• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 2,337 Views, 86 Comments

Alicorns and Creatures - Alvaxerox

A new visitor comes to Equestria and helps around and discovers friendship and true love.

  • ...

Great and Powerful

Author's Note:

Sorry for the 4 month wait. I was out of ideas and need a lot of inspiration. Anyways hope you like this chapter. And merry Christmas.

It has been a few hours since Twilight had that nightmare. Spike was shocked about it for a while. He sat sown with her. "Twilight... I have to tell you this." Spike said. "Many years ago when I was 13 years old. Celestia had a pupil. Her name was... Twilight Sparkle. She was a unicorn."

"So that would make me... her human counterpart?" Twilight asked,

"Yes. She was nice, beautiful, and had a heart of gold like you. Heck for a while... she and I once dressed up as Crimes fighters. She called her herself Cyber-Science and I called myself Dragon Heart." Spike said while remembering those days.

"Do I remind you of her?" Twilight asked Spike.

"Well... I was very young. Back then I had a crush on Rarity." Spike said. "Anyways... My version of Twilight was a very smart girl. She treated me like an older sister i never had. But one day... something bad happened..."

"What happened to my double?"

"Its kinda complicated... i don't remember that much." Spike said. "But my mom does. She wipped out everypony's memories. She left half for me and the girls, but we do remember... she died..."

"I am so sorry." Twilight said. " It seems my counterpart did something bad that ended up costing her life." She put her hand in Spike's claw. "But I'm not like her. I'm not gonna die. I'm a Red Guardian. And we red Guardians won't die." Twilight then remembered something. "My ship..." Spike was now a little confuse... " My ship. There's a locator system in the ship. It got damaged when I landed here. If we can build it. I could try to get into communications back on earth. Maybe my brother could try to locate me." She explained.

"Good idea Twilight. Amazing." Spike was getting a little nervous. "I'll be sure to help you. And I know somepony who can help as well."

"Really, who?" Twilight asked.

"His name is Dr. Hooves. He's a very good inventor. And I know another pony who is great at bases. She can help fix the boosters." Spike said.

"Who's the one with the base?" Twilight asked.

"Her name is Vinyl Scratch. But we mainly know her as DJ Pon-3. Trust me she's good. She has tons of wubs and uses then for awesome DJ's and rocket power." Spike explained again.

"That's amazing." Twilight kisses Spike on the lips. "Thank you... for helping me." She said politely. They both went back to sleep waiting for the next day.

The next day...

Twilight went out of the treebrary and walked right to her ship. She saw the damage it had. She was a little nervous cause that nightmare she had. It felt real. She thinks she might be gone from home for a long time. And sometimes when it comes dimensional traveling, time warps rapidly.

Spike walked into the ship. "Bad news Twilight. Turns out Dr. Hooves is gone to Manehatten and won't be back for a month. He's on his honeymoon."

"Honeymoon? With whom?"

"Oh yeah... well before you crashed, Two days before, Dr. Hooves married a special mare name Derpy. He really considers her cute, and one day he promised that for the rest of his life he'll take care of her. Doctor tied the knot. And in they planned to go their honeymoon last week. Lucky them huh." Spike said.

"I'm more concerned his name reminds of an old TV show I watched when I was a kid." Twilight realized. "What about Vinyl?"

"I called her roommate Octavia. She said Vinyl is sick. She has the flu and she'll be in no help until 3 days from now." Spike explained.

"Aw man. I was really looking forward to this." Twilight said feeling disappointed.

"Don't worry Twilight. As soon as Hooves gets back from his trip. He'll help us." Spike said.

"Okay." Twilight said with a sigh.

Twilight and Spike walked across town until they some ponies walking up to a trailor with strange trinkets. "Strange. I wonder what going on over there?" Twilight asked.

"Let's go find out." Spike said. They walked to the trailor set. Spike saw two goofy ponies name Snip and Snails, they were exited. "Uh... dudes. What's going on?"

"Where about to see the most famous unicorn that ever lived." Snip said.

"She's known as the-" Snails sentence was cut short due to the announcer's voice.

"Prepare yourselves Ponyville. For you are about to witness the magnificent power... of the Great and Powerful Trixie!!!!" The announcer revealed herself in a puff of smoke. She was blue unicorn and with a star pattern leotard, a star pattern hat and a star pattern cape.

"For years, Trixie has travelled all across Equestria to prove that she is the most magical pony ever."

