• Published 25th Aug 2018
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Fallout: Equestria - Remembrance - Pwincess Twiwee

After being activated and leaving her home bunker, Sweetie Belle (bot) must journey out into the post-apocalyptic world of Equestria in order to discover the fate of her namesake. Piecing together the past along the way.

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Chapter 2: Sisterly Bonds

As dawn came, I awake, sitting myself up and giving a stretch and yawn. I suppose my father did build me to be as realistic as possible, perhaps he even built in the need for sleep? And what is the purpose of a yawn for a robot? Well, I suppose those are just questions I will have to answer in due time.

Looking around, I tried to gain my bearings, we were still on the grassy hill just outside of Littlehorn. Midas still asleep beside me with, what appeared to be more than half of that bottle of Scotch she acquired. Getting to my hooves I looked around, early morning, surprisingly enough there were birds chirping and a gentle breeze blowing, nothing like yesterday at all.

“Midas? It’s time to wake up.” I said, nudging at my sleeping companion, causing her to start to stir and eventually open her eyes. “Come on, we have a delivery to make.”

Midas rubbed at her eyes and yawned, stretching as she sat up before looking at me with a bewildered and confused look. “We? I thought you weren’t interested.”

I gave her a smile and a nod. “Yeah, we.” I said, getting to my hooves and offering her a hoof to help her stand. “We’re in this together, aren’t we? Friends don’t abandon friends.”

“Friend?” Midas said, looking even more confused. “You think we’re friends?”

“Well, yeah. I saved your life from radiation poisoning, we splunked through stable 15 together, I mean, sounds like things friends do to me.” I said with a shrug and a smile.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right with that.” Midas said, corking what was left of her bottle of scotch before slipping it into her satchel. Picking that old jean bag up by the strap and settling it on her shoulder before she looked around. “Got a lot of ground to cover.”

“Yeah, your client, the uh… oh what was their name again…” I said, rubbing at my chin trying to recall it.

“NCR. New Canterlot Republic.” Midas said, looking down at me. “You’re trying to tell me that you have the capacity to forget things like that? I mean, it was only yesterday and even the crappiest terminals are that bad with memory.”

“Oh, I remembered, but I just had to verify.” I said with a teasing smile at her.

“You’re messing with me.” Midas said with a chuckle.

“Am I?” I asked, starting to walk towards the road leading away from town.

“...Are you?” Midas asked, following behind, the look of confusion constantly growing.

I let that idea sit for a while as we walked, putting some distance between us and that old town, looking back every now and then to try and judge the distance we had come. I couldn’t help but notice that we were nearing where the entrance to the bunker had been hidden.

Slowing down as we neared it, my eyes locked on that old structure. Midas looked at me then followed my gaze to that structure. “He’s there, isn’t he.” she asked. “That’s where your bunker is, where your father is.”

“Yeah.” I asked before I looked forward, picking up the pace rapidly wanting to do nothing more then put distance between me and that place. Even with my attempt to move away quickly, I couldn’t help but notice a freshly disturbed patch of soil next to the hut with a cross planted in the soil.

We stayed silent for some time, until everything had faded in the distance behind us. Finally slowing down and letting Midas catch her breath.

“What is up with you, didn’t you want to stop and pay your respects or something?” Midas said with a groan and a huff. “You practically sprinted away from there.”

“Look, we all have our own way to grieve, and my way is to focus on my mission and not get caught up with it.” I said, shooting her a quick glare before sighing. “I’m sorry.”

“Nah, it’s all good.” Midas said with a shrug, “My wings needed that little bit of morning exercise anyway.”

“Wings?” I said, looking back along the path and nothing nothing but hoof steps in the dust and soil. Had I really been going that fast? That she needed to fly just to keep up with me? “Sorry, I guess I just don’t know my own speed?”

“Like I said, it’s all good.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Look, there’s a settlement not too far down the road, I need to stop off there and call in a couple favors, and get a few provisions for our little trip.”

“Alright, and what kind of favors?” I asked, looking to her curiously.

“Nothing like back in Littlehorn.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Mainly to see if we can get some transport, the NCR offered me a vertibuck if my salvaging was successful, but I need to get to a radio tower to call it in.”

“Vertibuck?...” I asked, that was a new term, the heck was a vertibuck?

“Flying transport, that’s all you really need to know.” Midas said with a chuckle as she started back down the path, whistling a tune to herself as she walked.

Vertibuck, why had I never heard of those before. Are they new? Perhaps a post war invention, or maybe they weren’t exactly widely used so that information on them was readily available. The more I thought about this, the more it bothered me, lost in my thoughts I lost track of time, and before I knew it we were approaching what looked like an old scrap wall. It had a pole on the corner, flying on it a white flag, with what looked like… a two headed ursa? And the words ‘New Canterlot Republic’ Written across it.

“I guess this is your buddies then?” I said, looking at Midas.

“In a way, yes. They are a part of the NCR but they are just a far forward outpost, nothing really goes on here and these guys are usually bored out of their minds just waiting for something to do.” Midas said with a shrug. “They got a radio back to command, that’s all I need.”

“So, they are just kind of, scavengers and farmers then?” I asked, trying to take peeks between the scrap walls to see what was hidden inside. Before long we approached the gate, to which it had a guard standing either side. “Uh… doesn’t look like they want to let us in.”

“They will, just gotta convince them.” Midas said with a wink and pressing a claw tip to her snout. “Not to mention, the stuff I have is requested by the head herself, to deny me is to probably get court martialed.”

