come on drama queen” drake walked off with greta behind him still trying to reason with drake but failing.

They walked for a bit, the day starting to get dark. They were walking when dracule felt something “Someone's following use” his senses were telling him that somebody was tailing them, he didn’t react or tell greta because he didn’t know why or who was tailing them so he waited.

Greta pulled out her bread from her bag and was about to eat it, that’s when the person went in. Drake could hear the sound of footstep running towards them and then heard flapping, but again didn’t react because of what he heard “The person's footsteps sound small and the flapping… Is it a child?"

The griffon ran into greta not strong enough to knock her down but to make her drop the bread, the griffon grabbed the bread and was about to fly off until drake grabbed the small griffon by the neck in quick session stopping the griffon from flying off.

Then drake heard the small griffon speak “Unhand me you bastard!” it was a girls voice, the small griffon started to move around to try and escape but dracule’s grip around her neck was to strong for her to escape. Drake then turned the small griffoness around to get a good look at her.

Her fur color was purple and the feathers around her head was a lighter shade of purple, her wings were small but in good condition, her eyes were a turquoise color, her tail being purple but a darker shade at the scruff of her tail, and her ears at the tip were a lighter shade of purple. But the most noticeable feature was how dirty her pink clothes were and the smell she was giving off, drake didn’t mind the smell because he new what this kid was, and she was a orphan

Greta picked the bread off the ground and cleaned it, walked up next to dracule to see her attacker. And was shocked to see it was just a child maybe 12 or younger.

Drake set the little girl down but keeping a firm hold wanting to know why she tried to steal from greta “Hey kid” the griffoness child looked at drake with a frown “Why did you try to steal from greta huh?

The griffon girl crossed her arms and turned her head away from drake and said “Not telling!” like a brat. Drake didn’t like how the little griffon acted and a tick mark formed on his head.

Dracule pulled his fist out slowly and *Bash* pushed the griffon girl on the head making her cry out in pain as a bump formed on her head. Drake let go of the girls neck then grabbed the collar of her shirt “Listen here kid, you tell me why you tried to do what you did or I'm going to give you a few more bumps on the head. Got it!” drake said threatening the griffon child she agreed and nodded her head fast not wanting to get hit by drake.

Drake set the girl down, letting go of her shirt “and if you try and run away, trust me you won’t”

Greta was shocked to see drake hit the griffon girl on the head “Drake! You can’t just do that, sh-” drake spoke back to greta “I know gret, she’s a child. That doesn’t give her the right to steal from others even if she’s an orphan.

Greta looked at drake with wide eyes at what he said and looked at the little griffon in front of her “He’s right, her feathers and clothes are dirty and” she smelled the air around the girl “She smells like she hasn’t bath in weeks”

The griffon girl looked at drake in surprise at how fast he notice she was a orphan “How did you know I'm an orphan?” she asked but drake waved her off “Don’t try and change the subject kid, and tell my why you tried to steal gret’s apple”

The griffon girl frowned and huffed “I just wanted something to eat okay. You already know I'm a orphan so you should know that I have to steal to get food” she said but greta spoke up “But can’t you just go to the orphanage. We can take you there right know”

The griffon child had a scared look on her face that drake agreed with at the thought of orphanages, she yelled at greta that made her step back “No. I’ll never go back there!!”

Drake crouched down to her level on his knee “And why’s that?” she looked at drake in suspicion “Why do you want to know that?” drake shrugged “Just wanting to know how bad it could be for you to decline” drake lied already knowing why she wouldn’t want to be sent to a orphanage for the rest of her life.

She scowled at the thought “A orphanage is one of the most saddest, boring place in the world for kids like me. Just staying there hoping for someone to take you in, but never happens and having to stay there for years, I'll never ever live my life in that hell hole” she said.

Drake thought also when he was suggested to when his parents died and he was alone back on earth “This kid… is like me

Greta didn't understand what the girl was talking about and disagreed “That may be right but it’s better than being homeless and steal from others” the griffon girl had an angry face and looked like she was going to cry probably having another adult not understand her, but drake did.

