• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 2,337 Views, 86 Comments

Alicorns and Creatures - Alvaxerox

A new visitor comes to Equestria and helps around and discovers friendship and true love.

  • ...

Not the same anymore.

After confessing everything, everyone was now upset and depressed. The ponies in Canterlot are now gossiping about Celesita and her ruling since she did purposely wiped the mane 5 of their memories of their friend, and they wonder if Princess Celestia would wipe their memories of they lost somepony or somepony passes away and she would erase their memories to save them from their grief.

In the dungeon, the girls were put in the one. Rarity was hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. Pinkie Pie had her hair deflated, and Rainbow Dash was just really mad. "This sucks. If Celestia wipes out our memories, then why she didn't lock herself in here with us?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well it was 20% our fault for remembering our dead Twilight." Pinkie said. "Fluttershy got it lucky and her animals bailed her out."

"But it was 100% her fault. And I'm not going to stay in this cell for an entire week. I'm busting us out of here!" Rainbow said.

"Rainbow Dash don't!" Rarity cried. "Don't do it. Celestia was only doing what was right."

"No! It's not right. She didn't give time grieve. She literally messed with our heads to forget how Twilight died just so we don't have to feel anything?" Rainbow said. "That's not right. I'm going to expose her, now who's with me?"

"Alright alright. I'll come." Pinkie said.

"Well I'm not. I'm staying in this dungeon so i can pay for my crimes of destory Twilight's chance to go home." Rarity said.

"What's more important? Celestia admitting to us that she erased out memories, or the fact that Twilight's stupid ship is gone forever." Rainbow asked.

"I wanted to tell Twilight about the ship. And you punched in the face to shut me up." Rarity said. "I'm not going to be scared of you anymore!"

"Fine, who needs you! I know I don't!" Rainbow said. "Come Pinkie. Let's get Sunbutt."


"Your majesty, is it true?" Said a news pony. "Did you erased the memories of your subjects to they won't have to mourn the lost of somepony?"

"Yes, but I was sparring them from the pain of losing their friend who was my pupil." Princess Celestia said. "Now leave!"

The guards pushed the paparazzi and closed the gates. "You know princess, I lost my grandfather 3 years ago, you sure you didn't wipe my memory of that too?" The Guard asked.

"Do you also plan to erase anypony's memories of their pets if they passed away?" Another guard said.

"Leave me in peace!" Celestia said.

The guards left Celestia's throne room as she commanded them. And Celestia knows her subjects are going to hate her because of what she did to the girls and Spike. "What have I done...? What have I done...?"


Princess Celestia heard a voice as she got up from her throne. The gates opened and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were on top of the guards. "Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie? Why are out of your cell?"

"You!" Rainbow said. "Your going to pay for messing up with our memories!"

"Yeah. We take the blame for your action?" Pinkie asked. "Well that's just wrong. You should be in the dungeon for what you've to us."

"Girls listen to me, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to erase your memories." Celestia said while she panics.

"I can't believe you princess! Why did thought erasing our memories was a good thing?' Rainbow Dash asked as she ran to Celestia. "Why?!"

"I wanted to spare from the pain of losing somepony. That's all!" Celestia said.

"No. There's more! Why didn't you do the same thing when Applejack lost her parents?" Rainbow asked.

"Because Twilight was still alive!" Celestia said.

"So Twilight being alive was the main reason you didn't think of erasing memories?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Dashie calm down!!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Shut up Diane!" Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie gasp as Rainbow Dash called her by her middle name. "Nopony calls me Diane!!!" She charges at Rainbow and Celestia got in their squabble.

Rainbow Dash punched both Celestia and Pinkie Pie. "Things are never going to be the same Celestia, everypony will try to get rid of you, they're angry and scared that you'll erase their memories." Rainbow Dash said.

Just then, a beam of red energy blasted them all. It was Twilight. "Knock it off!"

"Twilight Sparkle?" Celestia asked in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Rarity sent for me. She sent a message to Spike to give to me, she learned how to sent send letters." Twilight said. "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, what the hell are you doing beating up Princess Celestia?"

"Why shouldn't I?" Rainbow replied. "She just going to wipe out my memories of being enraged of her."

"I know Sunbutt messed up, but she's still ruler of Equestria, beating her up is still offensive." Twilight said.

"Unless she confesses the truth and Rainbow Dash apologize for calling me Diane, we're not leaving until we get answers." Pinkie said.

"ENOUGH!!!" Celestia roared and a flash of light shines the room. "Fine! I'll confess. I did erase your memories as well as mine to forget that Twilight Sparkle died cause I didn't want you to grieve so much that you drive your into depression and would possibly end your life, LIKE I ALMOST DID WHEN I BANISHED MY SISTER TO THE MOON AND GRIEVE THAT I LOST HER BECAUSE IT WAS ALL MY FAULT SHE BECAME NIGHTMARE MOON!!!"

Whoa... uh I mean... There was silence in the room. Everypony in the castle, the guards, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and even Rarity heard from the dungeon. Everypony was shocked to hear what Princess Celestia said.