Nearing the guards, they both straightened out and stood at attention, stopping us as we got to the gate. Midas kind of glared at the both of them before she sighed. “Look, I got some important papers for the boss lady, could you please just, let us in and use your radio, we need to call for a lift.”

The two guards exchanged glances for a moment before looking back at us. “How do we know you’re telling the truth?”

“Because why else would a random dragon walk up to a NCR outpost and ask to be let in to use their radio.” Midas said with a groan. “I mean come on, I was here about three or four days ago, you guys should remember me.”

“Uh, Maybe that’s not the best way to try and convince them Midas..” I said with a nervous chuckle. “I mean, these guys are military, aren’t they? Don’t they have orders to follow and stuff?”

“Our orders are not to let anyone through without verification of their identity,” the second guard said and looked at us for a moment. “If you’ll tell us what is on these papers, we will talk to the Colonel and see what she says if it’s important enough.”

“Would saying that’s classified be enough to deter you?” Midas said with a groan. “Come on, Just go get the Colonel, She’ll verify my identity for you two jarheads.”

“Name calling really isn’t something you should be doing right now…” I said, nervously. “What my hot tempered friend is trying to say is th-”

“No no, don’t speak for me Sweets, once the Colonel gets here she’ll clear all this up and these two knuckle heads will be apologizing profusely just to keep their jobs.” Midas said, giving me a pet on the head. Really, a pet on the head, I was just trying to help.

The two guards exchanged a look for a moment and sighed. One of them headed back while the other stayed at their post and held their rifle close, keeping an eye on the two. “This had better not be wasting the Colonel’s time.”

“What about all of my time you’re wasting with all this garbage” Midas said with a growl. She took a deep breath and ran her claw down her face like she had done countless times before. “This all could of been avoided if you just let me in to begin with.”

“Well, it’s best to follow protocol, right?” I asked, trying to distract my frustrated companion. “I mean, there are rules for a reason, not every rule is meant to be broken”

“Right, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that I was just here, I had dinner with the Colonel, I bought these jarheads a drink, and now they act like they’ve never seen me before.” Midas said with a sigh, looking to me. “There is following orders and not breaking rules, and then there is just plain stupidity.”

The guard just shook his head and looked at me then forward again. “Its just protocol Midas, especially given your unknown friend here.”

“Ha! I knew it!” Midas said, spinning round to face him. “Not so empty in there now are you.” She tapped a foot and placed her claws on her hips. “Could've just said that to begin with. She’s a new buddy of mine, no problem with her.”

“Well, I rather they be thoughtful and follow the rule book.” I said, sitting and smiling at the guard. “It’s one of the things that keeps us all from just doing whatever we want, stop following rules and what’s the point in having them anymore?”

“Dragons have lived centuries with minimal rules, and the only rules around is you don’t mess with the one that can beat the snot out of you.” Midas said, rather proudly and matter of factly.

“Oh, is that why you’re in Equestria then? Couldn’t square off with the others?” I said with a coy grin and giving her side a nudge.

“Careful lug nut, or I might tighten a few bolts if you get what I mean.” Midas said, shooting me a look.

The guard looked like he was trying not to laugh as the other guard came back. “Alright you two, Colonel Indigo will meet with you. Go on inside, but don’t cause any trouble.”

“Cause any trouble? Come on, I don’t have a bow or any arrows with me right now.” Midas said with a smirk before she walked past the guards and into the outpost, with me in close tow.

“Bow and arrow? What?” I whispered to Midas, taking a peak back at the guards trying to see if we were out of earshot.

“Yeah, guards and bows don’t mix.” Midas said with a snicker. “It’s an old joke.”

“Okay…” I said, looking at her with a chuckle. “You’re pretty weird sometimes, you know that right.”

“Eh, life’s too short to take seriously, may as well have as much fun with the time you got, right? Not to mention I am pretty sure they hate when you make jokes like that - so its a little payback.” Midas said with a chuckle and smiling down at me. “You got a lot to learn, little pony.”


It took us some time to reach the center of the outpost, passing by shops and farms on our way in. On the way in it looked small and desolite, but now we’re here it seems to be a sprawling farming village, almost like it was bigger on the inside or something.

Nearing what appeared to be the statehouse of the settlement, it had several flags flying in front of it, but none higher than that now familiar NCR Flag. I wondered why they were out here, Canterlot was at least a two day train ride.

“Alright, you just stay quiet and let me do the talking.” Midas said with a smirk as she looked to me. “The Colonel and I go way back, hell if not for me she wouldn’t even be in the NCR.”

“Sounds like she might have a bone to pick with you then.” I said, as we stopped outside the door, looking at Midas she seemed confident and sure of herself, but looking around I couldn’t help but feel this was the short end of the stick, and only somepony who really messed up could of ended up all the way out here.

Midas pushed the doors open and walked inside, it was surprisingly nicer inside then it was on the outside. Clean and polished wood floors, practically no sign of dust or cobwebs, I couldn’t even find a crack in the plaster of the walls. Walking up to the central desk, to which Midas leaned on it and whispered something to the receptionist before she’d move over and sit down in a chair, apparently waiting our turn.

“Midas… Something seems… off” I said softly, looking to that dragoness, but she just waved it off and looked down to me with a gaze that simply said that there was nothing to worry about. I was still nervous but that all faded away when I heard a door close and hoof steps approaching.