"The great and powerful Trixie?" Twilight asked?

Twilight and Spike sees the others at the stage set as well.

Trixie noticed Twilight staring at the stage. "So... it is true. An extra terrestrial walks among Equestria. Come on up alien. I like to see what your capable of..." Trixie said. Twilight went up the stage. Trixie examined Twilight, she walked around her. "So tell me alien. What is your name?" She asked.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said. "What do you want with me.

"Trixie wants to know what kind of creature you are and how and when did you ended up living on her planet." Trixie asked with a glaring smile.

"Twilight is a human being, she came here through a spaceship and she crash landed by accident." Spike said in the crowd. "And trust me Trixie. She is greater and powerfuller then you."


"Blasphemy!" Trixie said feeling like she's been talked down. "You say this creature you call a 'human' is more powerful then the great and powerful Trixie herself?!"

Spike nodded. "Come on Twilight, show her what you can do."

Twilight was feeling embarrassed. She didn't to show her powers.

"What are you a chicken?" Trixie said. "You may be an alien from another planet, human. But Trixie bet you've never defeated an Ursa Major like Trixie has.

"Then... I guess I'll be as powerful as you. See ya." Twilight said as she ran away back to the Treebrary. Spike followed her back.

"Yeah that's right. Run away coward. Trixie is the most powerful pony, not some red onesie wearing human." Trixie chuckles as she does her performances.

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack saw the whole thing, and wanted to pick a bone with her. "Your not all great and powerful, Trixie." Pinkie Pie said. "Your a mean and horrible."

"Calling our friend a coward, your gonna pay for that." Rarity said.

(the video is just for the song.)

At the Treebrary, Spike sees Twilight reading a few books. She seems upset, Spike attempts to cheer her up. "Twilight? Look, about what happened at the stage, look I'm sorry. But even you have to agree that you are powerful and better then her."

"How could you do that to me. I use my powers for good, not to brag and gloat. That would be proving that I'm no better then her." Twilight said angrily. "I'm not gonna show off my powers so I can prove something. Its not worth it."

"But Twilight, its not the same. Trixie is gloating by bullying and putting other ponies down." Spike said.

"It is the same Spike. I will be no better then Trixie. And I'll put other unicorns down cause I'm a human with special powers." Twilight said. "Now leave me alone and GO AWAY!" Twilight said. She pushed Spike out of the room hard and slammed that door hard.

Spike sighed. "Its not the same if you do it to help the others."

Later at night, Snips and Snails requested Trixie to do an unbelievable feat that she hasn't done yet. She refused. So they thought if they want her to perform a feat, they'll go find an Ursa Major so they can see how she stopped one. They stumbled into a cave and found one. They were so scared that they ran away but the Ursa Major followed them.

Spike was having a nightly stroll until he saw Snips and Snails running, then he sees the Ursa Major chasing them. Spike "Guys, what have you done?!" He said. But they were to far to hear him. Spike tried to fight off the Ursa Major, and he managed to put up a good fight. He also tried to blow fire on its muzzle, but the Ursa Major pummeled him. He's still breathing but he can't fly due to his wings being damaged. He ran back to the treebrary to get Twilight to help.

Snips and Snails ran to Trixie's wagon. "Oh great and powerful Trixie, we wish to speak to you. Now!" Snips said.

"What is so important that you have to interrupt Trixie's beauty sleep." Trixie said.

The two unicorns pointed at the Ursa Major as it roars.

"OH MY FREAKING CELESTIA!!!" Trixie ran away and Snips and Snails ran with herm and the Ursa Major cornered them.

Back at the Treebrary, Twilight was reading the blueprints on how to repair her ship. Until Spike broke down the door."Twilight... you got to come out quick-"

"For the last time Spike, I am not-" Twilight stopped. "What the hell happened to you, is this to get my attention so I can show off Trixie?"

"No! I was fighting an-" Spike sentence was stopped due to a roar that shook the treebrary.

"Please don't tell me that is what I think it is." Twilight said.


The Ursa Major cornered the 3 unicorns. "Come on Trixie, stop that beast." Snips said.

"What?! That thing" Trixie said.

"Yeah, we want to watch you vanquished it." Snails said.

Trixie tried her best, but she failed. The unicorns ran away and the Ursa Major starts wreaking havoc, it woke up everypony and they all ran in circles. Spike and Twilight came in time. "What's going on!!!" Twilight asked.