He got up and turned to greta “No” greta looked at drake in confusion and then said “She’s right” that shocked greta and the griffon girl.

Greta didn’t understand why drake agreed with the griffon girl so she asked “What do you mean drake?” drake sighed “It’s like she said being in a place that you will be forced to stay at for the rest of your life just waiting until some stranger takes you in, that not right. Just like this kid I would rather run away and be homeless instead of being confined in some building”

Greta thought about it and again. Drake was right, being in a lonely depressed place could change you and make life worse for you at a young age “But the way he said that”

She looked at drake and said “Drake. You act like it’s happened to you before” then drake said something that shocked both griffon's even more “That’s because I have been through this song and dance before”

Greta was shocked to hear this, she never asked drake about his family back in his world and he never said anything about them at all “He was a orphan just like her… No reason he could understand how she feels

But the griffon girl was the most shocked out of the two. She’s been told over and over by other adult griffons to just go to a orphanage and live there not understanding how she feels.

But this person she didn’t know or what he was knew what she mean and agreed with her, she looked at drake in a new light and tugged on his pants to get his attention, he looked down at her to see what she wanted “You were a orphan to?” drake smiled at the kid and patted her head “Yup just like you” she felt how warm drake’s hands were when he patted her head and she liked it, since she became a street rat no one treated her in kindness.

But this man is treating her not as a homeless stranger, but a sad child that wants to be loved. She held in her tears at drake’s caring nature towards her.

She felt drake’s hand leave her head and was about to respond not to stop but drake spoke first “Here” he put his hand in his sweater pocket and pulled out a big load of bread, drake stole the bread from a griffon trying to mooch off from them when greta wanted to buy some stuff earlier.

He stuck out the load of bread to the griffon girl “Take it” she looked at the bread in widen eyes “No one ever offered me anything!” she slowly took her hand out and grabbed the loaf of bread from drake and pulled it close to her.

Her lips trembled at the kind gesture “T-thank you. Mister” drake smiled and rubbed the girls head “No problem kid and just call me drake” he said and walked off signaling greta to follow “Later kid. And stay safe ” as they walk off leaving the young griffon to her thoughts.

He was just like me. He understood what I meant” she looked at the loaf of bread he gave her “He even gave me food, not asking for anything in return” she looked behind her seeing drake and greta walking off to wherever their going.

he had her focus only on drake, she turned around and took a step forward in drake’s direction “I...” she said and took a few more steps but stopped “I don’t want to be alone anymore!” she looked down and tears started to fall down her face falling to the ground.

She looked back up rubbed her tears away and had a determined face, looking at drake that was far away and started to run where he was going “I rather be with someone that understands me, and” she saw drake and greta walking through a crowd of griffons “I just want to be loved again!” she kept on running towards drake and greta.

Drake and greta walked through the crowd of griffons, drake knew something was up about the crowd. They weren’t moving and speaking in whispers to each other “Something's not right” drake said to greta and she agreed, also wondering why there is a crowd of griffons.

When they got to the front both greta and drake saw why there was a crowd and drake didn’t like what he was seeing. It was a griffon female fending off a big griffon male that was trying to subdue her.

The female griffon yelled at the male griffon “I said I wasn’t going with you, you asshole” she dodged him as he tries to grab her.

He had a frown on his face and yelled back “And I said I don’t care, you're coming with me if you like it or not” he ran at her, she saw this and tried to fly off but she was to slow. He grabbed her leg pulling her down to the ground and making her *Smash* hit her head on the ground as her back slam’s to the floor.

She “Groaned” on the floor as her head sting in pain from the hit and before she could get up. The male griffon jumps on her and pins her to the ground not letting her escape, she scream out loud “Get off me!

But that just made the griffon male laugh at her “Sorry girly but your mine know” he starts to tore off her clothes and she screams out “stop, someone help me”

Dracule looked around and saw the female griffons turning their heads around trying to ignore her screams of help, and the griffon males didn’t care at all at what the griffon was doing to the her, he even saw some grin at the scene that was taking place.