An off-white unicorn mare with a dark blue mane and tail came in. She looked at me and Midas for a long moment with a stern look on her face. “You have a lot of nerve showing back up here, Midas.”

“Nerve! What the hay are you talking about.” Midas said with a huff as she got to her feet and turned to face the unicorn. “I brought you the finest liquor and food caps could buy this side of Tenpony and you say I’m the one with nerve.”

Midas gave that unicorn a long glare, before she smirked and held her arms out, offering that unicorn a hug with a bit of a laugh. I couldn’t help but stare at the two absolutely confused, who in the world goes from angry to buddy buddy that quick?

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist having a little fun with Midas here,” the Unicorn said with a laugh as she looked at me for a moment. “So, what’s with the walking toaster?”

“Hey, this walking toaster saved my bacon.” Midas said, giving me another pet on the head. “Without her I wouldn’t of gotten anywhere near the goods.”

“This walking toaster has a name.” I said with a grumble, getting to my hooves and holding a hoof out to the colonel. “Sweetie Belle.”

Midas looked at me, then back to Indigo for a second before she burst out laughing. “Oh come on Sweets, she’s just yanking your chain. She grew up in the roughs of Manehattan around a bunch of dragons, she’s just another one of the crew.”

“Yeah, don’t worry Sweetie,” Indigo said and paused a moment. “Wait, Sweetie Belle? As in the head of PR for Stable-Tec from during the war?”

“Well, Kind of yes and kind of no to be honest.” I said with a sigh. “It’s a long story that involves some pretty eye opening information.”

“You know, you haven’t told me anything about that either, been wondering it myself some.” Midas said, looking at me with a curious look and a grin. “Well, once I get this call done we got some time before our lift gets here, could share the story then.”

“I really would rather not.” I said with a groan. “Please don’t push it, it’s got a lot of conflicting information with what was publicly known or accepted.”

“Will you two just kiss already?” Indigo said with a laugh.

“Don’t even joke like that.” Midas said with a groan. “I’ve had enough kissing for a year at this point.”

“So Nightshade wasn’t a good kisser?” I asked with a coy grin, trying to shift the attention off me for at least a moment. “Was he at least good at… something.” Shifting my gaze to look at that unicorn, wondering just what she would say next.

“Well, since you’re here I’m guessing you found what I asked you for,” Indigo said finally getting down to business. “Did you have any problems getting it out of Stable 15?”

“Oh just a load of radiation and feral ghouls. Though seems the overmare locked herself in the maneframe of the stable and locked them up, we just had to deal with her.” Midas said, scratching at her shoulder scales.

“Well, her ghoul, She herself is still in the maneframe.” I added, trying to make sure Midas wasn’t leaving out important information. “The tavern keeper seemed pretty cooperative, maybe later on somepony could go in and clean out the stable and make it nice for her.”

“We’ll see, maybe we can work something out,” Indigo said with a slight nod. “Thank you both, this information will be very valuable to the NCR and our allies. And not to mention might get my flank out of this backwater.”

“Aw, I thought you liked it back here in this backwater.” Midas said with a sneer. “I guess it’s grown boring for your tastes? Not enough raiders around to kick the faces in or something?”

“Well, you two definitely have interesting conversations.” I said, starting to back away from the two and chuckling nervously. Trying to distance myself and perhaps just get back to minding my own business for the time being.

“Yeah, I don’t know how General Sparkle does it up in the Wilderness, there’s nothing exciting around here,” Indigo said with a groan. “So, how about those blueprints?”

“Doesn’t she have a new kid?” Midas said with a smirk. “Something to do with a party gone wrong?”

“That’s what I heard yes, Generals really shouldn’t drink that much,” Indigo said with a shake of her head. “Last I heard she went back to her tribe up north after the war ended and is back to running the Rangers from there.”

“Huh, y’know I always wondered what the attraction of having children was.” Midas said with a shrug before she’d nudge me.

“What, I can’t have children, I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” I said with a groan before slipping away again. “Please, just finish what you’re here for so we can get going.”

“Awww, I think we made the tin mare uncomfortable.” Midas said with a teasing chuckle.

“Well, it was nice meeting you Sweetie,” Indigo said with a smile before she looked back at Midas. “How about we finish up here and later I’ll treat you to a few drinks. Your toaster friend here is free to come if she wants.”

“Oh come on! I’m not a toaster!” I spouted back at Indigo. “Why can’t you just be respectful and not call me such things!”

“Woah woah Sweets, calm down, ain’t nothing worth getting your servos in a twist.” Midas said with a nervous smile. “Maybe she should hang around someplace else while we handle business, Seems you two can’t really get along.”

“Fine by me.” I said with a huff before turning and walking to the door, leaving the two to finish business. Taking time to myself to wander and explore the settlement, checking out shops and seeing if there was anywhere I could lend a hoof to pass the time.


I had found a farmer who was willing to let me lend a hoof in his fields for the afternoon, leaving Midas and Indigo time to do their business and catch up. I lost track of time but I guess it had been a few hours before all the work was done and the farmer thanked me and sent me on my way.

I wandered back into the market square as I come to understand, looking around from shop to shop before I caught wind of what looked to be a bar, walking over I thought I heard a familiar voice coming from inside. Looking in through a window I could Midas at the counter with Indigo and another dragon. For a moment I contemplated going and joining them but used my better judgement and refused to.