"Yes... It's true. When I lost my sister, and banished her to the moon after she became Nightmare Moon. I was devastated. I fell into a deep depressed when I greived. I almost thought of ending my own life because I failed her, and left her in a prison for 1000 years cause I didn't want to listen to her. I realized what I was about to do, and it trumatized me that I erased my memories of my sister and her banishment and my depression so I never had to feel the pain again, and k erased everypony's memories of my sister all those years ago to spare them from the truth. I didn't everypony to know their precious princess of the sun was greiveing and didn't want to be seen anymore." Celestia said as she cries. "When I saw you for the first time Twilight, when you said your name, my memories of you were flowing back to me little by little. And when I saw the footage of Trevelyan and Nightmare Moon, my memories of my sister came back as well. I've been having nightmares but I didn't want nopony to see me crying. When Twilight Sparkle died, I wanted to spare you girls from grieving her so you won't fall into the same problem I did 1000 years ago. I was scared of what would happen after Twilight died, and I banished Luna, I was alone. I didn't talk to no one cause I didn't think they had any ideas of how a princess is supposed to cope."

"So... You erased their memories... Cause you were scared of what would happen to them if they fell into depression like you?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. I was weak and didn't talk to anypony. I regretted it for centuries after I got memories back." Celestia said.

Rainbow and Pinkie now felt sorry for Celestia. She only did that cause she thought they wouldn't cope with Twilight's death. "We... Didn't know... It's not right to erase memories of losing somepony you love." Rainbow Dash said. "But you were alone, and was scared of asking for advice from your subjects."

"Now you know." Celestia said.

Pinkie Pie pink fur was now turning into a greyish pink. "Princess, you can't control grieve, it's a part of us, but you can't let that grief turn into depression, it's okay to grieve for somepony you lost."

"Pinkie's right Celestia. Just because somebody is gone forever, that doesn't mean you have to bottle up your sadness and grief to cope with making your memories go away. You were scared cause you let your grief turn into depression, and you bottled it up by erasing your memories. Sometimes it's okay to cry and mourn for those you lost. It's like saying your going to miss them a lot, and yes, you feel very sad and hurtful cause it's hard to say goodbye. But if you share your grief with somebody that knows that person. It would make you strong." Twilight said. "If you didn't erased their memories of your Twilight's death, then you could see that yes they wouldn't speak to each for a while, but they will share the grief and try to remember the good times they had with her, and that would give them the strength to move on. If you let them keep their memories, then perhaps Rainbow Dash and the others wouldn't destroy my ship. They would have told about my counterpart and I would make them strong in her memory."

"Twilight..." Rainbow said as Twilight turned her head. "I'm... I'm sorry." She hugged to Twilight as she cries. "I'm sorry for destorying your ship. I'm sorry your now stranded here. I missed my Twilight Sparkle, I missed how she was an egghead, and how she was funny and I miss her laughs and how she admired my speed and sonic rainboom. And when I look at you I see her. And I'm sorry!"

Twilight started shedding tears. "Rainbow Dash... Pinkie Pie... I forgive you. In fact... I know a little song that could help all of us." Twilight used her powers to teleport and bring Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike to the throne room. Celestia explained everything and the others were shredding tears. Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all hugged Twilight told them their sorry.

"We really miss her." Fluttershy said.

"She was like a sister to all of us." Applejack said.

"She was the best pony we ever known." Pinkie said.

"We're so sorry! I wished we could've saved her on that day!!!" Rarity said.

"She hatched me. She was my real mom." Spike said.

"I never wanted this..." Celestia cried and let it all out of her system. "I know we screwed you all up. I didn't mean too. I'm sorry for everything. Can you ever forgive me?"

Everypony looked at Princess Celestia now that they know the truth.

"I forgive you." Applejack said.

"I forgive you." Rarity said.

"I forgive you." Fluttershy said.

"I forgive you." Pinkie Pie said.

"I forgive you." Spike said.

"I forgive you too." Rainbow Dash said. They all gave Celestia a hug to embrace the memories of Twilight they had before she died.

Twilight was happy to see everypony letting their sadness out of them... She closed her eyes... And began to sing...

“Back to that peace
Where pain will cease

I’ve seen the light trapped behind your eyes
I’ve seen the smile you have hid for years
I know that pain that weighs you down
I know that pain

There’s a chance now for reversion
There’s a way into the light
I will guide you back from darkness
I will bring you full delight

Reversion back to
But now with me

It’s about time someone came along
To pick you up and make you strong
Banish the hurt harbored in your heart
Banish the hurt

There’s a chance now for reversion
There’s a way into the light
I will guide you back from darkness
I will bring you full delight

There’s a chance now for reversion
(Banish hate)
There’s a way into the light
(Dull the pain)
I will guide you back from darkness
I will bring you full delight

There’s a chance now for reversion
There’s a way into the light
I will guide you back from darkness
I will bring you full delight..."

Twilight forgave her friends. And one day she will find a way back home. She will find Trevelyan and Nightmare Moon and stop them... As she embraced the hug. Celestia saw what is their future. All is forgiven... Friendship... Is magic...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I put my heart, soul and tears on this one.