Drake’s anger was rising at what was happening and no one was going to stop it! He heard crying next to him and looked down to see greta crying at the scene before her, she whispered to herself but drake heard it perfectly “Why... does this keep happening” drake’s eyes widened at this. “This isn’t the first time this happened?!, these males treating the females like...property!

Drake clenched his fist tight and looked at the male griffon, his eyes getting brighter and starting to glow, changing into a ferocious gaze aimed at the griffon.

Greta turned to drake, going to ask him that they should leave but saw drake walk off. Walking towards the griffon as he tries to take off the griffoness skirt “Drake! What are you doing!?”

Drake ignored her and kept on walking. At that time the little griffon girl was able to get passed the crowd because of her height and see the griffon forcing his way on the griffoness, she wasn’t surprised in seeing this happen. Griffon males always do this when they see a female that they want and take them by force, but she was shocked to see drake walking to the griffon with a gaze that could kill a manticore just by staring at it. The other griffons in the crowd saw drake and wondered what he was doing.

The griffon male laughed as he finally took off the griffoness skirt “You idiot. No one's going to help you” he was about to take her panties off until he heard a voice to his right.

“Hey. Asshole” the griffon turned but only saw a boot coming towards his face *Bash* knocking him off the female griffon and sending his big body flying off the ground, the griffons saw this and freaked out moving out off the way just in time as the griffon *Crash* into a closed stand, destroying it.

Everyone in the crowd were wide eyed and speechless at what just happened, so did greta and the griffon child. One moment the male griffon was on the griffoness and next he was kicked off of her by some strange creature and sent flying into a stand.

The griffon that was sent flying was able to get himself back up but the pain was something else, it almost knocked him out. He could feel blood pouring from his head, he’s never been hit so hard before that was able to sent him so far in his life. Once he was able to stand up and stop himself from falling over he walked out of the stand to see the one who attack him.

He looked over and saw some creature helping the griffoness, helping her to stand back up “It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you” she looked at drake with eyes full of hope that someone actually helped her.

He looked over and saw some creature helping the griffoness, helping her to stand back up “It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you” she looked at drake with eyes full of hope that someone actually helped her. “Thank you so much” the creature smiled at her making her blush “It’s no problem, I just couldn’t stand seeing you get molested by that asshat” what he said made the griffoness giggle, but that made the griffon angry for being laughed at.

He yelled out “You damn freak, how dare you attack me!” this caught everyone's attention, drake looked at him in annoyance that pissed the griffon even more.

Dracule turned his head to the griffoness hiding behind him and motioned her with his head to run off and she did, she ran to the other griffon females that helped her with her clothes, drake turned to the griffon that was scowling at him “So tell me, how was your little flight”

What drake said made the griffon even more angry “This freak dares to mock me! Me! A mighty griffon” he walks forward in a good distance from drake. “Do you know who I am, you damn freak”

Drake’s eyebrow rose “Should I know who you are” his answer making the griffon steam in rage “I’m one of the most undefeated champions in griffonstone, gold claw!” gold claw said in mirth that made the other griffons gasp at his name knowing who he is, he grinned at the reaction of the griffons around him.

They turned to look at drake’s reaction and were surprised at what they saw, gold claw saw drake giving him a no fucks given face.

“Ok... Should I be afraid of your name or something?” gold claw looked at drake in shock not knowing his name or heard who he is but that quickly turned into anger getting even more pissed off.

“You should be. Because once I'm done with you, you’ll be nothing more than a bloody mess” gold claw said and the griffon's were surprised at what he said, he was going to kill this creature and no one will be able to help him.

The females in the crowd were scared for the creature that jumped in to save the griffoness from gold claw, greta was shocked and didn’t know what to do to stop this. She couldn’t go to the guards because they’ll just let it past. She was scared and wanted to help drake but didn’t know how, the griffon girl drake helped out was also scared not wanting the only person that understood her be killed.

But then drake did something that shocked and confused the griffons, he started to laugh out loud at gold claws threat. They thought he gone mad from fear but then he stopped and looked at gold claw with a smile, his eyes glowing brighter that raddled gold claws bones.