“Hey Sweets come on in!” Midas said, clearly having caught sight of me. The smell of alcohol was so strong from the door I still had half a mind to not even reply, but I was not programed to be rude.

“Alright Midas.” I said, begrudgingly joining the group, as I sat down the other dragon stood and left, giving me a glare as they passed. “What’s up with them?”

“Hates robots.” Midas said, before she looked at me with a chuckle. “Thinks that a group of em killed his family.”

“Wonderful, so robots aren’t liked in the wasteland if he’s anything to go by.” I said with a groan, looking to Indigo with a frown. “Let me guess, still calling me toaster and things like that.”

“You know I’m just kidding around right?” Indigo asked as she took a drink. “You seem like a nice robot, sorry if you didn’t like that.”

“It just feels rather derogatory.” I said with a groan. “I get it, most robots don’t have feelings, but can you tell me that there are more robots then me that breath, have a pulse, and other simulated life signs?”

“Well, no, I can’t think of any,” Indigo said with a shake of her head. “Alright Sweetie, I’ll stop.”

“Thank you.” I said with a sigh, shifting in my seat and supporting my head with a hoof, elbow on the counter. “I just, wish I had more going on today then this. Digging around in a farmer’s field all day isn’t exactly my idea of a good day.”

“Eh, I get what you mean, talking with politicians and military buffs, trying to get that vertibuck, not really my idea of a good day, we got like, absolutely nothing done.” Midas said with a sigh, swirling her cup watching her drink of the day slosh about. “At least our ride will be here first thing tomorrow morning.”

“So where are you two off to next?” Indigo asked.

“I guess to where ever we can find Midnight, she was the contact I was given for delivery of the goods.” Midas said with a sigh, looking down at her satchel. “I don’t look forward to seeing the new bundle of ‘joy’ she’s got with her.”

“Why, something against foals?” I asked, “I mean, I know you foal sat, but I never thought you had anything in particular against them.”

“When you foal sit for several years of your life, in a daycare, in a tower that isn’t exactly pleased that you exist, you kind of get fed up with the whole, dealing with foals things.” Midas said with a groan. “Especially when their parents don’t seem to be far off being foals themselves, and I don’t mean age wise.”

“Well, good luck with that, I’m not much better with foals myself,” Indigo said with a chuckle and a shake of her head. “I’m sure things won’t be that bad with Midnight at least, she’s got a good head on her shoulders, better than the psycho she replaced after the war with the Imps.”

“Yeah, isn’t this her second?” Midas said with a chuckle. “Coulda swore she had another foal. Been a while since I seen her.”

“You really get around, don’t you.” I said, looking to Midas with an sigh. “Next thing I know you’ll be saying you’ve been fighting in wars and killing creatures since you were knee high to a grasshopper.”

“Oh you have no idea,” Indigo said with a chuckle. “We were running around Manehattan, and this was before the place became as civilized as it is these days mind you, back when we were young getting into all sorts of trouble. Raiders, Slavers, Ghouls, groups just out to cause trouble and chaos, and don’t get me started on the local wildlife. You name it, we probably got into a fight with it at least once.”

“Needless to say, yeah, Manehattan back in those days, was a absolute reincarnation of Tartarus in Equestria.” Midas said with a smirk. “Then we got out, I went to Tenpony and you went off to the NCR. I remember the day you came around, pissed off cause you flunked out and the drill sergeant said you were too out of control. What’d you do again, I seem to remember you breaking his nose, several times over.”

“Wow…” I said, staring at the two, a little scared, a little in shock. “You two really have been through everything together, haven’t you.”

“Yeah, Midas here is the best friend I’ve ever had,” Indigo said as she placed her hoof lightly on Midas’ shoulder and smiled. “You’re lucky Sweetie, take good care of this dragon for me, okay?”

“I already saved her life once, I think if she is that reckless she’s lucky she has a robot around.” I said with a chuckle, to which Midas just glared at me.

“Oh yes, nearly dying of radiation,” Indigo said with a light smirk. “Really Midas, after everything we went through in Manehattan radiation almost kills you, you might as well just die of embarrassment.”

“Oh, that’s just not fair.” Midas said with a groan, looking at Indigo. “I ran out of RadAway and Rad-X, I risked my scales for these papers.”

“Except for the few loose pills of it in your bag.” I added with a soft chuckle. “Good thing I had the peace of mind to check that, elsewise the payout for you risking your scales would be all mine.”

“Okay, look, you distracted me with all your talking, I couldn’t think straight over the rabid clicking this stupid pipbuck was doing, and you want to blame me for losing a few pills in that? Please, I’d love to see you do better.” Midas said, folding her arms across her chest and looking away with a ‘hmpf.’

“Are you sure you two aren’t dating?” Indigo asked with a smirk.

“Are you sure you don’t a reminder of what a dragon’s fist tastes like” Midas said, shooting Indigo a glare. “After all that happened in that hell hole up the road, I don’t want to think about anything romantic or private for at least a month, if not two.”

“Was Nightshade really that bad?” I asked, nudging Midas to break the death glare. “He seemed… Okay”

“Except for the cheating part, and the terrible kisser part, and the… okay, no, I’m not going into that, not now, not with you.” Midas said with a groan.

“Oh, so you’re into married stallions now?” Indigo said with a smirk. “That’s gonna make things awkward I’m sure.”

“Oh I don’t even want to hear it!” Midas said, snapping back at Indigo. “Need I remind you who you slept with when you came to visit Tenpony!”

