• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 2,338 Views, 86 Comments

Alicorns and Creatures - Alvaxerox

A new visitor comes to Equestria and helps around and discovers friendship and true love.

  • ...

All is revealed

In the fires of the Red Guardian academy, many guardians were wounded, most are dead. There are still guardians that are still alive. They've been fighting off people in dark purple and Black spandex called Shadowbolts. The Shadowbolts are lethal, they easily defeated the Red Guardians. Twilight, and her crew, Flash Sentry, Wallflower, Gloriosa Daisy and Shining Armor were fighting off some other Shadowbolts.

"Where's Fizzlepop?" Wallflower asked.

"I don't know." Shining Armor said. "She must've got ambushed by the other of these Batman wannabes.

"Who are you calling Batman wannabes? Your more of Alpha Flight" a Shadowbolt said.

Flash used his lighting shield to electrocute and defect the Shadowbolts and their attacks.

Wallflower used her magic stone powers to create a rockwave to pummel the creatures.

Gloriosa used her geo nature powers to smash the Shadowbolts into tree stumps.

Shining and Twilight used their red energy beams to blast the Shadowbolts into submission.

Unfortunately, nightmare soldiers stopped the 4 rookies and Shining, and took them to their leader... a enchanted, blue eyes, black pony with mystical magic flowing hair and a tail, with a horn, and black wings and dark blue armor... she was the creature of the moon. Queen of the night... she was... Nightmare Moon.

"Well done my knights. You served your queen just well..." she said. "Never thought these humans can pick up more of a fight then anyone else." She had just defeated Talon Hawks. And the 5 guardians saw their most 2nd most powerful comrade standing in front of Nightmare Moon. He has dark purple hair. His name was Trevelyan.

"Trevelyan... help me." Talon said.

"Did you find it?" Nightmare Moon asked... to Trevelyan.

"Found what?" Flash asked.

Trevelyan held up a crystal star with 6 corners. "Yes... I have." He said.

"Well done... Crimson Black." Nightmare Moon said.

Everyone was in shock. Trevelyan has betrayed the Red Guardians. "Noooo!" Fizzlepop cried out, as she quickly gave a swift kick to Nightmare. "I won't let you destroy the academy. Your not getting that star!" She landed bodyblows to Nightmare Moon, as the knights were distracted. The 5 guardians broke free from their grasp and knocked them out.

Shining ordered Wallflower to help up Talon and to get him into the escape ship to get back down to earth. Twilight and Flash went after Trevelyan. "You bastard. How could you do this to us?!" Twilight was furious.

"You trusted you and you stabbed us in the back. Traitor!" Flash said.

Trevelyan turned to see Twilight and Flash. And reveal something... a long and big black and red tail slithered out of the back of his waist. "Now you know..."

Everyone was shocked to see the surprised. Even Fizzlepop was shocked, and that gave Nightmare Moon the advantage. And easily managed to break from Fizzlepop's fighting patterned. And started to beat her up fast. Fizzlepop blocked a few but Nightmare was too strong. She finished her off by grabbing Fizzlepop by her hair and striked ger with an intensive claw attack to the face. Fizzlepop was down and out. "You fools. The Red Guardian you know as Trevelyan was just a pawn. This is my spy... a dragon from a magical far away place. His name is Crimson Black. He's my apprentice."

"Why would you work for her Trevelyan?" Shining Armor asked.

"Didn't you hear her. My name is Black. Crimson Black." He explained.

Crimson gave Nightmare Moon the crystal star. "Excellent." She said. "The rest of the elements are back on my homeworld. Get rid of these... pests. I have enough of humans... for now..." Nightmare Moon used her dark magic to create a bomb that will destroy the academy.

"You'll pay for this Black! I'll be certain of that." Twilight charges at Crimson Black and beats the living snot out of him...

"You could never understand Sparkle." He counter strike Twilight and Flash and he used his dragon tail to knock them out cold.

"Crimson!" Nightmare Moon shouted. "You've done enough damage for now... come. We leave for Equestria now. It's time for some payback for my banishment to the moon..."

Crimson threw Twilight into a spaceship and set coordinates. "By putting this in hypersleep mode. You'll never comeback..." Crimson walked away leaving everyone to expload. Shining Armor, Wallflower Blush and Talon Hawks were the only ones that got out. The academy exploded into pieces.

"No!!!!!!" Shining screamed. He lost his sister. But little did he know... right before the explosion... the ship Twilight was on... sent her away... traveling far from earth... forever...

