• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 2,338 Views, 86 Comments

Alicorns and Creatures - Alvaxerox

A new visitor comes to Equestria and helps around and discovers friendship and true love.

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Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie took the red suited alien girl to Canterlot via hot air balloon. The girl was unconscious but still breathing.

"She seems to be... kinda like us." Said Fluttershy.

"Maybe." Pinkie Pie said. "But what is she? She doesn't seem to be a pony."

Rainbow Dash examined the girl's body. She touched the skin with her index finger and poked it. "Her skin is soft. But no fur. She must be some kinda of hairless monkey." She thought out loud.

"Oh a hairless monkey?" Fluttershy feeling kinda interested. "Who would shave a monkey and give it clothes?"

Rarity knows that Fluttershy does take irony seriously instead of being a joke. "It's not a monkey Fluttershy. I have heard something when I was passing by Lyra's speech. Maybe her theories are real. This girl could be a- oof!"

The balloon landed safely in Canterlot. "Well, we're here." Pinkie Pie said. "Let's go to the castle."

Later... the girl finally opened her eyes, but she was dizzy. "R-room... spinning... I can barely sit." She looked around and she noticed quickly that she was inside a big room. "Where am I...?" She said.

"Your in a medical room inside of the castle of the two sisters." The girl heard a voice and turned her head to see a six foot talking house. "Hi. I'm Pinkie Pie. And who your are-"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" The girl yelled and she fell off the bed and onto the floor. Pinkie was shocked that the girl screamed screamed at her, she started to scream back herself. The girl shook her head and sees that their are five, six foot talking horses. "I must've hit my head really but..." She paused, noticing it's not a dream. "...Who the hell are you girls?" She asked.

Rainbow Dash had her arms crossed. "I think we should be asking you the same question."

"Okay. I really must've hit my head really hard. Cause I'm seeing 6 foot talking horses that act all humany and wear clothes." The girl said.

"So it is true?" Rarity realized. "Your a humany?" She asked. "And also it's not horse? the term is pony."

"Uh... yeah. But it's pronouce human." The girl said.

The 5 girls gasped. "So... what Lyra Heartstrings said about the existence of human beings is true?" Fluttershy asked in shock.

"... No... it can't be. There are no such things as humans." Rainbow said in denial. "I've been proven right before. I don't want to be wrong."

Applejack was now getting worried that Rainbow Dash is letting her ego take over. "Calm down sugercube! Even if she is a human being, we need to know why she's in Equestria."

Rainbow Dash turned her head to Applejack now feeling angry. "Have you ever seen alien movies? When extra terrestrials come from outer space. It's only to invade our world. We got to take her out now or else she'll take over Equestria!"

"Equestria? Wait... alien?" The girl was puzzling... then she figure out the clues. "Wait, this isn't Earth? I'm on another planet?" The girl was now panicking. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!"

"Okay alien. Prepare to be rainbowfied!" Rainbow Dash said... badly.

"Disist Rainbow Dash!" A voice cried out in an echo.

Everypony heard it too. They started to bow. Except for the human girl. She turned to see a flying mere with wings and and long flowing hair. "Greetings outworlder. Welcome to our world of Equestria. I am it's ruler. Princess Celestia of the sun." She said with grace. "I apologise for my young pegasus friend. Now tell me... what's your name outworlder?" Celestia asked.

"Oh right..." the girl cleared her throat. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm a red guardian from the planet earth. Forgive me for crash landing here. I was in hypersleep for a month. And I seem to have forgotten what happened before I got here. My memory has form blank after I got knocked out into a ship."

"Um... excuse me sugercube... did you say you lost a bit of your memories on why you were on that ship?" Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded. "Yeah. I don't recall getting how did I got into that ship. I remember an explosion and then I blacked out into hypersleep."

The 5 girls were felt sorry for her. And wanted to do something.

"Twilight. Would you care to tell me what are these Red Guardians please?" Celestia asked to Twilight.

"The Red Guardians are an organization sworn to protect peace. People get granted with amazing powers and born with them and gain potential to become heroes." Twilight explained.

Pinkie gasped with exited"So... Your basically a group of superheroes?" She asked.

"Yeah. I became a red guardian cause I was blessed with amazing powers. The leader of the Red Guardians Talon Hawks, saw my potential, and offered me an opportunity to use my powers for love and justice. That's how I became a Red Guardian."

Pinkie Pie gasped again. "That is the coolest origin story... EVER!!!!!"

Rainbow Dash was now starting to get jealous of Twilight. "Ha! So what. The Wonderbolts are like superheroes too. We may be elite flyers but we still help people."

"Wonderbolts? What's that?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash gasped in shocked. "Are you kidding me? YOU NEVER HEARD OF THE WONDERBOLTS? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" She cried.

"Um... protecting Earth and later sleeping in a spaceship for months?" Twilight answered nervously.

"Oh... right..." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight noticed something. "Wait a minute... where's my ship?" She asked.

"Yeah... about that darling." Rarity explained. "When your ship was gonna crash land in our hometown Ponyville, the burning atmosphere short circuited the control. Applejack and Rainbow Dash and myself landed your ship gently down otherwise you could've died."

Twilight was shocked to hear that. "So... my ship... is..."

"Oh no no no Twilight." Fluttershy said before Twilight could shed a tear. "The spaceship is still intact. But the controls and the stuff in there are fried."

Twilight was now shedding tears from her eyes. She's now stuck on another planet with no way of getting back home. "Thank you girls... for saving my life. I hope there's someway I can repay you all." Twilight said.

Applejack smiled with tears in her eyes. "Knowing that your safe is all that matter."

Pinkie Pie smiled too. "Yeah, we're glad to help anypony. Or... any human sorta speak."

The ponies gave Twilight a hug exept for Rainbow Dash, who still doesn't want to trust Twilight because she's an alien. "You know Twilight. If one day your ship does get repaired. And if that ever happens... for now, would you to be our friend?" Fluttershy offered.

Twilight was began to smile happily. She accepted their friendship request. "I would love to be your friend. Even if my ship will take a long time to get fixed." She said.

Just then Princess Celestia had an idea. "Twilight Sparkle... Since you have accepted to become best friends with these 5 girls. How would you like to live with next to them... i can offer you a home and informed everypony to stay away from your spaceship until you one day get it fixed." She offered to Twilight.

"You would do that... for me, and alien outsider." Twilight pointed.

"Of course, you seem to come in peace. And you thank the girls for saving your life. It's the least I can do. Come forth and kneel please." Twilight step forward to Princess Celestia and went down in one knee. "I, Princess Celestia hearby pernouce you Twilight Sparkle, Red Guardian of the planet Earth... a resident of Ponyville and Equestria."

"Thank you princess." Twilight said.

"Here's your key to the Golden Oaks library in Ponyville." Princess said giving Twilight a key.

"A library? Where the books are... alright. Thank you your majesty." Twilight said.

"And in return... I will simply ask that you write to all of your experiance and friendships you will have and make in Equestria." Princess Celestia said.

"I promise..." Twilight said.

The 6 girls walked to the balloon so they can return to Ponyville. Celestia waved at them goodbye. "I sure hope my son will love his new roommate."

To be continued...