“Oh come on, most of them weren’t that bad,” Indigo said. “Okay, Diode was but it was only once and it was more out of pity for the guy. At least I didn’t try to hit on Focus until Life Bloom showed up...”

“Oh really, I heard it had more to do with the copious amount of alcohol he bought you.” Midas said with a smirk, before she looked back to me, her smirk turning to a frown before nudging at my side. “Come on Sweets, its all in good fun, we’re all sisters here, right?”

“Yeah, sure, I guess.” I said and looked away, out the door and just took a moment to ponder perhaps I should go somewhere and wait for the two to finish their drinks. “Look, I’ve only been activated and out of the bunker for a little over a day and a half, and I can’t say I am feeling very… sisterly to either of you. Sure, you’re my friend Midas, and she’s your friend, but all these teasing, it’s fun in all, but it gets old quick.”

“Hey, you were all for it not too long ago.” Midas said, looking at me confused. “What’s up with you, having malfunctions or something?”

“No, I’m fine, nothing is out of operational standards, its just - I can joke along with and tease at you, but I’m doing it more to fit in and be a part of the group then I am to be myself.” I said with a sigh, standing from my seat and looking at the two. “I think I’m just going to find a place to sleep for the night or something.”

“Sweets, hold up.” Midas said, standing and stepping in front of me, kneeling down so I didn’t need to look up at her. “Look, you should never be afraid to show who you are, Alright? Don’t hide a part of yourself just ‘cause your friends may not like it or not.”

“Midas I..” I said, before she put a claw to my mouth so silence me.

“I may have only been round you for a day and a half, but that’s your entire life at this point, and honestly, when you called me your friend I had mixed feelings, I thought that I couldn’t be friends with a machine, but you showed me that friendship doesn’t have those limits.” Midas said with a smile. “Just like Indigo showed me that even a pony can be more dragon-like then a dragon, and that it’s alright to trust and care for a pony.”

“That, really means a lot Midas.” I said, and wrapped my forelegs around her in a hug. Maybe she was right, and I need to stop being so timid and learn that I can be myself without fear. I might be a machine, a robot, or android, whatever you want to call me, but when I am with friends, the most important thing, is to be me.

“Just remember what the overmare said, Alright?” Midas said. “Stay honest to yourself, and to your friends.” She gave me a short hug before she stood and looked at Indigo. “We’ll have to catch up another time, I think right now, she needs me more than anything.”

Indigo nodded a little. “Go ahead, you know where to find me,” she said with a smile. “You two have a good evening.”

“We’ll try.” Midas said before she looked back to me. “Come on Sweets, lets walk and talk, just you and me.”

“Why? What is there to talk about?” I asked. Looking at her curiously.

“Well, there’s clearly things bothering you, and I want you to get them off your chest. No use holding them in if it’s going to weigh so heavily on you.” Midas said, going over to the door and opening it, I followed, confused, and as I walked past her, I noticed her giving Indigo one last wave before she followed behind.

“I still don’t understand what you want to talk about.” I said, slowing down and letting her catch up. “Sure, there’s things bugging me, but nothing to talk about.”

“Well, you definitely didn’t seem to like it when I was spending time with Indigo, figured at first, maybe it’s jealousy, your only friend spending time with another friend. But then things got complicated.” Midas said, pointing over to a nearby park like area. “You just, seem unhappy in general, now with ponies that’s one thing, but robots or androids or whatever, I don’t know.”

“I saw his grave.” I said, with a sigh. “I thought you did too.”

“That’s what all this is about?” Midas said, looking at me before she plopped down in the grass under a tree. “Let me guess, didn’t sink in he was gone, till you saw where he was buried, wasn’t it.”

“I guess so, I mean, I had the thought in my head that he was still there, still around, somewhere.” I said, sitting beside her and looking out at the horizon. “I felt something different, when I saw where he was buried, I mean, I didn’t even know I could feel pain, but this hurt alot.”

“Yeah, I know that feeling.” Midas said with a sigh. “There’s a reason me and Indigo are so close, it’s cause at a early age, my dad disappeared. I didn’t know where he went or what happened to him, Mom just kept telling me he was no good and she dealt with him.”

“Thinking about what you said, about that area, I think I can guess what she meant by dealt with him.” I said, looking at her, I could see the pain in her face.

“I refused to believe that he was gone, in any sense of the world, I held on to the idea he’d come bursting through the door and telling me how much he missed me and how he’ll never leave again.” Midas said, looking to me, her eyes were glassy, I could tell she was holding back tears. “Then I found him, what was left of him, she threw him into a pit of radioactive gunk, He turned into a ghoul, a feral, he tried to kill me and Indigo”

“Oh… That’s just…” I said, at a sudden loss for words, looking down to my hooves and giving a sigh. “He was feral, wasn’t he?”

“I couldn’t tell, maybe he was just insane or maybe he did go feral, but he didn’t just growl and hiss like ferals do, he mumbled things, he yelled things, words, actual sentences.” Midas said with a sigh. “He didn’t recognize me, and if he was feral, I’ve never seen a feral that acted like him before or since.”

“That’s why you ripped your photo, isn’t it.” I said, scooting a little closer, trying to offer some comfort. “You ripped your mother’s head from it, so you could look at it and see just you and him.”

“She was selfish, and cruel.” Midas said, her sadness suddenly snapping to anger. “She used me, she taught me how to be a thief, how to deceive other creatures. Most of the trouble me and Indigo got into in Manehattan, was her fault.”