The screen ended. It was the last recording... Twilight and the others were in shocked. "I... remember now. Crimson Black... He use to be a red guardian name Trevelyan but he betrayed us to Nightmare Moon!"

"So it is true... She's coming back." Applejack said.

"That is not a party I want to be a part of." Pinkie said.

"Those poor innocent creatures." Fluttershy said shaking with sweat.

"She killed them all... with those knights of hers?" Rarity said.

"Those Shadowbolts... they are awesome!!! I mean... awesomely bad....and who's Batman?" Rainbow Dash said.

"... Nightmare Moon?" Spike said.

Twilight turned her head to the others. "You girls say you know this... Nightmare Moon? Who is she?" She asked.

"She's bad." Fluttershy said.

"She's mean!" Pinkie Pie said.

"I don't know much... but Nightmare is an ancient enemy of my mom. Celestia banished her to the moon and imprisoned her there for a thousand years." Spike said.

"She was more then just an enemy." Princess Celestia came down from the sky and walked into the ship. "Hello everypony. You saw Nightmare Moon didn't you Spike?"

"Yeah. I did. We all did." Spike replied.

"It's time you know the truth. Which is why I brought this book. You see... a long time ago... I wasn't always the ruler of all of Equestria. I shared it... with my sister. She was very young... while my magic controls the sun and big about the day... She controls the moon bringing the night. We both brought balance. Like a coin toss. But one day... ponies resent the night. You mostly focused on the day. But at night. There was silence. Nopony cared about having fun at night as they used to do. My sister refused to let me bring about a new day. And want to let the night last a little longer. I didn't see and understand that nopony appreciated my sister's feeling of the night. I refused to let keep the night... and she got angry, jealous... and obsessed. She was corrupted by her ambitions and transformed herself in the vicious evil you know as... Nightmare Moon. She goal in life is to get rid of me and bring about a new age of a night that will last forever. I had no choice but to stopped her. I used powerful artifacts and banished her to the moon. That's how to this day... I ruled Equestria and control both the sun and the moon. Years later... I saw how ponies see the reflection of my sister in the moon... they even say... it wasn't my fault. It was her jealously."

"Wait... You adopted me as an egg... Does that mean Nightmare Moon is my aunt?" Spike asked. Celestia nodded. "Well... everypony is right. Auntie's jealously consumed her. She couldn't open her eyes to what she was doing."

"No Spike. Believe me or not. It was really my fault. I couldn't understand what my sister was going threw. I was consumed by selfishness and should've helped my sister with what to do in the night. I could've helped her. But I didn't." Celestia was shedding tears. She was crying. " She became Nightmare Moon because of me. It's all my fault. Now she has dragged Twilight down this road I'm in. I shouldn't have given Talon that element."

"Wait a minute!" Twilight said. Celestia looked up at Twilight while still having tears in her eyes. "Talon? You know him?"

"Yes." Celestia sniff as she explains. "i knew about the red guardians before I adopted Spike. I scattered through the cosmos one day and found a an old cloth that had a homing beacon. I followed it and I saw the Red Guardians Academy. I joined there forces and help protect life. But later when I found the egg. I offered Talon Hawks a jewel that I hoped would be safe if my sister ever returned. It was one of the elements of Harmony. I gave it to him for safe keeping. It also helped give the academy an unlimited energy. When the explosion you watched happened... that's when I felt it. My sister has returned. And she has already gotten an element of Harmony."

Twilight and the others were shocked to hear that Celestia was a superhero. But now they understand a bit. "Is there anyway we can stop her?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe. She knows your alive Twilight. I do not know when she will reveal herself to Ponyville. But when the time comes... I'll let you know."

Celestia spread her wings and fly away, back to Canterlot. The girls and Spike were now worried.

"What do we do now? Rarity asked.

"Nightmare Moon will sent more of evil Red Guardians after me." Twilight said. "And we'll stop them... one by one. For now... we should go back to our normal lives. And we'll do a little training to get ready soon for when the time comes."

Everyone nodded. And they all left the ship except for Twilight and Spike. "Twilight... do you miss earth?" He asked.

"Yes... a lot. But one day I'll find a way back. But for now. I have my new friends... and you... lover boy." Twilight kissed Spike. "Come on... let's go back inside.

Twilight and Spike went back to the treebrary and the video recording had a secret recording. Trevelyan was sees Twilgiht in the ship. "Good luck Twilight Sparkle."

To be continued...