"We brought an Ursa Major into town." Snips said with a happy smile.

"YOU WHAT?!" Twilight slapped Snips and Snails. "WHAT THE HELL BOYS!!! You could've doom Ponyville."

"Don't worry. The Great and Powerful Trixie will stop it." Snails said feeling calm.

It was at that moment, Trixie knew... she screwed up. "I can't."


"I never did vanquish an Ursa Major. No one has. I just made that up to make me feel better."


"CALLED IT! You are a fraud. Your cred is based on an egotistical lie." Spike said.

Just then the Ursa came right behind them. "So that Ursa is some kind of giant moon bear. Spike, get these... delinquents outta here. I'll take care of the bear." Twilight said

"Its an Ursa Major, its bigger then a bear." Snails said.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she prepares to encounter the Ursa. She activated her red energy in her hands. And floated up. Trixie was very surprised. "So her powers are energy? Like a unicorn?"

"Yeah. She's a red guardian. One of the most powerful creatures ever." Spike said. "She's kinda like a superhero."

Twilight blasted the ground beneath the moon bear to let it trip. And then she went on it's back and grabbed it. The other ponies were impressed with her super strength.

Twilight's friends also saw how incredibly strong she was as she carried the Ursa back where it came from.

She later teleport back with a heroic pose.

"Wow Twilight. That was Awesome!!!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I knew you were strong, but not that strong." Applejack said.

"You surprised you didn't wanted to hurt that big moon bear." Fluttershy said.

"Your energy powers were so delightful to watch." Rarity said.

"You are the best human ever!!!" Pinkie said.

"I'm surprised you don't hate me." Twilight said.

"Hate you? Why would we hate you?"

"She thought since you all didn't like Trixie's magic, she considered she would be no better then her." Spike explained as Twilight nodded.

"You don't care about Trixie's magic. She's a loudmouth." Rainbow pointed. "And beside. Your powers are the reason i keep pushing myself up beyond my limits."

"Exaclty sugercube. We all know your powers are your own, and that's why we love you for it. It's who you are." Applejack said.

"So your still okay with my superpowers?" Twilight asked.

"Of course darling. There's more to a pony, or in this case, a human then just it's special abilities. Your a kind and sweet friend." Rarity said.

"And we wouldn't want you to change in any way." Fluttershy said.

"Thanks girls." Twilight said.

"Quick question though." Spike said. "Is that the only possible way to stop an Ursa Major."

"Not really. And besides that cub was a baby." Twilight said.

"A cub? Then that must mean... It's an Ursa Minor." Trixie realized.

"An Ursa Minor?" Spike said.

"Yes. And the cub wasn't on a rampage. It was just cranky and went on a tantrum because some PONY woke it up." Twilight said pointing her eye at Snips and Snails.

"So... what does an Ursa Major looks like..." Spike asked.

"Well... you don't wanna know." Twilight said.

"Well... Sparkle. You may have vanquished an Ursa Minor. But you'll never be as powerful as the Great and Powerful Trixie!!!" Trixie threw a smoke bomb on the ground and ran away...

Rainbow Dash decided to go after her. "Let her go Rainbow." Twilight said. "Hopefully one day she'll learn her lesson." She then turn her head at Snips and Snails. "Now as for you."

"We're sorry we woke up the Ursa Minor." Snips said.

"We just wanted to see some awesome magic." Snails said.

"But after seeing superpowers for the first time. We now know you are great and powerful." Snips said.

Twilight still had a angry look. "We deserve what punishment you will give us..."

"Good..." Twilight grabbed the two unicorns and lifted in the air, spun around and threw in the air, and then blasted them with her red energy into the ground. They were burned. "If you ever... EVER... pull another stupid stunt like that again... I am gonna do worst... like blast you into space where nobody can hear you scream. Now you two are gonna clean the mess you caused... And you are gonna where this collar that cancels your magic for a 2 weeks. Any questions?"

"Whoa... when did Twilight get all... scary..." Pinkie was starting to quiver...

"No! No questions needed, we'll accept your terms. Please don't kill destroy us!!!" Snails said.

"Good. I'm glad we can negotiate." Twilight said. As she walks away. Everypony else walked away too.

Meanwhile outside of Ponyville, Trixie was looking at the town now that she saw Twilight Snips and Snails. "We'll meet again Twilight Sparkle. And next time you see me... things are gonna be... differant."

To be continued...