“Nice threat. But you gotta try harder than that to scare me” drake grabbed masamune and durandal both still in their scabbards, his backpack, and threw them to greta that was able to catch them but falling to the ground, the weight of the two swords and backpack to much for her.

Greta sat up and rubbed her head “Greta!” she heard drake yell and looked at him, his smile still on his face “Hold on to those for me. While I beat the crap out of this dork, will yea”

Drake’s smile and trusting her his belongings made the griffoness blush at his complete trust to her and responded back “You got it drake. I’ll keep your stuff safe, just give that asshole a good beating”

Drake smiled at greta’s response and turned back to gold claw that was getting tired of being ignored but smirked at drakes dumb decision “You dumbass. You just gave away the only means of beating me, like that mattered anyways” gold claw closed his eyes and laughed at drake.

“No” but stopped when he heard drake’s voice, he opened his to see drake’s smile never leaving his face “The only dumbass here is you for thinking that” This drew the last straw, gold claw flew off the ground straight towards drake.

Music: painkiller

Drake smile turned into a grin when he saw gold claw flying right at him “Finally. Time to show this punk were he is in this world” gold claw aimed to ram into drake but right when he got close drake jumped and landed on his back with some force in his landing and pushed off gold claw that sent him to the ground and drake landing back on the ground, he looked at gold claw that was getting up and ran right at him, as gold claw turned around he was met with *Bash* a fist to the right side of his face “And that’s under my feet, like the bug you are!

Gold claw staggered but was able to get himself back in the fight and threw his right claw at drake’s chest but he dodged the claw by stepping to the side fast and shot another punch *Bash* that connected the left side of gold claws face making him stagger again but before he could pull himself back *Smash* drake kicked at the side of gold claws leg that made him “Grunt” in pain.

He fall to a knee but didn't have enough time to react *Bash* to a uppercut under his beck from drake that sent gold claw flying into the air as he “Squawked” in pain, he was in the air for a short moment and fell back down to the ground on his back.

This shocked the griffons even more, gold claw is one of the strongest griffons in griffonstone. And right know he was fighting a creature smaller than him and losing! Greta watched as dracule beat down gold claw like he was nothing, she was also shocked to see this.

She had a feeling that drake was strong but not this strong! The griffon girl was not shocked but looked in awe at how cool drake was taking on gold claw with no fear and amazed at how he took him down so fast. “Wow. he knocked him down like he was nothing!” she had sparkles in her eyes at how awesome drake is.

Gold claw laid on his back dazed from the uppercut dracule gave him. He didn’t understand “How could I get knocked down so Easily?!, that fucker is smaller than Me, but I'm the one that gets taken down!”

Drake walked up to gold claw. Gold claw looked up to see drake’s smirk. Mocking him without saying anything, then drake spoke “Tell me. How does it feel to get dropped by something smaller than you? From up here, you look pretty small”

That angered gold claw to the point he lost it “Screech” he screamed out that scared the other griffons in the crowd, got up and tried to sweep his claws at drake but moved back dodging it. But that didn’t stop gold claw, he ran at drake and started throwing punches and swipes from his claws to cut drake into ribbons. But every attack that came at dracule he dodged them all not letting gold claw hit him at all, and moving backwards while dodging.

Everyone watched as drake dodged every attack gold claw threw at him smoothly not missing a beat having a smile on his face the whole time. All of the females that watched “Awed” at the mysterious creature facing off gold claw, and had blushes on their faces at how handsome he is after getting a good look at him.

“He’s facing gold claw likes he’s nothing” one said.

“And did you see how he knocked him down so fast!” the second griffoness said looking at drake half lidded eyes.

“Yeah and he’s so hot for saving winger from that jerk” the third griffoness said that the others nodded, agreeing with her and they all look back at the fight looking at drake in lust.

Greta was able to hear them and scowled at the female griffons looking at drake “Those damn harlots. I won’t let them have dracule, he’s mine!” greta gasped at what she said “Did I just say that?” why would she say that? It's not like she’s… her eyes widen and looked at drake still having a smile on his face enjoying his fight “Am I... in love !?” she looked back at how she felt about drake, their first meeting, and the way she acted when ever he smiles or gets close.