“She sent you where your father was, didn’t she.” I asked, cautiously lifting a hoof to pull her a little closer to me.

“She tried to kill me! She wanted me to go there so Dad would drag me into the same pit that she threw him into and that she never would have to see me again!” Midas said before she suddenly grabbed onto me and held me tight, the first sign of true softness this dragon has ever given me, she held onto me and just shook, and cried, all I could do was run a hoof on her back, trying to calm her down just a little.

“But she didn’t succeed, you’re still here, and you have me now, alright?” I said, leaning back from her. “I’m not going to abandon you or try to kill you like she did.”

“I know you aren’t Sweetie.” Midas said with a soft sigh and leaned back. “Stable-tec had a pretty big presence in Manehattan, I’ve read terminal entries about your namesake, who you were modeled on.”

“You know about the original Sweetie?” I asked, kind of taken back by this suddenly coming to light. “Is that why you trusted me off the bat, because you recognized me in some way?”

“Yeah, Sweetie was a kind hearted mare, gentle and loving. She did her best where she could and how she could to try and make sure everything came out alright in the end.” Midas said, smiling a little more. “She always had a plan, she always knew just what to say and just what to do, she was confident in her talent and knew she could help any pony that she put her mind to.”

“Wow…” I said, looking back to my hooves for a moment, thinking about all that I can’t tell how much of that actually made it into my programming, but now more then ever I felt like I had big shoes to fill and I wondered if I could ever really measure up to the greatness of ponies like her.

“In a lot of ways, more than just physical, you remind me of her.” Midas said, using a claw to lift my head to look at her. “You’re confident, and persistent, and you never give up, not to mention not a selfish bone in your body.”

“You mean, not a single bone in my body.” I said before chuckling some. “But I get what you mean, and, for what it’s worth, thanks.”

“Anytime Sweets, you’re my best buddy right now, no pony, no dragon, no creature in equestria or beyond is gonna change that.” Midas said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder, mouthing ‘ow’ and shaking her claw. “Though… remind me not to do that again.”

“I’ll try to remember that.” I said, before finally getting to my hooves and looking back to the bar and now closed markets. “May be too late to look for a room for the night.”

“Bull. I bet Indigo is still in that bar, she has always been a heavy drinker, it’s what got her in trouble in Haythens to get sent all the way out here in the first place.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Get her in on it, we could have the best penthouse this place has to offer.”

“Well, least we could do is give her some company to drink with.” I said, giving a nervous smile to her. “Don’t want you to lose your chance to hang out with the only pony that kept you sane through your childhood.”

“Yeah, and she has my bit pouch, she has no problem drinking the bar dry if it’s coming out of someone else’s pocket.” Midas said with a chuckle, before together we made our way back to the bar, most Patrons had left not to long before we got there, but low and behold as Midas predicted, still at the bar sat Indigo, surrounded by what appeared to be a pile of shot glasses.

“Oh hey Goldie Scales,” Indigo said through a slurred speech as she looked at us. “Are you and Chrome Face over there here to take me to your magical kingdom?”

“Okay miss drunky, where’s my bit pouch.” Midas said, sitting on the stool next to Indigo. “I think you’ve had enough.”

“I’ll decide when I’ve had enough, I’m just gonna get up and walk over to the…” She said as she got up and then fell on the floor. “Floor, yep, gonna walk over to this nice floor, good floor.”

“You think you’ve had enough yet there Indigo?” Midas said, getting up from her stool and leaning down “Now what did you drink, I bet you asked for some of that Whiskey I dropped off the other day, you know that’s only safe for dragons to drink more than a couple shots of.”

“Do I even want to know?” I asked, looking down at Indigo. “Dragons are pretty resistant creatures, so I am guessing your liquor is stronger so you guys can get drunk too?”

“Pretty much. Though Indigo here sometimes fancies herself a dragon, and doesn’t realize what gets a dragon drunk could cost her a liver.” Midas said, poking at Indigo. “Still living there, or should I call the medics, again.”

“Darn it Goldie, I told you last time, I hate liver and onions don’t feed it to me!” Indigo said.

“I’m not getting my bit pouch back, Am I?” Midas said before she simply scooped up her heavily drunk friend. “Alright, let’s get you home, Was hoping you could get us a room or some place to stay, guess we’re crashing on your couch.”

“Does Chrome Face even sleep? I mean she’s a robot… hey Chrome, do you dream of electric sheep?” Indigo asked me. “I mean we count sheep to get to sleep so do you count electric sheep? Or robot sheep maybe...”

“I don’t know if I should be insulted by that, or impressed that someone as drunk as she is right now was able to come up with something that interesting to think about.” I said, stopping to contemplate for a moment. “Then again, hey Indi, do you dream of magic sheep then, I mean, you’re a unicorn, everything you do is magic, so are they magic?”

I could hear the sound of Midas slapping herself in the face from the sheer amount of stupidity going on between us. Rather then trying to engage in conversation or contemplate what kind of sheep they count to go to sleep, she was more focused on getting Indigo home before something embarrassing for the both of them happened.

“I heard that sometimes, when ponies get really drunk, they either black out, or pee themselves, or both!” I said, smirking, to which Midas stopped, looked back at me with a glare that I swear rivaled that from the entrance to Stable 15, then turned and kept walking, though picking up the pace slightly.

“Hey, I’m not that drunk, I’m perfectly in control of my… thingies, whatever its called…” Indigo said before passing out.