“I’m in love with drake!” after realizing her feeling towards him she set on to try and get drake to love her just how she loves him, and won’t let any of these griffons have him.

The griffon girl was even more amazed at drake’s skill and able to dodge incoming attacks from gold claw like nothing, her eyes got big and could see stars in them. “So.... Cool!”

Gold claw was getting fed up at drake dodging all of his punches making his anger rise even more “Stop dodging, you little fucker!” drake heard him and stopped moving. Gold claw saw this and took this chance and threw a powerful right hook to his stomach *Bang* everyone heard the sound of the punch, the males cringed at the sound, some smiling that the creature finally got hit. All of the females gasped, thinking gold claw hit drake. Greta and the little griffon thought so to.

Gold claw smiled finally thinking he got drake with a good hit. To bad he didn’t, his smile faded when he heard drake chuckle and looked down to see what he hit.

He didn’t hit drake’s stomach he punched drake’s hand he held out when gold claw threw the punch at him, drake pushed gold claws fist back, he tried to fight back but drake was much stronger than him making gold claw move back and having his arm straight forward.

“Nice punch” drake clenched his hand breaking the griffons claw “Ahhh” gold claw screamed out in pain.

Drake let his claw go. Gold claw stepped back to nurse his hand but drake didn’t let him, he dashed appearing in front of him. Surprising gold claw and rearing his fist back “It’s my turn now” drake unloaded punches to fast for gold claw to block or dodge so he was helpless to fend himself from drake’s barrage of fists.

Drake didn’t just punch gold claw in the face, he also sent his fists at his arms and chest. Pretty much destroying his body. Dracule could feel the bones in gold claws body break each time one of his punches connected, gold claw screams of pained were cut out by the nonstop punching from drake.

Everyone watched as drake beat the crap out of gold claw not letting up, blood started to come out of his nose and mouth that were broken by drake’s fast punches. They were speechless at the event, the male griffon started to fear the creature that could take on a griffon twice his size, and the females were more interested in drake as the time passes.

Drake punched a bit more then stopped to see how gold claw took it, let's just say he didn’t look good at all.

One of gold claws eyes got swollen and his mouth had blood pouring out. His beck got bent and dented from drake’s punches and his body was destroyed with many bruises and purple marks that were left from dracule’s punches. Gold claws eyes were fading and he was swaying left and right.

Drake smirked and walked up to gold claw and got into a stance. And reared back his fist and yelled out! “Get lost you damn pigeon!”

Dracule sent his fist right at gold claw as the air around his fist being bends back and pulled from the punch. His punch “Basssshhh” connect right between his biceps making his chest go inwards from the punch, gold claws eyes widen from the punch and spat out the blood he had in his mouth.

The punch sent gold claw rocketing to the crowd, heading to a group of male griffons that couldn’t move out of the way in time. And were hit by gold claws unconscious body and sent into a building that they were standing behind. Breaking through the buildings wall and still flying into the other wall breaking through the second wall and falling to the ground, not just knocking out one big griffon but 5 other griffon males that were knocked back from drake’s punch.
End Music.

Every griffon had there eyes wide open and there mouths hitting the ground at seeing dracule sent gold claw, and 5 other griffon into a building and fly out at the back like it was nothing. Drake pulled his hand back that was smoking because how fast and strong he threw the punch but realistically he didn’t even put much into the punch, about 10% of his strength in the punch “Damn. That shrine really made me even more power than I was back on earth, I still could have took that griffon on without these upgrades anyway”

And that’s true, even without the powers the shrine gave drake back at the old ruin he still could of taken gold claw without using so much of his strength as he did back on earth.

Drake put his hands on his pocket and looked around at the faces the griffons were making, drake almost laughed out loud at seeing their shocked faces. He turned and saw greta staring at him shocked as well but notice a faint blush on her face and smiled how cute her face was.

He started to walk up to her as the griffons looked at drake to see what he was doing. Greta didn’t know drake was right in front of her because she wasn’t paying attention, so it took drake *Flick* “Ow” flicking greta on the forehead to knocking her out of her shock, greta rubbing her forehead in pain.