“Aw. she passed out.” I said, to which Midas swiped at me with her tail. We neared the state house in the center of the settlement and Midas pushed the door open, going to opposite way I had seen Indigo come from before we went through a rather out of the way and hidden door, and down a flight of stairs into what looked to be a simple basement.

Midas brought Indigo into a bedroom before she came back, glared at me for a moment, then disappeared into the bathroom and I could hear the water running in either a shower or tub. Looking around and peering into a few jars and shelves around, a picture caught my eye, and on closer inspection I could see Midas and Indigo, they looked barely old enough to be out of school, yet I could see this picture was taken by somepony, or some creature, after the two had taken down what looks to be a pack of feral ghouls.

“Kind of morbid…” I said to myself, looking at the photo. It made sense, to these two that was a great triumph, even though it was a pile of what used to be ponies. Sighing I put the picture back on the shelf I had taken it from and moved over to the couch, climbing up on one side and laying on it, trying to get myself comfortable and before long I drifted off.


As morning came, I stirred awake, jolting myself up and looking around before I had seen where I had been laying the night before, Midas after her washing up had joined me, and was rather embarrassingly cuddled up against me. I understood I am warm, maybe that’s all that was about. Jumping over my still sleeping friend I looked about, I could hear sounds of rustling about in a back room, following the sounds I opened a door and saw Indigo there, moving round the kitchen and cooking.

“Oh, hey there.” I said, hoping she hadn’t seen how Midas decided to sleep last night. “Whatcha makin?”

“Oh, just some breakfast, nothing special,” she said and looked back at me with a weak smile. “How bad was I last night?”

“Well, you didn’t wet yourself.” I said with a chuckle, before coming over and sitting at the table. “Really, you’re just really stubborn and kind of loopy when you’re drunk. Nothing major.”

“Sorry about that,” Indigo said with a groan as she levitated a plate over to me. “I just, don’t know when to stop sometimes.”

“Don’t worry about serving me anything, I don’t eat.” I said with a smile. “And it’s alright, we all have our problems, and I understand yours a bit more now too. Midas, she opened up a lot to me last night, she stopped being the big old tough dragon and started being, well, More like a pony, I guess.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it.” Midas said, as she walked in with a stretch and a yawn. “What’s for breakfast Indigo, something good I hope, I hate Vertibucks.”

“Eggs, and some other stuff I had lying around,” Indigo said as she sat down with her own breakfast. “Sorry, I’m just still getting over last night so I didn’t have time to make a big fancy breakfast.”

“Hey, you didn’t make a total fool of yourself.” Midas said, pulling out a chair and sitting down. “Still going to need my bit pouch back, even if it’s empty.”

“Can’t you just get a new one?” I asked, looking at Midas with a slightly confused look, wondering just what was so important about this particular pouch.

“You can’t reply a family heirloom, It was my dad’s before mine.” Midas said, giving me a soft smile. “It has more value then the bits it holds, more than any creature could ever replace.”

“Don’t worry, it's in my bags, I’ll get it to you before you leave,” Indigo said with a soft smile. “I know it's important to you Midas, I wouldn’t lose it even if I was drunk.”

“Oh, glad to know you lose your dignity before you’d lose that.” Midas said with a snicker before giving a yawn. “I can’t remember the last time I slept so well, I feel like I curled up with a space heater all night.”

I wanted to say something, it was in the back of my head and I bit my tongue not to just let it slip, all the while feeling slightly insulted that I am nothing more than a ‘space heater’ when someone decides to curl up near me. Oh well, the less she knows the less likely she’d kill me.

“So, when is that vertibuck going to be here? I know you said in the morning but the morning is anytime within a set period of hours, I was hoping I could do some browsing and maybe a little shopping before we have to leave.” I said, looking to Indigo hoping she’d have a answer for us.

“It’ll be here at 0930,” Indigo said as she took a bite of her food.

“Thats in…” Midas said, tapping at her chin trying to figure out the difference.

“In about 45 to 50 minutes.” I said, looking at Midas, who simply shrugged and started to scarf her food. Geez, it looked like she hasn’t eaten in days, well, she didn’t eat anything all day yesterday from what I can remember, though she did drink so I suppose she could of had something to eat before that, but still she could have some grace about it.

“I would say make sure your bags are packed and everything is good to go, but, you don’t carry any bags.” Midas said, looking at me, taking a moment between stuffing her face to speak. “We should get you a pair of saddle bags at least, can’t rely on all that fancy technology you got hidden in your back.”

“Fancy technology?” Indigo asked.

I sighed, and stood, access panel on my back sliding open and out deploying both my collapsed gatling lasers and missile tubes, Looking at Indigo and giving a nervous, and slightly embarrassed chuckle. “I uh… yeah, I guess I carry heavier weapons then that of pre war armored vehicles…”

“And then some.” Midas said, tapping her forehead to shift attention to my horn. “Don’t know how it works, but she’s got magic, a robot with magic, go figure right?”

“Who made you, an old Steel Ranger with a thing for overkill?” Indigo asked as she looked at me surprised for a moment.

“I don’t know why my father made me like this, I mean, He used to work for Robronco before the war, he did work on multiple robots that they deployed, maybe it’s just a force of habit?” I asked and shrugged, stowing away my weapons. “Maybe I was so valuable to him, he dedicated a large portion of my design to defensive weapons so it was unlikely I would be destroyed?”