Drake chuckled at her cuteness “This griffon is just to cute sometimes” drake thought and pulled greta up to her feet “Let’s go gret before it get darker” drake said like he never was in a fight just minutes ago. Greta looked at drake in bewilderment but nodded. They walked off to greta’s house, while some griffons watch them walk off, and others getting the guards to help those that got knocked down and take gold claw to the hospital. But one griffon decided to follow them and it was the griffon girl that wanted to be with drake.

The day gotten darker as the sun goes down and the moon rise up in the sky. Drake and greta were able to get to her home with no problems in the way, her house right in front of them.

Greta pointed to her house for drake “you see that house over there that’s mine” drake looked at the house, it was a nice looking house that was painted green, the lawn looked clean and had one small tree in front of the house.

Greta started to walk off but drake grabbed her arm stopping her. She looked back at drake confused at why he stopped her, he let go of her arm and turned his head facing the side in a corner of the sidewalk and said “Come on out. I can hear your breathing from here” greta was confused at what drake said but understood when someone came out of the corner, and it was the griffon girl they met that tried to steal from her in the street.

The little girl walked up to drake twiddling her finger and having a nervous look on her “Why did you follow use?” drake asked her in a caring tone.

The griffon girl looked to the side then looked up at drake in the corner of her eyes. Drake could hear her heartbeat faster “She’s nervous” then she breathed in and faced drake and whispered out her words but fumbled “I- what t-to” drake bent down and put his hand on her head that made her flinch “calm down and speak clearly. Ok” she looked at drake with her big eyes and nodded he pulled his hand off her head letting her talk.

The griffon girl calmed herself down and spoke out loud for both drake and greta to hear her, and they didn’t suspect her to say the words she spoke to drake. “I want to stay with you” she said with eyes full of hope.

Greta put her hands over her beck surprised and shocked at what that little girl said “Is.. She asking drake to adopt her?!” she looked at drake that was looking at the griffon girl in thought and asked “Drake. what are you going to do”

Drake looked at the griffon girl that was looking at him with hope that he would take her in. He looked at her closely “This girl….” memories of dracule’s life at a young age came back to him and realized “Is nothing like me” back then drake was just like this girl alone, his parents were killed and he was left to survive by himself for the past years. He thought that the little griffon was like him but she isn't while drake went off to doing what he dreamed to do at a young age and went to many places, and fought those called legends around the world on earth, this griffon girl stayed in her kingdom surviving off of left overs of other griffons living her whole life in sadness. Drake decided what to do.

and took one of her claws in his hands, his smile making her feel a warm sensation coming from it “Sure. I’ll take you in” her eyes widened at what drake said “H-he said yes??!” he didn’t stop there “If you want I can be your new dad or something?”

He asked and she started to cry that drake accepted to adopt her, she ran up and hugged him crying tears of joy on his sweater. Drake hugged her back he was never one to refuse a hug before and didn't think he won’t ever.

Greta started to cry too because of the sweet and caring display that was happening in front of her. She though drake was going to say no but he didn’t “He’s so caring and loving, taking in a child that’s not even the same species as him. And still adopted her” greta was falling for drake each time she sees him do something others wouldn’t do.

Drake picked up the griffon girl not minding her tears wetting his sweater, holding her in his arms. He walked up to greta that was wiping her tears so drake wouldn’t see but he did and smiled at her “come on let’s go, you don’t mind taking in another into your house right?” drake asked.

Greta smiled at his respectful nature “No. I don’t mind at all” drake smiled back and they started to head to greta’s house.

Drake shook the griffon in his arms and she looked at him wiping away her tears, drake asked “So little birdie. Mind telling you new dad your name” she smiled at drake at calling himself her dad, she smiled big and said “Skyress”

Drake grinned “That’s a cute name, skyress” she hugged drake’s head and said “Thank you dad” and drake felt a new responsibility taken place in his life, and as they got near greta’s house, inside his mind he took that responsibility seriously “This griffon is my kid know. I won’t let anything hurt her” drake's eyes changed to a determined look “And that's a promise!”