“Maybe when he made you you had a massive empty space and instead of leaving it empty he filled it with guns because why not?” Midas said in between bites.

“Maybe,” Indigo said with a shrug. “Still, I’d stay clear of anything that’s left of the Steel Rangers out there. Applejack’s Rangers should be fine, and most of the old guard died out or switched sides during the Great Schism but you never know.”

“Noted, anypony else out there we should be mindful of?” I asked with a nervous smile. “Don’t want to walk right into a wolves den so to speak.”

“Well, Raiders are pretty much a dying breed, thanks to the Enclave ironically enough,” Indigo said with a shrug. “If you ever find yourself out west though I’d probably stay away from Sparkle-World, I’ve heard things about the locals there.”

“Got it, no pre-war amusement parks either.” I said with a nod “What about this Enclave group, are they going to be a problem?”

“Nah, a majority of them have allied with the NCR here, in fact I have a feeling the bird coming to pick us up might actually be Enclave in origin. They had the largest flight of functional Vertibucks and could spare them to do missions like this.” Midas said with a smirk, looking to Indigo “So, is that the case, is the big E coming to pay us a visit”

“Yeah, I think General Sparkle worked something out with Whiteout to have one of their Vertibucks heading that way from Project Starlight stop by briefly,” Indigo said with a shrug. “It’s hard to believe really, it’s been over a year and I still can’t believe the Enclave and the NCR are working together.”

“Yeah, you and more then have the NCR who fear that the rumor of that rebellion rising in the Enclave ranks is more than a rumor.” Midas said, finishing what was left on her plate before she stood. “How much you want to bet, it’s not a vertibuck.”

“Well, what else could they be sending, is there other flying craft then vertibucks?” I asked, looking between the two.

Indigo just looked at Midas and laughed. “Oh, you have no idea, you should’ve seen what they brought out during the war. But yeah it could be a Raptor, I doubt they’d send out a Thunderhead or Nimbus though.”

“Well, thinking about the distance we have to travel, and how far they are going out of their way to get us, I think they sent a sports car rather than a jalopy.” Midas said. “So what do you say, 50 bits on it?”

“You’re on,” Indigo said with a smirk as she offered a hoof.

Midas quite happily took that hoof and gave it a shake. “What do you say Sweets, you in on the pot?”

“I don’t have any bits.” I said, simply and thought for a moment. “I have a few caps, but nothing really worth anything I don’t think.”

“It’s fine, I’ll give you the bits for it, I’m pretty confident.” Midas said with a smirk. “Just as long as you agree with me.”

“Fine, I’ll put 50 bits on the Raptor.” I said with a laugh, standing and putting my hoof into the fray. “Well, we have about half an hour before it gets here.”

I was about to turn around and start my way out, But I couldn’t help but notice a new sound. Looking back at the two, to which Midas had a claw outstretched as if she was expecting Indigo to give her something.

“Oh I so called it” Midas said with a laugh. “Someone go pick that phone up, cause i most definitely called it. Pay up”

“Yeah, yeah…” Indigo said as she went to the other room and came back with the bits as well as a bag that she tossed to Midas. “Your bag.”

Midas smirked and stuffed the bits and the pouch into her satchel. “Thank you.” She said before turning to me. “Better get moving, Big E doesn’t like waiting.”

Together, we went outside, I looked around for a few moments, catching a few merchants who were looking skyward, looking that way myself before my jaw dropped. I saw a sleek craft, clouds puffing from the sides as it hovered its way down to the ground, door opening the lower it got.

“That’s a… What’d you call it… Raptor?” I said, looking at Midas.

“Yep. That’s a sports car of the sky.” Midas said with a smirk. “Hard to believe that it was designed from the ground up to kill dragons.”

“Wait, why were they designed to kill dragons?” I asked, looking back at the ship. “Oh right, during the great war the dragons sided with the Zebra, didn’t they.”

“Yeah, after the Dragon Lord Ember got assassinated,” Indigo said with a shake of her head. “Not that the Dragons have had anything resembling a leadership since then.”

“ Yeah, Great Great Grandmother Ember.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Sometimes I wish I got to know her.”

I went to say something, but the Raptor finally fully landed, allowing a figure to walk out that open door and out to greet us. Looking at the pony I tilted my head, they were clad in full armor and nothing at all was visible of the pony inside. Holding an outstretched hoof and motioning for us to board.

“Was good seeing you again Midas, and nice meeting you Sweetie,” Indigo said with a smile. “Take care, I hope to see you again soon.”

We both smiled to Indigo and nodded, as we started to go and board the craft, as we walked past the armor clad pony I took a moment to take a closer look, nothing leaped out at me about them, except for the Rainbow colored lettering on the back of their helmet, spelling out ‘Loyalty’. Huh, Wonder what that’s all about.

Giving Indigo one last wave as the door sealed and we took our seats before the ship started to shudder and shake as it took off and sped away. Looking out the window I couldn’t even begin to imagine how fast we were traveling, this was truly amazing.

I had no clue where we were going, and right now, I didn’t really want to know. I had already made three amazing friends, and one I get to keep with me. I’m starting to feel like this all is a dream come true.

Level Up!

Perk Acquired: Better Together

As long a your friends are there for you, bettering yourself becomes second nature. When Traveling with a companion you gain an extra 25% experience.

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank RuinQueenofOblivion for her assistance in writing both the NCR Guards and Colonel Indigo in this chapter. Was a pleasure working with you, as always, and credit where credit is due.